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This article describes the process of creation and testing of a local quasigeoid model using the astrogeodetic method known as astronomical levelling. The process used here was based on astronomical levelling principles combined with the least square adjustment in a triangular network and a common method of surface generation. Using this method, the authors have created a quasigeoid model of a small portion of the city of Brno. This model covers an area of approximately 1 × 2 km and is based on the astronomically determined vertical deflection at 11 stations. The average distance between the astrogeodetic stations was 500 m, which is an unusually high density (5.5 stations per km2). This high geo-spatial data density input made it possible to generate a quasigeoid model of height difference precision at mm-level over few km. Tests described in this article document the suitability of our methods for creating local quasigeoid models of high precision and resolution. Employing the least square adjustment in a planar network offers the possibility to easily compute standard deviations of both input and result values. This is a great advantage in comparison with more common astrogeodetic quasigeoid profiles, which are not suitable for simple adjustment and require more complex methods to be used for evaluation of their precision. The model described here serves the authors as a technological example, from which they learn more about the potential of the astrogeodetic method. Astrogeodetic models of a much greater extent are planned to be used for validation purposes of models generated by other independent methods (gravimetric, satellite, combined, etc.).  相似文献   

偏振激光雷达探测的北京地区云的统计特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
路小梅  江月松 《地球物理学报》2011,54(10):2487-2494
本文给出了CALIPSO卫星偏振激光雷达自2006年6月至2010年3月间探测的北京地区大气云层的统计特性,并根据理论研究结果对激光雷达探测的云进行了分类,当云的温度低于0℃时发现了过冷水的存在.统计结果表明:温度在0℃以上时,大气中的云大部分为水云;温度在0℃至-25℃之间时,大气中会有过冷水和水平导向的片状晶体的冰云存在;温度低于-45℃时,大气中的云则大部分由随机导向的晶体颗粒组成.最后,本文给出了水云、过冷水和卷云消偏振度、光学厚度和分布高度的季节特性:在夏季和春季时卷云的消偏振度及其高度值要比在冬季和秋季时的值高,并且卷云的高度受到平流层顶高度的调制;水云的消偏振度及高度值在夏季和春季时的值要比在秋季和冬季时的值高;在夏季和秋季时过冷水的高度达到最大值.结果表明:卷云的消偏振度值随着其高度的增加和温度的降低而相应地增加,然而过冷水的消偏振度值却随着其高度的增加而减少.  相似文献   

The lidar ratios at 500 and 1020 nm were derived from POM 01L sun-sky scanning photometer measurements taken at Belsk Geophysical Observatory (long. 20°47′, lat. 51°50′) in the period from 2002 to 2006. The most frequently occurring lidar ratio values for the study period are 50 sr and 30 sr at 500 nm and 1020 nm, respectively. Calculations of lidar ratios for summer and winter seasons have been made as well. Back trajectory analysis was also performed to final aerosol source of origin.  相似文献   

Anomalies in total field, horizontal, and vertical components over the Indian region derived from MAGSAT measurements have been inverted through the ridge-regression method, basically to test: (1) the application of the method in deriving a stable estimate of crustal magnetisation, and (2) the relative amount of information on crustal magnetisation contained in scalar vis-a`-vis vector data. Results show that the instabilities in magnetisation solution that appear when Mayhew's conventional method is applied in low latitudes could be removed through the ridge-regression technique. It was also noticed that magnetisation distribution estimated through the inversion of the total field(B) does not relate well with the geological features in the equatorial region. Inversion of theZ-anomaly alone gives realistic results for the equatorial region but not over higher latitudes. We conclude that a joint inversion ofX- andZ-anomalies provides a magnetisation estimate consistent with known geological features both for equatorial and higher latitudes.  相似文献   

We present a case study of ionospheric wave activity during solar terminator crossing using GPS TEC measurements. As a basic tool, the spatial gradient of total electron content (TEC) has been used. We tested with positive result the hypothesis on anisotropic response to assumed one-dimensional solar terminator forcing. The approximate drift velocity of irregularities has been computed. The wavelet analysis gave an interesting insight into variable frequency content of TEC gradient time series. We also proposed a filtering with respect to spatial scale allowing for resolving the spatio-temporal ambiguity.  相似文献   

This paper uses dissipation values derived from UARS/HRDI observations in a recently published diurnal-tide model. These model structures compare quite well with the UARS/HRDI observations with respect to the annual variation of the diurnal tidal amplitudes and the size of the amplitudes themselves. It is suggested that the annual variation of atmospheric dissipation in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere is a major controlling factor in determining the annual variation of the diurnal tide.  相似文献   

