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Current Nature of the Kuroshio in the Vicinity of the Kii Peninsula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Kuroshio flows very close to Cape Shionomisaki when it takes a straight path. The detailed observations of the Kuroshio were made both on board the R/V Seisui-maru of Mie University and on board the R/V Wakayama of the Wakayama Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station on June 11–14, 1996. It was confirmed that the current zone of the Kuroshio touches the coast and bottom slope just off Cape Shionomiaki, and that the coastal water to the east of the cape was completely separated from that to the west. The relatively high sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami could be caused by this separation of the coastal waters when the Kuroshio takes a straight path. This flow is rather curious, as the geostrophic flow, which has a barotropic nature and touches the bottom, would be constrained to follow bottom contours due to the vorticity conservation law. The reason why the Kuroshio leaves the bottom slope to the east of Cape Shionomisaki is attributed to the high curvature of the bottom contours there: if the current were to follow the contours, the centrifugal term in the equation of motion would become large and comparablee to the Coriolis (or pressure gradient) term, and the geostrophic balance would be destroyed. This creates a current-shadow zone just to the east of the cape. As the reason why the current zone of the Kuroshio intrudes into the coastal region to the west of the cape, it is suggested that the Kii Bifurcation Current off the southwest coast of the Kii Peninsula, which is usually found when the Kuroshio takes the straight path, has the effect of drawing the Kuroshio water into the coastal region. The sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami is often used to monitor the flow pattern of the Kuroshio near the Kii Peninsula. It should be noted that Uragami is located in the current shadow zone, while Kushimoto lies in the region where the offshore Kuroshio water intrudes into the coastal region. The resulting large sea level difference indicates that the Kuroshio is flowing along the straight path.  相似文献   

The Kii Bifurcation Current is often found along the southwest coast of the Kii Peninsula, and its frequency of occurrence reaches about 70% in the period from 1988 to 1996 (Takeuchi et al., 1998a). In order to clarify the structure and short-period variability of the Kii Bifurcation Current, detailed observations were made four times on board the R/V Seisui-maru of Mie University on October 29–31, 1996, on June 24–26, 1997, October 14–16, 1997, and December 3–4, 1997. The measured horizontal structure of the Kii Bifurcation Current indicates that the eastern portion of the Current (eastward flow near Cape Shionomisaki) consists of a part of the current zone of the Kuroshio. It is shown that the current structure, including the Kii Bifurcation Current in the vicinity of Cape Shionomisaki, is stable when the Kuroshio is flowing in a stationary straight path, but that the current structure is considerably changed when small-scale eddies pass by the cape. Such short-period variation can be monitored by using the daily variation of the sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami. In particular, in the case of October 29–31, 1996, when an eminent small-scale eddy passed by Cape Shionomisaki, and when the Kuroshio axis tentatively moved southwards about 50 km apart from the coast, the Kii Bifurcation Current seems to have disappeared.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the small meander of the Kuroshio, generated south of Kyushu and propagating eastward, was examined using sea level data collected during 1961–1995 along the south coast of Japan. Intra-annual variation of the sea level was expanded by the frequency domain empirical orthogonal function (FDEOF) modes, and it was found that the second and third modes are useful for monitoring the generation and propagation of the small meander. The third FDEOF for periods of 10–100 days has a phase reversal between Hosojima and Tosa-shimizu with significant amplitude west of Kushimoto, and the amplitude of its time coefficient is large during the non-large-meander (NLM) period and has a significant peak when the small meander exists southeast of Kyushu. The second FDEOF for periods of 20–80 days has a phase reversal between Kushimoto and Uragami, and the amplitude of its time coefficient is large when the small meander propagates to the south of Shikoku. The third FDEOF mode allowed us to conclude that the small meander occurred 42 times from July 1961 to May 1995, most of them (38) occurring during the NLM periods. The second FDEOF mode permits the conclusion that half of the 38 small meanders reached south of Shikoku. Of these, five small meanders influenced transitions of the Kuroshio path from the nearshore NLM path; one caused the offshore NLM path and four brought about the large meander. About one-tenth of the total number of small meanders are related to the formation of the large meander.  相似文献   

