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中国龙虾叶状幼体营养初步试验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
韦受庆  赖彬 《海洋通报》2000,19(2):36-41
通过多次对比重复试验,对用对虾液汁培育金藻Dicrateiasp、扁藻Plalymomassp,用金藻、扁藻培育丰年虫Arlemia salina幼体和毛蚶Scapharca subcrenata,以及用金藻扁藻、丰年虫投喂中国龙虾Panu欤椋颍酰? stimpsoni早期叶状幼体进行了探讨。结果表明,叶状幼体进入第Ⅲ 期后交替掺喂毛蚶卵巢刀额新对虾Metapenaeusensis肉,取得较好的培育  相似文献   

饥饿对中国龙虾叶状幼体Ⅰ期发育、摄食及存活的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
中国龙虾叶状幼体Ⅰ期在饥饿条件下的生长发育、变态、存活的研究结果表明:初孵叶状幼体耐饥饿能力较强,完全饥饿144h,成活率为100%,饥饿192~216h,成活率为76%~68%.由生长和变态来看,推迟24~36h投饵,对叶状幼体Ⅰ期的生长没有明显影响.在摄食饵料方面,初孵幼体饥饿144h,仍然有55%的幼体具有摄食能力.饥饿24~120h的初期叶状幼体摄食卤虫幼体的大小(体长为349.5~604.9μm)可达到自身体长的1/2~1/3.当叶状幼体连续摄饵时间达60h,体内储存一定的营养后,即使不再喂食,幼体也能变态,但变态率较低.由间隔投饵效果来看,每隔8,16,24h投饵,幼体的发育变态差异不大.这些研究结果对开展龙虾基础生物学与人工育苗技术研究,提高育苗成活率将有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   

Ca2+, Mg2+对中国龙虾叶状幼体存活、变态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙虾是高级海产品,经济价值很高.龙虾的发育要经过叶状幼体、游龙虾幼体、稚龙虾和成体龙虾几个阶段.在龙虾幼体的培育中,叶状幼体生长、蜕皮、变态所需时间最长.影响叶状幼体存活、变态的因子较多,除了温度、盐度、光照以及铒料的质量、数量之外,还与海水中的矿物元素等有关.在矿物元素中Ca2+,Mg2+作用显得比较突出.龙虾蜕壳、生长与体内的Ca2+,Mg2+积累有关,Ca2+,Mg2+对龙虾幼体的营养物质和能量代谢极为重要.龙虾幼体在蜕皮生长的过程中需要足够的钙、镁来满足体壳(皮)的更新和机体的生长所需.  相似文献   

近几十年来,对虾类一直在世界渔业中占有十分重要的地位,这就使人们在发展养殖业的同时,重视对虾资源的研究。掌握整个种群动态,搞好对虾的资源补充预报,是科学管理对虾种群资源的关键。而正确的补充预报,有赖于对虾种类的鉴定。 与成体相比,对虾幼体及仔虾的分类学研究较少,而且很不完善。其主要原因是对虾类在早期生活史阶段形态上极大的相似性,特别同属内的种类,往往很难鉴别。尚已进行的研究,多是对单个种的描述或在属级以  相似文献   

紫球藻培养鲍幼体的饵料效果试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

日本对虾幼体对卤虫无节幼体摄食量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对虾人工育苗生产中,卤虫是重要的生物饵料。卤虫无节幼体营养丰富,能促进对虾幼体的变态发育,提高对虾幼体成活率。但是,对虾早期幼体摄食卤虫能力较弱,若卤虫投喂过量,不仅造成浪费,而且过量的卤虫在育苗池中快速生长,饵料生物成了养殖对象,不利于水质的管理和控制。日本对虾(Penausjaponicus)早期仔虾幼体有相互攻击、残食的习性,若卤虫投喂不足,相互残食的现象将更为严重。因此,了解日本对虾幼体摄食卤虫无节幼体的习性,从而适当掌握卤虫的投喂量,在生产上有着现实的意义。1材料与方法1.1材料实验…  相似文献   

远海梭子蟹幼体发育的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
廖永岩  余波  董学兴 《台湾海峡》2001,20(4):533-546
本文对人工培养的远海梭子蟹各期幼体进行观察,结果发现,远海梭子蟹整个幼体发育过程共蜕皮6次,即Sou状幼体阶段脱皮5次;大眼幼体阶段蜕皮1次。在27.4-28.2℃的培养条件下,远海梭子蟹从破膜孵出到变态为第一期幼蟹,需经14-15d。  相似文献   

林盛  黄宗国 《海洋学报》1991,13(5):686-691
根据周年逐周水平拖网的资料,报道了大亚湾核电站进水口龙虾、蝉虾、磁蟹、蟹和虾蛄的阿利玛幼虫和艾利图幼虫等6类甲壳类幼体周年逐周数量变化和昼夜变化。结果表明,5月底—10月幼虫的丰度最大;6类幼虫都存在夜间多、白天少的昼夜垂直移动现象。  相似文献   

