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A flat plate in pitching motion is considered as a fundamental source of locomotion in the general context of marine propulsion. The experimental as well as numerical investigation is carried out at a relatively small Reynold number of 2000 based on the plate length c and the inflow velocity U. The plate oscillates sinusoidally in pitch about its 1/3  c axis and the peak to peak amplitude of motion is 20°. The reduced frequency of oscillation k = πfc/U is considered as a key parameter and it may vary between 1 and 5. The underlying fluid-structure problem is numerically solved using a compact finite-differences Navier–Stokes solution procedure and the numerical solution is compared with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements of the flow field around the pitching foil experimental device mounted in a water-channel. A good agreement is found between the numerical and experimental results and the threshold oscillation frequency beyond which the wake exhibits a reverse von Kármán street pattern is determined. Above threshold, the mean velocity in the wake exhibits jet-like profiles with velocity excess, which is generally considered as the footprint of thrust production. The forces exerted on the plate are extracted from the numerical simulation results and it is shown, that reliable predictions for possible thrust production can be inferred from a conventional experimental control volume analysis, only when besides the wake's mean flow the contributions from the velocity fluctuation and the pressure term are taken into account.  相似文献   

In this study, a three-dimensional numerical model is used to study the wave interaction with a vertical rectangular pile. The model employs the large eddy simulation (LES) method to model the effect of small-scale turbulence. The velocity and vorticity fields around the pile are presented and discussed. The drag and inertial coefficients are calculated based on the numerical computation. The calculated coefficients are found to be in a reasonable range compared with the experimental data. Additional analyses are performed to assess the relative importance of drag and initial effects, which could be quantified by the force-related Keulegan and Carpenter (KC) number: KCf=UT/(4πL). Here U is the maximum fluid particle velocity, T the wave period and L the length of structure aligned with the wave propagation direction. For small KCf, the effective drag coefficient is proportional to 1/KCf, provided the wavelength is much longer than the structural length. When wavelength is comparable to the structure dimension, the effective drag coefficient would be reduced significantly due the cancellation of forces, which has been demonstrated by numerical results.  相似文献   

冰激振动及冰荷载动力特性的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
佟建峰  宋安等 《海洋工程》2001,19(4):34-39,45
回顾了解决海冰引起结构振动分析方法的要求,通过室内冰力模型试验得出了冰激振动的重要参数-冰力频率,幅值的特性。研究表明,在低冰速时,冰力频率与冰速对冰厚之比呈线性关系;高冰速时,冰力步与冰速对冰厚之比呈现恒定性,文章还根据试验数据以及统计分析,推荐了冰力幅值计算公式和取值范围。  相似文献   

吕宋海峡以东即北太平洋热带地区常年存在着大量的涡旋,这些涡旋在向西运动的过程中遇到吕宋海峡黑潮后是否会穿越黑潮进入南海值得研究。文章用数值模式来模拟吕宋海峡的黑潮以及吕宋海峡以东的众多涡旋,结果表明没有一个涡旋可以穿越吕宋海峡进入南海。在此基础上引入了一个理想台风风场,通过风应力旋度的形式驱动出强劲的气旋式和反气旋式涡旋,这两个涡旋分别添加在源区黑潮附近,也是在源区黑潮流量最小的8月。以往研究表明,黑潮流量小而涡旋强劲的时候涡旋容易穿越吕宋海峡进入南海,但由何种原因产生的涡旋可以穿越吕宋海峡难以确定;而文章的数值计算结果表明,即使在黑潮较弱的夏季8月,由风应力旋度产生的中尺度涡,无论是气旋式还是反气旋式,都受到了吕宋海峡的阻挡而难以穿越。  相似文献   

系统整理的历史实测海流和温盐资料显示出青岛─石岛近海水域全年都存在着中尺度反气旋式涡旋运动.利用二维数值模式,首次模拟出该涡旋的存在,并对这一涡旋的形成机制进行了探讨,数值模拟结果和实测吻合良好.数值计算表明:在冬季盛行风的作用下,山东半岛南岸出现减水,迫使北上的黄海暖流中的一部分向西北方向延伸,在到达山东半岛近海后向右转向,形成东北向沿岸流,这样,与绕过山东半岛大约沿40~50m等深线南下的黄海沿岸流作用,在青岛─石岛近海形成一个中尺度反气旋涡旋.夏季由于偏南风的作用,致使山东半岛南部近海浅水区域海水都向东北方向流动,与沿黄海冷水团锋面南下的黄海沿岸流相作用,由于流速切变也形成了上述涡旋.  相似文献   

