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IntroductionDuring "8-th Five-Year Plan" in China, considerable headway was made in many researchfields of seismology. The study on crustal construction and velocity structure in the north of NorthChina (Liu, et al, 1986; Sun, et al, 1993, Sun, Liu, 1995; Zhang, et al, 1994) make ones gain newcognition about the feature of infracrustal structure, layered crustal structure and cruSt-mapleinterface. The results of tomographic imaging for three-dimensional velocity stfUcture reveal thatthere…  相似文献   


本文基于中国数字地震台网记录到的2016年1月12日发生于兴都库什-帕米尔地区的中源地震P波宽频带波形资料,利用P波三重震相方法研究了中天山和塔里木盆地北部410 km间断面起伏形态及间断面附近P波速度结构.通过波形拟合,我们发现中天山和塔里木盆地北部410 km间断面下沉约10 km;410 km间断面上方存在由塔里木盆地向中天山P波速度异常逐渐减小的约70 km厚的低速层(-3%~-1%).该低速层可能是地幔转换区物质上涌并部分脱水熔融及热效应共同作用的结果.另外我们发现中天山东北部约10~100 km深度范围内存在局部低速异常(约-6%),其很可能是上涌的软流圈物质.


利用玉树固定地震台站和7个流动宽频带地震台站远震P波和S波接收函数,对2010年4月14日发生MS7.1级地震的玉树地震震源区下方地壳及上地幔顶部速度结构进行了成像.结果表明:研究区下方存在明显的双地壳结构;主震所在的金沙江缝合带可能错断了地壳和岩石圈;错断的地壳在印度板块向北的推挤下,发生了叠置,导致金沙江缝合带下方呈现双地壳结构;根据发生在金沙江缝合带上的历史地震进一步推断,印度板块对金沙江缝合带这种深大走滑断裂的向北推挤,为断裂带上大地震的发生提供了闭锁条件,这可能是巴颜喀拉地块周边地震孕育的一种典型的深部地球动力学模式;在玉树地震主震区所在深度附近,发现局部存在高速夹层,这种局部高速结构,可能是积累引力,孕育地震的一个重要原因.  相似文献   

The Tian Shan is a vast range that spans several countries in Asia. Understanding its evolutionary history may provide valuable insights into intracontinental orogenic dynamics. In this study, we explored the crustal characteristics of the Tian Shan and their relationships to the tectonic evolution of the region. A new H-stacking method that combines the P receiver function and gravity anomalies was used to estimate the thickness and ratio of P- to S-wave velocities (vP/vS) for 91 broadband seismic stations in the central and western Tian Shan. Our results revealed significant lateral variations in crustal thickness and vP/vS. A ~45-km-thick crust and an intermediate-high vP/vS (~1.74–1.84) were found in the Kazakh Shield and Tarim Basin, which we interpreted to indicate a mafic crystalline basement and lower crust. The central Tian Shan varied greatly in crustal thickness (40–64 km) and vP/vS ratio (1.65–2.00), which may be due to crustal shortening, mafic underplating, and crustal melting. In contrast, we observed a relatively thin crust (42–50 km) with an intermediate vP/vS ratio (~1.78) in the western Tian Shan. The differences in the crustal structures between the western and central Tian Shan imply that the Talas-Fergana Fault may be trans-lithospheric.  相似文献   

The present continent had been assembled by the accretion of a series of terrains after their mutual colli-sions. Thus, the continental collision process plays an important role in the tectonics, the deformation and the movement in the continent. The Indo-Eurasian colli-sion had not only produced the grand geological structures and landscape, such as the Himalayan Mountain and the Tibetan Plateau, but also played a decisive role in the tectonic deformation and seismic-ity of Eastern Asia si…  相似文献   

