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According to topography of Yemen, most areas and villages are located at obligated crest, toe of mountain and under cliffs. Therefore Al-Huwayshah consisting of Tawilah sandstone group is characterized by steep slope reach to 90° in some areas. This area is affected by strong tectonic movements and faults that occurred during the geological epochs. This effect enhances to find out fractures and joints as well as the rocks become brittle and ready to slide depending on the position of area. And there are some fractures and joints on the surface of the areas due to tectonic movement associated with opening the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The rainfalls, fractures, joints, earthquakes, gravity, vegetations, temperatures and human activities play a big role in the processes of rockfalls and landslides in this area. All those factors are considered as the basic causes and catalyzed factors for occurrence of rockfall in the studide area. In addition, the authors carried out laboratory test for many rock samples to get the physical properties of the rocks.  相似文献   

According to topography of Yemen,most areas and villages are located at obligated crest,toe of mountain and under cliffs.Therefore Al-Huwayshah consisting of Tawilah sandstone group is characterized by steep slope reach to 90° in some areas.This area is affected by strong tectonic movements and faults that occurred during the geological epochs.This effect enhances to find out fractures and joints as well as the rocks become brittle and ready to slide depending on the position of area.And there are some frac...  相似文献   

Studying the landslide and rockfall in Yemen still in its preliminary stage. Al Gayah rockfall site is a chronic problem as many other areas in the Republic of Yemen. The present authors have tried to highlight, and find best solution for this problem for the first time. Field work, collecting data and laboratory test for many rock samples such physical properties, chemical for major elements and thin section have been carried out. The physical properties performed according to ASTM, and then the result have been gotten and discussed.  相似文献   

IntroductionRockfalls and landslides can be considered as a natural geological phenomena that indicate the move-ment of the rocks and soil/sand. It occurs at the sites of slopes of high mountains cliffs, hanging valleys, rims and faults due to the movemen…  相似文献   

Slope debris flows in the Wenchuan Earthquake area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Avalanches and landslides, induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake on May 12, 2008, resulted in a lot of disaggregated, solid material on slopes that could be readily mobilized as source material for debris flows. Rainstorms triggered numerous slope debris flows with great damage to highways and rivers over the subsequent two years. Slope debris flows (as opposed to channelized debris flows) are defined as phenomena in which high-concentration mixtures of debris and water flow down slopes for short distances to highways and river banks. Based on field investigations and measurements of 19 slope debris flows, their main characteristics and potential mitigation strategies were studied. High rainfall intensity is the main triggering factor. Critical rainfall intensities for simultaneous occurrence of single, several and numerous slope debris flow events were 20 mm/day, 30mm/day, and 90 mm/day, respectively. Field investigations also revealed that slope debris flows consist of high concentrations of cobbles, boulders and gravel. They are two-phase debris flows. The liquid phase plays the role of lubrication instead of transporting medium. Solid particles collide with each other and consume a lot of energy. The velocities of slope debris flows are very low, and their transport distances are only several tens of meters. Slope debris flows may be controlled by construction of drainage systems and by reforestation.  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced potential landslides are commonly estimated using landslide susceptibility maps. Nevertheless, the fault location is not identified and the ground motion caused by it is unavailable in the map. Thus, potential coseismic landslides for a specific fault motion-induced earthquake could not be predicted using the map. It is meaningful to incorporate the fault location and ground motion characteristics into the landslide predication model. A new method for a specific fault motion-induced coseismic landslide prediction model using GIS (Geographic Information System) is proposed herein. Location of mountain ridges, slope gradients over 45 o , PVGA (Peak Vertical Ground Accelerations) exceeded 0.15 g, and PHGA (Peak Horizontal Ground Accelerations) exceeded 0.25 g of slope units were representing locations that initiated landslides during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan. These coseismic landslide characteristics were used to identify areas where landslides occurred during Meishan fault motion-induced strong ground motions in Chiayi County in Taiwan. The strong ground motion (over 8 Gal in the database, 1 Gal = 0.01 m/s 2 , and 1 g = 981 Gal) characteristics were evaluated by the fault length, site distance to the fault, and topography, and their attenuation relations are presented in GIS. The results of the analysis show that coseismic landslide areas could be identified promptly using GIS. The earthquake intensity and focus depth have visible effects on ground motion. The shallower the focus depth, the larger the magnitude increase of the landslides. The GIS-based landslide predication method is valuable combining the geomorphic characteristics and ground motion attenuation relationships for a potential region landslide hazard assessment and in disaster mitigation planning.  相似文献   

分析了四川理县一处山体滑坡2014-08~2015-08的监测数据。结果表明,滑坡处于缓慢发生中,滑移的主要方向指向山体旁的学校;1 a中3个监测点在该方向上的累积位移量分别为180 mm、262 mm和448 mm。分析降雨量资料发现,降雨对山体滑坡有延迟的影响。利用ANSYS软件对滑坡发生的过程进行数值模拟,并计算监测点的位移,结果与实际观测情况吻合较好,得到降雨量与弹性模量、密度、粘聚力、内摩擦角之间的关系。该数值模拟实验提供了一种预测滑坡的新方法。  相似文献   

