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This study presents major- and trace-element chemistry of plagioclase phenocrysts from the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens volcano. Despite the considerable variation in textures and composition of plagioclase phenocrysts, distinct segments have been cross-correlated between crystals. The variation of Sr and Ba concentration in the melt, as calculated from the concentration in the phenocrysts using partition coefficients, suggests the cores and rims crystallised from compositionally different melts offset by the plagioclase crystallisation vector. In both of these melts Sr and Ba are correlated despite the abundance of plagioclase in the 1980 dacites. We propose that rapid crystallisation of plagioclase upon magma ascent caused a shift in melt composition towards lower Sr and higher Ba, as documented in the rims of the phenocrysts. Although the cores of the phenocrysts crystallised at relatively shallow depths, they preserve the Sr and Ba of the deep-seated melts as they ascended from a deeper region. Further magma ascent resulted in microlite nucleation, which is responsible for a similar shift to even lower Sr concentration as observed in the groundmass of post-18 May 1980 samples. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Recent stratigraphic studies in central Alaska have yielded the unexpected finding that there is little evidence for full-glacial (late Wisconsin) loess deposition. Because the loess record of western Alaska is poorly exposed and not well known, we analyzed a core from Zagoskin Lake, a maar lake on St. Michael Island, to determine if a full-glacial eolian record could be found in that region. Particle size and geochemical data indicate that the mineral fraction of the lake sediments is not derived from the local basalt and is probably eolian. Silt deposition took place from at least the latter part of the mid-Wisconsin interstadial period through the Holocene, based on radiocarbon dating. Based on the locations of likely loess sources, eolian silt in western Alaska was probably deflated by northeasterly winds from glaciofluvial sediments. If last-glacial winds that deposited loess were indeed from the northeast, this reconstruction is in conflict with a model-derived reconstruction of paleowinds in Alaska. Mass accumulation rates in Zagoskin Lake were higher during the Pleistocene than during the Holocene. In addition, more eolian sediment is recorded in the lake sediments than as loess on the adjacent landscape. The thinner loess record on land may be due to the sparse, herb tundra vegetation that dominated the landscape in full-glacial time. Herb tundra would have been an inefficient loess trap compared to forest or even shrub tundra due to its low roughness height. The lack of abundant, full-glacial, eolian silt deposition in the loess stratigraphic record of central Alaska may be due, therefore, to a mimimal ability of the landscape to trap loess, rather than a lack of available eolian sediment.  相似文献   

Integrated petrographic and geochemical studies of sandstones, and geochemical studies of shales of turbidites from the Upper Disang Formation, Phek district, Nagaland have been carried out to determine their provenance, weathering conditions and tectonic setting. Paleomagnetic studies were carried out for magnetostratigraphic purposes. Studies indicate that most of these sediments were derived from felsic and mafic sources with minor contribution from low to medium grade metamorphic rocks. Most of the felsic components have been transported from distant sources as evidenced from extensive reworking of grains. The most likely source rocks are the granite/granite gneiss of the Karbi Anglong crystalline complex to the west of the study area. However, the bulk of the sediments have been contributed from nearby basic and ultrabasic sources. This would correspond to the fast rising Naga Ophiolite, which probably emerged above sea level during the Mid-Eocene. Prevailing high temperatures and humid climate caused intense chemical weathering of the source rocks. The sediments from the west were transported great distances by turbidity currents into an easterly deepening basin. Sediments from the nearby east were rapidly dumped on the seafloor causing rapid mixing, leading to textural and chemical immaturity. Paleomagnetic studies endorse published paleontological evidence to indicate that most of the sediments of the Upper Disang Formation were deposited during the Late Eocene. Deposition took place in a westward-migrating accretionary-prism complex in an active-margin setting at the convergence of the Indian and Burma plates. This was a rapidly-closing basin where anoxic conditions prevailed. Towards the end of the Eocene this basin closed completely with the destruction of the Tethyan Ocean.  相似文献   

物源分析对砂岩储层的展布与分析预测具有重要的意义。通过对鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘庆阳-合水地区上三叠统延长组长8油层组的砂岩重矿物组合、轻矿物组合及砂岩岩屑组分的平面分布特征分析,判断了庆阳-合水地区的沉积物源方向。研究表明,庆阳-合水地区存在两大物源和古流沉积体系,即西南方向的庆阳沉积古流体系和南部方向的合水沉积古流体系;长82亚组沉积期以南部的沉积古流体系为主,而长81亚组沉积期以西南部的沉积古流体系为主;重矿物组合特征分析显示长81亚组沉积期合水区带混源现象明显。  相似文献   

