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Wave Breaker Indices in Finite Water Depth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on the analysis and comparison of wave breaker indices defined by geometric, kinetic as well as dynamic stabilities and verified by observation, the value a, which is equal to H / Lthkd by Miche's result and may be modified by Goda's results, is" suggested as the wave breaking criteria. The applicable values of a for pure waves or wave-current co-existing field are given in this paper. They are smaller than Miche's result (0.142), and they have been verified by model tests.  相似文献   

- Engineers in coastal engineering have been paying much attention to the research subject on wave breaking. In this paper, previous research results on the calculating methods of wave breaking depth and height are enumerated, the laws of wave transformation before and after wave breaking are investigated, an adequate supposition is made, and the effect of beach slope, bed friction and breaking turbulence on wave breaking is considered. By applying the theory of wave energy dissipation rate and combining with proper formulas of solitary waves, a new calculating formula of wave breaking depth and height on the movable bed is derived and examined with the data from experimental pools of different sizes, and it is proved to be of practicability.  相似文献   

何海伦  宋金宝 《海洋工程》2014,28(4):501-509
A numerical wave tank is used to investigate the onset and strength of unforced wave breaking, and the waves have three types of initial spectra: constant amplitude spectrum, constant steepness spectrum and Pierson-Moscowitz spectrum. Numerical tests are performed to validate the model results. Then, the onset of wave breaking is discussed with geometric, kinematic, and dynamic breaking criteria. The strength of wave breaking, which is always characterized by the fractional energy loss and breaking strength coefficient, is studied for different spectra. The results show how the energy growth rate is better than the initial wave steepness on estimating the fractional energy losses as well as breaking strength coefficient.  相似文献   

近岸波浪折射-绕射-破波耗散联合模式的有限元数值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了近岸波浪折射-绕射-破波耗散的有限元数值模式。采用的有限元方法为改进的混合元法,其中外域开边界条件得到改进,内域有限元为伽廖金有限元。用理论解检验了所建立的数值模式,并将该模式应用到一个模型港湾。  相似文献   

- When waves propagate into diagonal opposing current from non-current area, not only the wave parameters but also the direction of wave propagation will change, that is, wave refraction will occur. The authors have calculated the changes of wave parameters, including wave refraction, by Linear Wave Theory, and have also done systematic study on wave transformation and breaking in opposing current by means of experimental analysis and theoretical calculation. In order to know the effect of wave refraction, computation is done in this paper about wave transformation and breaking on gentle slopes in diagonal opposing current.  相似文献   

Numerical Simulation of Wave Height and Wave Set-Up in Nearshore Regions   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Based on the time dependent mild slope equation including the effect of wave energy dissipation, an expression for the energy dissipation factor is derived in conjunction with the wave energy balance equation, and then a practical method for the simulation of wave height and wave set-up in nearshore regions is presented. The variation of the complex wave amplitude is numerically simulated by use of the parabolic mild slope equation including the effect of wave energy dissipation due to wave breaking. The components of wave radiation stress are calculated subsequently by new expressions for them according to the obtained complex wave amplitude, and then the depth-averaged equation is applied to the calculation of wave set-up due to wave breaking. Numerical results are in good agreement with experimental data, showing that the expression for the energy dissipation factor is reasonable and that the new method is effective for the simulation of wave set-up due to wave breaking in nearshore regions.  相似文献   

Wave Energy Study in China: Advancements and Perspectives   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 .Introduction1ThissubjectwassupportedbytheHighTechResearchandDevelopment ( 863)Program (GrantNo .2 0 0 1AA5 160 10 ) ,theNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (GrantNo .5 99760 4 7andNo .5 99790 2 5 ) ,theScienceandTechnicProgramofGuangdongProvince (GrantNo .C32 0 0 4 ) ,andNationalScie…  相似文献   

In accordance with the similarity between breaking waves and hydraulic jumps, the expressions for estimating wave decay and wave energy dissipation in the surf zone are derived based on the fundamental equations of fluid mechanics. Using the numerical solution of cnoidal wave theory, the various kinematic properties of waves in the surf zone, including the relative wave crest height, wave energy, and radiation stress are discussed. The values calculated with the method proposed in this paper are in good agreement with the experimental data gained by other researchers. The present expressions can be used in the studies of sediment transport on gently sloping beaches, especially on muddy beaches.  相似文献   

The experimental studies of the wave breaking effects on freak wave generation are presented within a finite-depth random wave train in a laboratory wave tank. The main attention is paid to the abnormal index, AI=Hmax/Hs, being used to characterize the freak waves, and the changes of the coefficient due to wave breaking. The results show that the occurence in deep water is larger than that in shallow water.  相似文献   

为了探寻波浪破碎与波形不对称性的关系,通过对1/200缓坡上波浪破碎实验研究结果的进一步分析,运用最小二乘法,拟合了波形不对称性参数与相对水深的关系,以及用波形不对称性参数表示的波浪破碎指标表达式。所得规则波的结果与Kjeldsen的深水波结果相同,而不规则波的结果比规则波的小。研究还表明,这一破碎指标与相对水深有关系,随着水深变浅,指标值增大。  相似文献   

