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The index flood method is widely used in regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) but explicitly relies on the identification of ‘acceptable homogeneous regions’. This paper presents an alternative RFFA method, which is particularly useful when ‘acceptably homogeneous regions’ cannot be identified. The new RFFA method is based on the region of influence (ROI) approach where a ‘local region’ can be formed to estimate statistics at the site of interest. The new method is applied here to regionalize the parameters of the log‐Pearson 3 (LP3) flood probability model using Bayesian generalized least squares (GLS) regression. The ROI approach is used to reduce model error arising from the heterogeneity unaccounted for by the predictor variables in the traditional fixed‐region GLS analysis. A case study was undertaken for 55 catchments located in eastern New South Wales, Australia. The selection of predictor variables was guided by minimizing model error. Using an approach similar to stepwise regression, the best model for the LP3 mean was found to use catchment area and 50‐year, 12‐h rainfall intensity as explanatory variables, whereas the models for the LP3 standard deviation and skewness only had a constant term for the derived ROIs. Diagnostics based on leave‐one‐out cross validation show that the regression model assumptions were not inconsistent with the data and, importantly, no genuine outlier sites were identified. Significantly, the ROI GLS approach produced more accurate and consistent results than a fixed‐region GLS model, highlighting the superior ability of the ROI approach to deal with heterogeneity. This method is particularly applicable to regions that show a high degree of regional heterogeneity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Movies taken by witnesses of extreme flood events are increasingly available on video sharing websites. They potentially provide highly valuable information on flow velocities and hydraulic processes that can help improve the post‐flood determination of discharges in streams and flooded areas. We investigated the troubles and potential of applying the now mature large‐scale particle image velocimetry (LSPIV) technique to such flood movies that are recorded under non‐ideal conditions. Processing was performed using user‐friendly, free software only, such as Fudaa‐LSPIV. Typical issues related to the image processing and to the hydrological analysis are illustrated using a selected example of a pulsed flash‐flood flow filmed in a mountainous torrent. Simple corrections for lens distortion (fisheye) and limited incoherent camera movement (shake) were successfully applied, and the related errors were reduced to a few percents. Testing the different image resolution levels offered by YouTube showed that the difference in time‐averaged longitudinal velocity was less than 5% compared with full resolution. A limited number of GRPs, typically 10, is required, but they must be adequately distributed around the area of interest. The indirect determination of the water level is the main source of uncertainty in the results, usually much more than errors because of the longitudinal slope and waviness of the free‐surface of the flow. The image‐based method yielded direct discharge estimates of the base flow between pulses, of the pulse waves, and of the time‐averaged flow over a movie sequence including a series of five pulses. A comparison with traditional indirect determination methods showed that the critical‐depth method may produce significantly biassed results for such a fast, unsteady flow, while the slope‐area method seems to be more robust but would overestimate the time‐averaged flow rate if applied to the high‐water marks of a pulsed flow. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study simulated the effect of using reservoir storage for reducing flood peaks and volumes in urban areas with the Dzorwulu basin in Accra, Ghana as case study. A triangulated irregular network surface of the floodplain was created using ArcGIS from ESRI by integrating digital elevation model and the map of the study area. The weighted curve number for the basin was obtained from the land use and soil type shape files using ArcGIS. The Soil Conservation Service curve number unit hydrograph procedure was used to obtain an inflow hydrograph based on the highest rainfall recorded in recent history (3–4 June 1995) in the study area and then routed through an existing reservoir to assess the impact of the reservoir on potential flood peak attenuation. The results from the analysis indicate that a total of 13.09 × 106 m3 of flood water was generated during this 10‐h rainstorm, inundating a total area of 6.89 km2 with a depth of 4.95 m at the deepest section of the basin stream. The routing results showed that the reservoir has capacity to store 34.52% of the flood hydrograph leading to 45% reduction in flood peak and subsequently 38.5% reduction in flood inundation depth downstream of the reservoir. From results of the study, the reservoir storage concept looks promising for urban flood management in Ghana, especially in communities that are over‐urbanized downstream but have some space upstream for creating the storage. