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The Nordic countries, including Greenland, have a long tradition in mining. Documented mining dates back to the 8th century AD. Today this region is the most important metallic mining district of the European Union. Metals are produced from active mines in all countries except Iceland and related industries are thriving in all countries.
Important ore deposit types include: volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits (Cu, Zn, Pb, Au, Ag), orogenic gold deposits (Au), layered intrusions (Ni, PGE, Ti±V), intrusive hosted Cu-Au, apatite-Fe deposits, Cr- and anorthosite hosted Ti deposits. Besides these well- documented deposits, new kinds of deposits are being explored, e.g., iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG), shale-hosted Ni-Zn-Cu and different types of uranium deposits.  相似文献   

Joy Tivy 《Geoforum》1985,16(3):239-255
This paper presents a comparative analysis of the aims, methods, planning and management, and current problems of countryside conservation in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The traditional Nordic common-law of “every man's right of access” to the countryside is of longstanding. In these countries conservation is as much concerned with the protection, for public use, of landscapes of recreational and/or scenic value as with the conservation of ‘wild nature’. In addition, conservation is usually closely integrated with other aspects of physical planning, while responsibility for its management has been devolved, to a greater or lesser extent, from national or regional authorities to local government. The particular aims and methods of conservation, however, vary with the nature of the biophysical resource base, the legislative structure and the stage of conservation planning in the individual countries. In this respect, Denmark has the most sophisticated and developed system, Finland the least. The wider concept of conservation and its close integration with countryside planning in all the Nordic countries contrast with conservation in the U.K. It is suggested that the Nordic approach to the solution of conservation problems might be relevant to a solution of the increasing conflict of ecological, economic and social interests in the British countryside today.  相似文献   

The Nordic countries, including Greenland, have a long tradition in mining. The industrial minerals sector is expanding in most Nordic countries and extensive development has taken place during the last few years. The main commodities mined are carbonate rocks, quartz, feldspar, apatite, olivine and talc.
A number of diferent types of dimension stones are quarried in all countries. Rock aggregates are increasingly important, replacing sand and gravel aggregate as construction materials in some countries due to the need to protect ground water supplies.  相似文献   

The symposium, arranged in 1980 in Bergen, was the last in a series of three symposia on Weichselian events in the Scandinavian realm. Papers from the two earlier symposia were published in Boreas 8:2 (1979) and 9:4 (1980). Recent research has proved the history of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet to be more complicated than formerly thought. One problem relating to this research is dating beyond the limit of the radiocarbon method  相似文献   

燕辽裂陷槽中元古界不整合面的性质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
燕辽裂陷槽中元古代沉积层序中出现多个沉积间断和不整合面。本次研究对其中的5个不整合面进行野外考察,分析其地质特征并进行地层对比,最后判断其性质。大红峪组底部、高于庄组底部和杨庄组底部的不整合面是沉积属性,其中大红峪组底部不整合面是海侵超覆沉积的结果,高于庄组底部和杨庄组底部的不整合面由海平面升降变化所引起;铁岭组顶部和下马岭组顶部不整合面是构造属性,系大规模的抬升运动所造成。  相似文献   

Hydrogeology in the Nordic Countries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gert Knutsson 《《幕》》2008,31(1):148-154
Hydrogeology in the Nordic Countries is characterized by many types of aquifers and great differences in groundwater recharge. Fracture aquifers in crystalline, hard rocks are the most common type of aquifer with, in general, low fracture porosity and low well yields. The most productive crystalline rocks are the basalts in Iceland and the rapakivi granite in Finland. The fracture and fault zones have mostly high conductivity. Porous aquifers are found in various types of geology. The most porous ones are the lava-fields and the pyroclastic rocks in the active volcanic zone of Iceland, but glaciofluvial deposits such as eskers and deltas in Finland, Norway and Sweden, outwash plains in SW Denmark and sandurs in Iceland are also very porous and good aquifers, as are some sedimentary rocks in Denmark. The glacial till has, in general, low conductivity. Fractured porous aquifers in consolidated limestones and sandstones have high well yields in relatively young formations in Denmark and Scania in southern Sweden, but medium or low yields in older strata. Karst aquifers have limited extension, but there are some well developed ones in the Caledonian mountain range in Norway and Sweden. Geothermal water with a lot of springs and even geysers are common in Iceland and of great economic importance. The groundwater chemistry of the crystalline, hard rocks is notable for bacteria, brines and mixed water at great depths (more than 500 m) as well as high contents of arsenic, fluoride and radon in drilled wells in certain regions.  相似文献   

