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The rupture of a submarine oil pipeline starts various mechanisms leading to an oil spill. Among these mechanisms the leakage of oil driven by the difference in specific gravities of oil and sea-water is difficult to estimate. A simple mathematical model has been developed and laboratory experiments have been carried out to obtain an insight into the density-driven exchange flow and to determine the leak rate. The mathematical model is predictive and takes account of the effects of friction, inclination of the pipeline, and inertia of the fluid. The experiments were done in a horizontal model pipeline. Theoretical and experimental results are in satisfactory agreement.  相似文献   

溢油扩展、漂移及扩散预测技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海上溢油灾害会严重破坏中国近海海洋环境,还会直接危害我国经济发展。因此,开展溢油预测预警技术研究是非常有必要的,能够为海上溢油应急响应提供技术支撑。本文综述了溢油扩展、漂移及扩散数值预测技术的发展过程及相关研究成果,包括溢油扩展模型、溢油漂移与扩散模型、溢油预测预警系统,为未来开展溢油应急工作提供了理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

Zhenhua Huang   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(2):343-352
The Lagrangian surface drift current induced by surface gravity waves in a wave flume has been investigated experimentally by the particle tracking method. It was observed that in most regions of the flume, the time-mean surface drift current was in the opposite direction to that of the wave propagation. The secondary current in the form of a pair of longitudinal vortices caused by the lateral boundaries was analyzed. It is suggested that the convection of the vorticity generated by the wave-absorber and the lateral boundaries is an important factor in the determination of the time-mean drift in a wave flume.  相似文献   

从单油滴角度对波浪作用下漂浮溢油的入水过程(夹带、油滴的形成),演变过程(油滴的变形、破碎和聚并)和上浮过程的研究现状进行综述,介绍了溢油及相关领域的研究手段和实验方法,总结了海上溢油潜浮于水的行为机理及分布规律,并基于实验室和溢油现场的研究成果提出进一步需要探究的问题,为海上溢油污染的应急决策、追踪预测和损害评估等方面提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

近岸波、流作用下结构物附近海岸演变的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张海文  陶建华 《海洋学报》2000,22(1):117-124
针对与砂质海岸在波浪作用下的演变有关的波浪、近岸流及输沙问题进行了系统的研究,并对结构物附近海岸演变进行了数值模拟。考虑了波浪折射-绕射及波浪破碎的综合作用,在近岸流场的模拟中用沿水深积分形成的K方程模型确定涡粘系数。计算岸滩地形变化时,综合波浪、近岸流作用的底沙和悬沙输沙率,并考虑波浪对泥沙作用的影响。模型对防波堤和近岸沉船附近地形变化进行了模拟,效果良好。  相似文献   

以某25万吨矿石码头工程为例,分别进行了单流、单浪和浪流共同作用下,系泊船舶撞击力和系缆力试验。研究了不同水位、不同船舶载度、不同浪流夹角,单流、单浪和浪流共同作用时对船舶撞击力和系缆力的影响。分析了该码头工程护舷和缆绳的布置情况,为工程设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

通过对溢油在深海环境中的输移过程及行为特点的分析,初步建立基于拉格朗日积分法的深海溢油模型.该模型除了能够模拟油气混合物在真实深海环境中的共同输移与分离输移扩散过程,还考虑了石油溶解、气体溶解、天然气水合物形成与分解等行为变化对溢油运动轨迹的影响.应用该模型初步数值模拟了一次实际深海溢油试验,结果表明溢油在水下的空间分...  相似文献   

本文通过物理模型试验研究了波流共同作用下珊瑚礁冠层附近平均流的分布特征以及阻力特性,分析了典型波浪工况下无潮流、正向潮流和反向潮流分别作用下平均流速、摩阻流速、阻力系数的沿礁变化规律。结果表明:无潮流时礁前斜坡及外礁坪上存在海底回流且在礁缘附近回流最强,在礁坪上冠层附近平均流表现为向岸流,且该流沿礁向海岸方向持续增大。相较于无潮流时,正向潮流作用下冠层内外均为向岸流,在礁坪上冠层内外的向岸流显著增大;反向潮流作用下冠层内外均为离岸流且在礁缘处达到最大,该离岸流在礁坪上逐渐减小然后趋于稳定。无潮流时礁坪上摩阻流速呈小幅波动;相较于无潮流时,正向潮流、反向潮流影响下礁坪上摩阻流速显著增大,其中正向潮流影响下增幅更大;无潮流时礁坪上水力粗糙度沿礁减小,正向潮流和反向潮流影响下水力粗糙度普遍有幅度不等的增加。三种工况下礁坪上的阻力系数均沿礁整体呈下降趋势,相较于无潮流时,正向潮流和反向潮流影响下礁坪上的阻力系数显著增大,且正向潮流作用时增幅更大。  相似文献   