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This investigation comprises the hydraulic characterisation of a river located in the Mexican State of Tabasco, including the performance of its flood plain under the action of an extreme river discharge. This is done through the combination of a high‐quality validation dataset, remote sensing information, and a standard 2D numerical model. The dataset was collected during an intensive field campaign that took place in August 2009. In particular, in situ measurements of river discharge, bathymetry, water level, and velocities through a whole tidal cycle are employed along with multi‐spectral satellite imagery. The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, the integrated approach comprising the combination of a 2D hydrodynamic model, high‐quality in situ measurements and satellite imagery reduce the uncertainty in the model parameterisation and results. Secondly, it is shown that freely available sources of information, such as the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data can be processed and utilized in 2D hydraulic models. This is particularly important in countries where high‐resolution elevation data is not yet available. It is demonstrated that the selected approach is useful when the study of possible consequences in a flood plain induced by an extreme flood discharge are sought. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During mountain torrents, large-magnitude floods may result from heavy rainfall and cause the breakage of landslide dams naturally formed by heavy rainfall, earthquakes, and so on. The characteristics of longitudinal spreading of clear water discharge and changes in flow depth must be clarified because the changes in peak depth have not yet been examined in steep-slope torrents and because there are few data on spreading of flash floods and related sedimentation in mountainous torrents. In the present study, experimental data were collected through hydraulic model tests over a rigid bed, and the spreading of water, fine sediment, bed load, and large boulders due to flooding are discussed assuming that flash flooding/debris flows occur in the upstream reach. The effects of changes in flow width, such as expansions and contractions in the flow width, as well as changes in meandering channels, sediment transportation, and spreading flow depth resulting from bores are examined using flume data for a steep-slope torrent. The data obtained in the present study reveal that fine sediment components are transported to the downstream reach if large-magnitude floods occur and that the spreading rate and peak lags of the fine sediment and water level indicate the occurrence of a flood in the upstream reach.  相似文献   

常露  刘开磊  姚成  李致家 《湖泊科学》2013,25(3):422-427
随着社会经济的快速发展,洪水灾害造成的损失日益严重.洪水预报作为一项重要的防洪非工程措施,对防洪、抗洪工作起着至关重要的作用.淮河洪水危害的严重性和洪水演进过程的复杂性使得淮河洪水预报系统的研究长期以来受到高度重视.本文以王家坝至小柳巷区间流域为例,以河道洪水演算为主线,采用新安江三水源模型进行子流域降雨径流预报,概化具有行蓄洪区的干流河道,进行支流与干流、行蓄洪区与干流的洪水汇流耦合计算,采用实时更新的基于多元回归的方法确定水位流量关系,并以上游站点降雨径流预报模型提供的流量作为上边界条件、以下游站点的水位流量关系作为下边界条件,结合行蓄洪调度模型,建立具有行蓄洪区的河道洪水预报系统,再与基于K-最近邻(KNN)的非参数实时校正模型耦合,建立淮河中游河道洪水预报系统.采用多年资料模拟取得了较好的预报效果,并以2003和2007年大洪水为例进行检验,模拟结果精度较高,也证明了所建预报系统的合理性和适用性.  相似文献   

The Itajaí River basin is one of the areas most affected by flood-related disasters in Brazil. Flood hazard maps based on digital elevation models (DEM) are an important alternative in the absence of detailed hydrological data and for application in large areas. We developed a flood hazard mapping methodology by combining flow frequency analysis with the Height Above the Nearest Drainage (HAND) model – f2HAND – and applied it in three municipalities in the Itajaí River basin. The f2HAND performance was evaluated through comparison with observed 2011 flood extent maps. Model performance and sensitivity were tested for different DEM resolutions, return periods and streamflow data from stations located upstream and downstream on the main river. The flood hazard mapping with our combined approach matched 92% of the 2011 flood event. We found that the f2HAND model has low sensitivity to DEM resolution and high sensitivity to area threshold of channel initiation.  相似文献   

Parametric method of flood frequency analysis (FFA) involves fitting of a probability distribution to the observed flood data at the site of interest. When record length at a given site is relatively longer and flood data exhibits skewness, a distribution having more than three parameters is often used in FFA such as log‐Pearson type 3 distribution. This paper examines the suitability of a five‐parameter Wakeby distribution for the annual maximum flood data in eastern Australia. We adopt a Monte Carlo simulation technique to select an appropriate plotting position formula and to derive a probability plot correlation coefficient (PPCC) test statistic for Wakeby distribution. The Weibull plotting position formula has been found to be the most appropriate for the Wakeby distribution. Regression equations for the PPCC tests statistics associated with the Wakeby distribution for different levels of significance have been derived. Furthermore, a power study to estimate the rejection rate associated with the derived PPCC test statistics has been undertaken. Finally, an application using annual maximum flood series data from 91 catchments in eastern Australia has been presented. Results show that the developed regression equations can be used with a high degree of confidence to test whether the Wakeby distribution fits the annual maximum flood series data at a given station. The methodology developed in this paper can be adapted to other probability distributions and to other study areas. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrologic analysis of urban drainage networks often encounters a number of issues, including data acquisition and preparation for modelling, which can be costly and time‐consuming processes. Moreover, it can get more challenging with missing data and complex loops inside networks. In this article, Gibbs’ model is applied to urban drainage networks to investigate the possibility of replacing an actual existing urban drainage network in terms of the shape and peak flow of the hydrographs at the outlet. The characteristic network configuration is given as a value of a parameter β of Gibbs’ model. Instead of the actual network, stochastic networks from Monte‐Carlo simulation are utilized to obtain a synthetic width function from the generated networks, and runoff hydrographs are estimated based on it. The results show that the synthetic width function and the resulting hydrographs obtained from the networks simulated by Gibbs’ model are close to those from the actual network. The result also shows that even the behaviour of a looped network can be approximated by equivalent dendritic networks generated by Gibbs’ model. The applicability of a stochastic network model in urban catchment implies a complement to modelling approaches in case of data unavailability. Moreover, the network property (β) is utilized not only to estimate the discharge hydrograph of a catchment but also as a key link to evaluate the effect from rainstorm movement in urban catchments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reduced‐complexity models of fluvial processes use simple rules that neglect much of the underlying governing physics. This approach is justified by the potential to use these models to investigate long‐term and/or fundamental river behaviour. However, little attention has been given to the validity or realism of reduced‐complexity process parameterizations, despite the fact that the assumptions inherent in these approaches may limit the potential for elucidating the behaviour of natural rivers. This study presents two new reduced‐complexity flow routing schemes developed specifically for application in single‐thread rivers. Output from both schemes is compared with that from a more sophisticated model that solves the depth‐averaged shallow water equations. This comparison provides the first demonstration of the potential for deriving realistic predictions of in‐channel flow depth, unit discharge, energy slope and unit stream power using simple flow routing schemes. It also highlights the inadequacy of modelling unit stream power, shear stress or sediment transport capacity as a function of local bed slope, as has been common practice in a number of previous reduced‐complexity models. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A key aspect of large river basins partially neglected in large‐scale hydrological models is river hydrodynamics. Large‐scale hydrologic models normally simulate river hydrodynamics using simplified models that do not represent aspects such as backwater effects and flood inundation, key factors for some of the largest rivers of the world, such as the Amazon. In a previous paper, we have described a large‐scale hydrodynamic approach resultant from an improvement of the MGB‐IPH hydrological model. It uses full Saint Venant equations, a simple storage model for flood inundation and GIS‐based algorithms to extract model parameters from digital elevation models. In the present paper, we evaluate this model in the Solimões River basin. Discharge results were validated using 18 stream gauges showing that the model is accurate. It represents the large delay and attenuation of flood waves in the Solimões basin, while simplified models, represented here by Muskingum Cunge, provide hydrographs are wrongly noisy and in advance. Validation against 35 stream gauges shows that the model is able to simulate observed water levels with accuracy, representing their amplitude of variation and timing. The model performs better in large rivers, and errors concentrate in small rivers possibly due to uncertainty in river geometry. The validation of flood extent results using remote sensing estimates also shows that the model accuracy is comparable to other flood inundation modelling studies. Results show that (i) river‐floodplain water exchange and storage, and (ii) backwater effects play an