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计算半日潮特征海域平均大潮高潮面的关键在于,一是应有足够长时段且满足精度的潮汐实测或预报数据;二是应尽可能准确选定大潮时刻高潮位。针对大潮时刻高潮位在时间选取上的困难,从月相物理意义出发,证明了当日月黄经差值约为0°时,大潮时刻对应月相朔;当日月黄经差值约为180°时,大潮时刻对应月相望。提出并实现了顾及半日潮龄值及逐时日、月黄经差的平均大潮高潮面计算方法。  相似文献   

平均大潮高潮面在我国用作海洋测绘净空信息表示的参考面。论证了该特征潮面的定义,扩充了其含义范围,将回归潮高高潮位应用为平均大潮高潮位。分析描述了实测潮位和预报潮位统计计算方法,比较了统计方法与潮汐特征值算法的符合度,计算了平均大潮高潮位与理论最高潮位的比率。基本研究结论是:对规则半日潮和规则日潮海域,统计算法和特征值算法的结果较为一致,而混合潮海域,两种特征潮位之间存在明显差异,平均大潮高潮位计算的相关问题需深入系统论证。  相似文献   

李炎 《海洋学研究》1989,7(2):13-23
运用多时相卫片中潮间浅滩出露经验频率与实际潮位累积频率的联系,可以从短期多时相卫片直接编绘特征潮位线分布图。在理想抽样方案下,编绘可以在无任何实测潮位记录条件下进行。在不合理抽样条件下,通过若干控制潮位站的潮滩出露经验频率与实测潮位累积频率的关系曲线,也可以进行近似的编绘。文中给出杭州湾南岸潮间浅滩的应用实例和关于误差的讨论。  相似文献   

在研究相对海面变化时,常常用实测潮位记录来分析相对海面的变化速率。淤泥质海岸的验潮站多设在入海河流的闸F。由于拦门沙发育等因素的影响,闸下测到的潮位不能准确反映低潮时的潮位变化,因此常常采用平均高潮位记录来分析相对海面的变化。本文通过对平均高潮位、平均潮位和平均海平面之间关系的统计分析,得出平均高潮位与平均潮位以及平均海平面变化速率之间的关系。并对江苏沿海6个验潮站33a的潮位记录进行分析,得出江苏沿海此期间的相对海面变化速率为0.29~1.00cm/a。  相似文献   

考虑到利用中数法计算的日平均海面可能残留较多的短周期分潮影响,会给验潮站零点的漂移检测及修订引入一项潜在的系统差,进而影响到潮汐分析及水深测量水位改正等应用。提出了基于Godin法计算日平均海面的验潮站零点漂移检测及修正的改进方法。应用结果表明Godin法较中数法可明显削弱短周期分潮影响,从而可提高验潮站零点漂移检测及修订的精度。  相似文献   

三维潮致拉格朗日余流的数值计算及其在渤海中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据冯士筰教授于1987年导出的三维质量输运速度的控制方程组出发,在垂直方向上用三次样条函数为基函数作谱展开,水平方向上应用有限差分格式来求解方程组,然后将所提出的计算方法应用于夏季渤海环流,取湍粘性系数随深度变化模式,通过计算可知,潮致余流改变了一般认为夏季渤海环流为一逆时针方向大环流的简单结论,并得到了观测的初步支持。  相似文献   

Tishchenko  P. Ya.  Stunzhas  P. A.  Pavlova  G. Yu.  Mikhailik  T. A.  Semkin  P. Yu.  Chichkin  R.V. 《Oceanology》2019,59(4):533-540
Oceanology - The empirical relationship between the mineralization of riverine waters and specific conductivity normalized to 15°C was obtained in testing Razdolnaya River water from March...  相似文献   

在涨潮、落潮历时时间不等显著的特殊海区实施水深测量水位改正,不合理的计算潮时差将与实际产生明显差异。分析了涨落潮历时时间不等产生的原因,推导了涨落潮历时时间的近似计算公式,为保证水深测量成果质量,提出了在类似海区应逐日分别计算涨潮和落潮时段的潮时差以实施较合理水位改正。  相似文献   

北黄海典型水域春夏季浮游植物的昼夜变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据黄海西北部2006年夏季3个连续站和2007年春季1个连续站垂直分层拖网的调查资料,研究了黄海西北部典型海区浮游植物的昼夜垂直变化.夏季共检出浮游植物79种,主要优势种为旋链角毛藻Chaetoceros curvisetus、梭角藻Ceratium fusus、三角角藻Ceratium tripos和具槽帕拉藻Paralia sulcata;春季检出51种,主要优势种为浮动弯角藻Eucampia zodiacus、具槽帕拉藻和尖刺伪菱形藻Pseudo-nitzschia pungens.夏季L01站受潮汐的影响各水层低潮期浮游植物细胞丰度高于高潮期,垂直分布趋势为表层细胞丰度最高,底层最低.而由于底栖硅藻的细胞再悬浮作用夏季L02、L03站和春季L02站底层细胞丰度高于表层,但各水层细胞丰度的昼夜变化相对较平缓.  相似文献   

