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Highly magnified lensed galaxies allow us to probe the morphological and spectroscopic properties of high-redshift stellar systems in great detail. However, such objects are rare, and there are only a handful of lensed galaxies that are bright enough for a high-resolution spectroscopic study with current instrumentation. We report the discovery of a new massive lensing cluster, SDSS J120923.7+264047, at z = 0.558. Present around the cluster core, at angular distances of up to ∼40 arcsec, are many arcs and arc candidates, presumably due to lensing of background galaxies by the cluster gravitational potential. One of the arcs, 21 arcsec long, has an r -band magnitude of 20, making it one of the brightest known lensed galaxies. We obtained a low-resolution spectrum of this galaxy, using the Keck-I telescope, and found it is at redshift of z = 1.018.  相似文献   

We have discovered a radio source (B2114+022) with a unique structure during the course of the JVAS gravitational lens survey. VLA, MERLIN, VLBA and MERLIN+EVN radio maps reveal four compact components, in a configuration unlike that of any known lens system, or, for that matter, any of the ∼15 000 radio sources in the JVAS and CLASS surveys. Three of the components are within 0.3 arcsec of each other while the fourth is separated from the group by 2.4 arcsec. The widest separation pair of components have similar radio structures and spectra. The other pair also have similar properties. This latter pair have spectra which peak at ∼5 GHz. Their surface brightnesses are much lower than expected for synchrotron self-absorbed components.
Ground-based and Hubble Space Telescope optical observations show two galaxies ( z =0.3157 and 0.5883) separated by 1.25 arcsec. The lower redshift galaxy has a post-starburst spectrum and lies close to, but not coincident with, the compact group of three radio components. No optical or infrared emission is detected from any of the radio components down to I =25 and H =23 . We argue that the most likely explanation of the B2114+022 system is that the post-starburst galaxy, assisted by the second galaxy, lenses a distant radio source producing the two wide-separation images. The other two radio components are then associated with the post-starburst galaxy. The combination of the angular sizes of these components, their radio spectra and their location with respect to their host galaxy still remains puzzling.  相似文献   

Several measurements of quasi-stellar object (QSO)–galaxy correlations have reported signals much larger than predictions of magnification by large-scale structure. We find that the expected signal depends strongly on the properties of the foreground galaxy population. On arcmin scales, it can be either larger or smaller by a factor of 2 for different galaxy types in comparison with a linearly biased version of the mass distribution. Thus the resolution of some of the excess measurements may lie in examining the halo occupation properties of the galaxy population sampled by a given survey; this is also the primary information such measurements will provide.
We use the halo model of clustering and simulations to predict the magnification-induced cross-correlations and errors for forthcoming surveys. With the full Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the statistical errors will be below 1 per cent for the galaxy–galaxy correlations and significantly larger for QSO–galaxy correlations. Thus accurate constraints on parameters of the galaxy halo occupation distribution can be obtained from small-scale measurements and on the bias parameter from large scales. Since the lensing-induced cross-correlation measures the first moment of the halo occupation number of galaxies, these measurements can provide the basis for interpreting galaxy clustering measurements that measure the second- and higher-order moments.  相似文献   

Recent advances in instrumentation and observing techniques have made it possible to begin to study in detail the stellar populations and the interstellar media of galaxies at redshift z = 3, when the universe was still in its ‘teen years’. I illustrate recent progress in this field with the latest observations of the gravitationally lensed galaxy MS 1512- cB58. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Gravitational flexion has been introduced as a technique by which one can map out and study substructure in clusters of galaxies. Previous analyses involving flexion have measured the individual galaxy–galaxy flexion signal, or used either parametric techniques or a Kaiser, Squires and Broadhurst (KSB)-type inversion to reconstruct the mass distribution in Abell 1689. In this paper, we present an aperture mass statistic for flexion, and apply it to the lensed images of background galaxies obtained by ray-tracing simulations through a simple analytic mass distribution and through a galaxy cluster from the Millennium Simulation. We show that this method is effective at detecting and accurately tracing structure within clusters of galaxies on subarcminute scales with high signal to noise even using a moderate background source number density and image resolution. In addition, the method provides much more information about both the overall shape and the small-scale structure of a cluster of galaxies than can be achieved through a weak lensing mass reconstruction using gravitational shear data. Lastly, we discuss how the zero-points of the aperture mass might be used to infer the masses of structures identified using this method.  相似文献   

In the gravitational lens system Q2237+0305 the cruciform quasar image geometry is twisted by 10c by the lens effect of a bar in the lensing galaxy. This effect can be used to measure the mass of the bar. We construct a new lensing model for this system with a power-law elliptical bulge and a Ferrers bar. The observed ellipticity of the optical isophotes of the galaxy leads to a nearly isothermal elliptical profile for the bulge, with a total quasar magnification of 16+5−4. We measure a bar mass of (7.5 ∼ 1.5) −108 h −175 M⊙ in the region inside the quasar images.  相似文献   

We describe a new non-parametric technique for reconstructing the mass distribution in galaxy clusters with strong lensing, i.e. from multiple images of background galaxies. The observed positions and redshifts of the images are considered as rigid constraints, and through the lens (ray-trace) equation they provide us with linear constraint equations. These constraints confine the mass distribution to some allowed region, which is then found by linear programming. Within this allowed region we study in detail the mass distribution with minimum mass-to-light variation, and also some other distributions, such as the smoothest mass distribution.
The method is applied to the extensively studied cluster Abell 370, which hosts a giant luminous arc and several other multiply imaged background galaxies. Our mass maps are constrained by the observed positions and redshifts (spectroscopic or model-inferred by previous authors) of the giant arc and multiple-image systems. The reconstructed maps obtained for Abell 370 reveal a detailed mass distribution, with substructure quite different from the light distribution. The method predicts the bimodal nature of the cluster, and that the projected mass distribution is indeed elongated along the axis defined by the two dominant cD galaxies. However, the peaks in the mass distribution appear to be offset from the centres of the cDs.
We also present an estimate for the total mass of the central region of the cluster. This is in good agreement with previous mass determinations. The total mass of the central region is M =(2.0–2.7)×1014 M⊙ h −150, depending on the solution chosen.  相似文献   

