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The AMANDA-II telescope, operated by the IceCube collaboration, is currently the world’s most sensitive telescope to fluxes of neutrinos from individual sources. A data sample of 4282 neutrino induced events collected in 1001 days of detector livetime during the years 2000–2004 have now been analyzed looking for a neutrino signal from point-like sources. A sensitivity to fluxes of of d Φ/dE=1.0×10−10(E/TeV)−2 TeV−1 cm−2s−1 was reached in the energy range between 1.7 TeV and 2.4 PeV. So far no statistically significant localized excess of events over the background of atmospheric neutrinos has been found, which would be ascribed to a neutrino source. However, the flux upper limits derived from the non-observation of a signal are comparable to observed fluxes of high energy gamma rays from blazars and within the range of current models for neutrino emission from selected sources. Possible constraints on these models are discussed.   相似文献   

Ultra-light axions(ULAs) with mass less than 10-20 eV have interesting behaviors that may contribute to either dark energy or dark matter at different epochs of the Universe. Their properties can be explored by cosmological observations, such as expansion history of the Universe, cosmic large-scale structure, cosmic microwave background, etc. In this work, we study the ULAs with mass around 10~(-33) eV,which means that the ULA field still rolls slowly at present with the equation of state w =-1 as dark energy. To investigate the mass and other properties of this kind of ULA field, we adopt the measurements of Type Ia supernova(SN Ia), baryon acoustic oscillation(BAO), and Hubble parameter H(z). The Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) technique is employed to perform the constraints on the parameters. Finally,by exploring four cases of the model, we find that the mass of this ULA field is about 3 × 10-33 eV if assuming the initial axion field φ_i = M_(pl). We also investigate a general case by assuming φ_i ≤ M_(pl), and find that the fitting results of φ_i/M_(pl) are consistent with or close to 1 for the datasets that we use.  相似文献   

Helioseismological sound-speed profiles severely constrain possible deviations from standard solar models, allowing us to derive new limits on anomalous solar energy losses by the Primakoff emission of axions. For an axion-photon coupling gay 5 × 10−10 GeV−1, the solar model is almost indistinguishable from the standard case, while gay 10 × 10−10 GeV−1 is probably excluded, corresponding to an axion luminosity of about 0.20 L. This constraint on gay is much weaker than the well-known globular-cluster limit, but about a factor of 3 more restrictive than previous solar limits. Our result is primarily of interest to the large number of current or proposed search experiments for solar axions because our limit defines the maximum gay for which it is self-consistent to use a standard solar model to calculate the axion luminosity.  相似文献   

Models of convection in Jupiter's interior are studied to test the hypothesis that internal heat balances the absorbed sunlight at each latitude. Such a balance requires that the ratio of total emitted heat to absorbed sunlight be above a critical value 4/π ≈ 1.27. The necessary horizontal heat transport then takes place in the interior instead of in the atmosphere. Regions of stable stratification can arise in the interior owing to the effects of solar heating and rotation. In such regions, upward heat transfer takes place on sloping surfaces, as in the Earth's atmosphere, provided there are horizontal temperature gradients. Potential temperature gradients are found to be small, and the time constant for the pattern to reach equilibrium is found to be short compared to the age of the solar system. It is suggested that Jupiter and Saturn owe their axisymmetric appearance to internal heat flow, which eliminates differential heating in the atmosphere that would otherwise drive meridional motions.  相似文献   

A study of the combined buoyancy effects of thermal and mass diffusion on MHD convection flow in the presence of Hall currents with variable suction and heat generation has been carried out. Analytical expressions for the velocity and the temperature of the fluid are given. The effects of Hall currents, parameterm, and heat source parameter on the velocity are discussed.  相似文献   

Javier Ruiz 《Icarus》2005,177(2):438-446
The heat flow from Europa has profound implications for ice shell thickness and structure, as well as for the existence of an internal ocean, which is strongly suggested by magnetic data. The brittle-ductile transition depth and the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere are here used to perform heat flow estimations for Europa. Results give preferred heat flow values (for a typical geological strain rate of 10−15 s−1) of 70-110 mW m−2 for a brittle-ductile transition 2 km deep (the usually accepted upper limit for the brittle-ductile transition depth in the ice shell of Europa), 24-35 mW m−2 for an effective elastic thickness of 2.9 km supporting a plateau near the Cilix impact crater, and >130 mW m−2 for effective elastic thicknesses of ?0.4 km proposed for the lithosphere loaded by ridges and domes. These values are clearly higher than those produced by radiogenic heating, thus implying an important role for tidal heating. The ?19-25 km thick ice shell proposed from the analysis of size and depth of impact structures suggests a heat flow of ?30-45 mW m−2 reaching the ice shell base, which in turn would imply an important contribution to the heat flow from tidal heating within the ice shell. Tidally heated convection in the ice shell could be capable to supply ∼100 mW m−2 for superplastic flow, and, at the Cilix crater region, ∼35-50 mW m−2 for dislocation creep, which suggests local variations in the dominant flow mechanism for convection. The very high heat flows maybe related to ridges and domes could be originated by preferential heating at special settings.  相似文献   

