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利用1979—2007年夏半年(5—10月)逐日平均向外长波辐射资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,应用有限区域波数-频率谱和滞后线性回归方法,研究亚洲-西太平洋(AWP)区域夏半年对流季节内振荡(ISO)的传播特征以及热带天气尺度波动与ISO的联系。结果表明:(1)夏半年AWP区域的对流ISO存在东西传播特征,具有区域性和季节性。在整个AWP区域,以沿赤道东传且周期约30~60 d的扰动为主,而在西太平洋地区则以在10~20°N西传且周期约20~40 d的扰动为主;在初夏ISO以沿赤道东传为主,晚夏ISO向西传播加强,主要活动区域也向北转移,西传波在晚夏西北太平洋区域活动最强;(2)ISO强对流伴随低层西风异常和气旋性环流异常首先生成在印度洋区域,之后沿赤道东传到西太平洋日界线附近,当对流传播到西太平洋时具有西北传播的特征;(3)ISO与热带天气尺度波动关系密切。两种不同时间尺度的对流在西北太平洋同时加强,ISO促进了热带气旋(TC)的群发,而TC群发对流也成为ISO对流在西太平洋西北向传播中的一部分。  相似文献   

区域海气耦合模式模拟的2003年东亚夏季风季节内振荡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评估了一个区域海气耦合模式(由区域环境系统集成模式RIEMS和普林斯顿海洋模式POM组成)对2003年东亚夏季风季节内振荡(ISO)的模拟性能。通过与观测海温驱动单独大气模式结果的比较,分析了海气耦合过程对东亚夏季大气ISO模拟性能的影响。结果表明:耦合模式能够模拟出2003年中国东部地区夏季降水的气候态分布,模拟的中国东部尤其是江淮地区大气ISO活动较单独大气模式更为显著。同时,耦合模式能够较好地再现大气ISO经向上北传的传播特征,模拟的江淮流域降水处于活跃和中断期时西北太平洋地区低频降水和环流异常在强度和空间分布上较单独大气模式都更为合理。相比于单独大气模式,耦合模式对大气ISO模拟的改善,一方面与其对气候态西北太平洋副热带高压和相关对流层底层风场模拟的改善有关,另一方面与其包含海气相互作用,因而对低频降水与海温和水汽辐合位相关系模拟的改善有关。  相似文献   

利用观测分析资料和SINTEX-F海气耦合长时间(70年)数值模拟结果,分析了印度洋海温年际异常与热带夏季季节内振荡(BSISO)各种传播模态之间关系及其物理过程。结果表明,印度洋海温年际异常与热带BSISO关系密切,当印度洋为正(负)偶极子情况,中东印度洋北传BSISO减弱(加强);当印度洋为正(负)海盆异常(BWA)情况,印度洋西太平洋赤道地区(40°E -180°)东传BSISO加强(减弱)。印度洋海温年际变化通过大气环流背景场和BSISO结构影响热带BSISO不同传播模态强度的年际变化。在负(正)偶极子年夏季,由于对流层大气垂直东风切变加强(减弱),对流扰动北侧的正压涡度、边界层水汽辐合加强更明显(不明显),导致形成BSISO较强(弱)的经向不对称结构,因此北传BSISO偏强(减弱)。印度洋BWA模态通过影响赤道西风背景以及海气界面热力交换,导致赤道东传BSISO强度产生变化。在正BWA年夏季,赤道地区西风较明显,当季节内振荡叠加在这种西风背景下,扰动中心的东侧(西侧)风速减弱(加强)更明显,海面蒸发及蒸发潜热减弱(加强)更明显,导致扰动中心的东侧(西侧)海温升高(降低)幅度更大,从而使边界层产生辐合(辐散)更强、水汽更多(少),因此赤道东传BSISO偏强;而在负BWA年,赤道地区西风背景减弱,以上物理过程受削弱使赤道东传BSISO偏弱。  相似文献   

