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韩国"世越号"沉船打捞于2015年8月开展,打捞方案的制定和实施均需要海洋测绘技术的支持,尤其是水下穿钢梁施工,对水下定位精度要求极高。详细介绍了整个打捞施工过程中应用的海洋测绘技术,主要包括沉船水下三维姿态探测、沉船周边地形地貌地质调查、海洋环境监测、水上水下导航定位以及沉船起浮姿态监测等。通过一系列的技术创新,促进了打捞施工的顺利进行,为"世越号"打捞出水提供了重要的技术保证,开创了综合海洋测绘技术在重大救助打捞领域的系统作业模式。  相似文献   

围油栏是水面溢油处理的主要设备之一。文中所研究的自充气围油栏是在传统充气式围油栏的基础上,通过改善其结构来实现围油栏自充气,同时通过气阀的改造和工作系统的改进,使围油栏的作业速度和自动化程度有了较大的提高,为溢油的控制和后序处理赢取了宝贵的时间,并有效降低了水面作业的工作量。与传统围油栏相比具有存储空间小、布放速度快、劳动强度低等特点。  相似文献   

在国内外深海光缆线路维修中,由于现有专用设备性能的局限,对海光缆的打捞一直是一项耗时、耗财、耗力且难度较大的作业。文章介绍了一种以双握切割、两端同持方式剪切打捞海缆的新型设备,它不仅能在2 000 m水深的海底对海光缆进行可靠剪切,还能在剪切后将海缆的两个断头牢固握持,并自行辅接深海打捞所需的钢缆。证明了使用该设备可取代常规打捞的断头打捞,不仅大大提高了维修工作效率,更有效地提高了维修打捞工作的安全性和可靠性。  相似文献   

随着海上行动愈发频繁和激烈,海上安全事故频发,深海打捞救援日趋重要。以美军 F-35C 战机南海坠机为案例,详细梳理深海打捞相关设备和流程,重点分析影响深海打捞作业的海洋环境要素,并使用业务化产品对比分析 F-35 战机 3 次坠海时海洋环境参数的异同,最后对加强遂行深海打捞任务的能力建设提出建议。  相似文献   

Q1井在弃井作业过程中遇到复杂情况,对套管的切割回收带来了很大的困难.由于φ244.5 mm套管外水泥环返至井口,使得套管在割断后无法提出,经过多次上移套管切割深度后,采用特殊的作业手段将套管提拉出井眼;后续在回收φ762 mm套管和φ508 mm*φ339.7 mm变径套管时,由于φ244.5 mm套管割深过浅,使得φ508 mm*φ339.7 mm变径套管的可切割长度极短,通过设计非常规的切割钻具组合、非常规的打捞方法才得以完成回收.详细介绍了打捞钻具组合设计、打捞方法,对水下井口的非常规弃井回收作业有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

“鱼鹰”号载人潜器打捞机械手的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍国内研制的第一只打捞机械手,该机械手的最大伸距为2805mm,抓举能力为1000N,有三个自由度,机械手备有三种手爪,可根据作业内容的不同进行更换,当机械手手爪抓获沉物超过100kg时,可实行手爪的自动或手动解脱,供水面母船起吊回收,在危及潜器及操作人员生命安全情况下,机械手可实现应急抛弃。文中,作者从现代设计法的角度出发,对机械手的性能及结构设计特点等方面进行了阐述。该机械手安装于“鱼鹰”号载入潜器上,在很短时间内,已可靠地从水下打捞起3t多贵重沉物,获明显的济经效益。使用证明,打捞机械手性能良好,完全能满足水下打捞作业的要求。  相似文献   

文中着重介绍为改进浅海环境观测专用浮标和潜标锚泊系统所做的三件工作。一是提高水面标志浮标的抗台风、抗倾覆和抗沉能力以及连接件的流线型化;二是通过理论计算和水池试验,选用抗风能力强的配套的浮标/潜标系统系列;三是应用设计新型的打捞钩,及时而方便地将丢失在海底的仪器等打捞回来。  相似文献   

中国海洋工程学会所主办的1982年潜水救捞学术讨论会于十二月在烟台召开。有来自全国三十三个单位的五十七位代表参加了会议。并提交论文三十八篇。内容涉及海洋工程、潜水设备、水下作业和打捞技术以及潜水医学生理学等各个方面。这次会议是一年多来海洋科技研究成果展览。也是对海洋科技人员在贯彻十二大精神的一次检阅。  相似文献   

