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The low-grade metamorphic minerals prehnite, pumpellyite, epidoteand actinolite in rocks of basic and intermediate compositionhave a broad, systematic distribution in the Hamersley Basin.Assemblages of these minerals are wisespread in the FortescueGroup, the lowermost group in the Hamersley Basin. Because ofsunsuitability of rock type no relevant mineral assemblageswere observed in samples from the Hamersley Group. However,metamorphism of this group can be implied from mineral assemblagesin the younger Turee Creek Group, and because the HamersleyGroup conformably overlies the metamorphosed Fortescue Group. Unfolded stratigraphic cross sections show that depth of burialwas the dominant control of increase in metamorphic grade. Fourmetamorphic zones are defined over a relative depth of burialof 9 km. From lowest grade to highest these are: Zone I (ZI)prehnitepumpellyite zone; ZII, prehnitepumpellyiteepidotezone; ZIII, prehnitepumpellyiteepidoteactinolitezone; and ZIV, (prehniteepidoteactinolite zone.Laumontite, definitive of the zeolite fades is absent but thatpart of the sequence may coincide with rocks of unsuitable composition,or may have been removed by erosion. A large area of prehnitepumpellyitefades (ZI and ZII) dominates the north side of the basin, whilegreenschist fades (ZIV) dominates the south. Separating thetwo is a curved central strip of pumpellyite-actinolite facies(ZIII). Microprobe data of pumpellyites from the three pumpellyitebearingzones, ZI, II and III, show two systematic trends: extensivevariation in Al/Fe ratios at any one grade, and a general decreaseof Mg with increasing metamorphism. Consideration of the compositionsof the most abundant pumpellyites in the metabasic rocks showsthat these two trends spread about a more fundamental lineartrend towards AJ-enrichment with increasing metamorphism astotal Fe and Mg decrease. Epidote shows a wide range in Fe content in ZII and ZIII (Ps15to Ps40) crossing the miscibility gap proposed by Raith (1976).In ZIV epidote compositions are more aluminous and restrictedin composition (Ps11 to Ps20). Magnesium has entered the epidotelattice in ZII and ZIII (up to 017 ions Mg where £cations = 8) but to only half this in ZIV. Synthesis of the burial model with published experimental workputs constraints on the ancient thermal gradient that existedduring burial metamorphism. For the peak of metamorphic adjustmentfluid pressure appears to have been equal to load pressure.A relatively high gradient of 80 to 100 deg;C/km seems likelyfor the shallow part of the sequence, with a gradient of 40deg;C/km for the deeper part of the sequence, the change beingat about 25 km. The prehnite-pumpellyite facies correspondsto a fluid pressure of 05 to 1 kilobar and a temperaturerange of about 100 to 300 deg;C. The prehnite-bearing pumpellyite-actinolitefacies is interpreted to have developed at about 15 kbover a temperature range of 300 to 360 deg;C. This facies isprobably a low pressure subfacies of the pumpellyite-actinolitefades of Hashimoto (1966). 相似文献
Geochemical classification of 284 granitic rocks from the Tasman Geosyncline, eastern Australia, demonstrates the association of tin deposits with leucocratic granites of high tin content. The mean Sn content (26 ppm) in such rocks is about seven times higher than in “barren” granites.Factor analysis of geochemical data indicates differences in the geochemical evolution of various rock types and the relative importance of magmatic differentiation and postmagmatic alteration in determining the composition of rocks in various areas of the geosyncline. 相似文献