王盟  罗静兰  李杪  白雪晶  程辰  闫辽伟 《岩石学报》2013,29(8):2746-2758
通过LA-(MC)ICP-MS碎屑锆石微区U-Pb定年和Hf同位素分析,对鄂尔多斯盆地东胜地区中侏罗统直罗组砂岩型铀矿层进行了同位素定年物源示踪研究。结果显示,四个样品的锆石年龄分布均表现出良好的一致性,总体呈现出2500~2300Ma,2000~1750Ma和450~250Ma三个主峰值年龄与2300~2000Ma、1750~1400Ma的次峰期年龄。年代学对比研究揭示,东胜地区砂岩型铀矿的物源主要来自华北克拉通西部陆块阴山地块和中部造山带北部的TTG片麻岩、麻粒岩和孔兹岩,以及海西期的大量火成岩体。碎屑锆石的εHf(t)值由负到正,变化范围较大,显示了古老地壳的再循环过程。其中,1.9Ga和2.5Ga的部分锆石其Hf分析点位于亏损地幔线附近,指示该时期有新生地壳的形成。锆石的二阶段Hf模式年龄分布范围3.8~0.7Ga,但集中于3.0~2.3Ga,在2.8~2.6Ga出现一峰值,说明华北克拉通地壳主要形成于中、新太古代。本文所获得的锆石Hf同位素模式年龄与华北克拉通西部陆块的Hf和Nd同位素模式年龄分布特征非常接近,而与东部陆块有很大差别,从而进一步证实了东、西部陆块在古元古代拼合之前是独立发展的。  相似文献   

Mt. St. Hilaire occurs as a small funnel-shaped intrusion in the Monteregian petrographic province of Quebec and consists of alkali gabbros and later nepheline syenites. Based on field relations, petrography, and geochemistry, five types of gabbro are recognized. In order of intrusion these are: leucogabbro, foliated gabbro, kaersutite-biotite gabbro, kaersutite gabbro, and a gabbro-melagabbro series. Based on analyses of the early-forming ilmenite-titanomagnetite, the gabbros crystallized under high fO2 conditions which lead to subsequent crystallization of olivines with high MnO contents. Fractionation of ilmenite and titanomagnetite was a major control on the Ti and A[TV]concentrations in the clinopyroxenes. Plagioclase compositions in the gabbros became richer in Ab contents in the sequence gabbro-melagabbro to leucogabbro. Whole-rock analyses suggest that the parental magma of alkali basaltic composition was fairly evolved prior to emplacement. Lack of olivine in the cumulate gabbro-melagabbros and low Ni and Cr in all gabbros may reflect either extreme olivine fractionation and/or a very low olivine content in the source material for these basalts. Differentiation of the gabbros occurred both pre- and post-emplacement, probably by a process of crystal-liquid fractionation at depths between 3-5 and 8 km. This is in accordance with geophysical measurements for other Monteregian intrusions. A model is presented for the mechanism of emplacement.  相似文献   

王兴志 《地质与勘探》2014,50(5):997-1006
鄂尔多斯盆地中、北部二叠系山西组-下石盒子组已发现多个大型油气田,其勘探潜力巨大。但盆地西部盐池地区山西组、石盒子组的勘探程度较低,因而弄清其物源对该区进一步油气勘探十分重要。以研究区钻测井、岩心及盆地周边露头实测等资料为基础,应用统计学方法对区内山1、盒8段石英颗粒成因类型、岩屑类型、重矿物组合、古流向及沉积相等特征进行了全面的研究。结果表明:研究区山1-盒8期沉积物受到北部及西北部物源的共同影响,且二者物源具有较强的继承性。盐池地区物源主要受到北西向的桌子山、贺兰山地区的影响;而苏里格西部地区陆源碎屑沉积物则来自北部阿拉善-阴山古陆。区内山1、盒8段主要为三角洲前缘沉积,受物源及沉积相的影响,环县区域具有汇水区的特征。  相似文献   

