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The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea is located on the collisional zone between the Alpine Corsica and the Northern Apennines and is a key area for gaining a better understanding of the complex relationships between these two systems. The knowledge of the wide offshore part of this zone, located between Corsica (France) and mainland Italy, is based primarily on the analysis of several seismic profiles tied to the outcropping geology and unpublished preliminary reports of few offshore wells. The here presented study of two offshore wells provides a revision of the sedimentology, biostratigraphy and petrography of the thick, mainly siliciclastic, Tertiary successions (about 3,600 m) composing the Elba–Pianosa Ridge (EPR), a structural/morphological high separating the Tuscan Shelf to the east from the Corsica Basin to the west. A comparison with similar deposits cropping out in the surrounding onshore areas (Northern Apennines, Corsica, Tuscan Archipelago, Piedmont Tertiary Basin) provides additional constraints for refinement of the complex geodynamic and regional setting in which the EPR evolved.  相似文献   

The composition and formation of the Earth’s primitive continental crust and mantle differentiation are key issues to understand and reconstruct the geodynamic terrestrial evolution, especially during the Archean. However, the scarcity of exposure to these rocks, the complexity of lithological relationships, and the high degree of superimposed deformation, especially with long-lived magmatism, make it difficult to study ancient rocks. Despite this complexity, exposures of the Archean Mairi Gneiss Complex basement unit in the São Francisco Craton offer important information about the evolution of South America’s primitive crust. Therefore, here we present field relationships, LA-ICP-SFMS zircon U-Pb ages, and LA-ICP-MCMS Lu-Hf isotope data for the recently identified Eoarchean to Neoarchean gneisses of the Mairi Complex. The Complex is composed of massive and banded gneisses with mafic members ranging from dioritic to tonalitic, and felsic members ranging from TTG (Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite) to granitic composition. Our new data point to several magmatic episodes in the formation of the Mairi Gneiss Complex: Eoarchean (ca. 3.65–3.60 Ga), early Paleoarchean (ca. 3.55–3.52 Ga), middle-late Paleoarchean (ca. 3.49–3.33 Ga) and Neoarchean (ca. 2.74–2.58 Ga), with no records of Mesoarchean rocks. Lu-Hf data unveiled a progressive evolution of mantle differentiation and crustal recycling over time. In the Eoarchean, rocks are probably formed by the interaction between the pre-existing crust and juvenile contribution from chondritic to weakly depleted mantle sources, whereas mantle depletion played a role in the Paleoarchean, followed by greater differentiation of the crust with thickening and recycling in the middle–late Paleoarchean. A different stage of crustal growth and recycling dominated the Neoarchean, probably owing to the thickening of the continental crust by collision, continental arc growth, and mantle differentiation.  相似文献   

Mesozoic intermediate-felsic magmatic rocks in the eastern North China Craton commonly show geochemical similarity to adakites.However,the lack of direct constraints from partial melting experiments at high pressures and temperatures fuels a debate over the origin of these rocks.In this work,we performed partial melting experiments at 1.5 GPa and 800–950℃on amphibolite samples collected from the vicinity of the Mesozoic potassium-rich adakitic rocks in the Zhangjiakou area,northern margin of the North China Craton.The experimental melts range from granitic to granodioritic compositions,with SiO2=56.4–72.6 wt.%,Al2O3=16.1–19.3 wt.%,FeO*=2.4–9.6 wt.%,MgO=0.3–2.0 wt.%,CaO=0.6–3.8 wt.%,Na2O=4.7–5.3 wt.%,and K2O=2.6–3.9 wt.%,which are in the ranges of the surrounding Mesozoic potassium-rich adakitic rocks,except for the higher Al2O3contents and the data point at 1.5 GPa and 800℃.Trace element compositions of the melts measured by LA-ICP-MS are rich in Sr(849–1067 ppm)and light rare earth elements(LREEs)and poor in Y(<10.4 ppm)and Yb(<0.88 ppm),and have high Sr/Y(102–221)and(La/Yb)n(27–41)ratios and strongly fractionated rare earth element(REE)patterns,whereas no obvious negative Eu anomalies are observed.The geochemical characteristics show overall similarity to the Mesozoic potassium-rich adakitic rocks in the area,especially adakites with low Mg#,again except for the data point at 1.5 GPa and 800℃.The results suggest that partial melting of amphibolite can produce potassium-rich adakitic rocks with low Mg#in the eastern North China Craton under the experimental conditions of 1.5 GPa and 850–950℃.The experimental restites consist of hornblende(Hbl)+plagioclase(Pl)+garnet(Grt)±clinopyroxene(Cpx),a mineral assemblage significantly different from that of the nearby Hannuoba mafic granulite xenoliths which consist of Cpx+orthopyroxene(Opx)+Pl±Grt.Chemically,the experimental restites contain higher Al2O3but lower MgO and CaO than the Hannuoba mafic granulite xenoliths.We therefore argue that the Hannuoba mafic granulite xenoliths cannot represent the direct products of partial melting of the experimental amphibolite.  相似文献   

