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We present a set of Roche tomography reconstructions of the secondary stars in the cataclysmic variables AM Her, QQ Vul, IP Peg and HU Aqr. The image reconstructions show distinct asymmetries in the irradiation pattern for all four systems that can be attributed to shielding of the secondary star by the accretion stream/column in AM Her, QQ Vul and HU Aqr, and increased irradiation by the bright-spot in IP Peg. We use the entropy landscape technique to derive accurate system parameters (   M 1, M 2  , i and γ) for the four binaries. In principle, this technique should provide the most reliable mass determinations available, since the intensity distribution across the secondary star is known. We also find that the intensity distribution can systematically affect the value of γ derived from circular orbit fits to radial velocity variations.  相似文献   

The concept of Roche lobe overflow is fundamental to the theory of interacting binaries. Based on potential theory, it is dependent on all the relevant material corotating in a single frame of reference. Therefore if the mass losing star is asynchronous with the orbital motion or the orbit is eccentric, the simple theory no longer applies and no exact analytical treatment has been found. We use an analytic approximation whose predictions are largely justified by smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations (SPH). We present SPH simulations of binary systems with the same semi-major axis   a = 5.55 R  , masses   M 1= 1 M, M 2= 2 M  and radius   R 1= 0.89 R  for the primary star but with different eccentricities   e = 0.4, 0.5, 0.6  and 0.7. In each case the secondary star is treated as a point mass. When   e = 0.4  no mass is lost from the primary while at   e = 0.7  catastrophic mass transfer, partly through the L2 point, takes place near periastron. This would probably lead to common-envelope evolution if star 1 were a giant or to coalescence for a main-sequence star. In between, at   e ≥ 0.5  , some mass is lost through the L1 point from the primary close to periastron. However, rather than being all accreted by the secondary, some of the stream appears to leave the system. Our results indicate that the radius of the Roche lobe is similar to circular binaries when calculated for the separation and angular velocity at periastron. Part of the mass loss occurs through the L2 point.  相似文献   

Orbital period changes of ten contact binary systems (S Ant, ε CrA, EF Dra, UZ Leo, XZ Leo, TY Men, V566 Oph, TY Pup, RZ Tau and AG Vir) are studied based on the analysis of their     curves. It is discovered that the periods of the six systems, S Ant, ε CrA, EF Dra, XZ Leo, TY Men and TY Pup, show secular increases. For UZ Leo, its secular period increase rate is revised. For the three systems, V566 Oph, RZ Tau and AG Vir, weak evidence is presented that a periodic oscillation (with periods of 20.4, 28.5 and 40.9 yr respectively) is superimposed on a secular period increase. The cyclic period changes can be explained by the presence of an unseen third body in the three systems. All the sample stars studied are contact binaries with     .
Furthermore, orbital period changes of 27 hot contact binaries have been checked. It is found that, apart from AW UMa with the lowest mass ratio     , none shows an orbital period decrease. The relatively weak magnetic activity in the hotter contact binaries means little angular momentum loss (AML) from the systems via magnetic stellar winds. The period increases of these W UMa binaries can be explained by mass transfer from the secondary to the primary components, which is in agreement with the prediction of the thermal relaxation oscillation (TRO) models. This suggests that the evolution of a hotter W UMa star is mainly controlled by TRO. On the other hand, for a cooler W UMa star     , its evolution may be TRO plus AML, which coincides with the recent results of Qian.  相似文献   

We have performed high-speed UBV photometric observations on the peculiar binary V Sagittae. Using three new eclipse timings we update the orbital ephemeris and convert it to a dynamical time-scale (TDB). We also searched for quasi-periodic oscillations but did not detect them. Using the Wilson–Devinney algorithm we have modelled the light curve to find the stellar parameters of V Sge. We find that the system is a detached binary but that the primary star is very close to filling its Roche lobe, while the secondary star fills 90 per cent of its Roche lobe volume. We find temperatures of the primary and the secondary star to be T 1=41 000 K and T 2=22 000 K. We find i =72° and masses of 0.8 M and 3.3 M for the primary and secondary stars respectively. De-archived Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) spectroscopy of V Sge shows evidence of mass loss via a wind or winds. In addition we report radio observations of V Sge during an optical high state at 2 cm, 3.6 cm and 6 cm wavelengths. The 3.6 cm emission is increased by a factor of more than six compared with an earlier detection in a previous optical high state.  相似文献   

