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概念性地设计了一种新型半潜式海上风力机基础,确定了结构的型式和尺寸,对风浪联合作用下不同工况的风力机基础稳性进行了校核.考虑黏性阻尼和二阶波浪力的作用,计算分析了风力机基础的水动力系数、幅频运动以及动力响应特性.结果表明,经过改进的新型风力机基础具有良好的稳性和水动力性能,特别是在垂荡性能上有大幅的提升.波浪入射角度对垂荡的影响不大,但对其他自由度RAOs影响较大.垂荡、横摇和纵摇RAOs均存在一个主峰值和次峰值,但峰值周期均远离波能集中区.此外还发现,不同工况下风浪入射角对风机系统的动力响应和系泊力均有较大影响,相对于工作工况,极端工况下所受风荷载较小,但是系泊力更大.  相似文献   

浮式防波堤与振荡浮子式波浪能转换装置集成是一种较为合理的波浪能开发利用方式,基于方箱式浮式防波堤—波浪能转换集成系统和幕帘式防波堤的研究成果,提出了一种新型方箱—垂直挡浪板式浮式防波堤—波浪能转换集成系统,建立数学模型对该集成系统的水动力特性和能量输出特性进行研究。模型基于N-S方程,采用紧致插值曲线(CIP)方法结合浸没边界法(IBM)求解。运用数值模型探究在一定波浪条件下,动力输出系统(PTO)阻尼力的大小以及挡浪板对集成系统的水动力特性和能量转换特性的影响,得到如下结论:集成系统的俘获宽度比随PTO阻尼力的增大呈现先增大后减小的趋势,在阻尼力F_(PTO)=150 N时达到最大;相对于方箱型集成系统,增设0.1 m挡浪板后可使其最大俘获宽度比η_e提高33%左右;此外,集成系统的俘获宽度比随挡浪板长度增加而增大,增长趋势逐渐变缓,在挡浪板长度S_p=0.5 m时达到最大,此时俘获宽度比η_e=0.563 1。  相似文献   

A comparison of methods for the calculation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of arrays of wave power devices is presented. In particular, the plane-wave approximation and an exact multiple scattering formulation have been used to compute exciting wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients and q factors for arrays of interacting wave power devices. The results obtained are compared with each other, and accuracy aspects of the computations are stressed and critically assessed.  相似文献   

针对张力腿系泊浮式风力机的基础运动,忽略柔性构件的影响,建立气动—水动—系泊非线性耦合运动方程。在运动控制方程中包含张力腿系泊系统的非线性回复刚度,桨距角控制以及浮式基础运动对空气动力载荷的影响。在波浪载荷的计算中考虑二阶波浪载荷的作用。采用随机频率相位角调制法生成畸形波波面时历,计算在畸形波作用下张力腿型浮式风力机的动力响应特性。数值模拟结果表明,在畸形波作用下,浮式基础的运动及空气动力性能均受到了显著的影响。其中浮式基础的纵荡和纵摇运动分别受二阶差频与和频波浪力的影响,而垂荡运动的增加则主要是受下沉运动的影响。在畸形波经过的时刻,风力机的功率系数迅速下降,水平方向的风载荷波动先减小,随后其数值急剧下降,而垂直方向的风载荷波动增大。  相似文献   

A parametric study was carried out to investigate the hydrodynamics of a cylindrical wave energy absorber. Established methods of hydrodynamic analysis were applied to the case of a damped vertically oriented cylinder pivoted near the sea floor in intermediate depth water. The simple geometry provides a canonical reference for more complex structure shapes and configurations that may be considered for either wave energy conversion or wave energy absorption. The study makes use of the relative velocity Morison equation, with force coefficients derived from radiation and diffraction theory. Viscous effects were accounted for by including a drag term with an empirically derived coefficient, CD. A non-linear first-order formulation was used to calculate the cylinder motion response in regular waves. It was found that the non-linear drag term, which is often neglected in studies on wave energy conversion, has a large effect on performance. Results from the study suggest a set of design criteria based on Keulegan–Carpenter (KC) number, ratio of cylinder radius to water depth (a/h), and ratio of water depth to wavelength (h/L). Respectively, these parameters account for viscous, wave radiation, and water depth effects, and optimal ranges are provided.  相似文献   

