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The end–Permian mass extinction was one of the major global crises spanning the entire Early Triassic or longer. Eruptions of volcanos were one of the factors that delayed the biotic recovery after this event. Supervolcano eruptions can cause catastrophic effects on global environment, climate, and life. Here we investigate the tuff layers from Early–Middle Triassic boundary in the Yangtze Block and identify a supervolcano eruption event. The zircon U–Pb ages of the section–Langdai, section–Daijiagou and section–Longmendong tuff samples are 247.1 ± 1.9 Ma, 247.6 ± 2.0 Ma and 247.7 ± 1.7 Ma, respectively. These ages mark the Olenekian–Anisian boundary. The zircon grains from the tuff layers have negative εHf(t) (−15.3 to −0.8), two–stage Hf model (TDM2) ages (1.7 to 2.2 Ga) and display high–δ18O values (mostly > 10‰). Clay minerals and quartz dominate the rock composition. The whole rock compositions show that the tuff layers were derived from magma of intermediate to felsic composition, which formed by the remelting of Paleoproterozoic materials of continental crust. The volcanic eruption site is located in the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan–Song Ma suture zone in the southwestern margin of the Yangtze Block. A combination of the closure of the Paleo–Tethys Ocean Basin and the collision of the Indochina Block and South China contributed to the eruption, which was a supervolcano eruption under the active continental margin arc settings. We speculate that this supervolcano eruption might have contributed to the delayed biotic recovery after the end–Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

A long sedimentary sequence from East Lake, Cape Bounty, Melville Island (74°55′N; 109°30′W) contains a 4200 year-long clastic varved record of paleohydrologic variations at high resolution. Sedimentary elemental geochemistry from micro X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF) and sediment fabric variability reflect changes in sediment sources and lacustrine conditions through time. The sedimentary environment progressed from marine in the mid-Holocene, to estuarian from 2195 BC to 243 AD, to fully lacustrine source after 244 AD. Correlation with local meteorological data indicates that varve thickness (VT) is positively correlated with snow depth on May 1st and negatively correlated with mean Sept–May temperatures. Our paleoclimatic reconstruction from VT series revealed high snow accumulation and warm Sept–May months before 1350 BC, and a period of low snow accumulation and cold Sept–May between 1600–1900 AD that may correspond to the Little Ice Age. The general trends of VT series from Cape Bounty are in phase with the δ18O series in Agassiz Ice Cap, and in anti-phase with the VT series from Lower Murray Lake in the northeastern of Queen’s Elizabeth Islands (QEI). Low mean Arctic temperatures coincide with clusters of high sediment yield events at East, Nicolay and South Sawtooth Lakes, especially during 1600–1750 AD and 1810–1910 AD. The East Lake record also exhibits the signature of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) for periods: 600–850 AD, 1400–1550 AD and 1750–1850 AD.  相似文献   

An ∼8000-cal-yr stratigraphic record of vegetation change from the Sierra de Apaneca, El Salvador, documents a mid-Holocene warm phase, followed by late Holocene cooling. Pollen evidence reveals that during the mid-Holocene (∼8000-5500 cal yr B.P.) lowland tropical plant taxa were growing at elevations ∼200-250 m higher than at present, suggesting conditions about 1.0°C warmer than those prevailing today. Cloud forest genera (Liquidambar, Juglans, Alnus, Ulmus) were also more abundant in the mid-Holocene, indicating greater cloud cover during the dry season. A gradual cooling and drying trend began by ∼5500 cal yr B.P., culminating in the modern forest composition by ∼3500 cal yr B.P. A rise in pollen from weedy plant taxa associated with agriculture occurred ∼5000 cal yr B.P., and pollen from Zea first appeared in the record at ∼4440 cal yr B.P. Human impacts on local vegetation remained high throughout the late Holocene, but decreased abruptly following the Tierra Blanca Joven (TBJ) eruption of Volcán Ilopango at ∼1520 cal yr B.P. The past 1500 years are marked by higher lake levels and periodic depositions of exogenous inorganic sediments, perhaps indicating increased climatic variability.  相似文献   

