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欧盟自1997年起就如何通过市场和行政手段“双轮驱动”控制碳排放总量进行不断探索,并逐步建立了较为成熟的碳排放交易体系及减排责任分担机制,已经取得了良好的减排效果。文中梳理分析《责任分担条例》修正案中关于成员国减排目标更新的内容、目标分配的原则与方法、灵活性机制,归纳了欧盟采用行政手段控制碳排放交易系统未涉及部门的温室气体排放的经验,并对中国如何构建充分考虑市场手段和行政手段的CO2排放总量控制制度提出政策建议。  相似文献   

通过对欧盟独立交易登记系统(CITL)的抓取、识别、清洗与融合构建了全样本的交易大数据集合,完整地重现了欧盟碳排放权交易体系(EU ETS)在试验阶段的市场微观结构。进而从市场内部微观视角出发,对EU ETS的市场微观体系、排放企业的微观交易行为,以及市场供需微观演化等予以分析,结果表明在市场建立初期:排放企业的交易大多是以配额履约为目的;交易行为呈现活跃度低、季节性和同向性的特点;市场上少量的高排放企业凭借其在配额总量、资金和信息上的优势在交易中占据了主导地位。此外,微观行为数据还反映了金融部门在碳配额交易中的作用:配额在前期流向金融部门使得供过于求的状况有所缓解,但当配额流出金融部门时,市场供需失调的情况被迅速放大。在碳市场建立初期,理解EU ETS市场参与者微观行为特点以及潜在的风险,对中国即将启动的全国统一碳排放权交易体系的机制设计有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

我国“双碳”目标下明确了提高森林覆盖率和蓄积量目标的任务,提出将碳汇交易纳入全国碳排放权交易市场,建立健全能够体现碳汇价值的生态保护补偿机制。2012年以来,我国建立了国家温室气体自愿减排交易机制,实现林业碳汇等自愿减排项目备案及核证自愿减排量(CCER)签发。由于林业碳汇项目在开发、运行、交易等各阶段存在的挑战以及2017年主管部门暂停自愿减排相关申请等原因,我国CCER碳汇项目开发相对不足,备案项目数量占比仅为2%。文中基于塞罕坝CCER项目视角,调研分析了碳汇项目开发关键技术、综合效益、问题挑战等,提出了推动林业碳汇发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

关于完善我国排污权交易体系的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
排污权交易作为环保市场化的重要组成部分,较好地协调了经济发展与环境保护之间的矛盾,利于政府对环境进行宏观调控,也利于企业技术水平的提高,从而使排污费用大规模下降,获得经济发展与环境保护双赢.目前,排污权交易在国内应用中还存在受市场条件限制、环境政策不完善、交易成本过高、地方保护主义严重、排污总量难以确定等问题.要完善排污权交易体系,应建立和完善排污权交易制度,确定排污权交易的内容和程序,规范排污权交易市场,加强交易中和交易后的追踪管理.  相似文献   

按照欧盟法律,自2012年1月1日起在欧盟境内起降的航班排放将被纳入欧盟排放交易系统。通过详细解读欧盟这一法律,指出欧盟排放交易体系是典型的"上限-交易"系统,即通过规定排放上限与进行配额交易实现减排目标。欧盟此举本质目的是强化气候变化主导权,最终为经济谋利,加快完善欧盟碳交易市场以建设欧元货币权力体系。其结果可能引发其与《联合国气候变化框架公约》及《京都议定书》等国际法之间的法律冲突,购买配额将对民航运输发展造成制约,"可测量、可报告和可核实"将对发展中国家能力建设提出挑战,并将一定程度影响《联合国气候变化框架公约》下的行业减排谈判走向。  相似文献   

减污降碳协同共治能够缓解我国环境质量改善和温室气体减排的双重压力。碳排放权交易是减碳的关键市场手段,厘清其对大气污染治理的协同作用至关重要。文中基于2006—2019年我国省级面板数据,使用双重差分法(DID)分析了碳排放权交易试点政策的协同作用,并通过中介效应模型检验了其影响机制。研究发现:碳交易试点具有显著的减污降碳协同效应,其中CO2与SO2的协同控制效果最显著,但政策效应的持续性有待增强;政策能通过降低能源消费量、改善能源结构这两条路径降低CO2与大气污染物排放,但调整产业结构尚不存在该传导作用。为增强碳排放权交易的减污降碳协同效应,文中从加强碳交易监管力度、坚持能源消费提质降耗、扩大全国碳市场行业覆盖范围3个方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