白玉  邓增安 《海洋通报》2023,(2):138-150
日本鲭是一种重要的经济鱼类,广泛分布于西北太平洋沿岸海域,其资源和补充很容易受到环境因素的影响,尤其是在鱼类的早期生活阶段,即卵和幼体阶段。本文建立了一个基于个体的模型(Individual-Based Model,IBM)用以研究典型大弯曲期间黑潮主流、周围环流以及中尺度涡对日本鲭早期生命活动的影响。数值模拟及研究结果表明:(1)在深度分布方面,大部分个体(鱼卵或仔稚鱼)位于75 m以浅水层中,只有少部分被垂直湍流带入更深的水域。(2)在产卵场和育幼场之间的连通性方面,3-5月来自主要产卵场的个体随黑潮主流进入黑潮延伸区的渔场;6月份,主要产卵场中的个体受到黑潮大弯曲东侧的小型冷涡的影响,该冷涡阻止了其进入黑潮延伸区的渔场,并留在纪伊半岛和伊豆群岛的沿海水域。在昼夜垂直迁移(Diel Vertical Migration,DVM)这一输运方式的影响下,停留在四国岛和纪伊半岛附近的个体数量增加,处于DVM输运方式下的个体受冷涡的影响更大,增加了在海洋表面漂流的时间,无法跟随黑潮主流输送到更远的育幼场。(3)在输送距离方面,90%以内的个体进行短距离到中距离输运,在DVM输运方式下,长距...  相似文献   

Intrusions of the warm, oligotrophic surface slope water (SSW) and the cold, nutrient-rich bottom slope water (BSW) from the continental slope influence the annual variations in water temperature and nutrient concentrations in the Kii Channel in August. In order to evaluate the relationships between both these intrusions and the distance of the Kuroshio axis from Cape Shionomisaki (Kuroshio distance), a Distance-Intrusion-Diagram (DID) for temperature, which can reproduce the vertical temperature profile of the channel, was constructed by analyzing the temperature and Kuroshio distance records in August for 1967–2001. DIDs for nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) are also constructed by using the relationship between the nutrient concentration and water temperature. The only explanatory variable in the DIDs is the Kuroshio distance. The DID for temperature predicts that the SSW occupies almost the entire water column when the Kuroshio approaches Cape Shionomisaki (Kuroshio distance = 18.5 km). When the Kuroshio distance lies in the range 18.5–74 km, the BSW thickness increases proportionally to the Kuroshio distance increment while the SSW thickness decreases. The BSW occupies the largest portion of the channel when the Kuroshio distance is 74 km. Further, beyond 74 km, the BSW thickness reduces gradually. Yearly variations in the temperature and concentrations of nitrate and phosphate were hindcast with the DIDs. The results revealed that the Kuroshio distance contributes 70%, 35%, and 30% of the variances in temperature, nitrate concentration, and phosphate concentration, respectively.  相似文献   

本文对黑潮影响海区海平面变化进行了分析.发现海平面变化与黑潮变异之间存在着密切关系.每当黑潮大弯曲发生时.海平面上升出现高值。另外还对海平面变化原因做了讨论。  相似文献   

本文按多年平均,强型大弯曲和弱型大弯曲三种情况,分别对黑潮大弯曲内(左)侧的温度锋作了探讨.主要结果:(1)日本以南海域黑潮流轴内侧存在着明显的呈带状分布的温度锋.当黑潮发生大弯曲时,温度锋也出现 U 字型弯曲.锋宽10~20n mile,强度0.1~0.2℃/n mile,锋长285~442n mile.该锋随黑潮流轴的摆动而产生变异,季节性差异明显.(2)强型大弯曲和弱型大弯曲期间,温度锋的位置明显不同:前者位置偏南、偏西;后者偏北、偏东.(3)温度锋大致位于50~500m 水层内.冬季,温度锋下沉,其余三季上浮.随着深度的增加,锋面有明显的向右(南)倾斜移动现象。  相似文献   