Understanding past human–climate–environment interactions is essential for assessing the vulnerability of landscapes and ecosystems to future climate change. This is particularly important in southern Morocco where the current vegetation is impacted by pastoralism, and the region is highly sensitive to climate variability. Here, we present a 2000-year record of vegetation, sedimentation rate, XRF chemical element intensities, and particle size from two decadal-resolved, marine sediment cores, raised from offshore Cape Ghir, southern Morocco. The results show that between 650 and 850 AD the sedimentation rate increased dramatically from 100 cm/1000 years to 300 cm/1000 years, and the Fe/Ca and pollen flux doubled, together indicating higher inputs of terrestrial sediment. Particle size measurements and end-member modelling suggest increased fluvial transport of the sediment. Beginning at 650 AD pollen levels from Cichorioideae species show a sharp rise from 10% to 20%. Pollen from Atemisia and Plantago, also increase from this time. Deciduous oak pollen percentages show a decline, whereas those of evergreen oak barely change. The abrupt increase in terrestrial/fluvial input from 650 to 850 AD occurs, within the age uncertainty, of the arrival of Islam (Islamisation) in Morocco at around 700 AD. Historical evidence suggests Islamisation led to population increase and development of southern Morocco, including expanded pastoralism, deforestation and agriculture. Livestock pressure may have changed the vegetation structure, accounting for the increase in pollen from Cichorioideae, Plantago, and Artemisia, which include many weedy species. Goats in particular may have played a dominant role as agents of erosion, and intense browsing may have led to the decline in deciduous oak; evergreen oak is more likely to survive as it re-sprouts more vigorously after browsing. From 850 AD to present sedimentation rates, Fe/Ca ratios and fluvial discharge remain stable, whereas pollen results suggest continued degradation. Pollen results from the past 150 years suggest expanded cultivation of olives and the native argan tree, and the introduction of Australian eucalyptus trees. The rapidly increasing population in southern Morocco is causing continued pressure to expand pastoralism and agriculture. The history of land degradation presented here suggests that the vegetation in southern Morocco may have been degraded for a longer period than previously thought and may be particularly sensitive to further land use changes. These results should be included in land management strategies for southern Morocco.  相似文献   

Pollen evidence from sediment cores at Hurleg and Toson lakes in the Qaidam Basin was obtained to examine vegetation and climatic change in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The chronologies were controlled by 210Pb and 137Cs analysis and AMS 14C dating. Pollen assemblages from both lakes are dominated by Chenopodiaceae (∼ 40%), Artemisia (∼ 30-35%) and Poaceae (∼ 20-25%), with continued occurrence but low abundance of Nitraria, Ephedra, and Cyperaceae. Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae (A/C) pollen ratios from two lakes show coherent large oscillations at centennial timescale during the last 1000 yr. A/C ratios were high around AD 1170, 1270, 1450, 1700 and 1920, suggesting that the vegetation was more “steppe-like” under a relatively moist climate than that during the intervening periods. Wet-dry climate shifts at the two lakes (2800 m asl) are in opposite phases to precipitation changes derived from tree-ring records in the surrounding mountains (> 3700 m asl) and to pollen and snow accumulation records from Dunde ice core (5300 m asl), showing that a dry climate in the basin corresponds with a wet interval in the mountains, especially around AD 1600. This contrasting pattern implies that topography might have played an important role in mediating moisture changes at regional scale in this topographically complex region.  相似文献   

Past environmental changes based on diatom relative abundances have been inferred from the maar Lake Erlongwan in northeast China. The limnology of Lake Erlongwan is affected by the strongly seasonal regional climate. The composition of diatom assemblages, in turn, responds to changes in the seasonal duration of ice cover in winter, water-column turnover in spring and autumn, and thermal stratification in summer. Statistical analysis of the sedimentary diatom assemblages reveals three significant stratigraphic zones over the past 1000 yr. The highest abundance of the planktonic species Discostella species occurs between AD 1050 and 1400 and suggests an annual ice-free period of long duration and well-developed summer stratification of the water column. This planktonic diatom peak between ca. AD 1150 and 1200 suggests that this period was the warmest over the past 1000 yr. The interval between AD 1400 and 1800 is marked by a decline in planktonic diatoms and suggests shorter duration of the ice-free season, weaker water stratification and possibly generally cold conditions. After AD 1800 relative abundances of planktonic diatoms, including Puncticulata praetermissa and Asterionella formosa, increase again, which indicates lengthening of the duration of the annual ice-free period and a stronger overturn of the water column. All these data imply that the pattern of the seasons is different between the MWP and the 20th century.  相似文献   

