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Batam Island, Indonesia, located a short ferry ride away from Singapore, is a place where tourism and industry have been developed simultaneously and a border area where “developed” and “developing” nations meet. Government officials, investing international corporations and the “factory women” who work in the island's industrial estates arrive in Batam ‐ native to none of them ‐ with their own preconceptions and goals. When challenges not foreseen through master planning arise, the authorities cling ever more tightly to their physical and structural development model: the nearby city‐state of Singapore. Conversely, the factory workers who travel intranationally to work in this export processing zone (EPZ) find their objectives contested in the face of the Master Plan, corporate agendas and ethnic fusions characterising this transnational capitalist space. Entering into the homes of three groups of women migrants living and working in Batam, the relationship between the private realm that they inhabit and the social contexts in which they participate publicly is investigated. Some of the choices that women make at and about home are identified, and their ability to “micro‐resist” these external structures is explored. At home, the dynamic relationship between the Batam development project and the women's own hopes and visions of the place ‐ sometimes parallel and sometimes incongruous ‐ are revealed. As they experience life on Batam, their “social imaginaries” of it are shaped into various new realities, and their homes, removed from the confines of the factory floor, thus become spaces of release from these tensions.  相似文献   

张机  徐红罡 《地理科学》2016,36(7):1057-1065
以社会角色与角色冲突的相关理论为指导,以云南丽江白沙村当地纳西族居民家的微观空间为研究对象,对当地居民与游客在互动过程中的角色冲突质性进行了研究。研究发现,当地少数民族居民与汉族游客在家空间的互动过程中,双方各自存在角色内冲突的现象,同时彼此之间也存在两种角色间冲突现象。互动双方在处理这些角色冲突的过程中,既反映出当地居民对经济利益的诉求,也反映出当地居民与游客在家空间中的地位与权力关系。  相似文献   

丁传标  赵永琪  陶伟 《地理科学》2017,37(9):1326-1336
基于家的地理学视角,运用空间句法的基本理论与方法,把传统村落及家空间的重构现象放置在快速城市化进程中进行思考, 既重视文化的空间分析又强调空间的文化研究。在微观空间中,揭示了快速城市化进程中家空间物质形态变迁的文化观念表征和空间形态重构过程中的社会文化逻辑。主要结论如下:快速城市化进程中,个体家庭的响应遵循着不同的空间生产逻辑。家屋空间产生了家庭现代化、从家到户、家与房子的分离3种不同的重构模式。 在家屋物质空间重构过程中,家中人与自然的关系、祭祀空间、内外关系、家庭关系、代际关系、性别关系等均发生着重构。区位和大量外来人口是珠村家屋空间重构的外在动力;村民家庭的现代化诉求和家空间的经济需求是家屋空间重构的内在因素。城市化带来的新的社会经济关系是珠村家空间重构的内在逻辑。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of how to combine, on one hand, the everyday links that are established and maintained between home and work, and on the other, the demand-driven social regulation of labor markets. It is argued that by taking an approach acknowledging the complexity of networks and the “constellations of relations” involved in forming local labor markets, we can better understand the meshing of divisions of labor at home and at work, in concert with the demands of local employers. In this respect, the roles of households, ethnic communities, and employers are taken to be critical and interdependent in forming local labor markets and, ultimately, constructing places. Census and archival data are used from Lawrence, Massachusetts to examine these issues through the situation of woolen mill workers of the 1920s and 1930s.  相似文献   

卞显红  王慧  施琳霞 《地理科学》2016,36(1):99-106
以长江三角洲地区为例,首先采用主成分分析法分析农村居民旅游动机,然后通过构建对数回归方程研究旅游动机对“现代化的大城市”、“中小城市”、“历史文化城市”、“旅游城镇”、“山区”和“乡村旅游地”等六大旅游目的地选择的影响程度。研究结果表明:长江三角洲农村居民外出旅游动机主要停留在观光游览层次。长江三角洲农村居民对探亲访友旅游动机的赞同感知度较低,但探亲访友对于不同目的地选择具有一定影响。长江三角洲农村居民外出旅游非常重视通过旅游能提升其在家人、亲戚、朋友中的地位与声望的功能。 旅游安全问题对提升农村居民出游力非常重要,同时农村居民非常注重旅游目的地住宿设施能营造家外之家的感觉。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):536-557
Although much has been written about the abstract spaces of homelessness, relatively less has been documented on how the architecture of homeless shelters intersects with the homeless experience. Emergency shelters are the first places where homeless families begin their journey toward becoming "homed." Studies suggest that there is a middle-class bias in the design of emergency homeless shelters, but how do its spaces contribute to the route out of homelessness? Through narratives of homeless families, and observations of the places they occupy in an emergency shelter in Arizona, this article illustrates how they engage with the shelter's architecture to construct notions of home and homelessness. This study suggests that while homeless families try to achieve the psychological qualities of a "home" in the shelter, the materiality of the places in the shelter, where these qualities are acquired or negotiated, become important symbolic markers to becoming "homed."  相似文献   

