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Sediment samples obtained from the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge were analyzed for the major and trace elements by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Results revealed that the contents of elements (e.g., Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, V, Co) were high in samples 22V-TVG10 and 26V-TVG05 from the sites near the hydrothermal areas, and low in sample 22V-TVG14, which was collected far from the hydrothermal areas. The contents of Ca, Sr and Ba in the samples showed opposite trends. A positive correlation between the concentrations of metallic elements (Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, Pb, V) and Fe in the samples were observed. These results are consistent with chemical evolution of the dispersing hydrothermal plume.  相似文献   

【目的】分析湛江湾沉积物中氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)的丰度与多样性。【方法】采用分子生态学方法。【结果】AOA amoA基因丰度范围为3.23×10~5~5.27×10~6 copies·g~(-1)(以干土计),AOB amoA基因丰度范围为2.99×10~4~1.06×10~7 copies·g~(-1)(以干土计),两者平均丰度差别不大;但对于潮下带,大部分站位AOA amoA基因丰度高于AOB,且与氨氮和有机碳含量显著正相关。在工厂排污口和养殖区AOA多样性高于其他站位,而AOB则相反,说明AOA对环境污染物有更强的适应能力。系统发育分析显示,88%的AOA amoA序列属于海洋簇Group I.1a,优势类群是一类喜热带气候的AOA新分支;潮下带亚硝化螺菌属AOB为优势种群,而潮间带亚硝化单胞菌属AOB为优势种群。CCA分析表明,盐度和pH显著影响湛江湾AOA与AOB的群落结构。【结论】湛江湾沉积物中氨氧化微生物的分布与氨氮、总有机碳、盐度、pH等多种环境因子密切相关。  相似文献   

Fatty acids(FAs) in sediment collected from three different stations in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea were analyzed for their distributions and to determine evidence of harmful algal blooms in the sediment core.Less diverse FAs were found in the Yellow Sea(YS) station,whereas in the two stations of the East China Sea(ECS) the FAs were more diverse.Concentrations of some FA species in the two ECS stations displayed an occasional surge in their vertical profile.The highest concentration of FAs was found in the surface layer of station QT3(43.28 μg g~(-1)).Monounsaturated FAs were more susceptible to degradation compared to their saturated counterparts,and changes of 16:0,18:2 and 20:5 accounted for the most variability in total concentrations of FAs as those species made up most of the quantified FAs.The origins of the major fraction of FAs were attributed to autotrophic sources,and bacterial FAs accounted for only a small fraction of the total FAs in the region.Nutrient availability was a possible regulating factor controlling bacteria abundances in marine sediments in the ECS and the YS.A principal component analysis(PCA) was applied to analyze the FA dataset and to reveal the principal environmental factors that control the composition of FAs in the sediments.PC2,which explains 15% of the variance,was estimated to reflect the diagenetic effects on the FA compositional changes in sediments influenced by bacterial degradation.  相似文献   

究区物源以生物源为主、含有少量陆源及幔源物质的特点。   相似文献   

研究南海海域盛产的四种褐藻(海带、裙带菜、昆布和亨氏马尾藻)、三种红藻(紫菜、沙菜和江蓠)及来自南海三个不同海区(南沙、惠来和南澳)亨氏马尾藻的总脂质及脂肪酸含量干重,并重点比较其多不饱和脂肪酸的含量.结果表明,供试褐藻类海藻总脂质含量ω在1.81%~6.11%之间,红藻类海藻的总脂质含量ω在1.44%~3.96%之间;紫菜中含有7.548mg/g(干重,下同)的亚油酸(C182);海带含丰富C181,达5.592mg/g;花生四烯酸(C204)在裙带菜中含量为1.606mg/g;在供试藻种中,昆布的EPA(C20.5)和DHA(C226)含量最高,测定值为608μg/g和689μg/g.  相似文献   

