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Among the geo-hazards caused by the great Wenchuan Earthquake, the rapid and long runout rockslide-debris flow is of primary concern due to the large volume of displaced material and the resultant catastrophic impacts to the landscape and socioeconomic structure. In order to analyze the dynamical process of this kind of geo-hazard, the Donghekou rockslide-debris flow is given as an example in this paper. This event, which killed 780 people, initiated at an elevation of 1300 m with a total long run-out distance of more than 2400 m. The slide mass is mainly composed of dolomite limestone and siliceous limestone of Sinian system, together with carbon slate and phyllite of Cambrian. During the processes from slide initiation to the final cessation of slide movement, five dynamic stages took place, here identified as the initiation stage, the acceleration of movement stage, the air-blast effect stage, the impact and redirection stage and the long runout slidematerial accumulation stage. Field investigations indicate that due to the effects of the earthquake, the dynamics of the Donghekou rockslide-debris flow are apparently controlled by geologic and tectonic conditions, the local geomorphological aspects of the terrain, and the microstructural and macroscopic mechanical properties of rocks which compose the slide mass. These three main factors which dictate the Donghekou rockslide-debris flow dynamics are discussed in detail in this paper, and significant results of field investigations and tests of materials are presented. The above dynamical processes are analyzed in this paper, and some useful conclusions have been gained.  相似文献   

On May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake hit Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province resulted in great loss of life and properties. Besides, abundant landslides and slope failures were triggered in the most seriously hit areas and caused disastrous damages to infrastructures and public facilities. Moreover, abundant unstable slopes caused by the quake have the potential to cause damages for a considerable long period of time. The variety of these slopes and the corresponding treatments are connected with the topographical and geological conditions of the sites. It is decided to document and identify some of these major slope instabilities caused by the earthquake and their treatments. The paper shows the condition of a road in Dujiangyan through in situ explorations. The case history showed significant implications to the reconstruction of the quake-hit regions and future disaster prevention and management works.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have shown that the seismic response of slopes during the Wenchuan earthquake was highly variable.The present study tries to give an answer to the question:Which are the main factors affecting the seismic response degree of slopes? With the support of the China Geological Survey Bureau,we set 3 monitoring sections in Jiulong slope,Mianzhu city,China with the aim to record the site response of the slope during the aftershocks of the Wenchuan earthquake.After the Wenchuan earthquake,which happened on 12 May 2008,30 aftershocks have been recorded in these monitoring points.We analyzed 11 records,with magnitudes ranging from ML = 4.6 to ML = 3.1.The amplification factors of the horizontal compound PGA and 3D compound PGA have been determined for the 3 points at different elevations on the slope.Results showed that the dynamic response of the slope on the earthquake was controlled by factors such as topography and the thickness of the Quaternary overburden.  相似文献   

Remote sensing technique, replacing conventional sonar bathymetry technique, has become an effective complementary method of mapping submarine terrain where special conditions make the sonar technique difficult to be carried out. At the same time, as one kind of data set, multispectral remote sensing data has the disadvantage of being influenced by the variable bottom types in shallow seawater, when it is applied in bathymetry. This paper puts forward a new method to extract water depth information fi‘om multispectral data, considering the bottom classification and the true water depth accuracy. That is the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique based on the bottom classification. By the least square regression with significance, the experiment near Qingdao City has obtained more satisfactory bathymetry accuracy than that of the traditional single-band method, with the mean absolute error about 2.57m.  相似文献   

Taking TM images, ETM images, SPOT images, aerial photos and other remote sensing data as fundamental sources, this research makes a thorough investigation on landslides and debris flows in Sichuan Province, China, using the method of manual interpretation and taking topography maps as references after the processes of terrain correction, spectral matching, and image mosaic. And then, the spatial characteristics of landslides and debris flows in the year of 2005 are assessed and made into figures. The environmental factors which induce landslides and debris flows such as slope, vegetation coverage, lithology, rainfall and so on are obtained by GIS spatial analysis method. Finally, the relationships of landslides or debris flows with some environmental factors are analyzed based on the grade of each environmental factor. The results indicate: 1) The landslides and debris flows are mainly in the eastern and southern area of Sichuan Province, however, there are few landslides and debris flows in the western particularly the northwestern Sichuan. 2) The landslides and debris flows of Sichuan Province are mostly located in the regions with small slope degree. The occurring rate of debris flow reduces with the increase of the vegetation coverage degree, but the vegetation coverage degree has little to do with the occurrence of landslide. The more rainfall a place has, the easier the landslides and debris flows take place.  相似文献   

