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研究表明,冬季在北极的斯堪的纳维亚地区存在一个明显的臭氧亏损区,亏损区的中心值达-50DU.对臭氧亏损和地面加热进行相关分析后指出:斯堪的纳维亚地区的臭氧亏损和该地区地面的感热通量、潜热通量、净辐射通量以及总的热通量关系极其密切,其相关系数均在-0.87以上.由此,我们认为冬季斯堪的纳维亚地区的臭氧亏损可能是由于地面加热引发的物质抬升所造成的.  相似文献   

斯堪的纳维亚上空的臭氧亏损与北大西洋海温   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用TOMS臭氧资料和NCAR/NCEP再分析海温资料,分析研究了斯堪的纳维亚地区的臭氧亏损状况及其季节变化规律,指出在斯堪的纳维亚地区上空存在一个严重的臭氧亏损区。该臭氧亏损有明显的季节变化:冬季最强,夏季最弱。同时研究了北大西洋海温分布和季节变化,指出其与斯堪的纳维亚地区臭氧亏损有极好的负相关。因此,认为可以用北大西洋海温的季节变化来估计斯堪的纳维亚地区气候尺度的臭氧亏损变化。  相似文献   

大尺度山地上空的臭氧低值及地面加热   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
首次利用Nimbus-7卫星上搭载的臭氧观测光谱仪(TOMS)资料,分析研究了大尺度山地(青藏高原、洛基山脉和安第斯山脉)上空臭氧总量的分布和季节变化规律,指出了大尺度山地对大气臭氧的减少作用。从全球大气臭氧总量分布和纬向偏差分布可以看出:在上述3个大尺度山地上空均存在着明显的臭氧低值扰动,该扰动区夏季强于冬季。在这3个区域中,青藏高原上空的臭氧低值扰动为最强。分析同时指出:上述大尺度山地上空臭氧季节变化的极小值在秋季,极大值在春季。但上述地区臭氧总量与同纬度其它地区臭氧总量的偏差在春季或初夏达到极小值。为分析这种大尺度山地对臭氧减少作用的原因,本文分析了青藏高原地面热源与臭氧总量的关系,指出:大尺度山地表面对大气的加热与该地区臭氧减少之间存在着良好的反相关;在地面对大气的感热加热、潜热加热和有效长波辐射加热中,以感热加热与臭氧减少的关系为最好。  相似文献   

平流层臭氧变化对大气加热率及到达地面紫外辐射的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
孙学金 《气象科学》1997,17(1):71-82
平流层臭氧的变化对平流层的温度结构,整个大气环流以及到达地面的紫外辐射均有影响。本文采用一个计算臭氧吸收太阳辐射的参数化方法和有关资料,研究了臭氧变化对大气最大加热率和到达地面的紫外辐射通量密度的影响情况。文中给出的参数化方法可直接应用于大气环流模式计算臭氧吸收太阳辐射的加热率。  相似文献   

拉萨地区夏季地面臭氧的观测和特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1998年 6~ 9月 ,在西藏拉萨郊区 (海拔 36 5 0m ,2 9.6 5°N ,91.16°E)对地面臭氧进行了连续观测。该地区夏季地面臭氧日平均浓度在 10~ 6 0nL/L ,夏初的浓度较高于夏季后期。地面臭氧浓度的日变化呈单峰型 ,峰值出现在当地时间 10~ 18时 ,具有光化学过程臭氧生成的典型变化特征。局地风速、降水、太阳总辐射等气象因素的变化对地面臭氧浓度具有不同程度的影响。拉萨地区大规模宗教活动中的露天生物体燃烧 ,对地面臭氧浓度的增加有十分明显的贡献  相似文献   

毕道华  陈月娟 《大气科学》1993,17(5):513-522
本文介绍一个简单、经济的适用于各种多层大气环流模式中计算臭氧加热率的参数化方案,利用这一方案,可根据臭氧总量气候观测值及其垂直分布资料计算臭氧加热率,也可以在模式中加入臭氧方程,用预报的臭氧含量计算臭氧加热率.用此方案对单站气候资料试算,结果指出,随着高度的增加,臭氧吸收太阳辐射对大气太阳加热率的贡献逐渐接近、达到并在平流层50hPa附近明显超过其它物质如水汽的贡献.此方案用于九层大气环流模式时,对其辐射加热率的计算有较理想的改进,并使模拟的大气温度垂直分布更符合观测事实.  相似文献   

