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1976年松潘地震序列的小震震源机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用区域地震台网的地震波资料,由垂直记录P和S振幅比值的拟合,反演得到松潘地震序列158个中小余震的震源机制解。分析表明虽然小震机制解的空间取向比较离散,但其优势取向和区域应力场相符。集中在3个地点和88个小震机制解与离散分布的全区的70个小震机制解之间没有显著差异,据此推论序列中3次大震之所以具有较大的逆冲滑动分量,系予存软弱面空间取向决定,而非应力场的原因。序列中的中小余震并没有表现出逆冲滑动  相似文献   

华南地区的小震震源机制与构造应力场   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
本文利用、最大振幅比的方法,求出了华南六省200次小地震的震源机制解,发现该区现代构造应力场的主压应力轴的水平投影方向具有扇形分布特征,从该区的西部到东部,主压应力轴的水平投影方向为北南略偏东、北西和北西西方向;主张应力轴的水平投影方向具有弧形分布特征,沿着海岸线,从广西到福建,主张应力轴的方向为北西西、北东东和北北东方向,P轴和T轴的“平均”方向都基本水平。  相似文献   

利用地震波资料对澄江5.2级地震序列的震源机制、震源应力场和震源断层作了分析研究。结果表明,整个序列发展中,震源区及附近、构造应力场以南东东方向、水平作用为主的压应力场为主。其次还有南南东向、水平作用为主的压应力场的作用。由序列震源机制解分析,主震发震断层是走向北北东、倾角较陡的断层面,在南南东-南东向,接近水平的压应力场作用下,该断层面具有以左旋走滑为主的错动性质。该断层面是序列的主破裂面。在序列发展过程中,北西西-北西向断层也参与了活动。有的余震,虽然发生在与主破裂面一致或接近的断层面上,但破裂错动的旋性发生了变化,出现了相对主破裂事件的反向错动。极少数余震破裂错动性质呈现以倾向滑动为主的特征。在序列发展过程中,破裂面及其错动性质显地复杂。由于强震的发生,主破裂的错动,使得震源区局部应力场状态错综复杂。  相似文献   

1976年龙陵震群序列的破裂特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张四昌  王绍晋 《中国地震》1994,10(2):152-159
龙陵地震是由8个6级以上地震组成的强震震群序列,采用地震活动图象和震源机制资料的构造分析方法,得到带有运动学和动力学特征的震源破裂组合在地面的投影图象,配合其它资料,提出龙陵地震序列强震的破裂特征是:由3条北东东向左旋走滑断层和2条北北西向右旋走滑断层组成的共轭破裂组合,进一步讨论了某些有关的地震地质问题。  相似文献   

应用改进的主地震相对定位法对17年伽师强震群3级以上地震进行了精确定位,根据较强地震的空间分布和震源机制解推断出伽师震群的发震构造为北北西向的雁行断裂.根据伽师震群地震的2177个P波初动方向记录,计算了伽师震群的平均震源机制解.基于Silver的震源模型,由震源谱推断了伽师震群主要地震的破裂方向,破裂尺度及应力降.文中最后用右阶雁行断裂的数值模型计算了伽师震群的发震构造所产生的扰动应力场的空间分布图像,用其解释了序列地震震源机制的多样性和低应力降现象,并认为特定的雁行发震构造与强震的多发性有关.  相似文献   

伽师强震群震源特征及震源机制力学成因分析   总被引:32,自引:10,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
应用改进的主地震相对定位法对17年伽师强震群3级以上地震进行了精确定位,根据较强地震的空间分布和震源机制解推断出伽师震群的发震构造为北北西向的雁行断裂.根据伽师震群地震的2177个P波初动方向记录,计算了伽师震群的平均震源机制解.基于Silver的震源模型,由震源谱推断了伽师震群主要地震的破裂方向,破裂尺度及应力降.文中最后用右阶雁行断裂的数值模型计算了伽师震群的发震构造所产生的扰动应力场的空间分布图像,用其解释了序列地震震源机制的多样性和低应力降现象,并认为特定的雁行发震构造与强震的多发性有关.  相似文献   

