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Ground water flow was investigated at Clear Lake, a 1468-ha glacial lake in north-central Iowa, as part of a comprehensive water quality study. A multiscale approach, consisting of seepage meters (and a potentiomanometer), Darcy's law, and an analytic element (AE) model, was used to estimate ground water inflow to and outflow from the lake. Estimates from the three methods disagreed. Seepage meters recorded a median-specific discharge of 0.25 mum/s, which produced a lake inflow rate between 90,750 and 138,200 m3/d, but no detectable outflow. A wave-induced Bernoulli effect probably compromised both inflow and outflow measurements. Darcy's law was applied to 11 zones around the lake, producing inflow and outflow values of 10,500 and 5000 m3/d, respectively. The AE model, GFLOW, coupled with the parameter estimation model, UCODE, simulated ground water flow in a 700-km2 region using 31 hydraulic head and base flow measurements as calibration targets. The model produced ground water inflow and outflow rates of 14,300 and 9200 m3/d, respectively. Although not a substitute for field data, the model's ability to simulate ground water flow to the lake and the region, estimate uncertainty for model parameters, and calculate a lake stage and associated lake water balance makes it a powerful tool for water quality management and an attractive alternative to the traditional methods of ground water/lake investigation.  相似文献   

Stable isotope tracers of δ18O and δ2H are increasingly being applied in the study of water cycling in regional-scale watersheds in which human activities, like river regulation, are important influences. In 2015, δ18O and δ2H were integrated into a water quality survey in the Muskoka River Watershed with the aim to provide new regional-scale characterization of isotope hydrology in the 5,100-km2 watershed located on the Canadian Shield in central Ontario, Canada. The forest dominated region includes ~78,000 ha of lakes, 42 water control structures, and 11 generating stations, categorized as “run of river.” Within the watershed, stable isotope tracers have long been integrated into hydrologic process studies of both headwater catchments and lakes. Here, monthly surveys of δ18O and δ2H in river flow were conducted in the watershed between April 2015 and November 2016 (173 surface water samples from 10 river stations). Temporal patterns of stable isotopes in river water reflect seasonal influences of snowmelt and summer-time evaporative fractionation. Spatial patterns, including differences observed during extreme flood levels experienced in the spring of 2016, reflect variation in source contributions to river flow (e.g., snowmelt or groundwater versus evaporatively enriched lake storage), suggesting more local influences (e.g., glacial outwash deposits). Evidence of combined influences of source mixing and evaporative fractionation could, in future, support application of tracer-enabled hydrological modelling, estimation of mean transit times and, as such, contribute to studies of water quality and water resources in the region.  相似文献   

A field-scale demonstration project was conducted to evaluate the capability of eastern cottonwood trees (Populus deltoides) to attenuate trichloroethene (TCE) contamination of ground water. By the middle of the sixth growing season, trees planted where depth to water was <3 m delivered enough dissolved organic carbon to the underlying aquifer to lower dissolved oxygen concentrations, to create iron-reducing conditions along the plume centerline and sulfate-reducing or methanogenic conditions in localized areas, and to initiate in situ reductive dechlorination of TCE. Apparent biodegradation rate constants for TCE along the centerline of the plume beneath the phytoremediation system increased from 0.0002/d to 0.02/d during the first six growing seasons. The corresponding increase in natural attenuation capacity of the aquifer along the plume centerline, from 0.0004/m to 0.024/m, is associated with a potential decrease in plume-stabilization distance from 9680 to 160 m. Demonstration results provide insight into the amount of vegetation and time that may be needed to achieve cleanup objectives at the field scale.  相似文献   

Since 1995, a network of municipal wells in Iowa, representing all major aquifer types (alluvial, bedrock/karst region, glacial drift, bedrock/nonkarst region), has been repeatedly sampled for a broad suite of herbicide compounds yielding one of the most comprehensive statewide databases of such compounds currently available in the United States. This dataset is ideal for documenting the insight that herbicide degradates provide to the spatial and temporal distribution of herbicides in ground water. During 2001, 86 municipal wells in Iowa were sampled and analyzed for 21 herbicide parent compounds and 24 herbicide degradates. The frequency of detection increased from 17% when only herbicide parent compounds were considered to 53% when both herbicide parents and degradates were considered. Thus, the transport of herbicide compounds to ground water is substantially underestimated when herbicide degradates are not considered. A significant difference in the results among the major aquifer types was apparent only when both herbicide parent compounds and their degradates were considered. In addition, including herbicide degradates greatly improved the statistical relation to the age of the water being sampled. When herbicide parent compounds are considered, only 40% of the wells lacking a herbicide detection could be explained by the age of the water predating herbicide use. However, when herbicide degradates were also considered, 80% of the ground water samples lacking a detection could be explained by the age of the water predating herbicide use. Finally, a temporal pattern in alachlor concentrations in ground water could only be identified when alachlor degradates were considered.  相似文献   

Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration - The Fraser River delta in Greater Vancouver, Canada consists of deep soft deposits of silts and clays, and it is well known that the deep soil...  相似文献   

洞庭湖水面面积与城陵矶水位之间的绳套关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洞庭湖是我国第二大淡水湖,与长江连通,在防洪抗旱和湿地生态保护等方面具有重要的现实意义.采用Terra/MODIS L1B遥感数据,提取了2000-2012年洞庭湖水面面积,结合同期城陵矶水位观测数据,建立了城陵矶水位与洞庭湖水面面积的绳套关系曲线.分析结果表明:2000-2012年间,洞庭湖水面面积呈现总体减少的趋势;在季节上表现为规律性的涨落,具有明显的涨(4-6月)-丰(7-9月)-退(10-12月)-枯(1-3月)的水文特征;在空间格局上表现为由湖体中心向外扩张,随后由外向湖体中心逐渐收缩的变化过程;洞庭湖水面面积与城陵矶水位之间具有较高的相关性,但不同时期的相关系数存在一定的差异:枯水期二者相关性较低,丰水期相关性最高,涨水期和退水期相关性较高;这种差异与各个时期的主导因素不同有关,长江来水对枯水期、丰水期的绳套关系影响较大,其中东洞庭湖最为明显;不论丰水年(2002年)或干旱年(2011年),洞庭湖水面面积变化与城陵矶水位之间的相关性均较高.研究结果对于深入认识江湖关系的宏观复杂性、长江中下游地区以及洞庭湖水域洪涝灾害的预防和治理都具有积极的意义.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the importance of the including and appropriately parameterizing peatlands and forestlands for basin‐scale integrated surface–subsurface models in the northern boreal forest, with particular emphasis on the Athabasca River Basin (ARB). With a long‐term water balance approach to the ARB, we investigate reasons why downstream mean annual stream flow rates are consistently higher than upstream, despite the subhumid water deficit conditions in the downstream regimes. A high‐resolution 3D variably saturated subsurface and surface water flow and evapotranspiration model of the ARB is constructed based on the bedrock and surficial geology and the spatial distribution of peatlands and their corresponding eco‐regions. Historical climate data were used to drive the model for calibration against 40‐year long‐term average surface flow and groundwater observations during the historic instrumental period. The simulation results demonstrate that at the basin‐scale, peatlands and forestlands can have a strong influence on the surface–subsurface hydrologic systems. In particular, peatlands in the midstream and downstream regimes of the ARB increase the water availability to the surface–subsurface water systems by reducing water loss through evapotranspiration. Based on the comparison of forestland evapotranspiration between observation and simulation, the overall spatial average evapotranspiration in downstream forestlands is larger than that in peatlands and thus the water contribution to the stream flow in downstream areas is relatively minor. Therefore, appropriate representation of peatlands and forestlands within the basin‐scale hydrologic model is critical to reproduce the water balance of the ARB.  相似文献   

We evaluated the importance and contributions of changes in stream base cation concentration, stream discharge and lake shoreline load to changes in base cation concentrations in two small inland lakes in south‐central Ontario. The shoreline load from ungauged drainage areas was calculated with a mass balance equation. An evaluation method based on the partial Mann–Kendall test quantified the relative contributions of these three explanatory drivers to the observed trends in lake concentration of Ca, K, Mg and Na. Over a 29‐year period (1978–2006) at Red Chalk and Harp lakes, declines in stream concentration and discharge were correlated with the declines in lake concentrations of all base cations (except for Na in Harp Lake), with contributions of 21–81% from stream concentration and 12–58% from discharge, whereas the shoreline load had little contribution to observed trends. The observed unusual increase in Na concentration at Harp Lake was correlated with the increase in stream Na concentration and additional load from road salts, with the shoreline load contributing a substantial 37%. These results may be applicable to numerous inland lakes with similar site conditions, including lakes found on the Canadian Shield. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

