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Taiwan has disadvantageous conditions for sediment-related disasters such as debris flows. The construction of engineering structures is an effective strategy for reducing debris flow disasters. However, it is impossible to construct engineering structures in all debris flow areas in a short period. Therefore, the government aims to gradually develop non-structural preventive strategies, including evacuation planning, debris flow disaster emergency action system, disaster resistant community program, recruitment of debris flow professional volunteers, debris flow warning systems, and land management strategies, to mitigate disasters and secure the safety of residents. This review describes the processes and effects of recent debris flow non-structural preventive strategies in Taiwan. The average number of casualties prior to the year 2000 was far higher than the corresponding number after 2000 because debris flow evacuation drills have been promoted since 2000 and the debris flow disaster emergency action system has been progressively improved since 2002. Furthermore, the changes in risks caused by debris flow disasters before and after the implementation of non-structural preventive strategies were used to explain the effectiveness of these strategies at the community level. The results showed that software-based non-structural preventive strategies can effectively reduce the casualties caused by debris flows at both the national and community levels.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study on the combined impacts of antecedent earthquakes and droughts on disastrous debris flows.This is a novel attempt in quantifying such impacts using the effective peak acceleration(EPA)(to represent earthquakes) and standardized precipitation index(SPI)(to represent droughts).The study is based on the analysis of 116 disastrous debris flow events occurred in Mainland China in the last 100 years covering a wide spectrum of climate types and landforms.It has been found that the combined impacts from earthquakes and droughts on disastrous debris flows do exist and vary from low to very high according to different climate conditions and terrains.The impacts from earthquakes increase with the increased terrain relief,and the impacts from droughts are strongest in semi-humid climate condition(with reduced impacts in humid and semi-arid /arid climate conditions).Hypothetical explanations on the study discoveries have been proposed.This study reveals the possible reasons for the disastrous debris flow distributions around the world and has significant implications in paleo-climate-seismicanalysis and disastrous debris flow risk management.  相似文献   

A debris flow forecast model based on a water-soil coupling mechanism that takes the debrisflow watershed as a basic forecast unit was established here for the prediction of disasters at the watershed scale.This was achieved through advances in our understanding of the formation mechanism of debris flow.To expand the applicable spatial scale of this forecasting model,a method of identifying potential debris flow watersheds was used to locate areas vulnerable to debris flow within a forecast region.Using these watersheds as forecasting units and a prediction method based on the water-soil coupling mechanism,a new forecasting method of debris flow at the regional scale was established.In order to test the prediction ability of this new forecasting method,the Sichuan province,China was selected as a study zone and the large-scale debris flow disasters attributable to heavy rainfall in this region on July 9,2013 were taken as the study case.According to debris flow disaster data on July 9,2013 which were provided by the geo-environmental monitoring station of Sichuan province,there were 252 watersheds in which debris flow events actually occurred.The current model predicted that 265 watersheds were likely to experience a debris flow event.Among these,43 towns including 204 debrisflow watersheds were successfully forecasted and 24 towns including 48 watersheds failed.The false prediction rate and failure prediction rate of thisforecast model were 23% and 19%,respectively.The results show that this method is more accurate and more applicable than traditional methods.  相似文献   

Debris flows are among the most common geological disasters in China,and have been particularly frequent in Sichuan Province since the Wenchuan earthquake on 12 May 2008.The construction of debris flow drainage channels is a countermeasure used to distribute debris flow fans,and these channels play a critical role in the mitigation and prevention of damage resulting from debris flows.Under field conditions,the useful life of drainage channels can be greatly shortened as a result of strong abrasions to the drainage structure caused by the debris flow.Field investigations have shown that the types of damage to drainage channels include(a) erosion caused by hyper-concentrated silt flow,(b) impact fractures and foundation scour at the groundsills of the drainage channel,(c) destruction of the drainage channel outlet,and(d) destruction of the drainage channel caused by debris flow abrasion.In addition,based on the destruction of the drainage channel during the debris flow drainage process,a new type of drainage channel with energy dissipation components was proposed and applied in a steep,narrow gully for debris flow mitigation.Moreover,design and engineering repair recommendations for drainage channels are provided as a reference for repairing the damage to the channel.The results can provide an important reference for the effective repair and optimal design of drainage channels.  相似文献   

