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The varve record from High Arctic, proglacial Bear Lake reveals a regionally coherent hydroclimatic signal as well as complexities due to changing hydroclimatic and limnologic conditions. Varve formation is strongly dependent on underflows that exhibit variability in strength during the past 750 yr. Periods with reduced underflow sedimentation and accumulation rates fail to produce varves in the distal part of the lake. Isolated coarse silt and sand grains occur in 80% of the varves and are interpreted to be niveo-aeolian in origin. Coarse (>500 μm) sand grains deposited on the lake ice by strong winter winds are notably less common since A.D. 1850, likely due to reduced storminess. Regression of the varve thickness record with meteorological records indicates high correlations with autumn (September and October) temperatures and total monthly snowfall. These correlations are best at times when underflow activity is sufficiently strong to produce varves throughout the lake. The close association with warmer temperatures and snow-bearing synoptic systems moving north in Baffin Bay suggests that the primary climate signal in the varves is varying autumn snow pack that controls nival discharge in the following year. The similarity between the other records of melt season temperature and sea-ice cover and the Bear Lake record suggests that summer and autumn conditions were generally similar across the Baffin Bay region through much of the last millennium.  相似文献   

Uranium-series dating of oxygen and carbon isotope records for stalagmite SJ3 collected in Songjia Cave, central China, shows significant variation in past climate and environment during the period 20-10 ka. Stalagmite SJ3 is located more than 1000 km inland of the coastal Hulu Cave in East China and more than 700 km north of the Dongge Cave in Southwest China and, despite minor differences, displays a clear first-order similarity with the Hulu and Dongge records. The coldest climatic phase since the Last Glacial Maximum, which is associated with the Heinrich Event 1 in the North Atlantic region, was clearly recorded in SJ3 between 17.6 and 14.5 ka, in good agreement in timing, duration and extent with the records from Hulu and Dongge caves and the Greenland ice core. The results indicate that there have been synchronous and significant climatic changes across monsoonal China and strong teleconnections between the North Atlantic and East Asia regions during the period 20-10 ka. This is much different from the Holocene Optimum which shows a time shift of more than several thousands years from southeast coastal to inland China. It is likely that temperature change at northern high latitudes during glacial periods exerts stronger influence on the Asian summer monsoon relative to insolation and appears to be capable of perturbing large-scale atmospheric/oceanic circulation patterns in the Northern Hemisphere and thus monsoonal rainfall and paleovegetation in East Asia. Climatic signals in the North Atlantic region propagate rapidly to East Asia during glacial periods by influencing the winter land-sea temperature contrast in the East Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   

We examined the hydroclimatic signal in a record of annual lamina (varve) thickness from High Arctic Lake A, Ellesmere Island (83°00.00′N, 75°30.00′W). In this unglacierized catchment, nival melt is the dominant source for meltwater and transport of sediment to the lake, and autumn snowfall is highly influential on varve thickness through the amount of snow available for melt in the following year. For the period during which climatic data are available, varve thickness in Lake A was significantly correlated (r = 0.50, p < 0.01) with the cumulative snowfall from August to October (ASO) during the previous year and, to a lesser extent, ASO mean daily temperature (r = 0.39, p < 0.01) at Alert, Nunavut (175 km east). The varve thickness record, interpreted as a proxy record of ASO snowfall and, by extension, ASO temperature, indicated above-mean conditions during five periods of the past millennium, including most of the 20th century. These results corresponded well to other available high-resolution proxy climate records from the region, with some discrepancies prior to AD 1500 and during the period AD 1700-1900.  相似文献   

The long-lived (about 20 yr) bryozoan Adeonellopsis sp. from Doubtful Sound, New Zealand, precipitates aragonite in isotopic equilibrium with seawater, exerting no metabolic or kinetic effects. Oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) in 61 subsamples (along three branches of a single unaltered colony) range from −0.09 to +0.68‰ PDB (mean = +0.36‰ PDB). Carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) range from +0.84 to +2.18‰ PDB (mean = +1.69‰ PDB). Typical of cool-water carbonates, δ18O-derived water temperatures range from 14.2 to 17.5 °C. Adeonellopsis has a minimum temperature growth threshold of 14 °C, recording only a partial record of environmental variation. By correlating seawater temperatures derived from δ18O with the Southern Oscillation Index, however, we were able to detect major events such as the 1983 El Niño. Interannual climatic variation can be recorded in skeletal carbonate isotopes. The range of within-colony isotopic variability found in this study (0.77‰ in δ18O and 1.34 in δ13C) means that among-colony variation must be treated cautiously. Temperate bryozoan isotopes have been tested in less than 2% of described extant species — this highly variable phylum is not yet fully understood.  相似文献   

