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Chemical analyses of dissolved silica in the shallow groundwater of the lower part of the Salado River drainage basin indicate that silica values averaged 60 ppm. The groundwaters are oversaturated in relation to quartz, Na-plagioclase, K-feldspar, and the weathering of quartz and aluminosilicates appear to have little control on silica concentrations in solution. Groundwater is undersaturated with respect to amorphous silica present in the loessic sediments, and these sediments are specially important in the control of the groundwater composition. The sources of amorphous silica are volcanic glass shards and biogenic silica derived from plant (silicophytoliths, diatom frustules) or animal remains (sponge spicules) also present in the Pampean loess. Silicophytoliths and diatoms have also been reported in A soil horizon samples. The dissolution of amorphous silica most likely controls the high dissolved silica concentrations in groundwater.  相似文献   

青海扎陵湖和鄂陵湖盆地第四纪河湖相地层研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对扎陵湖和鄂陵湖沿岸的湖积阶地中湖相沉积的野外地质调查和实测剖面,对分布于盆地内的第四纪早更新世-全新世湖相地层进行了详细的研究和划分、重新厘定了该区第四纪岩石地层单元,确立了生物地层和年代地层序列.建立了青海东南部地区第四纪早更新世-全新世湖相地层单位-黄河源群(QH),黄河源群是由第四系下更新统野生沟组(Qp~1γ)、中更新统鄂陵湖组(Qp~2e)、上更新统大野马岭组(Qp~3d)和全新统黑河乡组(Qhh)等4个组组成.为青藏高原湖泊演化、气候变化、古地理变迁研究,以及第四纪地层的划分与对比等提供了新资料.  相似文献   

Overbank deposits in the Komissarovka River valley consist of alternating silt, clay silt, sand, and soils produced by lacustrine, alluvial, and aeolian deposition and by soil formation. Silt and sand layers in the lower part of the section correlate with the events of Early Holocene transgression and Middle Holocene regression of Lake Khanka. Deposition in the lowermost reaches of the Komissarovka River provides a faithful record of local Holocene landscapes controlled by level changes in Lake Khanka.  相似文献   

Field investigations at Dugway Proving Ground in western Utah have produced new data on the chronology and human occupation of late Pleistocene and early Holocene lakes, rivers, and wetlands in the Lake Bonneville basin. We have classified paleo-river channels of these ages as “gravel channels” and “sand channels.” Gravel channels are straight to curved, digitate, and have abrupt bulbous ends. They are composed of fine gravel and coarse sand, and are topographically inverted (i.e., they stand higher than the surrounding mudflats). Sand channels are younger and sand filled, with well-developed meander-scroll morphology that is truncated by deflated mudflat surfaces. Gravel channels were formed by a river that originated as overflow from the Sevier basin along the Old River Bed during the late regressive phases of Lake Bonneville (after 12,500 and prior to 11,000 14C yr B.P.). Dated samples from sand channels and associated fluvial overbank and wetland deposits range in age from 11,000 to 8800 14C yr B.P., and are probably related to continued Sevier-basin overflow and to groundwater discharge. Paleoarchaic foragers occupied numerous sites on gravel-channel landforms and adjacent to sand channels in the extensive early Holocene wetland habitats. Reworking of tools and limited toolstone diversity is consistent with theoretical models suggesting Paleoarchaic foragers in the Old River Bed delta were less mobile than elsewhere in the Great Basin.  相似文献   