【目的】研究南海北部近海区域柱状沉积物多环芳烃组成及分布特征,讨论全新世早期火历史及气候变化。【方法】利用AMS 14C定年技术结合有机地球化学分析手段对全新世早期南海北部近海沉积物柱状样品中多环芳烃(PAHs)分布特征进行研究。【结果】南海北部近海沉积物中16种PAHs总浓度范围为8.58~17.48 ng/g,在约10000 a B.P.的全新世早期呈现先增大后减小波动变化,与TOC变化基本同步。【结论】沉积物中多环芳烃主要来源于南海北部近海陆源区域自然火灾产生的焦炭残渣。PAHs的沉积浓度变化间接指示了全新世早期东亚季风的强度变化。  相似文献   

根据南海区半封闭型海湾规模化养殖技术研究的需要,对红海湾底质硫化物进行了研究。用碘量法分析的结果表明:红海湾底质中硫化物含量的区域分布极不均匀,呈北部河口区>虾池>鱼湾>中部>南部自然水域>礁滩区的特点。虾池、鱼的硫化物含量清淤前分别为清淤后的8.4、3.6倍;湾南部硫化物含量春季明显高于夏季,其余区域的两季差异不明显。46份样品中约13%、28%分别超过国内外评价标准,超标测站位于河口和清淤前的虾池、鱼。礁滩护养增殖区、南部自然水域、湾中部牡蛎养殖区和清淤后的虾池、鱼尚未见硫化物的污染。  相似文献   

An analysis was performed in this study to investigate synchronous fluctuations in abundance and distribution of Ommastrephes bartramii in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and Dosidicus gigas in the Southeast Pacific Ocean. The impacts of two Ni?o indices and regional water surface temperature on the two squids during 2006–2015 were evaluated, which possibly can explain the observed synchronicity. Catch per unit effort(CPUE) and the latitudinal gravity centers(LATG) of fishing effort were used to indicate squid abundance and distribution, respectively. The results indicated that both the CPUE and LATG showed highly interannual variations and synchronous fluctuation with significant negative associations between the two squid species from September to November. Strong positive cross-correlations with 2-month lag was found between sea surface temperature(SST) anomaly in the Ni?o 3.4 and Ni?o 1+2 regions, which have significant linkage with the SST on the fishing ground of O. bartramii and D. gigas, respectively. Moreover, the proportion of favorable-SST area(PFSST) and the latitudinal location of the optimal SST for O. bartramii and D. gigas were positively correlated with the CPUE and LATG, respectively. Increased O. bartramii PFSST clearly corresponded to decreased D. gigas PFSST in phase as well as the latitudinal location of the optimal SST from September to November over 2006– 2015. Our findings suggest that synchronous changes in abundance and distribution of the two squids were due to simultaneous variations in the PFSST and the latitudinal location of the optimal SST front which were affected by the SSTA changes in the Ni?o 3.4 and Ni?o 1+2 regions.  相似文献   

The history of the East Asian monsoon(EAM) since Last Glacial Maximum is reconstructed based on records in a sediment core retrieved from the northern South China Sea. The provenance of organic carbon and the EAM's evolution are investigated using combined organic carbon, grain size, and AMS 14 C dating analysis. Responding to the strong winter monsoon, the marine organic matter was dominated in the sediments, and δ13 C of organic matter was high during the last glacial period. During the Holocene, the primary productivity decreased and the dilution effect of riverine inorganic clastics strengthened. Accordingly, the total organic carbon contents and δ13 C values decreased, and terrestrial organic matter content increased in the core sediments. The 4 μm grain size fraction, as the environmental sensitive grain size component, is determined to reconstruct the paleoclimatic records. During the last glacial period, the contents of 4 μm grain size component were mainly controlled by the sea level changes. Upon the Holocene, the influence of the sea level changes weakened and the roles of current system and provenance strengthened. The correlation between the EAM and solar insolation forcing is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

