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In the eastern part of southern Peninsular India, the charnockitic hills of the Madras block are cut across by the E-W trending Attur shear zone (ASZ) which is characterised by a thick (1 to 1.5 km) phyllonite zone, showing intense mylonitisation due to ductile shearing. Steeply plunging (70°–80°) stretching lineation on steeply dipping mylonitic foliation within this zone indicates a relative vertical upliftment of the adjacent blocks. A dextral shearing event from west to east is envisaged from the kinematic analysis of shear sense indicators such as S-C fabric, asymmetric folds, asymmetric augens and asymmetric porphyroclasts. Simultaneous development of these features, related to vertical and horizontal movements may be explained by the mechanism of transpressional deformation. The Attur shear zone may be correlated with the Moyar shear zone based on distinct lithological and structural similarities.  相似文献   

Migmatitic cordierite gneisses within the Achankovil Zone (AZ) of southern Pan‐African India record melt‐producing and subsequent melt‐consuming mineral reactions. Early mineral assemblages Bt‐Sil‐Qtz and Bt‐Sil‐Spl, deduced from inclusion textures in garnet prophyroblasts, break down via successive dehydration melting reactions to high‐T phase assemblages (e.g. Grt‐Crd‐Liq, Opx‐Liq, Spl‐Crd‐Liq). Later back reactions between the restite and the in situ crystallizing melt resulted in thin cordierite coronas separating garnet from the leucosome, and partial resorption of garnet to Opx‐Crd or Crd‐Bt‐Qtz symplectites. Leucosomes generally display a moderate (low‐strain gneisses) to strong (high‐strain gneisses) depletion of alkali feldspar attributed to mineral‐melt back reactions partly controlled by the degree of melt segregation. Using a KFMASH partial petrogenetic grid that includes a melt phase, and qualitative pseudosections for microdomains of high and low Al/Si ratios, the successive phase assemblages and reaction textures are interpreted in terms of a clockwise P–T path culminating at about 6–7 kbar and 900–950 °C. This P–T path is consistent with, but more detailed than published results, which suggests that taking a melt phase into account is not only a valid, but also a useful approach. Comparing P–T data and lithological and isotopic data for the AZ with adjacent East Gondwana fragments, suggests the presence of a coherent metasedimentary unit exposed from southern Madagascar via South India (AZ) and Sri Lanka (Wanni Complex) to the Lützow–Holm Bay in Eastern Antarctica.  相似文献   

The Southern Granulite Terrain with exposed Archean lower crustal rocks is studied using various geophysical tools. The crustal structure derived from seismic reflection and refraction/wide-angle reflection studies is used to understand the tectonic evolution of the region. Deep seismic reflection section along the Kolattur–Palani segment shows an oppositely dipping reflection fabric near the Moyar–Bhavani shear zone, which is interpreted as a signature of collision between the Dharwar craton and another crustal block in the south. The thickened crust due to collision was delaminated during the orogenic collapse and modified the central part, covering the Cauvery Shear Zone system, located between the Moyar–Bhavani and Karur–Oddanchatram shear zones. The delaminated lower crust is altered by magmatic underplating as evidenced by the high velocity layer just above the Moho. The velocity model of the region indicates crustal thickening at the boundary of the Dharwar craton and Moyar–Bhavani shear zone and thinning further south. Back-scattered seismic wave field with negative moveout and the Moho-offset indicate the spatial location and strike-slip nature of the shear zones. Present study suggests that the late Archean collision and suturing of the Dharwar craton with the southern crustal block at the Moyar–Bhavani shear zone may be responsible for the evolution of late Archean granulites. Late Neoproterozoic rifting is observed along the paleo-fault zones. The seismic studies constrained by gravity, magnetic and magnetotelluric data suggest that the Moyar–Bhavani and Karur–Oddanchatram shear zones of the Cauvery Shear Zone system mark terrane boundaries/suture zones.  相似文献   