青海湖流域人类福祉认知及综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
千年生态系统评估(MA)是全球范围内第一个针对人类福祉与生态系统之间的联系,通过整合各种资源,构建多尺度、综合评估各个组分之间相互关系的重大项目. 以MA框架中对人类福祉的定义为依据,通过参与式农户评估,初步探讨了青海湖流域居民对日常生活满意度的认知,采用多指标评估法综合评估了青海湖流域的人类福祉水平. 结果表明:受年龄、性别、受教育程度等因素的影响,环湖居民对日常生活中的衣、食、住、行、收入等方面的认知程度差别明显;总体来看,青海湖流域人类福祉综合分值仅为0.454,收入状况和食物安全是其最主要的影响因素,对人类福祉的贡献值分别为0.074和0.147;分县域而言,共和县人类福祉得分最高,为0.483,海晏县略低,其次是天峻县,刚察县得分最低,仅为0.448. 收入状况和食物安全也是制约分县域居民福祉的关键因素. 因此,改善青海湖流域居民家庭层面的物质资产是提高其福祉的有效途径.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemistry of the Lake Waco drainage basin,Texas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The origin of surface water chemistry in highly impacted drainage basins must be investigated on a drainage-basin scale if the causes of the pollution are to be elucidated. This study characterizes and deciphers the surface water chemistry of a nutrient polluted river system in central Texas. Four tributaries of the Lake Waco reservoir were chemically characterized temporally and spatially in order to gain a complete understanding of the nature and origin of dissolved solids being transported into the lake. Temporal chemical variations measured at the base of each of the drainage basins are repetitive and seasonal. The most periodic and well-defined variation is exhibited by nitrate concentrations although many of the other solutes show seasonal changes as well. These temporal chemical changes are controlled by seasonal precipitation. During rainy seasons, the shallow aquifer is recharged resulting in stream discharge that is high in nitrate, calcium, and bicarbonate. When the shallow flow system is depleted in the summer, stream waters are dominated by deeper groundwater and become rich in sodium. Spatial variations in the chemistry of South Bosque surface waters were characterized using the snapshot technique. The spatial distribution of nitrate in surface waters is controlled by fertilizer application to row crops and the location of a munitions factory. The concentrations of naturally derived solutes such as Ca+, Na+, Cl, and SO4–2are controlled by underlying lithologies.  相似文献   

希夏邦马峰北麓佩枯错湖堰塞成因的解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓晓峰 《冰川冻土》1998,20(1):85-87
根据对希夏邦马峰北麓佩枯错湖区古湖岸的升降变化、门曲谷地河流阶地和冰水阶地等的实地考察,以及地形图、卫片、航片判读所取得的资料,并结合本区第四纪以来不同时期的上升幅度、古地理变迁、冰期与间冰期更替、动植物演进等方面的研究成果,发现希夏邦马峰北坡第四纪不同时期的冰水相沉积物,曾对门曲谷地有过不同程度的堰塞作用,故而提出佩枯错湖为堰塞成因的解释,其从初始形成、兴盛发育到衰退的演变过程与区内冰川类型从山谷冰川、山麓冰川到山谷冰川的演替过程是一致的.  相似文献   

徐慧  杨姝君 《水科学进展》2013,24(3):366-371
以汾湖镇为研究区,采用GIS和RS方法分析了全镇及典型圩区近15年来河网结构的变化特征。结果表明:等级最低的圩内河道的河网结构变化显著,而村级以上的骨干河网结构基本没有变化,河网结构趋于稳定;不同圩区河网结构变化存在明显的时空差异。快速城镇化过程中,经过及时规划和治理的圩区河网结构得到了一定的改善,反之,河网结构受到了较大破坏;根据河网结构演变特征及原因,快速城镇化圩区河网结构演变的主要原因是对水系的保护、整治和破坏等人类活动的影响,据此识别圩区河网演变的几种主要模式为:主动引导型、被动改造型、修复完善型和保护优先型。  相似文献   

北疆地区早全新世环境演化的湖泊沉积记录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对北疆地区艾比湖沉积物的孢粉组合及其碳酸盐δ^18O,δ^13C,δ^13Corg,TOC,TON和Rb/Sr比等地球化学指标分析,重点对全新世早期气候环境演化特征进行了研究。结果表明,研究时段(8.0-11.cal ka B.P.)温度总体偏低,初期(11.5-10.6cal ka B.P.)较为温湿;早全新世向中全新世转换时期(8.9-8.0cal ka B.P.)气候波动显著。特别是3层泥炭沉积显示了艾比湖地区早全新世气候的强烈不稳定性。泥炭的发育程度及其同位素、孢粉分析数据等都显示,8.2cal ka B.P.,8.6cal ka B.P.,10.5cal ka B.P.的气候状况具有显著的冷湿特征,反映了早全新世的3次冷湿事件。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to understand the effects of pollution of anthropogenic origin on water quality in Yalvac Basin, part of the Egirdir Lake catchment. Surface discharge from the basin to the lake is 63 m3/year and underground discharge is 114 m3/year. Possible water pollution is categorized into domestic, industrial and agricultural origin. Domestic and industrial wastewaters, including effluents from leather tanneries are discharged, without being purified, into Yalvac Stream, which flows into Egirdir Lake directly or via the drainage canal. Surface waters flowing into the lake are used in winter for irrigation of agricultural areas. In agricultural areas natural and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are used extensively. Lake Egirdir is used as a source of drinking water. Sampling sites were established for surface and underground waters, taking into account the known point sources of pollution. These sites were sampled in May and October of 2002, and analysed chemically. Cr3+ and Pb2+ concentrations exceed standard limits, meaning that pollution caused by effluent from the tanneries is adversely affecting the water quality in the lake.  相似文献   

