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This study examines the spatial and temporal forest cover changes in Swat and Shangla districts to understand the deforestation pattern in context of the recent security conflict in these districts. We used multi-resolution satellite images to assess the long term deforestation from 2001 to 2009 and also to identify episodic forest cutting areas appeared during the conflict period of Oct. 2007 - Oct. 2008. There are only 58 ha of deforestation identified during the conflict period while 1268 ha of gross annual deforestation were assessed during last eight years. Most of the deforestation patches persist around the administrative boundaries at sub-district levels (tehsils) which can be attributed to ambiguity in unclear jurisdiction between the forest official. The results highlight that the forest cutting appeared in Swat and Shangla during the conflict period is not as significant when compared with the long term deforestation pattern in the area. On the one side the results of the study are supportive to the picture that emerges from international studies which report high rate of deforestation in the country and on the other side it negates any relation between the security situation and the increasing deforestation in the north western Pakistan. The study concludes that deforestation assessments require verification by independent sources of data, such as satellite imagery to improve our understanding of deforestation processes.  相似文献   

突发性毒气泄漏事故的频繁发生对市民的安全造成了极大威胁,有必要对常见毒气泄漏事故发生后的成灾模型进行探讨,以便从理论上指导应急部门实施应急救援行动。本文在研究和分析典型毒气泄漏扩散模型的基础之上,引入地形因子对原有毒气泄漏扩散模型进行改进,使之适应三维地形下的危化品气体扩散模拟,并将模型与GIS集成可视化,分析比较了模型修正前后气体扩散浓度的分布情况。在此基础上,进一步分析了DEM空间分辨率对毒气扩散浓度的分布影响,发现DEM空间分辨率对毒气浓度分布区域有一定影响,并分析了其影响原因。结果表明,加入地形因子的高斯烟羽模型比之前没有考虑地形因子的高斯模型计算要更加精确,更贴近现实状况;同时,DEM分辨率对改进后的高斯烟羽模型的模拟影响较大,选择适当分辨率的DEM能帮助应急部门在短时间内模拟出真实可靠的浓度分布区域,对毒气泄漏事故的应急有一定的实际参考价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

城市数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)是城市最重要的基础地理信息数据之一。城市道路DEM建模是城市DEM构建的重要组成部分,而道路分类是城市道路DEM建模的重要基础和前提。由于现有的城市道路分类方法在城市道路形态表达上有一定程度的失真,无法准确反映道路平面形态特征,导致其难以满足未来的地表过程模拟的需求。针对这一问题,本文从DEM建模视角出发,通过解析城市道路的构成,分析城市道路形态特征,针对现有的道路分类方法的不足,提出了一种顾及道路形态的城市道路分类方法。并在此基础上,探讨了城市道路的DEM表达方式,同时选取南京市局部区域为实验区,以DLG数据为数据源,对本文提出的城市道路分类方法与表达进行了相关的实验与分析。结果表明:与现有的方法相比,基于本文所提出的城市道路分类方法构建的道路DEM所表达的道路形态更符合实际实验区的道路形态,未出现局部路面不正常的突变情况且城市道路要素框架结构明显,所表达的城市道路地形更为精细,可以为雨洪模拟和水文分析等提供重要基础。因此,本文的道路分类方法能够清晰有效地辅助城市道路DEM建模,为高精度城市道路DEM的构建提供基础和参考。  相似文献   

为了研究青藏高原地区 (以拉萨站为代表 )太阳总辐射的变化情况 ,分别使用常规观测站资料和自动观测站资料。常规观测资料使用的是逐日太阳最大总辐射以及出现太阳最大总辐射的时刻。 1993年开始实施的中日亚洲季风研究计划 ,太阳总辐射是每隔 2 0 min采集一次。基于上述资料研究发现有青藏高原太阳总辐射大于太阳常数的反常现象。并对这种反常现象进行了统计 ,得到了一些有意义的结果 ,最后在非局域力学平衡 (NLTE)假设下 ,对出现这种现象提出了可能的解释。  相似文献   

目前,ICESat/GLAS是大尺度SRTM DEM精度评价的主要数据源.然而,现有的精度评价方法均忽略了2组数据的有效配准.为此,本文分析了数据配准前、后SRTM DEM整体精度差异,以及不同地形因子和土地利用类型对SRTM DEM影响程度.在此基础上,充分考虑SRTM DEM精度影响因素,分别借助多元线性回归(ML...  相似文献   

In this study, a sea fog event which occurred on 27 March 2005 over the Yellow and Bohai Seas was investigated observationally and numerically. Almost all available observational data were used, including satellite imagery of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-9, three data sets from station observations at Dandong, Dalian and Qingdao, objectively reanalyzed data of final run analysis (FNL) issued by the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) results. Synoptic conditions and fog characteristics were analyzed. The fog formed when warm,moist air was advected northwards over the cool water of the Yellow and Bohai Seas, and dissipated when a cold front brought northerly winds and cool, dry air. In order to better understand the fog formation mechanism, a high-resolution RAMS modeling with a 6km×6km grid, initialized and validated by FNL data, was designed. A 48h modeling that started from 12 UTC 26 March 2005reproduced the main characteristics of this sea fog event. The simulated lower visibility area agreed reasonably well with the sea fog region identified from the satellite imagery. Advection cooling effect seemed to play a significant role in the fog formation.  相似文献   

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