推导三维形变数据的四边形法计算地壳主应变、剪应变的解析表达式,结合汶川地区2005~2008三维空间监测数据,计算该地区水平、垂直主应变和剪应变。结果表明,汶川、映秀地区的水平主应变在东西方向处于挤压状态,主断裂带东南区域的垂直主应变为正值,西北区域为负值,与研究区域东南部地表下沉、西北部地表抬升相关。主应变最大值出现在Y(东)方向,剪应变最大值出现在XY(北东)方向,汶川区域处于主应变和剪应变的高梯度带,与地震发生位置相吻合。  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008 caused numerous collapses, landslides, barrier lakes, and debris flows. Landslide susceptibility mapping is important for evaluation of environmental capacity and also as a guide for post-earthquake reconstruction. In this paper, a logistic regression model was developed within the framework of GIS to map landslide susceptibility. Qingchuan County, a heavily affected area, was selected for the study. Distribution of landslides was prepared by interpretation of multi-temporal and multi-resolution remote sensing images (ADS40 aerial imagery, SPOT5 imagery and TM imagery, etc.) and field surveys. The Certainly Factor method was used to find the influencial factors, indicating that lithologic groups, distance from major faults, slope angle, profile curvature, and altitude are the dominant factors influencing landslides. The weight of each factor was determined using a binomial logistic regression model. Landslide susceptibility mapping was based on spatial overlay analysis and divided into five classes. Major faults have the most significant impact, and landslides will occur most likely in areas near the faults. Onethird of the area has a high or very high susceptibility, located in the northeast, south and southwest, including 65.3% of all landslides coincident with the earthquake. The susceptibility map can reveal the likelihood of future failures, and it will be useful for planners during the rebuilding process and for future zoning issues.  相似文献   

In this paper,a methodology for Leaf Area Index(LAI) estimating was proposed by assimilating remote sensed data into crop model based on temporal and spatial knowledge.Firstly,sensitive parameters of crop model were calibrated by Shuffled Complex Evolution method developed at the University of Arizona(SCE-UA) optimization method based on phenological information,which is called temporal knowledge.The calibrated crop model will be used as the forecast operator.Then,the Taylor′s mean value theorem was applied to extracting spatial information from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) multi-scale data,which was used to calibrate the LAI inversion results by A two-layer Canopy Reflectance Model(ACRM) model.The calibrated LAI result was used as the observation operator.Finally,an Ensemble Kalman Filter(EnKF) was used to assimilate MODIS data into crop model.The results showed that the method could significantly improve the estimation accuracy of LAI and the simulated curves of LAI more conform to the crop growth situation closely comparing with MODIS LAI products.The root mean square error(RMSE) of LAI calculated by assimilation is 0.9185 which is reduced by 58.7% compared with that by simulation(0.3795),and before and after assimilation the mean error is reduced by 92.6% which is from 0.3563 to 0.0265.All these experiments indicated that the methodology proposed in this paper is reasonable and accurate for estimating crop LAI.  相似文献   

Through analysis of perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) from combination of visible and near-infrared spectrums reflecting the feature of crop reflectance, we come to the conclusion that the index can better indicate crop instantaneous photosynthesis whereas people generally regard it as the representation of crop leaf area index (LAI). Exploration of crop photosynthesis within a day and its period of duration leads to production of photosynthetic vegetation index (PST) that can reflect the whole crop accumulated photosynthesis, which means the total biomass produced by crop, moreover the method simulating PST is put forward by employment of multi-temporal spectrum parameters. On the basis of the achievements mentioned above, a new comprehensive model for remote sensing estimation of maize yield is established, which can comprehensively show major physiological actions of maize and the course of its yield formation, organically integrate various effective ways of crop yield estimation. It lays a solid foundation for carrying out remote sensing estimation of maize yield on a large scale.  相似文献   

STUDYONMODELFORREMOTESENSINGESTIMATIONOFMAIZEYIELDLiuZhaoli(刘兆礼)HuangTieqing(黄铁青)WanEnpu(万恩璞)ZhangYangzhen(张养贞)ChangchunInsti...  相似文献   

