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The 1994 Northridge earthquake occurred underneath a densely populated metropolitan area, and was recorded by over 200 strong motion stations in the metropolitan area and vicinity. This rare coincidence made it an ideal case to study, in statistical sense, the correlation of damage to structures with the level of strong shaking, in particular with respect to (1) instrumental characteristics of shaking and (2) the reported site intensity scale. In this paper, statistics for the incidence of red-tagged building in 1 × 1 km2 blocks in San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles is presented and analyzed, as function of the observed peak ground velocity or the local intensity of shaking. The ‘observed’ peak velocity is estimated from contour maps based on the recorded strong motion. The intensity of shaking is estimated from the published intensity map and from our modification of this map to make it more consistent with observed high damage to buildings in some localized areas. Finally, empirical scaling equations are derived which predict the average density of red-tagged buildings (per km2) as a function of peak ground velocity or site intensity of shaking. These scaling equations are specific to the region studied, and apply to Wooden Frame Construction, typical of post World War II period, which is the prevailing building type in the sample studied. These can be used to predict the density of red-tagged buildings per km2 in San Fernando Valley and in Los Angeles for a scenario earthquake or for an ensemble of earthquakes during specified exposure, within the framework of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. Such predictions will be useful to government officials for emergency planning, to the insurance industry for realistic assessment of insured losses, and to structural engineers for assessment of the overall performance of this type of buildings. 相似文献
The Northridge earthquake contributed unprecedented detail and quality of data on strong ground motion and on its effects on man-made structures. About 110 fires have been attributed directly to the effects of this earthquake. Two hypotheses for the principal causative agents leading to fire ignition were examined: differential motion and strains in the soil, and inertial forces. The fire-ignition frequency is described with respect to: (1) simple measures of strain in the soil (via density of water pipe breaks, n), (2) occurrence of severely damaged buildings (via density of red-tagged buildings, N), (3) site intensity of shaking, (IMM), and (4) inertial forces (via peak horizontal ground velocity, vm). It is shown that the rate of fires (per unit area) ignited by earthquake shaking can be predicted by several empirical equations of comparable accuracy and in terms of common scaling parameters of strong ground motion. 相似文献
The spatial relationship between areas with severely damaged (red-tagged) buildings and areas with large strains in the soil (indicated by reported breaks in the water distribution system), observed during the 1994 Northridge earthquake, is analysed. It is shown that these areas can be separated almost everywhere. Minimal overlapping is observed only in the regions with very large amplitudes of shaking (peak ground velocity exceeding about 150 cm s−1). One explanation for this remarkable separation is that the buildings on ‘soft’ soils, which experienced nonlinear strain levels, were damaged to a lesser degree, possibly because the soil absorbed a significant portion of the incident seismic wave energy. As a result, the total number of severely damaged (red-tagged) buildings in San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles and Santa Monica may have been reduced by a factor of two or more. This interpretation is consistent with the recorded peak accelerations of strong motion in the same area. It is concluded that significant reduction in the potential damage to wood frame single family dwellings may be expected in areas where the soil experiences ‘large’ strains (beyond the linear range) during strong earthquake shaking, but not significant differential motions, settlement or lateral spreading, near the surface. 相似文献
Empirical scaling equations are presented which relate the average number of water pipe breaks per km2,
