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Using thein situ currents measurements conducted during Cruise 41 of the R/VAkademik Vernadsky, we have considered the structure of the Guiana Current in winter over the shelf, continental slope and in the deep-water part of the ocean, adjoining the Brazilian coast. Regular variations of the current velocity with depth have been identified, and the current velocity's stability and variability determined. The paper examines how the barocline component of the hydrostatic pressure horizontal drop influences the current velocity's vertical profile. An attempt has been made to evaluate the current's transport. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

The tidal current is generally predominant in China's offshore areas. The vertical structure of the observedtidal current is quite complicated with the presence of seasonal thermocline. The observed tidal current may be divided into two parts, an averaged barotropic tide current and a variation tide current. A method for studying the vertical structure of tidal current is developed from the constitution and distribution of energy, and the vertical structure of the observed tide current in the North Huanghai Sea is studied on the basis of the method. The result shows that the reason why the energy of the tidal current is concentrated on the neighbourhood of the thermocline mainly lies in the internal tides i under certain conditions, the fact that the direction of the internal tide current above the thermocline is opposite to the one below the thermocline will be able to cause the rotary directions of the observed tidal current above and below the thermocline to be in opposite. The interaction between th  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of the principal oceanic ring parameters (tangential and angular velocities, shape function, horizontal and vertical scale of the ring) is described. The theoretical model consists of a reduced gravity model of the lens-like vortices with solid body rotation. The application of this approach is tested by comparison with data from the North Brazil Current Rings Experiment and remote sensing data. Specifically, we used the data corresponding to the surfaceintensified North Brazil Current ring (R-3) surveyed in February–March 1999, using direct velocity and hydrographical measurements. The theoretical model was used for evaluating the geometrical structure of the surface-intensified rings that produce remarkable signals in satellite data. The principal ring parameters from the model were compared with those from satellite data (altimetry and drifter information), which were estimated by using the method of minimization of the multivariable objective functions. Although the proposed model is linear in its conception, a good agreement was observed between the model and the primary characteristics of the observed rings. The model, however, allows for improvement in its assumptions, since its application is rather limited to intense ocean rings.  相似文献   

A simple numerical model, based on the Reynolds stress equations and kε turbulence closure scheme, is developed for the coastal wave and current bottom boundary layer. The current friction velocity is introduced to account for the effect of currents on waves. The implicit Crank–Nicolson finite difference method discretizes the governing equations. Vertical changing step grids with the constant ratio for two adjacent spatial steps are used together with the equal time steps in the modeling. Vertical profiles of mean current velocity and wave velocity amplitude are obtained. These modeled results are compared with the laboratory experimental data of Van Doorn [1981. Experimental investigation of near bottom velocities in water waves with and without a current. Report M1423, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands; 1982. Experimenteel onderzoek naar het snelheidsveld in de turbulente bodemgrenslaag in een oscillerende stroming in een golftunnel. Report M1562, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands]. It has been shown that modeled and observed (Van Doorn, T., 1981. Experimental investigation of near bottom velocities in water waves with and without a current. Report M1423, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands; 1982. Experimenteel onderzoek naar het snelheidsveld in de turbulente bodemgrenslaag in een oscillerende stroming in een golftunnel. Report M1562, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands) mean velocity profiles within the wave and current bottom boundary layer are in better agreement than outside. Modeled and observed (Van Doorn, T., 1981. Experimental investigation of near bottom velocities in water waves with and without a current. Report M1423, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands) wave velocity amplitude profiles within the wave and current bottom boundary layer are in better agreement than outside. Modeled wave velocity amplitudes are in good agreement with the laboratory experimental data of Van Doorn [1982. Experimenteel onderzoek naar het snelheidsveld in de turbulente bodemgrenslaag in een oscillerende stroming in een golftunnel. Report M1562, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands].  相似文献   

The expansion of the temperature anomaly field in the North Atlantic is considered using natural orthogonal functions of depth. It is shown that the first few components of this expansion describe the field both at the surface and in the upper 1000 m layer accurately enough. The relation between the water temperature anomaly at some levels and the above components is estimated for various regions of the ocean.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