The information content of the 7-year BUV data set has been reexamined by a comparison with a fairly large set of ground Dobson and M-83 instruments. The satellite-ground intercomparison of total ozone was done under different types of ground observation techniques (observation code) and different instrument exposure (exposure code) and for various distances of the subsatellite point from the station. Because of the existing latitudinal gradient in total ozone, at a given station the bias ground-BUV tends to be smaller when the subsatellite point is at a latitude higher than the station's latitude. Knowing the total ozone gradient at a given station, the BUV total ozone has been corrected to account for the ozone gradient and the correlation was calculated with the corresponding ground observations. These correlations seem to offer no improvement when compared with the correlations between the ground ozone and the actual BUV ozone at distances of the subsatellite point from the station within 200 km from the station used in previous studies. The seasonal variation of the BUV-ground correlation reveals information on the noise level of the measurements and the geographical distribution of the percentage mean bias: (Ground-BUV)×100/(Ground) is discussed. Both on short and on longer time scales it appears that the BUV derived recommended total ozone data set is reasonably good and possible instrumental drifts are not large. The analysis includes an extension through April 1977 of the BUV and contour-derived total ozone trends byLondon andLing (1980). Over the northern hemisphere both data sets (contour and BUV) show comparable trends over middle and high latitudes which range from –3 D.U./year to –5 D.U./year during the 7-year period April 1970–April 1977. In the southern hemisphere, however, long-term variation in total ozone cannot be determined from ground observations alone. It is concluded that for unknown reasons during the 7-year period of study, total ozone has been decreasing over most of the globe. The negative growth rates at high latitudes of the northern hemisphere are highly significant.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the fundamental controls affecting the quality of data derived from historical aerial photographs typically used in geomorphological studies. A short review is provided of error sources introduced into the photogrammetric workflow. Data‐sets from two case‐studies provided a variety of source data and hence a good opportunity to evaluate the influence of the quality of archival material on the accuracy of coordinated points. Based on the statistical weights assigned to the measurements, precision of the data was estimated a priori, while residuals of independent checkpoints provided an a posteriori measure of data accuracy. Systematic discrepancies between the two values indicated that the routinely used stochastic model was incorrect and overoptimistic. Optimized weighting factors appeared significantly larger than previously used (and accepted) values. A test of repeat measurements explained the large uncertainties associated with the use of natural objects for ground control. This showed that the random errors not only appeared to be much larger than values accepted for appropriately controlled and targeted photogrammetric networks, but also small undetected gross errors were induced through the ‘misidentification’ of points. It is suggested that the effects of such ‘misidentifications’ should be reflected in the stochastic model through selection of more realistic weighting factors of both image and ground measurements. Using the optimized weighting factors, the accuracy of derived data can now be more truly estimated, allowing the suitability of the imagery to be judged before purchase and processing. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

湖冰厚度是湖泊在封冻期的重要物理参数,明晰其时空变化特征对于认识气候变暖背景下的湖冰响应规律具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.基于ERA5 Climate Reanalysis气温数据集、MODIS MOD09GQ数据产品和2019年湖冰钻孔测厚数据及雷达测厚数据,重建20002019年青海湖冰厚时间序列并分析其时空变化特...  相似文献   


重力卫星可以在相同误差尺度下对全球质量变化进行连续重复观测,并在近十余年来取得了巨大成功,探索重力卫星数据精化处理方法和相关应用研究具有重要意义.本文基于三维加速度点质量模型法的基本原理,进一步发展建立了时变重力场模型球谐位系数的变化和地面点质量变化的关系,可有效考虑地表质量变化导致的负荷形变的影响;引入等权形式、线性形式、指数形式和高斯形式的空间约束方法处理南北条带噪声和向下延拓导致的病态问题,并与零阶Tikhonov正则化方法进行对比分析.采用模拟数据和一个月的实测GRACE时变重力场模型计算全球质量变化,对三维加速度点质量模型法和几种空间约束方法进行对比分析验证.计算结果表明,对于3°等面积的全球格网质量点,高斯和指数形式空间约束方法的最优相关距离约为500 km,等权和线性形式空间约束方法的最优相关距离约为600 km,各方法均可有效处理条带噪声的影响,四种空间约束方法的计算效果优于零阶Tikhonov正则化方法,本文的相关方法为进一步利用三维加速度点质量模型法监测全球质量变化提供了借鉴.


This paper presents basic tests to develop an airborne photogrammetric methodology that derives grain size characteristics of gravel bed rivers. The data acquisition was done using a lightweight action cam and a hand-held digital single lens reflex camera. Image processing comprised the structure from motion technique and multiview-stereo algorithms to obtain digital elevation models of non-cohesive gravel beds. Laboratory results indicate that the method accuracy is about four to six times lower than laser-scan data when based on action cam data. The accuracy of digital elevation models computed via photos taken by the reflex camera is almost of the same range as the laser data. Field experiments were done to test the performance of image based gravelometry against manual surface sampling. For this application the action cam was mounted to a low-cost quadrocopter, while the reflex camera was operated by hand. Results indicate that this combination has a high potential to generate data from which characteristic grain size parameters can be estimated.  相似文献   

