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南海北部陆缘深水-超深水盆地成因机制分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
任建业  庞雄  于鹏  雷超  罗盼 《地球物理学报》2018,61(12):4901-4920
本文以海洋地质调查和油气勘探开发中积累的地质和地球物理资料的解释和分析为基础,描述和划分了南海北部被动陆缘地壳岩石圈结构构造单元,由陆向海划分出近端带、细颈化带、远端带和洋陆转换带(OCT,含边缘高地)四个构造单元.从细颈化带到OCT基本处于现今陆架坡折带之外的深水-超深水区的范围,以强烈的地壳薄化和发育大型拆离断层控制的拆离盆地为特征.这些深水-超深水盆地的同裂陷阶段均经历了早期均一断陷、中晚期拆离式断陷的演化过程,受控于南海北部大型拆离断层作用及其所导致的岩石圈临界破裂过程.新的深水-超深水盆地形成机理的认识为南海北部陆缘岩石圈的非瞬时伸展破裂过程的分析提供了新的视角,同时,陆缘深水-超深水盆地具有独特的构造-沉积体系配置和构造-热演化过程,将为科学评价南海北部陆缘深水-超深水盆地油气勘探潜力提供新的思路.  相似文献   

深水沉积是深水油气勘探的重要领域.本文利用南海北部陆坡区三维地震资料,应用三维可视化、相干处理、沿层切片及波形分类等地震技术,识别和刻画南海北部陆坡区更新世深水沉积水道的展布、演化特征及有利砂体分布位置,初步总结出一套适合深水沉积水道的地震识别和描述方法.该水道呈南西-北东方向展布、具蛇曲形态,水道主体以泥岩充填为主,水道侧向加积及堤坝部位是有利的储集部位.  相似文献   

利用2D/3D地震数据及钻井资料,详细解剖了晚中新世以来构造-沉积背景对琼东南盆地大型轴向峡谷体系形成和演化的控制.晚中新世以来的大规模海平面下降导致了陆坡区的沉积物易发生失稳,从而为中央峡谷体系沉积充填提供了物源.峡谷内部的2套沉积物:浊流沉积体和块体搬运复合体,分别来自西北部物源和北部物源,不同部位沉积物供给能力的差异,导致峡谷内部表现出不同的充填结构和样式.11.6 Ma时期构造变革事件为峡谷的形成提供了构造背景,盆地东部形成的轴向"限制型"小型盆地可视为中央峡谷体系的雏形.5.7 Ma时期红河断裂带右旋走滑的活动,将增强莺-琼盆地交界处沉积物的水动力条件,并向浊流发生演变,形成深水浊积水道.南部隆起的存在对峡谷内部充填沉积物起到了"遮挡"的作用.更新世以来的气候因素所引起的强烈沉积物供给和盆地东部特殊的地貌特征,引起了中央峡谷体系的"回春",大量垮塌沉积体的发育将进一步加剧峡谷的"负地形"特征.研究表明,琼东南盆地中央峡谷体系自西向东不同区段的主控因素存在差异:西北部物源的供给和红河断裂带在5.7 Ma时期的构造活动控制了头部区域浊积水道的形成和发育;西北部物源、北部陆坡的沉积物供给、构造地貌特征等,控制了峡谷自西向东的运动,并影响了峡谷内部的充填结构;盆地东部11.6 Ma时期的构造变革和长昌凹陷有限的沉积物供给能力是盆地东段中央峡谷体系的主控因素.  相似文献   

南海北部深水区盆地热历史及烃源岩热演化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
南海北部深水区是中国重要的油气潜力区.本文在前人对其现今地温场和正演热史研究的基础上,利用磷灰石(U-Th)/He和镜质体反射率(Ro)数据对根据拉张盆地模型正演获得的热历史进行了进一步约束,并在此基础上对南海北部深水区的烃源岩热演化进行了研究.研究结果表明基于盆地构造演化模型的正演热历史可以作为烃源岩热演化计算的热史基础,而盆地内主力烃源岩热演化计算结果显示:南海北部深水区存在4个生烃中心,即珠江口盆地的白云凹陷和琼东南盆地的乐东凹陷、陵水凹陷和松南凹陷,生烃中心烃源岩有机质现今处于过成熟状态,以生气为主;受盆地基底热流显著升高的影响,32~23.3 Ma时段为南海北部深水区烃源岩快速成熟阶段,琼东南盆地烃源岩有机质现今(2.48 Ma后)还存在一期加速成熟过程,而珠江口盆地则不存在此期快速成熟过程.  相似文献   