The present study extends the investigations of the hydrodynamic forces on a cylinder, laid on, or partly buried in the bed. They were determined by measuring the pressure distribution on the cylinder surface in the case of steady current, waves and coexisting flow. The pressure distribution around the cylinder was measured by using pressure transducers, which were replaced in the cylinder. Force coefficients were obtained for the ranges of Re=0.8×104–1.5×104, for steady current, low KC numbers (KC<5) for wave alone case and, for current-to-wave velocity RATIO=0, 3, 6 and infinity (current) for coexisting flow. The forces were also determined for the various burial-depth-to-diameter ratios between 0 and 0.7 values of the cylinder.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic forces exerting on a pipeline partially buried in a permeable seabed subjected to combined oscillatory flow and steady current are investigated numerically. Two-dimensional Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations with a kω turbulent model closure are solved to simulate the flow around the pipeline. The Laplace equation is solved to calculate the pore pressure below the seabed with the simulated seabed hydrodynamic pressure as boundary conditions. The numerical model is validated against the experimental data of a fully exposed pipeline resting on a plane boundary under various flow conditions. Then the flow with different embedment depths, steady current ratios and KC numbers is simulated. The amplitude of seepage velocity is much smaller than the amplitude of free stream velocity as expected. The normalized Morison inertia, drag and lift coefficients based on the corresponding force coefficients of a fully exposed pipeline are investigated. The normalized Morison force coefficients reduce almost linearly with the increase of embedment depth and that the KC only has minor effect on the normalized Morison coefficients. It is also found that the permeable seabed condition causes a slight increase on the inline force and has a little effect on the lift force, compared with corresponding conditions in an impermeable bed.  相似文献   

Experiments on three types of soil (d50=0.287, 0.057 and 0.034 mm) with pipeline(D=4 cm) either half buried or resting on the seabed under regular wave or combined with current actions were conducted in a large wave flume to investigate characteristics of soil responses. The pore pressures were measured through the soil depth and across the pipeline. When pipeline is present the measured pore pressures in sandy soil nearby the pipeline deviate considerably from that predicted by the poro-elasticity theory. The buried pipeline seems to provide a degree of resistance to soil liquefaction in the two finer soil seabeds. In the silt bed, a negative power relationship was found between maximum values of excess pore pressure pmax and test intervals under the same wave conditions due to soil densification and dissipation of the pore pressure. In the case of wave combined with current, pore pressures in sandy soil show slightly decrease with time, whereas in silt soil, the current causes an increase in the excess pore pressure build-up, especially at the deeper depth. Comparing liquefaction depth with scour depth underneath the pipeline indicates that the occurrence of liquefaction is accompanied with larger scour depth under the same pipeline-bed configuration.  相似文献   

针对我国南海某岛礁珊瑚砂地基上的圆形桩基础,采用N-S方程k-ε模型、双向耦合方式跟踪流场中颗粒运动轨迹的方法,对桩周珊瑚砂的冲刷规律进行了求解,分析了桩体周围流体的速度场以及桩体表面剪应力场的分布规律,同时对桩周珊瑚砂冲刷坑的形成过程进行了模拟。计算结果表明,在桩体周围形成的马蹄形漩涡和桩柱后方的尾涡作用下,桩周土体出现了较为明显的冲刷现象,涡旋的释放显著地影响着珊瑚砂地基上桩基的冲刷坑形状;而且,由于珊瑚砂颗粒密度较石英砂小,水动力作用下桩周冲刷坑更容易形成,所以实际工程中需要考虑有效的防护措施。  相似文献   

利用2012年4月份进行水文调查得到的实测海流数据,依据多周日观测的准调和分析原理,对大小门岛海域表层潮流进行调和分析。基于调和分析结果对大小门岛海域潮流和余流特征进行精细化研究。结果表明:大小门岛海域潮流类型为不正规半日浅海潮流,大小门岛西部海域受浅水分潮影响最大。整个海域潮流运动形式以往复流为主,由于受到多股往复流的干涉作用,大门岛西侧旋转流较强;实测落潮流要强于涨潮流,流速在瓯江口外侧达到最大。余流走向存在区域性差异,小门岛西北、瓯江口内部及黄大峡海域余流方向与涨潮流一致,其它区域与落潮流一致,余流流速大小与最大流速分布基本一致。  相似文献   

Combined wave overtopping and storm surge overflow of a levee with a trapezoidal cross section was studied in a two-dimensional laboratory wave/flow flume at a nominal prototype-to-model length scale of 25-to-1. The goal of this study was to develop design guidance in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Time series of water depth at two locations on the levee crown and flow thickness at five locations on the landward-side slope were measured along with horizontal velocity near the landward edge of the crown. New equations are presented for average overtopping discharge, distribution of instantaneous discharge, and distribution of individual wave volumes. Equations are also given for mean flow thickness, RMS wave height, mean velocity, and velocity of the wave front down the landward-side slope.  相似文献   

