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有机质含量和含水率对泥炭及泥炭质土(简称泥炭土)的力学性质及工程特性影响都很大,但现有的规范、规程及标准对高有机质含量土的含水率(ω)及有机质含量(wu)测定标准不明确,各单位测试结果差异较大。为明确高有机质含量土的ωwu测定标准,开展不同灼烧温度及灼烧时间下的测试试验。滇池湖相沉积土的场地一般都有3~5层层状分布的泥炭土,现对不同埋深的5层泥炭土进行从低至高围压下的三轴固结不排水(CU)试验,探究不同埋深及围压下其应力-应变的变化规律及演化机理。试验发现:泥炭土随围压增大应力-应变关系曲线呈现“分层”现象,最大偏应力对应的应变随深度增加而减小,线型随围压和土样埋深而发生改变,孔隙压力系数总体随着深度的增加而减小,并提出CU试验泥炭土破坏应变控制标准。以上研究进一步加深了对泥炭土力学特性的认识,也为明确ωwu的测定标准提供了试验依据。  相似文献   

小应变硬化土模型参数的确定与敏感性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地下工程施工引起的土体扰动区可分为剧烈扰动区、扰动区、微扰动区和未扰动区。为全面反映土体在扰动下的应力路径和力学响应,必须考虑全应变范围的土体特性,尤其是小应变范围内的力学响应,因此对小应变硬化土本构模型关键参数(初始剪切模量和剪应变阀值)的确定方法进行介绍。开展上海典型软土的三轴固结排水剪切试验和固结试验研究,给出确定上海软土小应变硬化土模型(HSSmall)参数的方法,建议采用原位测试的方法确定土体的初始弹性模量。基于土单元数值模拟进行初始弹性模量和剪应变阀值的参数敏感性分析。随着初始弹性模量的增大,初始压缩曲线与卸载-再压缩曲线的斜率均增大。由于对应的回弹模量不变,初始弹性模量与回弹模量的差值增大,应变与偏应力试验曲线的回滞环宽度也随之增大。随着剪应变阀值的增大,初始压缩曲线和再压缩曲线的近似直线段增长,在同样剪应力情况下,土体的应变值减小,土体保持初始弹性模量刚度的区间增大。  相似文献   

结合叠合小应变模型和结构性土的损伤理论,提出了可以考虑土的结构性损伤对小应变下刚度的影响的小应变模型。该模型可作为其他常规土体本构模型的数据接口模型,从而使其他常规本构模型能充分反映土体的小应变特性。通过与实验资料比较分析表明模型可以有效模拟结构性土体的小应变特性。  相似文献   

回顾了地震地面加速度随机过程模型,根据随机振动理论采用迭代方法求解出与我国现行《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)设计反应谱相对应的功率谱密度函数,选用胡聿贤功率谱密度函数拟合上述功率谱密度函数,运用非线性拟合技术给出了与规范对应的胡聿贤功率谱参数,可供这种模型作为地震地面运动输入时选用。  相似文献   

兰州地区红层泥岩形成于干旱、半干旱环境,其物理力学特性与其他地区的红层泥岩不同。以G6京藏高速兰海养护维修工程的红层泥岩路基填料为研究对象,通过大量的常规三轴试验,研究含水率对其力学特性及邓肯-张模型参数的影响。结果表明:在不同含水率下兰州地区红层泥岩的应力-应变曲线关系符合双曲线模型。含水率小于最优含水率时,破坏形式为剪切破坏;含水率大于最优含水率,破坏形式为鼓状破坏;随着含水率的增加,黏聚力和内摩擦角逐渐减小,内摩擦角减小的幅度更大,究其原因是含水率对黏聚力和内摩擦角的影响机理不同而导致。采用数学模型进行拟合发现:黏聚力、内摩擦角与含水率分别呈二次抛物线与对数曲线关系。不同含水率下邓肯-张模型参数破坏比R_f在区间(0.869,0.984)内波动,K值随含水率增大而减小呈负线性关系,n值随含水率的增大而增大呈线性关系。  相似文献   

