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It has been thought that granitic crust,having been formed on the surface,must have survived through the Earth’s evolution because of its buoyancy.At subduction zones continental crust is predominantly created by arc magmatism and is returned to the mantle via sediment subduction,subduction erosion, and continental subduction.Granitic rocks,the major constituent of the continental crust,are lighter than the mantle at depths shallower than 270 km,but we show here,based on first principles calculations, that beneath 270 km they have negative buoyancy compared to the surrounding material in the upper mantle and transition zone,and thus can be subducted in the depth range of 270-660 km.This suggests that there can be two reservoirs of granitic material in the Earth,one on the surface and the other at the base of the mantle transition zone(MTZ).The accumulated volume of subducted granitic material at the base of the MTZ might amount to about six times the present volume of the continental crust.Our calculations also show that the seismic velocities of granitic material in the depth range from 270 to 660 km are faster than those of the surrounding mantle.This could explain the anomalous seismic-wave velocities observed around 660 km depth.The observed seismic scatterers and reported splitting of the 660 km discontinuity could be due to jadeite dissociation,chemical discontinuities between granitic material and the surrounding mantle,or a combination thereof.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112001478   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
REE composition of the carbonates of the auriferous quartz carbonate veins (QCVs) of the Neoarchean Ajjanahalli gold deposit, Chitradurga schist belt, Dharwar Craton, is characterized by U-shaped chondrite normalized REE patterns with both LREE and HREE enrichment and a distinct positive Eu anomaly. As positive Eu anomaly is associated with low oxygen fugacity, we propose that the auriferous fluids responsible for gold mineralization at Ajjanahalli could be from an oxygen depleted fluid. The observed positive Eu anomaly is interpreted to suggest the derivation of the auriferous fluids from a mantle reservoir. The location of Ajjanahalli gold deposit in a crustal scale shear zone is consistent with this interpretation.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114000292   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aeromagnetic anomaly zonation of the Ordos Basin and adjacent areas was obtained by processing highprecision and large-scale aeromagnetic anomalies with an approach of reduction to the pole upward continuation.Comparative study on aeromagnetic and seismic tomography suggests that aeromagnetic anomalies in this area are influenced by both the magnetic property of the rock and the burial depth of the Precambrian crystalline basement.Basement depth might be the fundamental control factor for aeromagnetic anomalies because the positive and negative anomalies on the reduction to the poleupward-continuation anomaly maps roughly coincide with the uplifts and depressions of the crystalline basement in the basin.The results,together with the latest understanding of basement faults,SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of metamorphic rock and granite,drilling data,detrital zircon ages,and gravity data interpretation,suggest that the Ordos block is not an entirety of Archean.  相似文献   

The evolution of Earth's biosphere,atmosphere and hydrosphere is tied to the formation of continental crust and its subsequent movements on tectonic plates.The supercontinent cycle posits that the continental crust is periodically amalgamated into a single landmass,subsequently breaking up and dispersing into various continental fragments.Columbia is possibly the first true supercontinent,it amalgamated during the 2.0-1.7 Ga period,and collisional orogenesis resulting from its formation peaked at 1.95-1.85 Ga.Geological and palaeomagnetic evidence indicate that Columbia remained as a quasi-integral continental lid until at least 1.3 Ga.Numerous break-up attempts are evidenced by dyke swarms with a large temporal and spatial range; however,palaeomagnetic and geologic evidence suggest these attempts remained unsuccessful.Rather than dispersing into continental fragments,the Columbia supercontinent underwent only minor modifications to form the next supercontinent (Rodinia) at 1.1 -0.9 Ga; these included the transformation of external accretionary belts into the internal Grenville and equivalent collisional belts.Although Columbia provides evidence for a form of ‘lid tectonics’,modern style plate tectonics occurred on its periphery in the form of accretionary orogens.The detrital zircon and preserved geological record are compatible with an increase in the volume of continental crust during Columbia's lifespan; this is a consequence of the continuous accretionary processes along its margins.The quiescence in plate tectonic movements during Columbia's lifespan is correlative with a long period of stability in Earth's atmospheric and oceanic chemistry.Increased variability starting at 1.3 Ga in the environmental record coincides with the transformation of Columbia to Rodinia; thus,the link between plate tectonics and environmental change is strengthened with this interpretation of supercontinent history.  相似文献   