The present paper correlates the southern Madgascar terrain, south of the Ranotsara shear with the granulite terrain of southern India, occurring south of the Palghat-Cauvery (P-C) shear zone. Both the terrains have witnessed high temperature to ultra high temperature granulite metamorphism at 550 Ma and are traversed by shear zones and deep crustal faults. The 550 Ma old granulite terrains of Madagascar and southern India have similar lithologies, in particular, sapphirine bearing pelitic assemblages. Graphite deposits and gem occurrences are common to both these terrains. The 550 Ma old southern granulite terrain of southern India comprises of different blocks, the Madurai and the Kerala Khondalite belt, but all the blocks have similar lithologies with pelite—calc silicate rocks inter-banded with two pyroxene granulite bodies. These lithologies occur amidst an essentially charnockitic terrain. The protolith ages of the southern granulite terrain, south of the P-C shear zone ranges between 2400–2100 Ma. The terrain as a whole has witnessed the 550 Ma old granulite event. The granulite metamorphism took place under temperatures of 800–1000°C and at pressures of 9.5 to 5 Kbar.The source of heat for the high temperature granulite event of the southern Madagascar terrain has been linked to advective heat transfer along mantle deep faults. The source for the high temperature granulite metamorphism for the southern granulite terrain may be attributed to high temperature carbonatite and alkaline intrusives in an extensional setting which followed an initial crustal thickening.Many workers have linked Madagascar to southern India by connecting the Ranotsara shear either to the P-C shear zone or to the Achankovil shear zone, further south. The important factor is the lithologies of the Madagascar terrain, south of Ranotsara shear zone and the 550 Ma. old southern Indian granulite terrain are similar in many aspects. It will be more appropriate to link the Ranotsara shear to the curvilinear lineament bounding the Anaimalai-Kodaikanal ranges and which merges with the southern margin of the P-C shear zone.However, north of the Ranotsara shear/fault, the northern Madagascar terrain comprises of a dominant Itremo sequence (< 1850 Ma) and 780 Ma old calc-alkaline intrusives. The latter have similarities with that of Aravallis and the Sirohi, Malani sequences occurring further north east. The Rajasthan terrain has witnessed igneous intrusive activity at 1000–800 Ma. If we can broaden the area of investigations and include the above areas, the Madagascar-India connection can be better understood.  相似文献   

Zircon fission-track (FT) and U–Pb analyses were performed on zircon extracted from a pseudotachylyte zone and surrounding rocks of the Asuke Shear Zone (ASZ), Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The U–Pb ages of all four samples are  67–76 Ma, which is interpreted as the formation age of Ryoke granitic rocks along the ASZ. The mean zircon FT age of host rock is 73 ± 7 (2σ) Ma, suggesting a time of initial cooling through the zircon closure temperature. The pseudotachylyte zone however, yielded a zircon FT age of 53 ± 9 (2σ) Ma, statistically different from the age of the host rock. Zircon FTs showed reduced mean lengths and intermediate ages for samples adjacent to the pseudotachylyte zone. Coupled with the new zircon U–Pb ages and previous heat conduction modeling, the present FT data are best interpreted as reflecting paleothermal effects of the frictional heating of the fault. The age for the pseudotachylyte coincides with the change in direction of rotation of the Pacific plate from NW to N which can be considered to initialize the NNE–SSW trending sinistral–extensional ASZ before the Miocene clockwise rotation of SW Japan. The present study demonstrates that a history of fault motions in seismically active regions can be reconstructed by dating pseudotachylytes using zircon FT thermochronology.  相似文献   

New geological observations, recent published data and U–Pb SHRIMP zircon dating from the Karakoram Mountains along the Nubra and Shyok Rivers reveal that the initial subduction of the Tethyan oceanic lithosphere took place ~ 110 Ma beneath the Paleozoic–Mesozoic platform of the southern edge of the Asian Plate. This has produced the I-type plutons within the Karakoram Batholith Complex, well before the juxtaposition of the Asian Plate along the Karakoram Shear Zone. Within this shear zone, U–Pb zircon crystallisation ages of ~ 75 Ma from mylonitised granitoids and 68 Ma from undeformed Tirit granodiorite constrain the timing of suturing of the Karakoram terrain with the Trans-Himalaya between 75 and 68 Ma. Post-shearing leucogranite was episodically generated within frontal migmatised Karakoram Metamorphic Belt and emplaced between 20 and 13 Ma within the shear zone. Presence of a low resistivity zone as a possible indication of mid-crustal partial molten crust underneath the Higher Himalaya–Ladakh–Karakoram terrains manifests the impingement of the Indian Plate along the Main Himalayan Thrust at depth.

