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李英  王维  韩宇 《海洋工程》2023,41(4):103-113
未埋设的海底管道在高温高压运行条件下可能发生侧向屈曲,情况严重时影响海底管道的结构安全。侧向屈曲临界力作为判定海底管道发生侧向屈曲的重要依据,主要影响因素有初始缺陷、管土相互作用等。现有关于侧向屈曲临界力的公式并未考虑管土相互作用、缺陷不平直度和管道自身材料特性对侧向屈曲临界力的综合影响。建立含有通用几何初始缺陷海底管道的数值模型,使用Riks算法进行参数分析以研究极限侧向土壤阻力、管道缺陷不平直度和截面几何尺寸对海底管道侧向屈曲的具体影响。基于量纲分析法和多元线性回归,推导出海底管道侧向屈曲临界力关于上述3个影响参数的一般公式,并对该公式进行了检验,结果表明文中推导的公式在参数涵盖的研究范围内有效。  相似文献   

Offshore pipelines operating under high pressure and temperature are subjected to upheaval buckling. Pipeline behaviour in upheaval buckling depends on a number of factors including the shape of pipeline imperfection, installation stresses, loading types, seabed sediment behaviour and the flexural stiffness of the pipe. Current method of predicting upheaval buckling is based on simplified shapes of pipeline imperfection developed for idealized seabed conditions. To account for the effect of internal pressure, the pressure load is represented using an equivalent temperature. However, the applicability of these idealizations on the prediction of upheaval buckling has not been well-investigated. In this paper, the three-dimensional finite element modelling technique is used to investigate the applicability of idealized shapes and their effects on the upheaval buckling of pipeline for a seabed condition at offshore Newfoundland in Canada. The finite element model is then used to conduct a parametric study to investigate the effects of installation stress, loading types, seabed parameters and the flexural stiffness of the pipe. Finally, a design chart is developed to determine the optimum height of seabed features to manage pipeline stability against upheaval buckling under different temperature and pressure loadings.  相似文献   

曹洋  张淑华  孙林 《海洋工程》2019,37(6):39-48
海底管道在深海石油开发工程中有着广泛的应用,管道在工作时受到高温高压会触发水平向整体屈曲变形,蛇形铺管法是控制管道水平向整体屈曲变形的有效手段。采用数值模拟方法,对蛇形铺设管道的关键参数进行研究,分析关键参数对临界屈曲荷载和屈曲后截面应力应变状态的影响。对每一组蛇形铺设管道都设置了直线型铺设管道的对照组,对照组采用引入初始挠曲的方法激发水平向整体屈曲,初始挠曲程度与蛇形铺设管道相同。通过与直线型铺设管道的对比,显示了蛇形铺设管道在激发和控制屈曲方面的优势,并对不同土体阻力情况下蛇形铺设管道的实际效果进行了评估。结果表明,蛇形铺设管道的临界屈曲力和屈曲后的弯矩皆远小于直线型管道。蛇形铺设管道的临界屈曲力随圆心角θ增大而减小,随曲率半径R的增大而增大。增大跨度L、曲率半径R和圆心角θ都能有效减小蛇形铺设管道的截面弯矩。水平向土体阻力对蛇形铺设管道影响较大,水平向土体阻力较小时,蛇形铺设管道控制屈曲的效果更为明显。  相似文献   

海底管道止屈器形式与设计方法研究概述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
海底管道的屈曲传播特性对于其整体安全性是极其不利的,一旦发生屈曲传播,会使整个海底管道结构发生失效破坏,为了解决屈曲传播问题同时兼顾经济性的考虑,可以在海底管道上安装止屈器。通过对国外已有止屈器资料的广泛深入调研,首先对止屈器的主要形式进行了总结和对比分析,然后对止屈器的设计方法和流程进行了简要总结。为我国深水海底管道铺设过程中止屈器的选择和设计提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Submarine pipelines are the primary component of an offshore oil transportation system. Under operating conditions, a pipeline is subjected to high temperatures and pressures to improve oil mobility. As a result, additional stress accumulates in pipeline sections, which causes global buckling. For an exposed deep-water pipeline, lateral buckling is the major form of this global buckling. Large lateral displacement causes a very high bending moment which may lead to a local buckling failure in the pipe cross-section. This paper proposes a lateral global buckling failure envelope for deep-water HT/HP pipelines using a numerical simulation analysis. It analyzes the factors influencing the envelope, including the thickness t, diameter D, soil resistance coefficient μ, calculating length Lf, imperfection length L and imperfection amplitude V. Equations to calculate the failure envelope are established to make future post-buckling pipeline failure assessment more convenient. The results show that (1) the limit pressure difference pmax (the failure pressure difference for a post-buckling pipeline when it suffers no difference in temperature) is usually below the burst pressure difference pb (which is the largest pressure difference a pipeline can bear and is determined from the strength and sectional dimensions of the pipeline) and is approximately 0.62–0.75 times the value of pb and (2) thickness t has little influence on the normalized envelopes, but affects pmax. The diameter D, soil resistance coefficient μ, and calculating length Lf influence the maximum failure temperature difference Tmax (the failure temperature difference for a pipeline suffering no pressure difference). The diameter D also significantly affects the form of the normalized envelope.  相似文献   