important role for the Amazon River basin hydrodynamics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Images from satellite platforms are a valid aid in order to obtain distributed information about hydrological surface states and parameters needed in calibration and validation of the water balance and flood forecasting. Remotely sensed data are easily available on large areas and with a frequency compatible with land cover changes. In this paper, remotely sensed images from different types of sensor have been utilized as a support to the calibration of the distributed hydrological model MOBIDIC, currently used in the experimental system of flood forecasting of the Arno River Basin Authority. Six radar images from ERS‐2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors (three for summer 2002 and three for spring–summer 2003) have been utilized and a relationship between soil saturation indexes and backscatter coefficient from SAR images has been investigated. Analysis has been performed only on pixels with meagre or no vegetation cover, in order to legitimize the assumption that water content of the soil is the main variable that influences the backscatter coefficient. Such pixels have been obtained by considering vegetation indexes (NDVI) and land cover maps produced by optical sensors (Landsat‐ETM). In order to calibrate the soil moisture model based on information provided by SAR images, an optimization algorithm has been utilized to minimize the regression error between saturation indexes from model and SAR data and error between measured and modelled discharge flows. Utilizing this procedure, model parameters that rule soil moisture fluxes have been calibrated, obtaining not only a good match with remotely sensed data, but also an enhancement of model performance in flow prediction with respect to a previous calibration with river discharge data only. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A statistical downscaling model, based on the outputs of general circulation models (GCMs) as predictors, was proposed to simulate the daily precipitations in the Shih‐Men reservoir catchment in Taiwan. The structure of the proposed downscaling model is composed of two parts: classification and regression. Predictors of classification and regression models were selected from the large‐scale weather variables in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NECP) reanalysis data based on statistical tests. Discriminant analysis and support vector regression (SVR) were applied to build the classification and regression models. The outputs of five atmosphere‐ocean GCMs, which are reported to have properly considered tropical cyclone information and East Asian Monsoon modelling, were used for projecting future precipitations. Data from four grids covering Taiwan were used for developing the downscaling model. The potential of the downscaling models in simulating local precipitations was evaluated, and downscaling results reveal that the proposed downscaling model can reproduce local daily precipitations from large‐scale weather variables. Projected local precipitations under two emission scenarios show that the precipitations in the study area tend to decrease. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study proposes a statistically based procedure to quantify the confidence interval (CI) to be associated to the stages forecast by a simple model called STAge FOrecasting Model‐Rating Curve Model (STAFOM‐RCM). This model can be used for single river reaches characterized by different intermediate drainage areas and mean wave travel times when real‐time stage records, cross section surveys and rating curves are available at both ends. The model requires, at each time of forecast, an estimate of the lateral contribution qfor between the two sections delimiting the reach. The CI of the stage is provided by analyzing the statistical properties of model output in terms of lateral flow, and it is derived from the CI of the lateral contribution qfor which, in turn, is set up by associating to each qfor the qopt which allows STAFOM‐RCM to reproduce the exact observed stage. From an operative point of view, the qfor values are ranked in order of magnitude and subdivided in classes where the qopt values can be represented through normal distributions of proper mean and variance from which an interval of selected confidence level for qfor is computed and transferred to the stage. Three river reaches of the Tiber river, in central Italy, are used as case study. A sensitivity analysis is also performed in order to identify the minimum calibration set of flood events. The CIs obtained are consistent with the level of confidence selected and have practical utility. An interesting aspect is that different CI widths can be produced for the same forecast stage since they depend on the estimate of qfor made at the time of forecast. Overall, the proposed procedure for CI estimate is simple and can be conveniently adapted for other forecasting models provided that they have physically based parameters which need to be updated during the forecast. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