四川省小流域泥石流危险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流危险性评价是泥石流防灾减灾的重要内容。本文以四川省为研究区,以DEM为数据源,通过提取水流方向,计算汇流累积量,实现四川省小流域划分。基于收集的已查明泥石流流域资料,分析了泥石流孕灾环境与成灾特点,选择流域高差、流域面积为指标,建立基于能量条件的潜势泥石流流域判识模型,对划分的小流域进行判识,识别出7798个小流域具备泥石流发生所需能量条件,面积为31.1×104 km2,占四川省总面积的64.18 %。进而建立了泥石流危险性评价指标体系和可拓物元模型,开展了小流域泥石流危险性评价,划分了危险度等级,得到中度、高度、极高危险区的小流域个数分别为1946、1725和1002个,面积分别为9.1×104、7.7×104和3.4×104 km2,中度以上危险区面积共20.2×104 km2,占四川省总面积的41.67%。最后对评价结果可靠性和各等级泥石流危险区在各地市级行政区、各大流域的分布进行了分析。其结果对促进泥石流判识与危险性评价理论,区域泥石流防灾减灾与山区可持续发展等具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

基于洪峰模数的山洪灾害雨量预警指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山洪灾害预警是防御山洪的重要非工程措施,雨量预警指标是山洪灾害预警的关键。目前的雨量预警指标计算方法对水文气象资料条件以及模型建模率定都有很高的要求,并不适用于基层防汛人员。因此,本文基于全国山洪灾害调查评价成果数据,提出了一种运用洪峰模数计算雨量预警指标的简便、易用的方法。该方法以小流域洪水计算推理公式为基础,将公式中流量与流域面积的比值用洪峰模数表示,得到基于洪峰模数的临界雨量估算公式,并考虑流域土壤含水量等因素,分析临界雨量变化阈值,最终得到雨量预警指标。本文以云南省绥江县双河小流域为例,计算结果显示不同时段(1 h、3 h、6 h)净雨量和预警时段呈线性关系。降雨损失计算中洼地蓄水和植被截留在不同时段相同,土壤下渗在不同的时段不相同。在此基础上,计算不同土壤含水量条件下,不同时段的雨量预警指标。最后,对临界流量、降雨损失和预警指标进行了合理性分析,结果显示预警指标和调查评价结果及实测降雨都比较接近,计算的预警指标合理。本研究为基层山洪灾害预警提供了一种快速、便捷的预警指标计算方法,为预警指标计算提供技术支持。  相似文献   

A Debris-flow Simulation Model for the Evaluation of Protection Structures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Debris flow is the flow of a solid-fluid mixture and in this investigation it is treated as the flow of a continuum in routing. A numerical model is proposed describing debris flow including erosion and deposition processes with suitable boundary con-ditions. The numerical model is applied to evaluate the effects of protection structures against debris flow caused by heavy rainfall on the Shen-Mu Stream of Nantou County located in central Taiwan. Simulation results indicated that the proposed model can offer useful pre-planning guidelines for engineers.  相似文献   

针对传统方法难以定量描述大尺度泥石流形成机理的问题,提出一种联合SAR卫星影像相位信息和后向散射信息全面识别泥石流发育机制的方法,并使用该方法探究云南省德钦县一中河泥石流物源汇集及失稳模式.通过后向散射系数反演研究区土壤含水量的时空变化趋势,利用升降轨Sentinel-1 A数据获取坡表二维形变.结果表明,研究区土壤含...  相似文献   

Characteristic rainfall for warning of debris flows   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
A characteristic rainfall is introduced to overcome the difficulties encountered in determining a critical rainfall value for triggering debris flow.The characteristic value is defined as the rainfall at which debris-flow occurrence probability shows a rapid increase,and can be used as a warning rainfall threshold for debris flows.Investigation of recorded debris flows and 24-hour rainfall data at Jiangjia basin,Yunnan Province,in southwestern China,demonstrates the existence of such a characteristic rainfa...  相似文献   

andslide risk analysis is one of the primary studies providing essential instructions to the subsequent risk management process. The quantification of tangible and intangible potential losses is a critical step because it provides essential data upon which judgments can be made and policy can be formulated. This study aims at quantifying direct economic losses from debris flows at a medium scale in the study area in Italian Central Alps. Available hazard maps were the main inputs of this study. These maps were overlaid with information concerning elements at risk and their economic value. Then, a combination of both market and construction values was used to obtain estimates of future economic losses. As a result, two direct economic risk maps were prepared together with risk curves, useful to summarize expected monetary damage against the respective hazard probability. Afterwards, a qualitative risk map derived using a risk matrix officially provided by the set of laws issued by the regional government, was prepared. The results delimit areas of high economic as well as strategic importance which might be affected by debris flows in the future. Aside from limitations and inaccuracies inherently included in risk analysis process, identification of high risk areas allows local authorities to focus their attention on the “hot-spots”, where important consequences may arise and local (large) scale analysis needs to be performed with more precise cost-effectiveness ratio. The risk maps can be also used by the local authorities to increase population’s adaptive capacity in the disaster prevention process.  相似文献   