首先概述了坐底式海洋环境监测系统的发展历程、结构组成、工作原理和系统功能等。设计开发了一套浅海坐底式海洋环境监测系统,并在北黄海海域进行了长时间应用。对其结构组成特点、原理功能和实际应用情况等进行了详细阐述,并结合一段时间的监测数据,说明其可为海洋科学研究、海水养殖与海洋工程等提供基础数据。对坐底式海洋环境监测系统的布放与回收方法进行介绍,针对近海经常出现无释放器或释放器失灵的坐底式海洋环境监测系统,且潜水员或作业型水下机器人(ROV)不方便下潜系缆的情况,设计了一种实操性强的打捞回收方法。总结归纳了所设计的浅海坐底式海洋环境监测系统特点及回收方法,可为相关应用与研究提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

陈万青 《海洋世界》2009,(11):54-57
河豚,学名河鲍。它有着长椭圆形的身体,粗而圆的头胸部,钝圆的吻部,上下颌骨愈合而成的四个大牙板。它的身体光滑无鳞,没有腹鳍,体内有气囊,遇敌袭击或受到刺激时,气囊充气而使腹部膨胀。内脏有巨毒。河豚分布于温热带近海,以虾、蟹、海胆、乌贼和鱼等为食。在生物分类学上,它属于纯形目,纯科。  相似文献   

Deep-seated gas in seabed sediments migrates upwards from effect of external factors, which easily accumulates to form gasbags at interface of shallow coarse-fine sediments. Real-time monitoring of this process is important to predict disaster. However, there is still a lack of effective monitoring methods, so we attempt to apply multi-points pore water pressure monitoring technology when simulating forming and dissipation of gasbags in sediments through laboratory experiment. This study focuses...  相似文献   

The mechanical cable is an essential element in towing operations, remote control of equipment, salvage operations, civil engineering applications, etc.Failure of these cables can result in loss of life and loss of equipment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Obviously then, sensors that can indicate the condition of these cables so that the risk to their continued use and their remaining safe life can be determined when in operation are very important from the point of view of commercial and military interest.This paper presents a brief review of research into failure mechanisms of various cables and the acoustic emission signatures of the various cables under simulated loading. The development of a specific operational monitor for a towed cable system is also given.  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     
China Ocean Engineering takes as its prime function the integration of new research concepts, equipment, technology, materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of ocean engineering, with particular reference to developments in China. Tne Journal is concerned with all engineering aspects involved in the exploration and utilization of ocean resources, such as offshore engineering, coastal engineering, dive and salvage, utilization of marine energy, resourees and underwater engineering.  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     
由中国海洋工程学会主办,南京水利科学研究院承办,大连理工大学海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室协办的第十二届中国海岸工程学术讨论会于2005年10月16-19日在云南省昆明市召开。邱大洪名誉理事长、谢世楞、严以新、李润培、李京武、左其华等副理事长出席了会议。全国从事海洋工程研究包括高等院校、设计、科研、建设和施工等39个部门的近百名代表参加了学术交流。17日上午,严以新副理事长主持了开幕式,并致开幕词;窦希萍副秘书长作了学会近两年来的工作总结。严以新和左其华教授分别主持了大会主题报告。中国科学院院士邱大洪教授论述了沿海海…  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     
China Ocean Engineering takes as its prime function the integration of new research concepts, equipment, technology, materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of ocean engineering, with particular reference to developments in  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     
China Ocean Engineering takes as its prime function the integration of new research concepts, equipment, technology, materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of ocean engineering, with particular reference to developments in China. The Journal is concerned with all engineering aspects involved in the exploration and utilization of ocean resources, such as offshore engineering, coastal engineering, dive and salvage, utilization of marine energy resources and underwater engineering.[第一段]  相似文献   

Identifying the name of a historic shipwreck is often a primary issue that a court needs to address when deciding salvage claims over the shipwreck. Based upon case studies and doctrinal analysis, this paper explores four key issues in the identification process: the imbalance of information between salvage companies and other interested parties; standard of proof for identification; no distinction between direct and circumstantial evidence; and misidentification and correction. This paper argues that the current U.S. federal civil (admiralty) procedure law has loopholes for misidentification of shipwrecks. This paper proposes that (1) although salvage companies may hesitate to release names of shipwrecks, other interested parties can use the heightened pleading rule and broad discovery to compel salvage companies to release information on the names of shipwrecks; (2) the clear and convincing evidence standard, instead of the preponderance of the evidence standard, should be applied to identify historic shipwrecks; (3) courts should ensure ongoing public disclosure of archaeology archives regarding identities of historic shipwrecks; and (4) courts may sua sponte retain maritime archaeologists to conduct peer review of evidence regarding identities of historic shipwrecks.  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionIt is always hopedthat sunken merchant vessels would resume their ship performances after sal-vage ,that ancient sunkenships of archeological value would be salvagedinits entirety withlittle harmtothe cultural relics ,andthat warships with …  相似文献   

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