The lacustrine sedimentary records of coal-burning atmospheric pollution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the acceleration of industrialization, coal- burning atmospheric pollution is getting more and more serious in many regions in China. However, there are only about ten odd years literature records about pollution in some large and mid-sized cities, where the atmosphere has perhaps been polluted for several decades, and therefore it is difficult to know the process and characteristic of pollution, and diffi-cult to evaluate its damage to environment. Lacustrine sediment, a natural record w…  相似文献   

A one-dimensional constitutive model, developed for the nonlinear ground response analysis of layered soil deposits, is calibrated and validated experimentally in this paper. The small number of parameters renders the model easily implementable, yet quite flexible in effectively reproducing almost any type of experimentally observed hysteretic soil behavior. In particular, the model generates realistic shear modulus and damping curves as functions of shear strain, as well as stress–strain hysteresis loops. The model is calibrated against three sets of widely-used published shear modulus and damping (G : γ and ξ : γ) curves and a library of parameter values is assembled to facilitate its use. The model, along with a developed explicit finite-difference code, NL-DYAS, for analyzing the wave propagation in layered hysteretic soil deposits, is tested against established constitutive models and numerical tools such as Cyclic1D [12] and SHAKE [42], and validated against experimental data from two centrifuge tests. Emphasis is given on the proper assessment of the Vs profile in the centrifuge tests, on the role of soil nonlinearity, and on comparisons of two inelastic codes (NL-DYAS and Cyclic1D) with equivalent linear (SHAKE) analysis.  相似文献   

Remotely sensed (RS) data can add value to a hydrological model calibration. Among this, RS soil moisture (SM) data have mostly been assimilated into conceptual hydrological models using various transformed variable or indices. In this study, raw RS surface SM is used as a calibration variable in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model. This means the SM values were not transformed into another variable (e.g., soil water index and root zone SM index). Using a nested catchment, calibration based only on RS SM and optimizing model parameters sensitive to SM using particle swarm optimization improved variations in streamflow predictions at some of the gauging stations compared to the uncalibrated model. This highlighted part of the catchments where the SM signal directly influenced the flow distribution. Additionally, highlighted high and low flow signals were mostly influenced. The seasonal breakdown indicates that the SM signal is more useful for calibrating in wetter seasons and in areas with higher variations in elevation. The results identified that calibration only on RS SM improved the general rainfall–runoff response simulation by introducing delays but cannot correct the overall routing effect. Furthermore, catchment characteristics (e.g., land use, elevation, soil types, and precipitation) regulating SM variation in different seasons highlighted by the model calibration are identified. This provides further opportunities to improve model parameterization.  相似文献   

