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Summary In Part II of this paper we comment on the modelling of the complex interactions which take place in cometary comae and tails between parent molecules, radicals, ions, dust grains and the solar electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation (Sect. 4), and we summarize some of the current thoughts about the nature of the elusive cometary nucleus (Sect. 5). Comets are ephemeral phenomena whose lifetimes are short on the cosmic scale; their evolution, statistically and as individual objects, is a main theme in contemporary research (Sect. 6). Although their origins are still not well known, comets undoubtedly carry important clues to the early history and evolution of the solar system (Sect. 7). Finally, we mention the main questions now being asked by cometary studies and illustrate some of the future observational possibilities which may provide crucial data for the next steps forward (Sect. 8).  相似文献   

Cometary and solar wind data are compared with the purposeof identifying the solar wind conditions which are associated with comet plasma tail disconnection events (DEs),i.e., when the plasma tail appears disconnected from the cometaryhead. The cometary data are fromThe International Halley Watch Atlas ofLarge-Scale Phenomena (Brandt et al.,1992a). A systematic visual analysis of the atlas images(Voelzke and Matsuura, 1998)revealed, among other morphological structures, 47 DEs alongthe plasma tail of comet P/Halley. This work compares the current competitive theories, based on the triggeringmechanisms, in order to explain the cyclic phenomena of DEs, i.e., the ion production effects, the pressure effects and themagnetic reconnection effects are analysed. The distribution of the DEs in time or heliocentricdistance presents abimodal character possibly associated with the cometary passage through the magnetic sector boundaries in the interplanetary medium.The 47 DEs documented in 47 different images allowed the estimation of 19 onsets of DEs, i.e., the time when the cometsupposedly crossed a frontier between magnetic sectors of the solar wind. The solar wind data are taken from in situ measurements of IMP-8 (King, 1982), which is used to construct the actual variation of solarwind speed, density and dynamic pressureduring the analysed interval. These in situ measurements arereferenced to the comet by standard co-rotationmethods. The preliminary results ofthis research reveal that the DEs onsetsof comet P/Halley are correlated with pressureeffects only in 23% of the analysed cases,therefore these effects should not be the principaltriggering mechanism of DEs.  相似文献   

Comets in the near-Earth object population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Francesca DeMeo 《Icarus》2008,194(2):436-449
Because the lifespan of near-Earth objects (NEOs) is shorter than the age of the Solar System, these objects originate elsewhere. Their most likely sources are the main asteroid belt and comets. Through physical observations we seek to identify potential dormant or extinct comets among “asteroids” catalogued as NEOs and thereby determine the fraction of “comet candidates” within the total NEO population. Both discovery statistics and dynamical models indicate that candidate cometary objects in near-Earth space are predominantly found among those having a jovian Tisserand parameter Tj<3. Therefore, we seek to identify comet candidates among asteroid-like NEOs using three criteria: Tj<3, spectral parameters (C, D, T, or P taxonomic types), and/or low (<0.075) albedos. We present new observations for 20 NEOs having Tj<3, consisting of visible spectra, near-infrared spectra, and/or albedo measurements obtained using the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, the Kitt Peak National Observatory 4 m, and the Magellan Observatory 6.5-m. Four of our “asteroid” targets have been subsequently confirmed as low activity comets. Thus our sample includes spectra of the nuclei of Comets 2002 EX12 = 169P (NEAT), 2001 WF2 = 182P (LONEOS), 2003 WY25 = D/1891 W1 (Blanplain), and Halley Family Comet 2006 HR30 = P/2006 HR30 (Siding Spring). From the available literature, we tabulate physical properties for 55 NEOs having Tj<3, and after accounting for possible bias effects, we estimate that 54±10% of NEOs in Tj<3 orbits have “comet-like” spectra or albedos. Bias corrected discovery statistics [Stuart, J.S., Binzel, R.P., 2004. Icarus 170, 295-311] estimate 30±5% of the entire NEO population resides in orbits having Tj<3. Combining these two factors suggests that 16±5% of the total discovered “asteroid-like” NEO population has “comet-like” dynamical and physical properties. Outer main-belt asteroids typically have similar taxonomic and albedo properties as our “comet candidates.” Using the model of Bottke et al. [Bottke, W.F., Morbidelli, A., Jedicke, R., Petit, J.M., Levison, H., Michel, P., Metcalfe, T.S., 2002. Icarus 156, 399-433] to evaluate source region probabilities, we conclude that 8±5% of the total asteroid-like NEO population have the requisite orbital properties, physical properties, and dynamical likelihood to have originated as comets from the outer Solar System.  相似文献   