Geological mapping coupled with structural investigations carried out in the Voltri Massif (eastern Ligurian Alps, Italy) provide new data for the interpretation of the tectonic context controlling main fabric development during exhumation of its high-pressure core. The Voltri Massif is here interpreted as a c. 30 km-long eclogite-bearing, asymmetric dome formed by the progressive verticalisation of the regional, second-phase mylonitic foliation developed during retrogressive greenschist metamorphic conditions. In this light, the exhumation history is driven by a ductile-to-brittle extensional process, operating through low-angle, top-to-the-W multiple detachment systems. A Late Eocene–Early Oligocene age for this extensional episode is proposed on the basis of structural correlations, stratigraphic and radiometric constraints. In this scenario, the Voltri Massif is interpreted as an extensional domain developed to accommodate the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene arching of the Western Alps–Northern Apennines orogenic system.  相似文献   

We report in the paper integrated analyses of in situ zircon U–Pb ages, Hf–O isotopes, whole-rock geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopes for the Longlou granite in northern Hainan Island, southeast China. SIMS zircon U–Pb dating results yield a crystallization age of ∼73 Ma for the Longlou granite, which is the youngest granite recognized in southeast China. The granite rocks are characterized by high SiO2 and K2O, weakly peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.04–1.10), depletion in Sr, Ba and high field strength elements (HFSE) and enrichment in LREE and large ion lithophile elements (LILE). Chemical variations of the granite are dominated by fractional crystallization of feldspar, biotite, Ti–Fe oxides and apatite. Their whole-rock initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7073–0.7107) and εNd(t) (−4.6 to −6.6) and zircon εHf(t) (−5.0 to 0.8) values are broadly consistent with those of the Late Mesozoic granites in southeast China coast. Zircon δ18O values of 6.9–8.3‰ suggest insignificant involvement of supracrustal materials in the granites. These granites are likely generated by partial melting of medium- to high-K basaltic rocks in an active continental margin related to subduction of the Pacific plate. The ca. 73 Ma Longlou granite is broadly coeval with the Campanian (ca. 80–70 Ma) granitoid rocks in southwest Japan and South Korea, indicating that they might be formed along a common Andean-type active continental margin of east–southeast Asia. Tectonic transition from the Andean-type to the West Pacific-type continental margin of southeast China likely took place at ca.70 Ma, rather than ca. 90–85 Ma as previously thought.  相似文献   