, with the peak strain in the soil or intensity of shaking at the site. These equations are based on contour maps of peak surface strain evaluated from strong motion recordings, and observations of intensity of ground shaking and damage following the Northridge, California, earthquake of 17 January 1994. Histograms for the number of pipe breaks per km2, n, are presented for several ranges of values of the horizontal peak strain and for several values of the site intensity. The observed distribution of pipe breaks is also used to speculate on possible more detailed geographical distribution of near surface strains in the San Fernando Valley and in central Los Angeles. The results can be used to predict number of pipe breaks in the San Fernando Valley and in Los Angeles, for a scenario earthquake or in probabilistic seismic hazard calculations, considering all possible scenarios that contribute to the hazard and the likelihood of their occurrence during specified exposure. Such predictions will be useful for emergency response planning (as the functioning of the water supply is critical for sanitation and in fighting fires caused by earthquakes), to estimate strains during future and past earthquakes in areas where no strong motion was recorded and in defining design guidelines for pipelines and other structures and structural systems sensitive to strains in the ground. 相似文献
Contour maps of PSV (Pseudo Relative Velocity Spectrum) amplitudes during the Northridge, California, earthquake of 17 January 1994 are presented, based on strong motion recordings throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area. These maps indicate that the PSV amplitudes do not attenuate uniformly with distance, but may be locally amplified or deamplified by interference of waves reflected from discontinuities and irregularities in the geological structure (boundaries of sedimentary basins, hills and mountains and vertical offsets of basements along faults). The contour maps in this paper represent one interpretation of the distribution of PSV amplitudes based on a limited number of unequally spaced data points, and thus do not capture all details of the actual ground motion (this would require a much denser distribution of strong motion stations). Yet, at locations where there were no strong motion recordings, based on these maps, one can estimate the ground motion more accurately than based on one or few close by recordings. These maps can be used by earthquake engineers to ‘construct’ a PSV spectrum at any site of interest within the area covered. They can also be used for validation of computer codes for simulation of ground motion in basins using simplified geologic models of the area covered by the maps in this paper. 相似文献
近场强地震动除受场地条件的影响外,还受到震源破裂面上子源的空间分布特点、子源破裂先后顺序的强烈控制,基于数值格林函数法的近场强地震动数值模拟方法可以综合考虑震源、传播途径及局部场地条件的影响,对计算过程进行合理简化,分2步完成地震动模拟:第1步,在介质均匀区采用矩张量的解析解计算所有子源在盖层底面的位移,形成下一步有限元计算的输入场;第2步,在盖层介质不均匀区,结合局部人工透射边界技术,采用时、空解耦的波动显式有限元方法计算地表强地震动。在有限断层模型中,采用具有9个力偶的等效地震矩张量表达断层产状、滑动方向等的影响,采用Brune模型定义各子源的滑动时间函数,描述滑动的时、空不均匀分布特征,从而细化震源模型。通过对Northridge地震中4个基岩台站地表地震动的模拟结果和强震记录,验证了此简化计算方法的可行性 相似文献
M. D. Trifunac T. Y. Hao M. I. Todorovska 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》1999,18(8):485-592
The period and amplitude variations of local peaks in the Fourier amplitude spectra of free-field strong ground motion recorded at five stations in San Fernando Valley of metropolitan Los Angeles, California, are described, searching for peaks that reoccur during different earthquakes. The data suggest that some local peaks reoccur (about 50% of the time), during shaking by small local earthquakes (peak ground velocities, vmax<10–20 cm/s). During large strong motion amplitudes (vmax>20 cm/s), these peaks are shifted towards longer periods (by nonlinear response of soils) or disappear. The data also suggest that densification and settlement of soil, minutes and hours following the strong shaking may contribute towards fluctuations in the effective stiffness of the shallow surface layers. 相似文献
考虑场地类别与强震持时的滞回耗能谱的特征分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
基于力或位移的结构抗震设计方法大多无法反映地震动持时的影响,而能量设计方法则能较好地弥补其不足。按场地类别和强震持时,将302条Northridge地震记录分为15组,对地震记录的峰值进行规一化处理,采用钢筋混凝土退化三线型恢复力模型,对单自由度体系进行弹塑性时程分析,研究场地类别、强震持时、强度屈服水平以及结构周期等因素对滞回耗能的影响。结果表明:在给定地震记录的峰值和屈服强度水平下,结构的滞回耗能依赖于场地条件和强震持时等因素;滞回耗能随强震持时的增加而增大,随场地特征周期的增加而增大。通过非线性回归分析,建立了与峰值加速度、峰值速度、强震持时相对应的简化滞回耗能谱的计算公式。 相似文献
Maria I. Todorovska Elena I. Novikova Mihailo D. Trifunac Sanja S. Ivanovi 《地震工程与结构动力学》1998,27(10):1053-1068
Results are presented of recent sensitivity calibration of 76 accelerographs (SMA-1) of the Los Angeles Strong Motion Array. These have pendulum-like transducers and optical recording system. One characteristic of their design is off-axis sensitivity, which is magnified by transducer misalignment. A new calibration procedure was applied, which considers off-axis sensitivity and measures the angles of misalignment (φ and ψ), as well as the incident angle of the light beam onto the film (θ0). These are required (1) for accurate estimation of sensitivity, and (2) for proper instrument correction of recorded accelerograms which considers also cross-axis sensitivity and misalignment. These effects are important near large acceleration peaks (approaching and