T.‐L. Tsai 《水文研究》2015,29(22):4779-4793
Accurate and practical calculation of aquitard consolidation is required for a reliable analysis of land subsidence caused by groundwater overexploitation in a multilayered aquifer system because aquitards are generally more compressible than aquifers are. This study proposes a coupled one‐dimensional viscoelastic–plastic consolidation model that considers the combined effect of changes in soil parameters and body force to simulate aquitard consolidation caused by hydraulic head variations in neighbouring aquifers. The proposed model uses variable total stress and simultaneously solves hydraulic head and vertical soil displacement. The constitutive relation based on the Voigt model with different elastic moduli of the spring in normally consolidated and overconsolidated soils is used to describe the viscoelastic–plastic deformation mechanism of aquitards. In addition, the proposed model considers the combined effect of variations in hydraulic conductivity, elastic moduli, and body force on the calculation of aquitard consolidation. Three hypothetical scenarios with various hydraulic head variations in aquifers are used to examine the coupled one‐dimensional viscoelastic–plastic consolidation model. The results show that neglecting plasticity and viscosity of soil causes aquitard consolidation to be respectively underestimated and overestimated. In addition, ignoring body force variation underestimates aquitard consolidation, whereas neglecting soil parameters variation overestimates aquitard consolidation. Two real case scenarios are also studied to further demonstrate the applicability of the coupled one‐dimensional viscoelastic–plastic consolidation model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most runoff analyses using a grid‐based distributed model use one parameter group calibrated at the outlet of a watershed, instead of dividing the watershed into subwatersheds. Significant differences between the observed value and the simulation result of the subwatersheds can occur if just one parameter group is used in all subwatersheds that have different hydrological characteristics from each other. Therefore, to improve the simulation results of the subwatersheds within a watershed, a model calibrated at every subwatershed needs to be used to reflect the characteristics of each subwatershed. In this study, different parameter groups were set up for one or two sites using a distributed model, the GRM (Grid based Rainfall‐runoff Model), and the evaluations were based on the results of rainfall–runoff analysis, which uses a multi‐site calibration (MSC) technique to calibrate the model at the outlet of each site. The Hyangseok watershed in Naeseong River, which is a tributary of Nakdong River in Korea, was chosen as the study area. The watershed was divided into five subwatersheds each with a subwatershed outlet that was applied to the calibration sites . The MSC was applied for five cases. When a site was added for calibration in a watershed, the runoff simulation showed better results than the calibration of only one site at the most downstream area of the watershed. The MSC approach could improve the simulation results on the calibrated sites and even on the non‐calibrated sites, and the effect of MSC was improved when the calibrated site was closer to the runoff site. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flood hydrographs from ephemeral streams in arid areas provide valuable information for assessing run‐off and groundwater recharge. However, such data are often scarce or incomplete, especially in hyper‐arid regions. The hypothesis of this study was that it is possible to reconstruct a hydrograph of a specific point along an ephemeral stream with the knowledge of only the peak flow rate of a flood event at that point and that this can be done at almost every point along the stream. The feasibility of this approach lies in the shape of the recession stage of the flood hydrograph, which is known to be a repeating phenomenon. The recession stage comes immediately after the peak flow rate, when it begins its decline, and lasts until the flood is extinguished. A general shape of the flood recession stage can be provided. Because the recession stage represents ~80% of the duration of a flood event, it can provide a general idea of the flood hydrograph's shape. A simple model based on geometric progression is suggested to describe the repeating recession stage of a flood. The advantage of the proposed model is that it requires only one parameter: the recession characteristic at a fixed point along the ephemeral stream, termed recession coefficient q. By knowing the recession coefficient of a fixed point and the peak flow rate of a flood event at that point, one can plot the flood hydrograph. A good agreement is shown between the observed and computed values of the recession stage. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extreme rainfall events recently occurring in Korea have been shown to change frequency-based rainfall amounts quite significantly. Regardless of the reason for these extremes, the general concern of most hydrologists is how to handle these events for practical applications in Hydrology. Our study aim is to evaluate these extremes with their effect on frequency-based rainfall amounts, especially if they can be assumed to be within normal levels. As there is no commonly accepted methodology to be applied to this kind of study, we follow simplified steps such as: (1) estimation of the climatological variance of frequency-based rainfall amounts, (2) estimation of confidence intervals of frequency-based rainfall amounts (lower and upper bounds for the 5 and 1% significance levels estimated using the climatological variance), and (3) evaluation of the effect of extra rainfall events on the frequency-based rainfall amounts. Twelve stations on the Korean peninsula are selected as they have relatively longer data length. The annual maximum rainfall data collected from 1954 to 1998 are used. From this study we concluded that (1) at least 30 years of data length should be used for the frequency analysis in order to assure the stability of the variance of frequency-based rainfall amounts, (2) the climatological variances estimated all range from 5 to 8% of the frequency-based rainfall amounts, and (3) even though the frequency-based rainfall amount seems to become extreme with seemingly abnormal events, it still remains under its upper bound for the 5 or 1% significance levels estimated using the climatological variance, as well as it decays exponentially to the normal level as extra events are added. Thus, we conclude that we do not need to panic over seemingly abnormal events occurring so far, but just need to consider the variability inherent in frequency-based rainfall amounts.  相似文献   

Integrating stable isotope tracers into rainfall‐runoff models allows investigation of water partitioning and direct estimation of travel times and water ages. Tracer data have valuable information content that can be used to constrain models and, in integration with hydrometric observations, test the conceptualization of catchment processes in model structure and parameterization. There is great potential in using tracer‐aided modelling in snow‐influenced catchments to improve understanding of these catchments' dynamics and sensitivity to environmental change. We used the spatially distributed tracer‐aided rainfall‐runoff (STARR) model to simulate the interactions between water storage, flux, and isotope dynamics in a snow‐influenced, long‐term monitored catchment in Ontario, Canada. Multiple realizations of the model were achieved using a combination of single and multiple objectives as calibration targets. Although good simulations of hydrometric targets such as discharge and snow water equivalent could be achieved by local calibration alone, adequate capture of the stream isotope dynamics was predicated on the inclusion of isotope data in the calibration. Parameter sensitivity was highest, and most local, for single calibration targets. With multiple calibration targets, key sensitive parameters were still identifiable in snow and runoff generation routines. Water ages derived from flux tracking subroutines in the model indicated a catchment where runoff is dominated by younger waters, particularly during spring snowmelt. However, resulting water ages were most sensitive to the partitioning of runoff sources from soil and groundwater sources, which was most realistically achieved when isotopes were included in the calibration. Given the paucity of studies where hydrological models explicitly incorporate tracers in snow‐influenced regions, this study using STARR is an important contribution to satisfactorily simulating snowpack dynamics and runoff generation processes, while simultaneously capturing stable isotope variability in snow‐influenced catchments.  相似文献   

A three‐dimensional beam‐truss model for reinforced concrete (RC) walls developed by the first two authors in a previous study is modified to better represent the flexure–shear interaction and more accurately capture diagonal shear failures under static cyclic or dynamic loading. The modifications pertain to the element formulations and the determination of the inclination angle of the diagonal elements. The modified beam‐truss model is validated using the experimental test data of eight RC walls subjected to static cyclic loading, including two non‐planar RC walls under multiaxial cyclic loading. Five of the walls considered experienced diagonal shear failure after reaching their flexural strength, while the other three walls had a flexure‐dominated response. The numerically computed lateral force–lateral displacement and strain contours are compared with the experimentally recorded response and damage patterns for the walls. The effects of different model parameters on the computed results are examined by means of parametric analyses. Extension of the model to simulate RC slabs and coupled RC walls is presented in a companion paper. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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