The Sergipano Belt is the outcome of collision between the Pernambuco–Alagoas Massif and the São Francisco Craton during Neoproterozoic assembly of West Gondwana. Field relationships and U–Pb geochronology of granites intruded in garnet micaschists of the Macururé Domain are used to constrain the main collisional event (D2) in the belt. The granites are divided into two groups, the pre-collisional granites (pre- to early-D2) and the syn-collisional granites (syn- to tardi-D2), the latter were emplaced as sheets along the S2 axial plane foliation or they were collected at the hinge zones of F2 folds. A U–Pb SHRIMP zircon age of 628 ± 12 Ma was obtained for the pre-collisional Camará tonalite. Two U–Pb TIMS titanite ages were obtained for the syn-collisional granites, 584 ± 10 Ma for the Angico granite and 571 ± 9 Ma for the Pedra Furada granite, and these ages are close to the garnet-whole rock Sm–Nd isochron of 570 Ma found for the peak of metamorphism in the Sergipano Belt. The ages of the Camará tonalite (628 Ma) and the Pedra Furada granite (571 Ma) mark respectively the maximum age for beginning of the D2 event and minimum age for the end in the Macururé Domain. Using these ages, the main Neoproterozoic D2 collisional event has been in operation in the Sergipano Belt for at least 57 million years. Correlation with coeval granitoids farther north in the Borborema Province indicate that while in the Sergipano Belt the syn-D2 granites (ca. 590–570 Ma) were emplaced under compression, in the Borborema Province they emplaced under extensional conditions related to regional strike-slip shear zones. These contrasting emplacement settings for contemporaneous Neoproterozoic granitoids are explained by a combination of continent–continent collision and extrusion tectonics.  相似文献   

Interactions between basaltic melt and orthopyroxenite(Opx)were investigated to gain a better understanding of the consequences of the residence and transport of ocean island basalts(OIBs)within the mantle.The experiments were conducted using a DS-3600 six-anvil apparatus at 3.0–4.5 GPa and 1300–1450℃.The basaltic melt and Opx coexisted at local equilibrium at these pressures and temperatures;the initial melts dissolved Opx,which modified their chemical composition,and clinopyroxene(Cpx)precipitated with or without garnet(Grt).The trace-element contents of Grt,Cpx,and melt were measured and the mineral–melt distribution coefficients(D)of Cpx–melt and Grt–melt were calculated,which can be used to assess the distribution of trace elements between basalt and minerals in the mantle.Two types of reaction rim were found in the experimental products,Cpx,and Cpx+Grt;this result indicates that residual rocks within the mantle should be pyroxenite or garnet pyroxenite.Both rock types are found in mantle xenoliths from Hawaii,and the rare-earth-element(REE)pattern of Cpx in these mantle pyroxenites matches those of Cpx in the experimental reaction rims.Furthermore,residual melts in the experimental products plot in similar positions to Hawaiian high-SiO2OIBs on major-element Harker diagrams,and their trace-element patterns show the signature of residual Grt,particularly in runs at1350℃ and 4.0–4.5 GPa.Trace-element concentrations of the experimental residual melts plot in similar positions to the Hawaiian OIBs on commonly used discrimination diagrams(Ti vs.Zr,Cr vs.Y,Cr vs.V,Zr/Y vs.Zr,and Ti/Y vs.Nb/Y).These results indicate that reaction between basaltic melt and pyroxenite might contribute to the generation of Hawaiian high-SiO2 OIBs and account for their chemical variability.  相似文献   