以太湖流域雪堰镇为例,通过2009年3月~2010年2月连续12个月及两场次降雨事件的水质监测进行分析,研究不同河流、月份、区域、汛情、土地利用类型下氮素流失规律及形态特性,分析降雨过程中不同尺度3个流域(上涧村、龙泉河、雪堰镇)氮流失特征和不同河段氮流失规律。研究结果表明,雪堰镇氮素为劣Ⅴ类,非汛期污染比汛期严重,变化幅度大,不稳定,氮以溶解态为主,溶解态氮以硝氮为主;镇区硝氮浓度较非镇区低,氨氮比非镇区高,坑塘水面氮流失最严重,有林地(乔木较多)氮流失最少,茶园硝氮占溶解态氮百分比最高,果园氨氮占溶解态氮百分比最高;降雨前期未产流前氮素流失稳定,产流后流失越来越大,不同河段氮沿程变化基本稳定。  相似文献   

左书豪  谢志东 《地质学报》2021,95(9):2920-2935
本文的主要目的是回顾太湖湖盆成因假说,并重点介绍太湖湖盆冲击成因假说的研究历史,首先对各类太湖湖盆非冲击类成因假说做简单的介绍和评述,这些假说包括潟湖说、构造说、堰塞说、火山爆喷说及综合成因说,然后重点回顾太湖湖盆冲击成因假说的演变过程.太湖湖盆冲击成因假说的第一阶段在20 世纪 90 年代初,根据太湖地区砂岩中存在大...  相似文献   

湖光岩玛珥湖沉积物硅藻硅同位素环境示踪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硅是硅藻生长所必需的养分,硅藻在生长过程中从水体吸收主要以硅酸(H_4SiO_4)形式存在的溶解硅.硅藻δ~(30)Si_(distom)可反映硅藻吸收硅酸比例的变化,进一步可以反映湖区气候与环境变化.为探索湖泊沉积物硅藻δ~(30)Si_(distom)在指示湖泊古环境方面的潜力,我们测定了湖光岩玛珥湖沉积物硅藻硅同位素变化.研究结果表明,沉积物δ~(30)Si_(distom)变化与生物硅和有机碳含量变化呈显著相似性,可作为一种有效的古环境代用指标.同时,与已有温度记录的对比分析表明,两者具有很好一致性.较高的如δ~(30)Si_(distom)指示了温度较高的气候条件下硅藻对硅酸的利用率较高;当δ~(30)Si_(distom)较低时,对应着在温度较低的气候条件下硅藻对硅酸的利用率较低.目前,热带陆地区域古气候重建的方法中可用的温度代用指标很少,此项研究证明了δ~(30)Si_(distom)是一种很有潜力的古环境代用指标,有望在低纬度地区古温度重建中发挥重要作用,值得进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

Excess silica in omphacite and the formation of free silica in eclogite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Silica lamellae in eclogitic clinopyroxene are widely interpreted as evidence of exsolution during decompression of eclogite. However, mechanisms other than exsolution might produce free silica, and the possible mechanisms depend in part on the nature and definition of excess silica. 'Excess' silica may occur in both stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric pyroxene. Although the issue has been debated, we show that all common definitions of excess silica in non-stoichiometric clinopyroxene are internally consistent, interchangeable, and therefore equivalent. The excess silica content of pyroxene is easily illustrated in a three-component, condensed composition space and may be plotted directly from a structural formula unit or recalculated end-members. In order to evaluate possible mechanisms for the formation of free silica in eclogite, we examined the net-transfer reactions in model eclogites using a Thompson reaction space. We show that there are at least three broad classes of reactions that release free silica in eclogite: (i) vacancy consumption in non-stoichiometric pyroxene; (ii) dissolution of Ti-phases in pyroxene or garnet; (iii) reactions between accessory phases and either pyroxene or garnet. We suggest that reliable interpretation of the significance of silica lamellae in natural clinopyroxene will require the evaluation not only of silica solubility, but also of titanium solubility, and the possible roles of accessory phases and inclusions on the balance of free silica.  相似文献   

