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The Arica Elbow region represents that part of Andean South America where the azimuth of the strike of the Peru-Chile trench changes from 150° to 190°. The area under study is roughly bounded by latitudes 17 °S and 23 °S, The shape of the Wadati-Benioff zone was studied in terms of the distribution of ISC hypocentres dated between 1964 and 1993. A system of 22 vertical cross-sections, perpendicular to the trench axis, and a map of epicentres was used to derive the detailed shape of the Wadati-Benioff zone of the presently descending slab. The distribution of earthquake foci indicates a fingerlike shape of the lower part of the Wadati-Benioff zone beneath the aseismic gap. The slab length shows small changes around 350 km in the northern sections, pronounced length oscillations between 350 and 750 km in the neighbouring central sections and a constant value of 650 km in the southern sections. The dip and thickness of the Wadati-Benioff zone are practically constant in all sections. Fault plane solutions, separated spatially into three zones, were used to estimate the state of stress in the slab.  相似文献   

We propose a thermal model of the subducting Ionian microplate. The slab sinks in an isothermal mantle, and for the boundary conditions we take into account the relation between the maximum depth of seismicity and the thermal parameter Lth of the slab, which is a product of the age of the subducted lithosphere and the vertical component of the convergence rate. The surface heat-flux dataset of the Ionian Sea is reviewed, and a convective geotherm is calculated in its undeformed part for a surface heat flux of 42 mW m–2, an adiabatic gradient of 0.6 mK m–1, a mantle kinematic viscosity of 1017 m2 s–1 and an asthenosphere potential temperature of 1300°C. The calculated temperature-depth distribution compared to the mantle melting temperature indicates the decoupling limit between lithosphere and asthenosphere occurs at a depth of 105 km and a temperature of 1260°C. A 70–km thick mechanical boundary layer is found. By considering that the maximum depth of the seismic events within the slab is 600 km, a Lth of 4725 km is inferred. For a subduction rate equal to the spreading rate, the corresponding assimilation and cooling times of the microplate are about 7 and 90 Myr, respectively. The thermal model assumes that the mantle flow above the slab is parallel and equal to the subducting plate velocity of 6 cm yr–1, and ignores the heat conduction down the slab dip. The critical temperature, above which the subduced lithosphere cannot sustain the stress necessary to produce seismicity, is determined from the thermal conditions governing the rheology of the plate. The minimum potential temperature at the depth of the deepest earthquake in the slab is 730°C.  相似文献   