A huge triangle-shaped tectonic region in eastern Asia plays host to numerous major earthquakes. The three boundaries of this region, which contains plateaus, mountains, and intermountain basins, are roughly the Himalayan arc, the Tianshan-Baikal, and longitude line 105°E. Within this triangular region, tectonism is intense and major deformation occurs both between crustal blocks and within most of them. Outside of this region, rigid blocks move as a whole with relatively few major earthquakes and relatively weak Cenozoic deformation. On a large tectonic scale, the presence of this broad region of intraplate deformation results from dynamic interactions between the Indian, Philippine Sea-West Pacific, and Eurasian plates, as well as the influence of deep-level mantle flow. The Indian subcontinent, which continues to move northwards at 40 mm/a since its collision with Eurasia, has plunged beneath Tibet, resulting in various movements and deformations along the Himalayan arc that diffuse over a long distance into the hinterland of Asia. The northward crustal escape of Asia from the Himalayan collisional zone turns eastwards and southeastwards along 95°–100°E longitude and defines the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. At the western Himalayan syntaxis, the Pamirs continue to move into central Asia, leading to crustal deformation and earthquakes that are largely accommodated by old EW or NW trending faults in the bordering areas between China, Mongolia, and Russia, and are restricted by the stable landmass northwest of the Tianshan-Altai-Baikal region. The subduction of the Philippine and Pacific plates under the Eurasian continent has generated a very long and narrow seismic zone along trenches and island arcs in the marginal seas while imposing only slight horizontal compression on the Asian continent that does not impede the eastward motion of eastern Asia. In the third dimension, there may be southeastward deep mantle flow beneath most of Eurasia that reaches the marginal seas and may contribute to extension along the eastern margin of Eurasia.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112001296   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We present field, petrographic, major and trace element data for komatiites and komatiite basalts from Sargur Group Nagamangala greenstone belt, western Dharwar craton. Field evidences such as crude pillow structure indicate their eruption in a marine environment whilst spinifex texture reveals their komatiite nature. Petrographic data suggest that the primary mineralogy has been completely altered during post-magmatic processes associated with metamorphism corresponding to greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions. The studied komatiites contain serpentine, talc, tremolite, actinolite and chlorite whilst tremolite, actinolite with minor plagioclase in komatiitic basalts. Based on the published Sm-Nd whole rock isochron ages of adjoining Banasandra komatiites (northern extension of Nagamangala belt) and further northwest in Nuggihalli belt and Kalyadi belt we speculate ca. 3.2–3.15 Ga for komatiite eruption in Nagamangala belt. Trace element characteristics particularly HFSE and REE patterns suggest that most of the primary geochemical characteristics are preserved with minor influence of post-magmatic alteration and/or contamination. About 1/3 of studied komatiites show Al-depletion whilst remaining komatiites and komatiite basalts are Al-undepleted. Several samples despite high MgO, (Gd/Yb)N ratios show low CaO/Al2O3 ratios. Such anomalous values could be related to removal of CaO from komatiites during fluid-driven hydrothermal alteration, thus lowering CaO/Al2O3 ratios. The elemental characteristics of Al-depleted komatiites such as higher (Gd/Yb)N (>1.0), CaO/Al2O3 (>1.0), Al2O3/TiO2 (<18) together with lower HREE, Y, Zr and Hf indicate their derivation from deeper upper mantle with minor garnet (majorite?) involvement in residue whereas lower (Gd/Yb)N (<1.0), CaO/Al2O3 (<0.9), higher Al2O3/TiO2 (>18) together with higher HREE, Y, Zr suggest their derivation from shallower upper mantle without garnet involvement in residue. The observed chemical characteristics (CaO/Al2O3, Al2O3/TiO2, MgO, Ni, Cr, Nb, Zr, Y, Hf, and REE) indicate derivation of the komatiite and komatiite basalt magmas from heterogeneous mantle (depleted to primitive mantle) at different depths in hot spot environments possibly with a rising plume. The low content of incompatible elements in studied komatiites suggest existence of depleted mantle during ca. 3.2 Ga which in turn imply an earlier episode of mantle differentiation, greenstone volcanism and continental growth probably during ca. 3.6–3.3 Ga which is substantiated by Nd and Pb isotope data of gneisses and komatiites in western Dharwar craton (WDC).  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113001151   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magma mixing process is unusual in the petrogenesis of felsic rocks associated with alkaline complex worldwide. Here we present a rare example of magma mixing in syenite from the Yelagiri Alkaline Comp...  相似文献   