Zhenhua Huang   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(5-6):717-723
In coastal waters, tidal currents and surface waves co-exist. In this study, the influence of a steady current on the scattering of waves by a vertical slotted barrier is investigated experimentally in a wave flume. The separation of the incident and reflected waves is carried out by a two-point method that takes into account the effects of the current. Results show that currents significantly increase the wave-energy loss by the barrier and remarkably reduce the wave transmission through the barrier. It is suggested that the tidal currents should be taken into consideration in an economical design of slotted breakwaters.  相似文献   

台风背景下海浪对海表流场和海表温度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海浪作为海-气界面中重要的物理过程,对海洋上混合层的近表面分布具有重要作用。本文以台风"威马逊"和"麦德姆"为背景,基于FVCOM耦合模式模拟了台风浪及上层海洋的响应过程,探讨了海浪对海表流场和海表温度的影响。结果表明耦合模式能够较准确地模拟出有效波高,台风过境后海表流场在海浪的作用下反映出与台风相对应的气旋性特性,改变的流场量级可达0.4 m/s;海表温度出现不同程度的下降,最大降温约4℃,最大降温中心与流场变化区域相对应,且降温区相对台风路径呈显著的"右偏性"。最大降温滞后台风中心过境2 d左右,恢复时间一般超过10 d,与实况相吻合。  相似文献   

The motion and the drift force of a floating OWC (oscillating water column) wave energy device in regular waves are studied taking account of the oscillating surface-pressure due to the pressure drop across the duct of the air chamber. The potential problem inside the chamber is formulated by making use of the Green integral equation associated with the Rankine-type Green function while the outer problem with the Kelvin-type Green function. The added mass, wave damping and excitation coefficients as well as the motion and drift force of the OWC device are calculated for various values of parameter related to the pressure drop.  相似文献   

It was necessary to obtain a more practical interactive precise model of the three-dimensional (3-D) geometry during purse seine operations considering movements of fishing vessel and details of the sea condition. The changes in the shape of a purse seine from shooting to pursing during pelagic skipjack fishing was recorded in the Southwest Pacific Ocean by photographs of the scanning sonar with in situ measurements of water flow by a current meter. The modeling of 3-D geometry during purse seining was established using finite element methods, as resultant force vector from flow drag, buoyancy, sinking force, tension of pulling or pursing acting on net panels in connection with drift of fishing vessel with time elapsed from the start of shooting to the end of pursing. The simulation results were matched closely by field measurements as a heart-like shape in upper net near floatline and a water-drop shape in purse line following drift of ship towards inside net circle during pursing. This model of a purse seine can be extended to almost any kind of purse seine generating real fishing parameters and to modeling fish capture process.  相似文献   

为了有效地考虑浮体慢漂运动对钢悬链线立管疲劳损伤的影响,提出了波频和慢漂运动组合作用下钢悬链线立管疲劳损伤简化计算的位置组合叠加法。其核心是:基于浮体慢漂运动概率分布选取若干典型慢漂位置,进行波频运动作用下钢悬链线立管动力响应分析;根据钢悬链线立管运动位置变化特征,截取若干慢漂位置对应的波频应力时程叠加到慢漂应力时程上,得到波频和慢漂运动的组合应力时程;编写基于雨流计数法的MATLAB程序处理立管各节点应力,采用海水环境下Do E.E型S-N曲线和Palmgren-Miner累积损伤准则计算立管各节点疲劳损伤。应用位置组合叠加法对某海域500 m水深的立管进行了疲劳分析,并与全耦合法、权重组合叠加法以及波频和慢漂疲劳损伤简单相加法的结果进行了对比,结果表明该方法具有较高的精度和效率。此外,进行了区域设定系数、波浪高度、波浪周期和土壤表面剪切强度等参数对组合作用下立管疲劳损伤的敏感性分析。  相似文献   

舟山册子岛-镇海段海底原油管道连续多年监测数据显示,局部海床冲刷较为严重,管道多处裸露、悬空,对工程安全构成威胁。基于Delft3D建立杭州湾口二维水流泥沙数学模型,并利用实测潮位、流速、流向及悬沙质量浓度资料对模型进行率定与验证,进而模拟分析近年来人为开发活动对海底管道附近海床冲淤变化的影响。分析结果表明,新泓口围垦工程和金塘大桥工程对管线镇海登陆段海床冲刷影响较大,金塘大桥桥墩阻水作用加剧了管线深槽边坡西半段海床的冲刷,另外管线深潭延伸东半段的海床冲刷与金塘大桥主通航孔密切相关。  相似文献   

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