青岛-石岛近海反气旋中尺度涡旋存在证据及数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
系统整理的历史实测海流和温盐资料显示出青岛-石岛近海水域全年都存在着中尺度反气旋式涡旋运动.利用二维数值模式,首次模拟出该涡旋的存在,并对这一涡旋的形成机制进行了探讨,数值模拟结果和实测吻合良好.数值计算表明:在冬季盛行风的作用下,山东半岛南岸出现减水,迫使北上的黄海暖流中的一部分向西北方向延伸,在到达山东半岛近海后向右转向,形成东北向沿岸流,这样,与绕过山东半岛大约沿40~50m等深线南下的黄海沿岸流作用,在青岛-石岛近海形成一个中尺度反气旋涡旋.夏季由于偏南风的作用,致使山东半岛南部近海浅水区域海水都向东北方向流动,与沿黄海冷水团锋面南下的黄海沿岸流相作用,由于流速切变也形成了上述涡旋.  相似文献   

The preservation of good petrophysical properties (high porosity/high permeability) at great depth in carbonate rocks may lead to the existence of a deeply buried reservoir (DBR), a target of interest for the oil industry. One of the key processes controlling diagenesis of the burial environment is Pressure Solution Creep (PSC), an efficient compaction process responsible for the evolution of porosity and permeability in many carbonate reservoirs. In this experimental study, we examine the effect of i) the presence of oil in the pore space and ii) its timing of injection on the PSC process and the petrophysical properties of a carbonate rock. The experiments were performed using a flow-through high-pressure cell, allowing the simulation of the pressure/stresses and temperature conditions of a DBR. Multi-disciplinary data (mechanical, chemical, petrographical and petrophysical) demonstrate that, without oil in the pore space, the main diagenetic process is the PSC, a process reducing by three the initial porosity but having no influence on intrinsic water permeability. An early injection of oil prior to water circulation causes the inhibition of PSC by the coating of the grains, leading to the preservation of porosity. Conversely, a late injection of oil does not preserve initial porosity. The dataset obtained from these experiments show the importance of the timing of oil charging in a reservoir in the preservation of initial porosity at great depth by the inhibition of PSC. However, the coating of grains by hydrocarbons may also inhibit further diagenetic processes leading to a creation of secondary porosity at depth.  相似文献   

Bong Ju Kim 《Ocean Engineering》2010,37(13):1159-1168
The aim of this study was to evaluate the load characteristics of steel and concrete tubular members under jet fire, with the motivation to investigate the jet fire load characteristics in FPSO topsides. This paper is part of Phase II of the joint industry project on explosion and fire engineering of FPSOs (EFEF JIP) ( [Paik and Czujko, 2009] and [Paik, 2010]). To obtain reliable load values, jet fire tests were carried out in parallel with a numerical study. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was used to set up an adiabatic wall boundary condition for the jet fire to model the heat transfer mechanism. A concrete tubular member was tested under the assumption that there is no conduction effect from jet fire. A steel tubular member was tested and considered to transfer heat through conduction, convection, and radiation. The temperature distribution, or heat load, was analyzed at specific locations on each type of member. ANSYS CFX, (2008) and KFX, 2007 codes were used to obtain similar fire action in the numerical and experimental methods. The results of this study will provide a useful database to determine design values related to jet fire.  相似文献   