软弱土层的厚度及埋深对深厚软弱场地地震效应的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
就软弱土层的埋深和厚度对深厚场地地震动的影响进行了数值分析。场地1、场地2和场地3分别选自南京、盐城和天津。场地1、场地2用于分析软弱表层土的厚度对地表地震动参数的影响:场地1的软弱表层土厚度从2m依次增加到30m,构造了18个土层剖面;场地2的软弱表层土的厚度从2m依次增加到36m,构造了21个土层剖面。场地3用于分析软弱夹层的埋深和厚度对地表地震动参数的影响:软弱夹层的埋深从2m增加到62m,构造了16个剖面;软弱夹层的厚度从2m增加到10m,构造了5个剖面。选用Taft、E1 Centro和Northridge地震记录作为输入地震动,将Taft、El Centro和Northridge地震波加速度时程的峰值水平调整为0.35m/s^2,0.70m/s^2和0.98m/s^2,利用程序SHAKE91对不同的构造剖面、不同的输入地震波及不同的峰值加速度水平,共进行了507种组合的场地地震反应分析。分析表明:对于给定的输入地震动条件,当软弱表层土的厚度超过一定界限值时,地表加速度峰值及放大系数的变化已不很明显;当软弱表层土的厚度超过一定界限值时,加速度放大系数会小于1。也即软弱表层土可起到减震的作用;对于同一场地,输入地震动强度越大,此软表层厚度值越小。对于给定的输入地震动和峰值加速度水平,随着软弱夹层埋深的增加,地表加速度峰值和放大系数入都有减小的趋势,当埋深超过一定值后,地表加速度放大系数小于1.0;软弱夹层厚度对地表加速度峰值的影响与软弱夹层所处位置有关。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of a comprehensive statistical study aimed at evaluating peak lateral inelastic displacement demands of structures with known lateral strength and stiffness built on soft soil site conditions. For that purpose, empirical information on inelastic displacement ratios which are defined as the ratio of peak lateral inelastic displacement demands to peak elastic displacement demands are investigated. Inelastic displacement ratios were computed from the response of single‐degree‐of‐freedom systems having 6 levels of relative lateral strength when subjected to 118 earthquake ground motions recorded on bay‐mud sites of the San Francisco Bay Area and on soft soil sites located in the former lake‐bed zone of Mexico City. Mean inelastic displacement ratios and their corresponding scatter are presented for both ground motion ensembles. The influence of period of vibration normalized by the predominant period of the ground motion, the level of lateral strength, earthquake magnitude, and distance to the source are evaluated and discussed. In addition, the effects of post‐yield stiffness and of stiffness and strength degradation on inelastic displacement ratios are also investigated. It is concluded that magnitude and distance to the source have negligible effects on constant‐strength inelastic displacement ratios. Results also indicate that weak and stiffness‐degrading structures in the short spectral region could experience inelastic displacement demands larger than those corresponding to non‐degrading structures. Finally, a simplified equation obtained using regression analyses aimed at estimating mean inelastic displacement ratios is proposed for assisting structural engineers in performance‐based assessment of structures built on soft soil sites. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目前相关规范主要依据工程场地单点的测试数据进行砂土液化判别,而实际的三维土层结构可能非常复杂。研究土层结构对砂土液化的影响机制,有利于提高砂土液化判别结果准确度。分析2008 年5 月28 日发生的松原MS地震和2010—2011 年新西兰坎特伯雷地震序列中砂土液化点的分布,结果显示:砂土液化点主要位于高弯度河流的沉积相地层,凹岸侧蚀、凸岸沉积形成的边滩具有典型的二元结构,其顶部分布的黏土类不透水层有利于下伏饱和粉细砂等易液化土层的超孔隙水压累积;而辫状河流沉积相中,上覆黏土类不透水层间断分布特征明显。针对河流不同沉积相的土层结构建立简化场地模型,使用FLAC3D 进行砂土液化数值模拟,揭示出不同土层结构中超孔隙水压力的累积、消散和渗流过程机制,结果表明,河流沉积相土层结构对砂土液化场点的分布和地表变形具有显著影响。在合理的工程地质分区基础上,现有的液化判别方法有必要考虑场地的土层结构的影响。   相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the development of a stochastic model for evaluating the long-term effect of soil erosion on soil productivity. Due to random variations in annual crop yield, the effect of erosion on crop production is not easily detectable in the short run, but becomes gradually evident over a sufficiently long time period. Under these circumstances, it seems that an experimental approach to this problem may be very difficult. The long period of time over which such an experiment has to be conducted may result in prohibitively high costs. In addition, it also means that eventual resolution of this problem must be postponed until a distant future time. The stochastic model formulated here provides us with a useful tool to assess the trend in quantitative changes in crop production due to erosion and to project future crop losses. The model is a discrete parameter stochastic process. Its derivation is based on a single assumption that the annual loss rates form a sequence of independent random variables {Zi}1∞ (in this paper, we consider only two particular cases: (a) {Zi}1∞ is a sequence of constants; (b) {Zi}1∞ is a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables). For these particular cases, we obtained its marginal n-dimensional distribution function and correlation function. One of the principal model features is its simple structure and remarkable lack of restrictive and unrealistic assumptions.  相似文献   