We present a varve thickness chronology from glacier-dammed Iceberg Lake in the southern Alaska icefields. Radiogenic evidence confirms that laminations are annual and record continuous sediment deposition from A.D. 442 to A.D. 1998. Varve thickness is positively correlated with Northern Hemisphere temperature trends, and more strongly with a local, ∼600 yr long tree ring width chronology. Varve thickness increases in warm summers because of higher melt, runoff, and sediment transport (as expected), but also because shrinkage of the glacier dam allows shoreline regression that concentrates sediment in the smaller lake. Varve thickness provides a sensitive record of relative changes in warm season temperatures. Relative to the entire record, temperatures implied by this chronology were lowest around A.D. 600, warm between A.D. 1000 and A.D. 1300, cooler between A.D. 1500 and A.D. 1850, and have increased dramatically since then. Combined with stratigraphic evidence that contemporary jökulhlaups (which began in 1999) are unprecedented since at least A.D. 442, this record suggests that 20th century warming is more intense, and accompanied by more extensive glacier retreat, than the Medieval Warm Period or any other time in the last 1500 yr.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1909-1921
This paper reports the carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of lacustrine carbonate sediments from the Palaeogene Shahejie Formation, Qikou depression, Bohaiwan Basin, with the aim of determining the palaeoenvironmental conditions in the region. Results from Es2, the second member of the Shahejie Formation, showed values of δ13C and δ18O from –1.2‰ to +2.4‰ (average +0.6‰) and from –6.8‰ to –4.7‰ (average –5.7‰), respectively, suggesting a relatively hot climate attending deposition. The slightly closed nature of the lake, which contains brackish water, resulted in higher carbonate δ13C and δ18O values than in a meteoric environment. The values of δ13C and δ18O preserved within the carbonates of the overlying lower Shahejie I (Es1) varied between +1.3‰ and +4.9‰ (average +3.2‰) and from ?4.4‰ to ?1.8‰ (average ?3.1‰), respectively, indicating that the climate became colder at that time. Subsequently, a marine transgression caused the salinity of the lake water to increase. The values of δ13C and δ18O were controlled by salinity. The high δ13C values were also influenced by the rapid burial of the lake organisms and by algal photosynthesis. Values of δ13C and δ18O from carbonates in upper Es1 ranged from ?8.0‰ to +11.0‰ (average +10.1‰) and from ?5.0‰ to ?1.5‰ (average ?3.4‰), respectively, indicating a slight increase in the temperature over time. In the closed and reducing environment, extremes in δ13C values resulted from biochemical fermentation. The positive δ13C excursion recorded in the carbonates of the Shahejie Formation in the Qikou depression indicates that the palaeoclimate underwent a significant transformation during the Eocene and the Oligocene.  相似文献   

The toxodont megaherbivores Toxodon and Mixotoxodon were endemic to South and Central America during the late Quaternary. Isotopic signatures of 47 toxodont teeth were analyzed to reconstruct diet and ancient habitat. Tooth enamel carbon isotope data from six regions of South and Central America indicate significant differences in toxodont diet and local vegetation during the late Quaternary. Toxodonts ranged ecologically from C3 forest browsers in the Amazon (mean δ13C = −13.4‰), to mixed C3 grazers and/or browsers living either in C3 grasslands, or mixed C3 forested and grassland habitats in Honduras (mean δ13C = −9.3‰), Buenos Aires province, Argentina (δ13C = −8.7‰), and Bahia, Brazil (mean δ13C = −8.6‰), to predominantly C4 grazers in northern Argentina (δ13C = −4.4‰), to specialized C4 grazers in the Chaco of Bolivia (δ13C = −0.1‰). Although these toxodonts had very high-crowned teeth classically interpreted for grazing, the isotopic data indicate that these megaherbivores had the evolutionary capacity to feed on a variety of dominant local vegetation. In the ancient Amazon region, carbon isotope data for the toxodonts indicate a C3-based tropical rainforest habitat with no evidence for grasslands as would be predicted from the Neotropical forest refugia hypothesis.  相似文献   

