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Determination of hydraulic head, H, as a function of spatial coordinates and time, in ground water flow is the basis for aquifer management and for prediction of contaminant transport. Several computer codes are available for this purpose. Spatial distribution of the transmissivity, T(x,y), is a required input to these codes. In most aquifers, T varies in an erratic manner, and it can be characterized statistically in terms of a few moments: the expected value, the variance, and the variogram. Knowledge of these moments, combined with a few measurements, permits one to estimate T at any point using geostatistical methods. In a review of transmissivity data from 19 unconsolidated aquifers, Hoeksema and Kitanidis (1985) identified two types of the logtransmissivity Y= ln(T) variations: correlated variations with variance sigma2Yc and correlation scale, I(Y), on the order of kilometers, and uncorrelated variations with variance sigma2Yn. Direct identification of the logtransmissivity variogram, Gamma(Y), from measurements is difficult because T data are generally scarce. However, many head measurements are commonly available. The aim of the paper is to introduce a methodology to identify the transmissivity variogram parameters (sigma2Yc, I(Y), and sigma2Yn) using head data in formations characterized by large logtransmissivity variance. The identification methodology uses a combination of precise numerical simulations (carried out using analytic element method) and a theoretical model. The main objective is to demonstrate the application of the methodology to a regional ground water flow in Eagle Valley basin in west-central Nevada for which abundant transmissivity and head measurements are available.  相似文献   

Nonparametric method for transmissivity distributions along boreholes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fransson A 《Ground water》2002,40(2):201-204
The transmissivities of individual fractures along a borehole are difficult to obtain unless each fracture is tested. To estimate a fracture-transmissivity distribution from section transmissivities, a method was developed based on fixed-interval-length transmissivities and the corresponding number of fractures for each interval. The method is nonparametric and iterative, and the fractures are viewed as two-dimensional features, in which the total transmissivity of a borehole is equal to the sum of individual fracture transmissivities. Initially, a linear a priori assumption of the transmissivity distribution is made, and from this a so-called mean transmissivity function is derived. Subsequently, the mean transmissivity of the Nj fractures within a section, j, of the borehole is estimated, and the same value of the mean transmissivity function represents Nj possible fracture transmissivities from the initial distribution. This is repeated for each borehole section, and, eventually, all fracture transmissivities are sorted to give the next iteration's transmissivity distribution and the corresponding mean transmissivity function. Finally, the distributions converge, yielding a possible fracture-transmissivity distribution. The method was verified for a synthetic data sample and then tested on a sample from a borehole at the Asp? Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden. For the synthetic data, the method gave a distribution that was fairly close to the original one; for the Asp? data, 15% of the fractures had a transmissivity larger than the measurement limit (1 x 10(-9) m2/sec), and these transmissivities follow a log-normal distribution.  相似文献   

A time domain transient analysis of a concrete gravity dam and its foundation has been carried out in a coupled manner using finite element technique and the effect of Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) has been incorporated using a simplified direct method. A two dimensional plane strain dam-foundation model has been used for the time history analysis to compute the stresses and displacements against earthquake loading considering the effect of soil-structure interaction. An effective boundary condition has been implemented by attaching dashpots to the vertical boundaries. The material damping effects have also been considered and the dam and foundation have both been modeled as linear, elastic materials. To achieve a greater degree of accuracy, the displacements and stresses calculated in the free-field analysis have also been added to those developed in the complete dam-foundation analysis. The proposed algorithm has been simulated for the case of two published problems and in both the cases the results have been found to be in close agreement. The proposed technique is quite simple and easy to implement in the computer code. The outcomes of the results show the efficacy of the developed method.  相似文献   




This study suggested a numerical model using the Tabu search algorithm along with the Adjoint State method to identify the hydrogeological characteristics of an anisotropic groundwater aquifer. The Tabu search algorithm was applied to identify the anisotropic transmissivity components to avoid a local optimum. Then, the Adjoint State method was used to calculate the sensitivity of the parameters in order to increase the efficiency of the optimization. For an anisotropic and homogeneous aquifer, results showed that the optimal procedure presented combining the Tabu search algorithm and the Adjoint State method might successfully identify the values of the transmissivity components. If the duration of the pumping test was long enough (12‐h pumping test), the value of the transmissivity components could be optimized with type‐curve, straight‐line, and Tabu search methods, along with the Adjoint State methods. If the duration of the pumping test was short (0·5‐h pumping test), the Tabu search method, along with the Adjoint State method proposed herein, might successfully optimize the transmissivity components. For an anisotropic but heterogeneous aquifer, results showed that the suggested optimal procedure still successfully identified the values of the transmissivity components. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