简单的热海气耦合波──Kelvin波和Rossby波的综合作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在本文中,考虑到对于研究ENSO事件中的某些现象,人们更感兴趣的是大尺度低频运动的物理性质。为此,本文中引进长波低频近似,这时纬圈运动基本上满足地转平衡。分析表明,对赤道偶对称运动,当经圈结构函数(抛物线柱函数)取n=0,2时,海气耦合系统中的自由波分别为大气和海洋中的Kelvin波和Rossby波。它们经相互作用后,可以激发出不稳定的海气耦合波。根据海气相互作用强度(αγ)和ε(=cs/ca。cs,ca分别为海洋和大气中的重力波波速)的大小,可以把不稳定区分成三个部分。在ε<0.16的强海气相互作用区,不稳定的耦合波,在短波波段是向东传播的,在长波波段则转为向西传播。在ε>0.16的弱海气相互作用区中,在长波波段的不稳定耦合波是向东传播的。另外,在ε>0.16的强相互作用区中,不稳定耦合波的物理性质较为特殊。在短波波段存在一支向东传播的不稳定波,但由于增长率太大,可以预测波将很快破碎而变成大尺度湍流运动。在长波波段虽然也存在一支频率很高的不稳定波,但其物理性质很难从自由模的比较中追踪出来。文中对由大气和海洋Rossby波经相互作用后的对赤道奇对称耦合波也作了讨论。  相似文献   

热带海洋海气相互作用的区域差异   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
用NCEP/NCAR40年再分析1000hPa月平均风场资料及COADS月平均海表温度资料,对热带西、中、东太平洋、热带大西洋和印度洋五个区域的海气异常作了奇异值分解(SVD)。比较区域间SVD的主要参数和分析第一奇异向量及其时间系数表明,热带海气相互作用可区分为三类;热带东、中太平洋属‘单元型’,ENSO是唯一重要的过程,热带西太平洋、印度洋属‘二元型’,除了ENSO过程,还应存在唯一重要的过程;热带西太平洋,印度洋属‘二元型’,除了ENSO过程还应存在另一重要过程,热带大西洋属‘多元型’,其构成复杂,ENSO循环则不明显。  相似文献   

江洁  周天军  吴波  邹立维 《大气科学》2019,43(3):467-482
观测发现,西北太平洋区域夏季降水—SST存在显著的负相关,主要是由于El Ni?o衰减年西北太平洋异常反气旋持续至夏季,该过程是检验耦合模式性能的重要参照标准。本文利用中国科学院大气物理研究所近期气候预测系统IAP-DecPreS,通过海洋同化试验、大气模式AMIP试验与观测结果的比较,评估海洋同化试验对西北太平洋夏季局地海气相互作用特征的模拟影响。结果表明,海洋同化试验能够模拟出西北太平洋区域夏季降水—SST负相关,但负相关区域范围偏小。其与观测之间的最大差异出现在8月,西北太平洋负降水异常及异常反气旋位置偏东,强度偏弱。这是由于其模拟的El Ni?o衰减年夏季赤道东印度洋正降水异常偏弱且移动至赤道南侧,对流层增温偏弱,对西太平洋的遥相关作用偏弱。AMIP试验未考虑大气对海洋的反馈作用,不能再现西北太平洋降水—SST负相关,无法模拟出El Ni?o衰减年夏季西北太平洋异常反气旋。研究表明,海洋同化试验对西北太平洋区域局地海气相互作用特征的模拟能力较AMIP试验有所提升,其对8月西北太平洋降水与环流场的模拟偏差与东赤道印度洋降水模拟偏差有关。  相似文献   

山东夏季降水与热带海气相互作用区域特性的相关分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用一种能够反映热带海气相互作用区域特性的指数,分析了热带5个洋区(西太平洋、中太平洋、东太平洋、大西洋、印度洋)的海气相互作用指数与山东夏季(6~8月)降水的相互联系。结果表明,只有热带印度洋的海气相互作用的第1模态与山东夏季降水存在的显著相关。热带印度洋海温偏高时山东夏季降水偏少,反之偏多。热带西印度洋区域1000hPa风向赤道区域异常辐合,并伴随出现正海表温度异常的年份,山东夏季降水往往偏少  相似文献   