We present spectrophotometry of the eclipsing old nova BT Mon (Nova Mon 1939). By detecting weak absorption features from the secondary star, we find its radial velocity semi-amplitude to be K R = 205 ± 5 km s−1 and its rotational velocity to be v  sin  i  = 138 ± 5 km s−1. We also measure the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the primary star to be K R = 170 ± 10 km s−1. From these parameters we obtain a mass of 1.04 ± 0.06 M⊙ for the white dwarf primary star and a mass of 0.87 ⊙ 0.06 M⊙ for the G8 V secondary star. The inclination of the system is found to be 82°.2 ± 32°.2 and we estimate that the system lies at a distance of 1700 ± 300 pc. The high mass of the white dwarf and our finding that BT Mon was probably a fast nova together constitute a new piece of evidence in favour of the thermonuclear runaway model of classical nova outbursts. The emission lines are single-peaked throughout the orbital cycle, showing absorption around phase 0.5, high-velocity S-wave components and large phase offsets in their radial velocity curves. In each of these respects, BT Mon is similar to the SW Sex stars. We also find quasi-periodic flaring in the trailed spectra, which makes BT Mon a candidate intermediate polar.  相似文献   

A photoelectric light curve of BL And is presented along with the first CCD light curve of GW Tau. Both objects are short-period eclipsing binaries and were observed in 2003 or 2004. Photometric elements were computed using the latest version of the Wilson–Van Hamme code. The results reveal that BL And is a semidetached system with the primary component filling its Roche lobe and the secondary one almost filling but still detached, while GW Tau is a marginal-contact binary system with a small degree of contact ( f = 10.9 per cent) and a large temperature difference of about 3100 K. All available eclipse times, including new ones, were analysed for each system. It was found that the orbital period of BL And is decreasing at the rate of  d P /d t =−2.36 × 10−8 (±0.09) d yr−1  while that of GW Tau may be decreasing or oscillating. We think period decrease is more probable. The derived configuration and secular period decrease for BL And combined with the asymmetry of the light curve indicate that this system may evolve from the present semidetached phase into a contact stage, with mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary one through the L 1 point, or that it might just undergo the broken stage predicted by the theory of thermal relaxation oscillations. In contrast, GW Tau is a marginal-contact binary in poor thermal contact and may be at the beginning of the contact phase.  相似文献   

The 'All Sky Automated Survey' (ASAS) photometric observations of LS 1135, an O-type single-lined binary (SB1) system with an orbital period of 2.7 d, show that the system is also eclipsing performing a numerical model of this binary based on the Wilson–Devinney method. We obtained an orbital inclination     . With this value of the inclination, we deduced masses   M 1∼ 30 ± 1 M  and   M 2∼ 9 ± 1 M  , and radii   R 1∼ 12 ± 1 R  and   R 2∼ 5 ± 1 R  for primary and secondary components, respectively. Both the components are well inside their respective Roche lobes. Fixing the T eff of the primary to the value corresponding to its spectral type (O6.5V), the T eff obtained for the secondary component corresponds approximately to a spectral type of B1V. The mass ratio   M 2/ M 1∼ 0.3  is among the lowest known values for spectroscopic binaries with O-type components.  相似文献   

Radial velocity data for both components of W Crv are presented. In spite of providing full radial-velocity information, the new data are not sufficient to establish the configuration of this important system because of large seasonal light curve perturbations, which prevent a combined light curve/radial-velocity solution. It is noted that the primary minimum is free of photometric perturbations, and this property may help to explain the elusive source of these perturbations. Photometrically, the system appears to be a contact binary with poor or absent energy exchange, but such an explanation – in view of the presence of light curve perturbations – is no more plausible than any one of the semi-detached configurations, with either the more-massive or less-massive components filling the associated Roche lobes. Lengthening of the orbital period and the size of the less-massive component above its main-sequence value, both suggest that the system is the shortest-period (0.388 d) known Algol with non-degenerate components.  相似文献   

We present red spectra in the region ∼ λ 7000–8300 Å of the eclipsing dwarf nova IP Peg, with simultaneous narrow-band photometry centred at 7322 Å. We show that by placing a second star on the slit we can correct for the telluric absorption bands which have hitherto made the TiO features from the secondary star unusable. We use these TiO features to carry out a radial velocity study of the secondary star, and find this gives an improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio of a factor of 2 compared with using the Na  i doublet. In contrast with previous results, we find no apparent ellipticity in the radial velocity curve. As a result we revise the semi-amplitude to K 2=331.3±5.8 km s−1, and thus the primary and secondary star masses to 1.05-0.07+0.14 M⊙ and 0.33-0.05+0.14 M⊙ respectively. Although this is the lowest mass yet derived for the secondary star, it is still overmassive for its observed spectral type. However, the revised mass and radius bring IP Peg into line with other cataclysmic variables in the mass–radius–period relationships.
By fitting the phase-resolved spectra around the TiO bands to a mean spectrum, we attempt to isolate the light curve of the secondary star. The resulting light curve has marked deviations from the expected ellipsoidal shape. The largest difference is at phase 0.5, and can be explained as an eclipse of the secondary star by the disc, indicating that the disc is optically thick when viewed at high inclination angles.  相似文献   