At Mo Hin Khao on the western flank of Khorat Plateau, Thailand, the Phra Wihan Formation reveals litharenite and sublitharenite with some subarkose and arkose. A cuesta in the eroded sedimentary sequence exhibits spectacular rock pillars of considerable geotourist potential. The rock sequence is high in silica (SiO2 67–98 wt%) and contains quartz, mica, magnetite, chert fragments and accessory minerals such as zircon and tourmaline and amphibole species. These accessory minerals suggest felsic rocks, such as granite, granodiorite and pegmatite, were sources for the sandstones. Geochemical analyses of the sedimentary sequence suggest that source rocks may lie in the passive continental margin, before sediment transport and deposition in the Khorat Basin by rivers flowing across a large flood plain. Many depositional sequences/episodes formed thick beds of cross bedded clastic rocks. A high average maturity index (>5) indicates sedimentary reworking/recycling. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values range from 47 to 98, suggesting variable chemical weathering within the source area rocks, largely representing moderate to high degrees of weathering. The average CIA value of these sediments (78) suggests that relatively extreme alteration factors were involved.  相似文献   

Deglacial sequences typically include backstepping grounding zone wedges and prevailing glaciomarine depositional facies. However, in coastal domains, deglacial sequences are dominated by depositional systems ranging from turbiditic to fluvial facies. Such deglacial sequences are strongly impacted by glacio‐isostatic rebound, the rate and amplitude of which commonly outpaces those of post‐glacial eustatic sea‐level rise. This results in a sustained relative sea‐level fall covering the entire depositional time interval. This paper examines a Late Quaternary, forced regressive, deglacial sequence located on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary (Portneuf Peninsula, Québec, Canada) and aims to decipher the main controls that governed its stratigraphic architecture. The forced regressive deglacial sequence forms a thick (>100 m) and extensive (>100 km2) multiphased deltaic complex emplaced after the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet margin from the study area ca 12 500 years ago. The sedimentary succession is composed of ice‐contact, glaciomarine, turbiditic, deltaic, fluvial and coastal depositional units. A four‐stage development is recognized: (i) an early ice‐contact stage (esker, glaciomarine mud and outwash fan); (ii) an in‐valley progradational stage (fjord head or moraine‐dammed lacustrine deltas) fed by glacigenics; (iii) an open‐coast deltaic progradation, when proglacial depositional systems expanded beyond the valley outlets and merged together; and (iv) a final stage of river entrenchment and shallow marine reworking that affected the previously emplaced deltaic complex. Most of the sedimentary volume (10 to 15 km3) was emplaced during the three‐first stages over a ca 2 kyr interval. In spite of sustained high rates of relative sea‐level fall (50 to 30 mm·year?1), delta plain accretion occurred up to the end of the proglacial open‐coast progradational stage. River entrenchment only occurred later, after a significant decrease in the relative sea‐level fall rates (<30 mm·year?1), and was concurrent with the formation and preservation of extensive coastal deposits (raised beaches, spit platform and barrier sands). The turnaround from delta plain accretion to river entrenchment and coastal erosion is interpreted to be a consequence of the retreat of the ice margin from the river drainage basins that led to the drastic drop of sediment supply and the abrupt decrease in progradation rates. The main internal stratigraphic discontinuity within the forced regressive deglacial sequence does not reflect changes in relative sea‐level variations.  相似文献   

The Guarguardz Complex, basement of the Cordillera Frontal, included in the proposed Chilenia Terrane, consists of metasedimentary rocks deposited in clastic and carbonatic platforms. Turbiditic sequences point out to slope or external platform environments. According to geochemical data, the sedimentary protoliths derived through erosion of a mature cratonic continental basement. Volcanic and subvolcanic rocks with N and E-MORB signature were interbeded in the metasedimentary rocks during basin development. A compressional stage, starting with progressive deformation and metamorphism, followed this extensional stage. Continuing deformation led to the emplacement of slices of oceanic crust, conforming an accretionary prism during Late Devonian. The Guarguardz Complex and equivalent units in western Precordillera and also in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera share common evolutional stages, widely represented along the western Gondwana margin. These evidences imply that Chilenia is not an allochthonous terrane to Gondwana, but a portion of its Early Paleozoic margin. Regional configuration indicates that the Guarguardz Complex and equivalent units represent the accretionary prism of the Famatinian arc (Middle Ordovician-Late Devonian).  相似文献   