The experimental studies of the wave breaking effects on freak wave generation are presented within a finite-depth random wave train in a laboratory wave tank. The main attention is paid to the abnormal index,AI=Hmax/Hs,being used to characterize the freak waves,and the changes of the coefficient due to wave breaking. The results show that the occurrence probability of freak wave events in non-breaking waves is much larger than that in breaking waves and such occurrence in deep water is larger than that in ...  相似文献   

An information system for ocean wave resources and its application to wave power utilizationare indtroduced.It can manage,analyze and process the data in the monthly report of ocean wave observa-tion records of the State Ocean Administration,and can provide various kinds of curves and numericalcharacters of statistics.This system has been put into utility in Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion(GIEC),the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1996.An application example is given of theinverstigation and analysis on ocean wave resource of the Nan Ao Island,Guangdong Province,where a100 kW onshore OWC(oscillating water column)wave power station will be built.The wave power distri-bution is obtained in different wave directions for different wave periods.It is found that 70 percent of thewave power comes from the direction of ENE,and more than 95 percent of the wave power is related withdirection E.The average wave power density is about 3 kW/m,and more than 80 percent of the wavepower is distributed in the  相似文献   

Experimental studies were conducted on a trapezoidal pendulum wave energy converter in regular waves. To obtain the incident wave height, the analytical method (AM) was used to separate the incident and reflected waves propagating in a wave flume by analysing wave records measured at two locations. The response amplitude operator (RAO), primary conversion efficiency and the total conversion efficiency of the wave energy converter were studied; furthermore, the power take-off damping coefficients corresponding to the load resistances in the experiment were also obtained. The findings demonstrate that the natural period for a pendulum wave energy converter is relatively large. A lower load resistance gives rise to a larger damping coefficient. The model shows relatively higher wave energy conversion efficiency in the range of 1.0?1.2 s for the incident wave period. The maximum primary conversion efficiency achieved was 55.5%, and the maximum overall conversion efficiency was 39.4%.  相似文献   

Control strategies for the Clam Wave Energy Device   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A promising wave energy device being currently investigated is the ‘clam’. The clam extracts energy by pumping air through a specially designed (Wells) turbine. Although operation of the Wells turbine does not require a rectified air flow, some additional control will be necessary to optimize the phase of the clam motion for good efficiencies. An examination of the equation of motion in the time domain suggests the possibility of phase control by mechanical, power take-off, or pneumatic latching. Latching can be shown to increase the efficiency of the device in the longer wavelengths of the wave spectrum, i.e. those of high incident wave power. Equivalently latching could be used to keep the device efficiency high while reducing its size, possibly resulting in cheaper power extraction.  相似文献   

随着海洋波浪能发电技术的发展和成熟,其在海洋观测领域的应用受到关注和研究。自主设计并研制了一种集波浪能发电、海表/海底同步观测、实时4G 通信传输、远程无线控制于一体的海洋立体观测系统,于2021 年7 月在珠江口万山岛海域通过锚泊系留方式布放,开展海上波浪能供电和观测应用试验。海试期间连续获取了海底原位观测视频数据,以及海表波浪变化和波浪能发电参数等监测数据,并对波浪能发电电流、电压和功率进行了统计分析,讨论了波浪能发电水平受波浪变化的影响,分析了两者之间的相关性。试验结果表明:利用波浪能供电的海洋观测系统具备连续、长周期、全天候观测的优势和潜力,源源不断的波浪能可保障海洋观测系统的稳定观测和数据可靠传输,实现了海洋观测系统长期独立运行所需的绿色高效供能,验证了波浪能在海洋观测领域应用的可行性和先进性。  相似文献   

减少航道外波浪集聚对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进港航道开挖引起波能重新分布 ,导致航道外近区域波能聚集 ,波高增大 ,从而影响防波堤稳定及港内泊稳条件。文章介绍了 Boussinesq方程的推导过程和发展过程 ,基于深水和缓变地形的色散关系 ,建立了波浪数学模型。该模型可用于研究深水和浅水地区波浪的浅水变形、折射、绕射和反射。并提出了减少波能聚集、降低堤前波高的多种措施。结合大窑湾港实际工程 ,经过多方面的数物模比选 ,利用数学模型优化出一种可行的喇叭口航道开挖方案并付诸实施 ,降低了防波堤的堤前波高 ,满足了预期的设计要求。  相似文献   

An experimental scheme for the generation of directional focusing waves in a wave basin is established in this paper. The effects of the directional range, frequency width and center frequency on the wave focusing are studied. The distrihution of maximum amplitude and the evolution of time series and spectra during wave packet propagation and the variation of water surface parameters are extensively investigated. The results reveal that the characteristics of focusing waves are significantly influenced hy wave directionality and that that breaking criteria for directional waves are distinctly different from those for unidirectional waves.  相似文献   

Wave energy spectrum in shallow water can be studied in wind wave channel in combination with irregular wave- maker. Fetch length is successfully extended and by "Relay" method the corresponding spectrum pattern and the wind velocity scale are obtained.  相似文献   

Based on observed wind waves,the relationships between wave spectrum products and wavecharacteristics are established successfully,and the apparent energy distribution of sea waves is expressed as afunction of wave characteristics.  相似文献   

海上选址是波浪能发电装置进行现场试验以及电站投产建设的基础工作,是装置正常运行的先决条件。文章基于层次分析法原理,对波浪能发电装置海上选址的影响因素进行分析,将选址问题的定性分析转化为定量计算,通过计算找出最优的选址方案,为波浪能发电装置海上选址提供了科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

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