曹洋  张淑华  孙林 《海洋通报》2019,38(6):719-726
海洋油气资源的运输主要通过海底管道进行,管道在工作时受到较大的温度荷载,会产生整体屈曲变形。深海管道设计中常采用人为装置触发一定程度的水平向整体屈曲变形,来释放轴向的温度应力,浮力装置是常用的触发方式之一。本文通过数值模拟研究,分析了不同浮力大小和不同浮力施加范围下,管道水平向整体屈曲的临界屈曲力,得出临界屈曲力随浮力大小和施加范围变化的情况;并研究了不同土体阻力下,浮力装置触发整体屈曲的效果。研究表明,水平向土体阻力较大时,浮力装置触发水平向整体屈曲的效果较好。浮力装置的触发效果对轴向土体阻力不敏感。  相似文献   

The soil resistance developed during temperature- and pressure-induced large lateral movements of shallowly embedded subsea flowlines is an important input parameter for the structural design process. A major source of uncertainty in calculation of the soil resistance is the undrained shear strength of the soil berm produced as the flowline moves across the seabed, which is affected by the level of remoulding. To investigate the effect of pipeline embedment and displacement amplitude on the shear strength of the berm, a set of centrifuge model tests was conducted on kaolin clay, involving laterally moving pipelines with constant embedments in the range 5%–35% of the pipe diameter. Back-analysis of the test results, using finite element limit analysis, showed that the shear strength of the soil berm is a function of pipe displacement amplitude, pipe embedment, and soil sensitivity. On the basis of these results, we propose that the overall berm undrained shear strength may be determined as a convolution of the shear strengths of its constituent soil elements. Finally, a formula is presented for calculating the shear strength of soil elements within the soil berm, and this is used to back-analyse the overall soil berm resistance from the model tests.  相似文献   

Buckle propagation in pipelines with non-uniform thickness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Finite element solutions for the steady-state buckle propagation pressure in a pipeline with non-uniform thickness are given. The results are useful in finding buckle propagation pressures in corroded pipelines. It has been found that when corrosion is equal to or less than 10% of the original pipeline thickness, the pipeline collapses in an overall shell buckling mode; otherwise, the pipeline experiences local buckling. The propagation pressure decreases with both the thickness and angular extent of the reduced section, but the rate of decrease with thickness reduction is almost independent of the angular extent of corrosion when it is greater than 90°.  相似文献   

海底管线是海洋石油的重要输运手段。为满足输送工艺的需要,正常工作条件下管线往往被施加较高的温度和压强,高温高压使管线内产生附加应力,当附加应力大于土体对管线的约束力时,管线就会发生整体屈曲。过度的水平向整体屈曲会导致截面产生较大的弯曲应力和压缩应变,对管线系统的安全运行造成威胁,因此需要对发生水平向整体屈曲后的管线进行验算。采用解析解法、规范法和有限元法对管线的整体屈曲进行分析,提出了应用临界屈曲荷载值域空间和值域下限来判断不同缺陷大小下管线是否发生水平向整体屈曲的方法。结合工程实例,分别采用内力控制标准和位移控制标准对管线水平向整体屈曲后是否失效进行了验算。研究指出,相较于位移标准,内力控制标准更为严格。  相似文献   

不埋海底管道在高温高压作用下,易发生水平向整体屈曲。实际工程中,常通过在管道路由上设置整体屈曲触发装置,实现对水平向整体屈曲的有效控制,其中以枕木法的成功应用最为多见。本文分析了枕木法的主要影响因素并验证了采用枕木法会出现管道屈曲段应力集中的现象,对比了枕木法、分布浮力法和枕木-浮力耦合法对管道整体屈曲变形规律的影响,采用数值模拟方法系统研究了枕木及浮力参数对管道水平向屈曲和后屈曲的影响规律。研究表明,在枕木两侧设置浮力段的人工触发装置可有效触发管道整体屈曲,同时促使管道虚拟锚固点间轴力的释放,降低了管道中屈曲段的应力,相较枕木法,枕木-浮力耦合法可将管道中的最大应力降低23%。  相似文献   