Mesoarchean to Neoarchean orthogneisses (2.95–2.79 Ga) in the Fiskenæsset region, southern West Greenland, are composed of an older suite of metamorphosed tonalites, trondhjemites, and granodiorites (TTGs), and a younger suite of high-K granites. The TTGs are characterized by high Al2O3 (14.2–18.6 wt.%), Na2O (3.4–5.13 wt.%), and Sr (205–777 ppm), and low Y (0.7–17.4 ppm) contents. On chondrite- and N-MORB-normalized trace element diagrams, the TTGs have the following geochemical characteristics: (1) highly fractionated REE patterns (La/Ybcn = 14–664; La/Smcn = 4.3–11.0; Gd/Ybcn = 1.5–19.7); (2) strong positive anomalies of Sr (Sr/Sr* = 1.0–15.9) and Pb (Pb/Pb* = 1.4–34.9); and (3) large negative anomalies of Nb (Nb/Nb* = 0.01–0.34) and Ti (Ti/Ti* = 0.1–0.6). The geochemical characteristics of the TTGs and trace element modeling suggest that they were generated by partial melting of hydrous basalts (amphibolites) at the base of a thickened magmatic arc, leaving a rutile-bearing eclogite residue. Field observations suggest that spatially and temporarily associated tholeiitic basalts (now amphibolites) in the Fiskenæsset region might have been the sources of TTG melts. The high-K granites have steep REE patterns (La/Ybcn = 3.8–506; La/Smcn = 2.7–18.9; Gd/Ybcn = 0.92–12.1) and display variably negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.37–0.96) and moderate Sr (84–539 ppm) contents. Four outlier granite samples have variably positive Eu (Eu/Eu* = 1.0–12) anomalies. Given that the granodiorites have higher K2O/Na2O than the tonalites and trondhjemites, it is suggested that the granites were derived from partial melting of the granodiorites. It is speculated that the dense eclogitic residues, left after TTG melt extraction, were foundered into the sub-arc mantle, leading to basaltic underplating beneath the lower rust. Melting of the granodiorites in response to the basaltic underplating resulted in the production of high-K granitic melts. Formation of the Fiskenæsset TTGs, the foundering of the eclogitic residues into the mantle, and the emplacement of the high-K granites led to the growth of Archean continental crust in the Fiskenæsset region.  相似文献   

We present a high-resolution sedimentological analysis of Barremian–Aptian shallow-water carbonates from two cores (S. Maria 6 and 4) that were drilled in the central Apennines (central Italy) and one section (Monte Faito) that crops out in the southern Apennines (southern Italy). The aims of this work are (a) to propose a high-resolution correlation of sections that are located approximately 170 km apart in different tectonic units and paleogeographic domains using a microstratigraphic (cm-scale) approach and (b) to reveal global and regional mechanisms that control the stratigraphic architecture of these carbonate platform strata.A composite S. Maria section was assembled by integrating the sedimentologic and biostratigraphic analyses of the two cores, which overlap each other across the Barremian–Aptian boundary. Both the S. Maria and the Monte Faito sections show repetitive facies patterns that are expressed as elementary cycles, which are hierarchically grouped into bundles and superbundles. The elementary cycles are meter-scale sedimentary units that are bounded by subaerial erosion surfaces, which directly overlie subtidal deposits. This implies that they formed under the influence of relative sea-level fluctuations. In both sections, the superbundles are organized into Transgressive/Regressive Facies Trends (T/RFTs), which are considered to be expressions of lower-frequency relative sea-level changes.These deposits, like their Cretaceous analogues of other areas of the Apennines, show evidence of astronomically controlled eustatic oscillations, which are reflected in the hierarchical organization of their stacking patterns. They also exhibit a sequence-stratigraphic configuration that is best recognizable in the superbundles and T/RFTs. Based on integrated stratigraphic criteria, a high-resolution regional correlation between S. Maria and Monte Faito was developed and compared with the reference section of Monte Raggeto (M. Maggiore, southern Apennines, Italy), where biostratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic studies have been complemented by magneto- and isotope-stratigraphy.We also propose a chronostratigraphic correlation between our T/RFTs and the Tethyan stratigraphic cycles of Hardenbol et al. (1998). Based on the cyclostratigraphic interpretation and orbital chronostratigraphy of the studied interval, we estimate a minimum duration of 5.2 my for the Barremian interval, which is similar to the 4.5 my duration from the Geological Time Scale of Gradstein et al., (2012).  相似文献   