Tourmaline occurs as a minor but important mineral in the alteration zc,ne of the Archean orogenic gold deposit of Guddadarangavanahalli (G.R.Halli) in the Chitradurga greenst~ne belt of the western Dharwar craton, southern India. It occurs in the distal alteration halo of the G.R.Halli golcl deposit as (a) clusters of very fine grained aggregates which form a minor constituent in the natrix of the altered metabasalt (AMB tourmaline) and (b) in quartz-carbonate veins (vein tourmaline). ~['he vein tourmaline, based upon the association of specific carbonate minerals, is further grouped as (i) albite-tourmaline-ankerite-quartz veins (vein-1 tourmaline) and (ii) albite-tourmaline-calcite-quartz veins (vein-2 tourmaline). Both the AMB tourmaline and the vein tourmalines (vein-I and vein-2) belong to the alkali group and are clas- sified under schorl-dravite series. Tourmalines occurring in the veins are zoned while the AMB tour- malines are unzoned. Mineral chemistry and discrimination diagrams 1eveal that cores and rims of the vein tourmalines are distinctly different. Core composition of the ve:n tourmalines is similar to the composition of the AMB tourmaline. The formation of the AMB tourmaline and cores of the vein tour- malines are proposed to be related to the regional D1 deformational event associated with the emplacement of the adjoining ca. 2.61 Ga Chitradurga granite whilst rims of the vein tourmalines vis-a- vis gold mineralization is spatially linked to the juvenile magmatic accretion (2.56-2.50 Ga) east of the studied area in the western part of the eastern Dharwar craton.  相似文献   

An arguable point regarding the Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution of the North China Craton(NCC)is whether the tectonic setting in the central belt during the mid-Paleoproterozoic(2.35-2.0 Ga)was dominated by an extensional regime or an oceanic subduction-arc regime.A review of the midPaleoproterozoic magmatism and sedimentation for the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping region suggests that a back-arc extension regime was dominant in this region.This conclusion is consistent with the observation that the 2.35-2.0 Ga magmatism shows a typical bimodal distribution where the mafic rocks mostly have arc affinities and the acidic rocks mainly comprise highly-fractioned calc-alkaline to alkaline(or A-type)granites,and that this magmatism was coeval with development of extensional basins characteristic of transgressive sequences with volcanic interlayers such as in the Hutuo Group.Although the final amalgamation of the NCC was believed to occur at ~1.85 Ga,recent zircon U-Pb age dating for mica schist in the Wutai Group suggests a collisional event may have occurred at ~1.95 Ga.The metamorphic ages of ~1.85 Ga,obtained mostly from the high-grade rocks using the zircon U-Pb approach,most probably indicate uplifting and cooling of these high-grade terranes.This is because(i)phase modeling suggests that newly-grown zircon grains in highgrade rocks with a melt phase cannot date the age of peak pressure and temperature stages,but the age of melt crystallization in cooling stages;(ii)the metamorphic P-T paths with isobaric cooling under 6-7 kb for the Hengshan and Fuping granulites suggest their prolonged stay in the middle-lower crust;and(iii)the obtained metamorphic age data show a continuous distribution from 1.95 to 1.80 Ga.Thus,an alternative tectonic scenario for the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping region involves:(i)formation of a proto-NCC at ~2.5 Ga;(ii)back-arc extension during 2.35-2.0 Ga resulting in bimodal magmatism and sedimentation in rifting basins on an Archean basement;?  相似文献   