Pentanogmius Taverne (Actinopterygii: Tselfatiiformes) is a Late Cretaceous bony fish. Here, the diagnosis for the genus is emended and a new species, P. fritschi sp. nov., described. The new species is based on a nearly complete skeleton from the Britton Formation (upper Cenomanian–lower Turonian) of the Eagle Ford Shale in Dallas County, Texas, USA. The skeleton measures about 1.7 m in total length and represents the sole Cenomanian–Turonian example of Pentanogmius in North America. The most peculiar aspect of this new species is the morphology of the dorsal fin in which its anterior one-third is elongate to form a ‘hook-shaped sail.’ Pentanogmius fritschi sp. nov. was likely an active swimmer in open ocean environments that possibly fed opportunistically on a variety of relatively small pelagic fishes and invertebrates. The present stratigraphic record and anatomical evidence indicate the following phylogenetic hypothesis among the three North American Pentanogmius species: [P. fritschi sp. nov. [P. evolutus + P. crieleyi]].  相似文献   

We investigated mineral aerosol (dust) deposition in the Aral Sea with intention to understand the variability of dust in central Asia and its implications for atmospheric circulation change in the late Holocene. Using an 11.12-m sediment core of the lake, we calculated bulk sediment fluxes at high time-resolution and analyzed grain-size distributions of detrital sediments. A refined age-depth model was established by combined methods of radiocarbon dating and archeological evidence. Besides, a principal component analysis (PCA) of grain-size fractions and elements (Fe, Ti, K, Ca, Sr) was used to assess the potential processes controlling detrital inputs. The results suggest that two processes are mainly relevant for the clastic input as the medium silt fractions and Ti, Fe and K are positively correlated with Component 1 (C1), and the fine size fractions (<6 μm) are positively correlated with Component 2 (C2). Taking the results of the PCA, geological backgrounds, clastic input processes into account, we propose that the medium silt fractions and, in particular, the grain-size fraction ratio (6–32 μm/2–6 μm), can serve as indicators of the variability of airborne dust in the Aral Sea region. On the contrary, the fine size fractions appear to be contributed mainly by the sheetwash processes. The bulk sediment deposition fluxes were extremely high during the Little Ice Age (LIA; AD 1400–1780), which may be related to the increased dust deposition. As indicated by the variations of grain-size ratio and Ti, the history of dust deposition in central Asia can be divided into five distinct periods, with a remarkably low deposition during AD 1–350, a moderately high value from AD 350–720, a return to relatively low level between AD 720 and AD 1400 (including the Medieval Warm Period (MWP, AD 755–1070)), an exceptionally high deposition from AD 1400 to 1940s and an abnormally low value since 1940s. The temporal variations in the dust deposition are consistent with the changes in the Siberian High (SH) and mean atmospheric temperature of the northern hemisphere during the past 2000 years, with low/high annual temperature anomalies corresponding to high/low dust supplies in the Aral Sea sediments, respectively. The variations in the fine size fraction also show a broadly similarity to a lacustrine δ18O record in Turkey (Jones et al., 2006), implying that there was less moisture entering western central Asia from the Mediterranean during the LIA than during the MWP.  相似文献   

The Iberian-Roman Humid Period (IRHP, 2600-1600 cal yr BP), is the most humid phase of the last 4000 yr in southern Spain as recorded in the sedimentary sequence of Zoñar Lake (37°29′00″N, 4°41′22″ W, 300 m a.s.l.). A varve chronology supported by several AMS 14C dates allows study of the lake evolution at annual scale in response to human impact and climate changes. There are four climate phases within this period: i) gradual transition (2600-2500 yr ago, 650-550 BC) from a previous arid period; ii) the most humid interval during the Iberian-Early Roman Epoch (2500-2140 yr ago, 550-190 BC); iii) an arid interval during the Roman Empire Epoch (2140-1800 yr ago, 190 BC AD 150); and iv) a humid period synchronous with the decline of the Roman Empire (1800-1600 yr ago, AD 150-350). Varve thickness and geochemical proxies show a multi-decadal cyclicity similar to modern North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (60, 20 years) and solar variability cycles (11 yr). The timing and the structure of this humid period is similar to that described in Eastern Mediterranean and northern European sites and supports the same large-scale climate control for northern latitudes and the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