We have observed the   z =0.78  cluster MS 1137.5+6625 with the Ryle Telescope (RT) at 15 GHz. After subtraction of contaminating radio sources in the field, we find a Sunyaev–Zel'dovich flux decrement of  -421±60 μJy  on the ≈0.65 k λ baseline of the RT, spatially coincident with the optical and X-ray positions for the cluster core.
For a spherical King-profile cluster model, the best fit to our flux measurement has a core radius   θ C=20 arcsec  , consistent with previous X-ray observations, and a central temperature decrement  Δ T =650±92 μK  .
Using this model, we calculate that the cluster has a gas mass inside a     radius of  2.9×1013 M  for an  Ω M =1  universe and  1.6×1013 M  for  Ω M =0.3  ,  ΩΛ=0.7  . We compare this model with existing measurements of the total mass of the cluster, based on gravitational lensing, and estimate a gas fraction for MS 1137.5+6625 of ≈8 per cent.  相似文献   

The properties of clusters of galaxies offer key insights into the assembly process of structure in the universe. Numerical simulations of cosmic structure formation in a hierarchical, dark matter dominated universe suggest that galaxy cluster concentrations, which are a measure of a halo's central density, decrease gradually with virial mass. However, cluster observations have yet to confirm this correlation. The slopes of the run of measured concentrations with virial mass are often either steeper or flatter than that predicted by simulations. In this work, we present the most complete sample of observed cluster concentrations and masses yet assembled, including new measurements for 10 strong-lensing clusters, thereby more than doubling the existing number of strong-lensing concentration estimates. We fit a power law to the observed concentrations as a function of virial mass, and find that the slope is consistent with the slopes found in simulations, though our normalization factor is higher. Observed lensing concentrations appear to be systematically larger than X-ray concentrations, a more pronounced effect than that found in simulations. We also find that at a fixed mass, the bulk of observed cluster concentrations are distributed lognormally, with the exception of a few anomalously high concentration clusters. We examine the physical processes likely responsible for the discrepancy between lensing and X-ray concentrations, and for the anomalously high concentrations in particular. The forthcoming Millennium simulation results will offer the most comprehensive comparison set to our findings of an observed concentration–mass power law relation.  相似文献   

The Hubble constant can be constrained using the time delays between multiple images of gravitationally lensed sources. In some notable cases, typical lensing analyses assuming isothermal galaxy density profiles produce low values for the Hubble constant, inconsistent with the result of the HST Key Project  (72 ± 8 km s−1 Mpc−1)  . Possible systematics in the values of the Hubble constant derived from galaxy lensing systems can result from a number of factors, for example, neglect of environmental effects, assumption of isothermality, or contamination by line-of-sight structures. One additional potentially important factor is the triaxial structure of the lensing galaxy halo; most lens models account for halo shape simply by perturbing the projected spherical lensing potential, an approximation that is often necessary but that is inadequate at the levels of triaxiality predicted in the cold dark matter paradigm. To quantify the potential error introduced by this assumption in estimates of the Hubble parameter, we strongly lens a distant galaxy through a sample of triaxial softened isothermal haloes and use an Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to constrain the lensing halo profile and the Hubble parameter from the resulting multiple image systems. We explore the major degeneracies between the Hubble parameter and several parameters of the lensing model, finding that without a way to accurately break these degeneracies accurate estimates of the Hubble parameter are not possible. Crucially, we find that triaxiality does not significantly bias estimates of the Hubble constant, and offer an analytic explanation for this behaviour in the case of isothermal profiles. Neglected triaxial halo shape cannot contribute to the low Hubble constant values derived in a number of galaxy lens systems.  相似文献   

We propose a method to remove the mass-sheet degeneracy that arises when the mass of galaxy clusters is inferred from gravitational shear. The method utilizes high-redshift standard candles that undergo weak lensing. Natural candidates for such standard candles are type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia).
When corrected with the light-curve shape (LCS), the peak magnitude of SNe Ia provides a standard candle with an uncertainty in apparent magnitude of Δ m ≃0.1–0.2. Gravitational magnification of a background SN Ia by an intervening cluster would cause a mismatch between the observed SN Ia peak magnitude compared with that expected from its LCS and redshift. The average detection rate for SNe Ia with a significant mismatch of ≥2Δ m behind a cluster at z ≃0.05–0.15 is about 1–2 supernovae per cluster per year at J , I , R ≲25–26.
Since SNe are point-like sources for a limited period, they can experience significant microlensing by massive compact halo objects (MACHOs) in the intracluster medium. Microlensing events caused by MACHOs of ∼10−4 M⊙ are expected to have time-scales similar to that of the SN light curve. Both the magnification curve by a MACHO and the light curve of a SN Ia have characteristic shapes that allow us to separate them. Microlensing events caused by MACHOs of smaller mass can unambiguously be identified in the SN light curve if the latter is continuously monitored. The average number of identifiable microlensing events per nearby cluster ( z ≲0.05) per year is ∼0.02 ( f /0.01), where f is the fraction of the cluster mass in MACHOs of masses 10−7< M macho/M⊙<10−4.  相似文献   

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