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Summary. Within the framework of site survey studies of the Deep Drilling Program of the Fedral Republic of Germany (KTB), coincident deep-seismic reflection and refraction experiments in the Black Forest, southwest Germany, were carried out. The simultaneous interpretation of the reflection and the refraction data reveals in particular both a strong velocity reduction in the upper crust and a laterally varying laminated structure of the lower curst. Additional refraction lines result in a three-dimensional crustal model which shows two distinct crustal types of different seismic properties. These crustal types seem to correlate with the major geologic units of Southwest Germany. Variations of Poisson's ratio derived from clearly recorded shear wave data show a similar trend.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林细根周转的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
房秋兰  沙丽清 《山地学报》2005,23(4):488-494
研究了季节雨林0~20 cm土层中≤2 mm细根的生物量、分解量、死亡量、生长量和周转率,并比较了0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层细根生物量的差异。结果表明:0~10 cm的细根生物量明显多于10~20 cm的细根生物量;在0~20 cm土层中,季节雨林活细根和死细根生物量分别为5 418 kg.hm-2和707 kg.hm-2;细根生物量的季节变化显著,其中活细根生物量的最大值出现在5月,最小值出现在8月;年分解量、年死亡量、年生长量和年周转率分别为391 kg.hm-2,1 061 kg.hm-2,3 776 kg.hm-2和0.70 times.a-1。  相似文献   

森林火灾在景观上往往造成不同程度的森林冠层损失,而冠层影响光合作用和蒸散,因此刻画灾后森林冠层恢复的轨迹对于了解生态系统过程具有重要意义。森林冠层的损失和恢复通常采用叶面积指数(LAI)或其它能够反映冠层光合能力的植被指数进行表征。本研究中,我们采用Terra卫星搭载的中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)的长时间序列影像(2000-2009年)来重建火灾后森林冠层恢复的过程。以美国南达科他州布莱克山国家森林公园(The Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota)为例,该地区在2000年8月24日经历了一次大的自然火灾,烧毁了近33 785 ha森林,其中大部分是美国黄松林。基于LAI的研究表明,植被冠层光合能力在3年内(2001-2003年)基本恢复,这主要来自于林下未烧毁草地在灾后的快速生长;火烧迹地的NDVI和EVI在这3年内也呈现恢复的态势。可见,LAI、NDVI和EVI在火灾几年之后便难以有效地识别火烧迹地。然而,陆地表面水分指数(基于近红外和短波红外波段的遥感标准化指数,简称LSWI),能够有效地识别和追踪火烧迹地至今的整个过程(2000-2009年)。这一研究结果也使得采用其它具有近红外和短波红外波段的传感器研究森林火灾迹地恢复和干扰过程成为可能,其中包括Landsat 5 TM影像(可追溯至1984年)。更长时间序列的数据对于研究森林火灾灾后生态系统干扰和恢复过程、森林演替模拟以及碳循环具有重要的支撑作用,LSWI指标证明能够有效地刻画这一过程。  相似文献   

云南哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林土壤氮矿化季节变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了揭示哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林土壤有效氮的季节动态特征,我们用封顶埋管法对徐家坝地区典型的中山湿性常绿阔叶林进行了研究。结果表明:1)土壤有效氮含量季节变化为22.96~68.20mgN·kg-1,其中氨态氮的含量(10.89~47.85mgN·kg-1)大于硝态氮含量(1.48~31.74mgN·kg-1),是有效氮的主体;2)一年的净有效氮矿化总量为310.32mgN·kg-1·hm-2(土壤层0~15cm),有效氮总量和NO3N干湿季节变化极显著,NH4N的干湿季节变化不显著,NH4N在湿季末(200409)最高,干季末(200404)最低,NO3N湿季初(200405)最高,湿季末(200310)最低;3)净矿化速率、净氨化速率、净硝化速率的干湿季节变化均不显著,原因在于土壤内部的干湿季节变化平缓,且这种变化滞后于大气的降雨量变化。  相似文献   