The mineralogy adopted by a depleted harzburgite composition has been studied over the pressure interval 5–26 GPa at temperatures of 1300–1400°C. The pyroxene-garnet component of the harzburgite composition (harzburgite minus 82 wt.% olivine) transforms to majorite garnet by 18–19 GPa, and further disproportionates to the assemblage of garnet + stishovite + Mg2SiO4 spinel above 20 GPa. At still higher pressures, first ilmenite (22–24 GPa) and then perovskite MgSiO3 (24–26 GPa) are found to coexist with garnet. Garnet disappears at 26 GPa and almost complete transition to perovskite is achieved at this pressure. The mineral proportions and density profiles in the subducting oceanic lithosphere, modelled by a combination of 80% harzburgite + 20% primitive MORB compositions are calculated as a function of depth under conditions isothermal with surrounding pyrolite mantle, and also for a temperature distribution in which the slab is substantially cooler than surrounding mantle to below 700 km. Under isothermal conditions, the slab has a density similar to surrounding mantle to a depth of 600 km. However, between 600 and 700 km, the slab is up to 0.08 g/cm3 denser than surrounding mantle. This is caused primarily by the higher alumina content in pyrolite as compared to harzburgite, which causes the transition to perovskite in pyrolite to occur at substantially higher pressures than in harzburgite. The presence of alumina also smears out the garnet-perovskite transition in pyrolite over a depth interval of 50 km, whereas this transformation is much sharper in the harzburgite composition. Calculations based on the observed phase equilibria also show that a subducted cool slab remains much denser (by 0.1–0.3 g/cm3) than surrounding mantle to a depth of 700 km but possesses a density similar to surrounding mantle below this depth. These results have important implications for the dynamical behaviour of slabs possessing different thermal regimes when they encounter the 670 km discontinuity and also for the nature of this discontinuity.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss characteristic features of subduction zone seismicity at depths between about 100 km and 700 km, with emphasis on the role of temperature and rheology in controlling the deformation of, and the seismic energy release in downgoing lithosphere. This is done in two steps. After a brief review of earlier developments, we first show that the depth distribution of hypocentres at depths between 100 km and 700 km in subducted lithosphere can be explained by a model in which seismic activity is confined to those parts of the slab which have temperatures below a depth-dependent critical valueT cr.Second, the variation of seismic energy release (frequency of events, magnitude) with depth is addressed by inferring a rheological evolution from the slab's thermal evolution and by combining this with models for the system of forces acting on the subducting lithosphere. It is found that considerable stress concentration occurs in a reheating slab in the depth range of 400 to 650–700 km: the slab weakens, but the stress level strongly increases. On the basis of this stress concentration a model is formulated for earthquake generation within subducting slabs. The model predicts a maximum depth of seismic activity in the depth range of 635 to 760 km and, for deep earthquake zones, a relative maximum in seismic energy release near the maximum depth of earthquakes. From our modelling it follows that, whereas such a maximum is indeed likely to develop in deep earthquake zones, zones with a maximum depth around 300 km (such as the Aleutians) are expected to exhibit a smooth decay in seismic energy release with depth. This is in excellent agreement with observational data. In conclusion, the incoroporation of both depth-dependent forces and depth-dependent rheology provides new insight into the generation of intermediate and deep earthquakes and into the variation of seismic activity with depth.Our results imply that no barrier to slab penetration at a depth of 650–700 km is required to explain the maximum depth of seismic activity and the pattern of seismic energy release in deep earthquake zones.  相似文献   

A sequence of 98 teleseismically recorded earthquakes occurred off the east coast of Kamchatka at depths between 10-90 km around latitude 52.5°N and longitude 160°E on May 16–23, 2013. The swarm occurred along the northern limit of the rupture area of the 1952 Mw 9.0 great Kamchatka earthquake, the fifth largest earthquake in the history of seismic observations. On May 24, 2013 the strongest deep earthquake ever recorded of Mw 8.3 occurred beneath the Sea of Okhotsk at a depth of 610 km in the Pacific slab of the Kamchatka subduction zone, becoming the northernmost deep earthquake in the region. The deep Mw 8.3 earthquake occurred down-dip of the shallow swarm in a transition zone between the southern deep and northern shallow segments of the Pacific slab. Several deep aftershocks followed, covering a large, laterally elongated part of the slab. We suppose that the two described earthquake sequences, the May 16–23 shallow earthquake swarm and the May 24–28 deep mainshock-aftershock series, represent a single tectonic event in the Pacific slab having distinct properties at different depth levels. A low-angle underthrusting of the shallow part of the slab recorded by the shallow earthquake swarm activated the deep part; this process induced the deep mainshock-aftershock series only three days after the swarm. The domain of the subducting slab activated by the May 2013 earthquake occurrence was extraordinarily large both down-dip and along-strike.  相似文献   

Summary The seismicity depth pattern, seismic energy and b-value depth variation in the Hellenic Wadati-Benioff zone and the overlying continental plate in the Aegean region for the period 1901–1982 are studied separately on the basis of a recent seismotectonic model [1]. The results obtained show that the W and E flanks of the Hellenic Wadati-Benioff zone, as well as the E and W parts of the overlying continental plate, have similar tendencies in the depth distributions of seismic activity and different tendencies in the depth distributions of seismic energy and b-value. The different depth distributions of the considered seismogenic characteristics are supposed to be due to different depth distributions of heterogeneity of material, stress and rheology of material of the western and eastern parts of the sinking and overlying lithospheric plates.  相似文献   