基于高分辨率多波束地形与多道地震资料精细解释,发现了南海西南部陆坡区5条大型深水水道.这5条水道可分成两类:1、5号水道延伸短,横剖面呈V形,弯曲度低,属顺直水道,侵蚀作用主导;2-4号水道延伸长,横剖面呈U形,弯曲度高,属弯曲水道,侵蚀-沉积作用主导.水道走向NEE-NE,长度大于350 km的有2条,宽度最大达2 km,切割深度最大达150 m.推测这些水道是陆源物质重力流作用形成的,是该区陆源物质通过陆架输送到南海西南次海盆的重要通道.陆坡区这些水道基本发育天然堤.在下游区域第二长的2号水道谷底明显高于周缘海底,水道-天然堤沉积已逐渐演变为朵叶沉积.这些水道的深部对应基底隆起区,说明深部构造的晚期活动控制了水道的平面位置,重力流与深部构造晚期活动共同控制了水道的形成演化.  相似文献   

南海北部新生代盆地基底结构及构造属性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于南海北部钻井资料、华南沿海地质特征、覆盖珠江口盆地和琼东南盆地的地震长剖面解释,将南海北部盆地基底结构划分为前震旦系、震旦系-下古生界、上古生界和中生界4个构造层,论述了各个构造层的分布范围和分布规律,揭示了各个构造层的构造属性.南海北部盆地广泛分布前震旦纪结晶基底,它与华夏地块前震旦纪结晶基底联为一体,组成更大规模的陆块——华夏-南海北部陆块.震旦系-下古生界广泛分布于南海北部,是华南加里东褶皱带向海域的自然延伸,沉积物来源于东海南部-台湾、中西沙、云开古隆起和一些小的基底隆起区,南海北部加里东褶皱带与华南相连,组成范围更为辽阔的褶皱带.上古生界构造层分布在北部湾盆地和台西南盆地基底中,由稳定的陆表海沉积所组成,珠江口盆地和琼东南盆地基底在晚古生代属于古隆起,缺失上古生界构造层.中晚侏罗世-白垩纪地层分布及沉积环境具有东西分异特征,台西南盆地基底中发育有海相和海陆交互相沉积,火山活动不明显;珠江口盆地东部基底以海相和海陆过渡相为主,火山活动较强烈;珠江口盆地西部和琼东南盆地基底以早白垩世陆相火山-沉积为主;北部湾、莺歌海盆地基底以上白垩统陆相红色碎屑岩为主.中生界基底中北东向花岗质火山-侵入杂岩、火山-沉积盆地、褶皱、断裂与华南沿海陆域具有相似的时空分布、地质特征及构造属性,它们属于同一岩浆-沉积-构造体系,反映了晚中生代构造层形成于活动大陆边缘背景中.在基底结构及构造属性研究的基础上,编制了南海北部盆地基底不同时期古地理图.  相似文献   

南海前新生代残留盆地分布综合地球物理研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为了对南海海域的前新生代残留盆地分布有个整体而全面的认识,本文开展了南海残留盆地宏观分布的综合地球物理研究.通过岩石物性分析,综合重、磁、震等地球物理方法,利用正演与反演方法,分区计算并求取了南海的重力基底和磁性基底埋深,得到了中生界及前中生界残余厚度,给出了整个南海前新生代残留盆地的宏观格架与残余厚度分布特征并讨论了前新生代油气前景.研究结果表明南海东北部的东沙隆起和潮汕坳陷、台西南盆地和北港隆起、南部的礼乐滩地区等应具有较好的前新生代油气资源潜力.  相似文献   

