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Abstract The Jurassic Tamba accretionary complex is divided into two tectono‐stratigraphic suites (Type I and II nappe groups), which are further divided into six complexes (nappes) each of which is characterized by a rock sequence of Late Paleozoic greenstone/limestone, Permian to Jurassic chert and Jurassic terrigenous clastic rocks. The mode of occurrence of the greenstone is divided into two types. The major basal type occurs as a large coherent slab associated with Permian chert and limestone, constituting the basal part of each complex, and the minor mixed type occurs as fragmented allochthonous greenstone blocks and lenses mixed with chert, limestone and sandstone in the Jurassic mudstone matrix. Most of the basal greenstones have uniform geochemical characteristics, which indicate enriched‐mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) affinity. Their geochemical compositions are akin to the reported Permo‐Carboniferous and Triassic oceanic plateau basalts. Mixed greenstones are divided into two petrochemical types: (i) tholeiitic basalt with normal‐MORB affinity, which is predominant in the uppermost complex of the Type II suite (upper nappe group); and (ii) tholeiitic and alkalic basalts of oceanic island or seamount origin, which are common in all complexes of the Tamba Belt. Geochemical characteristics of the greenstones thus vary in accordance with their occurrences and the structural units to which they belong. This relationship reflects the difference in topographic relief and crustal thickness of the accreted oceanic edifices – the remnants of thick oceanic plateau crust tended to accrete to the continental margin as a large basal greenstone body, whereas thin normal oceanic crust with small seamounts or oceanic islands accreted as mixed greenstones because of their mechanical weakness. The Type II suite (upper nappe group) contains the basal and mixed greenstones, whereas the Type I suite (lower nappe group) includes only mixed greenstones. This distinction may reflect the temporal change of subducting edifices from a thick oceanic plateau to a thin normal oceanic crust, and suggests that the accretion of a large oceanic plateau may be responsible for building accretionary complexes with thick basal greenstones slabs.  相似文献   

Osamu  Ujike  Alan M.  Goodwin  Tomoyuki  Shibata 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):191-208
Abstract   Volcanic rocks from the Upper Keewatin assemblage ( ca 2720 Ma) were geochemically classified into five groups; komatiites, tholeiitic rocks having near-flat primitive mantle-normalized abundance patterns, Nb-enriched basalts and andesites (NEBA) plus normal calc-alkaline (NCA) rocks, adakites and shoshonites. The adakites having [La/Yb]N >30 and <30 were probably derived from felsic magmas formed by partial melting of a subducted slab at relatively greater and smaller depths, respectively. Ascending adakite magmas, by interaction with the overlying mantle wedge, decreased in Al2O3 / Y ratio and selectively lost high-field strength elements, thereby forming mantle sources for both NEBA + NCA and shoshonite magmas. Under the influence of a mantle plume, the source of komatiites, the NEBA + NCA magmas were generated from that part of the mantle wedge metasomatized by adakite magmas having [La / Yb]N <30, and tholeiitic magmas from unmetasomatized part of the same mantle wedge. Magmas of both adakites having [La / Yb]N >30 and shoshonites were generated in a normal Archean Arc system setting.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous accretionary complexes of the Idonnappu Zone in the Urakawa area are divided into five lithological units, four of which contain greenstone bodies. The Lower Cretaceous Naizawa Complex consists of two lithologic units. The Basaltic Unit (B‐Unit) is a large‐scale tectonic slab of greenstone, consisting of depleted tholeiite similar to that of the Lower Sorachi Ophiolite (basal forearc basin ophiolite) in the Sorachi‐Yezo Belt. The Mixed Unit of Naizawa Complex (MN‐Unit) contains oceanic island‐type alkaline greenstones which occur as slab‐like bodies and faulted blocks with tectonically dismembered trench‐fill sediments. Repeated alternations of the two units in the Naizawa Complex may have been formed by the collision of seamounts with forearc ophiolitic body (Lower Sorachi Ophiolite) in the trench. The Upper Cretaceous Horobetsugawa Complex structurally underlies the Naizawa Complex in its original configuration, and it also contains greenstone bodies. Greenstones in the MH‐Unit occur as blocks and sedimentary clasts in a clastic matrix, and exhibit depleted tholeiite and oceanic‐island alkaline basalt/tholeiite chemistry. This unit is interpreted as submarine slide and debris flow deposits. Greenstones in the PT‐Unit occur at the base of several chert‐clastic successions. Most of the greenstones are severely sheared and show normal‐type mid‐ocean ridge basalt composition. The PT‐Unit greenstones are considered to have been derived from abyssal basement peeled off during accretion. The different accretion mechanism of the greenstones in the Naizawa and Horobetsugawa complexes reflects temporal changes in subduction zone conditions. Seamount accretion and tectonic erosion were dominant in the Early Cretaceous, due to highly oblique subduction of the old oceanic crust and minimal sediment supply. Whereas, thick sediments with minor mid‐ocean ridge basalt and olistostrome accreted in the Late Cretaceous, due to near‐orthogonal subduction of young oceanic crust with voluminous sediment supply.  相似文献   