Shallow shear-type seismic activity occurring beneath the Etna volcano during 1990–1995 has been analysed for hypocenter locations, focal mechanisms and stress tensor inversion. The results have been examined jointly with Electronic Distance Measurements and tiltmeter data collected in the same period and reported in the literature. Significant seismicity located in the upper 10 km was found to be confined to the time intervals in which ground deformation data indicated inflation of the volcano edifice (e.g., the periods preceding the December 1991–March 1993 and August 1995–March 1996 eruptive phases). The shocks mostly occurred in a sector approximately centered on the crater area and elongated in the East–West direction. The causative seismogenic stress shows a low-dip East–West orientation of σ1. In agreement with existing knowledge on relationships between local fault systems and magma uprise processes, the shallow seismicity in question is tentatively explained as being due to lateral compression by magma inside a nearly North–South system. The volcano deflation phase revealed by Electronic Distance Measurements and tilt data during the 1991–1993 major eruption was not accompanied by any significant shear-type shallow event. Below the depth of 10 km, the North–South prevailing orientation of σ1 reflects the dominant role of the regional stress.  相似文献   

The morphology of the Wadati-Benioff zone in the region of Kamchatka, the Kurile Islands and Hokkaido, based on the distribution of 6319 earthquake foci, has verified the existence of an intermediate-depth aseismic gap and its relation to active andesitic volcanism. It appeared that deep-focus earthquakes in this region belong to a paleosubduction zone activated by an intermediate-depth collision with the active subduction zone in the area of Hokkaido. A system of deep seismically active fracture zones was delineated in the continental plate and confirmed by the results of deep seismic sounding. Two of these fractures, dipping toward the subduction zone, may be considered as the principal feeding channels for active and Holocene volcanoes of the continental volcanic bels of Kamchatka.  相似文献   

The fundamental mode Love and Rayleigh waves generated by earthquakes occurring in Kashmir, Nepal Himalaya, northeast India and Burma and recorded at Hyderabad, New Delhi and Kodaikanal seismic stations are analysed. Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients are obtained at time periods of 15–100 seconds, using the spectral amplitude of these waves for 23 different paths along northern (across Burma to New Delhi) and central (across Kashmir, Nepal Himalaya and northeast India to Hyderabad and Kodaikanal) India. Love wave attenuation coefficients are found to vary from 0.0003 to 0.0022 km–1 for northern India and 0.00003 km–1 to 0.00016 km–1 for central India. Similarly, Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients vary from 0.0002 km–1 to 0.0016 km–1 for northern India and 0.00001 km–1 to 0.0009 km–1 for central India. Backus and Gilbert inversion theory is applied to these surface wave attenuation data to obtainQ –1 models for the crust and uppermost mantle beneath northern and central India. Inversion of Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation data shows a highly attenuating zone centred at a depth of 20–80 km with lowQ for northern India. Similarly, inversion of Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation data shows a high attenuation zone below a depth of 100 km. The inferred lowQ value at mid-crustal depth (high attenuating zone) in the model for northern India can be by underthrusting of the Indian plate beneath the Eurasian plate which has caused a low velocity zone at this shallow depth. The gradual increase ofQ –1 from shallow to deeper depth shows that the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary is not sharply defined beneath central India, but rather it represents a gradual transformation, which starts beneath the uppermost mantle. The lithospheric thickness is 100 km beneath central India and below that the asthenosphere shows higher attenuation, a factor of about two greater than that in the lithosphere. The very lowQ can be explained by changes in the chemical constitution taking place in the uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

Summary The statistics of the vertical distribution of earthquake foci belonging to the Wadati-Benioff zone in the Hellenic arc show that the seismic activity, in terms of the total number of events at a given depth range during the period 1901–82, and b value of the frequency-magnitude relation vary with depth in a specific manner. The seismic activity of the western and eastern flanks of the Wadati-Benioff zone varies with depth in a similar way, whereas the b-value depth variation for these two flanks of the subduction zone does not show such a similarity.  相似文献   