Quasi-integrity of continental crust between Mid-Archaean and Ediacaran times is demonstrated by conformity of palaeomagnetic poles to near-static positions between~2.7-2.2 Ca,~1.5-1.2 Ga and~0.75-0.6 Ga.Intervening data accord to coherent APW loops turning at "hairpins" focused near a continental-centric location.Although peripheral adjustments occurred during Early Proterozoic (~2.2 Ga) and Grenville(~1.1 Ga) times,the crust retained a low order symmetrical crescent-shaped form constrained to a single global hemisphere until break-up in Ediacaran times.Conformity of palaeomagnetic data to specific Eulerian parameters enables definition of a master Precambrian APW path used to estimate the root mean square velocity(vRMS) of continental crust between 2.8 and 0.6 Ga.A long interval of little polar movement between~2.7 and 2.2 Ga correlates with global magmatic shutdown between~2.45 and 2.2 Ga,whilst this interval and later slowdown at~0.75-0.6 Ga to velocities of <2 cm/year correlate with episodes of widespread glaciation implying that these prolonged climatic anomalies had an internal origin;the reduced input of volcanically-derived atmospheric greenhouse gases is inferred to have permitted freeze-over conditions with active ice sheets extending into equatorial latitudes as established by low magnetic inclinations in glaciogenic deposits.vRMS variations through Precambrian times correspond to the distribution of U-Pb ages in orogenic granitoids and detrital zircons and demonstrate that mobility of continental crust has been closely related to crustal tectonism and incrementation.Both periods of near-stillstand were followed by rapid vRMS recording massive heat release from beneath the continental lid at~2.2 and 0.6 Ga.The first coincided with the Lomagundi-Jatuli isotopic event and led to prolonged orogenesis accompanied by continental flooding and reconfiguration of the crust on the Earth’s surface;the second led to continental break-up and instigated the comprehensive Plate Tectonics that has characterised Phanerozoic times.The Mesoproterozoic interval characterised by anorogenic magmatism correlates with low vRMS between~1.5 and 1.1 Ga.Insulation of the sub-continental mantle evidently permitted high temperature melting and weakening of the crustal lid to enable buoyant emplacement of large plutons at high crustal levels during this magmatic event unique to Mesoproterozoic and early Neoproterozoic times.  相似文献   

In this paper,we analyze lithospheric density distribution of China and surrounding regions on the basis of 300300gravity data and 1 1 P-wave velocity data.Firstly,we used the empirical equation between the density and the P-wave velocity difference as the base of the initial model of the Asian lithospheric density.Secondly,we calculated the gravity anomaly,caused by the Moho discontinuity and the sedimentary layer discontinuity,by the Parker formula.Thirdly,the gravity anomaly of the spherical harmonics with 2e40 order for the anomalous body below the lithosphere is calculated based on the model of EGM96.Finally,by using Algebra Reconstruction Techniques(ART),the inversion of 300300residual lithospheric Bouguer gravity anomaly caused by the lithosphere yields a rather detailed structural model.The results show that the lithospheric density distribution of China and surrounding regions has a certain connection with the tectonic structure.The density is relatively high in the Philippine Sea plate,Japan Sea,the Indian plate,the Kazakhstan shield and the Western Siberia plain,whereas the Tibetan Plateau has low-density characteristics.The minimum value of density lies in the north of Philippines,in the Taiwan province and in the Ryukyu island arc.  相似文献   

Several stratigraphic breaks and unconformities exist in the Mesoproterozoic successions in the northern margin of the North China Block.Geologic characters and spatial distributions of fve of these unconformities,which have resulted from different geological processes,have been studied.The unconformity beneath the Dahongyu Formation is interpreted as a breakup unconformity,representing the time of transition from continental rift to passive continental margin.The unconformities beneath the Gaoyuzhuang and the Yangzhuang formations are considered to be the consequence of regional eustatic fuctuations,leading to the exposure of highlands in passive margins during low sea-level stands and transgressive deposition on coastal regions during high sea-level stands.The unconformity atop the Tieling Formation might be caused by uplift due to contractional deformation in a back-arc setting,whereas the uplift after the deposition of the Xiamaling Formation might be attributed to a continental collision event.It is assumed that the occurrences of these unconformities in the Mesoproterozoic successions in the northern margin of the North China Block had a close bearing on the assemblage and breakup of the Columbia and Rodinia supercontinents.  相似文献   

Since continental sediments (in addition to the marine geological record) offer important means of deciphering environmental changes, the sediments hosted by the successive flows of the continental flood basalt provinces of the world should be treasure houses in gathering the palaeoclimatic data. Palaeosols developed on top of basalt flows are potentially ideal for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions because it is easy to determine their protolith geochemistry and also they define a definite time interval. The present paper summarizes the nature of the basalt-hosted palaeosols formed on the flood basalts provinces from different parts of the ~lobe havin~ different ages.  相似文献   