A classification based on the number and types of large-scale acoustic waveguides is proposed for the mean seasonal profiles of sound speed propagation. A scheme for North Atlantic zoning, using typical curves of the sound speed vertical distribution, is given. The channel axis's position is shown not to depend on the water mass haline properties, being controlled by the temperature field vertical stratification.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

In order to specify a vertical thermal structure related to surface current variation on the continental slope in Tosa Bay, Japan, we analyzed monthly regular hydrographic measurements in the years 1991–2004. Subsurface temperature below 200 m on the slope was found to vary synchronously with the vertical displacement of the main thermocline around 200 m. It is shown that the vertical-averaged temperature below 200 m is significantly correlated with an along-isobath/southwestward surface current velocity on the slope. This correlation indicates that when a strong (weak) southwestward surface current is observed, temperature below 200 m decreases (increases) simultaneously, that is, isotherms below the 200 m are displaced upward (downward) together with the main thermocline. Moreover, when the strong southwestward flow is detected, across-isobath isotherms around 200 m slope upward toward the offshore direction. Furthermore, it is suggested that as the Kuroshio axis moves offshore south of the bay, the southwestward flow tends to be weakened by the combined effect of other Kuroshio parameters such as transport and stream width as well as the Kuroshio axis position. As a result, it is inferred that the correlation between the surface current and subsurface temperature can be interpreted in terms of the formation and decay of an anticlockwise circulation interacting with a cold eddy.  相似文献   

The results of investigations on the seasonal variations of the water temperature field constructed from observational data based on the statistical method of variance analysis are reported. Oceanic areas with dominant semi-annual variations are discriminated. The depth of the seasonal sea-water temperature variation is estimated for the North Atlantic.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

In the western equatorial Atlantic, 5 years of satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) measurements (1998–2002) from the cloud penetrating Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager reveal SST signatures of rings shedding from the North Brazil Current (NBC) as it separates from the South American coastline north of the Amazon River Delta and retroflects eastward between 5 and 10°N. By removing the spatial-mean SST from a 7° by 7° square of the nearly instantaneous measurements of each satellite pass, the 46.7 day aliasing period of the diurnal solar cycle is reduced, and seven to eight rings are observed per year with relatively warm (cold) SST anomalies of up to 1 °C in the first (second) half of the year. The sense of the SST anomalies carried by the NBC rings are determined by the contrast between the NBC SST and the regional SSTs that are influenced by the far-reaching seasonally varying Amazon River freshwater plume. Within a 1.6-year period, 12 of the SST anomalies are validated by in situ mooring array data confirming the predicted sense of the SST anomalies for each season. According to historical hydrographic data, during the first half of the year, the Amazon Plume is generally contained northwest along the coast, whereas during the second half of the year, the Amazon Plume surrounds the NBC retroflection on the west and the north, and from the surface down to 50 m, imposing a dramatic surface salinity contrast up to −4 and a surface temperature contrast up to +2 °C across the front. The surface layer characteristics of the rings shed from the NBC retroflection reveal varying influence of the Amazon Plume. Of the four rings surveyed in the NBCR experiment, Amazon Plume water is found only on the edges of three surface-intensified rings, whereas it completely covers the surface layer of the one thermocline-intensified ring. The maximum current cores of the NBC and retroflection are observed within tens-of-meters of the edges of the Amazon Plume. As the fresher and typically warmer surface waters associated with the Amazon Plume are buoyant relative to the saltier and typically colder surface waters carried by the NBC, the varying position of the Amazon Plume may seasonally influence the surface dynamics in the region.  相似文献   

深海垂向流速剖面数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用CFD软件对深海各种不同的垂向流速剖面进行数值模拟,分析研究试验区域内水流在空间上的流速分布情况以及湍流强度的变化,并与目标流速进行了比较.结合模型试验,表明数值模拟的结果是可靠的,造流系统能够较为准确地模拟出不同垂向流速剖面的海流,满足深水试验池对深海海流的模拟要求.  相似文献   