Irvine  W. M.  Dickens  J. E.  Lovell  A. J.  Schloerb  F. P.  Senay  M.  Bergin  E. A.  Jewitt  D.  Matthews  H. E. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):29-35
The abundance ratio of the isomers HCN and HNC has been investigated in comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) through observations of the J = 4−3 rotational transitions of both species for heliocentric distances 0.93 < r < 3 AU, both pre- and post-perihelion. After correcting for the optical depth of the stronger HCN line, we find that the column density ratio of HNC/HCN in our telescope beam increases significantly as the comet approaches the Sun. We compare this behavior to that predicted from an ion-molecule chemical model and conclude that the HNC is produced insignificant measure by chemical processes in the coma; i.e., for comet Hale-Bopp, HNC is not a parent molecule sublimating from the nucleus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Recent progress on the interrelation between meteor streams and comets is reviewed both on dynamical and physical aspects. The topics include the recent concept of the structure of meteor streams, resulted success of the prediction of the meteor storms, and the recent observational situation on the cometary dust grains and meteoroids. Two possible explanations for the origin of the meteoroids together with the implication for the relation between the birthplace of the parent comets and the meteoroids are discussed.  相似文献   

We present a comparative study on molecular abundances in comets basedon millimetre/submillimetre observations made with the IRAM 30-m,JCMT, CSO and SEST telescopes. This study concerns a sample of 24comets (6 Jupiter-family, 3 Halley-family, 15 long-period) observedfrom 1986 to 2001 and 8 molecular species (HCN, HNC, CH3CN,CH3OH, H2CO, CO, CS, H2S). HCN was detected in all comets,while at least 2 molecules were detected in 19 comets. From the sub-sample of comets for which contemporary H2O productionrates are available, we infer that the HCN abundance relative to water variesfrom 0.08% to 0.25%. With respect to other species, HCN is the moleculewhich exhibits the lowest abundance variation from comet to comet. Therefore,production rates relative to that of HCN can be used for a comparative study ofmolecular abundances in the 19 comets. It is found that: CH3OH/HCN varies from ≤ 9 to 64; CO/HCN varies from ≤ 24 to 180; H2CO/HCN varies between 1.6 and 10; and H2S/HCN varies between 1.5 and 7.6. This study does not show any clear correlation between the relative abundancesand the dynamical origins of the comets, or their dust-to-gas ratios.  相似文献   

Our polarimetric database contains six comets, C/1975 V1 (West), 16P/Brooks 2,C/1988 A1 (Liller), D/1996 Q1 (Tabur), C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), and C/2001 A2(LINEAR), which can be related to the group of split comets. Comets West, S4(LINEAR) and A2 (LINEAR) were observed during splitting. We compare thepolarimetric measurements of the dust particles in these comets, sometimes togetherwith available photometric and colorimetric data, with those in normal comets. Weconclude that there is no significant evidence for differences of polarization betweentidally split comets (e.g., Brooks 2), dissipating comets (e.g., Tabur), non-tidally splitcomets (e.g., West) and normal comets. The total disintegration of Comet S4 (LINEAR), however, did produce significant changes in the observed properties of dust.  相似文献   

We simulated the passage of a star through the Oort cometary cloud andanalyzed the resulting sample of observable long period comets, noting strong asymmetries in the directional distribution of the perihelion points of thosecomets. We discuss the results previously published byWeissman (1996) for the same case. An explanation is suggestedwhy the isotropic output can be obtained only for a very peculiar case. The``cometary shower' density variation with time is also presented and thetime-dependence of the directional distribution is discussed.  相似文献   

The results of the multiaperture photometry of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 1991 T2 in the pre-perihelion and P/deVico in the post-perihelion period with the narrowband CN, C2 and Blue Continuum (BC) IHW filters are presented. A Haser model of the molecular coma was used for the determination of the parent and daughter scale-lengths and production rates of the radicals. The comets showed some substantial differences between their parent scale-lengths. The CN parent scale-length (at 1.0 AU) was 16×103 km for Comet Shoemaker-Levy and 39×103 for P/deVico, the C2 parent scale-lengths were respectively 29×103 and 54×103 km. Such divergences could be interpreted in the frame of different scenarios of emission of cometary parents, either from a nucleus or from a volume source. The daughter scale-lengths for these comets were quite similar, namely: 306×103 and 318×103 km for CN and 69×103 and 66×103 km for C2. We determined the Afρ parameter for apertures of different radii. A Monte Carlo model of the dust coma was used to obtain the dust ejection velocity. It was of the order of 0.1 km s−1 for both comets. The power index of the distribution of the β-parameter of dust particles (ratio of light pressure to the solar gravitation) was of the order of 3 for C/Shoemaker-Levy and close to 2 for P/deVico. The dependence on heliocentric distance (rh) of the radical and dust production rates for P/deVico in the range of 0.7-1.0 AU was described by the power law function with a power index equal to: 5.55±0.14 for CN, 5.70±0.24 for C2 and 5.22±0.19 for dust. Relative abundances of the dynamically new Comet Shoemaker-Levy and short-period P/deVico were quite similar with an enhancement of C2 comparing with standard values taken from A'Hearn et al. (1995).  相似文献   

