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胶州湾北部水层-底栖耦合生态系统的动力数值模拟分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
基于胶州湾1995年5航次的生态动力学综合实验观测,建立了一个水层-底栖生态系耦合的动力学箱式模型,其中水层亚模型包括浮游植物、浮游动物、无机氮、无机磷以及DOC、POC和溶解氧7变量,底栖部分包括大型、小型底栖生物、细胞、碎屑及无机氮和磷6变量。模型考虑了海面太阳辐照度变化、海水及底泥温度变化,以及营养盐与DOC陆源流入的影响,利用该模型成功地模拟了胶州湾北部各生态变量的季节变化特征。同吴增茂等(1999)水层模型模拟结果相比可以看出,耦合模型的结果更加合理。  相似文献   

国际小型底栖生物研究的某些进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
论述了海洋小型底栖生物的定义、历史及当前国际研究的某些最新动态、依据我国目前研究的现状提出了今后策略和应着重加强的研究方向。  相似文献   

海南岛是我国的第二大岛,面积约32200平方公里。岛上沙质海岸占比例最大,另外泥滩、石砾、岩石海岸亦有所见。由于四面环海,所以海洋性气候较为显著。水温一般较高。与相邻的广东大陆沿岸相比,季节变化及年变化幅度均较小。基本上符合热带性气候的特点。但是,由于受季节风的影响,以及浅水区域较宽和接近大陆,沿岸水温和气温的年较差和日较差较大,局部地区具有一些大陆性气候的特点。海南岛的潮汐类型是混合潮,潮水幅度通常不超过3米。 1959年11月-1960年2月,作者参加了中国科学院海洋研究所生物考查组到崖县的榆林、马岭,陵水县的新村,万宁县的港北港,乐东县的莺歌海,文昌县的抱虎角、铜鼓角以及海口市的盐灶、北港、苍头前等地进行了调查采集。为了使原有的材料得到更进一步的充实,1962年3-5月,又到崖县的榆林,陵水县的新村以及临高县的新盈,东方县的八所进行补充调查。本文的主要目的在于潮间带藻类进行定性及定量的研究,并结合各地区不同的潮汐类型、潮水幅度等环境条件的具体影响,进一步探索藻类分布上的特点。  相似文献   

海南岛澄迈角沙滩潮间带底栖动物生态初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

利用建立起的浅海水层生态动力学箱式模型,模拟了胶州湾北部1995年的浮游植物、浮游动物、无机氮、无机磷、溶解氧以及DOC和POC年变化特征。结果是合理的。通过模型参数敏感性实验分析,揭示了该模型系统的一些动力学特征  相似文献   

本文报道了1986年7月至1988年10月在浙江北部中街山列岛潮间带进行的海藻定点定量调查结果,已鉴定底栖海藻94种。海藻组成以亚热带性与暖温带性种类占优势。区系性质与台湾暖流对本区的影响有关。底栖海藻的种类组成、垂直分布及生物量均存在明显的季节变化。本文对海藻生长的时空变化与某些环境因子间的关系作了分析探讨。  相似文献   

九龙江口硬相潮间带大型底栖动物的生态特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

建立了一个包括浮游植物、浮游动物、无机氮和磷、溶解态与悬浮有机物及溶解氧七状态变量的浅海水体生态动力学箱式模型,并且考虑了海面太阳辐照度变化、海水与底泥温度变化以及营养盐海底溶出和陆源流入的影响。初步分析了在胶州湾北部浮游生态系统演变的几个特征时期动力学方程中的物流动态特征。结果是比较合理的。  相似文献   

用大型底栖动物为指标来指示、监测和评价海洋有机质污染,国内外已有许多研究报道。但是,由于大型底梄动物世代时间较长,对中低度及非急性致死污染的反应迟缓,不够灵敏迅速,因此这方面的工作至今还未见令人满意的结果。随着小型底栖生物学,尤其是生态学在最近几十年的发展,给人们应用底栖生物来指示和监测海洋污染提供了新的科学依据。小型底牺生物的分布广,野外取样方便,世代周期短,保守的生殖策略,对环境的变化反应更灵敏迅速,因此使其在污染监测研究中有着更大的潜力(Moore & Bett,1989)。作为小型底栖生物的最优势类群一自由生活海洋线虫,因其具有极高的丰度和多样性,以及身体较坚硬不易破碎等优点,而成为污染监测的研究重点(Ferris et al.,1979; Heip et al.,1985)。有关污染环境中小型底栖生物的研究,国外已有许多报道,迄今为止,国内还研究甚少。 青岛湾东侧海滩主要接纳青岛市市南区排放的生活污水和混合废水,近年来大规模截污后,张志南等(1993)曾在此做过小型底栖动物群落的研究,发现线虫密度与小头虫(Capitella Capitata)有着相似的分布特点,并根据线虫群落多样性指数、线虫的取食特性及桡足类的相对丰度,对比Wu Boling et al..(1988)和孙道元等(1978)的研究,得出该湾有机质污染程度正在减轻的结论。但到目前为止,尚缺乏对该海区有机质污染状况及其变化的综合的系统研究。 作者于1991年4月-1992年3月在青岛湾东侧进行了底栖生物调査,本文试图通过对该有机质污染环境中小型底栖生物生态特点的研究,探讨污染指示种、主要类群的丰度、线虫与桡足类的比值(N/C)、线虫群落的多样性指数和种类组成等诸项生态学参数在有机质污染监测中的适用性和优缺点,为海洋污染监测及环境质量评价提供依据和最优选择。  相似文献   