朱博渊  徐琪  朱玲玲  李义天 《湖泊科学》2023,35(5):1832-1843
近70年来荆江三口分流持续减少,为分析各历史阶段三口分流变化的驱动因素,根据1955—2021年干支流水文、地形实测资料开展研究,并基于控制变量法识别各驱动因素贡献比例。结果表明:三口分流阶段性减少,且集中在5—11月。长江上游降雨减少导致的干流来流偏枯以及下荆江裁弯、葛洲坝拦沙造成的干流河道冲刷和三口口门淤积对三口分流减少促进作用明显,调弦口堵口对三口分流影响不大,三峡水库蓄水后干流河道与三口口门同步冲刷,三口分流变化不大。长江上游汛期降雨减少明显,对5—11月三口分流减少影响较大,且三口分流主要发生于汛期干流中洪水位时,导致在下荆江裁弯期干流河床大幅下切条件下5—11月分流显著减少;葛洲坝调度、三峡水库初期调度和试验性蓄水调度也集中于5—11月,使得5—11月三口分流量分别减小0.4×108、12.5×108和38.6×108m3。调弦口堵口对三口分流的增大作用远小于降雨的减小作用,贡献比例为负值;下荆江裁弯对三口分流减少的贡献比例达85%;水库运用期降雨对三口分流减少的贡献最大,贡献比例大于50%,葛洲坝调度几乎不...  相似文献   

为了探究不同地下水位的场地条件下对吹砂填海场地动力响应的影响,以广西北部湾吹砂填海场地为研究对象,基于FLAC3D软件结合前期室内试验结果建立了场地模型,进行了数值模拟分析。在此研究中着重分析地下水位的变化对场地加速度放大系数、加速度反应谱和地震液化效应的影响,为减轻吹砂填海建设场地的震害程度提供参考依据。结果表明:随着地下水位埋深的增加,地表加速度放大系数呈现出逐渐减小的趋势,地震放大作用主要集中在短周期,卓越周期也在短周期处取得;随着地下水位埋深的减小,地震波高频成分被过滤,低频成分被放大,场地特征周期与卓越周期均有增大趋势;地下水位变化对吹填沙土层液化的产生和发展具有显著的影响,随着地下水位的上升,砂土表现出更强的液化效应,并且液化现象随着地震峰值加速度的增大逐渐沿土层深部发展。  相似文献   

The proposed harvesting of previously undeveloped forests in north coastal British Columbia requires an understanding of hydrological responses. Hydrometric and isotopic techniques were used to examine the hydrological linkages between meteoric inputs to the surface‐groundwater system and runoff response patterns of a forest‐peatland complex. Quickflow accounted for 72–91% of peak storm discharge. The runoff ratio was lowest for open peatland areas with thick organic horizons (0·02–0·05) due to low topographic gradients and many surface depressions capable of retaining surface water. Runoff ratio increased comparatively for ephemeral surface seep flows (0·06–0·40) and was greatest in steeply sloping forest communities with more permeable soils (0·33–0·69). The dominant mechanism for runoff generation was saturated shallow subsurface flow. Groundwater fluxes from the organic horizon of seeps (1·70–1·72 m3 day?1 m?1) were an important component of quickflow. The homogeneous δ2H? δ18O composition of groundwater indicated attenuation of the seasonal rainfall signal by mixing during recharge. The positive correlation (r2 = 0·64 and 0·38, α = 0·05) between slope index and δ18O values in groundwater suggests that the spatial pattern in the δ18O composition along the forest‐peatland complex is influenced by topography and provides evidence that topographic indices may be used to predict groundwater residence time. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To assess whether changes in the frequency of heavy rainfall events are occurring over time, annual maximum records from 21 rainfall gauges in Ontario are examined using frequency analysis methods. Relative RMSE and related boxplots are used to characterize assessment for selecting distributions; the Gumbel distribution is verified as one of the most suitable distributions to provide accurate quantile estimates. Records were divided into two time periods, and tested using the Mann-Kendall test and lag-1 autocorrelations to ensure that data in each period are identically distributed. The confidence intervals of design rainfalls for each return period (2, 5, 10, and 25-year) are derived by using resampling method, and compared at 90 % confidence levels. The changes in heavy rainfall intensities are tested at gauges across the Province of Ontario. Several significant decreases in heavy rainfall intensities are identified in central and southern Ontario. Increases in heavy rainfall intensities are identified in gauges at Sioux Lookout and Belleville. The sensitivity analysis of changes identified with respect to the year of splitting indicates changes are occurring during the 1980s and 1990s.  相似文献   