On the basis of the data of thein situ measurements of current velocities and other basic hydrophysical parameters (temperature and salinity) performed in the course of Cruise 41 of the R/VAkademik Vernadsky, we analyze the variability and stability of the North Brazil Current in winter. We also study the possibility of the influence of the baroclinic component of the horizontal drop of hydrostatic pressure on the vertical profile of the current velocity and estimate the intensity of the transport of waters. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

利用桑沟湾海带播苗前和成熟期的海流剖面资料,对最显著的M2分潮流椭圆四要素(最大流速、椭圆率、最大流速方向和最大流速出现时间)的垂直分布特征进行对比分析,结果表明筏式海带养殖对潮流垂直结构有显著影响,由海带播苗前的单一海底边界层,变为海带成熟期的海表和海底双重边界层。海带播苗前,M2分潮流椭圆要素在垂向上变化不大;而在海带成熟期,从中层向海面和海底,最大流速迅速减小、椭圆率逐渐增大、最大流速方向左偏、最大流速出现时间提前。湾口中部的最大流速方向从海带播苗前的南北方向转为海带成熟期的西北—东南方向,这是由水位梯度的变化造成的。  相似文献   

常承书  邹志利  王彦  闫圣 《海洋学报》2021,43(12):82-91
通过物理模型实验给出了沙坝海岸丁坝附近交叉波浪场形成的裂流沿裂流槽水深平均速度剖面中心线的垂向分布,研究了各个测量断面上横向速度、纵向速度以及速度矢量沿水深的分布特征。研究分析了沿岸方向驻波节腹点和裂流槽相对位置的影响以及规则波和不规则波结果的差异,得到了裂流速度时均值和时变值的结果。结果表明,纵向速度在不同的时间段上的平均值基本是相同的,但横向速度不是这样,其在不同时间段上的平均值在大小和正负号上都可能存在较大差别,这导致整个速度矢量在不同时间段上也表现出不同的三维分布特征。但这些不同的分布也存在着共同点,即沿水深速度矢量大部分存在着向丁坝方向偏转,这反映了丁坝存在的影响。特别是,纵向速度沿水深分布都可以采用统一的幂函数表达。  相似文献   

To examine the surface circulation and vertical structure of currents in the region of the Keum River (KR) plume, we analyzed the subinertial surface currents obtained by high frequency radar and the vertical profiles of currents measured at a station (M1) located 10 km distance from the estuary mouth for one month in late spring 2008. Monthly-mean surface circulation is composed of the westward flow from the estuary mouth and the northward flow in the offshore. These surface mean currents are a gradient (geostrophic) current around the monthly-mean plume bulge. Dominant variabilities of the surface currents, winds, and KR-outflow are decomposed by the Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF). The first current EOF mode, explaining 39% of total variation, is primarily related to the first wind EOF mode varying along the coast and the second current mode, explaining 33% of total variation, is mainly related to the first KR-outflow EOF mode varying along the mean KR-outflow direction. Meanwhile, vertical profile of the monthly-mean current at M1 shows a two-layer structure of the current flowing offshore (onshore) in the upper (lower) layer because the water column is divided by a pycnocline at 7-9 m depths below the plume water. This two layer structure is a background persisting current structure, at least in spring, maintained by the geostrophic balance induced by the sea level slope and density gradient along the line normal to the westward mean surface current direction due to monthly-mean plume bulge off the KR estuary. EOF analysis of vertical current profiles reveals that the first mode, explaining 43% of total variation, represents the two-layer structure of the current variability. The upper-layer current varies along a line normal to the mainland coastline and the low-layer one varies approximately along a line parallel to the coastline, with direction difference of about 115° between the upper-and low-layer. From the correlation analysis it is found that 60% of the first mode variation is influenced by the first mode of KR-outflow and 36% by the first mode of wind. Any forcing modes of KR-outflow and wind influencing the other current vertical modes could not be found in the present study.  相似文献   