南海北部东沙海域巨型水下沙丘的分布及特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

本文基于多波束测深和高分辨率多道反射地震数据研究了东沙海域深水巨型水下沙丘的特征.巨型水下沙丘发育在230~830 m水深的上陆坡范围内,呈斑块状分布.NW-SE向的近海底流体运动不仅冲蚀地层,形成了三条与水下沙丘间隔分布的冲蚀带,为水下沙丘提供了沉积物来源,同时也为水下沙丘的形成提供了动力源.研究区水下沙丘波长(L)范围55~510 m,波高(h)范围1.5~20 m,二者呈指数关系分布.沙丘的波长随水深增大而增大,波高则在500~700 m水深范围内最大.水下沙丘NE-SW向展布的脊线和几何参数关系是与现今水动力条件相平衡的结果.


将理论分析与野外资料解释相结合,对断层判别依据作进一步讨论。通过对下辽河盆地和辽西、内蒙地区部分浅部断层数字化记录资料的正、反演计算,作了运动学特征和动力学特征分析,得出有益结论。  相似文献   

南海北部东沙古隆起的综合地球物理解释   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
栾锡武  刘鸿  彭学超 《地球物理学报》2011,54(12):3217-3232
通过对南海东北陆缘地震和重磁资料的综合地球物理解释,将原来东沙隆起细化为东沙古隆起和东沙隆起两部分.指出,东沙古隆起呈条带状分布于南海北部陆架外缘,长约550 km,宽约60 km,为一个和珠一坳陷、珠二坳陷、台湾岛隆起等构造单元级别相当的一个构造地质体.其地层的层状结构保存清楚,显示没有岩浆侵入、刺穿的现象发生.东沙隆起大致以东沙岛为中心,范围非常局限,其下明显为岩浆侵入结构.两者的形成时代相去甚远,是完全不同的两次构造运动的产物.东沙古隆起和南海东北部高值正异常条带相吻合,是正值高磁异常带形成的原因.东沙隆起,以及陆坡火山带为低值异常,正负并不确定.且南海东北部的正值高磁异常条带形成的时间很早(约裂谷时期),和东沙隆起没有关系.东沙古隆起在裂谷时期为一列由海沟俯冲形成的岛弧.由于俯冲作用时间较短,在岛弧下方的岩浆底侵只发生在地壳的深部,并没有向上迁移到地壳中部或者上部,更没有形成火山活动.底侵的岩浆冷却后获得正的强磁性,从而形成高值正异常.东沙隆起,以及陆坡和海盆中的火山链都具有相对低的磁性,是在晚期东沙运动时期在碰撞挤压背景下形成的.  相似文献   


潮汕坳陷MZ-1井揭示的中生界为深入分析南海北部晚中生代的构造演化提供了关键性的资料.基于MZ-1井的标定,开展了系统的地震剖面构造-地层解释,在中生代地层内识别出Tm30区域性不整合面,同位素定年确定该界面发育于早白垩世末至晚白垩世初,落实了潮汕坳陷上白垩统的分布.此外,在研究区西南部识别出大型的兴宁—东沙逆冲推覆带,主要由多条NW—SE向延伸、西倾的叠瓦状逆冲断层及其伴生的不对称褶皱组成,其明显控制了上白垩统厚度分布.由此可见,上白垩统构造层不具有张裂盆地的典型特征,因此南海北部主动陆缘向被动陆缘的转换不会早于晚白垩世末.研究认为,在南海地区特提斯残留洋盆关闭的总背景下,在约80 Ma时期,南海地块与华南陆块强烈碰撞挤压,在靠近碰撞带处的礼乐滩、潮汕坳陷西南部形成褶皱冲断构造体系,进而控制了潮汕坳陷晚白垩世周缘前陆盆地的发育.


