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Hydrothermally altered andesites in the upper member of the Amulet formation at Buttercup Hill, Noranda, Quebec represent part of the aquifer and cap of a self-sealing geothermal system that focussed the discharge of hydrothermal fluids during the formation of massive Cu-Zn sulfide deposits. Five alteration facies are recognized

1. 1) pervasive greenschist faciés regional metamorphism (least-altered andesite)

2. 2) epidotization-silicification

3. 3) albitization-silicification

4. 4) chloritization

5. 5) sericitization-silicification. Alteration is localized on permeable zones such as amygdules, fractures, flow tops, discordant breccia dikes, and conformable breccia horizons.

Epidotized-silicified andesite is enriched in Ca-Sr-Eu and depleted in Mg and first transition series metals (FTSM) relative to least-altered andesite. Albitized-silicified andesite is significantly enriched in Na and depleted in most FTSM relative to least-altered andesite. The abundances and inter-element ratios of the rare-earth elements (REE) and most high field-strength elements (HFS: Y, Zr, Th, U, Hf, Ta) are similar in least-altered, epidotized-silicified and albitized-silicified andesites. The most silicified andesites are strongly enriched in Na-Si, strongly depleted in Mg and divalent FTSM and slightly but systematically depleted in REE and most HFS elements. Serialized andesites were previously silicified; they are very strongly enriched in K-Rb-Cs-Ba, very strongly depleted in Na-Ca-Sr-Eu and slightly depleted in light REE relative to silicified andesite. Chloritized andesitic rocks exhibit heavy REE and HFS element ratios similar to those of leastaltered andesite, but are relatively strongly enriched in Mg and divalent FTSM, strongly depleted in Si and large ion lithophile (LIL) elements and slightly depleted in light REE.

The coupled behavior of the heavy REE and most HFS elements during epidotization, albitization, silicification, chloritization and serialization suggests that they were inert during hydrothermal modification of the andesite. Mass balance calculations suggest that volume was conserved during epidotization-silicification and albitization-silicification, but that intense silicification was accompanied by volume increases up to 30 percent.  相似文献   

Mineralium Deposita - The massive sulfide deposits of the Kristineberg area, Sweden, occur within a 2- to 3-km-thick succession of felsic volcaniclastic rocks belonging to the Skellefte Group. The...  相似文献   

Petrographic examinations and electron microprobe analyses of Proterozoic granitic rocks, SE Sweden aimed to characterize and unravel the mechanisms and conditions of plagioclase alterations. These alterations include saussuritization, albitization and replacement of plagioclase by K‐feldspar. The hydrothermal alterations, which are inferred to have occurred at ca. 250–400°C, resulted in concomitant formation of Al‐rich titanite, epidote, calcite, pumpellyite, prehnite and iron oxides. Replacement of plagioclase by K‐feldspar occurs in red‐stained zones, which have developed close to thin fractures owing to the precipitation of tiny Fe‐oxide pigment particles within the altered plagioclase, whereas saussuritized plagioclase has less systematic spatial relationships to these fractures. Albitization of plagioclase occurred in rocks that are poor in biotite compared to rocks that suffered extensive saussuritization. The chemical and textural characterization of various types of plagioclase alterations allows elucidation of the granitic hydrothermal systems. Features of feldspar alteration in the granitic rocks are similar to those encountered in feldspathic sandstones and should hence be considered in studies on diagenetic changes of siliciclastic successions during basin evolution. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Älvestorp conglomerates, deposited in an alluvial fan setting, form part of the Svecofennian orogenic belt in west Bergslagen, south central Sweden and are estimated to be as old as c. 1.85 Ga. Reaching a thickness of one kilometre, their architecture and form suggest an alluvial origin. Along sections, massive conglomerates often grade into pebbly mudstones and greenschist facies slates, while pure slates with dolomite concretions and olistolites occur in dark slatey mudstones on the eastern shore of lake Brunnsjön. Inner fan trenches are filled with massive, clast‐supported conglomerates that contain more than 80 percent epiclastic tuffaceous material. The Älvestorp conglomerate is therefore classified as the product of a Proterozoic stream‐flow channel and debris flow, or alluvial fan. The Grythyttan Basin to the north originated by extension after the first of two orogenic stages of Bergslagen.  相似文献   