The relationship of the Yangtze Block with other continental blocks of the Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinents is hotly debated. Here we report U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopic data for zircons from the latest Neoproterozoic Yanjing Group and the overlying Silurian–Devonian rocks on the western margin of Yangtze Block, which provide critical constraints on the provenance of these sediments and further shed light on the crustal evolution and tectonic affinity of the western Yangtze Block in the context of Rodinia and the subsequent Gondwanaland. Mica schist from the middle part of the Yanjing Group contains dominant Neoproterozoic detrital zircons (0.72–0.80 Ga) with a pronounced age peak at 0.75 Ga. Based on the euhedral to subhedral shapes, high Th/U ratios and exclusively positive εHf(t) values (+ 6 to + 14) for the zircon crystals, and the lack of ancient zircons, we consider the sediments as products of proximal deposition near a Neoproterozoic subduction system in western Yangtze. Combined with the age of rhyolite from the lower part of the Yanjing Group, these strata were estimated to have been deposited in a period between 0.72 and 0.63 Ga. In contrast, the Silurian–Devonian sediments exhibit dominant Grenvillian ages (0.9–1.0 Ga), with middle Neoproterozoic (0.73–0.85 Ga), Pan-African (0.49–0.67 Ga) and Neoarchean (~ 2.5 Ga) age populations, suggesting a significant change of sedimentary provenance and thus a different tectonic setting. Although the shift occurred in the Silurian, the age spectra turn to be consistent along the western margin of the Yangtze Block until the Devonian, indicating persistence of the same sedimentary environment. However, the related provenance of these Paleozoic sediments cannot be found in South China. The presence of abundant Grenvillian, Pan-African and Neoarchean ages, along with their moderately to highly rounded shapes, indicates the possibility of exotic continental terrane(s) as a possible sedimentary provenance. Considering the potential source areas around the Yangtze Block when it was part of the Rodinia or Gondwana, we suggest that the source of these Paleozoic sediments had typical Gondwana affinities such as the Himalaya region, north India, which is also supported by their stratigraphic similarity, newly published paleomagnetic data and the tectono-thermal events of northwestern fragments of Gondwana. This implies that after a prolonged subduction in the Neoproterozoic, the western margin of the Yangtze Block began to incorporate into the assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent and was able to accept sediments from northwestern margin of Gondwanaland as a result of early Paleozoic orogeny.  相似文献   

In order to understand the vertical structure of the Dabie–Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt, common Pb isotopic compositions of omphacites in eclogites and feldspars in gneisses from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project (100–5000 m) have been investigated in this study. Samples from 0 to 800 m (unit 1) in the drilling core have moderately high radiogenic Pb isotopes with small variations of 206Pb/204Pb (16.82–17.38), 207Pb/204Pb (15.37–15.49), and 208Pb/204Pb (37.21–37.72), indicating either high µ (238U/204Pb) or high initial Pb isotope ratios of their protoliths. In contrast, the samples from 1600 to 2040 m (unit 3) and most of samples from 3200 to 5000 m (unit 5) have moderately or very unradiogenic Pb (unit 3: 206Pb/204Pb from 16.05 to 16.46, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.22 to 15.29, and 208Pb/204Pb from 36.68 to 37.48; unit 5: 206Pb/204Pb from 15.52 to 15.69, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.15 to 15.27, and 208Pb/204Pb from 36.48 to 37.20), indicating either low µ or low initial Pb isotope ratios of their protoliths. Pb isotopes of samples from 800 to 1600 m (unit 2) and from 2040 to 3200 m (unit 4) in the drilling core with abundant ductile shear zones are intermediate between those of units 1 and 3 or 5 and display larger variations. Pb isotopes combined with the published oxygen isotope data of the CCSD samples reveal the original positions of the five units before the Triassic continental subduction. Units 1, 3, and 5 as three UHPM rock slabs could be derived from the subducted upper continental crust, upper–middle continental crust and lower–middle continental crust, respectively. The ductile shearing zones in units 2 and 4 could be the interfaces where the detachment and decoupling took place between the upper, upper–middle and lower–middle continental crusts. The detachment between the upper slab and subducting continental lithosphere probably occurred during continental subduction, and the upper slab (unit 1) was uplifted to a shallow depth along the detachment surface by thrusting. Units 3 and 5 may be detached later from the subducted middle and lower crust and uplifted to a shallow level underneath unit 1. The low δ18O values (? 4.0 to ? 7.4‰) [Xiao, Y.-L., Zhang, Z.-M., Hoefs, J., Kerkhof, A., 2006. Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Rocks from the Chinese Continental Drilling Project-II Oxygen Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Distributions through Vertical Sections. Contribution Mineral Petrology 152, 443–458.; Zhang, Z.-M., Xiao, Y.-L., Zhao, X.-D., Shi, C., 2006. Fluid-rock interaction during the continental deep subduction: oxygen isotopic profile of the main hole of the CCSD project. Acta Petrologica Sinica 22 (7), 1941–1951.] in units 2 and 4 suggest that the detachment interfaces could be developed along an ancient fault zones which were the channels of meteoric water activity during the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Alps and Apennines are juxtaposed within an approximately 100 km-wide area covered by the Upper Eocene to Miocene successions of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The Upper Eocene–Oligocene evolution of this area was characterized to the north and west by the propagation of the SE-verging Southalpine thrust-fold belt that can be traced from the Po Plain subsurface until the Torino Hill-Saluzzese area, and to the south by a high-angle, broadly E–W oriented megashear zone that led to the juxtaposition of different crustal levels and controlled the development of a mosaic of partly independent sub-basins. Since the latest Oligocene the N-verging Apenninic tectonics prevailed in the collisional system and the Tertiary Piedmont Basin evolved as a wide thrust-top basin, bounded to the north by the N-verging Monferrato arc and characterized by a tectono-sedimentary evolution recording changes of subsidence and shift of depocentres in relation to crustal structures.  相似文献   