Hroaki  Ishiga  Kotaro  Ishida  Kaori  Dozen Makoto  Musashino 《Island Arc》1996,5(2):180-180
Abstract Geochemical characteristics, mainly of major and trace elements and REE (rare earth elements) of bedded chert and shale/mudstone sequences, across the Permian/Triassic boundary in southwest Japan are examined. The boundary is characterized by the disappearance of bedded cherts, and the interval between the Upper Permian cherts and Lower Triassic (probably Smithian) cherts comprises siliceous shales and organic black mudstones. Bedded cherts are characterized by a gradual depletion of chemical elements from Middle to Upper Permian. However, overlying siliceous shales exhibit a clear enrichment in some elements, especially alkaline metals (such as K, Rb and Cs) and Ti, Th, Y, P2O5, and REE in comparison with elements of the PAAS (post Archean Australian shales). This indicates that average components of the upper continental crust were transported in the boundary interval, possibly caused by volcanic activity. Ce-negative shifting in NASC (North American Shales Composite)-normalized REE patterns is characteristic of this interval, and could be related to the deposition of siliceous rocks in Ce-depleted seawater. This was probably caused by an invasion of water mass with a Ce-negative anomaly into the previously existing water mass of the Paleo-Tethys. Weak negative Eu-anomalies in this interval are suggestive of plagioclase fractionation caused by acid volcanisms and the LREE/HREE ratios in the interval show a slightly light-REE enrichment. Organic black mudstones are characteristically intercalated in the interval. These rocks are usually regarded as a product of oceanic deterioration, but in pelagic conditions, organic materials were formed by high primary production that resulted from the active upwelling of ocean floor water currents with rich nutrients. This may have been caused by the inferred mixing of water masses of the Paleo-Tethys and of the Panthalassa in Early Triassic time which was regarded as an event synchronous with an increase in volcanic activity on highly matured island arcs and/or continents.  相似文献   

Abstract A systematic geochemical study of sandstones from the Cretaceous Shimanto Supergroup and psammitic schists from the Oboke unit in Shikoku has been carried out in order to clarify the depositional age of the protoliths of the Oboke psammitic schists. The geochemical data, together with chronological and geologic data, led to the following conclusions. (i) It is inferred that Oboke psammitic schists are metamorphically equivalent to sandstones in the Hiwasa Formation of the Shimanto accretionary complex, deposited in a trench area during the Campanian, in eastern Shikoku. (ii) The protolith attained to maximum metamorphic conditions within 20 million years after the deposition. (iii) The accumulation of a large amount of coarse-grained clastic sediments in the trench area induced offscraping and underplating of the sediments in the subduction zone, forming the Hiwasa Formation and Oboke unit, respectively.  相似文献   