Based on the first arrival P and S data of 4 625 regional earthquakes recorded at 174 stations dispersed in the Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces, the 3-D velocity structure of crust and upper mantle in the region is determined, incorporating with previous deep geophysical data. In the upper crust, a positive anomaly velocity zone exists in the Sichuan basin, whereas a negative anomaly velocity zone exists in the western Sichuan plateau. The boundary between the positive and negative anomaly zones is the Longmenshan fault zone. The images of lower crust and upper mantle in the Longmenshan fault, Xianshuihe fault, Honghe fault and others show the characteristic of tectonic boundary, indicating that the faults likely penetrate the Moho discontinuity. The negative velocity anomalies at the depth of 50 km in the Tengchong volcanic area and the Panxi tectonic zone appear to be associated with the temperature and composition variations in the upper mantle. The overall features of the crustal and the upper mantle structures in the Sichuan-Yunnan region are the lower average velocity in both crust and uppermost mantle, the large crustal thickness variations, and the existence of high conductivity layer in the crust or/and upper mantle, and higher geothermal value. All these features are closely related to the collision between the India and the Asia plates. The crustal velocity in the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block generally shows normal value or positive anomaly, while the negative anomaly exists in the area along the large strike-slip faults as the block boundary. It is conducive to the crustal block side-pressing out along the faults. In the major seismic zones, the seismicity is relative to the negative anomaly velocity. Most strong earthquakes occurred in the upper-mid crust with positive anomaly or normal velocity, where the negative anomaly zone generally exists below. Foundation item: National Scientific and Technological Development Program (95-973-02-02), the Climb Program (95-S-05-01) of National Scientific and Technological Ministry of China, and the State Natural Sciences Foundation of China (49874021). Contribution No. 02FE2004, Institute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   

Many evidences indicate that the collision of two plates deformed strongly the crust of the SYR, and the deformation has been continued up to the present. In addition, the SYR is in the south segment of the South-North Seismic Zone of China, which is one of the regions in the Chinese mainland, where the seismic activity is very high, and the strong earthquakes frequently occurred. Since the 1970s, a series of large earthquakes with magnitude M>7.0 occurred in SYR, such as the 1970 Tongha…  相似文献   

The structure of the crust and the crust-mantle boundary in the Vogtland/West Bohemian region have been a target of several seismic measurements for the last 25 years, beginning with the steep-angle reflection seismic studies (DEKORP-4/KTB, MVE-90, 9HR), the refraction and wide-angle experiments (GRANU’95, CELEBRATION 2000, SUDETES 2003), and followed by passive seismic studies (receiver functions, teleseismic tomography). The steep-angle reflection studies imaged a highly reflective lower crust (4 to 6 km thick) with the Moho interpreted in a depth between 30 and 32 km and a thinner crust beneath the Eger Rift. The refraction and wide-angle reflection seismic studies (CELEBRATION 2000) revealed strong wide-angle reflections in a depth of 26–28 km interpreted as the top of the lower crust. Long coda of these reflections indicates strong reflectivity in the lower crustal layer, a phenomenon frequently observed in the Caledonian and Variscan areas. The receiver function studies detected one strong conversion from the base of the crust interpreted as the Moho discontinuity at a depth between 27 and 37 km (average at about 31 km). The discrepancies in the Moho depth determination could be partly attributed to different background of the methods and their resolution, but could not fully explain them. So that new receivers function modelling was provided. It revealed that, instead of a first-order Moho discontinuity, the observations can be explained with a lower crustal layer or a crust-mantle transition zone with a maximum thickness of 5 km. The consequent synthetic ray-tracing modelling resulted in the model with the top of the lower crust at 28 km, where highly reflective lower crustal layer can obscure the Moho reflection at a depth of 32–33 km.  相似文献   

Northeast China is a unique place to study intra-plate volcanism.We analyzed P-wave receiver function data recorded by 111 permanent broadband seismic stations in Northeast China.The results show that the crustal thickness varies from 27.9 km beneath the eastern flank of the Songliao Basin to 40.7 km beneath the Great Xing'an Range region.The large depth variations of the Moho can be largely but not completely explained by surface topography.The residual Moho depth calculated based on the Airy's isostasy mo...  相似文献   