Effects of Hall current on free convection and mass transfer flow through a porous medium bounded by a vertical surface has been analysed. The problem is solved analytically. The velocity profiles are shown on graphs. Effects ofm (Hall parameter).K * (permeability parameter), and Sc (Schmidt number) on velocity are discussed.  相似文献   

The magnitude of the photon-axion mixing constant is estimated using the cosmic orientation of the electric vectors of the polarized radiation from distant quasars recently discovered by Hutsemekers et al. This phenomenon explained by birefringence which accompanies the conversion of photons into pseudoscalar axion-like particles in the extragalactic magnetic field. This places a strong limit on the axion-electric field coupling constant in the extragalactic (z ≈ 1 ÷ 2) magnetic field of 10−9 G with a coherence length of ~1 Mpc.  相似文献   

Carl Sagan 《Icarus》1973,20(4):513-514
Some 109 to 1010 metric tons of low albedo material, transported during the course of a century to the permanent Martian polar caps, may be capable of rapidly transforming Mars to much more Earth-like conditions. Alternatively the introduction to Mars of a dark plant which grows on the polar snows might accomplish the same objective. Fortunately neither program is a practical engineering venture for the near future.  相似文献   

We consider a spherical body consisting of a fluid with heat flow which radiates in its exterior a null fluid described by the outgoing Vaidya's metric, we prove that this solution matched with the outgoing Vaidya's metric represents a physically reasonable collapsing model. Our model has the remarkable property: it is shear-free and the motion of the fluid is geodesic.CNPq-allowance.  相似文献   

Lunar heat flow observations at the Apollo 15 and 17 sites can be interpreted to imply bulk U concentrations for the Moon of 5 to 8 times those of normal chondrites and 2 to 4 times terrestrial values inferred from the Earth's heat flow and the assumption of thermal steady state between surface heat flow and heat production. A simple model of nearsurface structure that takes into account the large difference in (highly insulating) regolith thickness between mare and highland provinces is considered. This model predicts atypically high local values of heat flow near the margins of mare regions - possibly a factor of 10 or so higher than the global average. A test of the proposed model using multifrequency microwave techniques appears possible wherein heat flow traverse measurements are made across mare-highland contacts. The theoretical considerations discussed here urge caution in attributing global significance to point heat-flow measurements on the Moon.  相似文献   

We obtain some cosmological models that are exact solutions of Einstein's equations. The metric utilized is the one of Szekeres's class II and the curvature source is a perfect fluid with heat flow. The pressure is assumed to have the formp=c(2R/RR).  相似文献   

We have examined thermal emission from 240 active or recently-active volcanic features on Io and quantified the magnitude and distribution of their volcanic heat flow during the Galileo epoch. We use spacecraft data and a geological map of Io to derive an estimate of the maximum possible contribution from small dark areas not detected as thermally active but which nevertheless appear to be sites of recent volcanic activity. We utilize a trend analysis to extrapolate from the smallest detectable volcanic heat sources to these smallest mapped dark areas. Including the additional heat from estimates for “outburst” eruptions and for a multitude of very small (“myriad”) hot spots, we account for ~62 × 1012 W (~59 ± 7% of Io’s total thermal emission). Loki Patera contributes, on average, 9.6 × 1012 W (~9.1 ± 1%). All dark paterae contribute 45.3 × 1012 W (~43 ± 5%). Although dark flow fields cover a much larger area than dark paterae, they contribute only 5.6 × 1012 W (~5.3 ± 0.6%). Bright paterae contribute ~2.6 × 1012 W (~2.5 ± 0.3%). Outburst eruption phases and very small hot spots contribute no more than ~4% of Io’s total thermal emission: this is probably a maximum value. About 50% of Io’s volcanic heat flow emanates from only 1.2% of Io’s surface. Of Io’s heat flow, 41 ± 7.0% remains unaccounted for in terms of identified sources. Globally, volcanic heat flow is not uniformly distributed. Power output per unit surface area is slightly biased towards mid-latitudes, although there is a stronger bias toward the northern hemisphere when Loki Patera is included. There is a slight favoring of the northern hemisphere for outbursts where locations were well constrained. Globally, we find peaks in thermal emission at ~315°W and ~105°W (using 30° bins). There is a minimum in thermal emission at around 200°W (almost at the anti-jovian longitude) which is a significant regional difference. These peaks and troughs suggest a shift to the east from predicted global heat flow patterns resulting from tidal heating in an asthenosphere. Global volcanic heat flow is dominated by thermal emission from paterae, especially from Loki Patera (312°W, 12°N). Thermal emission from dark flows maximises between 165°W and 225°W. Finally, it is possible that a multitude of very small hot spots, smaller than the present angular resolution detection limits, and/or cooler, secondary volcanic processes involving sulphurous compounds, may be responsible for at least part of the heat flow that is not associated with known sources. Such activity should be sought out during the next mission to Io.  相似文献   