根据1986年4、7和10月的胶州湾水域调查资料,通过对有机农药HCH在胶州湾水域的分布、来源和季节变化的分析,研究结果表明:HCH含量在整个胶州湾水域都非常低,在这1 a中都〈0.100μg/L,在胶州湾水域HCH含量都优于国家一类海水水质标准,水质在HCH含量方面更加清洁;水体中HCH的表层含量已经没有季节变化,这...  相似文献   

利用区域大气模拟系统(RAMS)大气模式给出的30 a风场资料作为上边界风应力强迫,用普林斯顿大洋模式(POM)对渤海的潮流和潮位进行了30 a数值计算.给出了M2,S2,O1,K1四个分潮的同潮时线和等振幅线,与环渤海19个验潮站观测的调和常数对比发现,M2分潮振幅的平均误差为4.5 cm,迟角的平均误差为4.2°.分析了渤海海域环流、风海流和潮流的基本特征,并与前人的结果进行比较,两者基本一致.计算了渤海1 000多个网格点的平均海平面高度,比较结果表明,其准确度较高.最后给出了渤海各点的最高和最低天文潮位以及百年一遇极值水位,比较结果表明,虽没有进行单独的风暴潮计算,但计算结果较好地反映了渤海各种水位的特征.  相似文献   

GPS技术可以确定验潮站水准点的地壳垂直形变,结合验潮数据获得的海平面相对变化,可以确定海平面的绝对变化。采用我国3个沿海验潮站两期GPS观测数据,计算了这些点位的地壳垂直运动速率。提出要监测验潮站的地壳垂直运动,最好采用多年连续GPS观测数据。  相似文献   

Several major improvements to an existing method for calibrating satellite altimeters using tide gauge data are described. The calibration is in the sense of monitoring and correcting temporal drift in the altimetric time series, which is essential in efforts to use the altimetric data for especially demanding applications. Examples include the determination of the rate of change of global mean sea level and the study of the relatively subtle, but climatically important, decadal variations in basin scale sea levels. The improvements are to the method described by Mitchum (1998a), and the modifications are of two basic types. First, since the method depends on the cancellation of true ocean signals by differencing the altimetric data from the tide gauge sea level time series, improvements are made that produce a more complete removal of the ocean signals that comprise the noise for the altimetric drift estimation problem. Second, a major error source in the tide gauge data, namely land motion, is explicitly addressed and corrections are developed that incorporate space-based geodetic data (continuous GPS and DORIS measurements). The long-term solution, having such geodetic measurements available at all the tide gauges, is not yet a reality, so an interim solution is developed. The improved method is applied to the TOPEX altimetric data. The Side A data (August 1992?February 1999) are found to have a linear drift component of 0.55 + / 0.39 mm/yr, but there is also a significant quadratic component to the drift that is presently unexplained. The TOPEX Side B altimeter is estimated to be biased by 7.0 + / 0.7 mm relative to the Side A altimeter based on an analysis of the first 350 days of Side B data.  相似文献   

Several major improvements to an existing method for calibrating satellite altimeters using tide gauge data are described. The calibration is in the sense of monitoring and correcting temporal drift in the altimetric time series, which is essential in efforts to use the altimetric data for especially demanding applications. Examples include the determination of the rate of change of global mean sea level and the study of the relatively subtle, but climatically important, decadal variations in basin scale sea levels. The improvements are to the method described by Mitchum (1998a), and the modifications are of two basic types. First, since the method depends on the cancellation of true ocean signals by differencing the altimetric data from the tide gauge sea level time series, improvements are made that produce a more complete removal of the ocean signals that comprise the noise for the altimetric drift estimation problem. Second, a major error source in the tide gauge data, namely land motion, is explicitly addressed and corrections are developed that incorporate space-based geodetic data (continuous GPS and DORIS measurements). The long-term solution, having such geodetic measurements available at all the tide gauges, is not yet a reality, so an interim solution is developed. The improved method is applied to the TOPEX altimetric data. The Side A data (August 1992?February 1999) are found to have a linear drift component of 0.55 + / 0.39 mm/yr, but there is also a significant quadratic component to the drift that is presently unexplained. The TOPEX Side B altimeter is estimated to be biased by 7.0 + / 0.7 mm relative to the Side A altimeter based on an analysis of the first 350 days of Side B data.  相似文献   

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