The paper aims at introducing practical methods for power capture performance enhancement of a heaving wave energy converter in irregular seas. The optimum control solution requires tuning to wave frequency based on wave force information. However, identification of the wave frequency in irregular seas is considered to be a complex and difficult task. This is partly due to technical difficulties in determination of the wave force. Besides, there are no clear guidelines for identification of wave frequency from an irregular sea state based wave force information. In a typical application, one of the available sources of information about the wave properties is the wave elevation record. The proposed approach presents a method for estimation of the wave frequency information from the wave elevation data by using signal processing and filtering techniques. The proposed method uses filters to generate an estimation of wave force information, which is used to identify the local wave frequency by method of a time-series analysis of the data. This wave frequency information is then used in tuning the device. The details of the proposed techniques, the model of the wave energy converter, the simulated sea states and the related simulation results are also presented.  相似文献   

Solitary waves have been commonly used as an initial condition in the experimental and numerical modelling of tsunamis for decades. However, the main component of a tsunami waves acts at completely different spatial and temporal scales than solitary waves. Thus, use of solitary waves as approximation of a tsunami wave may not yield realistic model results, especially in the coastal region where the shoaling effect restrains the development of the tsunami wave. Alternatively, N-shaped waves may be used to give a more realistic approximation of the tsunami wave profile. Based on the superposition of the sech2(*) waves, the observed tsunami wave profile could be approximated with the N-shaped wave method, and this paper presents numerical simulation results based on the tsunami-like wave generated based on the observed tsunami wave profile measured in the Tohoku tsunami. This tsunami-like wave was numerically generated with an internal wave source method based on the two-phase incompressible flow model with a Volume of Fluid (VOF) method to capture the free surface, and a finite volume scheme was used to solve all the governing equations. The model is first validated for the case of a solitary wave propagating within a straight channel, by comparing its analytical solutions to model results. Further, model comparisons between the solitary and tsunami-like wave are then made for (a) the simulation of wave run-up on shore and (b) wave transport over breakwater. Comparisons show that use of these largely different waveform shapes as inputs produces significant differences in overall wave evolution, hydrodynamic load characteristics as well as velocity and vortex fields. Further, it was found that the solitary wave uses underestimated the total energy and hence underestimated the run-up distance.  相似文献   

为实现建造、运行和维护等方面的资源共享,将振荡水柱(oscillating water column,简称OWC)波能转换装置与现有海工结构集成耦合,已成为目前海洋波浪能转换利用的热点问题。以集成于方箱防波堤的双气室OWC装置为研究对象,借助开源代码平台OpenFOAM和造/消波工具箱waves2Foam,采用流体体积法(VOF)捕捉自由面和6自由度(6DOF)动网格求解器模拟垂荡运动响应,对在不同规则波作用下,中墙相对宽度、中墙相对吃水对装置波能转换效率及水动力特性的影响进行数值研究。结果表明,较大的中墙相对宽度能够增强装置的波能转换效率(ξtotal(max)=73%)、降低结构物的相对垂荡位移并对装置前后气室内水柱的振荡幅度与压强变化产生影响;增加中墙相对吃水能显著提高气室在中高频波段波能提取效率(ξtotal(max)=78%),并显著拓宽气室的高效频率带宽(0.9≤ω2h/g≤2.2)。  相似文献   

陈文  滕斌 《海洋工程》2014,32(6):59-67
基于势流理论,建立波浪与摆式波能转换装置作用的三维频域分析模型。应用数值模型对两种质量的摆式波能转换装置进行水动力分析,在考虑粘性阻尼作用的条件下,计算传动系统的最优扭阻系数。在最佳工况下,开展了波浪频率对摆板运动响应和俘获能量影响的系统研究,给出了波浪最佳频率范围、摆板振幅、能量俘获效率以及摆板表面的波动压强。  相似文献   

A wave power device includes an energy harvesting system and a power take-off system. The power take-off system of a floating wave energy device is the key that converts wave energy into other forms. A set of hydraulic power take-off system, which suits for the floating wave energy devices, includes hydraulic system and power generation system. The hydraulic control system uses a special“self-hydraulic control system”to control hydraulic system to release or save energy under the maximum and the minimum pressures. The maximum pressure is enhanced to 23 MPa, the minimum to 9 MPa. Quite a few experiments show that the recent hydraulic system is evidently improved in efficiency and reliability than our previous one, that is expected to be great significant in the research and development of our prototype about wave energy conversion.  相似文献   