 滑坡是最常见的一种地质灾害,其主要诱因是降雨。滑坡灾害多发生在雨量充沛地域或洪水季节。南京市受自然环境和地质环境的影响,滑坡是其最主要的地质灾害类型之一,为了有效地预测滑坡的发生情况并最大限度地减少滑坡灾害为南京带来的损失,本文在已有的南京市地质灾害易发区等研究的成果上,结合南京市历史滑坡数据、气象资料和地质灾害预测数学模型构建了南京市滑坡灾害预测方法并确定了南京市滑坡灾害预测预报技术流程。在该预测方法和技术流程的基础上,本文同时应用了数据库技术、ArcGIS Server技术、AJAX远程调用技术、网页局部刷新技术和地图缓存技术等,融合地理信息系统功能与滑坡灾害预测预报业务功能,开发了南京市滑坡灾害预测预报信息共享平台。该平台可以对滑坡灾害基础数据和实时气象数据动态、科学地管理,结合南京市实时降雨数据可实现滑坡灾害预测预报并将灾害信息实时在线发布,同时提供对滑坡灾害信息的查询、检索、统计分析等功能,最终通过该信息共享平台,为南京市滑坡灾害的防灾减灾提供决策支持,为其他需要建立滑坡灾害预测信息共享平台的城市提供参考。  相似文献   

Characteristic rainfall for warning of debris flows   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
A characteristic rainfall is introduced to overcome the difficulties encountered in determining a critical rainfall value for triggering debris flow.The characteristic value is defined as the rainfall at which debris-flow occurrence probability shows a rapid increase,and can be used as a warning rainfall threshold for debris flows.Investigation of recorded debris flows and 24-hour rainfall data at Jiangjia basin,Yunnan Province,in southwestern China,demonstrates the existence of such a characteristic rainfa...  相似文献   

According to the data of preliminary survey, the authors established a landslide geological model,on the basis of analyses on the sensitivity of landslide, tried to simulate and calculate the landslide stability of Shuitianba with the method of transfer coefficient when it is under different strength parameters, and study the landslide mechanism. The results show that it is sensitive to the effects of shear strength parameters of sliding zone and groundwater level on landslide stability safety coefficient, which provides reliable basis for calculation of landslide stability.  相似文献   

Submarine landslides occur frequently on most continental margins. They are effective mechanisms of sediment transfer but also a geological hazard to seafloor installations. In this paper, submarine slope stability is evaluated using a 2D limit equilibrium method. Considerations of slope, sediment, and triggering force on the factor of safety (FOS) were calculated in drained and undrained (Φ=0) cases. Results show that submarine slopes are stable when the slope is <16° under static conditions and without a weak interlayer. With a weak interlayer, slopes are stable at <18° in the drained case and at <9° in the undrained case. Earthquake loading can drastically reduce the shear strength of sediment with increased pore water pressure. The slope became unstable at >13° with earthquake peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.5 g; whereas with a weak layer, a PGA of 0.2 g could trigger instability at slopes >10°, and >3° for PGA of 0.5 g. The northern slope of the South China Sea is geomorphologically stable under static conditions. However, because of the possibility of high PGA at the eastern margin of the South China Sea, submarine slides are likely on the Taiwan Bank slope and eastern part of the Dongsha slope. Therefore, submarine slides recognized in seismic profiles on the Taiwan Bank slope would be triggered by an earthquake, the most important factor for triggering submarine slides on the northern slope of the South China Sea. Considering the distribution of PGA, we consider the northern slope of the South China Sea to be stable, excluding the Taiwan Bank slope, which is tectonically active.  相似文献   

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1IntroductionThe study area lies in the northern part of Al Jarra village in Di Naim-Al Bayda District (Fig. 1). The area under investigation is characterized by rugged topography and generally covered by base-ment rocks. The northern part of the study ar…  相似文献   

The Jabal Mabal-prospect of Al Bayda area is covered by meta-volcano sedimentary rocks. The importance of the study area comes from previous studies, which proved that the area has mineralization zones at the periphery of Jabal Al-Mabal. These mineralized zones lie along northwest-southeast shear zones, which occur inside the meta-volcanic rocks. The previous studies concluded that the mineralization was mostly associated with sulphides, especially at the reduction zones. These sulphides give a good response to electrical or electromagnetic techniques. The present study uses electrically induced polarization and Genie electromagnetic surveys to explore the extension of the mineralization zones at the subsurface. The self-potential (SP) technique shows numerous of mineralized zones. Most of these zones are distributed in the southern area along the contact between the quartz and gabbro. The induced polarization (IP) method has been applied on the selected profiles to delineate the subsurface contact between calcite, gabbro and quartz in Al-Jarra Valley and to calculate the shape and depth of the mineralization zones in the subsurface along these profiles. The Genie electromagnetic survey, which has been applied on selected profiles, delineated some weak mineralization occurrences corresponding to the shear zones. The integration of the results obtained using these three techniques, in addition to the different ground geophysical methods previously used, makes it possible to determine the most appropriate zones for development of exploration at the area of investigation.  相似文献   