We compared the interannual variability of annual daily maximum and minimum extreme water levels in Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River (Sorel station) from 1918 to 2010, using several statistical tests. The interannual variability of annual daily maximum extreme water levels in Lake Ontario is characterized by a positive long‐term trend showing two shifts in mean (1929–1930 and 1942–1943) and a single shift in variance (in 1958–1959). In contrast, for the St Lawrence River, this interannual variability is characterized by a negative long‐term trend with a single shift in mean, which occurred in 1955–1956. As for annual daily minimum extreme water levels, their interannual variability shows no significant long‐term change in trend. However, for Lake Ontario, the interannual variability of these water levels shows two shifts in mean, which are synchronous with those for maximum water levels, and a single shift in variance, which occurred in 1965–1966. These changes in trend and stationarity (mean and variance) are thought to be due to factors both climatic (the Great Drought of the 1930s) and human (digging of the Seaway and construction of several dams and locks during the 1950s). Despite this change in means and variance, the four series are clearly described by the generalized extreme value distribution. Finally, annual daily maximum and minimum extreme water levels in the St Lawrence and Lake Ontario are negatively correlated with Atlantic multidecadal oscillation over the period from 1918 to 2010. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A semi-empirical approach using fore- or after-shockrecords as Green's functions is applicable to thesimulation of strong ground motion, however suchrecords are obviously not available for predictionpurposes. Thus we have predicted ground motion fora hypothetical large earthquake from other minorevents by adopting a distance correction based ongeometrical spreading. Another difficulty inprediction is fault modeling. Surface traces weresimplified as fault models 27, 46, 55, and 77 km inlength. Further, the actual fault rupture may beinhomogeneous, so an asperity distribution isassumed. This asperity model assumes thatdislocation and stress drop are double than theaverage values. Although, the near field term isneglected in our simulation, no significantdifference was seen in the motions estimated byindividual models for periods up to 2.0 seconds. This indicates that the dependence of source size issmall for strong motion, perhaps as a result of therandom summation of high-frequency phases.  相似文献   

In 1988 and 1989, a natural gradient tracer test was performed in the shallow, aerobic and aquifer at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden. A mixture of ground water containing dissolved oxygenated gasoline was injected below the water table along with chloride (Cl-) as a conservative tracer. The migration of BTEX, MTBE, and Cl was monitored in detail for 16 moths. The mass of BTEX compounds in the plume diminished significantly with time due to intrinsic aerobic biodegradation, while MTBE showed only a small decrease in mass over the 16-month period. In 1995/96, a comprehensive ground water sampling program was undertaken to define the mass of MTBE still present in the aquifer. Since the plume had migrated into an unmonitored section of the Borden Aquifer, numerical modeling and geostatistical methods were applied to define an optimal sampling grid and to improve the level of confidence in the results. A drive point profiling system was used to obtain ground water samples. Numerical modeling with no consideration of degradation pedicted maximum concentrations in excess of 3000 μg/L; field sampling found maximum concentrations of less than 200 μg/L. A mass balance for the remaining MTBE mass in the aquifer eight years after injection showed that only 3% of the original mass remained. Sorption, volatilization, a biotic degradation, and plant uptake are not considered significant attenuation processes for the field conditions. Therefore, we suggest that biodegradation may have played a major role in the attenuation of MTBE within the Borden Aquifer.  相似文献   