Physical continuity of the Baltoro granite belt into the Karakoram Batholith is established as well as the continuity of the Shyok suture as the Shiquanhe Suture Zone in western Tibet through the Chushul–Dungti sector. The Karakoram Shear Zone, therefore, displays a complex geological history of movements since ~ 75 Ma and plays a very significant role in the overall India–Asia convergence, rather than merely being a strike-slip fault for eastward extrusion of a segment of Asia in Tibet.  相似文献   

An integrated approach to resolve the kinematics of the controversial Achankovil Shear Zone (AKSZ) has been attempted involving remote sensing data, shaded relief topo-maps, ground details of lithology and mesoscopic structures. An excellent correlation of structural trends exists on all scales of observation. The AKSZ is distinctly defined by NW–SE trending foliation fabrics with steep dips to southwest. The adjacent Madurai block and Trivandrum block show contrasting lithological and structural characteristics as shown in structural cross-sections.The mesoscopic structural studies reveal the presence of sub-horizontal stretching lineations, asymmetric structures like S–C′ fabrics, porphyroclasts, ‘S’ shaped folds and shear bands confirming the strike-slip component of shear along AKSZ. The deformation undergone by the AKSZ could be described in terms of an initial dextral deformation — D1, reactivated and superimposed by sinistral kinematics — D2, which is also supported by megascopic structural interpretation of remote sensing data. The megascopic structural interpretation of AKSZ displays en-echelon pattern of lineaments with right overstepping arrangement, which can be interpreted as an evidence of the latest sinistral transpressional deformation.  相似文献   

The Makran accretionary prism in southeastern Iran contains extensive Mesozoic zones of melange and large intact ophiolites, representing remnants of the Tethys oceanic crust that was subducted beneath Eurasia. To the north of the Makran accretionary prism lies the Jaz Murian depression which is a subduction-related back-arc basin. The Band-e-Zeyarat/Dar Anar ophiolite is one of the ophiolite complexes; it is located on the west side of the Makran accretionary prism and Jaz Murian depression, and is bounded by two major fault systems. The principal rock units of this complex are a gabbro sequence which includes low- and high-level gabbros, an extensive sheeted diabase dike sequence, late intrusive rocks which consist largely of trondhjemites and diorites, and volcanic rocks which are largely pillow basalts interbedded with pelagic sedimentary rocks, including radiolarian chert. Chondrite- and primitive-mantle-normalized incompatible trace element data and age-corrected Nd, Pb, and Sr isotopic data indicate that the Band-e-Zeyarat/Dar Anar ophiolite was derived from a midocean ridge basalt-like mantle source. The isotopic data also reveal that the source for basalts was Indian-Ocean-type mantle. Based on the rare earth element (REE) data and small isotopic range, all the rocks from the Band-e-Zeyarat/Dar Anar ophiolite are cogenetic and were derived by fractionation from melts with a composition similar to average E-MORB; fractionation was controlled by the removal of clinopyroxene, hornblende and plagioclase. Three 40Ar–39Ar plateau ages of 140.7±2.2, 142.9±3.5 and 141.7±1.0 Ma, and five previously published K–Ar ages ranging from 121±4 to 146±5 Ma for the hornblende gabbros suggest that rocks from this ophiolite were formed during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous. Plate reconstructions suggest that the rocks of this complex appear to be approximately contemporaneous with the Masirah ophiolite which has crystallization age of (150 Ma). Like Masirah, the rocks from the Band-e-Zeyarat/Dar Anar ophiolite complex represent southern Tethyan ocean crust that was formed distinctly earlier than crust preserved in the 90–100 Ma Bitlis-Zagros ophiolites (including the Samail ophiolite).  相似文献   

The Guposhan–Huashan district is an important W–Sn–Sb–Zn–(Cu) metallogenic area in South China. It is located in the middle‐west segment of the Nanling Range. Granitoids in the Guposhan–Huashan district possess certain properties of A‐type or I‐type granites. The W–Sn–Sb–Zn mineralization in the district is closely associated with magma emplacement. Two igneous biotite and seven hydrothermal muscovite samples from skarn, veins and greisenization ores were analyzed by Ar–Ar methods. Two igneous biotite samples from fine‐grained quartz monzodiorite and fine‐grained biotite granite show plateau ages of 168.7 ± 1.9 Ma and 165.0 ± 1.1 Ma, respectively. Seven hydrothermal muscovite samples from ores yield plateau ages as two groups: 165 Ma to 160 Ma and 104 Ma to 100 Ma. These data suggest that the emplacement of fine‐grained granitoids in this district is coeval with the main phase magma emplacement, different from previous studies. The W–Sn–Sb–Zn mineralization took place in two stages, i.e. the Middle–Late Jurassic and early Cretaceous. W–Sn mineralization in the Guposhan–Huashan district is closely related to the magmatism, which was strongly influenced by underplating of asthenospheric mantle along trans‐lithospheric deep faults and related fractures.  相似文献   