评估中国试点碳排放权交易体系(ETS)碳减排效果的现有研究普遍存在处理组样本选取范围明显大于试点ETS实际覆盖范围的问题。因此,文中对研究样本进行了更为严格的甄别:将2005—2017年各省的六大高耗能工业子行业中纳入试点企业的体量占相应子行业体量60%及以上的工业子行业作为处理组,将非试点地区的工业子行业作为对照组。基于双重差分法的分析表明,相较于对照组,试点ETS在启动后不仅促进了处理组工业子行业碳排放绝对量的下降,还促进了其碳排放强度的下降,说明试点ETS具有明显的碳减排效果。工业子行业的总产值和人均总产值分别与其碳排放量和碳排放强度呈现出一定的库兹涅茨曲线效应,工业子行业资产的流动性越强、盈利能力越强、面临的环境规制强度越大,越有利于碳减排。建议主管部门坚定依靠市场手段来控制温室气体排放,尽快将更多行业纳入全国ETS;另外,应提高体系运行相关数据的公开力度,定期对体系进行分析评估,并及时公布评估结果。  相似文献   

评估中国试点碳排放权交易体系(ETS)碳减排效果的现有研究普遍存在处理组样本选取范围明显大于试点ETS实际覆盖范围的问题。因此,文中对研究样本进行了更为严格的甄别:将2005—2017年各省的六大高耗能工业子行业中纳入试点企业的体量占相应子行业体量60%及以上的工业子行业作为处理组,将非试点地区的工业子行业作为对照组。基于双重差分法的分析表明,相较于对照组,试点ETS在启动后不仅促进了处理组工业子行业碳排放绝对量的下降,还促进了其碳排放强度的下降,说明试点ETS具有明显的碳减排效果。工业子行业的总产值和人均总产值分别与其碳排放量和碳排放强度呈现出一定的库兹涅茨曲线效应,工业子行业资产的流动性越强、盈利能力越强、面临的环境规制强度越大,越有利于碳减排。建议主管部门坚定依靠市场手段来控制温室气体排放,尽快将更多行业纳入全国ETS;另外,应提高体系运行相关数据的公开力度,定期对体系进行分析评估,并及时公布评估结果。  相似文献   

中国在碳达峰碳中和的“1+N”政策体系中提出要将能耗双控过渡到碳排放双控,建立碳排放总量控制制度。已有研究大多关注目标制定、碳排放分配的方法学,或以制度体系设计为对象进行分析,缺乏对分解模式、不同责任主体协同、责任主体与排放源匹配等制度关键问题的讨论。文中从制度实施角度着眼,梳理国内外控制碳排放的相关制度实践,提出构建碳排放总量控制制度的“目标分解→出台政策→实施行动→评估调整”全流程管理和要素,并提出各个环节的具体建议:(1)目标分解采用“区域和行业分解相结合”的模式,将发电等纳入碳市场行业的重点排放单位按行业分解和管控,其他排放源(包括一般排放企业、建筑、交通等)按区域分解和管控;(2)政策工具要匹配责任主体的管理模式和排放源的减排重点,发挥不同责任主体间的协同作用,避免重复管理;(3)要建设相应的数据核算和支撑体系,并形成评估反馈和调整机制。  相似文献   

2017年底中国全国碳市场启动,全球正式运行的碳排放权交易体系达到21个。伴随碳排放权交易的广泛开展,加之产品市场不确定性的冲击,控排企业的违约行为也日益多样化和复杂化。基于此,根据中国碳市场试点地区的通行交易规则,通过在产品市场中引入随机冲击,分析在具有储蓄机制且存在不确定性需求的碳交易体系中,企业违约行为的方式以及监管强度对企业违约行为的影响。研究结果表明:抽查比例较高的强监管设置下被试不会产生系统动机来排放违约,弱监管设置下明显的报告违约会导致排放总量上升。即使面临不确定性冲击,储蓄机制依然能促进控排企业以一个相对有效的方式跨期分配生产量。因此给出如下建议:违约处罚应该分级,报告违约处罚力度应大于排放违约;为提高实际履约率,各地应提高排放报告抽查比例;完善配额储蓄机制。  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(1):731-751
Although a global cap-and-trade system is seen by many researchers as the most cost-efficient solution to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the governments of developing countries refuse to enter into such a system in the short term. Many scholars and stakeholders, including the European Commission, have thus proposed various types of commitments for developing countries that appear less stringent, such as sectoral approaches. A macroeconomic assessment of such a sectoral approach is provided for developing countries. Two policy scenarios in particular are assessed, in which developed countries continue with Kyoto-type absolute commitments, while developing countries adopt an emissions trading system limited to electricity generation and linked to developed countries' cap-and-trade systems. In the first scenario, CO2 allowances are auctioned by the government, which distributes its revenues as a lump sum to households. In a second scenario, the auction revenues are used to reduce taxes on, or to give subsidies to, electricity generation. The quantitative analysis, conducted with a hybrid general equilibrium model, shows that such options provide almost as much emissions reduction as a global cap-and-trade system. Moreover, in the second sectoral scenario, GDP losses in developing countries are much lower than with a global cap-and-trade system, as is also the effect on the electricity price.  相似文献   