The generation and propagation mechanisms of a Kyucho and a bottom intrusion in the Bungo Channel, Japan, have been studied numerically using the hydrostatic primitive equations by assuming density stratification during summer. The experiments are designed to generate a Kuroshio small meander in Hyuga-Nada, which acts as a trigger for these disturbances. After the current speed of the Kuroshio is changed, a small meander is generated. At the head of the small meander, warm Kuroshio water is engulfed, and encounters the southwest coast of Shikoku. However, convergence of heat flux on the bump off Cape Ashizuri suppresses the generation of a warm disturbance, if the current speed is large. As the cold eddy associated with the small meander approaches Cape Ashizuri, the heat flux diverges on the bump. This heat source forces a warm disturbance, which intrudes along the east coast of the Bungo Channel as a baroclinic Kelvin wave (a Kyucho). After the cold eddy passes off Cape Ashizuri, the Kuroshio approaches the bump again. Strong convergence of heat flux then occurs on the bump, which forces a cold disturbance. This disturbance propagates as a topographic Rossby wave along the shelf break at the mouth of the channel. After the topographic wave reaches the west end of the shelf break, it intrudes along the bottom layer of the channel as a density current (a bottom intrusion). These results suggest that a Kyucho and a bottom intrusion are successive events associated with the propagation of the small meander.  相似文献   

本研究于2020年7月在大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸开展造礁石珊瑚的分布、覆盖率、死亡率、硬珊瑚补充量和物种多样性调查。结果表明:24个站位共发现造礁石珊瑚9科17属44种以及5个未定种,其中裸肋珊瑚科的种类最多,有7属27种,其次为鹿角珊瑚科和滨珊瑚科,均有2属6种;中央列岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚平均覆盖率为12.0%,三门岛沿岸平均覆盖率为12.9%,大鹏半岛沿岸平均覆盖率为5.2%;以坚实滨珊瑚(Porites solida)、翼形蔷薇珊瑚(Montipora peltiformis)、五边角蜂巢珊瑚(Favites pentagona)和多孔同星珊瑚(Plesiastrea versipora)等为优势种;造礁石珊瑚物种多样性较高。与历史数据相比,大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚退化严重,活珊瑚覆盖率锐减,优势种由分支状珊瑚逐步转变为皮壳状或亚团块状珊瑚。此外,本研究构建了近岸造礁石珊瑚生态脆弱性评价体系,并对目前大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚进行了生态脆弱性评价。结果显示,中央列岛、三门岛和大鹏半岛东侧海域造礁石珊瑚处于低或中脆弱状态;较场尾、杨梅坑、西冲和大鹏半岛西侧海域造礁石珊瑚处于高或很高脆弱状态,在环境压力影响下其受损可能性较高。在海水养殖、渔业捕捞、滨海旅游和船舶航行等日益频繁的人类活动下,大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚整体处于中高脆弱状态,建议加强珊瑚礁监测,并采取相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

Index and Composites of the Kuroshio Meander South of Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the merged NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)/Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC)/Marine Information Research Center (MIRC) historical hydrographic dataset, a new Kuroshio large meander (LM) index is introduced. This index helps to distinguish between the LM events and other types of Kuroshio Current (KC) variability south of Japan. Observations, re-systematized according to the index, provide composite patterns of typical formation and decay of the LM. The patterns reveal a remarkable similarity between individual LMs and support the deterministic rather than the stochastic model of LM evolution on a time-scale of one year. A “trigger” meander (TM) occurs on composite maps six months prior to the LM formation as a 1° latitude southward shift of the KC axis south of Kyushu. When propagating eastward along the coast of Japan, TM gradually increases in area. In principal the emergence of LM takes only one month. East of TM and LM a remarkable onshore shift of the KC is noticed, supplying the coastal region with warm water. Other warm anomalies are found on the warm side of KC next to the propagating TM and in the larger warm eddy area southeast of Kyushu. Different LMs survive for different times and decay in some months after KC “jumps” across the Izu Ridge. Changes of water properties on isopycnals in the interior of LM can be roughly described by two-layer kinematics with an interface at σθ = 27 which suggests a strong inflow of deep Kuroshio waters into the LM core during the formation of the latter. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

With the Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS), this paper investigates the sensitive areas in targeted observation for predicting the Kuroshio large meander(LM) path using the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation approach. To identify the sensitive areas, the optimal initial errors(OIEs) featuring the largest nonlinear evolution in the LM prediction are first calculated; the resulting OIEs are localized mainly in the upper2 500 m over the LM upstream region, and their spatial structure has...  相似文献   