Global hydrological models(GHMs) are important tools for addressing worldwide change-related water resource problems from a global perspective. However, the development of these models has long been hindered by their low accuracy. In order to improve the streamflow simulation accuracy of GHMs, we developed a GHM—the FLEX-Global—based on the regionalization of hydrological model parameters. The FLEX-Global model is primarily based on the framework of the FLEX hydrological model coupled with the HAND-based Storage Capacity curve(HSC) runoff generation module to calculate net rainfall, and uses the global river-routing Ca Ma-Flood model to calculate river network routing. This new model allows for streamflow simulation at a spatial resolution of 0.5°×0.5° and a temporal resolution of 1 day in global catchments. To validate FLEX-Global accuracy, the FLEX-Global-simulated streamflow of 26 major rivers distributed in five different climate zones was compared with the observed data from the Global Runoff Data Center(GRDC). Next, the model performance of FLEXGlobal was further verified by comparing it with that of seven existing GHMs with varying accuracy in the five climate zones.Multi-metric evaluation indicated that the streamflow simulation accuracy was improved by the FLEX-Global model with regionalized parameters, especially in the tropical and dry climate zones. This newly-developed GHM with regionalized parameters can provide scientific support for the assessment of climate change impact, optimization of global water resource mangement, simulation of Earth's multi-sphere coupling, and implementation of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project(ISIMIP).  相似文献   

A numerical model for dynamic soil liquefaction analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an effective stress-based numerical model, which can be used to obtain pore pressure build up and consequent loss of soil strength due to earthquake-induced shaking. The main advantage of the new method is that it needs few model parameters compared to many existing effective stress-based ground response analysis methods. The pore pressure generation is calculated using the equivalent cycle pore pressure model developed by Seed et al. [J Geotech Engng Div, ASCE 102 (1976) 323] but the equations are used in a different manner. Pore pressure generation calculated by the new method and the equivalent cycle method for different load patterns shows that the new method can predict pore pressures which are in better agreement with experimental data, irrespective of the loading pattern. The equivalent cycle method predicts results in agreement with experimental data only when the loading pattern is highly irregular, and tends to under-predict pore pressure ratios for other loading patterns. To demonstrate the ability of the new method in simulating earthquake-induced site response and liquefaction-related ground deformations, the Kobe, 1995 earthquake has been analysed. The results obtained from the new analysis agree reasonably well with recorded accelerations and lateral ground displacements at Port Island, Kobe.  相似文献   


随着ChinArray等大型地震观测项目逐渐推进, 一些台站不得不安装在软土层等较高背景噪声区域, 研究这些区域中不同类型地震仪在不同安装方法之间的背景噪声水平差异, 对于提高观测数据质量、选取观测仪器类型、研制地震仪器等问题具有重要意义.本文在北京通州西集地震台, 通过一系列比测实验研究了宽频带地震仪在不同安装深度、安装方式以及保温隔离防护方式下的安装效果差异, 结果表明: 在0.05~1 Hz的海浪脉动噪声频段附近, 所有参与比测地震仪的三个分量背景噪声水平均高度一致, 符合远场海浪脉动信号的特点; 在低于0.05 Hz的低频段范围, 背景噪声主要和地震计附近的温度变化及气流扰动环境相关, 增加安装深度和采取保温隔离防护措施效果类似, 其中垂直向对保温隔离防护措施更为敏感, 比如1~2 m深度安装的地震计在妥善进行保温隔离措施后可获得和283 m井下地震计类似噪声水平, 水平向由于存在地倾斜噪声, 当大幅度增加安装深度时仍可有效降低噪声水平; 在高于1 Hz的高频段范围, 背景噪声衰减和地下介质岩性相关, 软土层地区地下10 m以内随安装深度增加背景噪声水平衰减非常有限.另外, 我们还研究了宽频带、短周期、节点式等不同类型地震仪的安装效果差异, 结果表明: 在软土层地区的地震观测, 需要针对不同观测目的选择合适的地震仪; 在密集台阵观测中, 不同类型仪器的组合观测是更科学的方式.


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