To accurately characterize the shear wave speed dispersion of seafloor sediments in the northern South China Sea,five types of sediments including silty clay,clayey silt,sandy silt,silty sand,and clayey sand were selected,on which the measurements of the shear wave speed at 0.5-2.0 kHz and related physical properties were performed.Results reveal that the shear wave speed of sediments increases as the frequency increases,and the dispersion enhanced in the sediments in the order of silty clay,clayey silt,sandy silt,silty sand,and clayey sand,at a linear change rate of 0.727,0.787,3.32,4.893,and 6.967 m s?1 kHz?1,respectively.Through regression analysis,linear and logarithmic regression equations for the correlation between shear wave speed and frequency were established for each sediment type and the determination coefficients of regression equations indicate that the correlation is closer to a logarithmic relationship.The Grain-Shearing(GS)and Biot-Stoll models were used to calculate the shear wave speed dispersion of the five sediment types,and the comparison between theoretical prediction and measured results of shear wave speeds shows that the GS model can more accurately describe the shear wave speed dispersion characteristics of these sediments in the frequency band of 0.5-2.0 kHz.In the same band,the predictions obtained by using the Biot-Stoll model are significantly different from the measured data.  相似文献   

Three-hundred and thirty-one sediment cores, including six sediment types(clayey-and sandy-silt, silty-and sandy-clay, clayey-and silty-sand) were collected from the shallow and semi-deep seas of the South China Sea, and the P-wave velocities and physical properties of core sediments were measured under standard laboratory conditions. To eliminate the influence of environmental factors, the empirical sound speed ratio equations were established. Compared with several equations from literature, the porosity and wet bulk density empirical equations established in this paper agree well with Richardson and Briggs(2004)'s in-situ equations, which implies that our empirical equations can be used in the similar region of world's oceans under certain conditions and will be useful in areas lacking first-hand P-wave speed data. However, the mean grain size equations established in this study, similar to the previous studies, have low accuracy, which may be due to the different particle arrangements and degrees of compaction in sediments. The results also show that for different sediment types, the equation based on all sediment data is in good agreement with the measured data in the study area, as there are both siliciclastic and carbonate sediments on the studied seabed. It is suggested that appropriate empirical equations should be selected according to sediment types and sedimentary environment in future works, and the empirical equation of porosity or the two-parameter equation of porosity and grain size should be preferred.  相似文献   

根据日照市海岸带两个重点海滩的沉积物调查资料,综合分析了重金属元素的分布特征。结果表明:由岸向海,森林公园海滩剖面样和海域表层样中重金属元素含量逐渐降低,万平口海滩剖面样中重金属含量逐渐减少,海域表层样中重金属含量先升高后降低;从北部到南部,森林公园海滩剖面样中重金属含量逐渐减少,万平口海滩剖面样中重金属含量先减少后增加,海域表层样中重金属含量变化不大。研究区重金属元素的含量与磁性物质的含量呈正相关,与沉积物的平均粒径呈明显负相关,符合元素粒度控制规律。沉积物中重金属元素等主要污染物含量较少,潜在生态危害系数较小,沉积物质量较好,污染程度较低。  相似文献   

采用五态连续提取法(SEP)对雷州半岛高桥红树林群落内外不同深度的沉积物砷含量进行测定.结果表明,高桥红树林湿地0~60cm深处沉积物中除Al-结合态砷和Ca-结合态砷含量低,难以检出外,交换态砷、残渣态砷、Fe-结合态砷皆可检出,沉积物砷积累以残渣态砷和 Fe-结合态砷为主,总砷测定含量为7.34±0.39~10.32±0.48 mg/kg,其中以20~40cm深处沉积物总砷测含量最多;不同深度沉积物砷含量中林内与林区外裸滩呈现不同的分布规律,林外裸滩-林缘-林内的表土总砷含量的分布呈波浪式分布,以林缘为最高,总砷达9.97±1.29 mg/kg,林内显著大于林外裸滩(p值<0.05),林内沉积物对砷的吸附强度较林外裸滩高  相似文献   