防洪效益评估对防洪工程投资决策与减灾对策制定具有重要意义。建立集成了与太湖流域防洪效益评估相关的系列模型和方法,包括含降雨产流与平原净雨计算的水文分析方法、由河网水动力学模型和平原区域洪水分析模型组成的大尺度水力学模型、综合流域社会经济和淹没因素的洪灾损失评估模型。模拟了太湖流域遇特大洪水的灾害损失,开展了不同防洪工程应对流域性特大洪水减灾效益的预测分析。结果表明:1999年型200年一遇降雨将会给太湖流域造成高达568.29亿元的直接经济损失,外排动力增强30%至100%的防洪效益介于26.69亿元到45.70亿元之间,新建圩区、太浦河拓宽的防洪效益依次减小,而圩区泵排能力增加30%的防洪效益仅为0.65亿元。基于研究成果提出了增设外排泵站、加强圩区科学调度、通过保险分担风险等应对特大洪水的对策措施建议,为太湖流域特大洪水的防治提供支撑和参考。  相似文献   

The Wono and Trego Hot Springs (THS) tephras are widespread in the Lahontan basin and have been identified in a variety of sedimentary environments at different elevations. Davis (1983) reported lake level to be at about 1256 m when the THS tephra was deposited, an interpretation questioned by Benson et al. (1997) who interpreted lake level to be ≤ 1177 m at that time. This is a significant difference in lake size with important implications for interpreting the climate that prevailed at that time. Based on new interpretations of depositional settings of the THS bed at multiple sites, the larger lake size is correct. Additional sites containing the Wono tephra indicate that it was deposited when lake level was at about 1217 m in the western subbasins and at about 1205 m in the Carson Sink. Sedimentary features associated with progressively deeper paleowater depths follow a predictable pattern that is modulated by proximity to sediment sources and local slope. Fine to coarse sands with wave-formed features are commonly associated with relatively shallow water. Silty clay or clay dominates in paleowater depths > 25 m, with thin laminae of sand and ostracods at sites located adjacent to or downslope from steep mountain fronts.  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地呼和湖凹陷热演化史与油气关系   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
呼和湖凹陷现今地温梯度为3.54℃/100m,属于中温型地温场。根据镜质体反射率、包裹体测温和磷灰石裂变径迹法恢复了呼和湖凹陷古地温演化史,研究表明呼和湖凹陷早白垩世古地温梯度可达3.7~6.5℃/100m,古地温梯度高于现今地温梯度,古地温高于今地温。古地温恢复及热史模拟表明最高古地温是在早白垩世晚期达到的,下白垩统烃源岩热演化程度主要受古地温场控制。热演化史与油气关系研究表明呼和湖凹陷油气生成期主要有两期,分别是早白垩世晚期及古近纪以来,且以早白垩世晚期为主要成藏期,古近纪以来由于目的层温度降低生烃强度减弱。  相似文献   

太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征进行了总结,并就污染来源、污染途径和典型污染源附近浅层地下水有机污染特征等问题进行了研究。研究结果表明,该地区浅层地下水中各组分的检出率较高,但检出浓度较低,除苯在个别采样点处超出美国环保局(EPA)饮用水标准外,其余卤代烃和单环芳烃组分均没有超标;平面分布上,卤代烃和单环芳烃各组分的浓度高值点大都集中于该地区东南部的工业区内,这种空间分布特征与工业区的分布具有明显的一致性;垂向上有浅部地下水的污染程度相对较重、深部地下水较轻的特点;典型污染源周边浅层地下水的污染程度较重,但随着采样点远离污染源,地下水中各有机污染组分的浓度迅速衰减。  相似文献   

西藏麻米错盐湖大型锂硼矿盆地水化学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
余石勇  刘孟  赵元艺  郑绵平 《地质学报》2022,96(6):2195-2205
麻米错盐湖位于西藏阿里地区改则县麻米乡,氯化锂资源量250万t,固体硼矿石资源量3686万t,是西藏大型锂硼矿之一。本研究采集麻米错盆地河水、泉水及湖水等27件样品,分析其总溶解性固体(TDS)、pH值及主要化学成分,通过数理统计分析、Piper阴阳离子三角图和Gibbs等方法对比研究表明,河水径流水化学类型为Ca·Na·Mg HCO3·Cl型,河水支流水化学类型为Ca HCO3、Ca·Mg SO4·HCO3型;泉水化学类型为Mg·Ca HCO3·SO4、Na·Mg HCO3·Cl型;湖水水化学类型为Na Cl。水化学离子组成主要受岩石风化和蒸发结晶作用控制,河水和泉水中主要离子来源于碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩风化。河水中主要离子含量介于雪山融水和泉水之间,且接近泉水含量,表明河水更多依靠泉水补给。盐湖中成矿物质来源于岩石风化和深部水岩反应。麻米错湖水正处于正均衡状态,水位持续上涨会对湖区生态和人民生活生产会产生一定影响,建议开展水位动态监测工作。  相似文献   

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