The processes underlying the development of the Kuroshio large meanders that occurred in 1986 and 1989 are investigated using a satellite SST data set and hydrographic data. In both processes visible on the satellite SST images, a round-shaped, lower SST region with a diameter of about 200 km is found to the east of the Kuroshio small “trigger” meander (Solomon, 1978) until the region became extinguished near theEnshu Nada. The lower SST region can be interpreted as an anti cyclonic eddy, mainly because of the existence of a warm water mass in the subsurface layer of this region. The warm water mass is characterized by a constant temperature of 18–19°C, the maximum thickness of which is about 400 m. The satellite images show that the eddy is closely related to the Kuroshio path transforming into a shape like the letter “S”. This means that the eddy plays an important role in the development of the Kuroshio large meander since this, too, tends to follow an “S”-shaped path. Added to this, the subsurface layer structure of the eddy is similar to that of the warm water mass offShikoku. This similarity, together with the eddy behavior visible on the satellite SST images, implies that the examined eddy corresponds to the warm water mass offShikoku. In other words, the warm water mass offShikoku can be advected near to theEnshu Nada when the Kuroshio large meander occurs.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the Kuroshio axis south of Kyushu, which meanders almost sinusoidally, are clarified in relation to the large meander of the Kuroshio by analyzing water temperature data during 1961–95 and sea level during 1984–95. The shape of the Kuroshio axis south of Kyushu is classified into three categories of small, medium, and large amplitude of meander. The small amplitude category occupies more than a half of the large-meander (LM) period, while the medium amplitude category takes up more than a half of the non-large-meander (NLM) period. Therefore, the amplitude and, in turn, the curvature of the Kuroshio axis is smaller on average during the LM period than the NLM period. The mean Kuroshio axis during the LM period is located farther north at every longitude south of Kyushu than during the NLM period, with a slight difference west of the Tokara Islands and a large difference to the east. A northward shift of the Kuroshio axis in particular east of the Tokara Islands induces small amplitude and curvature of the meandering shape during the LM period. During the NLM period, the meandering shape and position south of Kyushu change little with Kuroshio volume transport. In the LM formation stage, the variation of the Kuroshio axis is small west of the Tokara Islands but large to the east due to a small meander of the Kuroshio. In the LM decay stage, the Kuroshio meanders greatly south of Kyushu and is located stably near the coast southeast of Kyushu. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

综述了近20年来国内外学者在研究北太平洋西边界流的平均结构及NEC分叉动力机制、NM K流系平均输运的分配及变化、NM K流系季节及年际变化规律及其与EN SO之间的关系、NM K流系在热带和亚热带水交换中的作用以及水团的平均分布特征等方面所取得的主要成果。通过分析,发现东亚季风、R ossby波和K e lv in波等是影响北太平洋西边界流的主要因素;而缺乏长期直接的海流观测资料是深入研究北太平洋西边界流遇到的最大障碍。  相似文献   

根据山东半岛沿岸12 个验潮站的水位资料曲线,摘取了各站的假潮参数(周期、振幅、延时和峰值出现时刻),并对该区域沿岸大振幅假潮变化做了统计分析,给出了假潮的基本特征——发生频率、月出现率、振动周期、延时和峰值出现的时刻;分析了假潮周期的谱型,最后还讨论了大振幅假潮形成的初步原因。  相似文献   

鸭绿江作为典型的中小型河流,细颗粒沉积物从鸭绿江流域到辽东半岛东岸近海泥区的源汇过程有着独特的机制,而遥感解译是了解入海沉积物在河口-陆架输运过程和机制的有效手段之一。因此,本文通过在辽东半岛东岸海域进行了现场悬沙浓度测量,并与GOCI影像建立关系,反演了该地区2011年4月至2017年3月间的表层悬沙浓度,从而揭示了该海域表层悬沙浓度的时空特征,分析了潮流、大风天气和洪水对悬沙浓度变化的影响,在此基础上探讨了研究区的悬沙浓度输运格局。结果显示,研究区表层悬沙浓度空间差异大,河口附近是悬沙浓度高值区,可达500 g/m3以上,其他区域则悬沙浓度多小于20 g/m3。另外,研究区表层悬沙浓度枯季高,洪季低,有着显著的季节性变化。进一步分析表明,枯季大风天气引起的风浪作用增强,是导致表层悬沙浓度增高的主要原因;洪季虽然悬沙浓度较低,但流域洪水期间的悬沙浓度显著增加。此外,作为典型的中小型源-汇传输体系,沉积物从鸭绿江到辽东半岛东岸近海泥区总体上仍遵循"夏储冬输"的输运机制。  相似文献   

