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基于中国知网个刊影响力统计分析数据库,从出版内容结构、稿件质量、作者、出版时滞等几方面分析2007年至2012年《地震研究》期刊的载文质量,对刊物的未来发展提出一些思考。 相似文献
中国地震局系统期刊编排质量分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以中国地震局系统公开出版发行的25种学术类、综合类期刊为研究样本,对照有关文献工作的国家标准、规范,对这些期刊的开本、封面、条码、书脊、目次表、摘要、关键词、分类号、序号、量和单位、数字和日期、数学和物理公式、图、表、总目次和索引、项眉、作者简介、收稿日期、参考文献表、版权标识、印刷装帧等情况进行了统计分析,得出地震期刊编排质量大体符合国家标准,规范的结论,指出了存在的问题,提出了进一步加强地硅期进编排标准化、规范化工作的建议。 相似文献
现代因特网检索技术和计算机图文技术的迅猛发展,使编辑工作得到了现代技术的有力支持。利用因特网上的检索技术,能够使编辑人员在审读或编辑文章时把握其内容的优势之处;利用计算机的图文技术,编辑人员可以较为轻松地对文稿、图件进行编辑,从而减少了出错的可能性,极大地改善了编辑条件,对提高期刊的质量有着积极的意义。 相似文献
刊期页数,二性甘9sn甘刁且,自J.几‘.几,几‘.二,二OJJ已﹃一吕4Q甘内‘no nJJ弓J组,占‘1山.占,且‘.舀团结前进携手共进 —记四川省地震学会成立大会暨第一次学术讨论会四川省地震科学技术十年四川省地震预报工作十年总结全省地震台站建设十年回顾地震群测群防工作十年地震地质工作十年 —纪念四川省地震局成立十年我省地壳形变测量工作的现状和展望地震烈度工作的十年总结地震仪器厂十年概况四川省地震学会试行会章48 1 5 10 13 20 29 1 6 15 1 22 39 26 10 22 18 24 30 42 14 1134,且O自,“29曰,曰月任3八」O自J任ZJ,道孚1981年1… 相似文献
在数据资料基础上,从学科分布、网络传播、载文信息、期刊质量等方面,对《CT理论与应用研究》期刊近年来的发展与现状进行了比较全面的统计和分析,在数量上反映了期刊取得的进步以及存在的问题。得出纵向自身比较进步明显,横向同类比较与同类期刊有差距,特别是在载文量方面差距明显。可为期刊今后的发展提供了参考依据,对期刊的长远规划也... 相似文献
利用中国知网数据对《四川地震》2011~2020年刊载论文的学科结构、基金论文、发文作者、发文机构和关键词等进行文献计量学分析,并以图、表等方式进行展示,为期刊的组稿、约稿,以及如何发展提供参考.结论和建议:期刊载文内容主要集中在地球物理学,符合办刊宗旨;作者群覆盖范围广,核心作者主要来自四川省地震局,大多为初中级职称... 相似文献
昆仑山口西8.1级地震在四川地区的前兆异常效应 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对昆仑口西8.1级地震发生前后四川地区地震前兆监测台网的测值曲线进行了系统的清理,发现存在有明显的孕震效应和震时效应,异常效应的幅度很大,容易鉴别,这对人类认识特大地震的影响场很有意义。 相似文献
通过对《灾害学》的期刊评价指标数据的定量分析,对《灾害学》杂志的社会影响力进行了综合分析评估。结果表明:《灾害学》网络传播情况有随社会热点突升的现象,期刊评价指标逐年不断变化,基本呈上升趋势;随着《灾害学》各项评价指标的上升,其社会影响力也不断扩大。 相似文献
The accelerograms of the 1999 Chamoli earthquake and nine of its aftershocks, which occurred in Uttaranchal Himalaya, have
been analyzed to investigate their source parameters, the site amplification functions and the average effective shear-wave
quality factor Qseff in the region. The fault plane solution of the main shock is obtained using the spectral amplitudes of SH waves (approximated
by transverse components of accelerograms) of the high-energy packets observed in the accelerograms of the main shock. It
is found to be comparable with the reported solutions in other studies. Similarly the other source parameters (viz., seismic
moment = (5.03±1.7) × 1025 dyne-cm, stress drop = 65 bars, source duration = 5.2 s and moment magnitude = 6.4) estimated for the main shock are consistent
with the values obtained in other studies. The stress drops estimated for the aftershocks vary from 23 bars to 153 bars and
the seismic moment from 1.4 × 1023 dyne-cm to 2.9 × 1023 dyne-cm. The average estimated values of the effective shear-wave quality factor Qseff vary from 655±359 in the Uttaranchal sector of Himalaya and 1475±130 in the Delhi region. In general, the Qseff value increases with an increase in the epicentral distance reflecting the penetration of the waves into deeper layers of
the crust as the epicentral distance of the observation point increases. These values of Qseff indicate that in general the curst is at low temperatures that will promote brittle behavior and conditions for episodic
failure as compared to creep, under the accumulated strains from plate collision at the Himalaya plate boundary. The site
amplification characteristics at sites have been identified from the frequency bands of significant amplification observed
in the spectral ratios of the horizontal to the vertical component records. The decay of peak ground acceleration (PGA) values
with distance has been investigated using the empirical regression curves vis-à-vis the site amplification factors. 相似文献
记述了1970-1976年四川地震群测群防的兴起和发展,介绍了四川群测群防、专群结合预测预报地震的典型事例,特别对松潘—平武7.2级地震预测预报群测群防的作用作了反映。在此基础上,就这一时间四川群测群防、专线结合地震工作实践作了评析和认识。 相似文献
昆仑山8.1级地震在四川省地震地下水观测网中引起了大多数深井水位记录的大幅度波动,数字化水位仪LN-3和大多数浮子式机械水位仪SW40-1均记录到水震波,同一口井两种不同仪器水震波的记录结果有差异,相邻井的记录不同,同震阶变结果表明除北部受张应力外主要受压应力,地震还引起了红旗水库水体冒泡,起大旋涡,库水东西对流的现象。 相似文献
Long Sisheng 《中国地震研究》2004,18(3):212-224
The Yajiang earthquake sequence in 2001, with the major events of Ms5.1 on Feb. 14 and of Ms6.0 on Feb.23, are significant events in the Sichuan region during the last 13 years. Eighty-eight earthquakes in the sequence with at least 5 distinct onset parameters for each recorded by the Sichuan Seismic Network in the period of Jan. 1 through June 30,2001 were chosen for this study. The events are relocated and the focal mechanism is derived from P-wave onsets for 13 events with relatively larger magnitudes. The focal depth of all earthquakes fall between a range of 2km to 16km, with dominant distribution between 9km to 11km. Theforeshocks, the Ms5.1 earthquake and the Ms6.0 earthquake and their aftershocks are all located close to the Zihe fault and the dominant epicentral distribution is in NW direction, identical to that of the fault. The fracture surface of the focal mechanism is determined in accordance to the mass transfer orientation in the recent earth deformation field in the Yajiang region. The P axes of the principal compressive stress in focal mechanism solutions of the 13 events show bigger vertical components, and the horizontal projection trending SE. The earthquakes are of left-lateral, strike-slip normal, and normal strike-slip types. The rupture surface of most earthquakes strike NW-SE, dipping SW. Based on the above information, we conclude that the Zihe fault that crosses the earthquake area, striking NW and dipping SW, is the seismogenic fault for the Yajiang earthquake sequence. 相似文献