McLin SG 《Ground water》2005,43(4):611-614
Historically, specific capacity information has been used to calculate aquifer transmissivity when pumping test data are unavailable. This paper presents a simple computer program written in the MATLAB programming language that estimates transmissivity from specific capacity data while correcting for aquifer partial penetration and well efficiency. The program graphically plots transmissivity as a function of these factors so that the user can visually estimate their relative importance in a particular application. The program is compatible with any computer operating system running MATLAB, including Windows, Macintosh OS, Linux, and Unix. Two simple examples illustrate program usage.  相似文献   

While tomographic inversion has been successfully applied to laboratory- and field-scale tests, here we address the new issue of scale that arises when extending the method to a basin. Specifically, we apply the hydraulic tomography (HT) concept to jointly interpret four multiwell aquifer tests in a synthetic basin to illustrate the superiority of this approach to a more traditional Theis analysis of the same tests. Transmissivity and storativity are estimated for each element of a regional numerical model using the geostatistically based sequential successive linear estimator (SSLE) inverse solution method. We find that HT inversion is an effective strategy for incorporating data from potentially disparate aquifer tests into a basin-wide aquifer property estimate. The robustness of the SSLE algorithm is investigated by considering the effects of noisy observations, changing the variance of the true aquifer parameters, and supplying incorrect initial and boundary conditions to the inverse model. Ground water flow velocities and total confined storage are used as metrics to compare true and estimated parameter fields; they quantify the effectiveness of HT and SSLE compared to a Theis solution methodology. We discuss alternative software that can be used for implementing tomography inversion.  相似文献   

The hydrological catchment model known as TOPMODEL, in its original and most widely‐used form, assumed that subsurface transmissivity decreases exponentially as subsurface water storage decreases. It has been shown that this leads to recession curves of discharge Q that take the form ? dQ/dt = aQb, where a is a constant and b = 2. In order to reproduce a wider range of recession, or base flow, behaviour, a power function for transmissivity was subsequently incorporated into TOPMODEL as an alternative to the exponential function. This was claimed to extend the realistic values of b to range from 1 to 2, inclusive. We show here that the power transmissivity function can also generate values of b > 2 without making unrealistic assumptions (beyond those arguably made in the original TOPMODEL), thus generating recession curves consistent with catchments showing prolonged base flow. Furthermore, the power transmissivity function can generate recession curves that steepen with time (b < 1). Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the response reduction effect of linear single degree of freedom systems with a clutching inerter damper (CID) via parametric analysis under harmonic excitations and real earthquake records. The cause of the displacement reduction effect of a CID is inherited from the inertial mass damper (IMD)—reducing the nominal load intensity by increasing the mass by inertance. Additionally, the displacement reduction effect is further enhanced by the clutching effect, which speeds up the decreasing of the velocity response from an instantaneous extremum to 0. Thus, the CID is more effective than the IMD at reducing displacement responses. For example, the displacement response for a long‐period structure with a CID can be reduced by approximately 53%, while for an IMD, it can only be reduced by approximately 24%. Additionally, the linear single degree of freedom system with a CID is a weak nonlinear system reserving homogeneity, indicating that the response reduction factor will provide enough information to reveal the seismic reduction effect of the CID and that there is no need to consider the amplitude of the input excitations. To simplify the analysis of such nonlinear systems, an equivalent linearization method and a simplified formula of displacement reduction factors for code‐based designs are proposed and validated by another independent set of records from the European Strong‐motion Database.  相似文献   

