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开发了一种新型平台桩靴,可通过活动板转动实现自升式平台不同阶段桩靴受力面积的灵活变化。基于大变形有限元方法,模拟新型桩靴基础在“砂-黏”地层中的贯入过程,分析了活动板转角、砂层厚度比、摩擦角和黏土层不排水抗剪强度对新型桩靴贯入阻力的影响,并与普通桩靴的贯入响应比较。数值分析中,上覆砂土和下层黏土分别采用摩尔库伦模型和修正Tresca模型进行模拟。结果表明:新型桩靴穿刺时,土层参数对峰值阻力的影响规律与普通桩靴相同,但其峰值阻力随活动板转角的变化而变化,无法直接使用具有等效面积普通桩靴的穿刺预测方法。考虑各项关键影响因素,结合穿刺破坏时的地基破坏模式,基于数值模拟结果提出了适用于新型桩靴的贯入阻力预测公式。 相似文献
Two-Dimensional Large Deformation Finite Element Analysis for the Pulling-up of Plate Anchor 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Based on mesh regeneration and stress interpolation from an old mesh to a new one, a large deformation finite element model is developed for the study of the behaviour of circular plate anchors subjected to uplift loading. For the deterruination of the distributions of stress components across a clay foundation, the Recovery by Equilibrium in Patches is extended to plastic analyses. ABAQUS, a commercial finite element package, is customized and linked into our program so as to keep automatic and efficient running of large deformation calculation. The quality of stress interpolation is testified by evaluations of Tresca stress and nodal reaction forces. The complete pulling-up processes of plate anchors buried in homogeneous clay arc simulated, and typical pulling force-displacement responses of a deep anchor and a shallow anchor are compared. Different from the results of previous studies, large deformation analysis is of the capability of estimating the breakaway between the anchor bottom and soils. For deep anchors, the variation of mobilized uplift resistance with anchor settlement is composed of three stages, and the initial buried depths of anchors affect the separation embedment slightly. The uplift bearing capacity of deep anchors is usually higher than that of shallow anchors. 相似文献
Yinghui Tian Mark J. Cassidy Christophe Gaudin Maozhu Peng 《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》2013,31(10):1227-1235
AbstractThis paper presents an improved plasticity force-resultant model for anchors deeply embedded in clays, developed from large deformation finite element analyses. The current available force-resultant models for anchors are mainly developed from small strain finite element analysis while experimental approach has not been used due to technical challenges. The advantage of large deformation finite element analysis is that it provides much more data points to fit the yield surface than small strain finite element analysis, in addition to avoiding excess mesh distortion problems. Furthermore, the flow rule or normality can be effectively checked in the large deformation finite element analysis and further used to improve the fitting quality. After validated against retrospective simulations, the better performance of the developed plasticity force-resultant model is demonstrated by comparing with available experimental observations from centrifuge test. 相似文献
The problem of static three-dimensional, nonlinear, large deformation response of a marine riser is formulated within small strain theory and solved numerically. This type of analysis is necessary, for the new generation of drilling and production risers. The mathematical model takes properly into account the effects of internal and external pressure and the complete nonlinear boundary conditions, without linearizing the follower forces. The extensibility or inextensibility condition is used as the constitutive relation in the tangential direction. Torsion and bending are coupled. The external load and the boundary conditions are deformation dependent. A solution method is developed based on an incremental finite element algorithm, which involves a prediction-correction scheme. In the correction phase deformation dependent quantities are updated. The extensibility or inextensibility condition is used to reduce the degrees of freedom of the system. The numerical results of the developed computer code compare very well with available semi-analytical and numerical solutions. Three numerical applications are used to demonstrate the importance of large deformation, nonlinear and three-dimensional analyses. 相似文献
1 .IntroductionSuctioncaissons have been widely usedfor offshore oil exploration duetothe advantages of econo-my and simple installation over traditional piles (Huanget al .,2003) .For tensionleg platforms andspar platforms in deep ocean,suction caissons … 相似文献
Undrained bearing capacity of spudcan under combined loading 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The bearing capacities of spudcan foundation under pure vertical (V),horizontal (H),moment (M) loading and the combined loading are studied based on a series of three-dimensional finite element analysis.The effects of embedment ratio and soil non-homogeneity on the bearing capacity are investigated in detail.The capacities of spudcan under different pure loading are expressed in non-dimensional bearing capacity factors,which are compared with published results.Ultimate limit states under combined loading are presented by failure envelopes,which are expressed in terms of dimensionless and normalized form in three-dimensional load space.The comparison between the presented failure envelopes and available published numerical results reveals that the size and shape of failure envelopes are dependent on the embedment ratio and the non-homogeneity of the soil. 相似文献
探讨了应用离散元分析方法求解地震荷载下沉箱和背后填土大变形问题的可能性,开发了能描述沉箱的平面形状及沉箱与土体摩擦特性的矩形单元。并通过简单实例分析了地震时沉箱码头的变形,再现了沉箱码头地震灾害的发生过程,为沉箱在地震情况下的大变形分析提供了一种新途径。比较了两种沉箱模型对分析结果的影响,提出了相应的方法。 相似文献
The behaviour of spudcan foundations during the installation and preloading in two-layer sand sediments was investigated through large deformation finite element (LDFE) analyses. The LDFE analyses were carried out using the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, modifying Mohr-Coulomb soil model to capture hardening and subsequent softening effects of sand. Parametric analyses were undertaken varying the top layer thickness, relative density of sand and spudcan diameter. Both loose to medium dense-over-dense and dense-over-loose to medium dense sand deposits were explored. The results showed that, for the investigated relatively thin top layer thickness of ≤ 5 m, spudcan behaviour was dictated by the bottom sand layer with a minimal influence of the top layer. For assessing the penetration resistance profile in two-layer sands, the performance of the ISO, SNAME, InSafeJIP, and other existing theoretical design methods were evaluated. 相似文献
The element stiffness matrix of the equivalent beam or pipe element of the deformed leg of the platform is derived by the finite element method. The stresses and displacements of some damaged components are calculated, and the numeri-cal solutions agree well with those obtained by the fine mesh finite element method. Finally, as an application of this method, the stresses of some platform structures are calculated and analyzed. 相似文献
A concept design, named integrated suction foundation, is proposed for a tension leg platform (TLP) in deep ocean. The most important improvement in comparing with the traditional one is that a pressure-resistant storage module is designed. It utilizes the high hydrostatic pressure in deep ocean to drive water into the module to generate negative pressure for bucket suction. This work aims to further approve the feasibility of the concept design in the aspect of penetration installation and the uplift force in-place. Seepage is generated during suction penetration, and can have both positive and negative effects on penetration process. To study the effect of seepage on the penetration process of the integrated suction foundation, finite element analysis (FEA) is carried out in this work. In particular, an improved methodology to calculate the penetration resistance is proposed for the integrated suction foundation with respect to the reduction factor of penetration resistance. The maximum allowable negative pressure during suction penetration is calculated with the critical hydraulic gradient method through FEA. The simulation results of the penetration process show that the integrated suction foundation can be installed safely. Moreover, the uplift resistance of the integrated suction foundation is calculated and the feasibility of the integrated suction foundation working on-site is verified. In all, the analysis in this work further approves the feasibility of the integrated suction foundation for TLPs in deep ocean applications. 相似文献