分4部分介绍互联网上与海洋生态系统动力学研究有关的信息资源、主要网址及其主要内容:(1)海洋生态系统模拟研究;(2)海洋科学研究组织和国际研究计划;(3)网上新闻讨论组;(4)海洋生态杂志。  相似文献   

Pelagic-Benthic Coupling in the Nordic Seas: The Role of Episodic Events   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. The consequences of the following episodic phenomena for the pelagic-benthic coupling in the Nordic Seas are illustrated: (1) Advection of water masses between fjords and shelf environments, (2) freshwater run-off and vertical stability, (3) dynamics of the marginal ice zone in the central and northern Barents Sea and the Polar Ocean, (4) drift patterns of sinking particles along the North Norwegian coast, (5) advection of zooplankton into subarctic fjords and the southern Barents Sea, zooplankton overwintering and composition, and (6) transport of organic particulate matter from the Barents Sea shelf. It is shown that physical processes in the north-eastern North Atlantic and Polar Ocean can be strongly variable on time scales of days to decades. They have a significant influence on the dynamics of pelagic-benthic coupling. The physical oceanography influences the vertical and horizontal particle flux not only directly (mixing, advection, up- and down-welling), but also indirectly through its impact on the biota (for example radiation, wind, ice cover, freshwater run-off and overwintering, advection and retention of zooplankton). Understanding pelagic-benthic coupling at high latitudes depends even more on a best possible understanding of the physical oceanography and the time scales involved than elsewhere.  相似文献   

建立了新的藻类-浮游动物生态非线性动力学模型,该模型考虑了藻类与浮游动物之间的增长关系。研究了模型平衡点的稳定性,以及Hop f分岔现象。通过对选取的分岔参数进行分析,揭示了该系统的动力学特性。  相似文献   

利用不锈钢环形采泥器 ,在胶州湾潮间带沿天然断面选取典型站位 ,现场采取无扰动沉积物样品 ,应用生物扰动实验系统 (Annular Flux System) ,选用菲律宾蛤仔 (Ruditapes philippinarum)和缢蛏 (Sinonovacula constricta) ,在实验室内进行实验。结果表明 :菲律宾蛤仔个体的生物沉降率平均为 0 .15g/ m2 · h· ind,平均净生物沉降率为自然颗粒沉降率的 3.0 5倍 ;缢蛏个体的生物沉降率平均为 0 .2 9g/ m2·h· ind,平均净生物沉降率为自然颗粒沉降率的 2 .6 3倍。  相似文献   

The shallow continental shelves and slope of the Amerasian Arctic are strongly influenced by nutrient-rich Pacific waters advected over the shelves from the northern Bering Sea into the Arctic Ocean. These high-latitude shelf systems are highly productive both as the ice melts and during the open-water period. The duration and extent of seasonal sea ice, seawater temperature and water mass structure are critical controls on water column production, organic carbon cycling and pelagic–benthic coupling. Short food chains and shallow depths are characteristic of high productivity areas in this region, so changes in lower trophic levels can impact higher trophic organisms rapidly, including pelagic- and benthic-feeding marine mammals and seabirds. Subsistence harvesting of many of these animals is locally important for human consumption. The vulnerability of the ecosystem to environmental change is thought to be high, particularly as sea ice extent declines and seawater warms. In this review, we focus on ecosystem dynamics in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas, with a more limited discussion of the adjoining Pacific-influenced eastern section of the East Siberian Sea and the western section of the Beaufort Sea. Both primary and secondary production are enhanced in specific regions that we discuss here, with the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas sustaining some of the highest water column production and benthic faunal soft-bottom biomass in the world ocean. In addition, these organic carbon-rich Pacific waters are periodically advected into low productivity regions of the nearshore northern Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas off Alaska and sometimes into the East Siberian Sea, all of which have lower productivity on an annual basis. Thus, these near shore areas are intimately tied to nutrients and advected particulate organic carbon from the Pacific influenced Bering Shelf-Anadyr water. Given the short food chains and dependence of many apex predators on sea ice, recent reductions in sea ice in the Pacific-influenced sector of the Arctic have the potential to cause an ecosystem reorganization that may alter this benthic-oriented system to one more dominated by pelagic processes.  相似文献   