2001年北半球大气环流特征及其对中国气候异常的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001年受前期赤道东太平洋海温长期冷水位相的影响,北半球大气环流的主要特征表现为:500hPa西太平洋副热带高压冬春季偏强,夏季秋偏弱;欧亚地区夏季500hPa位势高度距平场上中高纬从西到东呈现为“-+-”分布形式,贝加尔湖地区为正距平中心;东亚冬、夏季风偏弱;7月赤道辐合带异常偏强、偏北等。在上述大气环流的影响下,我国的天气气候发生了异常。  相似文献   

不稳定热带海气相互作用中快波的过滤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张人禾  巢纪平 《气象学报》1994,52(2):235-240
Philander[1]明确指出在热带海气耦合系统中能够存在不稳定的海气相互作用。Philander等[2]的数值计算表明,由于海气相互作用,不稳定扰动可以向东传播。Yamagata[3]和Hirst[4]从理论上也证明了海气之间存在着正反馈过程。巢纪平和张人禾[5]运用一个流场和压力场的高阶平衡近似,即在热带大气和海洋中只存在向西传播的赤道Rossby波时,得出了两种介质中向西传播的赤道Rossby波通过海气相互作用过程,可以产生向西传的不稳定波。并且在一定条件下,还可出现一类不属于Kelvin波的向东传的不稳定波,这些结果对解释ENSO事件的传播过程是值得参考的。  相似文献   

Lu Riyu 《大气科学进展》2001,18(2):270-282
诊断分析了热带西太平洋暖池上空对流弱和强的情况下,大气环流和海温所表现出来的差异。本文中西太平洋暖池是指(110-160°E,10-20°N)地区,向外射出长波辐射(OLR)在该地区具有明显的年际变率。对西太平洋暖池对流弱和强之间大气环流和海温的差别进行了合成分析。首先,利用 NCEP/ NCAP再分析资料和卫星观测的 OLR资料进行了分析。之后,利用欧洲中期天气预报中心再分析资料和再分析计算而得的OLR资料重复进行了合成分析。合成结果表明由这两套资料所分析得到的结果非常相象。与西太平洋暖池上空弱(强)对流显著对应的大气环流表现为北太平洋副热带高压的西伸(东退),以及副高西北侧更强(弱)的西风。此外,在局地(即暖池)上空,还显著对应着东(西)风异常和下沉(上升)气流异常。对应于西太平洋暖池对流强弱,最为显著的海温差别(对流弱减去对流强)为印度洋、孟加拉湾和南海的正海温异常。也就是说,西太洋暖池上空的对流与局地海温异常只有微弱的联系,而与其西部的海温异常密切相关。  相似文献   

Comparative analysis is carried out by using finite-domain power spectrum and lagged regression methods for the propagating characteristics and air-sea interaction processes of intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) in the Asia to western Pacific (AWP) region during the boreal summer between the active and inactive tropical cyclone (TC) years from 1979 to 2004.The results show as follows.(1) There exist more significant eastward propagating characteristics of the ISO in the active TC years over the whole AWP region.The ISOs of convection propagate zonally with more eastward extension in the years with active tropical cyclone activities,during which the 20-60-day period is strengthened,western Pacific becomes an area with evident characteristics of the propagation that is closely related to TC activities.(2) The air-sea interaction processes are the same in both active and inactive TC years,and the energy exchanges between the air and the sea play a role in maintaining the northwestward propagation of ISOs.(3) The air-sea interaction is more intensive in the active TC years than in the inactive ones.It is particularly true for the latent heat release by condensation as the result of convection,which may be one of the reasons resulting in significant differences in characteristics of ISOs between the active and inactive TC years.  相似文献   

Snow cover on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) has been shown to be essential for the East Asian summer monsoon. In this paper, we demonstrate that tropical cyclone (TC) 04B (1999) in the northern Indian Ocean, which made landfall during the autumn of 1999, may have contributed to climate anomalies over East Asia during the following spring and summer by increasing snow cover on the TP. Observations indicate that snow cover on the TP increased markedly after TC 04B (1999) made landfall in October of 1999. Sensitivity experiments, in which the TC was removed from a numerical model simulation of the initial field, verified that TC 04B (1999) affected the distribution as well as increased the amount of snow on the TP. In addition, the short-term numerical modeling of the climate over the region showed that the positive snow cover anomaly induced negative surface temperature, negative sensible heat flux, positive latent heat flux, and positive soil temperature anomalies over the central and southern TP during the following spring and summer. These climate anomalies over the TP were associated with positive (negative) summer precipitation anomalies over the Yangtze River valley (along the southeastern coast of China).  相似文献   