南京地区大气颗粒物影响近地面臭氧的个例研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对2008年4月2~7日南京地区地面气象观测数据以及两个站点空气质量(O3、NOx、PM10)监测资料的分析, 发现O3和PM10之间存在一定程度的反相关。利用一个光化学箱模式对该个例中大气颗粒物影响近地面臭氧的过程进行模拟, 结果发现大气颗粒物浓度的升高使得气溶胶光学厚度增加20%~40%, 导致NO2和O3近地面光解率下降20%~30%, OH和HO2自由基浓度分别减少20%~50%, 造成O3净生成率下降30%~40%。研究表明, 颗粒物对光化学过程的抑制造成了大气氧化能力的降低, 是近地面臭氧浓度减少的可能原因。  相似文献   

藏北高原地面加热场的变化及其对气候的影响   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:16  
利用 1994— 1996年在藏北高原五道梁所观测得到的地面能量收支资料 ,结合同期的大气环流进行了分析研究。结果表明 :高原北部地面加热场强度的变化与高原西部相似 ,而与高原主体东半部的变化相反 ;冬季前期 11月的地面积雪过程对决定整个冬季地面加热场的性质具有重要的意义 ;高原冬季地面热状况的异常 ,引起夏季加热场的异常 ,这可能是造成大气环流异常的原因之一 ,从而影响我国的气候环境 ,因此对高原地面加热场的监测可以为短期气候预测提供依据。  相似文献   

青藏高原地面加热场强度与ENSO循环的关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
分析了近50年青藏高原地面加热场强度距平指数、Ni~no C区海温指数、SOI和印缅槽指数的统计相关,结果表明,ENSO指数和印缅槽指数在月、季时间尺度上具有很好的持续性。青藏高原地面加热场强度距平指数和印缅槽指数与Ni~no C区海温指数存在很好的正相关,与SOI有显著的负相关。由此建立了一个通过印缅槽将ENSO循环与青藏高原地面加热场联系起来,解释西北区东部及河套干旱形成的概念模型。  相似文献   

漠河地区臭氧的观测和计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1997年3月上旬,在黑龙江漠河地区对地面和整层臭氧、太阳辐射等进行了短期观测,以初步了解该地区臭氧和辐射的变化规律以及它们之间的相互关系.研究发现,漠河地区近地面臭氧日变化明显,其峰值出现在每日10:00(北京时间)左右,并早于紫外辐射(UV)峰值出现时间.整层大气臭氧总量的日变化特征不明显.基于UV能量守恒,建立了臭氧与其影响因子-光化学、散射、UV等因子之间较好的定量关系和经验模式,并将其用于计算地面、整层大气臭氧小时值和日平均值.结果表明,计算值与观测值吻合的都比较好,它们相对偏差的平均值分别为:地面臭氧小时值(11.9%)和日平均值(9.0%);整层大气臭氧小时值和日平均值-7.4%、1.8%.因此,地面和整层臭氧的经验算法是合理和可行的.利用散射辐射/直接辐射(D/S)和散射辐射/总辐射(D/Q)可以描述大气中的物质如气溶胶、云等的散射作用.采用D/Q表示散射作用可以提高地面臭氧和整层大气臭氧计算的准确度,特别是对云量较大的情况.    相似文献   

During the past decade (1977–1986) ozone has been measured on board various research vessels between 83° N and 76° S. The latitudinal distribution shows nearly twice as high an ozone concentration in the Northern Hemisphere (30 ppb) as compared to the Southern Hemisphere (15 ppb). North of 70° N the concentration rapidly drops to low values (17 ppb). In the ITCZ we frequently observed a pronounced secondary maximum which indicates that tropospheric-stratospheric exchange may be induced by deep convection. During other occasions, ozone concentrations below 10 ppb were observed in the ITCZ. Secondary maxima are also found in each hemisphere, indicating the latitudes in which stratospheric-tropospheric exchange occurs. One such pronounced maximum is found between 60 and 65° N. A comparable counterpart does not, however, occur in the respective southern latitudes.The observations, although incomplete, allow for conclusions with respect to seasonal cycles, at least in some of the latitudes or for some part of the year. In the tropics differences between continental and maritime yearly cycles are found. In mid to high northern latitudes, a sharp maximum is found which extends to the summer months over continental European sites. In the respective southern latitudes, such a spring maximum is only indicated.Comparison with occasionally concurrent Kr 85 measurements by other groups allows for the conclusion that in some cases photochemically produced ozone in polluted air masses is seen over the Atlantic ocean.  相似文献   