In regions with limited knowledge of the historical volcanic record, like remote areas in the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone, the definition of reliable age-depth models for lake sequences represents a valuable tool for tephra layers dating. In Lake Futalaufquen (42.8°S), Northern Patagonia, a short sedimentary sequence was extracted after the AD 2008 Chaitén eruption with the purpose to analyze the records of volcanic eruptions at these poorly studied latitudes. The sequence was dated by 210Pb, 137Cs, and 14C techniques. Five tephras were identified for the last 1600 years, restricted to the last 5 centuries. Sedimentology, morphology, and geochemical properties allowed the characterization of the tephras and their correlation with tephras recently identified proximal to the sources, mainly from Chaitén and Huequi volcanoes, and Michinmahuida accessory cones, representing the first distal records reported of these tephras. Furthermore, tephras modeled ages obtained by the sequence age-depth model shrink the ages for the volcanic events, like a potential cycle of activity from Michinmauida accessory cones during AD 1530 ± 55, one eruption from Huequi volcano at AD 1695 ± 50, and a possible recent eruption from Chaitén at AD 1775 ± 40. Additionally, the work contributes to improve the regional volcanic records knowledge, basic for volcanic hazard assessment.  相似文献   

The Longgang volcanic field, located in northeastern China, is volcanically active with a number of eruptions during the Quaternary but the chronology of the eruptions is poorly defined. Some tephra layers are well preserved in the annually laminated sediments of maar lakes in the region, and facilitate the construction of a much improved chronological framework for the volcanic history of the area. The results of our investigations reveal that three basaltic explosive eruptions occurred at AD 460, 11460 cal yr BP and 14000 cal yr BP, respectively. The largest explosive basaltic eruption (AD 460) produced a thick black scoria layer in the Longgang volcanic field, including lakes. The tephra distribution and chronological data suggest that this eruption is likely to be from the Jinlongdingzi volcano. Two basaltic flood eruptions occurred at Jinlongdingzi. The earlier basaltic eruption produced a lava flow that spread over a forest and encased standing trees. Two radiocarbon ages obtained from charcoal samples collected from the burned remains of these trees are 1828–1989 cal yr BP and 2164–2359 cal yr BP. In the most recent stage of volcanism, the lava flow extended only ca. 2 km, and flowed into Lake Dalongwan. From the present status of the forest ecosystem, which has not yet reached the fully mature successional stage, we estimate that this lava is very young (ca. a few hundreds years old). Jinlongdingzi is a potentially dangerous volcano. Monitoring and assessment of the potential hazards in the Longgang volcanic field should be carried out in the future.  相似文献   

Detailed stable carbon-isotope and biostratigraphic data based on ammonites allow us to reinterpret the timing of the different units of the Madotz section (62 m thick) in Navarra, northern Spain, relative to OAE-1a. We also infer bulk sedimentary rates and the duration of the intervals that include facies indicative of oxygen depletion. The lowermost part of the sequence includes the predominately clastic unit 1 (3 m) overlain in ascending order by subunits 2a (20 m), 2b (24.4 m) and 2c (basal 15 m studied) of the “Madotz Limestone”. Subunits 2a and 2c consist of Urgonian-type pure carbonate rocks. In contrast, subunit 2b consists of mixed carbonate–clastic facies (24.4 m thick) including beds of claystone and clay/shale with dispersed pyrite and scarce or no benthic foraminifera suggestive of oxygen-depleted conditions, and intermittent orbitolinid-rich intervals. δ13Corg data within subunit 2b, between 26.6 and 49.2 m show two excursions of 4.21 and 3.34‰, separated by a central segment with more uniform values around 22.56%. Compared to the high-resolution δ13C stratigraphy of the Early Aptian of the Alpine Tethys, these two positive excursions correlate with segments C4 and C6 of OAE-1a, whereas the central segment correlates with segment C5. New ammonite findings include Deshayesites cf. forbesi Casey and Pseudohaploceras? sp. in the uppermost part of unit 1, and D. cf. forbesi Casey, Pseudosaynella bicurvata (Michelin) and P. raresulcata (d'Orbigny) in the middle part of subunit 2b. The presence of D. cf. forbesi in unit 1 (0–37.7 m) and subunit 2b (lower 14.7 m), the first appearance datum of Pseudosaynella in subunit 2b, and the high relative abundance of Pseudosaynella specimens, support a stratigraphic position correlative with at least the upper part of the D. forbesi Zone (formerly D. weissi Zone). Such an ammonite faunal assemblage implies a lower stratigraphic position in the Lower Aptian (Bedoulian) than previously assigned to the section. Segments C4 and most of C5 comprise the lower part of subunit 2b and correspond to the upper part of the D. forbesi Zone. Based on chemostratigraphic correlations with published Spanish sections (Barranco de las Calzadas, Cap de Vinyet and Cau) in which calibrations of δ13Ccarb stages with ammonite zones was possible, we infer that the interval of the Madotz section between 37.7 and 53.1 m, or the upper part of subunit 2b and the basal part of subunit 2c, whose δ13Corg signal is indicative of stages C5, C6, and perhaps the beginning of stage C7, also correlates with the D. forbesi Zone. Average bulk sedimentation rate for C-isotope stages C4–C6 of OAE-1a ranges from 1.8 to 2.09 cm/kyr in the Madotz section. Facies indicative of oxygen deficiency are restricted to C-isotope stage C4 and part of C5 of OAE-1a. Hypoxic conditions lasted about 95.23–120 kyr and are coeval with deposition of the most prominent claystone and shale layers (1.8 m thick), which display the lowest TIC values (8.16–18.93 weight% CaCO3) and the highest TOC in the section (0.4–0.97%).  相似文献   