Pengzhi Lin  C. W. Li   《Ocean Engineering》2003,30(7):855-876
A three-dimensional numerical model is developed in this study to investigate the problem of wave–current–body interaction. The model solves the spatially averaged Navier–Stokes equations. Turbulence effects are modeled by a subgrid-scale (SGS) model using the concept of large eddy simulation (LES). The model is employed to study the wave–current interaction with a square cylinder that is mounted on the bottom and vertically pierces the free surface. The force analysis demonstrates that the presence of waves can reduce both the strength and frequency of vortex shedding induced by a uniform current due to the nonlinear wave–current interaction. The free surface elevation, strain rates of the mean flow, and eddy viscosity are found to closely correlate with the mechanism of vortex shedding. It is also shown that when the vortex shedding is neglected in the calculation such as by the potential flow approach, one may significantly underestimate the magnitude of in-line force. The energy spectral analysis reveals that there exist initiating, growing, and decaying regions for shedding vortices around the cylinder. In the vortex initiating region, both coherent and turbulent structures are nearly two-dimensional that become three-dimensional in the vortex growing region. The kinetic energy of both coherent and turbulent motions is dissipated in the vortex decaying region, within which the mean flow gradually returns back to two-dimensional.  相似文献   

We describe the procedure of field experiments aimed at measuring the vertical profiles of the vectors of a drift current with the help of quasi-Lagrangian drifters. We present the data on the vertical shears of the current at depths of 0.5–5 m obtained under the conditions of neutral stratification in the upper 5-m layer of the sea in the presence of weak and moderate winds. The correspondence of the obtained data to the concept according to which the subsurface layer of the sea is regarded as a near-wall turbulent layer with Ekman current located below is analyzed. A conclusion is made that the results of measurements correspond, on the average, to the classical concepts demonstrating both the region of logarithmic sublayer and its transition into the Ekman spiral. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 1, pp. 32–44, January–February, 2007.  相似文献   

This paper presents numerical solutions for the wave reflection from submerged porous structures in front of the impermeable vertical breakwater. A new time-dependent mild-slope equation involves the parameters of the porous medium including the porosity, the friction factor and the inertia coefficient, etc. is derived for solving the boundary value problem. A comprehensive comparison between the present model and the existing analytical solution for the case of simple rectangular geometries of the submerged structure is performed first. Then, more complicated cases such as the inclined and trapezoidal submerged porous structures in front of the vertical breakwater with sloping bottom are considered. This study also examines the effects of the permeable properties and the geometric configurations of the porous structure to the wave reflection. It is found that the submerged porous structure with trapezoidal shape has more efficiency to reduce the wave reflection than that of triangular shape. The numerical results show that the minimum wave reflection is occurred when the breakwater is located at the intermediate water depth.  相似文献   

Solutions were computed for the vertical ambient sea noise field directionality at five sites in the Western North Atlantic Ocean using data from a 26-hydrophone element array with a 358.4-foot aperture at a center depth of 1,000 feet. Results show that the low-frequency noise below 100 Hz is concentrated near the horizontal (50 to 93 percent of the noise power between /spl plusmn/15/spl deg/ of horizontal) and is apparently dependent on bottom loss and shipping density. The results in the band 200 to 380 Hz are a combination of sea state and shipping noise dependent. A noise field solution technique was developed involving noise cross spectral matrix inversions. This technique overcomes some of the drawbacks of previous techniques such as least mean square estimation and successive approximations.  相似文献   

《Ocean Engineering》2010,37(7):627-637
Recent interest in the tidal current industry has driven development of the prototype from the stand-alone turbine to the twin-turbine system. In this paper, we develop a numerical model to systematically analyze the relationship between the power output and the configuration of a twin-turbine system. First, we present the design principle of the twin-turbine system. We then develop the numerical model for simulating the operation of the system, and validate the model by conducting towing tank experimental tests. We then use the model to predict the power output of the system. The results of this study show that the total power output of a twin-turbine system with optimal layout can be about 25% higher than two times that of a stand-alone turbine. We also discuss the hydrodynamic interaction between the two turbines under different configurations of the system. We conclude that the optimally configured counter-rotating system should be a side-by-side system, and that the optimally configured co-rotating system should have the downstream turbine partially in the wake of the upstream turbine, depending on the detailed configuration of the turbine.  相似文献   

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