An inconvenience in the experimental set-up of a FPSO in regular waves highlighted occurrence of parametric-roll events promoted by yaw-roll coupling and motivated a combined physical and numerical analysis on the relevance of this phenomenon on the roll resonance, as well as on the water shipping. The model tests examine the ship in head- and bow-sea waves in the zone of the first parametric resonance. Numerically, it is adopted a 3D Domain-Decomposition (DD) strategy combining a weakly-nonlinear potential-flow solver based on the weak-scatterer theory with a shallow-water approximation for the shipped liquid and with a bottom-slamming solution. Detailed comparisons against these and other seakeeping experiments validated the numerical method in its different aspects with global success.At first, a 2-dof equivalent linearized yaw-roll coupled system is examined and the measurements are used to estimate hydrodynamic coefficients required to complete the mathematical model of the problem. Then the DD method is applied to verify the instability occurrence and compared against the experiments. From the analysis, the parametric-roll instability does not occur if all nonlinearities in the roll restoring load are not accounted for. However the amplitude of the resonant roll is affected by the coupling with the other degrees of freedom. Especially the coupling with yaw tends to increase the steady-state roll amplitude. It also affects the water shipping with the trend in reducing its severity for the vessel, this is opposite to the influence of the parametric roll in head-sea waves on the water on deck, as documented in Greco et al. (2014) [4].  相似文献   

A densely populated soft-sediment community was experimentally analysed for interspecific competition for space in laboratory experiments. No interspecific competitive interactions leading to a decrease in survivorship could be documented over a five-week period. The four most abundant species all coexisted in laboratory microcosms. The two tube-buiding species, the tanaid Leptochelia dubia and the polychaete Rhynchospio arenincola, could not exclude the mobile bivalve Transennella tantilla or the burrowing amphipod Paraphoxus spinosus. None of the species increases its emigration frequency when other species are present. Paraphoxus is found to be a browsing predator on Phynchospio but inflicts no detectable mortality. The coexistence of these species is permitted by virtue of the fact that none of the species can alter the soft-sediment habitat sufficiently to make the habitat unsuitable for the other species.  相似文献   

对挡潮闸枢纽中矩形中孔、底孔鱼道中紊流结构进行了较为系统的试验研究,并做了放鱼试验。选择了一种鱼类偏爱流速所对应的流量作为典型流量,考虑了不同的孔口位置(中孔和底孔),用声学多普勒测速仪(ADV)量测了测点的三维瞬时流速及流向,分析了矩形孔口鱼道的三维时均流速分布特征、断面最大流速沿程变化规律、流速矢量场、紊动强度分布及雷诺应力分布。此外,还通过放鱼试验,利用在鱼体植入T形标签和高速摄影机观察了过鱼对象对中孔、底孔的反应情况,分析了过鱼对象与矩形孔口鱼道紊流结构的关系。试验结果表明:水流经中孔形成三维紊动自由射流,经底孔形成三维壁面射流,中孔纵向流速呈高斯分布,而底孔纵向流速则近似为高斯分布,流速由孔口向两侧逐渐减小;中孔和底孔横向流速在位于孔口范围内的纵剖面上沿程减小,孔口之外则变化较小;中孔和底孔垂向流速分布特征表现为在铅垂方向上均存在旋涡;在中孔水平面和纵剖面上,纵向最大流速均沿程衰减;中孔和底孔情形孔口处紊动强度和雷诺应力比非孔口处大得多,而非孔口处不同水深平面上紊动强度和雷诺应力变化趋于平缓;过鱼对象喜爱在紊动强度分布的峰值区和雷诺应力较大变幅区溯游。  相似文献   

采集参数选取的优劣直接关系到野外地震资料质量的高低。作者经过多年海上地震调查实践,总结了一套实用的采集参数选取原则与验证流程。首先结合南海北部某调查区以往的地震和地质资料分析,建立了典型的地震地质结构模型;根据现有调查设备的性能,利用专业软件Nucleus6.2模拟对采集参数选取的理论计算,比较不同采集参数组合的模拟结果,选择有利于调查任务的参数组合。对海上生产前模拟选用的采集参数组合做试验和验证,确定了最适合的参数作业。运用该套原则和流程精心设计,实验获得了高质量野外资料。  相似文献   