Based on the drilling data,the geological characteristics of the coast in South China,and the interpretation of the long seismic profiles covering the Pearl River Mouth Basin and southeastern Hainan Basin,the basin basement in the northern South China Sea is divided into four structural layers,namely,Pre-Sinian crystalline basement,Sinian-lower Paleozoic,upper Paleozoic,and Mesozoic structural layers.This paper discusses the distribution range and law and reveals the tectonic attribute of each structural layer.The Pre-Sinian crystalline basement is distributed in the northern South China Sea,which is linked to the Pre-Sinian crystalline basement of the Cathaysian Block and together they constitute a larger-scale continental block—the Cathaysian-northern South China Sea continental block.The Sinian-lower Paleozoic structural layer is distributed in the northern South China Sea,which is the natural extension of the Caledonian fold belt in South China to the sea area.The sediments are derived from southern East China Sea-Taiwan,Zhongsha-Xisha islands and Yunkai ancient uplifts,and some small basement uplifts.The Caledonian fold belt in the northern South China Sea is linked with that in South China and they constitute the wider fold belt.The upper Paleozoic structural layer is unevenly distributed in the northern South China.In the basement of Beibu Gulf Basin and southwestern Taiwan Basin,the structural layer is composed of the stable epicontinental sea deposit.The distribution areas in the Pearl River Mouth Basin and the southeastern Hainan Basin belong to ancient uplifts in the late Paleozoic,lacking the upper Paleozoic structural layers.The stratigraphic distribution and sedimentary environment in Middle-Late Jurassic to Cretaceous are characteristic of differentiation in the east and the west.The marine,paralic deposit is well developed in the basin basement of southwestern Taiwan but the volcanic activity is not obvious.The marine and paralic facies deposit is distributed in the eastern Pearl River Mouth Basin basement and the volcanic activity is stronger.The continental facies volcano-sediment in the Early Cretaceous is distributed in the basement of the western Pearl River Mouth Basin and Southeastern Hainan Basin.The Upper Cretaceous red continental facies clastic rocks are distributed in the Beibu Gulf Basin and Yinggehai Basin.The NE direction granitic volcanic-intrusive complex,volcano-sedimentary basin,fold and fault in Mesozoic basement have the similar temporal and spatial distribution,geological feature,and tectonic attribute with the coastal land in South China,and they belong to the same magma-deposition-tectonic system,which demonstrates that the late Mesozoic structural layer was formed in the background of active continental margin.Based on the analysis of basement structure and the study on tectonic attribute,the paleogeographic map of the basin basement in different periods in the northern South China Sea is compiled.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地发育于前新生代基底之上,作为南海被动大陆边缘一部分,记录了南海北部裂陷盆地结构及其演化.利用最新钻井、反射地震、重力等资料,分析新生代盖层和前新生代基底地壳结构,建立盆地地层结构模型,然后计算全盆地地壳伸展变化特征.结果表明:新生代地层序列的盆地充填由西向东逐渐减薄,古近纪、新近纪以及第四纪期间(45 Ma~现今)最后沉积中心呈现逐渐向西或西南迁移趋势.下地壳局部表现为地震速度偏高(厚度2~4 km,vP>7.0 km·s-1,水平延伸范围约为40~70 km).重震联合模拟显示这里存在密度偏高特征,推测存在可能与张裂晚期和扩张早期岩浆物质底侵或混合到伸展程度较低的大陆地壳有关.计算获得的前新生代基底地壳厚度由在弱展区域陆架区约25 km,在减薄最大区域中央坳陷为3 km.伸展系数(β)最高值大于6.0出现在中央坳陷,低值小于2.0在坳陷南北两侧,说明地壳在盆地中央拉伸比较剧烈.  相似文献   


This investigation presents a new approach to estimate the costs resulting from the introduction of environmental flows in the arid Huasco River basin, located in the Atacama Region of Chile, one of the most sophisticated private water markets worldwide. The aim is to provide information to the water users, who hold the right to decide on water use, and thereby support the inclusion of environmental flows into decision-making. Costs are estimated by calculating the loss of agricultural productivity resulting from a trade-off between users and environmental flow requirements in times of water scarcity. Based on environmental flow requirements calculated by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and hydrological supply-and-demand modelling using the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model, economic parameters of water productivity are calculated for the main economic sectors and then included in hydrological analysis. The study presents concrete costs that might be imposed on the water users during times of water scarcity, and confirms that there are significant variations in water productivity between different sectors.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Wagnitz, P., Núñez, J., and Ribbe, L., 2014. Cost of environmental flow during water scarcity in the arid Huasco River basin, northern Chile. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 700–712.  相似文献   