The contact binary AW UMa has an extreme mass ratio, with the more-massive component (the current primary) close to the main sequence, while the low-mass star at   q ≈ 0.1  (the current secondary) has a much larger radius than a main-sequence star of a comparable mass. We propose that the current secondary has almost exhausted hydrogen in its centre and is much more advanced in its evolution, as suggested by Stpień. Presumably the current secondary lost most of its mass during its evolution with part of it transferred to the current primary. After losing a large fraction of its angular momentum, the binary may evolve into a system of FK Com type.  相似文献   

We present new photometric two-colour observations of the double-lined close binary star VZ CVn. Combining two data sets obtained in 1971–72 and in 2006, the physical parameters of both components were derived. After removing the light variations due to the eclipses and proximity effects, a periodic variation in the more massive component with a dominant period of 1.068 76 d could be detected in the first photometric data set. In accordance with its position on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram and both its pulsation period and pulsation constant of 0.62 d, the primary component of VZ CVn should be an excellent γ Doradus candidate. The less massive secondary component seems to have smaller radius with respect to its mass. Both components appear to have lower luminosities with respect to their masses; hence, their radiative properties seem to be different. The evolutionary status of the components is also discussed.  相似文献   

We study the absorption lines present in the spectra of the long-period cataclysmic variable GK Per during its quiescent state, which are associated with the secondary star. By comparing quiescent data with outburst spectra we infer that the donor star appears identical during the two states and the inner face of the secondary star is not noticeably irradiated by flux from the accreting regions. We obtain new values for the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the secondary star,     , a projected rotational velocity,     and consequently a measurement of the stellar mass ratio of GK Per,     . The inferred white dwarf radial velocities are greater than those measured traditionally using the wings of Doppler-broadened emission lines suspected to originate in an accretion disc, highlighting the unsuitability of emission lines for mass determinations in cataclysmic variables. We determine mass limits for both components in the binary,     and     .  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of a rotating star with a mass of 16M and an angular momentum of 3.25 × 1052 g cm2 s?1, along with the hydrodynamic transport of angular momentum and chemical elements in its interiors. When the partial mixing of matter of the turbulent radiative envelope and the convective core is taken into account, the efficiency of the angular momentum transport by meridional circulation in the stellar interiors and the duration of the hydrogen burning phase increase. Depending on the Schmidt number in the turbulent radiative stellar envelope, the ratio of the equatorial rotational velocity to the circular one increases with time in the process of stellar evolution and can become typical of early-type Be stars during an additional evolution time of the star on the main sequence. Partial mixing of matter is a necessary condition under which the hydrodynamic transport processes can increase the angular momentum of the outer stellar layer to an extent that the equatorial rotational velocity begins to increase during the second half of the evolutionary phase of the star on the main sequence, as shown by observations of the brightest stars in open star clusters with ages of 10–25 Myr. When the turbulent Schmidt number is 0.4, the equatorial rotational velocity of the star increases during the second half of the hydrogen burning phase in the convective core from 330 to 450 km s?1.  相似文献   

Simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric observations of the Z Cam type dwarf nova SY Cancri were used to obtain absolute flux calibrations. A comparison of the photometric calibration with a wide-slit spectrophotometric calibration showed that either method is equally satisfactory. A radial velocity study of the secondary star, made using the far-red Na  i doublet, yielded a semi-amplitude of   K 2= 127 ± 23 km s−1  . Taking the published value of  86 ± 9 km s−1  for K 1 gives a mass ratio of   q = M 2/ M 1= 0.68 ± 0.14  ; this is very different from the value of  1.13 ± 0.35  quoted in the literature. Using the new lower mass ratio, and constraining the mass of the white dwarf to be within reasonable limits, then leads to a mass for the secondary star that is substantially less than would be expected for its orbital period if it satisfied a main-sequence mass–radius relationship. We find a spectral type of M0 that is consistent with that expected for a main-sequence star of the low mass we have found. However, in order to fill its Roche lobe, the secondary must be significantly larger than a main-sequence star of that mass and spectral type. The secondary is definitely not a normal main-sequence star.  相似文献   

High-resolution long-slit Hα spectra of the shell of the old nova DQ Herculis have been obtained with the William Herschel Telescope using the ISIS spectrograph. An equatorial expansion velocity of  370 ± 14   km s−1  is derived from the spectra which, in conjunction with a narrow-band Hα image of the remnant, allows a distance estimate of 525 ± 28 pc. An equatorial ring which exhibits enhanced [N  ii ] emission has also been detected and the inclination angle of the shell is found to be     with respect to the line of sight. The spectra also reveal tails extending from the clumps in the shell, which have a radial velocity increasing along their length. This suggests the presence of a stellar wind, collimated in the polar direction, which ablates fragments of material from the clumps and accelerates them into its stream up to a terminal velocity of the order of 800–900 km s−1.  相似文献   