The recently discovered Salgadinho copper deposit, 7 km NNE of S. Luis, Portugal is located in the southernmost linear belt of outcropping low metamorphic grade deformed Palaeozoic rocks (Famennian) in the SW part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The stratabound replacement pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralisation is present in variably altered felsic pyroclastic rocks which are overlain by pyritic graphitic shales and tuffs which have undergone alteration in the lowermost 5m. The altered pyroclastic rocks are characterised by pale green celadonitic fluoro-muscovite and, in the most intense zone of alteration, quartz, ankerite, and ore minerals are present (pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, galena, bournonite). No exhalative Cu-Zn or Zn-Pb ore has been discovered associated with the submarine volcanic stratabound Cu-rich alteration zone. Alteration of feldspars and groundmass has involved a net loss from the system and gains in Fe2+, F, H2O, Mg, Fe3+, Ca, Mn, P, Ti, S, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Sb, Ag and Au at the expense of Si, K, Al and Na. The great enrichment of F in the altered rocks, the association of zonal alteration facies with coarse grained pyroclastic masses and the intimate association of pale green celadonitic fluoro-muscovite with mineralisation at Salgadinho and most other deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt represents a powerful exploration guide for submarine exhalative ores.Text of paper presented at the 26th I.G.C., Paris, July 1980  相似文献   

Seafloor hydrothermal alteration at an Archaean mid-ocean ridge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A hydrothermally metamorphosed/altered greenstone complex capped by bedded cherts exposed in the North Pole, Pilbara Carton, Western Australia, is interpreted as an accretionary complex. It is distinctive in being characterised by both duplex structure and an oceanic crust stratigraphy. This complex is shown to represent an Archaean upper oceanic crust with a mid‐ocean ridge hydrothermal metamorphism that increases in grade stratigraphically downward. Three mineral zones have been defined; Zone A of the zeolite facies, the prehnite‐pumpellyite facies or the lower‐greenschist facies at high‐XCO2 condition, Zone B of the greenschist facies, and Zone C of the greenschist/amphibolite transition facies. In Zone A metabasites, Ca‐Al silicates including Ca‐zeolites, prehnite and pumpellyite are absent and epidote/clinozoisite is extremely rare. Instead, abundant carbonates are present with chlorite suggesting high‐XCO2 composition in the fluid. On the other hand, in Zones B and C metabasites, where Ca‐amphibole + epidote/clinozoisite + chlorite + Ca‐Na plagioclase are the dominant assemblages, carbonate is not identified. The metamorphic conditions boundary of Zones B/C were estimated to be about 350 °C at a pressure of <0.5 kbar. Fluid compositions coexisting with Archaean greenstones at the transition between Zones B and C were estimated by thermodynamic calculation in the CaFMASCH system (T = 350–370 °C, P = 150–1000 bar) at XCO2 of 0.012–0.140, such values are higher than present‐day vent fluids collected near mid‐ocean ridges with low‐XCO2 values, up to 0.005. The Archaean seawater depth at the mid‐ocean ridge was estimated to be 1600 m at XCO2 = 0.06 using a depth‐to‐boiling point curve for a fluid. The carbonation due to high‐XCO2 hydrothermal fluids occurred near the ridge‐axis before or was coincident with ridge metamorphism.  相似文献   

A Sm-Nd mineral isochron of 1932 ± 45 Ma on a Kiruna greenstone is defined by greenschist facies metamorphic minerals, apparently older than the regional Svecokarelian metamorphism (< 1880 Ma). However, this age agrees within error with U-Pb zircon ages of 1909 ± 1617 Ma on quartz-bearing prophyries which overlie but are, in part, intercalated with basic volcanics. If these basic volcanics, following previous studies, are considered to be contemporary with the Kiruna greenstones, the present data suggest that eruption of both basic and acid volcanics and associated hydrothermal metamorphism took place over a short time interval close to 1.9 Ga.The greenstone sample is depleted in light rare-earths and has high initial 145Nd/144Nd indicating a source in which such depletion has existed for a long time. In contrast, an albite diabase sample with a somewhat younger mineral age (1.80 ± 0.08 Ga) is light rare earth enriched and has a correspondingly low initial Nd isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Hot spring deposits in the Roosevelt thermal area consist of opaline sinter and sintercemented alluvium. Alluvium, plutonic rocks, and amphibolite-facies gneiss have been altered by acidsulfate water to alunite and opal at the surface, and alunite, kaolinite, montmorillonite, and muscovite to a depth of 70 m. Marcasite, pyrite, chlorite, and calcite occur below the water table at about 30 m.The thermal water is dilute (ionic strength 0.1–0.2) sodium-chloride brine. The spring water now contains 10 times as much Ca, 100 times as much Mg, and up to 2.5 times as much SO4 as the deep water. Although the present day spring temperature is 25°C, the temperature was 85°C in 1950.A model for development of the observed alteration is supported by observation and irreversible mass transfer calculations. Hydrothermal fluid convectively rises along major fractures. Water cools by conduction and steam separation, and the pH rises due to carbon dioxide escape. At the surface, hydrogen and sulfate ions are produced by oxidation of H2S. The low pH water percolates downward and reacts with feldspar in the rocks to produce alunite, kaolinite, montmorillonite, and muscovite as hydrogen ion is consumed.  相似文献   