This paper presents analytical and numerical researches on the buckling or collapse of offshore pipelines under external hydrostatic pressure. Firstly the case of homogeneous ring model is investigated followed by a detailed study on corroded rings. The elastic-plastic collapse pressure could be treated as the least root of an elementary function. We prove that collapse pressure is a strictly increasing function of mode number in this paper and present some interesting structures of the roots. Partially corroded ring is parametrized by corrosion depth and angle extent. A comprehensive comparison shows that plasticity should not be neglected when the ring is thick-walled. Moreover, a study on large deflection deformation of 3D cylindrical shells quasi-statically dented under constant external pressure is carried out theoretically and numerically. The buckle propagation pressure is shown to be a meaningful value to normalize external pressure. This paper serves to enhance the understanding of destabilizing effect of external pressure mainly applicable and relevant to subsea offshore industry.  相似文献   

椭圆度-凹坑双缺陷海底管道局部屈曲特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
海底管道在制造、埋设以及使用过程中极易产生椭圆度-凹坑双缺陷,双缺陷影响管道局部屈曲,对含椭圆度-凹坑双缺陷海底管道的局部屈曲特性研究十分必要。现行规范中采用等效椭圆度对含椭圆度-凹坑海底管道进行评估,该方法无法准确评估不同缺陷形式的屈曲特性。采用形状系数对含椭圆度-凹坑双缺陷的海底管道进行评估,运用有限元软件ABAQUS进行数值模拟,并进行试验验证。在此基础上对含有不同凹坑深度、不同椭圆度的海底管道进行局部屈曲的数值模拟,计算不同形状椭圆度、含有不同凹坑深度海底管道的形状系数,对其进行敏感性分析。计算结果表明:形状系数对海底管道椭圆度、凹坑深度、径厚比敏感性较强;对凹坑宽度敏感性较弱。  相似文献   


The deep-water pipeline is the main means of transportation in offshore oil and gas development engineering. The deep-water pipeline may incur lateral global buckling due to the high temperature and pressure that are applied on the pipeline to ensure the contents’ liquidity. With the increasing operating water depth, a higher temperature and pressure are applied to the pipeline, causing large lateral deformation and a large bending moment. Due to the inhomogeneous distribution of the bending moment on the cross-section, different points on the cross-section will deform differently. This kind of deformation causes the cross-section to turn into an oval ring. The cross-section ovalization caused by global buckling was rarely analyzed in former engineering practice since the load is relatively low. With the increase in operation water depth and operation load, the ovality caused by global buckling is noticeable. This article analyzed cross-section ovalization caused by pipeline lateral global buckling with a numerical simulation method. The pipelines with different initial cross-section shapes were simulated, and the influence of several impact factors, including load, pipeline and soil factors on the ovality of the cross-section, were analyzed. The results show that the initial cross-section shape type has little effect on the pipeline ovalization pattern. The initial ovality of the pipeline with an oval ring cross-section shape has little influence on the residual ovality. Among all the factors analyzed in this paper, the pressure difference is the primary factor that should be considered in a pipeline ovalization check.  相似文献   

Offshore pipelines are usually buried to avoid damage from fishing activities and to provide thermal insulation. Provided that the buried pipelines are sufficiently confined in the lateral direction by the passive resistance of the trench walls, they may be subject to vertical buckling caused by a rise in temperature. Vertical buckling is usually called upheaval buckling because the heated pipeline is assumed to move upwards conventionally. However, the seabed may be very soft, especially where a pockmark or abyssal ooze appears. Consequently, under thermal compressive force, the pipeline may buckle downward and penetrate into the seabed because the downward soil resistance is small. In this study, we extended an analytical solution for vertical pipeline buckling on a rigid seabed to a soft seabed, and the effects of soil resistance on pipeline stability, buckling mode and amplitude are illustrated and analyzed.  相似文献   

高温高压下海底管道的整体屈曲稳定性分析是管道设计的重要组成部分,而选取多长的管道进行分析对其整体屈曲稳定性结果影响显著。依据临界管长将管道分为"长管"与"短管",基于动力显式分析方法,揭示了长管与短管在发生整体屈曲过程中,屈曲幅值与波长、管壁轴向压力、轴向应变及轴向位移的变化规律;研究了土体约束力影响管道临界长度的规律性,分析了土体约束力系数对长管与短管整体屈曲变形的影响。研究发现,土体约束力对短管的整体屈曲行为影响显著,短管的整体屈曲幅值随土体约束力系数的增大呈现先增大后减小的趋势。该项研究对区分不同长度管道的整体屈曲类型进而采取有效防控措施具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