藏南仲巴地区早白垩世日朗组出露于特提斯喜马拉雅北亚带,整体为黄绿色火山岩屑砂岩,局部层位可见页岩与泥岩,分析为一套深海海底扇沉积组合。本文仔细分析了日朗组砂岩岩石学特征及鲍马序列和槽模沉积构造等沉积学特征,结果表明:日朗组砂岩成分成熟度和结构成熟度均不高,具有近源物源的特点;槽模构造古水流数据统计表明古流向由南向北,指示物质组分来源于南侧特提斯喜马拉雅和/或印度克拉通。砂岩碎屑组分统计结果表明日朗组的物源区构造背景属于克拉通内部及石英再旋回区。碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄频谱图对比进一步表明其物源区为印度稳定大陆边缘,外加一套早白垩世火山碎屑物质的输入。仲巴地区日朗组物源特征反映了印度大陆北缘早白垩世由深部断裂引起的一次强烈的火山事件,可能与印度大陆从澳大利亚-南极大陆裂解有关。  相似文献   

刘超辉  蔡佳 《岩石学报》2017,33(9):2867-2880
华北克拉通东部陆块内的胶-辽-吉带是一条古元古代构造活动带,其是否向南西穿越郯庐断裂带延伸至徐州-蚌埠一带还存在着争议。蚌埠地区早前寒武纪变质基底主要包括晚太古代早期的霍邱群、古元古代五河群、凤阳群以及少量的古元古代花岗(片麻)岩。其中低绿片岩相变质的凤阳群自下而上被分为白云山组、青石山组和宋集组,原始沉积物分别为石英砂岩-砂、粉砂泥质及富镁碳酸盐岩交替-粉砂泥质、泥质和少量泥灰质。本次研究对采自凤阳群底部白云山组的2个石英岩和1个长石石英岩样品的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄及Lu-Hf同位素研究表明,3个样品的碎屑锆石年龄图谱十分相似,最重要的年龄区间为2.57~2.46Ga,峰值年龄约为2.52Ga,εHf(t)值在-7.39到+7.37之间,其中有大约90%具有正值,来源于蚌埠地区的晚太古代末期的花岗质岩石。另一个重要的年龄区间是2.98~2.66Ga,峰值为2.94Ga和2.69Ga,εHf(t)值在-11.8到+7.24之间,其中超过90%为正值,来源于蚌埠地区的霍邱群以及晚太古代早期花岗质岩体。此外,还有少量具有负εHf(t)值的3.61~3.34Ga的古太古代碎屑锆石被发现。这些古太古代碎屑锆石的εHf(t)值(-6.34~-1.05)以及两阶段模式年龄(3.75~4.07Ga)与华北克拉通南缘邻近地区(登封、焦作、信阳以及胶东)发现的古太古代锆石特征相似,说明华北克拉通南缘可能存在过古太古代,甚至冥古宙古老陆壳。5颗最年轻的锆石可以将凤阳群白云山组的最大沉积年龄限定在2.37Ga左右,而前人报到的白云母K-Ar年龄1878Ma与蚌埠地区1.88~1.80Ga的主期变质时代为其形成时代的上限做出了限制。结合胶-辽-吉带老岭群和北辽河群大石桥组中具有相似碎屑锆石年龄图谱的变质沉积岩,我们认为在2.3~2.1Ga裂谷发育早期活动带内沉积了海相碳酸盐岩及新太古代陆壳来源的碎屑岩。  相似文献   

Mineral chemistry, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology on white micas and Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology (AFTT), are applied here to study the provenance of the synorogenic Molare Formation (lowermost unit of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin clastic sequence). The Molare Formation was deposited during transgression onto the Ligurian Alps nappe stack in the Early Oligocene. Depositional facies show that clastic distribution remained transversal, with local sources located just landward from the coastline. Phengite mineral chemistry together with 40Ar/39Ar data clearly shows two distinctive source areas, each one mirroring the composition of the basement directly beneath the clastic sequence. Amphibole mineral chemistry allows second order provenance distinctions within each sector, reflecting heterogeneous metamorphic evolution of the bedrock complexes. Integrated 40Ar/39Ar dating and AFTT suggest that, following a fast cooling/exhumation episode of the Ligurian Alps during the Oligocene, very little net uplift has since occurred. This is due to a period of general subsidence from the Oligocene–Late Miocene followed by comparable uplift from Late Miocene–Pliocene to the present. In general our data provide an image of the Ligurian Alps during the Oligocene, which is very similar to the present-day one.This revised version was published online in September 2003.  相似文献   