Using 1°×1° final analysis(FNL) data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP),precipitation data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) and the best-track tropical cyclone(TC)dataset provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA) for June-August of 2000-2009, we comprehensively consider the two factors low-level moisture channel and interaction between TCs and mid-latitude systems and implement a statistical analysis of remote precipitation in East Asia to the north of 0° and to the west of 150° E. 48 cases of remote precipitation occurred in this period, which are categorized into five classes. After a composite analysis of the different classes, the main systems at 850 h Pa and 500 h Pa that impact the remote precipitation are as follows:TC, mid-latitude trough, subtropical high and water vapor channel. In particular, the water vapor channel which usually connects with Indian monsoon has the most significant impact on remote heavy rainfall. Another important factor is the mid-latitude trough. The type of north trough/vortex-south TC remote precipitation events happen most frequently,accounting for 68.8% of the total incidence. Most remote precipitation events occur on the right side of the TC path(representing 71% of the total number). At 200 h Pa, the remote precipitation events usually occur on the right rear portion of a high-altitude jet stream, and there is an anti-cyclonic vortex to the east and west of the TCs. When there is no anti-cyclonic vortex to the east of the TC, the TC is relatively weak. When the remote precipitation occurs to the northwest of the TC and there is a trough in the northwest direction, the TC is relatively strong. Numerical experiments are carried out using Weather Research and Forecast(WRF) model. The results shows that the TC plays a main role in producing the heavy precipitation and results in the enhancement of precipitation by impacting the water vapor channel.  相似文献   

位于东亚中纬度上空的东亚高空副热带西风急流是东亚季风环流系统中的重要成员,我国夏季降水雨带的季节内变化受东亚高空副热带西风急流位置季节内异常变化影响。根据1979~2008年中国降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及NOAA ERSST V3月平均海表温度资料,利用统计分析和物理量诊断方法对夏季东亚高空副热带西风急流位置季节内异常的东亚大气环流特征及外强迫信号的物理过程进行了探讨。研究指出:6月东亚高空副热带西风急流位置异常主要受欧亚大陆中高纬东传的Rossby波列位相变化影响,春季北大西洋海温异常是欧亚大陆中高纬度Rossby波列位相变化的最显著的外强迫信号;7月东亚高空副热带西风急流位置异常主要受西太平洋热带向副热带传播的Rossby波列位相变化影响,春季西太平洋热带海温异常是西太平洋热带向副热带传播的Rossby波列位相变化的最显著的外强迫信号;8月东亚高空副热带西风急流位置异常主要受南亚大陆向东亚大陆热带、副热带传播的Rossby波列位相变化影响,春季印度洋海温异常是南亚大陆向东亚大陆热带、副热带传播的Rossby波列位相变化的最显著的外强迫信号。  相似文献   

The present study revealed that a climate regime shift occurred during the 1988–1991 period involving changes in tropical cyclone (TC) intensity (central pressure, maximum sustained wind speed) during the summer near 30°N in East Asia. Climatologically, TC intensity at 110°–125°E near 30°N (over Mainland China) is the weakest at that latitude while the strongest is found at 125°–130°E (over Korea). The TC intensity during the 1991–2015 (91–15) period had strengthened significantly compared to that of the 1965–1988 (65–88) period. The strengthening was due to a significantly lower frequency of TCs that passed through Mainland China during the 91–15 period. This lower frequency of was due to anomalous northeasterlies blown from the anomalous anticyclonic circulation located over continental East Asia and that had strengthened along the coast. Instead, TCs mainly followed a path from eastern regions in the subtropical western North Pacific to Korea and Japan via the East China Sea due to anomalous cyclonic circulations that had strengthened in the western North Pacific. In addition, low vertical wind shear had formed along the mid-latitude region in East Asia and along the main TC track in the 91–15 period, and most regions in the western North Pacific experienced a higher sea surface temperature state during the 91–15 period than in the previous period, indicating that a favorable environment had formed to maintain strong intensities of TCs at the mid–latitudes. The characteristics of TCs at the lower latitudes caused a strong TC intensity at the time of landfall in Korea and a gradual shifting trend of landing location from the western to southern coast in recent years.  相似文献   