Differentiation analysis using Köhler-Raaz indices has been applied to 284 granitic rocks from various parts of the Tasman Geosyncline in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. It was found that the majority (about 80%) of rocks known to be associated with tin mineralization (mostly leucocratic granites and adamellites) have a well defined range of Köhler-Raaz indices (qz=60–70%, F=20–25%, fm=5–15%) in agreement with findings in other parts of the world. Rocks associated with cassiterite deposits usually have a higher tin content than those not carrying cassiterite — but this information has to be used with caution because the form of tin in the rock (i. e. as an economic mineral e. g. cassiterite or in a host mineral, e. g. in biotite) is determined by several factors. All these factors (geochemical, physicochemical and geological) must be considered in an integrated approach to exploration for new tin deposits. 相似文献
Burial metamorphism has been found in the Ordos basin of northern Shaanxi. On the basis of a rather intensive study of burial metamorphism of sandstone, it has been shown that the evolution from diagenesis to metamorphism involves four stages: cementation of clay minerals, regrowth of pressolved quartz and feldspar, cementation of carbonates and formation of laumontite. On that basis it has been put forward that the laumontite is formed by burial metamorphism of clay and carbonate minerals. According to the thermodynamic data of minerals, the conditions under which laumontite is formed are T<250℃ and X_(CO_2)<0.17. High-resolution SEM and TEM studies of clay minerals in mudstone show that there occur a mixed layer assemblage of bertherine and illite/chlorite and transformation from bertherine to chlorite. On that basis coupled by the X-ray diffraction analysis the author suggests the following transformation of clay minerals during burial metamorphism: the earliest smectite-kaolinite assemblage changes into the bertherine-illite mixture with increasing depth, then into the illite/chlorite mixed layer assemblage and finally into dispersed individual illite and chlorite. The reaction of the transformation is:smectite+kaolinite+K~+=illite+chlorite+quartz According to the study of the oxygen isotope thermometry of the coexisting illitequartz pair, the temperature of the above transformation is lower than 180℃. 相似文献
利用天然地震的走时和S波震相的层析成像方法可以提供上地幔S波速度扰动精细图像。我们对华北东部(32°~44°N,114°~126°E)进行了高分辨率S波地震层析成像研究,揭示了苏鲁及环渤海地区上地幔速度结构的差异,为研究该区域深部构造演化提供新的地球物理证据和制约。本次成像取得的最醒目的成果是揭示了由波速剧烈变化指示的两条上地幔破碎带,它们分别出现在渤海湾裂谷区与苏鲁超高压变质带下方。苏鲁超高压变质带下方上地幔破碎带包含多个有序排列的高速团块,推测与扬子走滑并向前俯冲、以及前锋超高压变质块体拆沉及折返作用有关。地幔地震S波速的成像结果支持华北东部渤海湾地区发育地幔热羽柱体系的观点,并对地幔热羽柱的鉴识提供了新的标识。 相似文献
The two Alpine orogenic phases of the Eastern Alps, in the Cretaceous and in the Tertiary, were both accompanied by the formation
of mineral deposits. However, subduction-related magmatic belts as well as the typical “Andean” ore deposits are missing.
Therefore, the role of metamorphism in East Alpine metallogeny was tentatively explored for more than 60 y, although for a
long time without tangible results. Microthermometric, geochemical and isotopic investigations of fluid inclusions from selected
Alpine mineral deposits presented allow a preliminary confirmation of the involvement of metamorphic fluids in their origin.
Deposits which were formed immediately after the first, Cretaceous orogeny, were produced at high pressures by fluids of very
high salinity and high density, and with an isotopic composition of the water falling into the metamorphic field. These fluids
are best understood as products of metamorphic de-volatilization of rocks of the subducted South Pennine domain. In contrast
to this, the deposits formed after the second, Tertiary orogeny, originated at relatively low pressures from fluids with an
appreciable content of CO 2 and of low to moderate salinities. Isotopic compositions of this carbon indicate a deep crustal or even mantle source for
CO 2, while the water is isotopically more heterogeneous and may have mixed sources, both surficial and metamorphic. Tectonic
control of these mineralizations is late-orogenic trans-tensional faulting, which exposed hot metamorphic rocks to fluid convection
along brittle structures. These deposits conform best to the model of metamorphogenic metallogenesis by retrograde leaching,
although ponded metamorphic fluids and mantle volatiles may also have been involved.