Conditions for the formation of large meander (LM) of the Kuroshio are inferred from observational data, mainly obtained in the 1990s. Propagation of the small meander of the Kuroshio from south of Kyushu to Cape Shiono-misaki is a prerequisite for LM formation, and three more conditions must be satisfied. (1) The cold eddy carried by small meander interacts with the cold eddy in Enshu-nada east of the cape. During and just after the propagation of small meander, (2) the Kuroshio axis in the Tokara Strait maintains the northern position and small curvature, and (3) current velocity of the Kuroshio is not quite small. If the first condition is not satisfied, the Kuroshio path changes little. If the first condition is satisfied, but the second or third one is not, the Kuroshio transforms to the offshore non-large-meander path, not the LM path. All three conditions must be satisfied to form the large meander. For continuance of the large meander, the Kuroshio must maintain the small curvature of current axis in the Tokara Strait and a medium or large range of velocity and transport. These conditions for formation and continuance may be necessary for the large meander to occur. Moreover, effects of bottom topography on position and structure of the Kuroshio are described. Due to topography, the Kuroshio changes horizontal curvature and vertical inclination of current axis in the Tokara Strait, and is confined into either of two passages over the Izu Ridge at mid-depth. The former contributes to the second condition for the LM formation.  相似文献   

The mechanism of a characteristic sea level response (barotropic coastal ocean response) to wind field fluctuation around the tip of the Izu Peninsula observed during the middle of December 2000 to the middle of January 2001 was investigated based on three types of numerical experiments using the Princeton Ocean Model with various parameters. The response was characterized by the relaxation of sea level falling (rising) during eastward upwelling (westward downwelling) favorable wind regime. Analyses of quasi-realistic numerical model results in terms of the vertically integrated momentum balances and vorticity balance for the barotropic mode revealed that: 1) development/abatement of two anomalous circulations generated around the tip of the Izu Peninsula controls the sea level response through the acceleration/deceleration of a quasi-geostrophic barotropic coastal current between the circulations; 2) nonlinear vorticity advection by the Kuroshio Current and by the coastal current, coupled with vorticity diffusion, decelerates the quasi-geostrophic coastal current in the latter half of the wind regimes, which induces the relaxation of sea level rise/fall. The results of the quasi-realistic numerical experiment suggest that an analysis of the vorticity balance for the barotropic mode contributes to a better understanding of sea level responses to wind in coastal regions with strong currents and complex topography. In addition, a numerical experiment with idealized spatially uniform density stratification and a quasi-realistic wind field shows that if the Kuroshio Current had been shifted far offshore from the Izu Peninsula during the observation period, westward propagating continental shelf waves would have controlled the coastal sea level response.  相似文献   

深入理解气候变化影响下海洋动力过程变化及其多重环境效应,是了解海岸海洋系统未来演化趋势的重要途径。因此,本文在辽东半岛东岸泥质区取柱状样一根,通过沉积物粒度、TOC/TN含量、δ13C以及δ15N等指标,分析气候变化下山东半岛北岸跨锋面物质输运强度变化,及其对辽东半岛东岸泥质区沉积有机质含量和来源的影响。结果表明,高海面时期以来,山东半岛北岸跨锋面物质输运可分为两个变化阶段:6.5~2.9 cal ka BP,其强度随冬季风和黄海暖流的不断减弱而减弱;2.9 cal ka BP至今,由于冬季风较弱而黄海暖流总体强盛,其强度随黄海暖流的波动而呈现4段式的复杂变化。此外,辽东半岛东岸泥质区陆源和海源有机质含量与其强度呈正相关,相应于跨锋面物质输运强度的变化,6.5~2.9 cal ka BP期间,陆源和海源有机质含量持续减少,而2.9 cal ka BP至今则呈现复杂的4段式变化。总体上看,自6.5 cal ka BP以来,陆源有机质贡献率不断下降而海源有机质贡献率逐渐上升。  相似文献   

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