Tropical mobile mud belts represent a major class of biogeochemical and diagenetic systems characterized by extensive and frequent physical reworking of fine-grained, organic-rich deposits underlying oxygenated waters. Large regions of the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea deltaic complex are dominated by such conditions. A reworked mud belt lies within the inner shelf between 10 and 20 m depth on a sedimentary clinoform derived from coalescing deltas. Deposits across the topset are typically suboxic, nonsulfidic over the upper 0.5–1 m, and have low to moderate maximum pore water concentrations of dissolved Fe(II) and Mn(II) (100–200, but up to 800 μM). Sediments are reactive, with surficial ΣCO2 production 0.1–0.3 mM d−1 and benthic O2 fluxes 23±15 mmol m−2 d−1 (upper 20 cm). The highest rates occur within inner topset deposits (10–20 m) and near the high accumulation rollover region of the topset–foreset beds (40–50 m). Lower rates are found inshore along intertidal channels—mangrove fringe and within scoured or exposed consolidated deposits of the middle topset region. Remineralization rate patterns are independent of relative dominance by terrestrial or marine carbon in sediments. Dissolved O2 usually penetrates 2–5 mm into surface sediments when macrofaunal burrows are absent. More than 75% of the highly reactive sedimentary Fe(III) pool (350–400 μmol g−1) is typically diagenetically reduced in the upper 0.5 m. Pore water can be measureably depleted at depths >0.5 m, but dissolved H2S generally remains below detection over the upper 1–2 m. As in other deltaic topset regions, concentration gradients often indicate that compared to many marine deposits of similar sediment accumulation rates, relatively refractory Corg is supplied to the SO4 reducing zone. Sedimentary C/S ratios are 4–6 within the suboxic topset regions but decrease to <3 in offshore foreset beds where sulfidic diagenesis dominates. Only 15–20% of the diagenetically reduced Fe(II) is pyritic and a maximum of 10–25% is carbonate, implying that most Fe(II) is associated with authigenic or lithogenic silicates or oxides. The dominance of suboxic, nonsulfidic diagenetic processes reflect coupling between delivery of oxide-rich terrestrial debris, remobilization and reoxidation of deposits, and repetitive entrainment/remineralization of both labile and refractory organics. Distinct sedimentary indicators of reactive, suboxic mobile mud belts within tropical climatic zones are: abundant total highly reactive Fe (ΣFeR )>300 μmol g−1; most reactive Fe is diagenetically reduced (ΣFe(II)/ΣFeR0.7–0.8); the proportion of diagenetically reduced Fe present as pyrite is low (Py–Fe(II)<0.2); C/S 4–8; and Corg/particle surface area <0.4 (mg C m−2). These depositional environments must be most common in tropical climates during high sea stand.  相似文献   

—Gephart and Forsyth’s (1984) algorithm for stress inversion of earthquake fault-plane solutions has been applied to a set of ninety intermediate and deep events occurring in the southern Tyrrhenian region between 1976 and 1995. P- and S-wave data from local seismic networks in southern Italy, the Italian National Network and international bulletins, have been used for hypocenter and focal mechanism computations. Stress inversion runs performed after accurate selection and weighting of fault-plane solutions have allowed us to identify stress space variations at a higher level of detail than available from all previous investigations carried out in the study area. The maximum compressive stress has been shown to follow the depth-decreasing dip of the Wadati-Benioff zone, along the entire zone from a depth of 90 km, to the depth of the deepest events (about 500 km). Variations to such a stress pattern have been found, possibly related to mantle dynamics and the complex composition of the subducting structure. The diffused state of down-dip compression suggests that the Tyrrhenian subduction has already evolved to the point where the lower end of the slab has reached high-strength mantle materials, the load of the excess mass is entirely supported from below and most of the subducted slab is under compression. In agreement with the lack of large, shallow thrusting events in the immersion zone, the findings of the present study appear to agree well with geodynamic models assuming a passive subduction process with eastward roll-back of the Ionian lithosphere in the study area. In this context, the depth-decrease of the slab dip may also find a reasonable explanation.  相似文献   