为研究汶川和芦山地震的孕育过程,利用单台单震法,将地震丛发区内发生的地震粗略视为“广义重复地震”,系统分析龙门山断裂带及附近区域1990~2015年波速比时空变化过程。结果发现,波速比在汶川地震前降低,芦山地震后明显恢复。对于龙门山断裂带北段的地震丛发区,大部分台站波速比的同步时间变化过程可分为两个阶段:一是在汶川地震前,2000年~2008-05波速比出现异常降低-回返-发震过程,低值异常持续时间约8 a。汶川地震后,波速比快速回升。二是2010年开始再次显现波速比持续性稳定下降,在2013-04降至最低点,发生芦山地震,震后波速比再次快速回升到正常值。对于龙门山断裂带南段及附近的地震丛发区,大部分台站波速比的同步时间变化从2000年~2013-04波速比维持长时间的异常低值状态,低值持续时间约13 a,直至2013-04芦山地震后波速比快速回升。不论是龙门山南段还是北段,均可看到波速比基本一致的变化,2000~2013年的异常降低-恢复过程,显示了汶川8级地震与芦山7级地震的整体性和差异性,孕震过程长达14 a。由此可见,汶川地震和芦山地震很可能是同一动力学过程孕育的两次先后发生的强震。  相似文献   

In the meizoseismal areas hit by the China Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008, the disasterprone environment has changed dramatically, making the susceptibility assessment of debris flow more complex and uncertain. After the earthquake, debris flow hazards occurred frequently and effective susceptibility assessment of debris flow has become extremely important. Shenxi gully in Du Jiangyan city, located in the meizoseismal areas, was selected as the study area. Based on the research of disaster-prone environment and the main factors controlling debris flow, the susceptibility zonations of debris flow were mapped using factor weight method(FW), certainty coefficient method(CF) and geomorphic information entropy method(GI). Through comparative analysis, the study showed that these three methods underestimated susceptible degree of debris flow when used in the meizoseismal areas of Wenchuan earthquake. In order to solve this problem, this paper developed a modified certainty coefficient method(M-CF) to reflect the impact of rich loose materials on the susceptible degree of debris flow. In the modified method, the distribution and area of loose materials were obtained by field investigations and postearthquake remote sensing image, and four data sets, namely, lithology, elevation, slop and aspect, wereused to calculate the CF values. The result of M-CF method is in agreement with field investigations and the accuracy of the method is satisfied. The method has a wide application to the susceptibility assessment of debris flow in the earthquake stricken areas.  相似文献   

Due to global climate change, Dendrolimus pests and diseases seriously threaten the protection of forestry plants and the safety of crops all over the world. This paper aims to discuss the research results and frontier progress of Dendrolimus disasters based on remote sensing monitoring, trying to find the occurrence characteristics of pests. In this paper, bibliometric methods and CiteSpace knowledge graphs were used to analyze the publication trend, highly cited documents, key research institu...  相似文献   

Based on the in situ optical measurements in the Bohai Sea of China, which belongs to a typical case-2 water area, we studied the characteristics of DCM (deep chlorophyll maximum) such as its spatial distribution, vertical profile, etc. We found that when the depth of the chlorophyll maximum is comparatively small, even in turbid coastal water regions, there is always a good correlation between the concentrations of chlorophyll maximum and the satellite-received signals in blue-green spectral bands; the correlation is even better than that between the surface chlorophyll concentrations and the satellite-received signals. The strong correlation existing even in turbid coastal water regions indicates that an ocean color model to retrieve the concentration of DCM can be constructed for coastal waters if a comprehensive knowledge of the vertical distribution of chlorophyll concentration in the Bohai Sea of China is available.  相似文献   

本文叙述了北京市门头沟地区洪水、泥石流等灾害遥感技术调查的概况。同时指出,该成果对门头沟区历年的汛期防灾部署起到重要作用,成为防灾救灾的重要依据,产生了巨大的社会经济效益。文中对该区主要灾害的类型及其危害程度作了评价,同时按村镇的受害程度,将村镇分为4类,并对每类村镇受灾害的危害程度及应采取的措施,提出了具体意见。还对日后可能发生严重灾害的潜在因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