龙虾加工成整肢龙虾、龙虾仁,利用龙虾壳开发甲壳素,加工后的产品全部出口。一只龙虾做出三道“洋菜”,江苏省启东市对海产品精深加工的经验值得借鉴。科学地开发海洋资源,把一只龙虾的价值提高数十倍,不仅获得高额的利润,更是对海洋资源的充分利用。假若海洋经济所涉及的各个行业都能象加工一只龙虾一样“物尽共用”,那么海洋就会带给人类巨大的财富。加入WTO后,沿海地区海洋产业加大管理力度,使海洋企业得到了篷勃的发展。自本期始,海洋经济栏目将陆续介绍部分沿海地区的成功做法,以期为我国海洋经济的发展有所促进。  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2005,29(5):385-390
There remain overlapping claims of jurisdiction by Canada and the US related to the 1984 Gulf of Maine boundary decision. The disputed territory, known as the grey zone, is a rich lobster fishing area and a simmering dispute between Canadian and US lobster fishers finally erupted here in August 2002. Jurisdictional and management issues remain unresolved. Stock conservation and associated socioeconomic impacts are concerns.  相似文献   

Excess capacity is a major concern for fisheries management worldwide. It is often argued that Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) systems will enhance efficiency and alleviate problems of excess capacity. While improvements in efficiency have been observed, most empirical studies have found only modest changes in excess capacity as a result of such systems. Using a database of compulsory log-book information for the Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishery in Australia, from January 2000 to December 2013, this study presents the first analysis to investigate the dynamic behaviour of both excess capacity and efficiency (i.e. technical and scale efficiency) in an industrialised fleet after the introduction of quota management. The analysis revealed weak evidence for a prolonged adjustment in the fishery following the introduction of an ITQ system. In addition, no marked changes in excess capacity were observed over the study period; and furthermore, there was no evidence for an increase in excess capacity during a period of non-binding Total Allowable Catch (TAC) when race to fish behaviour increased in the fishery. The results suggest a limited ability of the ITQ system to alleviate levels of excess capacity in fisheries in the long-term.  相似文献   

Studies in marine microbiology relevant to the cultivation of lobster in Fatty Basin were made. Biomass of bacteria and allied microorganisms in whole seawater column of the basin was very small (2×104 gC), but a large biomass was found in the sediments (3×105 gC). The decomposition of chitin occurred chiefly in the sediments. The rate of decomposition (500 g/day) was approximately half of the rate of production. However, the remaining production was considered not to be involved in the chitin cycle of the basin. This hypothesis was supported by the results of the analysis of the budget of organic matter in the area. Shell disease of lobster caused by chitinoclastic bacteria was detected, although it was not serious. A destructive yeast parasite of crustaceans,Metschnikowia, was collected only from a crab in the basin. This report is dedicated to Professor KenSugawara for his 70 years old anniversary.  相似文献   


Movement patterns of the Southern Rock Lobster Jasus edwardsii in Victoria, Australia were investigated from 8,533 tag-recapture events across a 20-year period (1992–2012). In total, 83% of lobsters were recaptured within 1?km of their tagging site and 93% within 5?km. While largely resident, elevated movements were observed within specific regions, with the overall direction of movement being from inshore to offshore areas. Movement was not impacted by lobster sex, size, or reproductive stage. The fishery for Southern Rock Lobster within Victoria is currently managed into two zones with separate total allowable commercial catches in each area. Given the high levels of site fidelity, our findings suggest that management of the resource at this spatial scale is appropriate and that consideration of significant movement between zones is not warranted in fishery stock assessment models.  相似文献   

大连湾牡蛎的组织培养   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用MEM培养基对大连湾牡蛎的血细胞,鳃和外套膜者了组织培养,共培养了7批,血细胞培养20min后即开始贴壁,2h后细胞呈分枝状和圆形,鳃细胞呈圆形,生长旺盛,易获得传代细胞,其中有三株分别传至第7,第10和第11代,外套膜细胞圆形,细胞较大,生长速率慢,传代周期长,有5株传至第4代,并比较了3种组织在不同浓度NaCl的培养基中的生长情况。  相似文献   

浅析我国的海岛文化产业   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
作为21世纪“朝阳产业”的文化产业已经成为西方发达国家经济增长的强进剂,如2000年来,美国的国内影院票房收入就达77亿美元。改革开放20年来,随着我国经济的快速发展及人民文化消费水平的提高,文化产业已有了长足的发展,各种新型文化产业门类不断产生,文化产业结构性变化频繁。文化产业的发展在沿海经济发达地区,尤其是在大城市尤为迅猛。文化产业发展较好的上海市,1998年的增加值占全市GDP的比重为4.3%,已显现成为支柱产业的势头。然而,对同为沿海地区的海岛来说,尽管与大陆分离且经济总体实力不足,但有自身的文化产业发展条件,并呈现产…  相似文献   

探讨舟山海洋文化的发展轨迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在数千年的历史发展过程中,舟山与海洋结下了不解之缘,从而锤炼、形成了一种"海魂"--舟山海洋文化.它起源于六千年前的浙江河姆渡文化,受吴越文化和移民文化的影响,在与近现代西方文化的交流中,逐步形成时代的、开放的海洋新文化.在新世纪海洋开发中,弘扬舟山海洋文化,并不断注入现代意识,使其不断得到扬弃和升华.  相似文献   

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