Received: 4 August 1998 / Accepted: 5 January 1999 相似文献
胶东地区莱西-莱阳-栖霞-带晚太古代花岗片麻碉中,出露相当规模的高压基性麻业岩和超镁铁质岩组合,曾被认为它们是与苏鲁-大别超高压碰撞造山作用有关的一套岩石组合,高在性麻粒岩中可同三期变质矿物组合;早期为Grt核部)+Cpx+Pl;中期为Grt(边中)+Cpx+Opx+Pl+Amp+Q+Mt;晚期为Cpx+Pl+Amp+Q+Mt。早期的石榴石含钱铝榴石和镁铝榴石组分较高,单斜辉石含Al高。应用矿物温 相似文献
Bands and pods of calc-silicate rock a few centimetres thickare widely distributed throughout the Late Precambrian Moiniansequence in N.W. Scotland. They probably originated as late-diageneticcalcareous concretions and were subsequently affected by greenschistto upper middle amphibolite facies (Barrovian) regional metamorphismduring the Caledonian ( s.l.) orogeny. The calc-silicate rocks described here are from Inverness-shirein the Western Highlands of Scotland. Distinctive prograde mineralassemblages define four narrow zones which run broadly north-southand increase in grade eastwards. Plagioclase composition changesprogressively from albite to near anorthite with increasinggrade and, together with the presence or absence of zoisitebiotite, and hornblende, is the basis of the zonal divisions.Zoisite Ca 2(Al 0.96, Fe 0.04) 3Si 3O 12(OH) with biotite is commonin the lower zones and plagioclase jumps in compositionfrom calcic andesine to bytownite with the exit of all, or mostof, the zoisite. Similarly biotite-bearing assemblages giveway to those containing ferro-horn-blende and/or pyroxene. Almandinegarnet with approximately 3040 per cent grossular ispresent throughout and clinozoisite becomes more common in thehigher grade assemblages. Three main episodes of folding (F1F3) are recognizedin the area, with the calc-silicate assemblages having developedduring the second deformation (MS2) and immediately followingit (MP2). The metamorphic zones (largely of MP2 age) are foldedby major third folds and there is evidence of widespread superimposedretrogression of probable MP3 age to the east. New analyses of 21 whole rocks by X.R.F., and of 20 mineralsby microprobe, are presented. AI 2O 3 content varies over a smallrange in the whole rock analyses and aluminium is used as astandard for comparing variations in the other elements. CaO/Al 2O 3ratios show little variation but a progressive decrease in Na 2O/Al 2O 3and K 2O/Al 2O 3 with increasingly calcic plagioclase composition(as assessed by measurements on separated fractions), and hence with metamorphic grade, isnoted. Coupled with the fact that the metamorphic zones cross-cutpreviously folded stratigraphic boundaries, this suggests thatboth Na 2O and K 2O have been in part lost from the higher gradecalc-silicate assemblages during progressive metamorphism. Reactions are proposed for the observed mineral changes, andit is concluded that these are most likely achieved by cationexchange through the medium of the pore fluid and result inpartial elimination from the local system of certain elements.No evidence is found that the reaction often quoted as thatresponsible for the exit of zoisite in semi-calcareous rocks,namely 4zo+qtz5an+gross+vap, has taken place. 相似文献
AbstractThis paper summarises current knowledge on metamorphism within the entire New England Orogen (NEO) of eastern Australia. Rocks recording metamorphic assemblages characteristic of each of the three metamorphic facies series (high, medium and low P/T) have been identified within the orogen. These include high P/T blueschists and eclogites, mid P/T orogenic metamorphism and low P/T contact aureoles and sub-regional high-temperature–low-pressure (HTLP) metamorphism (regional aureoles). Metamorphism is described as it relates to six tectonic phases of development of the NEO that together comprise two major cycles of compression–extension. Medium–high-grade contact metamorphism spans all six tectonic phases while low-grade burial and/or orogenic metamorphism has been identified for four of the six phases. In contrast, exposure of high P/T eclogites and blueschists, and generation of sub-regional low P/T metamorphism is restricted to extensional phases of the orogen. Hallmarks of the orogen are two newly identified zones of HTLP metamorphism, the older of which extends for almost the entire length of the orogen. - KEY POINTS