斯堪的纳维亚臭氧亏损和物质输送   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
冬季在北极的斯堪的纳维亚地区存在一个明显的臭氧亏损区,亏损区的中心值达-50 DU.对臭氧亏损和地面温度进行相关分析后指出:斯堪的纳维亚地区的臭氧亏损和该地区地面温度和地面热通量关系极其密切,进一步分析物质的向上输送表明冬季斯堪的纳维亚地区的臭氧亏损可能是由于地面加热引发的物质抬升所造成的.  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of ozone and its precursors including NO, NO2, and CO at an urban site (32°03′N, 118°44′E) in Nanjing, China during the period from January 2000 to February 2003 are presented. The effects of local meteorological conditions and distant transports associated with seasonal changed Asian monsoons on the temporal variations of O3 and its precursors are studied by statistical, backward trajectory, and episode analyses. The diurnal variation in O3 shows high concentrations during daytime and low concentrations during late night and early morning, while the precursors show high concentrations during night and early morning and low concentrations during daytime. The diurnal variations in air pollutants are closely related to those in local meteorological conditions. Both temperature and wind speed have significant positive correlations with O3 and significant negative correlations with the precursors. Relative humidity has a significant negative correlation with O3 and significant positive correlations with the precursors. The seasonal variation in O3 shows low concentrations in late autumn and winter and high concentrations in late spring and early summer, while the precursors show high concentrations in late autumn and winter and low concentrations in summer. Local mobile and stationary sources make a great contribution to the precursors, but distant transports also play a very important role in the seasonal variations of the air pollutants. The distant transport associated with the southeastern maritime monsoon contributes substantially to the O3 because the originally clean maritime air mass is polluted when passing over the highly industrialized and urbanized areas in the Yangtze River Delta. The high frequency of this type of air mass in summer causes the fact that a common seasonal characteristic of surface O3 in East Asia, summer minimum, is not observed at this site. The distant transports associated with the northern continental monsoons that dominate in autumn and winter are related to the high concentrations of the precursors in these two seasons. This study can contribute to a better understanding of the O3 pollution in vast inland of China affected by meteorological conditions and the rapid urbanization and industrialization.  相似文献   

凝结潜热释放和地表热通量对一次飑线过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对2013年7月4—5日一次产生大风、短时强降水强对流天气的飑线过程进行数值试验,研究了凝结潜热释放和地表热通量在中尺度对流系统的发生发展过程中的影响。结果表明:(1)凝结潜热释放对飑线系统有重要的作用,对飑线发展维持、移动及成熟阶段的垂直结构都有着一定影响。(2)当飑线系统进入成熟阶段后,小尺度的积云对流中的凝结加热作用于中高层大气,加强了高层辐散低层辐合的配置,而对流系统内垂直上升运动的加强又导致凝结加热作用更强。(3)凝结加热作用极大地促进了飑线的低层入流、高层出流的垂直结构,以及系统前方中层入流和高层出流之间形成的间接垂直反环流,促进高空动能下传的同时,使系统前方对流不稳定性增加,新的对流单体易于触发。(4)潜热释放间接增强了对流内部的冷性下沉气流,进而加强了低层的阵风锋,使得新的对流单体能在飑锋处触发,飑线以新老对流单体交替的方式向前移动。(5)在高低空急流的垂直耦合促进飑线发展的同时,成熟阶段飑线中较强的凝结加热对高低层急流有反馈作用,一定程度上增强了这种垂直耦合。(6)地表感热、潜热通量等边界层非绝热过程在对流系统的触发和发展中起到了较为重要的作用。地表热通量在白天加强了对流边界层的湍流混合作用,由此产生的特征维持到了夜间,形成了适合飑线触发的层结条件。另外,在对流形成之前,与地表潜热通量相关的边界层加湿作用为对流的爆发贮存了丰富的水汽和不稳定能量。  相似文献   

A strong (weak) East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) is usually concurrent with the tripole pattern of North Atlantic SST anomalies on the interannual timescale during summer, which has positive (negative) SST anomalies in the northwestern North Atlantic and negative (positive) SST anomalies in the subpolar and tropical ocean. The mechanisms responsible for this linkage are diagnosed in the present study. It is shown that a barotropic wave-train pattern occurring over the Atlantic-Eurasia region likely acts as a link between the EASM and the SST tripole during summer. This wave-train pattern is concurrent with geopotential height anomalies over the Ural Mountains, which has a substantial effect on the EASM. Diagnosis based on observations and linear dynamical model results reveals that the mechanism for maintaining the wave-train pattern involves both the anomalous diabatic heating and synoptic eddy-vorticity forcing. Since the North Atlantic SST tripole is closely coupled with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the relationships between these two factors and the EASM are also examined. It is found that the connection of the EASM with the summer SST tripole is sensitive to the meridional location of the tripole, which is characterized by large seasonal variations due to the north-south movement of the activity centers of the NAO. The SST tripole that has a strong relationship with the EASM appears to be closely coupled with the NAO in the previous spring rather than in the simultaneous summer.  相似文献   