Deep water bottom current deposition in the northern South China Sea   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
There are some active bottom currents on the northern continental slope of the South China Sea (SCS). Reflection seismic profiles show that the bottom current channels occur in the water depth range of 1000 to 2700 m,extending from the NE to the SW,leading to accumulation of discontinuous drifts with higher sedimentation rates on the eastern side of the channel. The stacking pattern of the layers sug-gests that these drifts propagated southwestward,following the direction of the bottom currents. One sedimentary drift to the southeast of the Dongsha Islands has the highest sedimentation rate of 97cm/ka in the last 12 ka. The sedimentary characteristics of the sediment layers indicate that these bottom currents are most likley caused by the water movement of a branch of the West Pacific Ocean Current,which enters the northern SCS via the Bashi Strait. Once formed,the bottom currents trans-port sediments along the northern slope of SCS southwestward and finally disappear into the central basin of the SCS. Due to the bottom current activity,the deep-sea sedimentary process in the northern SCS is complex.  相似文献   

Here we develop mathematical results to describe the location of linear instability of a parallel mean flow within the framework of the shallow water equations; growth estimates of near neutral modes (for disturbances subcritical with respect to gravity wave speed) in the cases of non-rotating and rotating shallow water. The bottom topography is taken to be one-dimensional and the isobaths are parallel to the mean flow. In the case of a rotating fluid, the isobaths and the mean flow are assumed to be zonal. The flow is front-like: there is a monotonic increase of mean flow velocity. Our results show that for barotropic flows the location of instabilities will be a semi-ellipse region in the complex wave velocity plane, that is based on the wave-number, Froude number, and depth of the fluid layer. We also explore the instability region for the case of spatially unbounded mean velocity profiles for non-rotating shallow water.  相似文献   

In a compound meandering channel, patterns of flow structures and bed variations change with increasing water depth owing to complex momentum exchange between high-velocity flow in a main channel and low-velocity flows in flood plains. We have developed a new quasi-three-dimensional model without the shallow water assumption, i.e., hydrostatic pressure distribution; our method is known as the general bottom velocity computation (BVC) method. In this method, a set of depth-integrated equations, including depth-integrated momentum and vorticity equations, are prepared for evaluating bottom velocity and vertical velocity distributions. The objective of this study is to develop a bed variation calculation method for both single and compound meandering channels by using the BVC method coupled with a sediment transport model. This paper shows that the BVC method can reproduce the pattern change of bed variation in a compound meandering channel flow with increasing relative depth. The variation in sediment transport rate due to overbank flow is explained by experimental and computational results.  相似文献   

南海北部洋陆转换带盆地发育动力学机制   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
南海北部洋陆转换带是近年来基础科学研究和深水油气勘探热点地区.本文在详细研究南海北部洋陆转换带新采集的二维长电缆深反射地震剖面资料的基础上,采用挠曲悬臂梁模型和挠曲回剥模型算法,分别计算了上地壳、地壳和整个岩石圈拉伸系数,实验结果表明,研究区洋陆转换带盆地岩石圈发生了与深度相关的拉伸变形过程,并且随深度增加,拉伸量逐渐变大,该结果解释了南海北部盆地裂后阶段发生的加速沉降现象.同时,本文结合南海北部洋陆转换带盆地发育过程的特点,将洋陆转换带盆地演化划分为陆内裂陷阶段、裂后热沉降阶段和裂后加速沉降阶段.本研究将有助于认识南海北部深水盆地特征,并对大陆边缘动力学研究和陆缘盆地深水区油气勘探有重要意义.  相似文献   

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