青海祁漫塔格地区位于东昆仑造山带西段,是我国近些年来的重点找矿地区之一。本文对区内与虎头崖矿床I矿带(Fe)、野马泉矿床(Fe)、虎头崖矿床VI矿带(Zn)和卡而却卡矿床B区(Cu)有关的花岗质岩石开展了矿物学研究。结果显示,虎头崖矿床I矿带的斜长石以奥长石为主(An15.0-24.1);虎头崖矿床VI矿带的斜长石主要为钠长石和奥长石(An8.7-20.8);卡而却卡矿床B区的斜长石主要是中长石(An33.8-42.2);野马泉矿床的斜长石主要为奥长石和中长石(An26.2-48.4)。角闪石为典型的钙角闪石,其中,虎头崖矿床I矿带的角闪石属铁浅闪石;卡而却卡矿床B区的角闪石为镁角闪石和铁角闪石。各矿床(带)的黑云母普遍富Fe、Ti、F、Cl,属典型的铁黑云母。矿物学特征显示,各矿床(带)的黑云母结晶于相似的高氧逸度条件下,但在结晶温度和挥发份组成等方面存在差异。黑云母的结晶温度和氧逸度特征与各矿床类型之间未表现出明显的规律性特征。结合前人的研究成果可知,岩浆结晶的温度和氧逸度可能不是控制本区矽卡岩矿床成矿作用类型的主要因素。黑云母的挥发份组成与各成矿元素间表现出明显的规律性特征,其中,以Fe为主的虎头崖矿床I矿带和野马泉矿床的岩浆流体特征基本一致,表现出相对富Cl、贫H2O、F的特点;以Zn为主的虎头崖矿床VI矿带的岩浆流体相对富F贫H2O、Cl;以Cu为主的卡而却卡矿床B区的岩浆流体相对富Cl、H2O贫F,说明岩浆流体不同的挥发份组成可能与不同的矿床类型之间存在密切的联系。综合地质特征和矿物学特征可知,岩浆流体的挥发份组成可能是控制青海祁漫塔格地区矽卡岩矿床成矿作用类型多样性的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

A large pool of nitrogen in the sediment pore fluid of a eutrophic lake in Iowa, USA, was mapped in this study. Previously, the lake had supported fishing and boating, but today it no longer supports its designated uses as a recreational water body. In the top 5 cm of the lake bottom, the pore water nitrogen ranges between 3.1 and 1,250 μg/cm3 of sediments, with an average of 160.3 μg/cm3. Vertically, nitrate concentrations were measured as 153 μg/cm3 at 0–10 cm, 162 μg/cm3 at 10–20 cm, and 32 μg/cm3 at 20–30 cm. Nitrate mass distribution was quantified as 3.67 × 103 kg (65%) in the bottom sediments, 172 kg (3%) in suspended particulates, and 1.83 × 103 kg (32%) in the dissolved phase. Soil runoff nutrients arrive at the lake from the heavily fertilized lands in the watershed. Upon sedimentation, a large mass of nitrogen desorbs from mineral particles to the relatively immobile pore fluid. Under favorable conditions, this nitrogen diffuses back into the water column, thereby dramatically limiting the lake’s capability to process incoming nutrients from farmlands. Consequently, a condition of oxygen deficiency disrupts the post-season biological activities in the lake.  相似文献   

通过岩石薄片分析和石英阴极发光特征,对巴彦浩特盆地石炭系进行物源分析.结果表明,该盆地石炭系存在北部阿拉善古陆、东南部陇西古陆、西部龙首山隆起及东部骡子山隆起4个物源方向,母岩分别为太古界及元古界变质岩、前石炭系沉积岩及加里东期岩浆岩.古物源与沉积体系具良好空间配置关系,通过野外剖面观察,结合物源和相标志,认为研究区石炭系早期主要受阿拉善古陆影响,发育障壁海岸和混积陆棚相,中晚期受多物源共同影响,发育障壁海岸、无障壁海岸、扇三角洲、曲流河三角洲和混积陆棚相.  相似文献   