High-resolution spectroscopic observations around the Hα line of the binary star QX Cas covering the whole orbital period are presented. Our radial velocity solution, the first ever determined, requires an eccentric orbit with the following orbital parameters: eccentricity,   e = 0.22 ± 0.01  ; longitude of periastron,  ω= 45°± 5°  ; semi-amplitudes of the radial velocity curves of the primary and secondary stars,   K 1 sin  i = 125.8 ± 0.9 km s−1  and   K 2 sin  i = 144.8 ± 1.1 km s−1  ; gamma velocity,   V 0= 65.1 ± 0.5 km s−1  ; and mass ratio,   q = 0.869 ± 0.013  . The corresponding lower limits of the masses of the components and their separation are         , and   a sin  i = 31.34 ± 0.48 R  .  相似文献   

We present spectroscopy of the eclipsing recurrent nova U Sco. The radial velocity semi-amplitude of the primary star was found to be     from the motion of the wings of the He  ii λ 4686-Å emission line. By detecting weak absorption features from the secondary star, we find its radial velocity semi-amplitude to be     . From these parameters, we obtain a mass of     for the white dwarf primary star and a mass of     for the secondary star. The radius of the secondary is calculated to be     , confirming that it is evolved. The inclination of the system is calculated to be     , consistent with the deep eclipse seen in the light-curves. The helium emission lines are double-peaked, with the blueshifted regions of the disc being eclipsed prior to the redshifted regions, clearly indicating the presence of an accretion disc. The high mass of the white dwarf is consistent with the thermonuclear runaway model of recurrent nova outbursts, and confirms that U Sco is the best Type Ia supernova progenitor currently known. We predict that U Sco is likely to explode within ∼700 000 yr.  相似文献   

Using Eggleton's stellar evolution code, we carry out 150 runs of Population I binary evolution calculations with the initial primary mass between 1 and 8 M, the initial mass ratio     between 1.1 and 4, and the onset of Roche lobe overflow (RLOF) at an early, middle or late Hertzsprung-gap stage. We assume that RLOF is conservative in the calculations, and find that the remnant mass of the primary may change by more than 40 per cent over the range of initial mass ratio or orbital period, for a given primary mass. This is contrary to the often-held belief that the remnant mass depends only on the progenitor mass if mass transfer begins in the Hertzsprung gap. We fit a formula, with an error less than 3.6 per cent, for the remnant (white dwarf) mass as a function of the initial mass M 1i of the primary, the initial mass ratio q i and the radius of the primary at the onset of RLOF. We also find that a carbon–oxygen white dwarf with mass as low as 0.33 M may be formed if the initial mass of the primary is around 2.5 M.  相似文献   

SuperWASPJ222302.02+195031.8 is an eclipsing binary with an orbital period about 0.22517657 days that is close to the short-period limit of contact binaries. Multi-color photometric light curves of the short-period binary in B, V, Rc and Ic bands are presented and analyzed by using the Wilson–Devinney (W–D) method. It is discovered that the system is a semi-detached binary where the secondary component is already filling the critical Roche lobe, while the primary is filling just 77.1% of its Roche lobe. The temperature of the primary is about 4300 K, and the temperature difference between the two components is about 500 K. The asymmetries in the light curves are explained by the coverage of stellar dark spots on the less massive component via magnetic activity. An analysis of all available eclipse times suggests that there are no any changes in the O-C diagram. This may indicate that there are no mass transfers between the two components. The semi-detached configuration with the dark spot on the surface of the lobe-filling secondary and no variations in the orbital period make the binary an interesting target for further investigations.  相似文献   

Papers published in recent years have contributed to resolve the enigma of the hypothetical Be nature of the hot pulsating star β Cephei. This star shows variable emission in the Hα line, typical for Be stars, but its projected rotational velocity is very much lower than the critical limit, contrary to what is expected for a typical Be star. The emission has been attributed to the secondary component of the β Cephei spectroscopic binary system.
In this paper, using both our and archived spectra, we attempt to recover the Hα profile of the secondary component and to analyse its behaviour with time for a long period. To accomplish this task, we first derive the atmospheric parameters of the primary,   T eff= 24 000 ± 250 K  and  log  g = 3.91 ± 0.10  , and then we use these values to compute its synthetic Hα profile, and finally we reconstruct the secondary's profile disentangling the observed one.
The secondary's Hα profile shows the typical two-peak emission of a Be star with a strong variability. We also analysed the behaviour versus time of some linewidth parameters: equivalent width, ratio of blue to red peak intensities, full width at half-maximum, peak separation and radial velocity of the central depression.
The projected rotational velocity  ( v sin  i )  of the secondary and the dimension of the equatorial surrounding disc have also been estimated.  相似文献   

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