中国大陆东南缘地震接收函数与地壳和上地幔结构   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从2008—2011年,分别在中国大陆东南缘沿海和内陆两条NE向剖面上进行了宽频地震观测,利用记录到的远震波形资料提取得到1446个远震P波接收函数,用H-κ叠加扫描和CCP偏移叠加方法研究了中国大陆东南缘地壳及上地幔过渡带的结构及其变化特征.结合固定台网25个台站的H-κ结果,获得中国大陆东南缘(福建地区)地壳厚度从内陆到沿海逐渐减薄的图像:地壳从闽西北山区的33 km减薄到厦门沿海一带的29 km以下,平均地壳厚度为31.3 km,具有陆地向洋壳过渡的特征;地壳泊松比从内陆到沿海显示出分带特征,闽中西部内陆地区小于0.26,沿海地带高于0.26,且在断裂带的交汇区域表现为相对异常高值.地壳上地幔顶部(0~200 km)的CCP偏移叠加成像结果显示闽江断裂等NW向断裂深切Moho界面,在断裂两侧Moho面急剧抬升或下沉,产状改变,这些特征向内陆地区逐渐变得不明显.闽江等NW向断裂对研究区地壳厚度、地震等有明显控制作用.上地幔尺度(300~700 km)的CCP偏移叠加成像,未见410 km和660 km速度间断面突变和起伏异常,其绝对深度略大于IASP91模型的,上地幔转换带厚度正常(250±5 km),表明中国大陆东南缘上地幔转换带未受欧亚与菲律宾板块碰撞的明显影响,推断中国大陆东南缘及台湾海峡下方不存在俯冲板块,或俯冲前缘未扰动到410 km的深度.  相似文献   

Using the 12 deep focus teleseismic P waveforms recorded by 6 short-period seismographs in east Guangdong and Fujian region of China as the observed data, synthetic P waveforms comparable to the observed ones are obtained by gradually adjusting the crust-mantle model and calculating the corresponding synthetic seismograms. The results suggest that the crust-mantle structure in this region is a vertically straticulate media structure consisting of 3 pairs of thin layers with a high- and low-velocity alternation. The crustal thickness tends to increase gradually from south to north, being 31.5 km in the south and 32.4 km in the north. Finally, the suggested model is tested using the explosive data of Yunfu, Guangdong Province. The theoretical travel-time of P waves agrees fairly well with the observed travel-time. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 172–179, 1992.  相似文献   

沈旭章 《地球物理学报》2013,56(6):1895-1903
地壳和岩石圈变形特征研究对于深入了解中强地震的深部孕震环境具有重要科学意义.本文联合P和S波远震接收函数偏移成像结果,对发生过芦山7.0地震和汶川8.0地震的龙门山断裂带及附近区域地壳和岩石圈结构进行分析.结果揭示出在青藏高原向四川盆地过渡的龙门山断裂带,Moho面和岩石圈底界面(LAB)呈现出强烈变形,特别是芦山地震和汶川地震震源区下方地壳出现了错断、下凹,岩石圈也呈现下凹变形特征.这种地壳及岩石圈变形所代表的高应力的积累可能是汶川和芦山地震发生的重要深部地球动力学背景.  相似文献   

本文使用位于青藏高原东南缘的25个地震台站的远震数据,采用P波和S波接收函数的方法研究了台站下方的Moho深度、泊松比以及地幔过渡带的厚度.计算结果表明:① 青藏高原东南缘的地壳厚度由松潘—甘孜地体和羌塘地体的约60 km,向邻区的印支地体以及扬子板块分别减薄为约38 km和约42 km; ② 羌塘地体的泊松比主要集中范围为0.25~0.28,地壳物质组分主要为中基性岩石,推测与下地壳镁铁质成分的增加有关.松潘—甘孜块体、印支块体和扬子板块的泊松比为0.25~0.26,主要为中酸性岩石组分.缺乏高的泊松比(≥0.30)分布表明青藏高原东南缘的地壳不存在广泛的部分熔融,但是不排除局部部分熔融的存在;③ 青藏高原东南缘的羌塘地体内存在一个比较明显的、异常变化范围为10~26 km的地幔过渡带增厚区域,其对应着地幔过渡带内100℃~260℃的温度降低,可以推断与此异常区域的地幔过渡带内存在俯冲的板块有关.  相似文献   