2011年以来,我国碳排放权交易市场建设不断加快,碳排放权交易机制不断健全完善,其中基准线法被确定为全国碳交易初始配额分配的主要方法。电解铝行业是我国能源消耗和碳排放的重点部门,尽早将该行业纳入碳市场对于行业减排、纵深推进全国碳市场交易以及应对国际碳边境调节机制政策均有重要意义。基于2018年电解铝行业直报的碳排放相关数据,确定了我国电解铝行业开展全国碳交易的基准线方案。结果显示,电解铝行业宜选取8.12~8.15 t CO2/t铝作为基准线取值,不需设置区域差异调整系数。同时为保证电解铝行业碳交易的顺利开展,还需尽快确定行业配额方案,进一步完善企业排放量的监测、报告和核查以提高核查填报数据质量,以及进一步研究电解铝行业碳排放核算的范围。  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is implementing a program of SO2 emission allowance trading as part of the Acid Rain Program authorized by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Electric utilities may use allowance trading as part of their compliance strategy to meet SO2 emission reduction requirements, which begin in 1995. In the interest of a free market in emission credits, some utilities began trading in 1992. A strict but essential requirement for continuous-emissions monitoring was developed to support the trading program. This program is being widely watched and will be evaluated as part of an effort to determine if market concepts can be successfully extended to other environmental issues. One such issue is greenhouse gas emissions and their link with global warming and climate change. This paper focuses on the early lessons learned, issues, and challenges involved in going from a domestic electric utility SO2 emissions trading program to inter-industry, inter-gas and international as well as national emissions trading and offsets programs. Prominent among these issues are CO2 allowance allocations, equity, emissions monitoring, enforcement, and cost-effectiveness.Paper presented at the90th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, April 2, 1994, at the Air & Waste Management Association International Specialty Conference onGlobal Climate Change, Tempe, Arizona, April 8, 1994, and at a Cornell University Center for the Environment seminar on global climate change, April 25, 1994. I thank Michael Grubb, Joe Kruger, Elliot Lieberman, Brian McLean, Renee Rico, Richard Schuler and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on previous drafts of this paper. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author alone, and do not necessarily represent the policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

公共自行车系统是待开发的交通自愿碳减排项目。本文采用CCER方法学中的“快速公交项目”,计算北京市2012年公共自行车系统自愿碳减排量,并估算收益。结果显示:北京市2012年公共自行车自愿碳减排量为43.95 t CO2,出售可获得1538元的收益。同时估算得到北京市2015年公共自行车碳减排量为6874.5 t CO2,出售可获得约24万的收益。因此,北京等交通需求膨胀的特大型城市,随着公共自行车系统的持续壮大发展,公共自行车运营企业的经济效益有望通过碳交易实现较大提升空间。  相似文献   

我国“十二五”时期建立碳交易市场的政策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对国际碳市场的调研和定量分析,建议我国碳市场建设之初,应首先选择电力、钢铁等对碳价格敏感的高排放强度行业进入碳市场;尽早开展跨地区交易,便于有效降低总体减排成本;同时碳排放总量上限的设定应与 “十二五”时期的碳强度下降目标挂钩;并在市场建立之初设定碳价格下限等。  相似文献   

This article uses a policy analogy approach to explore China's attitude toward the possibility of global carbon market integration, including the development of a common cap-and-trade market for the global civil aviation industry. Like in other foreign policy domains, in international cap-and-trade, China faces a ‘trilemma’ between carbon market integration, state sovereignty and policy flexibility. By referring to how China has approached a comparable trilemma in foreign exchange policy making, we analyse China's possible stance on international cap-and-trade. We argue that China will prefer to gradually establish and strengthen, to a limited extent, intergovernmental governance mechanisms, which allow nation-states to prioritize sovereignty and policy flexibility in carbon trading policy making. In the conclusion we use this argument to explain China's responses to the carbon-trading initiatives of Australia, the EU, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the World Bank.