Precambrian Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) are widely distributed in the North China Craton (NCC). Among them, the Wuyang BIFs located in the southern margin of NCC occur in the Late Archaean Tieshanmiao Formation and can be subdivided in two different sub-types: (i) quartz–magnetite BIFs (QMB), consisting of magnetite, fine-microcrystalline quartz and minor calcite and (ii) pyroxene–magnetite BIFs (PMB), composed of pyroxene, fine-microcrystalline quartz and subordinate feldspars. Both sub-types display apparent discrepancies in terms of petrography and mineral composition.As shown in Electron BackScattered Diffraction (EBSD) images and micrographs, magnetite grains from the QMB range in size from tens up to hundreds of μm, whereas magnetite crystals from the PMB can be up to a few tens of μm across. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) structural data indicate that magnetite from both BIF sub-types is equiaxed (cubic) and was generated by sedimentary metamorphic processes. The cell parameters of magnetite in the QMB are a = b = c = 8.396 Å and Z = 8, which deviate slightly from these of magnetite in the PMB: a = b = c = 8.394 Å and Z = 8. The analytical results of Raman spectroscopy analysis revealed micro-structural signatures of both magnetite (Raman shifts near 552 cm−1 and 673 cm−1) and hematite (Raman shifts near 227 cm−1, 295 cm−1 and 413 cm−1). In magnetite from both QMB and PMB, the crystallinity degree is similar for magnetite micro-structures but varies significantly for hematite micro-structures. Oxygen fugacity (fO2) conditions fluctuated during the recrystallization of magnetite in the QMB, whereas no evident variation of fO2 occurred during the formation of magnetite in the PMB. Analytical results of laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) show that the Si, Al and Mg abundances are higher in magnetite from the QMB, whereas the Ti and Mn contents are more elevated in magnetite from the PMB. Magnetite composition also denotes that both BIF sub-types are sedimentary-metamorphic origin, whereas the deposition of PMB was also affected by volcanic activities. Overall data indicate that the differences in the depositional environment of each BIF sub-type are due to the involvement of volcanic eruption processes in the genesis of the PMB. Thus, this paper indicated that the QMB was deposited by chemical deposition at the long-term interval of volcanic eruptions, and the PMB were the product of chemical deposition affected by the volcanic eruption.  相似文献   

The ~74 ka BP Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT), from the largest known Quaternary volcanic eruption, has been found for the first time as a non-visible (crypto-) tephra layer within the Billa Surgam caves, southern India. The occurrence of the YTT layer in Charnel House Cave provides the first calendrical age estimate for this much debated Pleistocene faunal sequence and demonstrates the first successful application of cryptotephrochronology within a cave sequence. The YTT layer lies ~50 cm below a major sedimentological change, which is related to global cooling around the MIS 5 to MIS 4 transition. Using this isochronous event layer the Billa Surgam Cave record can be directly correlated with other archaeological sites in peninsular India and palaeoenvironmental archives across southern Asia.  相似文献   