A portable broadband seismic array was deployed from the northeast Tibetan Plateau to the southwest Ordos block, China. The seismic structure of the crust and uppermost mantle of the Liupanshan area is obtained using receiver function analysis of teleseismic body waves. The crustal thickness and Poisson's ratios are estimated by stacking the weighted amplitudes of receiver functions. Our results reveal complex seismic phases in the Liupanshan area, implying intense deformation at the boundary between the Tibetan Plateau and the Ordos block. The average crustal thickness is 51.5 km in the northeast Tibetan Plateau, 53.5 km in the Liupan Mountain and 50 km in the southwest Ordos block, resulting in a concave Moho beneath the Liupan Mountain. The Poisson's ratio of the Liupanshan area varies between 0.27-0.29, higher than the value of 0.25-0.26 to the east and west of the Liupan Mountain, suggesting partial melting in the lower crust. The variance in Poisson's ratio across the Liupan Mountain indicates notable changes in the crustal composition and mechanical properties, which may be formed by the northeastward flow of the Tibetan lower crust during the India-Eurasia collision.  相似文献   

The P receiver function includes P-to-SV converted phases and multiple reverberations of the discontinuities in the crust and mantle. The time of these phases is related to the crustal thickness and vP/vS ratio, and the amplitude of these phases is mainly controlled by the velocity and density contrast of interfaces. By using H-κ stacking method, this work estimated the crustal thickness and vP/vS ratio beneath the stations in the Guangdong province of South China. The velocity and density contrast (δβρ) scanning stacking algorithm of the receiver function is applied to constrain the velocity and density contrast of the Moho in Guangdong province. This work analyzed the results of the crustal thickness, vP/vS ratio, and the velocity and density contrasts of Moho. The results indicate that the velocity contrast is higher beneath Yangjiang area in western Guangdong province and Nanao area in eastern Guangdong, which has a strong correlation with the distribution of geothermal springs in local areas and the characteristics of high heat flow. The velocity contrast of Moho has also a good correlation with the vP/vS ratio and the crustal thickness, which indicates that there is a strong material composition contrasts of the Moho in the study area. Velocity and density contrasts of Moho in some local area (such as western Guangdong) are somewhat consistent with the seismic activities.  相似文献   

The lower Yangtze River area, situated at the fore-land of the Qinling-Dabie orogen, is an important re-gion for high-grade mineral deposits in Cen-tral-Eastern China. Nearly 300 different types of Cu and Au polymetal, Fe, and S mineral deposits have been found and mined in this zone[1,2]. The overall distribution of these deposits follows the trend of the Mesozoic igneous rocks, suggesting their fundamental controls on the formation of these deposits. Geo-physical and geologic observatio…  相似文献   

通过在大别造山带东部横穿超高压变质带的一条NNE向剖面大地电磁测深资料的分析解释,获得了关于沿剖面的地壳上地幔二维电性结构,显示北淮阳与大别地块是电性差异显著的构造单元,它们之间的界面与晓天—磨子潭断裂对应;晓天—磨子潭断裂倾向北,在中上地壳层位出现错动解耦现象;从地表向深处可划分出4个主要电性层:地表风化层、中上地壳高阻层、壳内相对高导层以及上地幔层;大别地块内中、上地壳层位以高阻层为主,与高压-超高压变质岩分布区对应,高阻层最厚处在岳西—英山之间;在大别地块内,推测存在燕山期花岗质岩浆活动的通道,它们造成了超高压变质岩的进一步抬升,同时影响了大别地块内存在的壳内相对高导层的分布,壳内相对高导层在层位上相差较大.  相似文献   

根据天山及其邻近区域88个宽频带地震台站的接收函数和欧亚大陆的基阶瑞利波群速度图像, 联合反演了这些台站下的地壳上地幔一维S波速度结构. 在这些速度模型的基础上, 利用线性各向同性变差克里金空间插值技术得到了该区域的地壳上地幔三维S波速度模型. 通过在垂向不同深度上的切片和横向上剖面投影的方式, 显示和分析了天山及其邻区地壳上地幔的剪切波速度特性与构造特性之间的关系. 结果表明, 天山及其邻区的地壳结构垂向上分为上、 中、 下3层, 每层的界面大致位于20, 40和50 km, 并且这些界面的起伏随不同块体的构造差异而变化. 天山地区和塔里木盆地隆起区的上地壳表现为高速特征, 而沉积盆地大部分地区和山前坳陷区的上地壳则表现为低速特征. 东、 西天山之间下地壳存在的近南北向低速带以及上地幔高速盖层在深度上的差异均说明东、 西天山在构造活动和形变上有明显的差别, 这种差别可能是由于印度板块与欧亚大陆的碰撞对它们产生的不同影响而造成的.  相似文献   