Iron isotopes fractionate during hydrothermal processes. Therefore, the Fe isotope composition of ore-forming minerals characterizes either iron sources or fluid histories. The former potentially serves to distinguish between sedimentary, magmatic or metamorphic iron sources, and the latter allows the reconstruction of precipitation and redox processes. These processes take place during ore formation or alteration. The aim of this contribution is to investigate the suitability of this new isotope method as a probe of ore-related processes. For this purpose 51 samples of iron ores and iron mineral separates from the Schwarzwald region, southwest Germany, were analyzed for their iron isotope composition using multicollector ICP-MS. Further, the ore-forming and ore-altering processes were quantitatively modeled using reaction path calculations. The Schwarzwald mining district hosts mineralizations that formed discontinuously over almost 300 Ma of hydrothermal activity. Primary hematite, siderite and sulfides formed from mixing of meteoric fluids with deeper crustal brines. Later, these minerals were partly dissolved and oxidized, and secondary hematite, goethite and iron arsenates were precipitated. Two types of alteration products formed: (1) primary and high-temperature secondary Fe minerals formed between 120 and 300 °C, and (2) low-temperature secondary Fe minerals formed under supergene conditions (<100 °C). Measured iron isotope compositions are variable and cover a range in δ56Fe between −2.3‰ and +1.3‰. Primary hematite (δ56Fe: −0.5‰ to +0.5‰) precipitated by mixing oxidizing surface waters with a hydrothermal fluid that contained moderately light Fe (δ56Fe: −0.5‰) leached from the crystalline basement. Occasional input of CO2-rich waters resulted in precipitation of isotopically light siderite (δ56Fe: −1.4 to −0.7‰). The difference between hematite and siderite is compatible with published Fe isotope fractionation factors. The observed range in isotopic compositions can be accounted for by variable fractions of Fe precipitating from the fluid. Therefore, both fluid processes and mass balance can be inferred from Fe isotopes. Supergene weathering of siderite by oxidizing surface waters led to replacement of isotopically light primary siderite by similarly light secondary hematite and goethite, respectively. Because this replacement entails quantitative transfer of iron from precursor mineral to product, no significant isotope fractionation is produced. Hence, Fe isotopes potentially serve to identify precursors in ore alteration products. Goethites from oolitic sedimentary iron ores were also analyzed. Their compositional range appears to indicate oxidative precipitation from relatively uniform Fe dissolved in coastal water. This comprehensive iron isotope study illustrates the potential of the new technique in deciphering ore formation and alteration processes. Isotope ratios are strongly dependent on and highly characteristic of fluid and precipitation histories. Therefore, they are less suitable to provide information on Fe sources. However, it will be possible to unravel the physico-chemical processes leading to the formation, dissolution and redeposition of ores in great detail.  相似文献   

Trace element mobility during hydrothermal alteration of oceanic basalts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Trace element analyses have been carried out on hydrothermally altered pillow basalts of greenschist facies dredged from the median valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Sr is leached from the rock, and its behavior is apparently controlled by the same reactions as Ca. Cu is also leached from the basalt, but often shows local precipitation in veins as sulfides. Fe, B, Li, Ba, Mn, Ni and Co show sufficient variations in concentration and location within the altered basalts to indicate that some mobilisation occurs, but there may be subsequent uptake or precipitation into the secondary mineral assemblages. V, Y, Zr and Cr do not appear to be affected by hydrothermal alteration.The production of a metal-enriched solution by hydrothermal alteration and subsequent precipitation of metal salts to form metalliferous sediments is indicated, as is precipitation of metal sulfides in the basaltic basement.  相似文献   