We present three 3D numerical models of deep subduction where buoyant material from an oceanic plateau and a plume interact with the overriding plate to assess the influence on subduction dynamics,trench geometry,and mechanisms for plateau accretion and continental growth.Transient instabilities of the convergent margin are produced,resulting in:contorted trench geometry;trench migration parallel with the plate margin;folding of the subducting slab and orocline development at the convergent margin;and transfer of the plateau to the overriding plate.The presence of plume material beneath the oceanic plateau causes flat subduction above the plume,resulting in a "bowed" shaped subducting slab.In plateau-only models,plateau accretion at the edge of the overriding plate results in trench migration around the edge of the plateau before subduction is re-established directly behind the trailing edge of the plateau.The plateau shortens and some plateau material subducts.The presence of buoyant plume material beneath the oceanic plateau has a profound influence on the behaviour of the convergent margin.In the plateau + plume model,plateau accretion causes rapid trench advance.Plate convergence is accommodated by shearing at the base of the plateau and shortening in the overriding plate.The trench migrates around the edge of the plateau and subduction is re-established well behind the trailing edge of the plateau,effectively embedding the plateau into the overriding plate.A slab window forms beneath the accreted plateau and plume material is transferred from the subducting plate to the overriding plate through the window.In all of the models,the subduction zone maintains a relatively stable configuration away from the buoyancy anomalies within the downgoing plate.The models provide a dynamic context for plateau and plume accretion in Phanerozoic accretionary orogenic systems such as the East China Orogen and the Central Asian Orogen(Altiads),which are characterised by accreted ophiolite complexes with diverse geochemical affinities,and a protracted evolution of accretion of exotic terranes including oceanic plateau and terranes with plume origins.  相似文献   

We present the disaster-forced biological evolution model as a general framework that includes Darwinian "phylogenic gradualism",Eldredge-Gould's "punctuated equilibrium",mass extinctions,and allopatric.parapatric,and sympatric speciation.It describes how reproductive isolation of organisms is established through global disasters due to supernova encounters and local disasters due to radioactive volcanic ash fall-outs by continental alkaline volcanism.Our new evolution model uniquely highlights three major factors of disaster-forced speciation:enhanced mutation rate by higher natural radiation level,smaller population size,and shrunken habitat size(i.e.,isolation among the individual populations).We developed a mathematical model describing speciation of a half-isolated group from a parental group,taking into account the population size(N_e),immigration rate(m),and mutation rate(μ).The model gives a quantitative estimate of the speciation,which is consistent with the observations of speciation speed.For example,the speciation takes at least 10~5 generations,if mutation rate is less than10~(-3) per generation per individual.This result is consistent with the previous studies,in which μ is assumed to be 10~(-3)-10~(-5).On the other hand,the speciation is much faster(less than 10~5 generations)for the case that μ is as large as 0.1 in parapatric conditions(m μ).Even a sympatric(m ~ 1) speciation can occur within 10~3 generations,if mutation rate is very high(μ~1 mutation per individual per generation),and if N_e 20-30.Such a high mutation rate is possible during global disasters due to supernova encounters and local disasters due to radioactive ash fall-outs.They raise natural radiation level by a factor of 100-1000.Such rapid speciation events can also contribute to macro-evolution during mass extinction events,such as observed during the Cambrian explosion of biodiversity.A similar rapid speciation(though in a much smaller scale) also has been undergoing in cichlid fishes and great African apes in the last several tens of thousand years in the current African rift valley,including the origin of humankind due to the radioactive ash fall-outs by continental alkaline volcanism.  相似文献   