The stationary axisymmetric outflow from a rotating sphere with a (split) monopole magnetic field is considered. The stream equation describing the outflow is linearized in terms of the Michel magnetization parameter σ−1 ≪ 1, which allows a self-consistent analysis of the direct problem. It is shown that for a finite σ the fast magnetosonic surface is located at a finite distance ∼ σ1/3 R L ( R L =  c /ΩF is the light cylinder). We have also found that the particle energy at the fast surface is just equal to the Michel value γ ∼ 1/3σ. The particle acceleration and magnetic field collimation are shown to become ineffective outside the fast magnetosonic surface.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the late evolution of intermediate mass stars (∼1–8M) through the planetary nebula phase is undergoing major developments. Observations at infrared and millimeter wavelengths have revealed important components of neutral gas and dust in the nebulae that directly trace their formation from mass-loss on the Asymptotic Giant Branch. At the same time, high resolution imaging, especially with the Hubble Space Telescope, has revealed a surprising array of structures in the nebulae: multiple arcs, tori, jets, and myriads of small scale fragments. None of these are fully understood, and all involve the neutral gas component. This paper highlights recent observations of these structures and discusses the open questions, with an emphasis on those areas where observations with ALMA are likely to make important contributions.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(14):2063-2070
Ribbons are regularly spaced, between 2 and 6 km, troughs that exist on venusian tesserae, which are mainly located in, and characterize to, venusian crustal plateaus. Independent of the geological or temporal relations with other features, regularly and similarly spaced ribbons on several tesserae strongly suggest a thermal control on the thickness of the deformed layer. This can be used to constraint the heat flow at the time of ribbon formation, which holds important implications for the viability of the hypotheses that address the origin and evolution of crustal plateaus. For a brittle–ductile transition ∼1–3 km deep (as proposed from ribbon spacing), realistic strain rates, and a present-day surface temperature of 740 K, the implied heat flow is very high, 130–780 mW m−2. If Venus has experienced higher surface temperatures due to climate forcing by massive volcanism, then the heat flow could be greatly reduced. For surface temperatures of 850–900 K the heat flow is 190–560, 60–230 and 20–130 mW m−2 for brittle–ductile transition depths of 1, 2 and 3 km, respectively. Heat flow values around 80–100 mW m−2 are reasonable for venusian hotspots, based on terrestrial analogs, but hardly consistent with coldspot settings. High surface temperatures are also required to maintain the crustal solidus deeper than a few kilometers during the formation of ribbon terrains. For the obtained heat flows, a solidus deeper than ∼30 km (the likely mean value for the crustal thickness) is difficult to achieve. This suggests that a substantial proportion of the crust beneath crustal plateaus was emplaced subsequently to the time when ribbon terrains were formed. Alternatively, at that time a magma reservoir inside the crust could have existed.  相似文献   

S. T. Suess 《Solar physics》1971,18(1):172-175
Some recent observations of the Sun suggest a class of wave-like motions moving both eastward and westward at a uniform velocity with respect to the mean solar angular velocity. It is suggested that these may be hydromagnetic planetary waves. An estimate of the mean toroidal magnetic field is made, based on a theoretical treatment of such waves already in the literature, and a slight correction to the mean rate of rotation of the Sun is inferred.  相似文献   

D. S. Spicer 《Solar physics》1977,54(2):379-385
We examine some of the consequences of an electrostatically unstable return current associated with heat conduction during a solar flare. We note that an electrostatically unstable return current will lead to strong hydrodynamic effects and more rapid magnetic field thermalization, if reconnection is the source of primary energy release during a solar flare.  相似文献   

For application to the mid-latitude topside ionosphere, we have derived diffusion and heat flow equations for a gas mixture composed of two major ions, electrons and a number of minor ions. These equations were derived by expanding the velocity distribution of each constituent about its 13 lower order velocity moments. As a consequence, each constituent was allowed to have its own temperature and drift velocity. The restriction to mid-latitudes results because we have assumed that the species temperature and drift velocity differences were small. In deriving the diffusion and thermal conduction equations, we have discovered some new transport effects. For the major ions, we have found that: (1) a temperature gradient in either gas causes thermal diffusion in both gases; (2) a temperature gradient in either gas causes heat to flow in both gases; and (3) a relative drift between the major ion gases induces a heat flow in both gases. Similar transport effects have also been found for the minor ions.  相似文献   

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