By using the data of 1949 – 2001 (53 years) of Tropical Cyclone (TC) Yearbooks, statistical analyses are performed to study the climatic features of TCs making landfall and then passing through lakes (hereafter referred to as “L-TCs”) in China. Results show that L-TCs can sustain a long time over land and the intensity is very strong during the course of landfall. Lakes can noticeably slow down the reduction of TC intensity, with the minimum pressure mostly maintained or decreased and the maximum velocity increased. The middle reach of the Yangtze River has the biggest TC dissipating rate as compared with the other areas where the TC is active.  相似文献   

Using a statistical model for simulating tropical cyclone (TC) formation and a trajectory model for simulating TC tracks, the influence of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the peak-season (July-September) TC prevailing tracks in the western North Pacific basin is assessed based on 14 selected El Nino and 14 selected La Nina years during the period 1950-2007. It is found that the combination of statistical formation model and a trajectory model can simulate well the primary features of TC prevai...  相似文献   

利用1949~1996年48年西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)的年个数资料和1958~1997年40年南亚高压(SAH)特征参数的月平均资料,讨论了西北太平洋TC年个数的年际、年代际变化、年个数周期和周期能量等特点及其与SAH特征参数的关系和异常TC年前期SAH环流场和100 hPa高度场的特征。结果表明,西北太平洋TC具有明显的年际和年代际变化,前期SAH对当年TC频数有一定影响,SAH中心位置偏北、偏西,中心强度偏弱时,当年TC偏多,反之,当年TC偏少。  相似文献   

In order to study the spatial structure and dynamical mechanism of extreme precipitation in East Asia, a corresponding climate network is constructed by employing the method of event synchronization. It is found that the area of East Asian summer extreme precipitation can be separated into two regions: one with high area-weighted connectivity receiving heavy precipitation mostly during the active phase of the East Asian Summer Monsoon(EASM),and another one with low area-weighted connectivity receiving heavy precipitation during both the active and the retreating phase of the EASM. Besides, a new way for the prediction of extreme precipitation is also developed by constructing a directed climate networks. The simulation accuracy in East Asia is 58% with a 0-day lead, and the prediction accuracy is 21% and average 12% with a 1-day and an n-day(2≤n≤10) lead, respectively. Compared to the normal EASM year, the prediction accuracy is low in weak years and high in strong years, which is relevant to the differences of correlations and extreme precipitation rates in different EASM situations. Recognizing and indentifying these effects is good for understanding and predicting extreme precipitation in East Asia.  相似文献   

以2018年盛夏一次典型的热带气旋群发(Multiple Tropical Cyclogenesis,MTC)事件为例,分析了多尺度环流(包括大尺度环流、季节内振荡及热带波动等)对MTC的影响,并探讨了MTC群发期和间歇期整层大气垂直扰动场的差异。结果表明:1)2018年盛夏西北太平洋经历了一次持续时间长达16 d有8个TC相继生成的MTC群发期和紧接着长达19 d仅1个TC生成的MTC间歇期;2)MTC群发期越赤道气流增强,季风槽加强东伸,南海和西北太平洋上空低层辐合高层辐散的环流配置有利于TC生成;3)夏季东亚-西北太平洋季节内振荡北传对MTC次季节变化具有显著的调制作用,MTC群发期(间歇期)南海和西北太平洋正好处于一次较强的季节内振荡(Intraeasonal Oscillation,ISO)北传湿(干)位相上;4)群发期内8个TC的生成皆与热带波动有关,其中5个同时受两种热带波动的影响,热带波动通过改变局地热动力状况为TC生成提供触发条件;5)多尺度环流的共同影响最终导致MTC群发期和间歇期在温压扰动场配置、垂直运动扰动和比湿扰动的垂直结构特征上表现出显著的差异,扰动分析法的应用为MTC生成的延伸期预报提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

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