The lead isotope composition of three Cu-Zn-Pb sulfide deposits and one Au deposit in the Early Proterozoic Svecofennian of central Sweden reveals the existence of two distinct lead sources in the region. Rockliden and Enstern contain lead of upper crustal affinity and are isotopically homogeneous. Lead in these deposits probably originates from Archean-derived detritus which was well homogenized by sedimentary processes and deposited over large areas as a component in Early Proterozoic sedimentary and tuffaceous rocks. Lead isotopic homogeneity within the Tjärnberget and Enåsen deposits is less pronounced, and the less radiogenic character of the lead suggests a source of mantle affinity. In areas where metasedimentary rocks are absent or contain very little Archean-derived material the isotopic signature of mantle-derived volcanic rocks is reflected in the ore lead. This approach is also applicable to other Svecofennian deposits. Together with deposits in west-central Finland the Rockliden deposit constitutes the northern boundary for lead of upper-crustal affinity, i.e., Archean-derived lead, in Svecofennian sulfide deposits.Despite these differences the isotope ratios of the four deposits indicate that they formed roughly contemporaneously with other Svecofennian deposits in Sweden and Finland.  相似文献   

王翠云  李晓峰  肖荣  白艳萍  杨锋  毛伟  蒋松坤 《岩石学报》2012,28(12):3869-3886
德兴铜矿是中国华南地区重要的大型斑岩铜矿,由朱砂红、铜厂和富家坞3个矿床组成。在系统的钻孔样岩相观察基础上,本文把德兴朱砂红花岗闪长斑岩划分为3种类型蚀变岩(钾化-黑云母化蚀变岩、绿泥石化蚀变岩、石英-绢(白)云母化蚀变岩),其主要标志性蚀变矿物依次为:钾长石(黑云母)→绿泥石→石英+绢(白)云母,且热液蚀变程度依次增强。以Al2O3作为不活动组分,通过Isocon分析法表明:随着热液蚀变作用的持续进行,蚀变程度的逐渐增强,主量元素(P2O5)行为较稳定,Na2O、Sr元素大量活化迁出;高场强元素Hf、Th、U、V、Co、Nb、Ta等表现为弱活动性或不活动性;成矿元素Cu、Pb、W显示出大量带入,表明热液流体和成矿流体可能属于同一流体系统。稀土元素均发生一定程度的活化迁移,其中绿泥石化蚀变岩的LREE、HREE均较原岩亏损,而石英-绢(白)云母化花岗闪长斑岩的LREE、HREE富集/亏损情况因样品而异,相对增量/减量变化幅度较大。各类蚀变花岗闪长斑岩球粒陨石化配分模式表现较一致,均为轻稀土相对于重稀土富集的右倾分布,极弱Eu负异常,曲线左陡右平缓,尾部轻微上翘,形似铲状,反映岩浆源区角闪石的分离结晶作用。蚀变花岗闪长斑岩的Y/Ho比值与球粒陨石的Y/Ho比值基本一致,表明Y-Ho在热液蚀变过程中未发生明显分离。弱蚀变花岗闪长斑岩具有较高Sr/Y比值、La/Sm比值以及中等Sm/Yb比值,暗示源区残留相主要为角闪石±石榴子石。  相似文献   

The Upper Aillik Group is an Early Proterozoic supracrustal sequence of felsic volcanic and associated sedimentary rocks occurring in the Makkovik Province of Labrador. The unit extends from the coast inland for over 90 km and is host to numerous occurrences of metallic mineralization ranging from indications to deposits. Coastal exposures of the Upper Aillik Group are cut by numerous high level, post-tectonic cupolas, whereas, inland the cupolas are lacking. There are three types of mineralization in coastal portions of the Upper Aillik Group, viz.; lead-zinc, molybdenite and uranium. Pb isotope data indicate the age of the post-tectonic granites. Skarnoid and disseminated molybdenite mineralization associated with these same granites indicate the molybdenum was probably derived from the granites. Similarities in REE patterns for the U, Pb-Zn and Mo occurrences imply that all three different types of mineralization in the coastal regions were derived from the post-tectonic granites. Inland, the felsic volcanic rocks solely contain uranium occurrences, in which the uranium mineralization is associated with pyroxene and amphibole-rich layers or disseminations in the host volcanic rocks. The REE patterns of this mineralization are significantly different from those of the coastal occurrences. These occurrences appear to represent syn- to postvolcanic products of hydrothermal leaching of volcanic glasses.  相似文献   