海洋生态系统健康评价的底栖生物指数法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋大型底栖无脊椎动物能对自然和人为活动导致的水和沉积物质量变化做出可预测的响应,因此利用底栖生物作为海洋生态环境监测的生物指标和进行系统健康度量的生物指数已经得到了广泛的认可.本文比较分析了几种常用的和正在发展的海洋生态系统健康和生态环境质量状况评估的底栖生物指数,包括指示生物法、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、BI指数、AMBI指数和Bentix指数,总结了这几种生物指数的应用和特性,探讨了底栖生物指数在实际应用中可能存在的问题和解决的办法,以期为我国海洋生态系统健康评估工作提供参考.  相似文献   

The importance of suspension-feeding mussels is particularly apparent in benthic communities; however, the role of this feeding strategy on the development of macroalgal and associated invertebrate communities is in general poorly known. The effect of suspension-feeding mussels Mytilus trossulus on benthic communities was studied in an in situ factorial field experiment in the Northern Baltic Sea over one ice-free season. The experiment was performed under different regimes of wave exposure (low and moderate) and on different sedimentary habitats (soft bottom with high organic content, soft bottom with low organic content, and hard bottom). In general the presence of mussels was associated with increased biomass of filamentous algae, herbivores and deposit feeders and decreased biomass of charophytes. The effect of M. trossulus interacted with the effect of exposure and substrate. Stronger responses were observed in moderately exposed than in sheltered areas. The presence of M. trossulus affected charophytes and deposit feeders on sand with low content of organic matter and filamentous algae on pebbles but not on other substrate types. The magnitude of the effects varied between months. The results suggest that (i) even in dynamic coastal systems the biodeposits and excretions of mussels are at least partly assimilated locally and are not flushed away to the open sea, (ii) the accumulation of faecal material induced elevated growth of deposit feeders, (iii) mussels enhanced the growth of ephemeral macroalgae and reduced the growth of perennial macroalgae, and (iv) together with increasing benthic primary production, mussels indirectly increase the production of herbivores.  相似文献   

We have developed an ecosystem model including two nitrogen isotopes (14N and 15N), and validated this model using an actual data set. A study of nitrogen isotopic ratios (δ15N) using a marine ecosystem model is thought to be most helpful in quantitatively understanding the marine nitrogen cycle. Moreover, the model study may indicate a new potential of δ15N as a tracer. This model has six compartments: phytoplankton, zooplankton, particulate organic nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen, nitrate and ammonium in a two-box model, and has biological processes with/without isotopic fractionation. We have applied this model to the Sea of Okhotsk and successfully reproduced the δ15N of nitrate measured in seawater and the seasonal variations in δ15N of sinking particles obtained from sediment trap experiments. Simulated δ15N of phytoplankton are determined by δ 15N of nitrate and ammonium, and the nitrogen f-ratio, defined as the ratio of nitrate assimilation by phytoplankton to total nitrogenous nutrient assimilation. Detailed considerations of biological processes in the spring and autumn blooms have demonstrated that there is a significant difference between simulated δ15N values of phytoplankton, which assimilates only nitrate, and only ammonium, respectively. We suggest that observations of δ 15N values of phytoplankton, nitrate and ammonium in the spring and autumn blooms may indicate the ratios of nutrient selectivity by phytoplankton. In winter, most of the simulated biogeochemical fluxes decrease rapidly, but nitrification flux decreases much more slowly than the other biogeochemical fluxes. Therefore, simulated δ15N values and concentrations of ammonium reflect almost only nitrification. We suggest that the nitrification rate can be parameterized with observations of δ15N of ammonium in winter and a sensitive study varying the parameter of nitrification rate.  相似文献   

海洋浮游植物群落结构的改变与营养盐结构有关,不同形态氮可能会影响优势种生长从而改变浮游植物群落结构.本文针对莱州湾硅藻向甲藻潜在的种群演替问题,通过船基围隔生态系现场氮加富培养实验,研究NO3-N、NH4-N、陆源有机氮(DONts)和藻源有机氮(DONss)对海洋浮游植物群落结构的影响.结果表明,在NO3-N、NH4...  相似文献   

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