Sun-photometer measurements at Hefei, an urban site located in central East China, were examined to investigate the variations of aerosol loading and optical properties. It is found that aerosol optical thickness (AOT) keeps higher in winter/spring and gets relatively lower in summer/autumn. The large AOT in winter is caused by anthropogenic sulfate/nitrate aerosols, while in spring dust particles elevate the background aerosol loading and the excessive fine-mode particles eventually lead to severe pollution. There is a dramatic decline of AOT during summer, with monthly averaged AOT reaching the maximum in June and soon the minimum in August. Meanwhile, aerosol size decreases consistently and single scattering albedo (SSA) reaches its minimum in July. During summertime large-sized particles play a key role to change the air from clean to mild-pollution situation, while the presence of massive small-sized particles makes the air being even more polluted. These complicated summer patterns are possibly related to the three key processes that are active in the high temperature/humidity environment concentrating on sulfate/nitrate aerosols, i.e., gas-to-particle transformation, hygroscopic growth, and wet scavenging. Regardless of season, the increase of SSA with increasing AOT occurs across the visible and near-infrared bands, suggesting the dominant negative/cooling effect with the elevated aerosol loading. The SSA spectra under varying AOT monotonically decrease with wavelength. The relatively large slope arises in summer, reinforcing the dominance of sulfate/nitrate aerosols that induce severe pollution in summer season around this city.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to study the velocity field and deformation parameters in Southern Spain and surrounding areas (Ibero-Maghrebian region) using GPS episodic measurements. Results are compared to those previously published as well as deformation parameters derived from seismic data. For this purpose, a geodetic GPS network of 12 stations was observed during eight field campaigns from 1998 to 2005 by the San Fernando Naval Observatory (ROA), Spain. Relative GPS velocities in the Gulf of Cadiz with respect to the stable part of Eurasia are ~4.1 mm/yr in a NW–SE to NNW–SSE direction. In the Betics, Alboran Sea and North of Morocco, velocities are ~4.4 mm/yr in a NW–SE direction, and they are ~2.3 mm/yr in a N–S direction in the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. These results are in agreement with the anticlockwise rotation of the African plate. GPS strain tensors are determined from the velocity model, to obtain a more realistic crustal deformation model. The Gulf of Cadiz is subjected to uniform horizontal compression in a NNW–SSE direction, with a rotation to N–S in the Alboran Sea and Northern Morocco. An extensional regime in a NW–SE direction, which rotates to W–E, is present in the Internal Betics area. In the Betic, Alboran Sea and North of Morocco regions we compare seismic deformation rates from shallow earthquakes with the determined GPS deformation rates. The comparison indicates a seismic coupling of 27%, while the remaining 73% might be generated in aseismic processes. Deformations measured in the Ibero-Maghrebian region with GPS could be interpreted in terms of either elastic loading or ductile deformation.  相似文献   

The local geology and shallow S-wave velocity structure of a site are recognized to be key factors for the increase in the damaging potential of seismic waves. Indeed, seismic amplitudes may be amplified in frequency ranges unfavorable for building stock by the presence of soft sedimentary covers over lying hard bedrock. Hence, microzonation activities, which aim at assessing the site response as accurately as possible, have become a fundamental task for the seismic risk reduction of urbanized areas. Methods based on the measurement of seismic noise, which typically are fast, non-invasive, and low cost, have become a very attractive option in microzonation studies.Using observations derived from seismic noise recordings collected by two-dimensional arrays of seismic stations, we present a novel joint inversion scheme for surface wave curves. In particular, the Love wave, the Rayleigh wave dispersion and the HVSR curves are innovatively combined in a joint inversion procedure carried out following a global search approach (i.e., the Genetic Algorithm).The procedure is tested using a data set of seismic noise recordings collected at the Bevagna (Italy) test-site. The results of the novel inversion scheme are compared with the inversion scheme proposed by Parolai et al. (2005), where only Rayleigh wave dispersion and HVSR curves are used, and with a cross-hole survey.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of zero measurements on the spatial correlation function of rainfall is analyzed for the quantification of a rainfall field. The use of a bivariate mixed distribution function made it possible to analyze and compare the spatial correlation functions for these three different data sets: only the positive measurements at both gauge locations, positive measurements at either one or both gauge locations, and all measurements including zero at both locations. As an example, the spatial correlation functions are derived for the Geum River Basin, Korea and evaluated for the wet and dry seasons, respectively. Results show that the effect of zero measurements on spatial correlation structures is significant during the wet season, when the inter-station correlations were estimated significantly lower than those during the dry season. It was also found that only the case considering positive measurements are valid for the quantification of rainfall field. Even during the wet season, the inter-station correlation coefficients derived by considering the zero measurements show their high variability along with many abnormally looking high estimates, which made the quantification of the spatial correlation function become very ambiguous.  相似文献   

Vertical electrical sounding technique (VES) is used as an alternative approach to pumping test for computing the Quaternary aquifer transmissivity in the Khanasser Valley, Northern Syria. The method is inexpensive, easy and gives faster results with higher special resolution than the traditional pumping technique. The hydraulic conductivity values obtained using VES agree with the pumping test results, which in the Khanasser Valley vary between the order of 0.864 and 8.64 m/day (10−5 and 10−4 m/s). The probable location of the Quaternary aquifer in the Khanasser Valley is obtained through the transmissivity map derived from VES. The knowledge of transmissivity is fundamental for modeling and management processes in the Khanasser Valley. Other similar semiarid regions can benefit from the approach successfully applied in the study area.  相似文献   

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