中元古代(1800~1000 Ma)时期,华北克拉通发育多期与哥伦比亚超大陆裂解有关的岩浆事件群.本文结合区域地质特征、地球化学特点、沉积演化序列,讨论了各期裂解事件群的性质及特点,论述了华北克拉通中元古代时期岩浆事件群的大地构造意义.华北克拉通中元古代时期岩浆事件群具有幕式裂解的特点,约1.80~1.77 Ga岩浆事件群标志着华北克拉通的初始裂解,在这之后三大裂陷槽逐步打开,1.72~1.67 Ga,1.63~1.62 Ga岩浆事件群则是华北克拉通在中元古代早期持续裂解的具体体现,他们代表了哥伦比亚超大陆早期裂解的岩浆事件记录,而1.33~1.30 Ga期间以及1.23~1.20 Ga的岩浆事件则可能代表了哥伦比亚超大陆的晚期裂解事件.这些具有全球构造对比意义的岩浆事件群及高于庄组宏观化石生物群、中元古代时期氧化事件的出现,对一些学者提出的18亿~8亿年间"地球表面持续低氧"、"地球枯燥的10亿年"的认识增添了活力.  相似文献   

华北克拉通中元古界底界年龄与盆地性质讨论   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
乔秀夫  王彦斌 《地质学报》2014,88(9):1623-1637
国际地层委员会将中元古界底界界线年龄定为1600Ma,1600~1400Ma为Calymmian(盖层系),表示全球地台盖层形成时期。华北地台基底固结时间为1800Ma,固结后即进入伸展裂解作用时期,首先是山西吕梁山区、晋南中条山、豫西熊耳山区裂解发展成三叉裂陷槽(Aulacogen)。吕梁山区小两岭组火山岩形成年龄有1778±20Ma(SHRIMP U-Pb锆石)及1779±20Ma(LA-ICP-MS U-Pb锆石)两个数值;豫西熊耳群顶部马家河组和中部鸡蛋坪组及下部许山组火山岩年龄分别为1776±20Ma、1791±20Ma和1783±13Ma(SHRIMP U-Pb锆石),1776~1800Ma为火山岩的形成年龄;将1800Ma作为小两岭组与熊耳群两个火山岩组的底界年龄应当是合理的。吕梁山区的汉高山群为碎屑岩夹火山岩,代表吕梁-陕豫三叉裂陷槽北支中的快速充填,与小两岭组为同时期沉积。汉高山群、大古石组(熊耳群底部沉积岩)为1800Ma裂解开始的盖层沉积,小两岭组火山岩、相关的辉绿岩墙及熊耳群火山岩均为裂解时期的岩浆作用产物。北京密云环斑花岗岩侵位时间为1700Ma,代表燕山-太行山裂陷槽裂解的起始时间也即燕山地区长城系常州沟组底界年龄。北京密云地区环斑花岗岩风化壳上覆常州沟组年龄可确定为1650Ma,它不应被看作常州沟组最低层位的年龄,而是裂陷槽裂解后密云地区开始接受沉积的年龄,1700Ma、1650Ma代表常州沟组在不同地区的底界年龄,但均不等于长城系或中元古界的底界年龄。1600Ma为高于庄组底界年龄,即长城系与蓟县系的界线年龄,也是国际地层委员会中元古界的底界年龄。1600Ma代表燕山-太行山裂陷槽闭合的年龄,也是华北地台始自1800Ma伸展裂解作用的最终结束时期。1600Ma是新的陆表海盆地发展的起始时间,是重要的华北地台构造转换的时期。因此,1800与1600Ma代表华北地台重大地质构造事件的年龄,具大区域构造意义,依据对前寒武系界线年龄确定的原则,两个年龄值均可被选择为中元古界底界的界线年龄。但本文赞同中国全国地层委员会采用1800Ma作为中元古界的底界年龄,因其更符合中国的地质构造实际:华北地台裂解-克拉通内裂陷槽中的盖层充填,底界为1800Ma。华北地台中元古界盆地在不同时期,它的构造性质完全不同:1800~1600Ma为裂陷槽;1600~1400Ma发展成陆表海;1400~1300Ma转化为弧后盆地;1800Ma、1600Ma及1400Ma代表中元古代三个重要的区域构造转换的时间点。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):886-901
The Late Mesoproterozoic (1085–1040 Ma) Ngaanyatjarra Rift, previously referred to as the Giles Event, is the dominant component of the Warakurna Large Igneous Province (LIP) that affected much of central and western Australia. This rift is well preserved and provides excellent examples of rift structure at a variety of crustal levels and times in the rift's evolution. Geological knowledge is integrated with geophysical interpretations and models to understand the crustal structure and evolution of this rift. Two phases are identified: an early rift stage (1085–1074 Ma) that is characterised by voluminous magmatism within the upper crust and relatively little tectonic deformation; and a late rift stage that is characterised by tectonic deformation, synchronous with the deposition of a thick pile of volcanic and sedimentary rocks (1074–1040 Ma). Compared to modern rift examples, this rift is unusual in that the crust was thickened by ~ 15 km and overall extension was very limited. However, its structure and evolution are very similar to the near-contemporaneous Midcontinent Rift, which shows the addition of a similar quantity of magmatic material as well as crustal thickening and limited extension. For these Mesoproterozoic rifts, we suggest that magmatism was the dominant process, and that the extension observed was a response to magmatism-induced crustal thickening and the gravitational collapse of the crustal column. Other Proterozoic rifts show similar characteristics (e.g. Transvaal Rift), whereas most Phanerozoic rifts are dissimilar, showing instead a dominance of extension, with magmatism largely a result of this extension. This change in the style of rifting from the Precambrian to the Phanerozoic may relate to the influence of a typically cooler and stronger lithosphere, which has caused stronger strain localisation and a greater role for extension as the controlling factor in rift evolution.  相似文献   