Based on the interpretations of three seismic profiles and one wide-angle seismic profile across the Northwest Sub-basin, South China Sea, stratigraphic sequences, deformation characteristics and an extension model for this sub-basin have been worked out. Three tectonic-stratigraphic units are determined. Detailed analyses of extension show that the event occurred mainly during the Paleogene and resulted in the formation of half-grabens or grabens distributed symmetrically around the spreading center. Sediments are characterized by chaotic and discontinuous reflectors, indicating clastic sediments. Farther to the southwest, the sub-basin features mainly continental rifting instead of sea-floor spreading. The rifting would have been controlled by the shape of the massif and developed just along the northern edge of the Zhongsha-Xisha Block, rather than joined the Xisha Trough. After 25 Ma, a southward ridge jump triggered the opening of the Southwest Sub-basin. The NW-directed stress caused by the sea-floor spreading of the Northwest Sub-basin may have prevented the continuous opening of the sub-basin. After that the Northwest Sub-basin experienced thermal cooling and exhibited broad subsidence. The deep crustal structure shown by the velocity model from a wide-angle seismic profile is also symmetrical around the spreading center, which indicates that the Northwest Sub-basin might have opened in a pure shear model.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000060   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Khondalite Belt within the Inner Mongolia Suture Zone(IMSZ) in the North China Craton is a classic example for Paleoproterozoic ultrahigh-temperature(UHT) metamorphism.Here we report new spinel-bearing metapelitic granulites from a new locality at Xumayao within the southern domain of the IMSZ.Petrological studies and thermodynamic modeling of the spinel+quartz-bearing assemblage shows that these rocks experienced extreme metamorphism at UHT conditions.Spinel occurs in two textural settings:(1) high XZn(Zn/(Mg+Fe+Zn)=0.071-0.232) spinel with perthitic K-feld-spar. sillimanite and quartz in the rock matrix;and(2) low XZn(0.045—0.070) spinel as inclusions within garnet porphyroblasts in association with quartz and sillimanite. Our phase equilibria modeling indicates two main stages during the metamorphic evolution of these rocks:(1) near-isobaric cooling from 975℃to 875℃around 8 kbar.represented by the formation of garnet porphyroblasts from spinel and quartz;and(2)cooling and decompression from 850℃.8 kbar to below 750℃.6.5 kbar,represented by the break-down of garnet.The spinel+quartz assemblage is considered to have been stable at peak metamorphisni.formed through the break-down of cordierite.indicating a near isothermal compression process.Our study confirms the regional extent of UHT metamorphisni within the IMSZ associated with the Paleoproterozoic subduction-collision process.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113001072   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The late Permian Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP) covers ~0.3 x 106 km2 of the western margin of the Yangtze Block and Tibetan Plateau with displaced,correlative units in northern Vietnam(Song Da zone).The ELIP is of particular interest because it contains numerous world-class base metal deposits and is contemporaneous with the late Capitanian(~260 Ma) mass extinction.The flood basalts are the signature feature of the ELIP but there are also ultramafic and silicic volcanic rocks and layered maficultramafic and silicic plutonic rocks exposed.The ELIP is divided into three nearly concentric zones(i.e.inner,middle and outer) which correspond to progressively thicker crust from the inner to the outer zone.The eruptive age of the ELIP is constrained by geological,paleomagnetic and geochronological evidence to an interval of 3 Ma.The presence of picritic rocks and thick piles of flood basalts testifies to high temperature thermal regime however there is uncertainty as to whether these magmas were derived from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle or sub-lithospheric mantle(i.e.asthenosphere or mantle plume) sources or both.The range of Sr(I_(Sr) = 0.7040-0.7132),Nd(ε_(Nd)(t) ≈-14 to +8),Pb(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb_1≈ 17.9-20.6) and Os(γ_(Os) =-5 to +11) isotope values of the ultramafic and mafic rocks does not permit a conclusive answer to ultimate source origin of the primitive rocks but it is clear that some rocks were affected by crustal contamination and the presence of near-depleted isotope compositions suggests that there is a sub-lithospheric mantle component in the system.The silicic rocks are derived by basaltic magmas/rocks through fractional crystallization or partial melting,crustal melting or by interactions between mafic and crustal melts.The formation of the Fe-Ti-V oxide-ore deposits is probably due to a combination of fractional crystallization of Ti-rich basalt and fluxing of C02-rich fluids whereas the Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits are related to crystallization and crustal contamination of mafic or ultramafic magmas with subsequent segregation of a sulphide-rich portion.The ELIP is considered to be a mantle plume-derived LIP however the primary evidence for such a model is less convincing(e.g.uplift and geochemistry) and is far more complicated than previously suggested but is likely to be derived from a relatively short-lived,plume-like upwelling of mantle-derived magmas.The emplacement of the ELIP may have adversely affected the short-term environmental conditions and contributed to the decline in biota during the late Capitanian.  相似文献   

In the eastern part of the Indian shield,late PaleozoiceMesozoic sedimentary rocks of the Talchir Basin lie precisely along a contact of Neoproterozoic age between granulites of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt(EGMB)and amphibolite facies rocks of the Rengali Province.At present,the northern part of the basin experiences periodic seismicity by reactivation of faults located both within the basin,and in the Rengali Province to the north.Detailed gravity data collected across the basin show that Bouguer anomalies decrease from the EGMB(wt15 mGal),through the basin(w 10 mGal),into the Rengali Province(w 15 mGal).The data are consistent with the reportedly uncompensated nature of the EGMB,and indicate that the crust below the Rengali Province has a cratonic gravity signature.The contact between the two domains with distinct sub-surface structure,inferred from gravity data,coincides with the North Orissa Boundary Fault(NOBF)that defnes the northern boundary of the Talchir Basin.Post-Gondwana faults are also localized along the northern margin of the basin,and present-day seismic tremors also have epicenters close to the NOBF.This indicates that the NOBF was formed by reactivation of a Neoproterozoic terrane boundary,and continues to be susceptible to seismic activity even at the present-day.  相似文献   

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