Kazuo Kiminami 《Island Arc》2010,19(3):530-545
This study examines the geology of low‐grade (chlorite zone) metamorphic rocks in the Sanbagawa belt and of a Jurassic accretionary complex in the Northern Chichibu belt, eastern Shikoku, Japan. The bulk chemistries of metasandstones and metapelites in the Sanbagawa belt of eastern Shikoku are examined in order to determine their parentage. The Sanbagawa belt can be divided into northern and southern parts based on lithology and geologic structure. Geochemical data indicate that metasediments in the northern and southern parts are the metamorphic equivalents of the KS‐II (Coniacian–Campanian) and KS‐I (late Albian–early Coniacian) units of the Shimanto belt, respectively. The depositional ages of the parent sediments of low‐grade metamorphic rocks found in the Sanbagawa belt and the Jurassic Northern Chichibu belt, indicate a north‐younging polarity. In contrast, sedimentological evidence indicates younging to the south. These observations suggest that a tectonic event has resulted in a change from a northerly to southerly dip direction for schistosity and bedding in the Sanbagawa and Northern Chichibu belts of eastern Shikoku. The younging polarity observed in the Sanbagawa and Northern Chichibu belts, together with previously reported data on vitrinite reflectance and geological structure, indicate that the Northern Chichibu belt was part of the overburden formerly lying on top of the Sanbagawa low‐grade metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

The chemical variation of the Earth’s mantle rocks has been interpreted to reflect multiple episodes of partial melting. With the increasing of melt generation and extraction, the readily molten minerals and incompatible elements decrease in the residual mantle peridotite. The present-day gladiate of the Earth, however, cannot cause mantle batch melting[1], nor 40% partial melting that allows pyroxenes to be completely dissolved into melt and forms dunite[2,3]. Recent studies show that mantl…  相似文献   

More than 30 mafic dykes crop out in the Sergeevka belt in the coastal South Primorye, Far East Russia, of which geologic settings have been unclear for years. This study conducted major- and trace elements characterization, Sr–Nd isotope analyses, and Ar–Ar amphibole and U–Pb zircon datings for these rocks in order to identify their origin. The results demonstrated that all dykes are characterized by high Ba/Yb and low Nb/Y, Zr/Y, and Th/Yb ratios, which suggest their origin from arc melts derived from thin wedge mantle and shallow-dipping slab. These dykes are clearly separated into two distinct age/geochemistry suites; that is, the Paleogene and Early Cretaceous one with dolerites/basalts and adakitic rocks, and the Permian–Triassic one with high-Mg and high-Al gabbro-dolerite varieties. Their geochemistry suggests that the older suite was sourced from a primitive depleted MORB mantle (DMM)-type mantle, whereas the younger suite from an enriched mantle II (EM2)-type mantle domain. The transition in source type from DMM to EM2 occurred during the Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous time, probably by a strong influence of a mantle plume onto the long-continuing subduction-related magmatism. The plume influence reached the maximum when the unique meimechite-picrite complex formed in the region.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb dating of the Tonaru metagabbro body in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, southwest Japan, suggests that igneous events at ca 200–180 Ma were involved in the protolith formation. The trace element compositions of the Tonaru zircons are enriched in U (a fluid‐mobile element) and Sc (an amphibole‐buffered element), and depleted in Nb (a fluid‐immobile element), suggesting that the parental magmas related to the Tonaru metagabbros formed in an arc setting. Integration of our results with previous studies of the metasedimentary rocks in the Tonaru body clearly indicates that the protoliths of the Tonaru body were produced by oceanic‐arc magmatism. With the previous geochronological and geological studies, the tectono‐magmatic–metamorphic history of the Tonaru and other mafic bodies in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt may be summarized as follows: (i) the protolith formation by the oceanic‐arc magmatic event had occurred at 200–180 Ma; (ii) the protoliths were accreted in the trench at ca 130–120 Ma; and (iii) they were completely subducted into the depth of the eclogite‐facies condition after 120 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isochron ages were determined for whole rocks and mineral separates of hornblende‐gabbros and related metadiabases and quartz‐diorite from Shodoshima, Awashima and Kajishima islands in the Ryoke plutono‐metamorphic belt of the Setouchi area, Southwest Japan. The Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd whole‐rock‐mineral isochron ages for six samples range from 75 to 110 Ma and 200–220 Ma, respectively. The former ages are comparable with the Rb–Sr whole‐rock isochron ages reported from neighboring Ryoke granitic rocks and are thus due to thermal metamorphism caused by the granitic intrusions. On the contrary, the older ages suggest the time of formation of the gabbroic and related rocks. The initial 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios of the gabbroic rocks (0.7070–0.7078 and 0.51217–0.51231 at 210 Ma, respectively) are comparable with those of neighboring late Cretaceous granites and lower crustal granulite xenoliths from Cenozoic andesites in this region. Because the gabbroic rocks are considered to be fragments of the lower crustal materials interlayered in the granulitic lower crust, their isotopic signature has been inherited from an enriched mantle source or, less likely, acquired through interaction with the lower crustal materials. The Sr and Nd isotopic and petrologic evidence leads to a plausible conclusion that the gabbroic rocks have formed as cumulates from hydrous mafic magmas of light rare earth element‐rich (Sm/Nd < 0.233) and enriched isotopic (?Sr > 0 and ?Nd < 0) signature, which possibly generated around 220–200 Ma by partial melting of an upper mantle. We further conclude that they are fragments of refractory material from the lower crust caught up as xenoblocks by granitic magmas, the latter having been generated by partial melting of granulitic lower crustal material around 100 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract Rb–Sr and K–Ar chronological studies were carried out on granitic and metamorphic rocks in the Ina, Awaji Island and eastern Sanuki districts, Southwest Japan to investigate the timing of intrusion of the granitoids in the Ryoke belt. Intrusions of 'younger' Ryoke granitic magmas took place in the Ina district between 120 Ma and 70 Ma, and cooling began immediately after the emplacement of the youngest granitic bodies. Igneous activity in Awaji Island was initiated at 100 Ma and continued to 75 Ma. Along-arc variations of Rb–Sr whole-rock isochron ages suggest that magmatism began everywhere in the Ryoke and San-yo belts at almost the same time ( ca 120 Ma). The last magmatism took place in the eastern part of both belts. Rb–Sr and K–Ar mineral ages for the granitoids young eastwards. The age data suggest that the Ryoke belt was uplifted just after the termination of igneous activity. Initial Sr and Nd isotopic ratios for the Ryoke granitoids indicate that most were derived from magmas produced in the lower crust and/or upper mantle with uniform Sr and Nd isotopic compositions. Several granitoids, however, exhibit evidence of assimilation of Ryoke metamorphic rocks or older Precambrian crustal rocks beneath the Ryoke belt.  相似文献   