The marine microalga Nannochloropsis sp. contains various elongases and desaturases that are critical for biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids. A full-length cDNA encoding a long-chain fatty acid elongase, named Ns FAE, was cloned from Nannochloropsis sp.. The open reading frame of Ns FAE(GenBank accession no. MF680548) consisted of 1068 bp and encoded a predicted protein of 355 amino acids with molecular mass 38.8 k Da. The deduced polypeptide showed 43%–44% identity to fatty acyl elongases from other algae. RT-PCR experiments indicated that the Ns FAE gene exhibited the highest expression in Nannochloropsis sp. at 72 h(i.e., during the third growth stage) and the expression was significantly lower in the other four growth stages. Plasmid p Ns FAE-CRISPR and a recombinant DNA fragment(ADH1p-Ns FAE-CYCt) were transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain BY4742 using the CRISPR-Cas system. Yeast transformants containing Ns FAE produced three fatty acids not normally present in wild-type BY4742-linoleic acid, linolenic acid and eicosadienoic acid-indicating that Ns FAE encodes a functional elongase enzyme.  相似文献   

南海北部渔场表层沉积物中的硫化物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了给南海北部渔场的资源和环境保护提供基础数据,用碘量法测定了南海北部陆架区表层沉积物中硫化物含量.结果表明,全部28份样品中硫化物含量为3.3~42.2mg/kg(干重,下同),平均为12.1mg/kg,符合外海含量低的一般规律,明显低于沿岸海湾的含量,远低于日本渔业环境质量标准(200mg/kg)和安全下限值(400mg/kg).硫化物含量在测站间和不同区域间存在一定差异,南北方向呈近岸(13.1mg/kg)略高于离岸(12.1mg/kg)、离岸略高于远岸(11.1mg/kg)的梯度分布,但梯度差异不显著(p>0.10);东西方向的分布特点是粤西海域(23.7mg/kg)>海南岛以东(15.3mg/kg)>台湾浅滩(9.4mg/kg)≈粤东海域(8.7mg/kg)≈珠江口外海域(8.6mg/kg).空间分布不太均匀主要是受沉积物类型的影响,与陆源硫化物输入的关系不大.  相似文献   

In order to explore the standing stock and preservation of organic carbon, different forms of compound specific lipids were analyzed, based on a 1.8 m sediment core collected in the northern continental shelf of South China Sea in May, 2016. In the core sediments, 21 species of fatty acids, 6 species of alcohols, 8 species of sterols and phytol were detected. Fatty acids were dominated components with the percent of 67%–91% in the total lipids, in which saturated fatty acid C16:0 accounted for about 50%. The contents of lipid species generally decreased from the sediments at surface to those deep, except alcohols waving in a certain range at the same time. Fatty acids primarily existed in free form, followed by base hydrolytic form, and then acid hydrolytic form. Free alcohols were obviously dominated, while base and acid hydrolytic forms contributed small comparably. Phytol gave a significant priority to base hydrolytic form, while acid hydrolytic form could be neglected. Similar to phytol, sterols mostly presented in base hydrolytic form, and then in free form. The compositions of lipids and their forms suggested that organic carbon basically originated from primary production in upper waters in studying area, and were well preserved in the sediments.  相似文献   

The grain-size distribution of surface sediments in the Bohai Sea (BS) and the northern Yellow Sea (NYS), and its relationship with sediment supply and hyd  相似文献   

通过对滨州近海海域海底沉积物测试数据及海岸带陆域土壤地球化学分析,对滨州海岸带陆域土壤和海底沉积物中7种重金属(Hg,Cd,Pb,Cu,Zn,Cr,Ni)的空间分布特征进行了研究,并绘制了各指标含量陆海联合分区图。分析结果表明,滨州市海岸带重金属元素含量基本上均低于国标规定的海洋一类沉积物的最高标准,仅有个别元素含量超过一级标准值,表明局部存在一定的重金属污染。从滨州海岸带重金属含量空间分布上来看,除Hg元素外,其余重金属元素含量呈现一定的规律,基本上陆域含量高于海域含量,且大部分元素都呈现出陆域城镇值高,郊区值低的态势。区内化工企业较发达,Ni,Cr属于中度变异区,Cd,Hg,Pb属于高度变异,受人为影响因素较大,考虑区内土壤及海底沉积物重金属富集主要来源于工业"三废"。  相似文献   

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