谢家沟金矿床位于胶西北焦家断裂带和招平断裂带之间。通过详细的野外地质观测与室内研究,查明了谢家沟金矿床的蚀变类型及空间分带,系统采集不同蚀变类型的岩石样品,进行岩石元素地球化学分析,运用Isocon方法分析探讨了热液蚀变过程中的元素迁移规律及其对成矿流体性质、矿质沉淀的制约。蚀变从中心到两侧分别为含陡立石英脉的黄铁绢英岩化、黄铁绢英岩化、钾长石化;从早到晚依次为钾长石化、黄铁绢英岩化、含陡立石英脉的黄铁绢英岩化。钾长石化蚀变表现为钾长石和黑云母分别交代玲珑黑云母花岗岩中的斜长石和角闪石,K明显的迁入,Si轻微迁入,Ca、Mg为迁出,Fe轻微迁出。黄铁绢英岩化蚀变叠加于钾长石化蚀变之上,主要表现为斜长石、钾长石、黑云母等矿物在含H+、HS-溶液中失稳,被绢云母、石英替代,Fe、Mg、Ca为迁入,K、Na、Si表现为元素迁出。从钾长石化阶段到黄铁绢英岩化阶段,流体从碱性转变为酸性;Au迁移形式也逐渐由氯的络合物转化为硫氢络合物。随着成矿流体的不断演化,成矿流体与围岩不断反应,含矿热液化学性质不断变化促进了金的沉淀。  相似文献   

Red-staining of rocks due to fluid–rock interaction during hydrothermal circulation in fractures is a common feature in crystalline sequences. In this study, red-stained metagranitic rock adjacent to fractures in Forsmark, central Sweden, has been studied with emphasis on the mineral reactions and associated element mobility occurring during the alteration. The main mineral reactions associated with the hydrothermal alteration are an almost complete saussuritization of plagioclase accompanied by total chloritization of biotite. Magnetite has been partly replaced by hematite whereas quartz and K-feldspar were relatively unaffected by the hydrothermal alteration. We show that redistribution of elements on the whole rock scale was very limited and is mainly manifested by enrichment of Na2O and volatiles and depletion of CaO, FeO and SiO2 in the red-stained rock. However, on the microscale, element redistribution was more extensive, with both intragranular and intergranular migration of e.g. Ca, K, Na, Al, Si, Fe, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, Ti and REEs. The altered rock shows a shift towards higher total oxidation factors, but the change is smaller than 1σ and the red-staining of the rock is due to hematite dissemination rather than a significant oxidation of the rock. An increase in the connected porosity is also observed in the altered rock.  相似文献   

The Kalahari Manganese Deposit (KMD) is the largest land-based manganese deposit, hosting approximately 80% of the world's known, mineable manganese resources. The deposit, located near Kuruman in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, is one of five erosional relics of the Paleoproterozoic (ca. 2.2 Ga) Hotazel Formation, with sedimentary manganese ores occurring as up to 50 m thick beds interbedded with banded iron-formation (BIF) and hematite lutite.The study focuses on the manganese ores of the Nchwaning–Gloria mining area of the northern KMD. In this area, pronounced mineralogical and major element alteration was imparted on the sedimentary manganese ores by a structurally-controlled hydrothermal fluid flow event. Most notable effects of hydrothermal alteration are the decomposition and leaching of Ca- and Mg-carbonate, and marked residual enrichment of manganese. On the basis of mineral assemblage, grade, texture and geochemical characteristics, three ore types were distinguished in the studied sample set, classified into least altered (LA), partially altered (PA) and advanced altered (AA) types. Advanced altered ores may be further classified into five different types, based on mineral assemblages that contain hausmannite and/or braunite as significant minerals. The rare earth element (REE) geochemistry of these fundamental ore types was studied in detail, to document REE mobility during hydrothermal alteration.Total REE concentrations in LA ores were found to be very low (14–22 ppm) and remarkably uniform, within the range typically observed for BIF. Hydrothermal alteration results in residual enrichment and a much larger scatter in REE contents. A small Ce anomaly observed in the protolith remains similar in magnitude when observed in PAAS-normalised REE plots. The data define, however, a power trend in the (Ce/Ce*) vs (Pr/Pr*) diagram. Such behaviour is interpreted in terms of a conservative system that was predominantly protolith-buffered. Local remobilisation of REE during hydrothermal alteration is attributed to the dissolution of diagenetic apatite and redistribution of hydrothermal trace minerals, including neoformed apatite, monazite and cerianite.  相似文献   