The Sa''al Metamorphic Complex (SMC; southern Sinai) encompasses the oldest arc rocks in the Arabian–Nubian Shield, comprising two non-consanguineous metavolcanic successions (the Agramiya Group and the Post-Ra''ayan Formation) separated by the metasediments of the Ra''ayan Formation. It experienced three distinct deformational events (D1–D3) and two low-medium grade regional metamorphic events (M1–M2). The Agramiya Group and the Ra''ayan Formation experienced all tectonometamorphic events (D1–D3 and M1–M2), whereas the Post-Ra''ayan volcanic rocks were only affected by the D3 and M2 events. D1 is an extensional event and is connected to the late Rodinia break-up (~Tonian; 900–870 Ma). The M1 metamorphism variably affected the older Agramiya Group, the rhyolitic tuffs experiencing lower to upper greenschist facies conditions and the basic and intermediate volcanic rocks undergoing amphibolite facies metamorphism. The Ra''ayan Formation metasediments experienced upper greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism. The upper greenschist facies M2 affected the youngest Post-Ra''ayan volcanic rocks and other stratigraphic successions. The compressive D2 and D3 events were coeval with the accretion of dismembered terranes in the assembly of Gondwana. D2 can be linked to the Tonian–Cryogenian arc-arc assembly (~880–760 Ma; in Elat and Sinai), whereas D3 and the accompanying M2 is constrained to 622–600 Ma (Ediacaran).  相似文献   

The late Carboniferous accretionary system of the South Tianshan orogen (North-Western China) underwent complex structural and polymetamorphic evolution. Combined petrological, geochronological and microstructural analysis of (ultra)high-pressure (UHP) metabasites (eclogites and blueschists) enclosed in metapelites show a relict coarse-grained eclogitic fabric S2 surrounded by a dominant fine-grained eclogite and blueschist facies retrograde fabric S2. The S2 fabric is reworked by upright folds F3 that are responsible for a major shortening of the whole accretionary system. For both the eclogite and blueschist, peak and retrograde PT conditions have been thermodynamically constrained at 25–26 kbar and 425–500 °C and 10–13 kbar and 500−550 °C respectively, suggesting a shared exhumation history. The garnet-whole rock-amphibole isochron in the blueschist yielded Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd ages of 326.0 ± 2.9 Ma and 318.4 ± 3.9 Ma respectively, interpreted to date the prograde to peak metamorphic assemblage. The retrograde path of the eclogite is characterized by heterogeneous omphacite recrystallization into a mylonitic fine-grained matrix and crystallization of blue amphibole. Microstructures in both pristine porphyroclastic and recrystallized fine-grained domains in the eclogite indicate a gradual evolution from constriction-dominated (L>S-type) to flattening-dominated (S>L-type) type of deformation, increase of fabric intensity reflected by gradually growing M-indexes and the development of lattice preferred orientation (LPO) typical for dislocation creep under slightly hydrated conditions. Recrystallization of the matrix in the blueschist is homogeneous, which indicates a matrix dominated channel flow during exhumation. These LPOs evolutions suggest a significant mechanical coupling with the upper plate concomitant with oroclinal bending of the Kazakh orocline. Lock up of Kazakh orocline is responsible for further stress increase resulting in horizontal shortening of South Tianshan accretionary wedge and development of D3 upright folding and steepening of the whole sequence.  相似文献   