Cem B. Avci  A. Ufuk Sahin 《水文研究》2014,28(23):5739-5754
Pumping tests are one of the most commonly used in situ testing techniques for assessing aquifer hydraulic properties. Numerous researches have been conducted to predict the effects of aquifer heterogeneity on the groundwater levels during pumping tests. The objectives of the present work were as follows: (1) to predict drawdown conditions and to estimate aquifer properties during pumping tests undertaken in radially symmetric heterogeneous aquifers, and (2) to identify a method for assessing the transmissivity field along the radial coordinate in radially symmetric and fully heterogeneous transmissivity fields. The first objective was achieved by expanding an existing analytical drawdown formulation that was valid for a radially symmetric confined aquifer with two concentric zones around the pumping well to an N concentric zone confined aquifer having a constant transmissivity value within each zone. The formulation was evaluated for aquifers with three and four concentric zones to assess the effects of the transmissivity field on the drawdown conditions. The specific conditions under which aquifer properties could be identified using traditional methods of analysis were also evaluated. The second objective was achieved by implementing the inverse solution algorithm (ISA), which was developed for petroleum reservoirs to groundwater aquifer settings. The results showed that the drawdown values are influenced by a volumetric integral of a weighting function and the transmissivity field within the cone of depression. The weighting function migrates in tandem with the expanding cone of depression. The ability of the ISA to predict radially symmetric and log‐normally distributed transmissivity fields was assessed against analytical and numerical benchmarks. The results of this investigation indicated that the ISA method is a viable technique for evaluating the radial transmissivity variations of heterogeneous aquifer settings. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

作为一种基于节点的计算方法,无网格法具有构造高阶导数方便,自适应分析便利的优点,特别适合复杂地质构造的数值模拟.本文针对实际地球物理勘探中存在的起伏地形和各向异性的地电结构,提出用无网格法来模拟大地电磁响应,采用复合二次径向基函数构造了形函数,推导了大地电磁无网格法等价线性方程组,研究了系数矩阵的压缩存储方法以及大型稀疏复线性方程组快速求解算法,实现了起伏地形下各向异性的2D大地电磁高精度数值模拟.基于层状模型验证了算法的正确性,计算结果表明:无论是TM模式还是TE模式,计算相对误差均小于1%;通过对地垒和地堑模型的模拟,得出了起伏地形对视电阻率和相位的影响规律;对起伏地形下含有不同各向异性系数异常体的模型进行了数值模拟,为开展复杂地质结构的电磁场特征研究以及地形校正奠定了理论基础.随着计算科学的快速发展,无网格法必将成为新的高精度电磁场数值模拟方法.  相似文献   

电导率各向异性的海洋电磁三维有限单元法正演   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了一种基于非结构化网格的海洋电磁有限单元正演算法.为了回避场源奇异性, 文中选用二次场算法, 将背景电阻率设置为水平层状且各向异性, 场源在水平层状各向异性介质中所激发的一次场通过汉克尔积分得到.基于Coulomb规范得到二次矢量位和标量位所满足的Maxwell方程组, 通过Galerkin加权余量法形成大型稀疏有限元方程, 采用不完全LU分解(ILU)预条件因子的quasi-minimum residual(QMR)迭代解法对有限元方程进行求解得到二次矢量位和标量位; 进而, 利用滑动平均方法得到二次矢量位和标量位在空间的导数, 由此得到二次电磁场; 通过一维模型对算法的可靠性进行验证, 与此同时, 针对实际复杂海洋电磁模型, 比较有限元模拟结果与积分方程模拟结果, 进一步验证算法精度.若干计算结果均表明, 文中算法具有良好的通用性, 适用于井中电磁、航空电磁, 环境地球物理等非均匀且各向异性介质中的电磁感应基础研究.  相似文献   