郑诗琳  朱竑  唐雪琼 《热带地理》2016,36(2):225-236
旅游地的特色民居被改建为家庭旅馆,家的属性和内涵发生改变,影响着旅游地的文化生态。然而,当前研究仅将家庭旅馆视为“商业机构”,忽视了其具备的原本“家”的属性。家作为人文地理研究的新议题,受到了文化地理学的关注;但相比于国外丰富的家的地理学研究,国内的学术研究仍较为缺乏。以云南省西双版纳傣族园傣家乐为案例,通过观察法和访谈法,从“家”的视角出发解读作为“商业化的家”的傣家乐内部空间重构过程和动因,并关注其对空间内涵的影响。研究发现:家空间的重构是旅游活动主体之间互动协商的产物,游客对于家的消费和居民对于家的营造交织作用,共同推进了家空间的重构。傣族园傣家乐主人的家空间重构过程是从空间功能转化―空间扩增―空间异化―空间营销的渐变。游客是傣楼空间重构的主导力量,是家的空间消费主体,其凝视诉求和消费喜好直接推动了家的空间转变。傣家乐主人是家空间重构的建构主体,他们的文化背景和对家的舒适性诉求带来了家的空间属性多元化和复杂化的转变。家空间的变化不仅导致了傣家乐主人和游客在家空间的身份展演多元化和对空间认知多样化的变化,亦让家成为一个兼具有经济、文化消费、社会关系建立及多重身份展演的多元化、复杂化的社会空间。  相似文献   

Drawing on ethnographic case studies from Madagascar, this research shows that multiple marine conservation projects have institutionalized inequitable access to marine recourses along gendered lines. Despite discursive and institutional shifts toward more “collaborative” and “community-based” conservation programing, there is a deficiency of women’s nominal as well as effective participation in community management organizations. This research shows that conservation organizations’ focus on proximate drivers of marine resource use, or a politics of picking the “low-hanging fruit,” over ultimate drivers such as global commodity chains, places disproportionate emphasis on marine spatial enclosures and restricting specific, and gendered, harvest methods. To address gender bias concerning access to and control over natural resources, we must go beyond the rhetoric of “community involvement” to address gendered inequalities in conservation decision making, and whose interests are served by conservation projects.  相似文献   

Arguing from a Bourdieusian perspective, this paper reconstructs the notion domicide in order to maintain its critical edge and configure it as an important field of study. Through this, it explores the ways through which local residents in Shanghai lost their homes to the World Expo 2010 and unravels the material and symbolic violence involved in shaping the experiences of unmaking and remaking a home. In doing so, this paper challenges the category of “happy” or “willing” displacees that deliberately, or unintendedly, conceals the perversity of displacement and legitimatizes it as natural or even politically and morally good. It joins the urgent call for treating displacees with greater respect and dignity and for reconsidering our political responsibility given the belated nature of domicide effects.  相似文献   

Migration research has traditionally centered on tracing movement; however, the experience of staying in place has begun to capture scholarly attention. Drawing on data from an online residential decision-making survey, this article focuses specifically on the reasons that contented Vermonters cite for remaining in their home state. A statistical analysis of responses reveals the dominance of place-based factors and family ties in stayers' residential decision making. Contented stayers highly value landscape and community, as well as living near family. Biographical sketches of individual respondents show the emotional dimensions of choosing to stay, as well as the diverse forms of mobility that contented stayers exercise to remain happy at home. In its focus on stayers, this research situates itself within new geographic inquiries into place attachment and studies of “immobile” populations.  相似文献   

北京市电子地图集的设计与技术实现   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
丁琳  刘岳  王全科 《地理研究》2001,20(2):220-228
在电子地图设计的研究中,“用户界面设计”、“三维景观表达”、“多媒体的使用”、“动态注记”、“图形冲突”和“屏幕地图的交互功能”等都是至关重要的问题。然而在电子地图日益普及的今天,对这些问题的认识还需进一步的研究。本文结合《北京市电子地图集》的创作实践,详细讨论了电子图集的功能设计和界面设计,对以上问题提出了切实可行的的解决方案,并给出了较为理想的试验结果  相似文献   

In this article I examine connections between my past experiences on the academic job market and my research interests, particularly in regard to the notion of transgression. I offer my personal “story” of job seeking as a contribution to the dialogue concerning the relationships between personal lives and professional experiences, and as a case study of how considerations of merit can become clouded by personal and social discomfort with difference.  相似文献   

田里  刘亮 《地理科学》2021,41(1):22-32
以云南省文山壮族苗族自治州丘北县普者黑旅游区为案例地,基于旅游地利益相关者之间的博弈关系,构建了旅游孤岛效应演化模型,探讨旅游区与周边社区相互关系及其影响的演化机理,揭示旅游孤岛效应如何实现从弱到强的转变过渡.结论显示,按博弈关系、空间形态等可将普者黑旅游区发展划分为起步、成长、孤立、对立4个阶段,对应着旅游孤岛效应演...  相似文献   