2003年6月青岛震群地震震源机制与震源区应力场特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用山东数字地震台网记录的2003年6月青岛震群波形资料,由P波、SV波、SH波初动和它们之间的振幅比,联合计算了ML≥2.9地震的震源机制解。结果表明,震群发生前期,震源机制较为一致,P轴与北东东(80°)近水平方向的区域应力场主压应力方向一致,震群发生后期震源机制变化相对较大。上述现象相对于强震P轴方向与区域应力场主压应力方向一致,而余震P轴絮乱的现象有一定的相似性。但相对于强震在震后引起的主压应力方向变化(约40°~96°)来说,青岛震群地震引起震源区P轴的变化(约45°)并不显著。  相似文献   

京津张唐地区小震震源机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马林  梁尚鸿 《地震》1989,(6):69-73
本工作应用振幅比的方法给出了1988年1月至9月间京津张唐地区的48个小震震源机制(表1),其震级范围为1.3≤M_L≤3.7。图1为机制解图,黑色区域为张应力区,白色区域为压应力区,图2为主压应力轴方向图。  相似文献   

山西地区小震震源参数测定和构造应力场特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用山西区域地震台网记录的40个小震、振幅比资料,计算测定了震源参数。并对结果进行分析,初步探讨山西地区小尺度区域的构造应力场特征。如果大体沿山西地区的中心线把它分成东西两区,则最大压应力的方向在东区为北东向;在西区为北西西向。北纬37度以南地区,由于秦岭构造带的影响,地壳应力场表现得有些复杂。山西地区这条中心线的意义在于,在中国地壳应力场中,它可能是一条重要的分界线。  相似文献   

伽师震群震源机制与主破裂面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高国英 《内陆地震》1998,12(2):186-187
1997年1月21日以来,新疆伽师地区发生强震群活动,至4月16日共发生7次6级地震,新疆维吾尔自治区地震局对其中的6次地震给出了震源机制解。这6次地震的震源机制解是收集了新疆区域台网和部分全国台网的P波初动符号,用乌尔夫网上半球投影求得。另外我们还收集了中国数字台网(CDSN)给出的其中5次地震的震源机制解和美国哈佛大学提供的结果,在此一并在表1中列出。表1 伽师震源机制解统计表编号时 间年月日发震时刻时分秒震级MS节面Ⅰ走向倾向倾角节面Ⅱ走向倾向倾角P轴方位仰角T轴方位仰角N轴方位仰角断层性…  相似文献   

Using the seismic waveform data recorded by regional seismic network of Yunnan and Sichuan and the method of CAP, we calculate and obtain the focal mechanism of 268 earthquakes with the magnitude of ML≥4.0 occurring in Yunnan during Jan. 1999 to Aug. 2014; then, we analyze the types and the regional feature of the focal mechanism of earthquakes in Yunnan, on the basis of the focal mechanism of 109 earthquakes analyzed by Harvard University. Based on the data of the above focal mechanism solutions, we adopt the method of damped regional-scale stress inversion to calculate the best-fitting tectonic stress tensor of every grid in Yunnan; and adopt the method of maximum principal stress to calculate the direction of maximum horizontal principal stress in Yunnan. The result shows that: (1)the strike-slip type is the most principal type of the earthquake focus in the study area and the second is the normal faulting type; while, the reverse-fault type is relatively small. The spatial distribution of focal mechanism is obvious. This reflects that the dynamic source and acting force are different in different parts of the study area. (2)The direction of the stress field in Yunnan shows a certain spatial continuity. Maximum horizontal principal compressive stress is mainly clockwise from north to south and counterclockwise from the west to the east. The direction of stress field shows inhomogeneity in space. There exist two stress conversion zones respectively in EW and NS direction. The inversion result of stress field shows that the stress field in Yunnan is complex and the principal stress direction changes greatly; and there are obvious differences in different regions.  相似文献   