The Quaternary Takidani Granodiorite (Japan Alps) is analogous to the type of deep-seated (3–5 km deep) intrusive-hosted fracture network system that might support (supercritical) hot dry/wet rock (HDR/HWR) energy extraction. The I-type Takidani Granodiorite comprises: porphyritic granodiorite, porphyritic granite, biotite-hornblende granodiorite, hornblende-biotite granodiorite, biotite-hornblende granite and biotite granite facies; the intrusion has a reverse chemical zonation, characterized by >70 wt% SiO2 at its inferred margin and <67 wt% SiO2 at the core. Fluid inclusion evidence indicates that fractured Takidani Granodiorite at one time hosted a liquid-dominated, convective hydrothermal system, with <380°C, low-salinity reservoir fluids at hydrostatic (mesothermal) pressure conditions. ‘Healed’ microfractures also trapped >600°C, hypersaline (35 wt% NaCleq) fluids of magmatic origin, with inferred minimum pressures of formation being 600–750 bar, which corresponds to fluid entrapment at 2.4–3.0 km depth. Al-in-hornblende geobarometry indicates that hornblende crystallization occurred at about 1.45 Ma (7.7–9.4 km depth) in the (marginal) eastern Takidani Granodiorite, but later (at 1.25 Ma) and shallower (6.5–7.0 km) near the core of the intrusion. The average rate of uplift across the Takidani Granodiorite from the time of hornblende crystallization has been 5.1–5.9 mm/yr (although uplift was about 7.5 mm/yr prior to 1.2 Ma), which is faster than average uplift rates in the Japan Alps (3 mm/yr during the last 2 million years). A temperature–depth–time window, when the Takidani Granodiorite had potential to host an HDR system, would have been when the internal temperature of the intrusive was cooling from 500°C to 400°C. Taking into account the initial (7.5 mm/yr) rate of uplift and effects of erosion, an optimal temperature–time–depth window is proposed: for 500°C at 1.54–1.57 Ma and 5.2±0.9 km (drilling) depth; and 400°C at 1.36–1.38 Ma and 3.3±0.8 km (drilling) depth, which is within the capabilities of modern drilling technologies, and similar to measured temperature–depth profiles in other active hydrothermal systems (e.g. at Kakkonda, Japan).  相似文献   

三维板块几何形态对大陆深俯冲动力学的制约   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
大陆深俯冲及超高压变质作用是大陆动力学的重要研究内容,前人进行了系统的地质、地球物理观测以及数值模拟研究.然而,自然界中大陆板块的俯冲、碰撞及造山过程大部分具有明显的沿走向的差异性,这种典型的三维特征可能很大程度上依赖于会聚大陆板块的初始几何学和运动学特征.本文采用三维高分辨率的动力学数值模拟方法,建立了方形大陆板块和楔形大陆板块两种不同的俯冲-碰撞模型,并且俯冲大陆板块侧面与大洋俯冲带相邻.数值模拟结果揭示大洋板块可以持续地俯冲到地幔之中,而大陆板块俯冲到一定深度处,其前端的俯冲板块将发生断离,并进而造成残余的大陆板块俯冲角度的减小.方形大陆俯冲板块的断离深度约为150km,而楔形大陆俯冲板块的断离深度较大,约250~300km,这很大程度上取决于俯冲带中大洋板块的牵引力和大陆板块的负浮力之间的竞争关系.同时,无论方形还是楔形大陆板块俯冲模型中,板块断离后,侧向的大洋俯冲板块仍可以拖曳约60~70km宽的大陆边缘岩石圈持续向下俯冲,揭示了新西兰东部的洋-陆空间转换俯冲带的动力学机制.并且,数值模型与喜马拉雅造山带和秦岭—大别—苏鲁造山带进行了对比,进而对其高压-超高压岩石空间展布沿走向的差异性特征和机制提供了一定的启示.  相似文献   