Pollen, spore, macrofossil and stable isotope (C and N) analyses from a 266-cm sediment core collected from a swamp on the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania, are used to reconstruct vegetation and environmental history. An estimated time scale based on five 14C ages records approximately 38,000 yr. This palaeorecord is the first from this biodiversity hotspot and importantly extends through the last glacial maximum (LGM). The altitudinal transition from montane to upper montane forest shifted from 1700-1800 m (38,000 14C yr BP) to 1800-1900 m (35,000-29,000 14C yr BP). From 29,000 to 10,000 14C yr BP, it shifted from 1850-1950 m across the LGM to 1750-1800 m (during 10,000-3500 14C yr BP), and to present-day elevations at 2000 m during the last 3500 14C yr BP. The relative ecosystem stability across the LGM may be explained by the Indian Ocean's influence in maintaining continuous moist forest cover during a period of East African regional climate aridity. During the late Holocene, presence of abundant coprophilous fungi and algal blooms demonstrates increasing human impact. Neurospora spores indicate frequent fires, coinciding with clear signals of decline in Podocarpus and Psychotria trees that possibly represent selective logging.  相似文献   

Renewed volcanic activity near Mammoth Lakes, California, in the form of dome-collapse pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) from either a new eruption at Mammoth Mountain or the Inyo craters would pose a significant hazard to critical infrastructure there. This paper compares the risk from PDC impact hazards upon selected critical infrastructure from: (1) a 100 m tall dacite dome on Mammoth Mountain and (2) three 200 m tall rhyolite domes at the southern end of the Inyo craters. For each scenario, maximum estimated dynamic pressure and velocity from two PDC volumes (106 and 107 m3) are modeled with the EXPLORIS PDC software (Toyos et al. Nat Hazards 41(1):99–112, 2007). Risk to critical infrastructure from Mammoth Mountain PDCs would be much greater than the Inyo PDCs because of both location and the greater kinetic energy of the Mammoth PDC material, providing comparative insight to planners should a real eruption at one location or the other be forthcoming.  相似文献   

Multi‐proxy analysis of sediment cores from five key locations in hypersaline, alkaline Lake Bogoria (central Kenya Rift Valley) has allowed reconstruction of its history of depositional and hydrological change during the past 1300 years. Analyses including organic matter and carbonate content, granulometry, mineralogical composition, charcoal counting and high‐resolution scanning of magnetic susceptibility and elemental geochemistry resulted in a detailed sedimentological and compositional characterization of lacustrine deposits in the three lake basins and on the two sills separating them. These palaeolimnological data were supplemented with information on present‐day sedimentation conditions based on seasonal sampling of settling particles and on measurement of physicochemical profiles through the water column. A new age model based on 210Pb, 137Cs and 14C dating captures the sediment chronology of this hydrochemically complex and geothermally fed lake. An extensive set of chronological tie points between the equivalent high‐resolution proxy time series of the five sediment sequences allowed transfer of radiometric dates between the basins, enabling interbasin comparison of sedimentation dynamics through time. The resulting reconstruction demonstrates considerable moisture‐balance variability through time, reflecting regional hydroclimate dynamics over the past 1300 years. Between ca 690 and 950 AD , the central and southern basins of Lake Bogoria were reduced to shallow and separated brine pools. In the former, occasional near‐complete desiccation triggered massive trona precipitation. Between ca 950 and 1100 AD , slightly higher water levels allowed the build‐up of high pCO 2 leading to precipitation of nahcolite still under strongly evaporative conditions. Lake Bogoria experienced a pronounced highstand between ca 1100 and 1350 AD , only to recede again afterwards. For a substantial part of the time between ca 1350 and 1800 AD , the northern basin was probably disconnected from the united central and southern basins. Throughout the last two centuries, lake level has been relatively high compared to the rest of the past millennium. Evidence for increased terrestrial sediment supply in recent decades, due to anthropogenic soil erosion in the wider Bogoria catchment, is a reason for concern about possible adverse impacts on the unique ecosystem of Lake Bogoria.  相似文献   