Chemical and mineralogical studies of fresh and hydrothermally altered rhyolitic material in Upper and Lower Geyser Basins, Yellowstone National Park, show that all the altered rocks are enriched in Cs and that Cs is selectively concentrated in analcime. The Cs content of unaltered rhyolite lava flows, including those from which the altered sediments are derived, ranges from 2.5 to 7.6 ppm. The Cs content of analcime-bearing altered sedimentary rocks is as high as 3000 ppm, and in clinoptilolite-bearing altered sedimentary rocks Cs content is as high as 180 ppm. Altered rhyolite lava flows which were initially vitrophyres, now contain up to 250 ppm Cs, and those which were crystallized prior to hydrothermal alteration contain up to 14 ppm. Mineral concentrates of analcime contain as much as 4700 ppm Cs. The Cs must have been incorporated into the analcime structure during crystallization, rather than by later cation substitution, because analcime does not readily exchange Cs. The CsCl of the fluids circulating through the hydrothermal system varies, suggesting that Cs is not always a conservative ion and that Cs is lost from upflowing thermal waters due to water-rock interaction resulting in crystallization of Cs-bearing analcime.The source of Cs for Cs enrichment of the altered rocks is from leaching of rhyolitic rocks underlying the geyser basins, and from the top of the silicic magma chamber that underlies the area.Analcime is an important natural Cs sink, and the high Cs concentrations reported here may prove to be an important indicator of the environment of analcime crystallization.  相似文献   

The Late Archean Blake River Group is a thick succession of predominantly mafic volcanic rocks within the southern zone of the Abitibi greenstone belt. It contains a number of silicic volcanic centers of different size, including the large Noranda volcanic complex, which is host to 17 past-producing volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. The Noranda complex consists of a 7- to 9-km-thick succession of bimodal mafic and felsic volcanic rocks erupted during five major cycles of volcanism. Massive sulfide formation coincided with a period of intense magmatic activity (cycle III) and the formation of the Noranda cauldron. Hydrothermal alteration in these rocks is interpreted to reflect large-scale hydrothermal fluid flow associated with rapid crustal extension and rifting of the volcanic complex. The alteration includes abundant albite, chlorite, epidote and quartz (silicification), which exhibit broad stratigraphic and structural control and correlate with previously mapped whole-rock oxygen isotope zonation. The Mine Sequence volcanic rocks are characterized by abundant iron-rich chlorite (Fe/Fe+Mg >0.5), hydrothermal amphibole (ferroactinolite) and coarse-grained epidote of clinozoisite composition (<10 wt% Fe 2O 3). Volcanic rocks of the pre-cauldron sequences, which contain only subeconomic stringer mineralization, are characterized by less abundant chlorite and mainly fine-grained epidote (>10 wt% Fe 2O 3) lacking the clinozoisite solid solution. Alteration in the Mine Sequence volcanic rocks persists along strike well beyond the limits of the main ore deposits (as far as several tens of kilometers) and can be readily distinguished from greenschist facies metamorphic assemblages at a regional scale. The lack of similar alteration in the pre-cauldron sequences is consistent with limited 18O-depletion and suggests that the early history of the volcanic complex did not support large-scale, high-temperature fluid flow in these rocks. Comparisons with a much smaller, barren volcanic complex in nearby Ben Nevis township reveal important differences in the alteration mineralogy between volcanoes of different size, with implications for area selection during regional-scale mineral exploration. The Ben Nevis Complex consists of a 3- to 4-km-thick succession of mafic, intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks centered on a small subvolcanic intrusion. Alteration of the volcanic rocks comprises mainly low-temperature assemblages of prehnite, pumpellyite, magnesium-rich chlorite (Fe/Fe+Mg <0.5), iron-rich epidote (>10 wt% Fe 2O 3) and calcite. Actinolite ± magnetite alteration occurs proximal to the intrusive core of the complex, but the limited extent of this alteration indicates only local high-temperature fluid circulation adjacent to the intrusion. A distal zone of carbonate alteration is located 4–6 km from the center of the volcano. Although iron-bearing carbonates are present locally within this zone, the absence of siderite argues against a high-temperature origin for this alteration. These observations do not offer positive encouragement for the existence of a fossil geothermal system of sufficient size or intensity to have produced a large massive sulfide deposit.  相似文献   

The ore lead isotope ratios from the Näsliden deposit are mantle-like in terms of the idealized plumbotectonics model. They suggest that the Näsliden deposit was formed in the Proterozoic equivalent of a Phanerozoic primitive island arc. The mantle-like nature of the lead and its homogeneity indicate that crustal lead does not constitute the major component of the ore lead. Crustal lead contamination is suggested to be the cause of divergences in ore lead isotopic compositions associated with later veins in the deposit.  相似文献   

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