Near-simultaneous R- and J-band photometric measurements of the short-period Comets 2P/Encke and the Deep Impact mission target 9P/Tempel 1 were obtained. The resulting R-J colors are +0.82±0.08 mag and +1.46±0.13 mag for Encke and Tempel 1, respectively. Tempel 1's color is redder than the solar R-J color index of +0.76. The Tempel 1 observations directly detected the nucleus while the Encke observations likely suffered from coma contamination.  相似文献   

The 18 cm lines of OH have been observed in more than 70 comets withthe Nançay radio telescope since 1974. The observations made from1982 to 1999 are now organized in a data base. The Nançay radiotelescope has been recently upgraded, and observations since 2000 aremade with a sensitivity increased by about a factor of two. Twelvecomets were observed from July 2000 to May 2002.  相似文献   

Nurmi  P.  Valtonen  M. J.  Zheng  J. Q.  Mikkola  S.  Rickman  H. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,77(3):239-244
We have developed an efficient Monte Carlo method by which we can evaluate the evolution of comets. There are many poorly known evolutional parameters, and we have investigated the influence of these parameters on the final populations and the inclination distributions of short-period comets. We compare the observed and calculated inclination distributions of different comet populations and obtain a good fit for the inclinations of the Jupiter family comets by assuming a mantle blow-off and a sudden brightening of the comet when its perihelion distance is lowered in a major jump. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The coma morphology and short-term evolution was investigated of three non-periodic comets in retrograde orbits, C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), and C/2003 K4 (LINEAR). All three comets display distinct coma features, which were very different from one comet to the next and remained rather constant in shape during the observational period. A single, broad feature perpendicular to the sun-tail direction dominated the coma of C/2003 K4 in all used filters (B,V,R,I), whereas the coma of Comet C/2002 T7 exhibited different features in blue and red filters. C/2001 Q4 showed rather complex coma morphology with clear short-term variability in coma brightness. Therefore, these non-periodic comets neither show a featureless coma nor any similarities of the features detected. The overall distribution of coma material was investigated from the shape of radial coma profiles averaged around the comet nucleus. For C/2001 Q4 and C/2002 T7, the slopes fitted to the linear part of these profiles are flatter in the blue than in the red, which can be explained by the presence of coma gas. For C/2003 K4 no such difference is indicated in the May observations (r = 2.3 AU), while in July (r = 1.7 AU) the profiles in the B-filter are flatter than in V, R, and I, hence gas contamination was relevant at least in the B filter. The R and I filter images were used to determine approximate Afρ values of each comet as a function of time.  相似文献   

We investigated three comets, which are active at large heliocentric distances, using observations obtained at the 6-m BTA telescope (SAO RAS, Russia) in the photometric mode of the focal reducer SCORPIO. The three comets, 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, C/2003 WT42 (LINEAR), and C/2002 VQ94 (LINEAR), were observed after their perihelion passages at heliocentric distances between 5.5 and 7.08 AU. The dust production rates in terms of Afρ was measured for these comets. Using the retrieved values, an average dust production rate was derived under different model assumptions. A tentative calculation of the total mass loss of the comet nucleus within a certain observation period was executed. We calculated the corresponding thickness of the depleted uppermost layer where high-volatile ices completely sublimated. The results obtained in our study strongly support the idea that the observed activity of Comet SW1 requires a permanent demolition of the upper surface layers.  相似文献   

The Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) observations of Comets McNaught-Hartley (MH) and LINEAR S4 (S4) have been processed in the same way to compare X-rays from those comets. The X-ray isophotes are crescent-like in S4 and more circular in MH because of the different phase angles (98° and 44°, respectively). The peak X-ray brightness is greater in S4 than that in MH by a factor of 1.5 and smaller by a factor of 1.7 after the correction for heliocentric distance. The X-ray luminosities of MH and S4 are equal to 8.6 and 1.4×1015 erg s−1 inside the apertures of ρ=1.5 and 0.5×104 km, respectively. (Brightness is 20% of the peak value at these ρ.) Efficiencies of X-ray excitation corrected to the solar wind flow are similar and equal to 4.3×10−14 erg AU3/2 in both comets. This confirms the solar wind excitation of X-rays in comets. Spectra of the comets were extracted with a special care of the background correction and using an energy-dependent spectral resolution code. The MH spectrum consists of ten emissions instead of nine emissions in the previously published spectrum. The new emission at 307 eV fills in a strong minimum in the previous spectrum and removes the major difference between that spectrum and the synthetic spectrum. This emission is assigned to the C+4 and Mg+9 lines. The positions of the other emissions and their identification are similar to those in the previous spectrum. The S4 spectrum consists of eight emissions, and four emissions are the same as in MH. The line identification is given. Ion ratios in the solar wind have been extracted from the spectra. O+8/O+7 is equal to 0.29±0.04 and 0.14±0.02 in MH and S4, and this difference correlates with the higher solar wind speed in S4. Ne+9/O+7 is (15±6)×10−3 and (19±7)×10−3, and these are the first data on Ne+9 in the solar wind. C+6/O+7 is 0.7±0.2 in both MH and S4. X-ray spectroscopy of comets may be used as a diagnostic tool to study the solar wind composition.  相似文献   

The activity of a meteor shower is thought to be proportional to the activities through time of the parent comet. Recent applications of the dust trail theory provide us not only with a new method to forecast the occurrences and intensities of shower activities, but it is also offers a new approach to explore the history of past activities of the parent comet by retro-tracking its associated meteor showers. We introduce the result of an effort for relating meteor shower activities to the parent comet activities for which we chose the October Draconids and comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner in this paper.  相似文献   

Studies of the D:H ratio in H2O within the Solar nebula provide a relationship between the degree of enrichment of deuterium and the distance from the young Sun. In the context of cometary formation, such models suggest that comets which formed in different regions of the Solar nebula should have measurably different D:H ratios. We aim to illustrate how the observed comets can give information about the formation regions of the reservoirs in which they originated. After a discussion of the current understanding of the regions in which comets formed, simple models of plausible formation regions for two different cometary reservoirs (the Edgeworth–Kuiper belt and the Oort Cloud) are convolved with a deuterium-enrichment profile for the pre-solar nebula. This allows us to illustrate how different formation regions for these objects can lead to great variations in the deuterium enrichment distributions that we would observe in comets today. We also provide an illustrative example of how variations in the population within a source region can modify the resulting observational profile. The convolution of a deuterium-enrichment profile with examples of proto-cometary populations gives a feel for how observations could be used to draw conclusions on the formation region of comets which are currently fed into the inner Solar system from at least two reservoirs. Such observations have, to date, been carried out on only three comets, but future work with instruments such as ALMA and Herschel should vastly improve the dataset, leading to a clearer consensus on the formation of the Oort cloud and Edgeworth–Kuiper belt.  相似文献   

We made polarimetric observations of comet Hale–Bopp covering awide phase angle range, from 18.8 to 47°. At certain phase angles the heliocentricdistance of the comet was less than 1 AU during its pre and post perihelion passages. Oneof the important findings, based on the data in the visual bands, is the higher polarizationwith stronger wavelength dependence compared to comet Halley, indicating the presenceof much finer grains in comet Hale–Bopp. It may also be noted that comet Hale–Bopphas shown highest degree of polarization known so far for any comet and hence fallsin the class of high polarization comets. Polarimetric observations were made of cometC/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)using narrow band (IHW) filters 4845 Å and 7000 Åand broad bands filters BVR during November 23–26, 2001 when the phase angle rangedfrom 15 to 22°. Some of the results based on these observations are presented anddiscussed.  相似文献   

The gas transport through non-volatile random porous media is investigated numerically. We extend our previous research of the transport of molecules inside the uppermost layer of a cometary surface ( [Skorov and Rickman, 1995] and [Skorov et al., 2001]). We assess the validity of the simplified capillary model and its assumptions to simulate the gas flux trough the porous dust mantle as it has been applied in cometary physics. A microphysical computational model for molecular transport in random porous media formed by packed spheres is presented. The main transport characteristics such as the mean free path distribution and the permeability are calculated for a wide range of model parameters and compared with those obtained by more idealized models. The focus in this comparison is on limitations inherent in the capillary model. Finally a practical way is suggested to adjust the algebraic Clausing formula taking into consideration the nonlinear dependence of permeability on layer porosity. The retrieved dependence allows us to accurately calculate the permeability of layers whose thickness and porosity vary in the range of values expected for the near-surface regions of a cometary nucleus.  相似文献   

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