The medium- to coarse-grained and porphyritic granitoid of Dharmawaram, Karimnagar district, Andhra Pradesh, south India is a biotite-hornblende granite with notable contents of rare metal (Zr, Hf, Th) and rare earth (including Y) minerals like zircon, thorite, allanite, monazite and xenotime. Chemically, it is metaluminous (average A/ C+N+K = 0.95)-type, potassic (av. 5% K2O) granite, with dominantly sub-alkaline characters. It shows up to 8 times enrichment of rare metals (Zr, Hf, U, Th) and rare earths (including Y, Sc), with reference to their abundances in normal unevolved granite, and hence, fertile for some of these elements. Field, petrological, geochemical and isotopic data of potassic granite (PG) indicate involvement of silica-rich metasedimentary-basic crustal rocks (amphibole-quartzite, amphibolite, hornblende-biotite gneiss, etc.) in its genesis, at a depth range of 30 km. Further, chondrite-normalized REE patterns demonstrate that low-degree partial melting of source rocks is the major con  相似文献   

The pre-Mesozoic metamorphic belt runs parallel to the Day Nui Con Voi - Red River shear zone in Vietnam to the south. The belt is mainly composed of hornblende gneisses, amphibolite lenses and mica-schists. Five hornblendes from a gneiss and an amphibolite were analyzed chemically and chronologically by Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA) and 40Ar/39Ar methods. EPMA analyses show that hornblendes in the gneiss and the amphibolite have significant amount of edenite component and similar average composition. However, the recalculated Fe3+ content is significantly heterogeneous in a thin section while total Fe is nearly the same among the analyses. The rim of each crystal is higher in Fe3+/(Fe3+ + Fe2+) than the core. These chemical and petrological features suggest that the hornblendes have suffered significant oxidation, in particular, largely in the gneiss.

40Ar/39Ar analyses showed that the gneiss has a significant variation of plateau ages (2089±14, 1977±19 and 1873±13 Ma) among three hornblende grains, whereas the amphibolite gives the same plateau ages (2056±14 and 2044±21 Ma) for two grains. All grains of both samples have excess ages in the first few fractions at low temperatures and partial-loss ages between the excess and plateau spectra. The Ca/K ratios indicate some disturbed phases for the lower temperature spectra but the partial-loss ages are also derived from hornblende phase. These facts suggest that hornblende in the gneiss has experienced partial argon loss by oxidation and/or thermally activated argon diffusion process. However, the gneiss and the associated amphibolite have preserved the early Proterozoic tectono-metamorphic event in the hornblende crystals except for their rims, giving new evidence for the early Proterozoic event within the pre-Mesozoic metamorphic belt (northern Vietnam) south of the Red River shear zone in Indochina.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Coronae between olivine and plagioclase are a common replacement texture in mafic rocks by magmatic and metamorphic processes. Mafic dykes from Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone...  相似文献   

The present paper records eight Rhodophycean taxa from the Kallakudi limestone of the Uttatur Group (Lower Cretaceous) exposed in the quarries at Kallakudi and Olaipadi near Govindarajapatnam of the Cauvery Basin, south India. Of these, four species (Melobesioideae gen. et sp. indet 1, Melobesioideae gen. et sp. indet 2, Lithophyllum alternicellum and Pseudoamphiroa propria) belong to corallinaceae family, one species (Polystrata alba) is assigned to Peyssonneliaceae family, two species (Solenopora urgoniana and Parachaetetes asvapatii) are placed under Solenoporaceae; and one species (Sporolithon sp.) is referable to Sporolithaceae family. Among these, three taxa (Solenopora urgoniana, Lithophyllum alternicellum and Pseudoamphiroa propria) are recorded for the first time from India. The study also includes observations on ultrastructural morphological features of Parachaetetes asvapatii. The observations reveal absence of cell fusions, which confirms its affinities with Solenoporaceae. Palaeoecological data indicate that the assemblage from the sequence at the Kallakudi quarry is characteristic of lagoonal to reefal environment, whereas the Olaipadi quarry sequence near Govindarajapatnam points to 20 m to 30 m deep environment characterized by high- to moderate energy conditions.  相似文献   