The Permian–Triassic high pressure metamorphism and potassic magmatism in central Korea attest to the extension of the Dabie‐Sulu collision belt in central‐eastern China towards the Korean Peninsula and possibly the Japanese Islands. We present major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotope data for a ca. 230 Ma monzodiorite pluton emplaced in the Goesan area, central Okcheon belt, Korea. This pluton shows geochemical features comparable with those of the coeval monzonite–syenite–gabbro–mangerite suite documented recently in the Gyeonggi massif. The metaluminous and alkali–calcic signatures of the Goesan intrusives correspond to the Caledonian‐type post‐orogenic granitoids. The K2O/Na2O ratios of all analyzed samples are greater than 1, and are not correlative with their SiO2 contents. The enrichment of both large‐ion‐lithophile elements and highly compatible elements in the Goesan pluton is probably indicative of metasomatized mantle origin. The elemental fractionation in the source region must have occurred in the distant past, possibly the Paleoproterozoic, to generate significantly negative εNd(t) values (< –16). Chondrite‐normalized rare earth element patterns as well as Rb/Sr and Ba/Rb ranges suggest that the source consists of amphibole‐bearing rocks. Progressive decreases in negative Eu anomaly and Ba, Sr, Ni, Cr and V contents with increasing SiO2 contents reflect an important role of plagioclase, biotite and hornblende for the fractionation process. Zr is undersaturated in the potassic, metaluminous melt. The initial Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the samples are correlated with their SiO2 contents, substantiating a role of crustal assimilation during the magmatic differentiation. The Sr–Nd elemental and isotopic modeling suggests that the Goesan pluton was initially slightly heterogeneous in its isotopic composition, and underwent concurrent assimilation and fractional crystallization. The occurrence of the Goesan pluton provides further evidence corroborating the amalgamation of allochthonous terranes within the Okcheon belt during the Permian–Triassic collisional orogeny.  相似文献   

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