The orogen is dominated by low-temperature rocks while high-temperature amphibolite to granulite facies rocks are restricted to small exposures in HTLP complexes and contact aureoles. Blueschist metamorphism falls into two categories; that associated with subduction during the Currabubula-Connors continental arc phase occurring at depths of ~13–30?km; and the other of Cambrian–Ordovician age, exposed within a serpentinite melange and associated with blocks of eclogite. The eclogite, initially from depths of ~75–90?km, appears to have been entrained in the deep crust for an extended period of geological time. A comprehensive review of contact metamorphism in the orogen is lacking and as studies on low-grade metamorphism are more extensive in the southern part of the orogen than the north, this highlights a second research gap. 相似文献
An Ordovician geanticlinal marine sequence is exposed in theCentral West of New South Wales, Australia. The sequence containingbasic lavas, labile sedimentary, and proclastic rocks, has undergoneextensive adjustment during regional burial metamorphism. Thebasic lavas have a patchy coloration due to the formation ofalternation minerals of the prehnite-pumpellyite facies whichapperar to have formed during the metamorphism. The hererogeneousappearance of the basic lavas reflects a pronouced chemicaland mineralogical departure from the original composition. Twodiverging trends result. One leads to the production of a Ca-enrichedlithology, the other, which by far dominates in area at eachouterop, leads to a spilitic lithology. The alterationdomains in many cases crosscut all primary textural featureand their chemical variation does not correspond to likely variationsin the original lava composition. 相似文献
Metamorphic isograds and time-integrated fluid fluxes were mappedover the 1500 km2 exposure of the Waits River Formation, easternVermont, south of latitude 4430'N. Isograds based on the appearanceof oligoclase, biotite, and amphibole in metacarbonate rocksdefine elongated metamorphic highs centered on the axes of twolarge antiforms. The highest-grade isograd based on the appearanceof diopside is closely associated spatially with synmetamorphicgranitic plutons. Pressure, calculated from mineral equilibria,was fairly uniform in the area, 7 1.5 kb; calculated temperatureincreases from {small tilde} 480C at the lowest grades in thearea to {small tilde} 575C in the diopside zone. CalculatedX co2f equilibrium metamorphic fluid increases from <0-03at the lowest grades to 0.2 in the amphibole zone and decreasesto 0.07 in the diopside zone. Time-integrated fluid fluxesincrease with increasing metamorphic grade, with the followingmean values for each metamorphic zone (in cm 3/cm 2): ankerite-oligoclasezone, 1 x 10 4; biotite zone, 7 x 10 4; amphibole zone, 2 x 10 5;diopside zone, 7 x 10 5. The mapped pattern of time-integrated fluxes delineates twolarge deep-seated ({small tilde} 25-km depth) regional metamorphichydrothermal systems, each centered on one of the major antiforms.Fluid flowed subhorizontally perpendicular to the axis of theantiforms from their low-temperature flanks to their hot axialregions and drove prograde decarbonation reactions as they went.Along the axes of the antiforms fluid flow was further focusedaround