The study of the Mesoproterozoic (1473 ± 24 Ma) dolerites of the Olenek uplift of the Siberian craton basement has shown their petrologic and geochemical similarity to typical OIB produced with participation of a mantle plume. The dolerites are characterized by variations in the geochemical composition explained by different degrees of melting of the same source. A conclusion is drawn that the parental melts of the rocks were slightly modified by crustal contamination, as evidenced from their Nd isotope composition (£Nd(T) = + 0.6 to − 0.8) and the presence of inherited zircons of four ages (2564, 2111, 2053, and 1865 Ma). Since the Siberian craton in the structure of the Nuna supercontinent (Columbia) was located relatively close to the Baltic continent and the Congo and Sao Francisco cratons, we assume that the Early Mesoproterozoic mafic intrusions (1500–1470 Ma) of all these cratons belong to the same large igneous province (LIP). The province formation was related to the activity of superplume (or mantle hot field), which supplied mantle matter to the lithosphere basement. The superplume core was probably located beneath the northern part of the Siberian craton, where basites are compositionally most similar to the primary mantle source.  相似文献   

A layer of Mesoproterozoic tsunami deposits from the North China Craton was recently discovered and investigated in the Xingcheng area, Liaoning Province, China. They occur at the bottom of the Dahongyu Formation of the Changcheng Group (1.8–1.6 Ga). The tsunami deposits are identified based on the analysis of the sedimentary facies. They are markedly different from the normal deposits of shore‐shallow sea siliciclastics, and are characterized by rip‐up clasts, poorly sorted gravels, fining‐upward sequences, redeposited underlying materials, complex sources of underlying strata and erosional bases at the bottom of beds. They are compelling features of tsunamiites when they occur together. During the Mesoproterozoic, the Xingcheng area was in an active tectonic belt, the Yanshan Taphrogenic Trough. The origin of the tsunami was probably triggered by the earthquake, which resulted from the the activities of the Luanxian–Jianchang Fault in early Mesoproterozoic times. The deposition of tsunamiites occurred in a coastal environment and involved several stages, from the origin, propagation, inundation, and deposition to the backwash flow. The geodynamic backgrounds of the tsunami event in the North China Craton are consistent with the breakup event of the Columbia supercontinent in the Mesoproterozoic. Some events, such as tsunamis and volcanism, are all controlled by extensional rift systems and should be recognized as effects of the breakup of the Columbia supercontinent in the North China Craton. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2002,5(1):35-39
The Siberian-West Laurentian connection is a postulated reconstruction of a Proterozoic craton that formed between 1800 Ma and 1500 Ma. Correlation of geological trends and of rift facies between the Siberian platform and western Laurentia indicates that, although the two cratons underwent significant intracontinental rifting in Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic times, they did not undergo complete separation until early Cambrian, ca. 530 Ma. Although this interpretation does not support the hypothetical Columbia supercontinent model of Rogers (2000) and Rogers and Santosh (2002), some elements of it are compatible with that model.  相似文献   