The Rotoiti (~120 km3) and Earthquake Flat (~10 km3) eruptions occurred in close succession from the Okataina Volcanic Centre at ~50 ka. While accessory mineral geochronology points to long periods of crystallization prior to eruption (104–105 years) and separate thermal histories for the magmas, little was known about the rates and processes of the final melt production and eruption. Crystal zoning patterns in plagioclase and quartz reveal the thermal and compositional history of the magmatic system leading up to the eruption. The dominant modal phase, plagioclase, displays considerable within-crystal zonation: An37–74, ~40–227 ppm MgO, 45–227 ppm TiO2, 416–910 ppm Sr and 168–1164 ppm Ba. Resorption horizons in the crystals are marked by sharp increases (10–30%) in Sr, MgO and XAn that reflect changes in melt composition and are consistent with open system processes. Melt inclusions display further evidence for open system behaviour, some are depleted in Sr and Ba relative to accompanying matrix glass not consistent with crystallization of modal assemblage. MI also display a wide range in XH2O that is consistent with volatile fluxing. Quartz CL images reveal zoning that is truncated by resorption, and accompanied by abrupt increases in Ti concentration (30–80 ppm) that reflect temperature increases ~50–110°C. Diffusion across these resorption horizons is restricted to zones of <20 μm, suggesting most crystallization within the magma occurred in <2000 years. These episodes are brief compared to the longevity (104–105 year) of the crystal mush zones. All textural and compositional features observed within the quartz and plagioclase crystals are best explained by periodic mafic intrusions repeatedly melting parts of a crystal-rich zone and recharging the system with silicic melt. These periodic influxes of silicic melt would have accumulated to form the large volume of magma that fed the caldera-forming Rotoiti eruption.  相似文献   

An experimental study on the origin of ferric and ferrous carbonate-silicate melts, which can be considered as the potential metasomatic oxidizing agents and diamond forming media, was performed in the (Ca,Mg)CO3-SiO2-Al2O3-(Mg,Fe)(Cr,Fe,Ti)O3 system, at 6.3 GPa and 1350–1650 °C. At 1350–1450 °C and ?O2 of FMQ + 2 log units, carbonate–silicate melt, coexisting with Fe3 +-bearing ilmenite, pyrope-almandine and rutile, contained up to 13 wt.% of Fe2O3. An increase in the degree of partial melting was accompanied by decarbonation and melt enrichment with CO2, up to 21 wt.%. At 1550–1650 °C excess CO2 segregated as a separate fluid phase. The restricted solubility of CO2 in the melt indicated that investigated system did not achieve the second critical point at 6.3 GPa. At 1350–1450 °C and ?O2 close to CCO buffer, Fe2 +-bearing carbonate–silicate melt was formed in association with pyrope-almandine and Fe3 +-bearing rutile. It was experimentally shown that CO2-rich ferrous carbonate-silicate melt can be an effective waterless medium for the diamond crystallization. It provides relatively high diamond growth rates (3–5 μm/h) at P,T-conditions, corresponding to the formation of most natural diamonds.  相似文献   

Ice sheets flowing across a sedimentary bed usually produce a landscape of blister-like landforms streamlined in the direction of the ice flow and with each bump of the order of 102 to 103 m in length and 101 m in relief. Such landforms, known as drumlins, have mystified investigators for over a hundred years. A satisfactory explanation for their formation, and thus an appreciation of their glaciological significance, has remained elusive. A recent advance has been in numerical modelling of the land-forming process. In anticipation of future modelling endeavours, this paper is motivated by the requirement for robust data on drumlin size and shape for model testing.From a systematic programme of drumlin mapping from digital elevation models and satellite images of Britain and Ireland, we used a geographic information system to compile a range of statistics on length L, width W, and elongation ratio E (where E = L/W) for a large sample. Mean L, is found to be 629 m (n = 58,983), mean W is 209 m and mean E is 2.9 (n = 37,043). Most drumlins are between 250 and 1000 metres in length; between 120 and 300 metres in width; and between 1.7 and 4.1 times as long as they are wide. Analysis of such data and plots of drumlin width against length reveals some new insights. All frequency distributions are unimodal from which we infer that the geomorphological label of ‘drumlin’ is fair in that this is a true single population of landforms, rather than an amalgam of different landform types. Drumlin size shows a clear minimum bound of around 100 m (horizontal). Maybe drumlins are generated at many scales and this is the minimum, or this value may be an indication of the fundamental scale of bump generation (‘proto-drumlins’) prior to them growing and elongating. A relationship between drumlin width and length is found (with r2 = 0.48) and that is approximately W = 7 L 1/2 when measured in metres. A surprising and sharply-defined line bounds the data cloud plotted in EWL space, and records a scale-dependent maximum elongation limit (approximated by Emax = L1/3, when L measured in metres). For a given length, for some reason as yet unknown, drumlins do not exceed the elongation ratio defined by this scaling law. We also report and compare our statistics to an amalgamated sample (25,907 drumlins) of measures derived from around 50 published investigations. Any theory must be able to explain the drumlin statistics and fundamental scaling properties reported herein and they thus provide powerful tests for drumlin modelling.  相似文献   

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