Two major granulitic units are recognized in the Gour Oumelalen area. One of the units is composed partially of Archean gneisses (Red Gneiss complex) with U–Pb zircon SIMS and TIMS ages of approximately 2.7 Ga. Although they were formed from 3.0- to 3.2-Ga-old precursors, as indicated by Nd model ages, we find no evidence of any older history (≈3.5 Ga) as suggested by previous Pb–Pb ages. The other formation (Gour Oumelalen supergroup) is a metasedimentary sequence at least partly of Paleoproterozoic age, as indicated by zircon dates of a metavolcanic rock at approximately 2.2 Ga. A later magmatic event is recorded at approximately 1.9 Ga in both units and related to coeval granulite-facies metamorphism that affected both units. Nd model ages at approximately 2.0 Ga suggest an accretion of juvenile crust formation at that time. The existence of TDM Nd model ages intermediate between 2.5 and 2.9 Ga could result from the mixing of 3.2 and 2.0-Ga-old material or may reflect separate events.  相似文献   

In the north-western Gawler Craton of South Australia, the Karari Shear Zone defines a boundary between late-Archean to earliest Paleoproterozoic rocks, which have remained largely undisturbed since the earliest Paleoproterozoic, and younger Paleoproterozoic rocks that have been reworked through multiple late Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic metamorphic and deformation events. The history of movement across the Karari Shear Zone has been investigated via new U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, in combination with pre-existing geochronological and metamorphic constraints, as well as the structural geometry revealed by a recently acquired reflection seismic transect. The available data suggest a complex history of shear-zone movement in at least four stages, with contrasting sense of motion at different times. The first period of movement across the Karari Shear Zone is inferred to have been a period of extension at ca 1750–1720 Ma. This was likely closely followed by reactivation during the Kimban Orogeny between ca 1720 and 1680 Ma, although the sense of movement during this period is unclear. Further reactivation, in a thrust sense, occurred between ca 1580 and 1560 Ma, resulting in significant exhumation of marginal domains of the Gawler Craton to the north of the Karari Shear Zone. A final episode of largely strike-slip shear-zone movement occurred at ca 1450 Ma.  相似文献   

The Bhander Group, the uppermost stratigraphic unit of the Proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup in Son Valley, exhibits in its upper part a 550 m thick, muddy siliciclastic succession characterized by features indicative of deposition in a wave‐affected coastal, lagoon–tidal flat environment suffering repeated submergence and emergence. The basic architecture of the deposit is alternation of centimetre‐ to decimetre‐thick sheet‐like interbeds of coarser clastics (mainly sandstone) and decimetre‐thick mudstones. The coarser interlayers are dominated by a variety of ripple‐formed laminations. The preserved ripple forms on bed‐top surfaces and their internal lamination style suggest both oscillatory and combined flows for their formation. Interference, superimposed, ladder‐back and flat‐topped ripples are also common. Synsedimentary cracks, wrinkle marks, features resembling rain prints and adhesion structures occur in profusion on bed‐top surfaces. Salt pseudomorphs are also present at the bases of beds. The mudstone intervals represent suspension settlement and show partings with interfaces characterized by synsedimentary cracks. It is inferred that the sediments were deposited on a coastal plain characterized by a peritidal (supratidal–intertidal) flat and evaporative lagoon suffering repeated submergence and emergence due to storm‐induced coastal setup and setdown in addition to tidal fluctuations. The 550 m thick coastal flat succession is surprisingly devoid of any barrier bar deposits and also lacks shoreface and shelfal strata. The large areal extent of the coastal flat succession (c. 100,000 km2) and its great thickness indicate an extremely low‐gradient epeiric basin characterized by an extensive coastal flat sheltered from the deeper marine domain. It is inferred that the Bhander coastal flat was protected from the open sea by the Bundelkhand basement arch to the north of the Vindhyan basin, instead of barrier bars. Such a setting favoured accumulation of a high proportion of terrigenous mud in the coastal plain, in contrast to many described examples from the Proterozoic. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Existence of a possible detachment zone at Elampillai region, NW margin of Kanjamalai Hills, located in the northern part of Cauvery Suture Zone (CSZ), Southern India, is reported here for the first time. Detailed structural mapping provides anatomy of the zone, which are rarely preserved in Precambrian high grade terranes. The detachment surface separates two distinct rock units of contrasting lithological and structural characters: the upper and lower units. The detachment zone is characterized by a variety of fold styles with the predominance of tight isoclinal folds with varied plunge directions, limb rotations and the hinge line variations often leading to lift-off fold like geometries and deformed sheath folds. Presence of parasitic folding and associated penetrative strains seem to be controlled by differences in mechanical stratigraphy, relative thicknesses of the competent and incompetent units, and the structural relief of the underlying basement. Our present study in conjunction with other available geological, geochemical and geochronological data from the region indicates that the structures of the detachment zone are genetically related to thrust tectonics forming a part of subduction–accretion–collision tectonic history of the Neoproterozoic Gondwana suture.  相似文献   

The Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (South Africa) underwent high-grade metamorphism at 2.7–2.5 and 2.03 Ga. Quartz-rich, garnet-, cordierite-, biotite- and orthoamphibole-bearing, feldspar-free gneisses from the western Central Zone reached granulite-facies conditions (800 °C at 8–10 kbar) followed by decompression. Garnet from one such sample shows significant zonation in trace elements but little zonation in major elements. Zoning patterns suggest that the early prograde breakdown of REE-rich accessory phases contributed to the garnet trace element budget. Monazite from the sample yields a SHRIMP weighted mean 207Pb–206Pb age of 2028 ± 3 Ma, indistinguishable from a SHRIMP zircon age of 2022 ± 11 Ma previously measured on metamorphic overgrowths on 2.69 Ga igneous zircon cores. New zircon and monazite formed before, or at, the metamorphic peak, and occur as inclusions in garnet. Monazite appears to have formed through the breakdown of early allanite ± xenotime ± apatite. Trace element zoning patterns in garnet and the age of accessory phases are most consistent with a single tectonometamorphic event at 2.03 Ga.

The plagioclase and K-feldspar-free composition of the garnet–cordierite–orthoamphibole gneisses requires open system processes such as intense hydrothermal alteration of protoliths or advanced chemical weathering. In the studied sample, the 2.69 Ga igneous zircons show a prominent negative Eu anomaly, suggesting equilibrium with plagioclase, or plagioclase fractionation in the precursor magma. In contrast, the other minerals either show small negative (2.03 Ga monazite), no (2.02 Ga zircon and garnet) or positive Eu anomalies (orthoamphibole). This suggests that the unusual bulk compositions of these rocks were set in after 2.69 Ga but before the peak of the 2.03 Ga event, most probably while the protoliths resided at shallow or surficial crustal levels.  相似文献   

Structural investigations in the Precambrian Singhbhum Shear Zone of eastern India document an intimate relationship between micro- to meso-scale structures and the deformation history. Shear zone rocks are characterized by composite foliation, a well-developed stretching lineation, folds, shear planes, and quartz veins. These structures reflect thrusting of the Proterozoic north Singhbhum hanging wall block over the Archaean south Singhbhum footwall block. Microstructural analysis of multiple foliation and mylonitic rocks within the shear zone helps to define its progressive evolution. During progressive deformation, overprinting of microstructures resulted in incomplete transposition or complete erasing of previously formed structures and mineral assemblages, allowing room for new dynamic equilibrium structures to form. The dominant deformation mechanism was dissolution–recrystallization, with locally important fluid circulation responsible for transformation of the quartzo-feldspathic mass into phyllonite, and quartzites and schists into mylonite. Textural features suggest that the bulk deformation was non-coaxial, evolving from dominant pure shear in the early stage followed by simple shear in a single progressive strain history of the Singhbhum Shear Zone.  相似文献   

The Archaean and Early–Middle Proterozoic (1.8–1.5 Ga) terranes of the North Australian Craton and the South Australian Craton are separated by 400 km of ca. 1.33–1.10-Ga orogenic belts and Phanerozoic sediments. However, there is a diverse range of geological phenomena that correlate between the component terranes of the two cratons and provide evidence for a shared tectonic evolution between approximately 1.8 and 1.5 Ga. In order to honour these correlations, we propose a reconstruction in which the South Australian Craton is rotated 52° counterclockwise about a pole located at 136°E and 25°S (present-day coordinates), relative to its current position. This reconstruction aligns the ca. 1.8–1.6-Ga orogenic belts preserved in the Arunta Inlier and the Gawler Craton and the ca. 1.6–1.5-Ga orogenic belts preserved in the Mount Isa Block and the Curnamona Province. Before 1.5 Ga, the South Australian Craton was not a separate entity but part of a greater proto-Australian continent which was characterised by accretion along a southward-migrating convergent margin (ca. 1.8–1.6 Ga) followed by convergence along the eastern margin (ca. 1.6–1.5 Ga). After 1.5 Ga, the South Australian Craton broke away from the North Australian Craton only to be reattached in its current position during the ca. 1.33–1.10 Ga-Albany–Fraser and Musgrave orogenies.  相似文献   

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