Peter Sjøholt 《GeoJournal》1997,43(4):315-329
The paper will focus on the classification of urban systems over time as an aid in uncovering factors impacting urban growth or decline. Methodologically the point of departure is the Noyelle & Stanback (1983) classification of North American cities, modified by recent advances and the specific Nordic situation. The method will be applied to the Nordic city-system and its restructuration during the 1980s with emphasis on relations between city size, type and growth. The main finding of the empirical case is the nearly ubiquitous growth of the larger diversified cities as a result of the preponderance of the most dynamic services in their production systems. Conversely, typical industrial production centres have generally suffered a decline in relative and partly absolute terms as a consequence of technological restructuring and fewer opportunities for replacing lost manufacturing employment by new service activities.  相似文献   

华北中元古代陆表海氧化还原条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文石海底沉淀是地球早期大气高CO2浓度、海洋贫氧条件下,CaCO3过饱和而直接沉淀于海底所形成的自生碳酸盐,可反映古海洋贫氧状态.对华北中元古界雾迷山组(ca 1.50~1.45 Ga)碳酸盐岩的研究发现:潮下带下部黑色纹层石由针状文石假晶等厚层与微生物席层交互堆叠而成;潮下带中部凝块石白云岩(A单元)主要由针状文石假...  相似文献   

燕辽裂陷槽中元古代古地震与古地理   总被引:22,自引:8,他引:22  
位于中朝板块北部的燕辽裂陷槽是中元古代板内裂解的产物。中元古代的伸展裂解构造诱发强地震。中元古代长城系(1800-1400 Ma)的串岭沟组、高于庄组及蓟县系的雾迷山组(1200 Ma)中保留有丰富的地震灾变事件记录:各种软沉积物液化变形,如液化砂岩脉; 碳酸盐岩中的泥亮晶脉、灰岩墙、液化角砾岩、水塑性变形、各种卷曲构造、环形层、层内粒序断层以及碳酸盐岩成岩初期的脆性变形。这些地震成因的变形构造与同沉积断裂相伴生。依据地震记录,中朝板块北部地区中元古代经历两次板内裂解,即1800-1400 Ma之间与1200 Ma,200 Ma的裂解导致燕辽裂陷槽的最终形成。燕辽裂陷槽中元古代的古地理格局与两次板内裂解相联系,古海盆的范围、盆地的边界、岩相带均受同时期断裂-地震控制。燕辽裂陷槽的古地理环境是一个深部物质活跃、断裂火山活动剧烈和地震频繁的构造带。  相似文献   

豫西地区中元古界蓟县系分布较广泛,剖面完整,是华北地台蓟县系出露最好的地区之一。在研究和分析121个露头剖面的岩性、沉积构造及组合特征等各种定性及定量资料的基础上,采用冯增昭教授倡导的单因素分析多因素综合作图法, 编制出豫西地区中元古代蓟县纪早期、中期和晚期的各类单因素图件和沉积相图。这种定量的沉积相研究方法在豫西地区还是首次应用。在蓟县纪早期,豫西地区主要是无障壁海岸相和浅海相,其中在卢氏-栾川地区主要为障壁海岸相。蓟县纪中期的沉积相与早期相似,但在卢氏-栾川地区由障壁海岸相演变为碳酸盐岩局限台地相。蓟县纪晚期的沉积相格局发生了较大变化,嵩山-箕山地区由古陆演变为河口湾相,确山地区为障壁海岸相,卢氏-栾川地区的碳酸盐岩局限台地相和其他地区的滨海相变化不大。从蓟县纪早期到蓟县纪晚期是一个海域范围逐渐扩大的海侵过程。  相似文献   

Natural hazards in Nordic Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compared to many areas of the world, the human losses caused by natural hazards are smaller in Nordic countries. This is mainly due to the low population density in the exposed areas. However, the economic losses are significant and the geohazards picture varies among the countries. The predominant natural hazards in Nordic countries are floods, landslides, and, with the exception of Denmark, snow avalanche. Volcanoes and earthquakes are major geohazards in Iceland, and parts of Norway are susceptible to seismic activity. Slidetriggered tsunamis also represent a threat to parts of the coastal areas of Nordic countries and Greenland.  相似文献   

新疆卡瓦布拉克地区中元古代卡瓦布拉克群第三组上部产大量硅质岩,对该硅质岩产出特征、常量、微量元素及稀土元素分析表明,卡瓦布拉克群硅质岩为热水成因。结合该期巨大沉积厚度及间夹的火山岩,揭示卡瓦布拉克地区在该期处于活动较频繁的裂陷槽阶段。  相似文献   

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