The influence of oil-expulsion efficiency on nanopore development in highly mature shale was investigated by using anhydrous pyrolysis (425–600 °C) on solvent-extracted and non-extracted shales at a pressure of 50 MPa. Additional pyrolysis studies were conducted using non-extracted shales at pressures of 25 and 80 MPa to further characterize the impact of pressure on pore evolution at high maturity. The pore structures of the original shale and relevant artificially matured samples after pyrolysis were characterized by using low-pressure nitrogen and carbon-dioxide adsorption techniques, and gas yields during pyrolysis were measured. The results show that oil-expulsion efficiency can strongly influence gas generation and nanopore development in highly mature shales, as bitumen remained in shales with low oil expulsion efficiency significantly promotes gaseous hydrocarbon generation and nanopore (diameter < 10 nm) development. The evolution of micropores and fine mesopores at high maturity can be divided into two main stages: Stage I, corresponding to wet gas generation (EasyRo 1.2%–2.4%), and Stage II, corresponding to dry gas generation (EasyRo 2.4%–4.5%). For shales with low oil expulsion efficiency, nanopore (diameter < 10 nm) evolution increases rapidly in Stage I, whereas slowly in Stage II, and such difference between two stages may be attributed to the changes of the organic matter (OM)’s mechanical properties. Comparatively, for shales with high oil expulsion efficiency, the evolution grows slightly in Stage I, not as rapidly as shales with low efficiency, and decays in Stage II. The different pore evolution behaviors of these two types of shales are attributed to the contribution of bitumen. However, the evolution of medium–coarse mesopores and macropores (diameter >10 nm) remains flat at high maturation. In addition, high pressure can promote the development of micropores and fine mesopores in highly mature shales.  相似文献   

A large amount of data on the precious coral Corallium rubrum has attested to a dramatic shift in the size structure of its over‐harvested Mediterranean populations in recent decades. One of the main problems for the conservation of this species is the substantial lack of data concerning the time span necessary for a population subjected to pluri‐decennial harvesting pressure to return to its pristine status. Here, we present a multi‐annual data set gathered from the Marine Protected Area (MPA) of Portofino, which hosts the most important shallow‐water coral populations in the Ligurian Sea and was subjected to strong harvesting pressure from the 1950s to the early 1970s. Quantitative comparison of the population structure data recorded in 1964, 1990 and 2012 indicated a strong size increase of the colonies (from 3 to 8 g mean weight), resulting in an increase in colony biomass from 300 to the current 1500 g·m?2. As a consequence, over the same span of time, the density of colonies has slightly decreased. The role of mass mortality phenomena, like that occurred in this area during 1999, as possible biological features triggering the switch of red coral populations from a ‘grass plain‐like’ towards a ‘forest‐like’ structure, is discussed. All these data indicate that the instigation of MPAs is a winning strategy in the conservation of this precious species and similar management plans should also be evaluated for the protection of the deep benthic communities thriving on off‐shore banks.  相似文献   

为了研究舟山海域复杂地形条件下的台风浪特征,在高分辨数值模拟中采用了利用海图资料处理复杂岛屿地形分布的方法,利用WAVEWATCHⅢ和SWAN模式相嵌套模拟了影响该海域的西北行路径的典型台风浪过程.分析表明,舟山海域的东南部、东北部、西北部、内部海域受台风的影响各不相同,台风浪特征分布与海域的岛屿分布、水深分布等因素密...  相似文献   

X.H. Wang   《Ocean Modelling》2005,10(3-4):253-271
The Princeton Ocean Model was implemented to investigate the response of northern Adriatic Sea during the Bora event in January 2001 when strong wind and surface cooling was reported. The model has been run with realistic wind stress, surface heat flux and river runoffs forcings continuously from 1 January 1999 to 31 January 2001. The wind stress and surface heat flux was computed by the bulk parameterization, using the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast analysis fields and the Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set cloud data. All the freshwater sources along the Adriatic coastlines were represented by point or line source functions. Open boundary conditions in the Ionian Sea along a latitudinal boundary were nested within a large scale model of the Mediterranean Sea. The numerical study found that, before the Bora event of 13–17 January 2001, the water column of the northern Adriatic Sea was stratified by salinity, and the temperature was already cooler at the surface and over the shallower shelf region. The pre-Bora circulation of the northern Adriatic Sea was relatively weak and baroclinic with maximum surface currents occurred near the Italian coast. During the Bora event, the water column was well mixed in the most of coastal region of the northern Adriatic Sea. The atmospheric cooling produced colder water over the northern and western Adriatic Coast. The circulation of the northern Adriatic Sea was barotropic and dominantly wind driven, with maximum current speed of about 1 m s−1. The numerical study also demonstrated that the Bora event decreased the heat content of the water column with an area averaged value of 205 W m−2 over the shallow northern shelf. It was concluded that the heat budget of the northern Adriatic Sea during the Bora event was a balance between the surface heat loss, horizontal net heat inflow and resulting heat content decrease. The horizontal advection played a particularly important role in controlling the water temperature change over the shallower northern shelf.  相似文献   