鉴于海底管道的服役水深越来越深,主要采用犁式挖沟机对预铺设于海床之上的海底管道采取后挖沟的方式将海底管道埋设于海床之下,以保护其免受不必要的损伤。针对后挖沟深度H是海底挖沟机的重要设计参数,也是影响管道悬跨的重要因素的问题,对SMD(UK)犁式挖沟机展开参数优化,确保作业过程中悬跨段管道在外部静水压力作用下,海底管道不会发生屈曲破坏。采用ABAQUS软件,分别建立了作业前和作业中两种工况下的悬跨模型,分析机械手对接触部分管道的损伤,结果显示,作业中的机械手对悬跨管道的损伤更大;同时,建立了作业中不同管径下,后挖沟深度对管道损伤的安全裕量关系曲线。进一步,结合作业中不同挖沟深度下的管跨段屈曲数值模型,对处于外部静水压力作用下的悬跨管的屈曲失效展开分析,结果显示,随着后挖沟深度的加大,不同管径下的悬跨段管道局部出现塑性压溃的临界压力值不断降低;管道外径的增大,降低了同一后挖沟深度下发生屈曲失效的压力值。最后,在后挖沟深度与外部静水压力组成的区域内,建立屈曲失效临界关系曲线,并划分出工作区和压溃区,为深海管道后挖沟埋管的施工提供工程参考。  相似文献   

双拱初始缺陷海底管线水平向整体屈曲数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究具有双拱反对称初始缺陷海底管线的整体屈曲特性,采用模态分析法将最可能出现的缺陷形态引入数值分析模型中。针对管线在高温高压作用下发生整体屈曲的动态变形特征,运用显式动力数值模拟方法研究了管线整体屈曲过程中水平向变形与轴向变形随温度和内压的变化规律,建立了在整体屈曲过程中屈曲管段与滑动管段轴力的变化过程与初始缺陷形态的关系。将数值模拟结果同经典解析解和室内模型实验结果进行对比,验证了本方法的可靠性。工程算例的分析结果表明,管线整体屈曲的发生是一个由低阶向高阶发展的过程,具有双拱缺陷的管线首先发生二阶模态的整体屈曲,而后过渡到四阶模态;管线整体屈曲的变形包括屈曲段的水平向变形和滑动管段的轴向缩进,其中水平变形释放了管壁内的轴力,轴力的释放量随初始缺陷尖锐程度的降低而增大;轴向缩进变形由于受到地基土的摩阻力使滑动管段内的轴力发生累积,轴力的累积量随初始缺陷的尖锐程度的降低而增加。以上研究成果对指导实际工程具有现实意义。  相似文献   

高温是引发海底管道整体屈曲失效的主要因素,而海床上存在的局部隆起使得高温埋设管道更加容易发生隆起屈曲。这里重点研究海底埋设高温管道发生隆起屈曲的临界温度载荷及其影响因素,提出了一种简化的数值模拟分析模型,同已有的相关实验结果比较表明,本方法可以较好地近似计算高温管道的隆起屈曲。基于本方法开展的参数分析,得到了管道覆土高度、混凝土配重层厚度、海床不平整对海底高温管道发生隆起屈曲的影响趋势。  相似文献   

谢鹏  岳前进  赵岩  吴新伟 《海洋工程》2015,33(2):110-115
随着S型海管铺设逐步走向深水,管道在铺设过程中承受的荷载增加,发生一定程度的塑性变形。本文讨论S型铺设引起的残余塑性变形对管道屈曲承载能力的影响。首先基于壳单元建立"管道-托辊"相互作用的局部有限元模型,分析了管道在铺设过程中的受力状态,获得了管道的残余塑性变形。然后以该残余变形作为管道非线性屈曲分析的初始缺陷,基于改进的RIKS方法计算了管道的临界屈曲压力。研究结果表明,铺设残余塑性变形在一定程度上削弱管道的承载能力,在深水铺设中应予以考虑。  相似文献   

设计了海底输油管道水槽冲刷试验模型,研究了海底输油管道与砂床处于不同相对位置情况下床砂起动流速的变化,采用理想流体映射定理对其进行了理论分析,探讨起动流速变化规律。结合有限元数值模拟对试验进行细化分析,研究了海底管道底砂床砂粒起动的产生机理,根据研究结果将冲刷过程划分为五个阶段。阐明了海底管道暴露冲刷的危害性和实时监测的重要性。  相似文献   

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