针对传统铰接浮体波能转换器捕获效率低、频带窄的瓶颈,提出一种新型高效波能捕获仿生非线性连接结构。该连接结构具有转动负刚度效应,可起到被动相位控制作用,提高系统的波能捕获效率。首先,基于海蛇脊柱骨结构的柔性约束机理,设计了一种高效波浪能捕获仿生连接结构,该结构由球窝结构、球头、翅状突出物和类肌肉柔性结构组成;其次,基于线性波浪理论和Cummins 方程,建立两模块非线性波能转换器的动力学模型,并采用谐波平衡法解析求解非线性控制方程;最后,开展了数值模拟研究,分析了规则波激励下该新型波能转换器的波能转换特性。结果表明:通过引入新型高效仿生连接结构,可有效降低系统的等效固有频率;当连接器的负刚度结构调整到合适参数时,系统的弹性力可以在纵摇相平面上形成一个椭圆势阱,其椭圆势阱的长轴接近铰接浮体系统相对纵摇运动的模态方向,由此驱动两个模块的相对纵摇运动趋于反相,起到被动相位控制的作用。  相似文献   

The analysis of the dynamic behavior of floating units usually employs a coordinate system with origin in the unit's center of gravity, which significantly simplifies the global mass matrix. Hydrodynamic coefficients are then computed considering the same coordinate system. However, to analyze other conditions of mass distribution and maintain the simplicity of a global mass matrix, it is necessary to determine again the hydrodynamic coefficients, thereby reducing the efficiency of the entire process. Another important point is that the geometries frequently used in floating units are such that the cross-terms of an added mass are relatively unimportant when compared with the main terms, and it is, therefore, common to use only some of them to analyze the unit's dynamic behavior. Recently, however, in the search for production systems suitable for water depths greater than 3000 m, other geometries have been considered in technical and economic feasibility studies. It is possible that for these new geometries all terms of the added mass matrix must be included in the analysis. This paper presents the full development used to determine the complete global mass matrix, the inertial and hydrodynamic inertial loads that make use of the added mass matrices considering any coordinate system and the six degrees of freedom, including all cross-terms.  相似文献   

浮体间距对多浮体系统水动力系数的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据三维线性势流理论,采用格林函数法,对多浮体系统的水动力系数进行了数值分析。数值算例中给出了在固定波频下水动力系数与浮体间相对位置关系曲线。水动力系数的变化幅度随着浮体间距离增大而变小。随着浮体间距的变化,水动力系数极值的出现具有明显的规律,相邻的极大值(或极小值)的间距为半个波长或一个波长。  相似文献   

The performance of an oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter depends on many factors, such as the wave conditions, the tidal level and the coupling between the chamber and the air turbine. So far most studies have focused on either the chamber or the turbine, and in some cases the influence of the tidal level has not been dealt with properly. In this work a novel approach is presented that takes into account all these factors. Its objective is to develop a virtual laboratory which enables to determine the pneumatic efficiency of a given OWC working under specific conditions of incident waves (wave height and period), tidal level and turbine damping. The pneumatic efficiency, or efficiency of the OWC chamber, is quantified by means of the capture factor, i.e. the ratio between the absorbed pneumatic power and the available wave energy. The approach is based on artificial intelligence—in particular, artificial neural networks (ANNs). The neural network architecture is chosen through a comparative study involving 18 options. The ANN model is trained and, eventually, validated based on an extensive campaign of physical model tests carried out under different wave conditions, tidal levels and values of the damping coefficient, representing turbines of different specifications. The results show excellent agreement between the ANN model and the experimental campaign. In conclusion, the new model constitutes a virtual laboratory that enables to determine the capture factor of an OWC under given wave conditions, tidal levels and values of turbine damping, at a lower cost and in less time than would be required for conventional laboratory tests.  相似文献   

The motion and the drift force of a floating OWC (oscillating water column) wave energy device in regular waves are studied taking account of the oscillating surface-pressure due to the pressure drop across the duct of the air chamber. The potential problem inside the chamber is formulated by making use of the Green integral equation associated with the Rankine-type Green function while the outer problem with the Kelvin-type Green function. The added mass, wave damping and excitation coefficients as well as the motion and drift force of the OWC device are calculated for various values of parameter related to the pressure drop.  相似文献   

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