Policy relevance

The international community has reached a consensus on the use of market mechanisms for mitigating climate change. While opposing the EU's plan to include Chinese airlines in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, China has started to co-explore with Australia the possibility of linking their carbon markets, and has adopted a supportive attitude toward the carbon trading initiatives led by the ICAO and the World Bank. Considering China's status as the largest emitting country of GHGs and its interdependence with major developed and developing countries, China's substantial participation would be crucial to the success of the global market-based efforts to reduce GHG emissions. This article presents an initial attempt to develop a better understanding of China's stance on international cap-and-trade.  相似文献   

Many different approaches are needed to achieve reductions in GHG emissions from the transportation sector. Carbon emissions trading schemes (ETSs) are widely used in industry and are effective in reducing the overall social cost of emissions abatement. This article reports the development of a downstream ETS for the transportation sector and its application in Shenzhen, China. The ETS was devised as a mandatory cap-and-trade scheme and, as a first step, was applied to public transportation. An integrated cap was set on the total emissions from buses and taxis: an absolute cap for existing vehicles and a relative increment for new entrants. Allowances were allocated by grandfathering or benchmarking and a ‘reverse mechanism’ was established to encourage the transformation of urban transportation to a low-carbon system. Online fuel consumption monitoring was used to quantify the emissions from vehicles, and the operators were required to surrender enough allowances or credits to account for their verified annual emissions. The mechanisms for allowance trading and carbon offsets provided sufficient flexibility to make emissions abatement and the use of new-energy vehicles and environmentally friendly travel within Shenzhen's urban transportation system economically attractive.

Policy relevance

The transportation sector is becoming a major contributor to the growth in China's GHG emissions. Achieving large reductions in GHG emissions from the transportation sector is a great challenge and requires both technology and policy innovation. The tradable carbon permit is a popular concept in mitigating climate change, but the introduction of a cap-and-trade ETS into the transportation sector is a relatively innovative concept. Shenzhen has launched the first cap-and-trade ETS in a developing country and is currently exploring ways to mitigate carbon emissions by a downstream cap-and-trade ETS for the transportation sector. This article considers the main institutional arrangements and regulatory framework of Shenzhen's transportation carbon ETS. It not only refreshes the theoretical analysis and practical application of downstream cap-and-trade carbon emissions trading in urban transportation, but also provides developing countries with a cost-effective instrument to mitigate their rapid growth in traffic carbon emissions during urbanization.  相似文献   

基于中国风电及光伏国家核证自愿减排量(CCER)现状及发展趋势,针对CCER供给、抵销和价格形成等关键机制问题,运用电力部门细分的递推动态可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型,模拟了在取消电价补贴的背景下全国碳市场引入风电及光伏CCER交易及抵销机制的经济影响。研究发现:引入CCER交易及抵销机制会降低碳配额交易价格,并缓解取消电价补贴对风电和光伏电力的负面影响,但也会削弱全国碳市场的碳减排效果,且随着CCER供给总量增加这些作用更明显;全国碳市场引入CCER交易及抵销机制后,碳排放强度较高的控排行业将选择购买更多的CCER,其中火电行业是主要的CCER需求方;未来我国如果不放开CCER项目备案审批则风电行业将是主要受益方,而未来适度放开CCER项目备案审批则风电和光伏行业都将从中受益。因此,全国碳市场在引入CCER交易及抵销机制的同时需从紧设置初始碳配额发放量,并可考虑适时重启CCER项目备案审批工作以更好地促进风电和光伏电力的发展,但允许的CCER清缴比例上限应结合碳减排目标合理设定,以避免对全国碳市场产生较大冲击。  相似文献   

One critical aspect of the Kyoto Protocol is its flexibility in compliance. Countries or groups of countries are free to choose their own implementation strategies. Should the United States ratify the Protocol, it will most likely use emissions trading in some form to implement this accord. Two variations on a US domestic carbon trading system are presented here. One is an auction system controlling carbon at the point of energy production and distribution. The second is a hybrid system allocating permits to large combustors and controlling smaller sources through standards. Within this paper we describe and compare the main attributes of each system. Separate sections also discuss various methods for allocating permits and incorporating standards.  相似文献   

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