The Soufriere volcano is a 1220 m high stratovolcano which occupies the northern part of the island of St. Vincent. It is one of the most active centres of volcanism in the Caribbean and has a record of activity dating back to the Pleistocene. Historic eruptions (since 1718) have caused over 1600 deaths and resulted in damage to property valued in excess of 4.8 million USD. In addition, current development plans for the area point towards increased risk of disastrous consequences from future activity at the volcano.All aspects of risk relevant to the volcano, are discussed, with particular emphasis on the manner in which these are perceived and on the question of acceptable risk. A method is presented for use in risk assessment of volcanic hazard and a number of risk zones are defined for the Soufriere volcano. Numerical estimates of the relative loss expected within each zone are obtained from a consideration of the value of property at risk, its vulnerability to the hazardous volcanic events and the expected spatial impact of volcanic events. Such estimates suggest that the northern-most third of the island is at least ten times more at risk than areas further south. The likelihood of death and destruction is extreme in such high risk areas, while the most feasible method of loss reduction is evacuation before an eruption occurs.Formerly at Department of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom.  相似文献   

安徽巢湖北部地区石炭系出露完整,层序清楚,沉积类型多样,是下扬子地区研究石炭系的重要地区之一。本研究在分析石炭系剖面的基础上,结合U-Pb碎屑锆石年代学分析,探讨了巢湖北部地区早石炭世物源特征。本研究共对两组岩石样品进行了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb锆石年代学分析,第一组样品为采集于高骊山组中段的砂岩,第二组样品为采集于和州组顶部的砂屑生屑灰岩。高骊山组样品锆石最晚年龄为404.4±10.2Ma,最早年龄为3194.1±40.7Ma,获得了两个峰值年龄435±6Ma与846±14Ma。和州组样品锆石最晚年龄为410±10.8Ma,最早年龄为2780±46.0Ma,获得了两个峰值年龄448±20Ma与849±12Ma。早石炭世沉积特征及年龄数据表明,巢湖北部地区早石炭世的陆源碎屑沉积主要来源于扬子海周围晋宁期及加里东期形成的古陆,部分沉积物可能来自其他古陆。  相似文献   

Sellicks Beach, located on the eastern shore of Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, is subject to wave-dominated processes and northward longshore transport. During winter, when wave energy is typically vigorous, gravel deposits are exposed across most of the beach, and three step-like berms are well developed. Sand is restricted to a narrow strip that is exposed only at low tide. In contrast, during summer, when wave energy is generally moderate to low, much of the gravel is covered by a thin veneer of sand and only the high berm, on the landward edge of the beach, remains as an obvious feature. Steeply dipping Neoproterozoic to Cambrian strata that outcrop strongly across Sellicks Hill are the original source rocks for the beach gravel; distinctive sedimentary textures, structures and fossils in the cobble-size clasts can be confidently matched with those of the provenance rocks. Much of the sediment entered the modern beach environment as a consequence of coastal erosion of transitional alluvial fan sediments. The oldest alluvial fan sediments are of late Pliocene to earliest Pleistocene age. Mount Terrible Gully provides a conduit for the input of fluvial sediment at the mouth of Cactus Canyon, where clasts as large as boulders accumulate across the beach. Sellicks Beach gravels are subject to longshore transport northwards. Relatively softer clasts, such as those derived from the Heatherdale Shale, are rare beyond Cactus Canyon. In contrast, quartzite clasts are more abundant towards the north. This lithological differentiation is attributed to preferential survivorship of clasts that are physically harder and chemically less reactive. The change in the shapes of clasts northwards, from predominately shingle-like ‘very platy’ and ‘very bladed’ at Cactus Canyon, to more ‘compact’ towards the boat ramp, is in accord with the more massive fabric of the surviving quartzite clasts. At Sellicks Beach, preservation of uplifted, coarse gravels, with entire and comminuted marine molluscan shells, of last interglacial age, provides evidence of neotectonism. At the landward margin of the beach, imbricated gravels in which pore spaces have been infilled with mud, and which show no evidence of modern coastal erosion, may provide evidence of continuing uplift during the recent Holocene. The geological setting, geomorphic framework and modern sedimentary regime at Sellicks Beach combine to provide an exceptionally useful outdoor laboratory for education in field geology.  相似文献   

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