synmetamorphic granitic intrusions. In the hot axialregion fluid changed direction and flowed subvertically outof the metamorphic terrane, precipitating quartz veins. Estimatesof the total recharge, based on progress of prograde decarbonationreactions, nearly match estimates of the total discharge, basedon measured quartz vein abundance, (2-10) x 10 12 cm3 fluid percm system measured parallel to the axes of the antiforms. Withinthe axial regions fluids had lower X CO2 and rocks record greatertime-integrated fluxes close to the intrusions than at positionsmore than {small tilde} 5 km from them. The differences in bothfluid composition and time-integrated flux can be explainedby mixing close to the intrusions of regional metamorphic fluidsof X CO2/ with fluids from another source with X CO2{small tilde}0 in the approximate volume ratio of 1:2. 相似文献
仙桃地区湖群不断萎缩,水体富营养化水平和湿地沉积物重金属含量持续升高,江汉湖群生态系统日益脆弱,加强对该地区生态环境演化研究、分析人类活动和富营养化对湖泊生态系统的影响、探究该地区不同沉积环境的碳埋藏规律等显得尤为重要.在对江汉平原重点地区(仙桃彭场镇幅和脉旺咀幅)第四纪地质调查的基础上,选取研究区大型渔场、小型鱼塘、沟滩、湖泊、水稻田、泄洪道、旱地、汉水阶地8种不同沉积环境的16个关键带点位,分别测定了其表层及浅层钻孔沉积物的色素、TOC(total organic carbon,总有机碳)与TN(total nitrogen,总氮).表层沉积物TOC含量反映了研究区南部多湖泊区域有机碳埋藏量较高,而北部冲、洪积成因环境相对较低,与色素、TN所指示的人类活动强度和富营养化水平相吻合.湿地浅层钻孔沉积物碳埋藏速率变化整体表现为升高趋势,与色素所指示的湖泊富营养化的趋势相吻合;不同沉积环境碳埋藏速率差异较大,最高为大型渔场77.71 g·m-2·a-1、最低为汉水阶地3.61 g·m-2·a-1.研究结果表明,受到人类活动影响,湖相沉积物中碳埋藏量相对较高,湖泊碳汇功能不断增强,这对江汉平原关键带碳循环研究具有重要意义. 相似文献
The late Proterozoic Adelaide Geosyncline, along with overlying Cambrian strata, comprises a thick sequence of sediments and sparse volcanics which accumulated in a major rift and passive margin setting. During late syn-rift or early post-rift phases, large volumes of terrigenous and carbonate sediments of the late Proterozoic Umberatana and Wilpena Groups and Cambrian Hawker Group filled the rift. Submarine canyon development was related to at least four of these depositional cycles, the most notable of which resulted in incision and subsequent filling of the major (several kilometres in width and up to 1.5 km deep) submarine canyons by the Wonoka Formation. The Wonoka Formation canyons are not obviously fault controlled. They are interpreted to have been eroded by turbidity currents during a relative low-stand of sea-level. They were subsequently filled by a fining-upwards suite of sediments which reflects subsequent relative rise of sea-level and carbonate platform development. Ultimately the canyon complex was buried by north-westerly progradation of overlying fluvial and slope sequences (Billy Springs Beds and possibly correlative upper Pound Subgroup). It is considered likely that more distal elements of this prograding clastic wedge provided the necessary material for canyon erosion, prior to canyon filling and ultimate burial by what may have been elements of the same depositional cycle. It is considered possible that the series of isolated outcrops of canyon cross-sections within the Wonoka Formation are sections of a single canyon thalweg developed within a considerably broader zone of slope degradation. If this interpretation is correct, then the gorge-like Patsy Springs Canyon lies in more proximal regions of the basin-slope, whereas 40 km to the north-east the lower slope is cut by the Fortress Hill Canyon Complex. Palaeocurrent analyses of channel-fill turbidites within the canyons imply that the Fortress Hill Complex is in fact the outcropping western edge of a sinuous, incised canyon thalweg. The Wonoka Formation canyons, containing basal sedimentary breccias but only minor conglomerates, are considered typical of passive margin canyon development. They are contrasted with the generally highly conglomeratic channel-fills observed in outcropping Tertiary and Cretaceous examples of active margin canyons and upper fan valleys. 相似文献