G. Stanley Hall (1844-1924), founding president of Clark University, was a leader in the child study movement and a significant figure in psychology and education in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Hall had pronounced opinions on many educational subjects, including the teaching of geography. His criticisms and program for the reform of school geography were based on a mix of European ideas of heimatkunde or “home geography,” developmental or “genetic” psychology, and his work in the child study and nature study movements. This article traces Hall's involvement with geographic pedagogy from the 1880s through World War I, including his sponsorship of the first American Ph.D. dissertation in the teaching of geography, completed at Clark in 1906.  相似文献   


I argue that scientific disciplines are esteemed, supported, and patronized largely to the degree to which they are perceived as providing a “return” on invested societal resources. This “return” takes the form of scholarly products that help answer deep human questions or otherwise materially benefit members of the society whose resources they are. Such a view implies that disciplines exist in a “market” in which members compete for these limited resources by delivering products seen as valuable. In such a market, disciplinary relevance and survival are ultimately tied to decisions individual scholars practicing within the disciplines make about which research they pursue, the greater the perceived “return” the better for the long-term health of the discipline.  相似文献   

赵春雨  苏勤  盛楠 《地理研究》2014,33(8):1503-1514
借鉴时间地理学理论与方法,提出农村劳动力转移就业时空路径概念。以安徽省4个样本村为例,使用ArcGIS、SPSS等软件进行数据分析,得出农村劳动力转移就业时空路径的基本类型与特征:① 农村劳动力依据时空路径特征可分为稳定型、逐步稳定型、漂泊不定型、回流型、逐步开拓型、断续型六种类型;② 4个样本村劳动力打工时空路径演化有明显的地域差异;③ 21世纪初期是农村劳动力全面接受打工就业方式的时期,就业行业主要集中在建筑业、制造业、服务业,“老家亲戚、朋友”是最重要的打工媒介;④ 农村劳动力在打工地和家乡间的流动节律有“春节型”、“节假日型”、“休息日型”、“每日型”四种类型;⑤ 农村劳动力转移就业具有明显的空间指向和粘性特征,家乡是重要的结点空间,社会经济地理位置是地域差异形成的重要原因。  相似文献   

游客原真性感知对于世界遗产资源的未来发展具有重要价值。本文基于原真性学说针对游客感知与世界遗产资源旅游发展内涵之间的关系进行了探讨。通过对世界遗产故宫博物院实证研究的结果表明:数学集合理论模型能够很好地模拟游客原真性感知与遗产资源发展内涵之间的内在联系,继而5种集合式关系被建立起来,即"相离关系"、"相交关系"、"包含关系I"、"包含关系II"和"重合关系"。根据调查样本的分配规律5种集合式关系可以被进一步分为主要集合式关系和次要集合式关系。使用双因素方差分析法从被调研游客的人口统计学特征(性别、年龄、受教育程度、游览频率和已有感知程度)出发,针对集合式关系进行研究的结果进一步显示:游客对于5种集合式关系类别的感知具有差异性。本论文研究成果对于基于原真性视角下的世界遗产资源发展成效评判以及从游客原真性感知出发提出世界遗产资源发展未来策略均具有实际意义。  相似文献   

Public space is a feature of the urban built environment that has received increasing attention in recent years. Discussion has focused on the theoretical decline of public space, as private and institutional forces take on increasing influence. At the same time, many such “in-between spaces,” even privately owned ones, are used and experienced as public on a daily basis. Few studies, however, have explored how spaces understood as public are used and practised as such. To address this gap in the literature this paper draws upon ethnographic data collected on the “South Bank” in London (United Kingdom) to argue that “play” is a recurrent trait of sociospatial practices enacted in public space. Three interrelated typologies of playful practices in public space are discussed: child's play, plays on meaning, and play as simulation.  相似文献   

高菠阳  刘卫东  宋涛  冯锐  计启迪 《地理研究》2020,39(12):2718-2730
“一带一路”倡议的深入推进加速了中国企业对外投资的步伐。而对于这些“走出去”的企业而言,往往面临着东道国社会环境及治理结构变革、制度制约、文化冲突等多重挑战。此前经济地理学提出的“主动嵌入”和“被动嵌入”,并不能完全解释“一带一路”倡议背景下中国企业在“走出去”过程中所呈现的“外资”与东道国治理结构、地方制度文化环境之间的复杂相互作用关系。本研究构建了“全球-国家-地方”多尺度嵌入的分析框架,以缅甸莱比塘铜矿为例,阐释企业如何通过多样化制度创新,顺应东道国的社会变革,突破制度和文化的制约,从而取得政府、企业、当地社区“多赢”局面的合作模式,从而从新的视角理解制度的多尺度性和尺度之间的相互作用。研究发现:尺度要素之间存在耦合关联作用,且作用模式有不同的组合,同时多个尺度要素的嵌入和影响过程也存在时序效应。最后,结合莱比塘案例,为中国企业“走出去”提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

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