由小震震源机制解得到的鄂尔多斯周边构造应力场   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用格点尝试法首先分区对鄂尔多斯地块周边的 30 0 0多个小震震源机制解进行了处理。结果显示 ,在震源机制解覆盖的时段内 ,地块周边地区的平均构造应力场有以下特征 :地块周边主要以水平构造作用力为主 ,且其主压应力轴走向以地块西南侧为中心 ,从北至东呈扇形展布。在分区基础上 ,对各区的平均主应力轴分布进行了扫描 ,得到了其随时间的变化过程。其中渭河、六盘山和银川区的构造应力场相对稳定 ,临汾和同心区的构造应力场变化复杂 ,临河、包头、呼和、大同和太原区的构造应力场变化与该区的几次中强地震有密切关系。另外 ,地块周边除个别区外大多数区域在 1992年和 1996年前后 ,主压应力轴走向有趋近于N75°E的现象  相似文献   

We determined the focal mechanism solutions(FMS)of aftershocks of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake using the waveform data recorded by the Western Sichuan movable seismic array. We further obtained the spatio-temporal variation of the stress field by inverting the stress tensors from these data. The results show that the FMSs of the small earthquakes are primarily reverse faulting with considerable number of normal and strike-slip. The proportion of reverse type earthquakes clearly increases with time, and the spatial distribution of the FMSs is closely related with local geology and the characteristics of the deep faults. The stress tensor inversion results reveal that the orientations of the maximum horizontal compressive stress(SH)shortly after the mainshock in each area are mainly in EW to NWW-SEE directions, while in the area along Xiaoyudong-to-Lixian aftershock branch it is in NE-SW direction in shallow crust. This implies that the stress field at the early stage after the Wenchuan earthquake is mainly controlled by the dynamic stress change caused by the rupture propagation, and the conspicuous factor determining the SH direction is the characteristics of the rupture plane. Temporal variations of the stress tensors show that the stress regimes at depth changed from a mixture of reverse and strike-slip faulting to pure reverse, implying that local Coulomb stress caused by the main shock is released through strike-slip faulting and gradually recovers into the background stress field. The change of stress in the shallow subsurface follows that in the deep subsurface with observable time delay.  相似文献   

Analysis of stress state of faults is helpful to understand crustal mechanical properties and seismicity. In the paper, we invert the horizontal crustal stress field in the southeastern Tibetan plateau using focal mechanism solutions of small and medium-size earthquakes, and apply them to estimate the stability of regional major faults. Firstly, we collect focal mechanism solutions of small and medium-sized earthquakes in the southeastern Tibetan plateau. The dataset includes more than 1 000 focal mechanism solutions in the past twenty years. Magnitudes of these earthquakes vary from M3.0 to M6.0. Most of the focal mechanism solutions were determined using waveform inversion technique. Although most of focal mechanism solutions in the southeastern Tibetan plateau are strike-slip faulting, their spatial pattern is different in sub-regions. Normal faulting earthquakes mainly occurred in the western Sichuan region, reverse faulting earthquakes mainly occurred in the boundary zone between the Tibetan plateau and the South China craton, and strike-slip faulting earthquakes mainly occurred in the central and southern Yunnan region. Next, we settle on a mesh with grid spacing of 0.5° in longitude and latitude in the region and invert the horizontal crustal stress field at each grid point. Spatial variation of the maximum principal stress axis in the southeastern Tibetan plateau shows a clockwise rotation around the eastern Himalaya syntax. The azimuth of maximum compressional stress axis is about 88.1° in the western Sichuan region, about 124.6° in the South China craton, and about 21.6° in the western and southern Yunnan region. The azimuth of regional maximum compressional stress is nearly parallel to the direction of terrain elevation gradient, and that of the minimum compressional stress is nearly parallel to the tangential direction of the topographic elevation contours. The spatial pattern reflects the control role of gravity spreading of the Tibetan plateau on the regional horizontal stress field. Finally, we analyzed regional fault stability based on these collected focal mechanism solutions. The fault instability parameter (I) is defined based on the Mohr-Coulomb criterion and indicates the degree of fault approximating to rupture. The instability parameters on fourteen major faults in the southeastern Tibetan plateau were calculated. Our results show that the stability of the Lianfeng-Zhaotong Fault is the lowest before 2014 in the region, which indicates the fault zone is close to rupture at that time. Our results provide a new useful tool to assess regional seismic potential using dense focal mechanism solutions.  相似文献   