As one of the lakes on the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, Lake Chenghai, which is a typical closed lake with the precipitation accounting for one-third or more of the annual water input, has a high total salinity (almost like a saline lake). The inorganic C, O isotopic composition of lake sediments bears much sensitive information about environmental change in the catchment, while their correlations revealed the hydrological conditions under which the lake was closed. Their compositional variations are controlled by temperature, precipitation, photosynthesis, dissolving equilibrium of the carbonate system and hydrological condition. According to our research on inorganic C, O isotopic composition of Lake Chenghai sediments, we investigated the environmental change of this catchment several decades ago. The results showed that Lake Chenghai has kept good hydrological closing conditions in the past several decades, as indicated by the good correlation of inorganic C, O isotopic composition of sediments; and that the environmental change in this catchment shows a tendency of periodical evolution on a 10−11-years scale, although the signal noise is relatively high at the bottom of the sediment core. And we also can extend C, O isotopes, a sensitive environmental indicator, to nearly saline lake environments with a high degree of mineralization.  相似文献   

Remains of a Holocene drowned forest in southern Lake Huron discovered in 12.5 m of water (164 m above sea level), 4.5 km east of Lexington, Michigan USA (Sanilac site), provided wood to investigate environment and lake history using several proxies. Macrofossil evidence indicates a forest comprised primarily of conifers equivalent to the modern “rich conifer swamp” community, despite generally low regional abundance of these species in pollen records. Ages range from 7095 ± 50 to 6420 ± 70 14C yr BP, but the clustering of stump dates and the development of 2 floating tree-ring chronologies suggest a briefer forest interval of no more than c. 400 years. Dendrochronological analysis indicates an environment with high inter-annual climate variability. Stable-carbon isotope composition falls within the range of modern trees from this region, but the stable-oxygen composition is consistent with warmer conditions than today. Both our tree-ring and isotope data provide support for a warmer environment in this region, consistent with a mid-Holocene thermal maximum. This drowned forest also provides a dated elevation in the Nipissing transgression at about 6420 14C yr BP (7350 cal yr BP) in the southern Lake Huron basin, a few hundred years before reopening of the St. Clair River drainage.  相似文献   

To investigate environmental variability during the late Holocene in the western Gulf of Maine, USA, we collected a 142-year-old living bivalve (Arctica islandica) in 2004, and three fossil A. islandica shells of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and late MWP / Little Ice Age (LIA) period (corrected 14CAMS = 1030 ± 78 ad; 1320 ± 45 ad; 1357 ± 40 ad) in 1996. We compared the growth record of the modern shell with continuous plankton recorder (CPR) time-series (1961–2003) from the Gulf of Maine. A significant correlation (r 2 = 0.55; p < 0.0001) exists between the standardized annual growth index (SGI) of the modern shell and the relative abundance of zooplankton species Calanus finmarchicus. We therefore propose that SGI data from A. islandica is a valid proxy for paleo-productivity of at least one major zooplankton taxa. SGIs from these shells reveal significant periods of 2–6 years (NAO-like) based on wavelet analysis, multitaper method (MTM) analysis and singular spectrum analysis (SSA) during the late Holocene. Based on established physical oceanographic observation in the Gulf of Maine, we suggest that slope water variability coupled with North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) dynamics is primarily responsible for the observed SGI variability. Special Issue: AGU OS06 special issue “Ocean’s role in climate change—a paleo perspective”.  相似文献   

New U–Pb SHRIMP ages in zircon, Ar–Ar ages in micas and amphiboles, Nd–Sr isotopes, and major and REE geochemical analyses in granitic gneisses and granitic stocks of the Central Cordillera of Colombia indicate the presence of a collisional orogeny in Permo-Triassic times in the Northern Andes related to the construction of the Pangea supercontinent. The collision is recorded by metamorphic U–Pb SHRIMP ages in inherited zircons around 280 Ma and magmatic U–Pb SHRIMP ages in neoformed zircons around 250 Ma within syntectonic crustal granitic gneisses. Magmatic U–Pb SHRIMP and Ar–Ar Triassic ages around 228 Ma in granitic stocks indicate the presence of late tectonic magmatism related to orogenic collapse and the beginning of the breakup of the supercontinent. During this period, the Central Cordillera of Colombia would have been located between the southern United States and northern Venezuela, in the leading edge of the Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   

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