文章构建了县级海域生态环境质量评价指标体系,建立了县级海域环境质量系数计算模型、县级海域生态质量系数计算模型以及县级海域生态环境质量综合评价模型,定义了县级海域生态环境质量评价流程。以普陀区海域为例,对县级海域生态环境质量进行综合评价,并针对关键问题和主要影响因素,提出实而可行的合理化建议,以及改善县级海域生态环境质量的长效机制。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲是我国一个极其复杂的大尺度河口系统,具有独特的河网体系和河口湾.为了探讨距今6 000 a以来珠江三角洲和河网的形成演变,提出一个长周期动力形态模型(PRD-LTMM)并讨论长周期模拟方法的建模和验证思想,重建了距今6 000 a海进盛期的古珠江河口湾的水下地形作为模型的初始边界.在模型中考虑的驱动力和控制因素包括代表潮、河流流量、泥沙输入、海平面变化、沉积物压实率及新构造运动等.分析和计算了三角洲总沉积量、有效堆积空间和沉积速率,用于模型控制和校验.应用必要的模型约减技术,实际模拟了长周期模型.34个14C测年钻孔资料初步验证了模型的正确性,一些古文化遗迹证据可以印证模拟结果.地貌动力学分析进一步论证了计算结果的合理性,阐述了模型输出的地学意义.现阶段的研究揭示出海进盛期以来珠江三角洲的时空演进过程具有一些与已有研究成果大不相同的新的特征.提出距今6 000 a以来珠江三角洲等沉积时间线和若干沉积模式.珠江三角洲发育演变及其特征在很大程度上源自其继承性的地质地貌构造所造成的独特的古海湾构造形态及其对河流和海洋动力分布的重塑.珠江河口的“门”及其双向射流动力体系对珠江三角洲和河网主干,特别对口门的形成演变起了控制性的作用,模拟结果还表明,古珠江河口湾中散落的众多基岩岛丘边沿沉积是影响珠江三角洲长期演变的重要因素.  相似文献   

The effects of taxonomic resolution on the variance estimates of macrobenthic assemblages were studied at four spatial scales in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. The assemblages exhibited significant differences at all the investigated scales; however, spatial variability was mainly associated with the smallest and the largest scales. The decrease of taxonomic resolution (from species to family) was not related to a decrease of the overall variability and similar estimates of variance components were obtained using species and family resolution levels. The ordination models derived from species and family abundances were very similar both in terms of location and dispersion effect, while further aggregation to the class level began to alter the observed spatial patterns. In future studies aimed at assessing changes in the lagoon, resources derived from the cost reductions achieved using family level could be employed to plan more frequent surveys and/or to adopt complex spatial sampling designs with a high number of replicates.  相似文献   

对前期构建的长江口及其邻近水域的富营养化评价模型作了进一步改进,并根据2006年至2007年春夏秋冬四个季节的山东半岛典型海域的调查资料,将该模型应用于山东半岛典型海域的富营养化评价。评价结果表明:在"优、良、中、差、劣"五个富营养化等级中,山东半岛大部分海湾和近岸海域出现"中"到"差"程度的富营养化状况,且海湾内富营养化程度明显高于近岸海域。较突出的富营养化症状主要是夏秋季节高浓度的叶绿素水平和周期性发生的有毒有害藻华。烟台四十里湾、丁字湾和青岛胶州湾是山东半岛富营养化状况较严重的三个海湾。仅少数海域,如日照北部近海和黄岛近海的富营养化程度处于"良"的等级。评价模型同时包含富营养化压力因素(水质状态)和效应因素(生态响应)两个方面,在指标评分上不仅考虑评价浓度,还考虑浓度出现的频率和空间覆盖度等方面,以及对各指标合理分配权重,使得评价模型更能准确、全面地反映海域富营养化状况。  相似文献   

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