The species composition and biomass of material collected in the summers 1981 and 1983 from 69 stations in the Hornsund fiord were analysed. 48 macroalgal taxa were found: 13 green algae, 18 brown algae and 17 red algae. 19 of these taxa were not reported from the nearby Isfjorden.
The overall biomass for the littoral zone varied from 0 to 216gnT2 formalin d.w., although in J of samples the biomass was between 20 and 80 gm_z. The dominant species were Fucus distichus, Acrosiphonia duriusada and Pilayella littoralis.
Using cluster analysis, an attempt was made to delimit regions with a characteristic species composition. The results obtained, however, do not permit this in the littoral zone of the Hornsund fiord.  相似文献   

In a sediment core of Lake Kleiner Arbersee, located in the Bavarian Forest on gneiss bedrock and with spodosolic soils in the catchment, acidification was reconstructed using assemblages of chydorids, scaled chrysophytes, and diatoms as paleoindicators. All paleoindicators demonstrated acidification of Kleiner Arbersee. There were marked differences, however, in the extent of the indicated acidification: In lower layers, where scaled chrysophytes and chydorids clearly indicate beginning acidification, pH-decline inferred by diatoms lies within the standard deviation, and is statistically not significant until the 7 cm layer. We conclude that mallomonadaceans reflect the acidification of the water body and strongly respond to the lowest seasonal pH, as their indicated rate of acidification is higher than that of diatoms, which appear to more closely indicate the pH of the sediment/water interface, especially when the pH of the water column has dropped below ca. 5.5. Chydorids may additionally be influenced by proton release of dense Sphagnum-stands, which cover the littoral of Kleiner Arbersee completely.We dedicate this paper to Prof. Dipl.-Ing. L. Strobel, who encouraged new perspectives in limnological water management, on the occasion of his 65th anniversary.  相似文献   

We describe results of an active-source seismology experiment across the Chilean subduction zone at 38.2°S. The seismic sections clearly show the subducted Nazca plate with varying reflectivity. Below the coast the plate interface occurs at 25 km depth as the sharp lower boundary of a 2–5 km thick, highly reflective region, which we interpret as the subduction channel, that is, a zone of subducted material with a velocity gradient with respect to the upper and lower plate. Further downdip along the seismogenic coupling zone the reflectivity decreases in the area of the presumed 1960 Valdivia hypocentre. The plate interface itself can be traced further down to depths of 50–60 km below the Central Valley. We observe strong reflectivity at the plate interface as well as in the continental mantle wedge. The sections also show a segmented forearc crust in the overriding South American plate. Major features in the accretionary wedge, such as the Lanalhue fault zone, can be identified. At the eastern end of the profile a bright west-dipping reflector lies perpendicular to the plate interface and may be linked to the volcanic arc.  相似文献   

The Kaoping submarine canyon developed on the frontal orogenic wedge off SW Taiwan and is the largest one among others. The canyon begins at the mouth of the Kaoping River, crosses the narrow shelf and broad slope region, and finally merges into the northern Manila Trench for a distance of about 260 km. Using reflection seismic sections and bathymetric mapping this paper reveals the geomorphic characteristics of the Kaoping Canyon strongly related to structural and sedimentary processes. The combined morphometry statistics analysis, seismic interpretations of structures and examinations of detailed bathymetric charts indicate that regional canyon morphology is strongly linked to intrusions of mud diapirs in the upper reach of the canyon and thrust faulting in the middle and lower reaches which produce two prominent morphological breaks of the course of the Kaoping Canyon with two sharp bends. Although excavation of floor and enlargement of the Kaoping Canyon are mainly attributed to downslope erosion of seabed, incision of this canyon is also strongly complicated by mud diapiric intrusions (upper reach), westward thrust faults (middle reach), and regional base level tilting (lower reach). The resultant cross-sectional morphology along the Kaoping Canyon changes considerably, ranging from U-shaped, broad V-shaped, to irregular troughs. The Kaoping Canyon may be served as a variant of canyon model of active margins with a distinct morphology of two sharp bends along the canyon course associated with structure deformation.  相似文献   

