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Morphometric variation can be very useful for discriminating ‘phenotypic stocks’ as groups with similar life-history traits. Such groups are of great importance for accurate population-dynamics modelling for purposes of fishery stock assessment and management, independent of their genetic differences or similarities. This study is a contribution to the stock identification of the sardine Sardina pilchardus off the Moroccan Atlantic coast. The objectives were to (i) assess whether specimens from stocks defined by the FAO correspond to different morphotypes, and (ii) compare the obtained results with those recently published on the genetic variability of the studied populations. Morphometric analyses, using truss variables and landmarks data from sardine sampled from four widely spaced ports of landing along the Moroccan Atlantic coast (from north to south: Larache, Safi, Tantan and Dakhla), were carried out using multivariate and geometric approaches. Principal components analysis of truss variables and cluster analysis of the average shape of the sardine revealed the existence of three distinct morphotypes: ‘Larache,’ ‘Safi–Tantan’ and ‘Dakhla.’ These correspond well with the FAO’s stock subdivision. The morphometric variation might be related to the mesoscale hydrodynamic characteristics of the study area. However, these morphometric results do not fully accord with recently published data on genetic variability of the species. Those data indicated the genetic singularity of the Safi population, which could have led to the historical collapse of that sardine stock in the 1970s. Additional work is needed to validate the obtained results by taking into account seasonal variations and transitional areas between stocks.  相似文献   

Despite much public awareness surrounding the annual migration of sardine Sardinops sagax northward along the east coast of South Africa in winter each year, relatively little research effort has been expended to improve understanding of the ‘sardine run’. For this reason, a dedicated multidisciplinary survey, timed to coincide with the annual sardine run, was conducted off the East Coast in June and July of 2005. The major objective of the survey was to estimate the biomass of sardine off the East Coast during the run, and to compare this with biomass estimates collected during previous surveys conducted in this area during the late 1980s when the South African sardine population was at a considerably smaller size. We also collected data on the distribution of sardine and other small pelagic fish species and their eggs, the biological characteristics of sardine during the run, and data on the hydrography (temperature and currents) and lower trophic levels (phytoplankton and zooplankton) of the region. Results suggest that the biomass of sardine off the East Coast in winter remains relatively small and consistent, regardless of overall sardine population size. The narrow continental shelf to the east of Port Alfred, which is dominated offshore by the fast-flowing warm Agulhas Current, constrains the amount of suitable habitat for sardine and other clupeoids such as anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, West Coast round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi and East Coast round herring Etrumeus teres, and hence precludes these species from attaining a high biomass in this region. Additionally, primary and secondary productivity levels are much lower than elsewhere on the western and eastern Agulhas Bank off the south coast of South Africa, suggesting that the sardine run is not a feeding migration. A previous hypothesis that the run is mainly a result of an expansion of the distributional range of these fish as conditions become favourable in winter due to sporadic cooling off the East Coast is also not entirely supported by results from the survey. It is suggested that a migration for the purposes of spawning off this coast when conditions become favourable is a more likely incentive for sardine to undertake this arduous journey, despite increased predation and poor feeding conditions.  相似文献   

Based on long-term tide gauge observations in the last 60 years, the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of sea level change along the coast of China are analyzed. The results indicate that the sea level along the coast of China has been rising at an increasing rate, with an estimated acceleration of 0.07 mm/a2. The rise rates were 2.4 mm/a, 3.4 mm/a and 3.9 mm/a during 1960–2020, 1980–2020 and 1993–2020, respectively. In the last 40 years, the coastal sea level has risen fastest in the South China Sea and slowest in the Yellow Sea. Seasonal sea levels all show an upward trend but rise faster in winter and spring and slower in autumn. Sea level change along the coast of China has significant periodic oscillations of quasi-2 a, 4 a, 7 a, 11 a, quasi-19 a and 30–50 a, among which the 2–3 a, 11 a, and 30–50 a signals are most remarkable, and the amplitude is approximately 1–2 cm. The coastal sea level in the most recent decade reached its highest value in the last 60 years. The decadal sea level from 2010 to 2019 was approximately 133 mm higher than the average of 1960–1969. Empirical orthogonal function analysis indicates that China’s coastal sea level has been changing in a north-south anti-phase pattern, with Pingtan and Fujian as the demarcation areas. This difference was especially obvious during 1980–1983, 1995–1997 and 2011–2013. The coastal sea level was the highest in 2016, and this extreme sea level event was analyzed to be related mainly to the anomalous wind field and ENSO.  相似文献   