栖霞市是地质灾害多发区,主要地质灾害有泥石流、崩塌和滑坡,尤其是泥石流灾害频发,其形成主要受自然地理环境、地质条件和人类经济活动影响。因而在地质灾害调查成果基础上危险性趋势进行了分区评价,确定了泥石流灾,将泥石流的发育频度、面积密度和规模进行了分级,采用袭扰系数法对区内泥石流灾害的害的高危区、中危区和低危区,为泥石流灾害防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Critical rainfall assessment is a very important tool for hazard management of torrents and debris flows in mountainous areas. The Wenchuan Earthquake 2008 caused huge casualties and property damages in the earthquake-stricken area, which also generated large quantities of loose solid materials and increased occurrence probabilities of debris flows. There is an urgent need to quantify the critical rainfall distribution in the area so that better hazard management could be planned and if real time rainfall forecast is available, torrent and debris flow early-warning could be issued in advance. This study is based on 49-year observations (1954-2003) of up to 678 torrent and debris flow events. Detailed contour maps of 1 hour and 24 hour critical rainfalls have been generated (Due to the data limitation, there was insufficient 10 minute critical rainfall to make its contour map). Generally, the contour maps from 1 hour and 24 hours have similar patterns. Three zones with low, medium and high critical rainfalls have been identified. The characteristics of the critical rainfall zones are linked with the local vegetation cover and land forms. Further studies and observations are needed to validate the finding and improve the contour maps.  相似文献   

基于GIS的地下水流有限差数值模拟参数自动提取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据地下水流有限差模拟有关参数的空间分布特点,将其划分为点状、线状与面状空间分布参数三种类型。利用GIS的空间分析功能,研究基于GIS的点状、线状与面状空间分布参数自动提取的技术路线。通过点、线、面三者之间空间位置关系的拓扑分析,确定地下水开采井、水位动态监测井、线状与面状水系、模拟区域边界、面状参数分布区与模型空间离散格网之间的空间位置关系。经过矢量数据与栅格数据互相转换,实现地下水流有限差数值模拟有关参数的自动提取。结合地下水流有限差分数值模拟有关参数数据文件的结构,将基于GIS提取的栅格结构数据文件自动转换成模型所需结构的数据文件,达到模型参数数据文件的自动组织与提高地下水流数值模拟的效率目的。  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下,降雨事件日益增多,严重影响城市交通和居民的日常出行。本文以上海市为例,基于分时降雨数据和地铁OD客流数据,运用Prophet时序模型拟合降雨事件下的客流常态值,从站点和OD二个维度定量评估降雨造成的地铁通勤客流变化时空格局。研究结果表明:① 通勤客流总体随小时雨量增大而下降,不同类型站点客流的降雨波动性呈现差异;降雨会造成进站客流的时间滞后性和堆积性,通勤出行需求越大的站点类型堆积效应越显著;由于出发时间弹性差异,不同时点客流的降雨敏感性也不同,7:00和17:00敏感性较高,8:00—9:00和18:00—19:00则相对刚性;② 降雨会造成行程时间≤15 min的短距离客流显著上升,总体增加7.3%,中长距离客流变化不明显,总体减少1.3%;在不同功能区之间,早高峰居住型→产业型的客流波动和时间堆积性最为显著,晚高峰商服型→居住型的返程客流波动性较低;早高峰降雨敏感性线路的起始站点多分布在大型居住区,晚高峰则位于大型产业园区和商业中心;晚高峰返程客流的波动性低于早高峰。尽管降雨事件对通勤客流总量影响不明显,但会造成局部空间区域和时点的客流激增。本文的研究方法与结果有助于量化降雨对地铁通勤客流的影响程度,并为空间化的交通运行保障提供决策依据。  相似文献   