The 1972 February and December Hachijo-Oki earthquakes (M s=7.3 and 7.4), in the northernmost part of the Izu-Bonin subduction zone, are the only major events (M s>7.0) in the Bonin arc for the past 80 years. Relocation of the hypocenters, using one smaller event having a wellconstrained focal depth as a master event, shows that the depth of the February event is 10 km shallower than that of the December event. We have determined the rupture process for both events by minimizing the error in waveform between observed and synthetic seismograms. Although the number of available stations are limited, the depth range of the major energy release for the December event extends deeper than for the February one. The rupture propagated up-dip for both events. It is likely that the rupture zone of the two events overlapped, and that the December event ruptured the deeper part. This suggestion is consistent with the observation that the aftershock zones of both events overlap with that of the December event shifted landward. The waveforms of the December event have a smaller high frequency component than those of the February event, suggesting that the stress at the thrust zone became more uniform or reduced after the February event.No thrust type smaller event occurred near the rupture zone. Instead, theP-axes of smaller events are parallel to the dip of the slab and theirT-axes dip to the southwest. Focal depths of these events estimated byP-wave forward modeling are generally between 40–50 km and located beneath the thrust zone. We thus interpret them as the events within the Pacific slab near the zone ruptured by the two major events. The stress concentration around the rupture zone of the major events is suggested to have triggered these slab events. After the occurrence of the large events, the slab events are concentrated near the deeper portion of the rupture zone. These events may have been caused by the loading of the down-dip compressional stress near the down-dip end of the rupture zone due to the rupture. The occurrence of the doublet of large earthquakes and a number of down-dip compressional events beneath their rupture zones in a shallow portion of the subducting slab indicates an unusual zone of seismic coupling in the Bonin arc, most of which is seismically quiescent.  相似文献   

The time evolution of negative buoyancy of a subducting slab is modelled from the beginning of subduction under various kinematic conditions (dip angle and subduction velocity). The calculations take into account the thermal and density effects of the variations of the thermophysical parameters with temperature and pressure, and of phase transitions. The magnitude of the negative buoyancy increases during subduction of oceanic lithosphere, up to values in the (2–4) × 1013 N m−1 range when the tip of the slab reaches a depth of 600–700 km. If continental material arrives at the trench and is subducted, the downward buoyancy decreases by an amount proportional to the volume of the subducted continental crust. Assuming that subduction stops when the buoyancy becomes zero, and that delamination of the continental crust or slab breakoff do not occur, the maximum downdip length of the subductable continental crust is estimated as a function of the dip angle, subduction velocity and geometry of the margin. In most cases, subduction of continental material down to depths of 100–250 km is possible, and continental subduction can continue for times up to 10–15 Ma if the velocity is low. These estimates are not significantly affected by the hypothetical occurrence of a metastable olivine wedge within the slab, and could be lower bounds if the lower continental crust is mafic and transforms to eclogite.  相似文献   

Propagation of electromagnetic (EM) waves from an earthquake focus in the conductive Earth has been investigated using 1/1,000,000 scaling models taking earth-ionosphere and ocean-Moho plane parallel-plate waveguides into account. Microwaves at a frequency, ωm, a million times higher than that of seismic EM signal (SEMS), ω, were generated at the model focus. They are propagated in a salt solution modeling the earth's crust and reflected by ocean, fault planes, ionosphere and Moho plane all made by aluminum. Distribution of EM power was mapped by scanning a detector antenna over the model Earth's surface. The skin depth, δ, calculated by the exact skin depth equation, 1/δ=ω(μ/2)1/2 [(1+(1/ωρ)2)1/2 −1]1/2 where dielectric constant, and permeability, μ are the same but resistivity, ρ, 10−6 times smaller than that of Earth, gave 10−6 times small skin depth validating the model scaling index. Images for evanescent and wave-ripple standing waves disturbed by normal, strike-slip and dip-slip conductive fault planes have been obtained using an aluminum plate. The co-circular contour map above the epicenter due to evanescence was pushed to the north east direction from the epicenter by the presence of ocean for the Loma Prieta earthquake, while to north direction for the Kobe earthquake. The intensity of EM ULF emissions for the Loma Prieta earthquake is discussed quantitatively.  相似文献   