The epipelic diatoms from various water bodies from the south-western part of the Hornsund fiord area are presented. Altogether, 157 taxa (127 species together with their variants and forms) have been identified. The flora consists almost entirely of diatoms from the order Pennales which is represented predominantly Biraphidineae, chiefly by the genera Navicula, Pinnularia and Cymbella. Also some information about the ecology and phytogeography of the diatom flora analysed is given. Most of the species are typical indifferent or alkaliphilous freshwater forms with low trophic requirements. Nearly 55% of the diatoms examined are arctic-alpine or nordic-alpine species.  相似文献   

Our study explores the geohydraulic history of the Acre retroarc foreland basin by gathering both spatial and temporal information from the upper 400 m of sediments. We also inquire into controls on sediment accommodation space as well as on stream vs. lacustrine domination. The Acre basin is located in south-west Amazonia, proximal to the Serra do Divisor which demarcates the eastern edge of the Andean fold–thrust belt. Radiocarbon ages from a range of materials indicate that the upper 50–250 m of the Solimôes Formation accumulated during the past 50 000 years. Both surficial and drill-core sediment records show lacustrine–fluvial transitions throughout the Late Quaternary. These shifts in depositional environments are in response to episodic changes in hydrological conditions as well as to geodynamic activity, such as subsidence. Juxtaposition of lacustrine and fluvial systems in the vertical Acre basin record mimics the regional-scale trends in the modern, upper and middle Solimôes–Amazon floodplains. In the Acre basin record lacustrine successions are characterized by increasing calcium contents up-section. This is also manifested, in the upper portions of lacustrine sequences outcropping at the surface, as alternating clastic and calcareous layers. The up-section increase in carbonate content is related to increasing salinities brought about by drier hydrodynamic conditions. Desiccation cracks are typically infilled with gypsum as are cavities of fossils in bone-beds. The latter represent isolated ponds in which the original fauna died as aridity intensified and waters became increasingly saline. Modern trunk river systems in the Acre basin flow from south-west to north-east with tributaries entering from the south-west, suggesting the influence of a domino-style, basement, fault regime. Fault or, at least, fracture control on stream channels is also suggested throughout the greater Amazon basin in the orthogonal dispositions and asymmetric terrace systems of trunk rivers as well as of major tributaries.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that environmental values of inhabitants of urban areas differ to some extent from those of people living in rural contexts. In the light of increasing urbanization, it is sometimes argued that these differences are becoming even greater, as people are becoming more and more alienated from nature. In the context of a larger survey study on beliefs about forests and forest management among the general public in Germany and Sweden, the influences of people’s migration biographies on their patterns of forest usage, their environmental concerns about forests, and the expectations and values they ascribe to forests are explored. While previous findings on differences between urban and rural populations are confirmed, we also find variation within these groups depending on their history of moving between the two spatial categories. This study thus adds a dynamic aspect to the discussion on the urban–rural perspective on beliefs about forests.  相似文献   

Summary. In 1985, near-vertical incidence reflection profiling was carried out across the Arunta Block in Central Australia. This region consists of exposed Proterozoic metasediments, granites and granulites. There is usually a limited sedimentary coverage generated by deep weathering. The seismic sections for the deep crust are markedly different from those previously recorded in Eastern Australia where there is extensive sedimentary cover. One of the striking features is the presence of energy with frequencies as high as 100 Hz at two-way times of 5-6 s. Reflections are found throughout the crust, and there is no zone that can be characterised as non-reflective. The strongest reflectors commonly lie in the intervals around 4-6 s and 8–11 s and display significant dip. Individual shot records show fairly rapid variations in amplitude and waveform within a reflection band and the correlation between records from adjacent shots can also be somewhat limited. Such features are not well suited to the application of standard processing techniques designed for subhorizontal structures, and call into question the utility of conventional stacking. The character of the reflections changes markedly with varying frequency which suggests that they arise by interference phenomena, probably associated with laterally varying lamellar structures.  相似文献   

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