Our analyses of microboudinage structures of piemontite grains embedded within six samples of metachert, one collected from an ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic unit at Lago di Cignana in Italy of the Western Alps, and the other five from surrounding high-pressure (HP) metamorphic units in Italy and France, have revealed that the structures are all symmetrical in type, and were presumably produced in coaxial strain fields. Stress–strain analyses of the microboudinaged grains revealed significant contrasts in the stress and strain histories of the UHP and HP metamorphic units, with the differential stress recorded by the UHP sample being unequivocally lower than that recorded by the five HP samples. In addition, our analyses showed that the UHP sample underwent stress-relaxation during microboudinage, whereas the five HP samples did not. On the basis of these observations and analyses we discuss the mechanical decoupling of the UHP and HP units that led to different histories in differential stress between the units during exhumation of the Western Alps.  相似文献   

The Salvan-Dorénaz intramontane basin formed between ca. 308–293 Ma as an asymmetric graben along crustal-scale transtensional fracture zones within the Aiguilles-Rouges crystalline massif (Western Alps) and represents a feature of the post-collisional evolution of the Variscan orogens. It contains 1.5–1.7 km of continental clastic deposits which were eroded from granitic, volcanic, and metamorphic rocks. Textural and compositional immaturity of the sandstones, and the numerous lithic fragments with low chemical and physical stability suggest only short-range transport. 40Ar/39Ar analyses of detrital muscovite are interpreted to represent cooling of the crystalline basement below the respective closure temperatures. Ages from detrital muscovite range between ca. 280–330 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar white mica plateau ages from granitic boulders range between 301–312 Ma and suggest rapid cooling. The very short time interval recorded between the 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages and the stratigraphic age of the host sediment suggests that considerable portions of the upper crust were removed prior to the formation of the basin. Late Variscan granitic boulders document surface exposure and erosion of Late Carboniferous granites during early stages of the infilling of the basin. Therefore, unroofing of basement units, magmatic activity, and formation of the fault bounded Salvan-Dorénaz basin were acting concomitantly, and are highly suggestive of extensional tectonics. When compared with other orogens, this situation seems specific to the Variscan, especially the exclusively young ages of detrital material, however, modern analogous may exist.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.  相似文献   