As part of a joint Sino-U.S. research project to study the deep structure of the Tibetan Plateau, 11 broadband digital seismic recorders were deployed on the Plateau for one year of passive seismic recording. In this report we use teleseimic P waveforms to study the seismic velocity structure of crust and upper mantle under three stations by receiver function inversion. The receiver function is obtained by first rotating two horizontal components of seismic records into radial and tangential components and then deconvolving the vertical component from them. The receiver function depends only on the structure near the station because the source and path effects have been removed by the deconvolution. To suppress noise, receiver functions calculated from events clustered in a small range of back-azimuths and epicentral distances are stacked. Using a matrix formalism describing the propagation of elastic waves in laterally homogeneous stratified medium, a synthetic receiver function and differential receiver functions for the parameters in each layer can be calculated to establish a linearized inversion for one-dimensional velocity structure. Preliminary results of three stations, Wen-quan, Golmud and Xigatze (Coded as WNDO, TUNL and XIGA), located in central, northern and southern Plateau are given in this paper. The receiver functions of all three stations show clear P-S converted phases. The time delays of these converted phases relative to direct P arrivals are: WNDO 7.9s (for NE direction) and 8.3s (for SE direction), TUNL 8.2s, XIGA 9.0s. Such long time delays indicate the great thickness of crust under the Plateau. The differences between receiver function of these three station shows the tectonic difference between southern and north-central Plateau. The waveforms of the receiver functions for WNDO and TUNL are very simple, while the receiver function of XIGA has an additional midcrustal converted phase. The S wave velocity structures at these three stations are estimated from inversions of the receiver function. The crustal shear wave velocities at WNDO and TUNL are vertically homogeneous, with value between 3.5–3.6 km/s down to Moho. This value in the lower crust is lower than the normal value for the lower crust of continents, which is consistent with the observed strong Sn attenuation in this region. The velocity structure at XIGA shows a velocity discontinuity at depth of 20 km and high velocity value of 4.0 km/s in the midcrust between 20–30 km depth. Similar results are obtained from a DSS profile in southern Tibet. The velocity under XIGA decreases below a depth of 30 km, reaching the lowest value of 3.2 km/s between 50–55 km. depth. This may imply that the Indian crust underthrusts the low part of Tibetan crust in the southern Plateau, forming a “double crust”. The crustal thickness at each of these sites is: WNDO, 68 km; TUNL, 70 km; XI-GA, 80 km. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 581–592, 1992.  相似文献   

From April,2003 to September,2004,a passive broadband seismic array consisting of 60 stations was deployed over the Tianshan orogenic belt by State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics,Institute of Geology,China Earthquake Administration.Among them,51 stations make up an about 500-km-long profile across the Tianshan Mountains from Kuytun to Kuqa.The receiver function profile and S-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle down to 100 km deep are obtained by using the receiver function method (Liu et al.1996,2000).The main results can be summarized as follows:(1) A clear mountain root does not exist beneath the Tianshan Mountains,and the crust-mantle boundaries underneath the stations mostly have transitional structures.This implies that the material differentiation between the crust and mantle is not yet accomplished and the orogenic process is still going on.(2)The crust beneath the Tianshan Mountains has laterally blocked structures in direction perpendicular to the mountain strike,and the crust-mantle boundary has a clear dislocation structure.Both of them correspond to each other.(3)The offsets of the Moho discontinuity are highly correlated to the tectonic borders on the surface and that corresponding to the frontal southern Tianshan fault reaches to 14 km.This manifests that large vertical divergent movement took place between different blocks.This supports the discontinuous model of the Tianshan orogeny,and the Tarim block subduction is restricted only to the southern side of the South Tianshan.(4)Inside the upper and middle crust of the Tianshan Mountains exist several low-velocity bodies correlated with high seismicity located on the mountain-basin jointures on both sides of the mountain and between different blocks,and the low-velocity bodies on the mountain-basin jointures are inclined obviously to the mountain.This implies that the low-velocity bodies may be correlated closely to the thrust and subduction of the basins on both sides of the mountain,the splicing of adjacent blocks and the fast uplift of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

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