Simulations of polar ozone losses were performed using the three-dimensional high-resolution (1 × 1) chemical transport model MIMOSA-CHIM. Three Arctic winters 1999–2000, 2001–2002, 2002–2003 and three Antarctic winters 2001, 2002, and 2003 were considered for the study. The cumulative ozone loss in the Arctic winter 2002–2003 reached around 35% at 475 K inside the vortex, as compared to more than 60% in 1999–2000. During 1999–2000, denitrification induces a maximum of about 23% extra ozone loss at 475 K as compared to 17% in 2002–2003. Unlike these two colder Arctic winters, the 2001–2002 Arctic was warmer and did not experience much ozone loss. Sensitivity tests showed that the chosen resolution of 1 × 1 provides a better evaluation of ozone loss at the edge of the polar vortex in high solar zenith angle conditions. The simulation results for ozone, ClO, HNO3, N2O, and NO y for winters 1999–2000 and 2002–2003 were compared with measurements on board ER-2 and Geophysica aircraft respectively. Sensitivity tests showed that increasing heating rates calculated by the model by 50% and doubling the PSC (Polar Stratospheric Clouds) particle density (from 5 × 10−3 to 10−2 cm−3) refines the agreement with in situ ozone, N2O and NO y levels. In this configuration, simulated ClO levels are increased and are in better agreement with observations in January but are overestimated by about 20% in March. The use of the Burkholder et al. (1990) Cl2O2 absorption cross-sections slightly increases further ClO levels especially in high solar zenith angle conditions. Comparisons of the modelled ozone values with ozonesonde measurement in the Antarctic winter 2003 and with Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement III (POAM III) measurements in the Antarctic winters 2001 and 2002, shows that the simulations underestimate the ozone loss rate at the end of the ozone destruction period. A slightly better agreement is obtained with the use of Burkholder et al. (1990) Cl2O2 absorption cross-sections.  相似文献   

Seven year data of hourly surface ozone concentration is analyzed to study diurnal cycle, trends, excess of ozone levels above threshold value and cumulative ozone exposure indices at a tropical megacity, Delhi. The ozone levels clearly exhibit a diurnal cycle, similar to what has been found in other urban places. A sharp increase in the ozone levels during forenoon and a sharp decrease in the early afternoon can be observed. The average rate of increase in ozone concentration between 09 and 12 h has been observed to be 7.1 ppb h−1. We find that the daily maximum and daytime 8-h (10–17 h) ozone levels are increasing at a rate of about 1.7 (± 0.7) and 1.3 (± 0.56) ppb y−1, respectively. The directives on ozone pollution in ambient air provided by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and World Health Organization for vegetation (AOT40) and human health protection were used to assess the air quality. The present surface ozone levels in the city are high enough to exceed “Critical Levels” which are considered to be safe for human health, vegetation and forest. The human health threshold was exceeded for up to ~45 days per year. The AOT40 (Accumulated exposure Over a Threshold of 40 ppb) threshold was exceeded significantly during winter (D-J-F) and pre-monsoon (M-A-M) (Rabi crop growing season) season in India. Translating AOT40 exceedances during pre-monsoon into relative yield loss we estimate yield loss of 22.7%, 22.5%, 16.3% and 5.5% for wheat, cotton, soybean and rice, respectively.  相似文献   

基于1979年到2016年多种再分析资料,本文分析了El Ni?o衰减年热带北大西洋的海温异常.结果表明,热带北大西洋海温在此期间呈显著变暖趋势.10次El Ni?o事件的合成结果表明热带北大西洋海温异常在El Ni?o事件峰值之后的春季达到最大值,并持续到夏季.一般而言,这种异常与三个因子有关,即El Nino,北大西洋涛动和长期趋势,能分别导致局地海温上升0.4℃,0.3℃和0.35℃.1983年和2005年的对比分析表明,尽管El Ni?o强度对春季北大西洋海温起到决定性作用,与长期趋势密切相关的前冬海温也很重要.此外,超前-滞后相关结果表明北大西洋涛动超前海温约2-3个月.比较两个冬季相反位相北大西洋涛动的年份(即1992年和2010年),表明北大西洋涛动也能调制北大西洋海温异常.冬季负位相北大西洋涛动能显著增强El Ni?o的强迫影响,反之亦然.换言之,如果北大西洋涛动与El Ni?o位相相合,衰减年北大西洋海温异常才更为显著.因此,为全面理解热带北大西洋海温变化,除长期趋势外,还必须考虑El Ni?o和北大西洋涛动的综合影响.  相似文献   

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