I. IORGULESCU  A. MUSY 《水文研究》1997,11(9):1353-1355
A generalization of the TOPMODEL equations for a power law vertical profile of hydraulic conductivity is introduced. The exponential profile of TOPMODEL is obtained as a limit case of the new general form. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An alternate formulation of the ‘substructure deletion method’ suggested by Dasgupta in 19791 has been successfully implemented. The idea is to utilize simple Green's functions developed for a surface problem to replace the more complicated Green's functions required for embedded problems while still being able to generate an accurate solution. Since the exterior medium is usually represented by a continuum model, the interior medium in the present approach will also be represented by a continuum model rather than a finite element model as suggested originally, thereby eliminating the incompatibility between the solutions of the interior and exterior media. Detailed studies of the method's accuracy and limitations were performed using two-dimensional examples in wave scattering of canyons and alluvial valleys, problems which are more suitable for this method than the embedded foundation problem. The results obtained indicate that the alternate formulation gives accurate results only when the vertical dimension of the scattering object is not too large; if the aspect ratio (vertical over lateral) exceeds a certain limit, the results will not approach the known results given by boundary integral equation solutions or indirect boundary integral equations no matter what the refinement of the model may be. The greatest advantage of the present method is that the task of calculating Green's functions is reduced significantly; computational time using this new formulation is approximately five times less than for conventional boundary integral equation methods.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a Simplified Input Output Relation Method (SIORM) using multiple-variable autoregression (AR) model which can be used to determine ground wave propagation properties. Using the AR model, a method is developed to establish the basis for the formulation of SIORM. The degree of accuracy of this method is evaluated. SIORM is applied to actual ground acceleration records taken at Minamisuna and Etchujima sites in Japan and its results are discussed in this paper. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simplified multisupport response spectrum method is presented.The structural response is a sum of two components of a structure with a first natural period less than 2 s.The first component is the pseudostatic response caused by the inconsistent motions of the structural supports,and the second is the structural dynamic response to ground motion accelerations.This method is formally consistent with the classical response spectrum method,and the effects of multisupport excitation are considered for any modal response spectrum or modal superposition.If the seismic inputs at each support are the same,the support displacements caused by the pseudostatic response become rigid body displacements.The response spectrum in the case of multisupport excitations then reduces to that for uniform excitations.In other words,this multisupport response spectrum method is a modification and extension of the existing response spectrum method under uniform excitation.Moreover,most of the coherency coefficients in this formulation are simplified by approximating the ground motion excitation as white noise.The results indicate that this simplification can reduce the calculation time while maintaining accuracy.Furthermore,the internal forces obtained by the multisupport response spectrum method are compared with those produced by the traditional response spectrum method in two case studies of existing long-span structures.Because the effects of inconsistent support displacements are not considered in the traditional response spectrum method,the values of internal forces near the supports are underestimated.These regions are important potential failure points and deserve special attention in the seismic design of reticulated structures.  相似文献   

用有限差分法计算各向异性介质中多分量感应测井的响应   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
感应测井电阻率是砂泥岩储层中定量评价含油气性的主要参数之一,然而由于储层电各向异性的存在,传统的感应测井仪得到的电阻率主要响应地层的水平电阻率,比地层的垂直电阻率小,由此计算的含水饱和度偏高.多分量感应测井则可以通过不同方向的发射和接收,测量多个分量,弥补上述缺陷,为储层的含油气性评价提供准确信息.本文用交错网格有限差分法导出了主轴各向异性介质中Maxwell方程的离散化关系式,计算了三维各向异性介质中多分量感应测井的电磁响应.利用三层模型的数值模拟,分析了不同磁场分量对各向异性介质的响应特性,用多层模型和倾斜各向异性地层的响应计算检验了所编制的交错网格有限差分法程序.  相似文献   




Accurate modeling of hydraulic properties such as transmissivity and interbed specific storages is significant for reliable predictions of land subsidence modeling. Calibration of land subsidence model is a challenge because of the strong non-linearity of groundwater flow equation especially when it accounting for the interbed drainage process. Pumping well drawdown and land subsidence data are very important signals for identification of aquifer hydraulic properties. In this work, it is proposed that the ensemble Kalman filter is used to calibrate the transmissivity and interbed elastic and inelastic specific storages using both drawdown and subsidence data for the first time. A synthetic example demonstrated that the characterization of transmissivity and specific storages is improved, and the uncertainties of predictions of both drawdown and subsidence are reduced, when additional dynamic observation data are used for inverse modeling. Issues such as how to account for interferometric synthetic aperture radar data, which may be encountered using the EnKF for real case studies, are discussed.  相似文献   

用矢量有限元法模拟和分析了电各向异性倾斜沉积岩层的随钻测井电磁响应,为很好地模拟钻铤、井眼和激励线圈等,采用了基于圆柱坐标下的六面体剖分;同时采用了高阶叠层矢量基函数来描述每个剖分单元内的场,有利于减少剖分单元数和未知量.三维有限元程序采用数值模式匹配(当处于简单地层时)以及时域有限差分法计算的结果进行了验证,显示吻合非常好.最后仿真了不同各向异性系数和不同倾角的各向异性地层的随钻电阻率测井响应,有助于对各向异性及地层倾角的校正,以及对储层作出正确评价.  相似文献   

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