在对1966年以来63次强震前中等地震活动图象全时空扫描的基础上,讨论了大陆不同构造区域、不同震源机制强震前中等地震活动图象异常演化特征及其主要活动图象与震源机制节面的相关性. 研究表明:强震前中等地震活动图象显现出应力集中和减弱两个阶段性特征,第一阶段(中期阶段)的活动图象以条带、空区和集中活跃为主;第二阶段(中短期)以持续平静为主. 走滑和正断层机制震前显示出较好的特征图象;逆冲断层震前的活动图象与其它两种机制的图象不同,没有明显的特征图象,两个阶段都有平静现象出现. 强震前中等地震条带走向与震源机制的两个节面走向一致性较好,但空区的一致性较差.   相似文献   

川滇块体及周边区域现今震源机制和应力场特征   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
罗钧  赵翠萍  周连庆 《地震地质》2014,36(2):405-421
利用CAP(Cut and paste)方法获取了川滇块体及周边区域2007年8月至2013年4月75次3.5级以上中等地震的震源机制解,结合哈佛大学历史地震震源机制解,分析了震源机制解和震源深度的空间分布特征,并探讨了其构造动力学背景。结果表明:1)川滇块体各不同断裂带、块体内部各次级块体之间、块体内外表现出不同的震源机制解空间分布特征,揭示出位于青藏高原东南缘的川滇块体及周边地区应力场的非均匀性;2)研究区各主要断裂带所反映的与构造背景作用一致的震源机制分布特征表明,川滇块体及周边近期断层破裂方式主要受到各个断裂带的构造活动以及次级块体之间相互作用的控制;3)丽江-小金河断裂带上特殊的震源机制特征和发震应力轴的分布特征,进一步证实了丽江-小金河断裂带对高原逃逸物质的抵挡和屏蔽的作用;4)震源深度分布特征表明,川滇块体及周边地震震源深度主要分布于15km的上地壳,优势分布在5~15km的范围,揭示出研究区的地壳脆性孕震层位于5~15km的上地壳。  相似文献   

龙滩库区水库地震震源机制及应力场特征   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
文中使用龙滩水库地震监测台网记录的波形数据,采用P波初动、SH波和P渡位移振幅比数据计算震源机制解的FOCMEC方法,获取了龙滩库区2006年9月蓄水至2008年底发生的73次M_L2.0以上地震的震源机制解,并在此基础上反演了库区应力场。龙滩库区2006年10月蓄水以来发生的2级以上地震以逆断层型为主,由震源机制解获得的2个地震丛集区应力场的主压应力都近于水平,取向都为NWW-SEE。反映出蓄水后库区仍为以水平NWW-SEE向压应力为主的应力场结构,且最大主压应力倾角更为水平。而最大主张应力及中等应力轴的分布则不一致,显示出在近水平的主压应力背景下,龙滩库区局部应力场的非一致性。通过对龙滩水库地震机制解特征及应力场的认识和讨论,初步提出了龙滩水库诱发地震的发震机理,认为载荷作用所引起的剪应力增大不是龙滩水库蓄水诱发地震的主要因素,而蓄水所产生的孔隙压力作用和库水渗透的润滑弱化作用的耦合作用可能是主要的成因  相似文献   