On 12 May 2008, the magnitude 8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake occurred along the Longmen Shan nappe, Sichuan, China. This devastating earthquake led to a heavy death toll of greater than 80,000. The seismic origin of this earthquake is currently hotly debated. We suppose that it is a special type of intraplate earthquake called an active-nappe-type earthquake. Using a holistic methodology, incorporating rockmass structure cybernetics and Byerlee’s law, we present a comprehensive study on the geological origin of macroseisms in the Longmen Shan area and the seismic origin of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Previous studies of neotectonic activity indicate that the Longmen Shan nappe moves at a rate of 1~3 mm/yr, due to horizontal compressive stress from the Tibetan Plateau. The difference between movement rates in the Bayankala block, Longmen Shan nappe and Sichuan Basin cause slow shear stress and strain accumulation in the Longmen Shan nappe. It is exhibited a relatively simple linear relations for the shear strength and the buried depth of the structural planes, and the detachment layer of the nappe has a higher shearing-sliding strength compared to the overlying fault planes and the underlying ductile shear belts, thus making it more prone to stick-slip deformation. Therefore, the detachment layer was the main section responsible for the Wenchuan earthquake. The initial rupture burst in the detachment layer under the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault, the rupture area nearly 1.4454 × 104 km2,encompassed the cross point of the Yingxiu and the Anxian-Guanxian faults with the detachment layer, then caused the Yingxiu-Beichuan and Anxian-Guanxian faults took an active part in this earthquake, so this earthquake might consist of three chain-like earthquake stages, totally increasing the duration of this earthquake an unusually large amount, to 120 s. The focal depth spanned range of 10-20km,consistent with the observed result of this focal depth by several agencies.  相似文献   

基于2008年汶川MW7.9地震精细的同震滑动分布模型,计算此次地震引起的周边地区库仑应力变化;利用变化系数(CV)评价库仑应力变化的可靠性,并评估接收断层走向、倾角、滑动角、摩擦系数、Skempton系数对库仑应力变化可靠性的影响;根据CV可靠阈值剔除不可靠库仑应力变化,分析可靠库仑应力变化与余震分布之间的关系。结果表明,库仑应力变化在正值区或负值区内部的可靠性较高,在接近正负值交界处库仑应力变化的可靠性急剧下降;接收断层倾角对库仑应力变化可靠性的影响最大;79.3%的余震位于可靠库仑应力变化分布区域,剔除不可靠库仑应力变化及不可靠库仑应力变化分布区域内余震后,余震触发率下降3.1%。  相似文献   


2008年汶川地震破裂向东北传播的应力作用证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于采用混合大地测量数据反演得到的破裂分布模型,从库仑应力的角度计算北川断层的破裂过程,为北川断层从西南向东北破裂提供应力作用上的证据。将北川断层分为5个断层,分别计算前续断层在后续断层上产生的库仑应力变化。结果显示:1)映秀-虹口段在龙门山-清平段上、龙门山-清平段在高川-北川段上、高川-北川段在北川-屏东段上和北川-屏东段在南坝-青川段上产生的库仑应力变化为正的区域占绝大部分;2)高川-北川段上有约81.7%的区域破裂主要是由龙门山-清平段的破裂触发,而前续断层(映秀-虹口段)对高川-北川段上的破裂影响很小;3)北川-屏东段上有约83.2%的区域破裂主要是由高川-北川段的破裂触发,而前续断层(映秀-虹口段和龙门山-清平段)对北川-屏东段上的破裂影响很小;4)南坝-青川段上有约99.4%的区域破裂主要是由北川-屏东段的破裂触发,而前续断层(映秀-虹口段、龙门山-清平段和高川-北川段)对北川-屏东段上的破裂影响很小。同时,计算北川断层对彭灌断裂的应力触发作用,推测映秀-虹口段的破裂触发了彭灌断裂上大部分区域的破裂,龙门山-清平段的破裂触发了彭灌断裂上一小部分区域的破裂。  相似文献   

In view of the large quantities of areas,complex landform and dynamic change of resources and environ-ment in China,China has already funded abundantly a series of macro remote sensing investigation projects in land use cover change(LUCC) since 1990.Supported by the achievements of such projects,Chinese resources,environmental and remote sensing database(CRERS) was created.In this paper,we standardized the LUCC dataset of CRERS at scale of 1km,which facilitated the study of spatial features of LUCC in China.The analysis on the spatial features of LUCC and their causes of formation in China are based on the CRERS supported by the technologies of Geographic Information System(GIS) .The whole research was based on the grade index of land use,ecological environmental index and index of population density.Based on the correlation analysis,we found that the special features of LUCC were closely related with those of ecological environment and population density,which resulted form that areas with better ecological environ-ment and high production potential of land were easy and convenient for human being to live,which,furthermore,led to the aggravation of excessive exploitation of land resources there.  相似文献   

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