The water erosion prediction project(WEPP) model is a popular water erosion prediction tool developed on the basis of the physical processes of water erosion.Although WEPP has been widely used around the world,its application in China is still insufficient.In this study,the performance of WEPP used to estimate the runoff and soil loss on purple soil(Calcaric Regosols in FAO taxonomy) sloping cropland was assessed with the data from runoff plots under simulated rainfall conditions.Based on measured soil properties,runoff and erosion parameters,namely effective hydraulic conductivity,inter-rill erodibility,rill erodibility,and critical shear stress were determined to be 2.68 mm h-1,5.54 × 106 kg s-1 m 4,0.027 s m 1 and 3.5 Pa,respectively,by using the recommended equations in the WEPP user manual.The simulated results were not good due to the low Nash efficiency of 0.41 for runoff and negative Nash efficiency for soil loss.After the four parameters were calibrated,WEPP performed better for soil loss prediction with a Nash efficiency of 0.76.The different results indicated that the equations recommended by WEPP to calculate parameters such as erodiblity and critical shear stress are not suitable for the purple soil areas,Sichuan Province,China.Although the predicted results can be accepted by optimizing the runoff and erosion parameters,more research related to the determination of erodibility and critical sheer stress must be conducted to improve the application of WEPP in the purple soil areas.  相似文献   

金沙江结合带结构破碎,软弱岩层发育,流域性特大高位地质灾害频繁发生.针对该区域开展大范围滑坡调查与监测研究,对减灾防灾具有重要意义.以金沙江结合带巴塘段为试验区,采用堆叠InSAR技术分别利用升轨、降轨Sentinel-1 A卫星数据对该区域滑坡隐患开展了调查研究.在此基础上,以中心绒乡滑坡群为重点研究区,利用多维小基...  相似文献   

AbstractYemen located on the southwest corner of the Arabian Peninsula. It is known that Yemen is important to world energy markets because of its oil and natural gas resources as well as its strategic location at the Bab el - Mandab strait linking the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Due to the Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources (MOMR, 1998E) the Yemeni Oil Production was estimated to be 385 000 barrels per day (bbl/d), Oil Consumption was 69 000 bbl/d and Net Oil Exports was 316 000 barrels per day (bbl/d). On 1999 the Yemeni Proven Oil Reserves was estimated to be 4 billion barrels and the Natural Gas Reserves was estimated to be 16.9 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) (Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources, 1999). At this time, many researchers, scientific expeditions and foreign companies are interested in Yemen. This paper discussed the petroleum overview of the Republic of Yemen. In my opinion, Yemen is not just going to attract all with its oil and gas discoveries in the near future, but also with its new geological data and information.  相似文献   

中国长江流域洪涝灾害和持续性暴雨的发生特征及成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要综述了最近关于中国长江流域洪涝灾害和持续性暴雨发生特征和成因的研究。表明:长江流域洪涝灾害和持续性暴雨的发生频率非常高,并给经济造成了严重损失,长江流域洪涝灾害发生不仅具有准两年周期的年际变化,而且具有明显的年代际变化,从1977年之后,长江流域洪涝灾害和持续性暴雨增多;并且,表明了无论是长江中、下游地区或是长江上游的川东地区持续性暴雨都是在"鞍"型大尺度环流系统的配置下发生,这是由于这种大尺度环流系统的配置不仅利于水汽输送到长江中、下游地区或上游的川东地区,而且利于在"鞍"型中心地区产生垂直对流不稳定,从而引起暴雨中尺度系统的发展。此外,还综述了长江流域洪涝灾害和持续性暴雨发生的成因的研究,这些研究表明了长江流域洪涝灾害和持续性暴雨发生的年际和年代际变化是与大气-海洋-陆面耦合的东亚季风气候系统的变异密切相关。  相似文献   

Critical rainfall assessment is a very important tool for hazard management of torrents and debris flows in mountainous areas. The Wenchuan Earthquake 2008 caused huge casualties and property damages in the earthquake-stricken area, which also generated large quantities of loose solid materials and increased occurrence probabilities of debris flows. There is an urgent need to quantify the critical rainfall distribution in the area so that better hazard management could be planned and if real time rainfall forecast is available, torrent and debris flow early-warning could be issued in advance. This study is based on 49-year observations (1954-2003) of up to 678 torrent and debris flow events. Detailed contour maps of 1 hour and 24 hour critical rainfalls have been generated (Due to the data limitation, there was insufficient 10 minute critical rainfall to make its contour map). Generally, the contour maps from 1 hour and 24 hours have similar patterns. Three zones with low, medium and high critical rainfalls have been identified. The characteristics of the critical rainfall zones are linked with the local vegetation cover and land forms. Further studies and observations are needed to validate the finding and improve the contour maps.  相似文献   

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