The recent earthquake sequences of 2012 (northern Italy) and 2013 (Marche offshore) provided new, fundamental constraints to the active tectonic setting of the outer northern Apennines. In contrast to the Po Plain area, where the 2012 northern Italy earthquakes confirmed active frontal thrusting, the new focal mechanisms obtained in this study for the 2013 Marche offshore earthquakes indicate that only minor thrust fault reactivation occurs in the Adriatic domain, even for a theoretically favourably oriented maximum horizontal compression. Recent seismicity in this domain appears to be mainly controlled by transcurrent crustal faults dissecting the Apennine thrust belt. The along-strike stress field variation from the Po Plain to the Adriatic area has been quantitatively investigated by applying the multiple inverse method (MIM) to the analysis of the entire seismicity recorded from January 1976 to August 2014, from the top 12 km of the crust (fault plane solutions from 127 earthquakes with MW  4), allowing us to obtain a comprehensive picture of the state of stress over the outer zone of the fold and thrust belt. The present-day stress field has been defined for 39 cells of 1.5° × 1.5° surface area and 12 km depth. The obtained stress field maps point out that, although the entire outer northern Apennines belt is characterized by a sub-horizontal maximum compressive axis (σ1), the minimum compression (σ3) is sub-vertical only in the Po Plain area, becoming sub-horizontal in the Adriatic sector, thus confirming that the latter region is dominated by an active tectonic regime of strike-slip type.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm inversion of receiver functions derived from a dense seismic network around Iwate volcano, northeastern Japan, provides the fine S wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle. Since receiver functions are insensitive to an absolute velocity, travel times of P and S waves propagating vertically from earthquakes in the subducting slab beneath the volcano are involved in the inversion. The distribution of velocity perturbations in relation to the hypocenters of the low-frequency (LF) earthquakes helps our understanding of deep magmatism beneath Iwate volcano. A high-velocity region (dVS/VS=10%) exists around the volcano at depths of 2–15 km, with the bottom depth decreasing to 11 km beneath the volcano’s summit. Just beneath the thinning high-velocity region, a low-velocity region (dVS/VS=−10%) exists at depths of 11–20 km. Intermediate-depth LF (ILF) events are distributed vertically in the high-velocity region down to the top of the low-velocity region. This distribution suggests that a magma reservoir situated in the low-velocity region supplies magma to a narrow conduit that is detectable by the hypocenters of LF earthquakes. Another broad low-velocity region (dVS/VS=−5 to −10%) occurs at depths of 17–35 km. Additional clusters of deep LF (DLF) events exist at depths of 32–37 km in the broad low-velocity zone. The DLF and ILF events are the manifestations of magma movement near the Moho discontinuity and in the conduit just beneath the volcano, respectively.  相似文献   

The Laccadive Ridge (L-R), trending roughly parallel to the west coast of India, is an intriguing segment of the northernmost Chagos-Laccadive Ridge (C-L-R) system. Although crustal nature and isostatic response of the southern C-L-R is well known, there are no similar studies on the L-R. In the present study, the isostatic response of the lithosphere beneath the L-R is estimated so as to characterize its crustal nature, total crustal as well as effective elastic plate thickness and mode of compensation. Twelve gravity and bathymetry profiles across the ridge were analyzed using linear transfer function and forward model techniques. The observed admittance function within the diagnostic waveband of 250 < λ > 80 km (0.025 < k > 0.080 km−1) fits well with (i) the Airy model whose average crustal thickness (Tc) and density are 17 ± 2 km and 2.7 × 103 kg m−3, respectively, and (ii) the thin plate flexure model of isostasy with an effective elastic plate thickness (Te) of 2–3 km. The estimated average crustal thickness and density are in good agreement with published seismic refraction results over the ridge. The results of the present study support an Airy model of isostasy for the L-R. The low Te value, in view of other published results in the study area, suggests stretched and loaded continental lithosphere of the L-R during the evolution of the western continental margin of India.  相似文献   

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