A review of the stratigraphy of the Galve sub-basin (western Maestrazgo Basin, eastern Spain) around the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition is presented here, based on new data acquired after extensive geological mapping and logging complemented with facies analysis, new biostratigraphic data and a revision of the published information available. The results obtained are relevant for a more detailed understanding of the tecto-sedimentary evolution of the studied basin during the transition between two stages of rift evolution (i.e., syn-rift sequences 1 and 2). In addition, new information on the age and setting of numerous dinosaur fossil- and track-sites found across the Galve sub-basin and in the northern part of the nearby Penyagolosa sub-basin is provided here. Two new lithostratigraphic units are defined and characterized, the Aguilar del Alfambra and the Galve formations. The previous stratigraphic framework considered only two lithostratigraphic units (the Villar del Arzobispo and El Castellar formations) bounded by a single regional unconformity, and this resulted in significant misinterpretations. The whitish limestones, red lutites and cross-bedded sandstones of the Aguilar del Alfambra Formation were deposited in transitional environments, ranging from coastal lutitic plains to restricted lagoons. Of particular interest are the laminated micritic-peloidal limestones with abundant fenestral porosity (supratidal ponds to intertidal flats), which preserve common dinosaur footprints. This unit is bounded by widespread unconformities and is of very variable thickness (0–450 m), controlled by extensional tectonics operating at the climax of syn-rift sequence 1 during the latest Tithonian–middle Berriasian. The overlying Galve Formation is of variable thickness (from 0 to 100 m) and is also bounded by regional unconformities described in detail here. It consists of red lutites with cross-bedded and tabular-burrowed sandstones representing channel and overflow deposits in an alluvial floodplain. The sauropod dinosaur Aragosaurus ischiaticus found in this unit has a controversial age assignment. The age of the Galve Formation is poorly constrained from late Berriasian to Hauterivian, but new biostratigraphic data presented here, combined with the correlation with the nearby Penyagolosa and Salzedella sub-basins, suggest a possible equivalence to the upper Berriasian–lower Valanginian sequence deposited during the initial stage of syn-rift sequence 2.  相似文献   

The first U–Pb geochronological results on the magmatic alignment of the Los Pedroches batholith are presented. The batholith is composed of a main granodioritic unit, several granite plutons and an important acid to basic dyke complex, all of them intrusive after the main Variscan regional deformation phase, D1, along the boundary between the Ossa-Morena and Central Iberian zones (SW Iberian Massif). Zircons from samples on both extremes of the granodiorite massif record nearly simultaneous magmatic crystallization at ca. 308 Ma, while the emplacement of granite plutons was diachronic between 314 and 304 Ma. The U–Pb results combined with new field and textural observations allow to better constrain the age of Variscan deformations D2 and D3 across the region, while the age of D1 remains imprecise. Transcurrent D2 shearing-tightening of D1 folds occurred around 314 Ma (lower Westphalian) in relation to the emplacement of the first granitic magmas. D3 faults and shear bands bearing a strong extensional component developed at ca. 308 Ma (upper Westphalian), associated to the intrusion of the main granodiorite pluton (granodiorite) of the batholith. Together with available geochemical and geophysical information, these results point to the Variscan reactivation of lithospheric fractures at the origin and subsequent emplacement of hybrid magmas within this sector of the Massif.  相似文献   

Intraclastic Mn carbonate rocks occur in the marginal areas of the manganese–carbonate orebody (manganesestone) of the Palaeoproterozoic Nsuta deposit in the Birimian of Ghana. Macroscopically the intraclastic rocks display graded bedding and are typified by a matrix-supported fabric with subangular to subrounded particles less than a millimetre to ∼1.5 × 0.5 cm. Both clasts and matrix consist mainly of varying proportions of microcrystalline and microconcretionary carbonates, quartz, muscovite and subordinate pyrite. Within individual intraclasts, carbonate minerals (including distinctly zoned microconcretions) are essentially Mg kutnahorite and Mg–Ca rhodochrosite, similar to the carbonate minerals in the manganesestone. Whole rock chemistry of the intraclastic carbonates shows significant variability in the amounts of SiO2, Al2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O and, to a lesser extent, K2O. Major element contents of the manganesestone similarly vary widely, except that these have, in particular, comparably higher MnO but less SiO2 and Al2O3 than the intraclastic carbonates and host rock Mn phyllite. Rare earth element (REE) concentrations in the intraclastic carbonates are approximately an order of magnitude higher than in the manganesestone. Whereas both rocks exhibit positive Eu anomalies, only the manganesestone shows a discernibly negative Ce anomaly. Petrographic and geochemical features suggest that the intraclasts are fragments of reworked Mn carbonate sediments derived from intraformational erosion and subsequent (mass flow) deposition as carbonate “turbidite” mud. Processes such as submarine slumping, sliding and other sediment gravity flows may have likely interrupted Mn sedimentation and transported partially consolidated manganiferous sediments down slopes into the early Birimian ocean.  相似文献   

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