本研究以地质灾害频发的神农架林区为研究区域,以崩塌、滑坡、泥石流3种相关性较高的灾害为研究对象,基于GIS技术进行区域崩滑流灾害的综合风险评价,以辅助城乡规划及相关工作。评价基于研究区地形、地质、灾害点等基础数据,选取崩滑流灾害影响因子,利用Arc GIS空间分析功能,结合SPSS软件进行Binary Logistic回归分析,构建灾害风险评价模型,编制基于模型的研究区崩滑流风险评价图,得到相应评价结果,获知灾害孕育发生的主要影响因素及区域内崩滑流灾害高风险区分布情况。并探讨评价结果在辅助防灾减灾专项规划编制、城乡发展方向确定、重大基础设施选址等规划重点工作方面的应用,以期通过规划,防治和规避崩滑流地质灾害,保障山区人民群众的生命财产安全。  相似文献   

Debris flows have caused serious human casualties and economic losses in the regions strongly affected by the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of 2008. Debris flow mitigation and risk assessment is a key issue for reconstruction.The existing methods of inundation simulation are based on historical disasters and have no power of prediction.The rain-flood method can not yield detailed flow hydrograph and does not meet the need of inundation simulation. In this paper,the process of water flow was studied by using the Arc-SCS model combined with hydraulic method,and then the debris flow runoff process was calculated using the empirical formula combining the result from Arc-SCS.The peak discharge and runoff duration served as input of inundation simulation. Then,the dangerous area is predicted using kinematic wave method and Manning equation.Taking the debris flow in Huashiban gully in Beichuan County,Sichuan Province,China on 24 Sep.2008 as example,the peak discharge of water flow and debris flow were calculated as 35.52 m3·s-1 and 215.66 m3·s-,with error of 4.15%compared to the measured values.The simulated area of debris-flow deposition was 161,500 m2,vs.the measured area of 144,097 m2,in error of 81.75%.The simulated maximum depth was 12.3 m,consistent with the real maximum depth between 10 and 15 m according to the field survey.The minor error is mainly due to the flow impact on buildings and variations in cross-section configuration.The present methodology can be applied to predict debris flow magnitude and evaluate its risk in other watersheds inthe earthquake area.  相似文献   

动线法(即运动符号法),能综合表达空间实体或现象的作用方向、运动路线、数量增减、质量变化等,是计算机地图制图的重要方法之一。本文分析了直线动线符号在信息表达中存在的局限性,以及曲线动线符号所具有的优势,对曲线动线符号的组织形式、位置、颜色、方向、宽度、曲率等方面作了分析,同时对曲线动线符号提出了制图算法,具体包括:曲线符号模型算法、避障路径算法、汇流与分流算法等;并以MapServer开源软件作为平台,利用C++语言进行程序设计,建立了Web的动线法自动制图算法实验系统,且以河南省流动人口数据为例,进行算法应用分析。结果表明:该算法极利于时空数据的可视化表达,具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

阴影匹配算法可在城市峡谷中较好地提高移动终端GNSS定位精度,但是传统阴影匹配算法中用于判断卫星可见性的信噪比阈值为固定单一阈值,无法保证所有卫星可见性的判断正确,从而影响定位精度。针对以上情况提出基于动态阈值的阴影匹配算法,使每颗卫星的判断阈值随卫星几何可见性和信噪比可见性相互校正而改变。通过对手机GNSS原始定位结果及卡尔曼滤波后的定位结果进行两种阴影匹配算法计算及对比分析,结果表明,动态阈值法相对于单一阈值法平均点位误差在标准单点定位时可降低约15.1%,在卡尔曼滤波后可降低22.4%,定位精度均得到提升。  相似文献   

矩形含水层井流模型的求解过程比较繁琐,计算工作量较大,而且容易出错,而利用计算机编程技术可使求解变得极为简单、快捷,从而极大地提高工作效率。该文以矩形隔水边界承压井流模型为例,研究了实现软件求解该类问题的思路。  相似文献   

为了提高智能视频监控系统中对象检测算法的检测准确性,实现对检测对象轮廓的准确提取,在分析目前常用于获取对象轮廓形态的对象检测方法不足的基础上,提出了基于阈值分割与边缘检测的对象轮廓提取方法。该方法需要阈值而又不依赖于阈值,选取任一阈值对检测对象进行阈值分割,再结合Sobel边缘检测以及经过定制的边界跟踪算法,实现对检测对象轮廓的提取。经实验得出的轮廓检测结果在不同阈值的条件下都呈现出较好的完整性与一致性。因此,方法具有较好的鲁棒性,实现了对检测对象轮廓的完整提取,提高了对象检测算法的检测准确性。  相似文献   

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