exceeding 1g), e.g. like the ones recorded near the source of the 1994 Northridge earthquake (ML=6·4). This earthquake was recorded by 65 stations of the Los Angeles Strong Motion Array, at epicentral distances from 2 to 85 km. Histograms showing distribution of the misalignment angles, light beam incidence angle θ0 (for unloaded position) and the transducer sensitivities are presented. These indicate that the misalignment angles are typically 1–1·5°, but may also be 3–4°. Angle θ0 (usually neglected), is mostly between ±8°, but may reach ±12°. Assuming θ0=0 leads to systematically smaller values of the measured sensitivity (e.g. by ∼3% for θ0=8° and ∼4% for θ0=12°). Comparison of the newly measured sensitivities with those measured prior to installation (in 1979/1980), sold, shows that, in general, the new values are systematically smaller. The difference is typically within 5 per cent, but in some cases is as large as 10 per cent. Other principal sources of the observed differences and their mechanisms are discussed. Those include long-term changes in the transducers (e.g. change of stiffness, reflected in changes of the natural frequency) and differences in the calibration procedure (e.g. errors associated with manual reading film records with tilt test data, and with transducer and instrument housing misalignment). The presented results may be considered typical of similar strong motion arrays worldwide. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
M. D. Trifunac S. S. Ivanovi M. I. Todorovska 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2003,23(1):65-75
This paper presents low frequency wavenumbers in a seven-storey reinforced concrete building estimated from its recorded response to eleven earthquakes, one of which (1994 Northridge) caused visible structural damage, and two of which are its aftershocks. The wavenumbers, Ki,j(f), are estimated from pairs (i,j) of records at neighboring recording sites in the building, distributed vertically or horizontally. Changes in Ki,j(f) from one event to another are compared in the undamaged (lower) and in the damaged (upper) part of the building, with the aim to find whether trends in Ki,j(f) can indicate damage. The results suggest significant and permanent increase of the wavenumbers in the damaged parts for the 1994 Northridge earthquake and its aftershocks, which is not the case for the other events in the damaged parts, and for all eleven events in the undamaged parts of the building. This increase in wavenumbers in the damaged parts can be explained by reduced wave velocities through the damaged structural members, and by scattering of waves from the discontinuities created by the damage. It is concluded from this qualitative analysis that wavenumbers estimated from strong motion recordings in a building can indicate location of damage, and that it would be useful to refine further this method (extend it to higher frequencies, and add the capability to quantify the damage). However, this would require more dense strong motion instrumentation in buildings than currently available. Deployment of dense arrays in selected buildings would provide data for further work on this subject. 相似文献
Francisco J. Sanchez-Sesma 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》1987,6(2):124-132
A review of some of the available methods to study the effects of site conditions on strong ground motion is presented. The need of unified treatment of source, path and side effects in the assessment of seismic risk is pointed out. 相似文献
IntroductionItisthefirsttimeintheworldtogetthestrongmotionrecordsofadestructiveearthquakewhentheLongBeachearthquakeonMarch10,... 相似文献
Three-dimensional liquefaction potential analysis using geostatistical interpolation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We applied three-dimensional geostatistical interpolation to evaluate the extent of liquefiable materials at two sites that liquefied during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. The sites were the Balboa Blvd site and the Wynne Ave. site located in the alluvial San Fernando Valley. The estimated peak ground accelerations at the sites are 0.84 g (Balboa Blvd) and 0.51 g (Wynne Ave.). These sites were chosen because surface effects due to liquefaction were not predicted using available techniques based on thickness and depth of liquefiable layers (Ishihara [Ishihara K. Stability of natural deposits during earthquakes. Proceedings of the 11th international conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering, vol. 1. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: A.A. Balkema; 1985. p. 321–76.]) and the Liquefaction Potential Index (Iwasaki et al. [Iwasaki T, Tatsuoka F, Tokida K, Yasuda S. A practical method for assessing soil liquefaction potential based on case studies at various sites in Japan. In: Proceedings of the second international conference on microzonation, San Francisco; 1978. p. 885–96.]). During the earthquake, both sites experienced surface effects including ground cracking and extension as a result of liquefaction. Foundations and buried utilities were damaged at both sites. The sites were investigated after the event by researchers with the United States Geologic Survey using standard penetration tests (SPT) and cone penetration tests. In this paper, liquefaction potential was estimated for each soil sample using results from SPTs according to the updated Seed and Idriss simplified procedure. The probability of liquefaction was estimated by applying an indicator transform to the results of the liquefaction potential calculation. We compared our results to detailed geologic mapping of the sites performed by other researchers. Using geostatistical interpolation to estimate the probability of liquefaction is a useful supplement to geologic evaluation of liquefaction potential. The geostatistical analysis provides an estimate of the continuous volume of liquefiable soil along with an assessment of confidence in an interpolation. The probability of liquefaction volumes compare well with those predicted using geologic interpretations. 相似文献
A comparative study of bridge damage due to the Wenchuan, Northridge, Loma Prieta and San Fernando earthquakes 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
George C.Lee 《地震工程与工程振动(英文版)》2009,8(2):251-261
A comparative study of selected bridge damage due to the Wenchuan, Northridge, Loma Prieta and San Fernando earthquakes is described in this paper. Typical ground motion effects considered include large ground fault displacement, liquefaction, landslide, and strong ground shaking. Issues related to falling spans, inadequate detailing for structural ductility and complex bridge configurations are discussed within the context of the recent seismic design codes of China and the US. A significant lesson learned from the Great Wenchuan earthquake, far beyond the opportunities to improve the seismic design provisions for bridges, is articulated. 相似文献
根据9.21台湾集集大地震过后南投县、台中县、台北县和苗栗县这四个主要受害地区的建筑物震害,参考不同的评定烈度标准综合确定出这四个地区的地震烈度,然后又计算出四地区的地震动峰值加速度、峰值速度、峰值谱加速度、峰值谱速度以及峰值谱位移的平均值。将这些均值分别与地震烈度进行基于最小二乘法的线性回归,发现这些地震动参数均值除峰值谱位移外都和烈度有很好的相关性,相关系数均在0.95以上,这说明研究评定的这四个地区的地震烈度是正确合理的,可以加以推广并应用于其它地震研究工作中。同时由于地震烈度是描述地震破坏后果的物理概念,地震动参数和烈度间的良好相关性也说明地震动参数和建筑物震害有很大的关联性,能够体现对结构的潜在破坏势。 相似文献
Peak amplitudes of surface strains during strong earthquake ground motion can be approximated by ε = Aνmax/β1, where νmax is the corresponding peak particle velocity, β1 is the velocity of shear waves in the surface layer, and A is a site specific scaling function. In a 50 m thick layer with shear wave velocity β1 300 m/s, A 0·4 for the radial strain εrr, A 0·2 for the tangential strain εrθ, and A 1·0 for the vertical strain, εz. These results are site specific and representative of strike slip faulting and of soil in Westmoreland, in Imperial Valley, California. Similar equations can be derived for other sites with known shear wave velocity profile versus depth. 相似文献
基于假设检验的地震动强度(烈度)速报方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
地震发生后数分钟内,快速、可靠地判别出地震动强度(烈度)的空间分布,用以估计不同地区的受灾程度,可以为政府开展应急救援并合理分配救援力量提供决策依据,保证救援人员及时、准确地到达极震区并展开搜救,以减少生命财产损失。本文基于统计学中的假设检验方法,对历史震害资料进行统计,提出了一种利用强地震动参数判别地震动强度(烈度)的方法。比较结果表明,本方法所确定的地震动强度(烈度)与实际震害烈度对应较好,能较真实地反映实际震害情况。 相似文献
Mihailo D. Trifunac Maria I. Todorovska 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2004,24(3):225-239
This paper compares the distribution of damage from the San Fernando, 1971, and Northridge, 1994, earthquakes. Both events had similar size, occurred on blind thrust faults beneath the densely populated San Fernando Valley of the Los Angeles metropolitan area, and hence offer a rare opportunity to compare the effects of the two earthquakes. In a previous study of the distribution of red-tagged (‘unsafe’) buildings and of breaks in the water distribution system caused by the Northridge earthquake, the authors discovered that buildings were damaged less where the soil response was not linear (as indicated by the breaks in the water pipes), except in localized areas of very severe shaking (peak ground velocity exceeding 150 cm/s). The study in this paper shows that the same applies to the damage caused by the San Fernando earthquake, and that the areas with severely damaged buildings (so called ‘gray zones’) for both earthquakes overlapped. This reoccurrence of damage within the same area is interpreted to result from some specific properties of local soil and geology. These properties are not fully understood at present, but should be explored to provide a basis for a new tool for forecasting microzonation maps, and reducing future seismic hazard. 相似文献