The temporal variability of benthic assemblages inhabiting offshore gravel deposits in the North Sea is poorly known, as purpose-collected long-term data sets have until recently been non-existent. It has therefore proved difficult to understand the stability and resilience of these benthic ecosystems after disturbance caused by the extraction of aggregates on an industrial scale. The present investigation examines an 8-year time series of data collected in and around an active commercial aggregate extraction site off the east coast of the United Kingdom. Both physical and biological data sets suggest a distinct yet localised effect after sustained gravel extraction, with impacted sediments generally appearing more physically homogeneous and faunistically impoverished than undisturbed sediments. Although inter-annual variability of selected assemblage metrics was reduced in disturbed sediments, differences in some assemblage metrics became significant between years. Despite such observations, significant impacts to the benthos in any given year were not sustained for long. However, the magnitude of impact in almost every year would be enough to merit remedial intervention based on an existing model of measuring acceptable levels of disturbance as a result of organic enrichment. Caution must be exercised in making any such recommendations, especially as there are presently no models specifically designed to assess the degree of acceptable disturbance from aggregate extraction. This study not only highlights the importance of and need for long-term data sets in order to better understand the difference between natural and human-induced variability in benthic assemblages, but also emphasises the need to develop more relevant monitoring tools to better manage the activities of the marine aggregate extraction industry.  相似文献   

During the austral winter, cetaceans and other apex predators follow the annual northeastward movement of shoaling sardines, known as the sardine run, along the southeast coast of South Africa, including a 400-km stretch called the Wild Coast. In total, 131 opportunistic aerial surveys were conducted between May and July, from 1996 to 2014, to monitor sardine movement. Cetacean-sighting data from these surveys were analysed, focusing on long-term trends in frequencies of the cetaceans. In total, 630 sightings involving five cetacean species were recorded: 268 (approximately 32 400 individuals) of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus, 108 (approximately 79 400 individuals) of long-beaked common dolphin Delphinus capensis, 242 (approximately 670 individuals) of humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae, 1 (two individuals) of southern right whale Eubalaena australis, and 11 (16 individuals) of Bryde’s whale Balaenoptera edeni. The occurrence of common dolphins, typically associated with sardines, decreased significantly in average group size over the study period (p = 0.0343); bottlenose dolphins, considered generalist feeders, demonstrated no such trend (p = 0.916). Humpback whales were most frequently sighted between 2010 and 2014, and with significantly larger groups observed towards the end of the study period (p = 0.0121). For all these species, more sightings were made inside than outside of marine protected areas (>70% of the dolphin species, and >65% of the humpback whales), both pre- and post-2005 (from 2005 the size of the survey area increased). The results indicate that movements of the common dolphin may be employed as a proxy for sardine occurrence. Long-term trends evident in the data also demonstrate the importance of this coastal region for bottlenose dolphins as well as use as a migratory corridor for humpback whales.  相似文献   

Monthly sampling for ichthyoplankton was conducted at three stations very near to the coast (near to shore shallow stations before the surf zone in direction to the shoreline) of Atlantic northwestern Portugal within contrasting localities: rocky shore, in front of a sandy beach receiving an estuary and a fishing port with heavy anthropogenic impact. Sampling was conducted from August 2002 to October 2003, always at full moon, at low tide and high tide in daylight hours, at the water column using a 48 cm diameter plankton net with 335 μm mesh. Analysis of the physico-chemical parameters pointed out the spatial (horizontal) homogeneity of the sampling area. Fish larvae from 41 taxa belonging to 17 families were identified; Blenniidae, Labridae, Ammodytidae, Clupeidae, Gobiidae, Soleidae and Gobiesocidae were the most representative during the study period. Parablennius gattorugine, Ammodytes tobianus, Symphodus melops, Sardina pilchardus, Lipophrys pholis and Coryphoblennius galerita were the most representative species (percentage contribution to total abundance). Peak abundance of fish eggs occurred during May, June and August 2003 and fish larvae occurred during May and July 2003 and August 2002 and 2003; there was a pronounced winter/early spring (March 2003) peak in larval abundance dominated by the small sandeel A. tobianus. This study identifies the occurrence of a conspicuous assemblage of larval fishes at very nearshore shallow environments of a variety of species with different adult habitats: the fish larvae assemblage was dominated by intertidal species. The present study has shown that temporal and spatial variations in the larval fish assemblage are related to environmental conditions and biological dynamics: the results suggest that abiotic conditions mediate biotic parameters, and that both abiotic and biotic characteristics regulated the larval fishes at very nearshore shallow environments.  相似文献   


The length-frequency distribution of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) was studied on the east coast of NZ using passive acoustic recorders moored offshore of Kaikoura, Cape Palliser and Castlepoint. Sperm whale’s echolocation signals are unique among odontocete species. Their clicks are composed by multiple pulses resulting from the sound transmission within the whale head. The total length of the whales can be estimated by measuring the time delay between these pulses. A total of 997 length measurements were obtained from click trains using cepstral analysis (mean?=?14.6?m; min?=?9.6?m; max?=?18.3?m; std?=?1?m). The size-frequency distributions at all three locations were similar, although animals smaller than 12?m were not present offshore of Kaikoura. Animals of various sizes appeared to be present all year round, with no apparent seasonality in the occurrence of any size class.  相似文献   

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