Explosions at two large open cut mines (Leigh Creek and Iron Baron) were used as sources of seismic energy to record along two linear profiles, parallel and approximately transverse to the axis of the Adelaide geosyncline in South Australia. Records at approximately 120 sites were obtained out to distances of the order of 350 km with Kinemetrics PS‐1A portable seismographs, using smoked paper and a recording speed of 4 mm/s. Times of blasting were determined from records at some of the permanent stations of the University of Adelaide seismograph network. Station spacing was normally 5 km, but at large distances from the source this increased to the order of 10 km. The simplest model of the crust consistent with the observed travel times comprises two essentially homogeneous layers overlying the mantle. The average P wave velocities in the upper and lower crustal layers are 5.94 km/s and 6.46 km/s, with the boundary between the layers at approximately 18 km and possibly 8 km below Eyre Peninsula. Although such a division has been found in other parts of Australia, none of the earlier studies in S.A. found evidence for such a discontinuity or velocity gradient. The P wave velocity in the upper mantle is 7.97 km/s and the mean thickness of the crust is 39 km. Both the intermediate and Moho “discontinuities” may vary by up to 5 km from their mean depths. Shear waves have velocities of 3.43 and 4.45 km/s in the upper crustal layer and the upper mantle, respectively. 相似文献
辽河群是胶辽吉古元古代造山带的主要组成部分。近年来对其区域变质作用的PTt轨迹研究发现:同一造山带内PTt轨迹具有多样性。进一步研究认为,这一碰撞造山带南、北空间上PTt轨迹的逆向性起因于造山带南、北部的结构构造、变形过程和同变形变质花岗岩空间分布上的差异。就南辽河群和盖县岩组而言,早期、中期变质阶段,因中深部地壳大面积“辽吉花岗岩”的底垫式侵位及其诱发的沉积盖层顺层滑脱减薄作用,变质作用表现为近等压和小幅度增压而温度快速上升的过程;峰期变质阶段,又因收缩挤压增厚,表现为等温升压过程(盖县岩组)或升温升压过程(南辽河群);最后晚期变质阶段,差异剥蚀引起降温降压(盖县岩组)或近等压降温过程(南辽河群)。对北辽群而言,早期、中期变质阶段,因盖层南辽河群及盖县岩组的大规模向北滑覆增厚作用而及花岗岩浆不发育,仅有正常传导热及放射热,因而△P>△T;峰期变质阶段温、压同时达峰值,之后等温快速降压过程,与构造剥蚀有关;至晚期变质阶段,同盖县岩组一样,经历降温降压过程。通过对比上述北、南辽河群及盖县岩组的大陆动力学过程,表明早期大陆动力学过程正好是一个互为消长的过程,从而也决定了它们的PTt轨迹的逆反性。最后,本文提出了辽河群变质的底侵+拆沉模型。 相似文献
据冀东迁安-遵化一带麻粒岩相区的变质岩石、变质矿物及其组构特征、变质作用的温度、压力条件,结合同位素年代学资料,以及岩浆作用、构造变形作用和变质作用之间的关系,可将本区太古代变质作用划分为两期。太古代第一期变质作用只限于表壳岩包体岩石中,变质级为高角闪岩相和辉石麻粒岩相,第二期变质作用发生在晚太古代,早期变质阶段是在紫苏花岗岩侵位以后发生的辉石麻粒岩相变质作用,晚期变质阶段发生在稍后侵位的基性侵入岩体、英云闪长岩、奥长花岗岩等深成侵入体中,变质级达角闪麻粒岩相。早元古代第一期角闪石榴二辉麻粒岩型岩脉,遭受了辉石麻粒相变质作用,第二期角闪石榴斜长辉石岩型岩脉经历了角闪麻粒岩相变质作用。这些变质作用在早期岩石中都有不同程度的叠加。麻粒岩相变质作用的温度在700℃~920℃,压力在0.88~1.14GPa。变质作用的PTt演化呈现了逆时针近等压冷却的轨迹 相似文献
The Sanbagawa metamorphic terrain in the Sazare area, centralSikoku, is divided into three zones of progressive metamorphism,A, B, and C, on the basis of mineral assemblages of peliticschists. The characteristic mineral assemblage of zone A isphengite+chlorite and that of zone C is phengite+chlorite+garnetwith biotite possibly at a higher-grade part. Zone B is transitionalbetween A and C. Variation of the chemistry of garnet rim andchlorite with increasing grade is conspicuous: the MnO and FeOcontents of chlorite decrease and the FeO content of garnetrims increase with grade. The Fe-Mg partition coefficient forthe chloritegarnet rim pair also changes systematicallywith the grade defined by the assemblage suggesting that theprogressive metamorphism is primarily due to temperature increase.The difference in assemblages between the Barrovian biotitezone and zone C of the present area is due either to the commonoccurrence of clinozoisite in the latter or to the differentparagenetic relations induced by higher-pressure of equilibriumin the Sanbagawa belt as compared with the Scottish one. The thermal structure of the present area revealed by zonalmapping requires the presence of a large-scale overturned structure,which postdated the major mineral formation. 相似文献