以艾比湖主要入湖河流——精河与博尔塔拉河为研究对象,分别分析了精河与博尔塔拉河的水体溶解性有机质(DOM)的组成结构及水质参数与荧光指数的关系.利用平行因子分析法对三维荧光光谱(EEM)分析发现,精河与博尔塔拉河均含有C1(260/420 nm)腐殖酸等有机质、C2(240,240/490 nm)UVC类腐殖质、C3(220/280,300/450 nm)蛋白质类有机质和C4(260,270/530 nm)类腐殖质,且不同荧光组分结构具有一定差异性.为了进一步了解DOM组分特征,采用三维荧光区域积分法分析各区域标准体积百分比,结果表明精河与博尔塔拉河EEM的区域Ⅰ与区域Ⅱ蛋白质有机质含量最高,区域Ⅲ富里酸含量最低.相关性分析表明,主要入湖河流的水质参数与荧光指数中,自生源指数(BIX)与总氮(TN)浓度以及腐殖化指数(HIX)与铵态氮(NH_4~+-N)浓度的相关性较强,相关系数分别为0.831和0.684,且具有显著性;HIX与TN浓度的相关系数为0.604,达到显著性水平.进而对相关性较强的水质参数与荧光指数进行3次拟合,其中HIX与NH_4~+-N浓度的拟合效果最好,相关性系数为0.908,其次是BIX与TN浓度,相关性系数为0.844.总之,通过分析精河与博尔塔拉河三维荧光特征,以及探讨荧光指数与水质参数的关系,可为治理干旱区水环境问题提供理论依据和参考.  相似文献   

The bedrock freeze-thaw and moisture regimes at an actively eroding site on the Niagara Escarpment, Bruce Peninsula, southern Ontario, were monitored between December 1983 and April 1984, and the results compared with amounts of debris collected in an adjacent rock trap. Frost wedging in pre-existing rock fissures is the primary mechanism responsible for the observed rockfall events; hydration effects are negligible. Debris production was more closely related to the duration of the freezing leg of the freeze-thaw cycle than to intensity or to cycle frequency. Release also coincided with periods of high pore saturation (> 60 per cent) and the seepage of water from cracks and fissures. Fewer freeze-thaw cycles were recorded in the air than at 1 and 3.5 cm in the bedrock. The number of cycles that could be declared geomorphologically effective according to established temperature criteria was normally less than half the total number of freeze-thaw cycles recorded in both air and bedrock. Under the current temperature regime at the field site, few effective cycles are capable of penetrating more than 5 cm into the free face.  相似文献   

River ice break‐up is known to have important morphological, ecological and socio‐economic effects on cold‐regions river environments. One of the most persistent effects of the spring break‐up period is the occurrence of high‐water events. A return‐period assessment of maximum annual nominal water depths occurring during the spring break‐up and open‐water season at 28 Water Survey of Canada hydrometric sites over the 1913–2002 time period in the Mackenzie River basin is presented. For the return periods assessed, 13 (14) stations are dominated by peak events occurring during the spring break‐up (open‐water) season. One location is determined to have a mixed signal. A regime classification is proposed to separate ice‐ and open‐water dominated systems. As part of the regime classification procedure, specific characteristics of return‐period patterns including alignment, and difference between the 2 and 10‐year events are used to identify regime types. A dimensionless stage‐discharge plot allows for a contrast of the relative magnitudes of flows required to generate maximum nominal water‐depth events in the different regimes. At sites where discharge during the spring break‐up is approximately one‐quarter or greater than the magnitude of the peak annual discharge, nominal water depths can be expected to exceed those occurring during the peak annual discharge event. Several physical factors (location, basin area, stream order, gradient, river orientation, and climate) are considered to explain the differing regimes and discussed relative to the major sub‐regions of the MRB. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada.  相似文献   

Analysis and forecasting of water temperature are important for water ecological management. The objective of this study is to compare models for water temperature during the summer season for an impounded river. In a case study, we consider hydro-climatic and water temperature data for the Fourchue River (St-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada) between 2011 and 2014. Three different models are applied, which are broadly characterized as deterministic (CEQUEAU), stochastic (Auto-regressive Moving Average with eXogenous variables or ARMAX) and nonlinear (Nonlinear Autoregressive with eXogenous variables or NARX). The efficiency of each model is analysed and compared. The results show that the ARMAX is the best performing water temperature model for the Fourchue River and the CEQUEAU model also simulates water temperature adequately without the overfitting issues that seem to plague the autoregressive models.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman

ASSOCIATE EDITOR R. Hirsch  相似文献   

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