On August 8, 2017, Beijing time, an earthquake of M7.0 occurred in Jiuzhaigou County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, with the epicenter located at 33.20°N 103.82°E. The earthquake caused 25 people dead, 525 people injured, 6 people missing and 170000 people affected. Many houses were damaged to various degrees. Up to October 15, 2017, a total of 7679 aftershocks were recorded, including 2099 earthquakes of M ≥ 1.0. The M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake occurred in the northeastern boundary belt of the Bayan Har block on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where many active faults are developed, including the Tazhong Fault(the eastern segment of the East Kunlun Fault), the Minjiang fault zone, the Xueshan fault zone, the Huya fault zone, the Wenxian fault zone, the Guanggaishan-Daishan Fault, the Bailongjiang Fault, the Longriuba Fault and the Longmenshan Fault. As one of the important passages for the eastward extrusion movement of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(Tapponnier et al., 2001), the East Kunlun fault zone has a crucial influence on the tectonic activities of the northeastern boundary belt of Bayan Kala. Meanwhile, the Coulomb stress, fault strain and other research results show that the eastern boundary of the Bayan Har block still has a high risk of strong earthquakes in the future. So the study of the M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake' seismogenic faults and stress fields is of great significance for scientific understanding of the seismogenic environment and geodynamics of the eastern boundary of Bayan Har block. In this paper, the epicenter of the main shock and its aftershocks were relocated by the double-difference relocation method and the spatial distribution of the aftershock sequence was obtained. Then we determined the focal mechanism solutions of 24 aftershocks(M ≥ 3.0)by using the CAP algorithm with the waveform records of China Digital Seismic Network. After that, we applied the sliding fitting algorithm to invert the stress field of the earthquake area based on the previous results of the mechanism solutions. Combining with the previous research results of seismogeology in this area, we discussed the seismogenic fault structure and dynamic characteristics of the M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake. Our research results indicated that:1)The epicenters of the M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake sequence distribute along NW-SE in a stripe pattern with a long axis of about 35km and a short axis of about 8km, and with high inclination and dipping to the southwest, the focal depths are mainly concentrated in the range of 2~25km, gradually deepening from northwest to southeast along the fault, but the dip angle does not change remarkably on the whole fault. 2)The focal mechanism solution of the M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake is:strike 151°, dip 69° and rake 12° for nodal plane Ⅰ, and 245°, 78° and -158° for nodal plane Ⅱ, the main shock type is pure strike-slip and the centroid depth of the earthquake is about 5km. Most of the focal mechanism of the aftershock sequence is strike-slip type, which is consistent with the main shock's focal mechanism solution; 3)In the earthquake source area, the principal compressive stress and the principal tensile stress are both near horizontal, and the principal compressive stress is near east-west direction, while the principal tensile stress is near north-south direction. The Jiuzhaigou earthquake is a strike-slip event that occurs under the horizontal compressive stress.  相似文献   

根据三峡与邻近地区实际天然地震数据,利用GMT软件绘制出三峡地区两次地震的震源机制解。绘制出了三峡地区1964年以来地震震中分布情况,以及频率变化。震源机制解以及三峡与邻近地区断层资料显示出该地区受到西藏块体、四川盆地、川滇块体与鄂尔多斯地块的共同挤压作用,三峡及邻区的现今水平构造应力场的主压应力轴为北东东向,是喜马拉雅期构造应力场的继续。近东西向的向东移动显示出该地区可能为青藏高原地幔物质向东"逃逸"的通道之一。根据水库蓄水前后震源机制解资料反映的震源机制变化,认为蓄水对于三峡及邻区应力场在垂向上有一定的影响。  相似文献   

中国及邻区震源机制解的分区特征   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
利用《中国大陆地壳应力环境基础数据库》收录的中国及邻区2660个地震震源机制解资料(数据截止到2003年底),在分析中国及邻区震源机制解及其分布特征的基础上,重点分析探讨了中国境内6级以上地震的震源机制解的分区特征:东北-华北应力区震源机制解水平最大主应力的优势分布方位为近EW向和NEE向,震源机制解类型相对较为单一,以走滑型为主。华南应力区水平最大主应力的优势分布方位为NW-SE向,震源机制解类型主要是逆断型和走滑型。新疆应力区水平最大主应力的优势分布方位为近SN向,类型也主要是逆断型和走滑型。在青藏高原南部应力区,震源机制解水平最大主应力方位的分布相对比较集中,优势方位为近SN向,类型基本上只有走滑型和正断型2类。而在青藏高原北部及北东边缘应力区,水平最大主应力方位变化较大,震源机制解类型以走滑型为主,同时还有一定数量的正断型和逆断型震源机制解  相似文献   

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