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Kinmen is located in the south‐west of Mainland China and mainly has two islands, Large Kinmen and Leiyu. Residents in Kinmen have drunk groundwater over several decades. This work characterized the quality of groundwater in Kinmen using factor analysis (FA), cluster analysis (CA) and geochemical simulation. The factor scores were plotted spatially to illustrate the groundwater quality and were used to discuss the grouped relationship using CA. Salinization, redox and organic matter factors are identified from 17 hydrochemical measurements in 18 wells. Acidic and oxidizing groundwater with nitrate‐N pollution is distributed mainly in the west of Large Kinmen. Saline groundwater is distributed to the north‐east of Large Kinmen and in the south of Leiyu. Groundwater with organic matter is present throughout Leiyu. Five groups of the groundwater quality divided by CA can be interpreted according to one to three factors. The grouped characteristics of the groundwater quality help the local government and industries to plan the use and protection of groundwater resources. Furthermore, a geochemical simulation was used to demonstrate the formation processes of the acidic and oxidizing groundwater properties in granitic sediments. A large amount of the precipitation of the kaolinite and magnetite releases concentrations of hydrogen ion and raises the redox potential in the aquifers. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Groundwater is an important water resource and its management is vital for integrated water resources development in semiarid catchments. The River Shiyang catchment in the semiarid area of northwestern China was studied to determine a sustainable multi-objective management plan of water resources. A multi-objective optimization model was developed which incorporated water supplies, groundwater quality, ecology, environment and economics on spatial and temporal scales under various detailed constraints. A calibrated groundwater flow model was supplemented by grey simulation of groundwater quality, thus providing two lines of evidence to use in the multi-objective water management. The response matrix method was used to link the groundwater simulation models and the optimization model. Multi-phase linear programming was used to minimize and compromise the objectives for the multi-period, conjunctive water use optimization model. Based on current water demands, this water use optimization management plan was able to meet ecological, environmental and economic objectives, but did not find a final solution to reduce the overall water deficit within the catchment.  相似文献   

N. Alam  Theo N. Olsthoorn 《水文研究》2014,28(20):5288-5296
The key to ‘sustainable conjunctive use of groundwater for additional irrigation’ is the salt balance of groundwater below an irrigated field. This paper aims to develop a mathematical tool to study the accumulation of salt in the groundwater below an irrigated field as caused by irrigation recirculation. This study derives a salt balance of groundwater to ensure that the additional irrigation from groundwater remains possible in the future. The water and salt budgets by themselves do neither provide information concerning farmers' options nor on the limits of the individual terms in the budget equations. It is presumed that farmers will intuitively aim for (1) an optimal value of the actual evapotranspiration, and (2) a return flow as a feasible low fraction of the available water. We, therefore, derive the irrigation from groundwater Q as a consequence of the predefined farmers' aims to achieve a high actual evapotranspiration in combination with a given optimally used irrigation system. Our model concludes that the required amount of drainage is only dependent on the ratio of the salinity in the surface irrigation water and the acceptable salinity of the groundwater. The final salinity in the saturated zone only depends on salt‐carrying inflows and outflows. From the aforesaid model, it is further concluded that sustainable conjunctive use of groundwater for additional irrigation requires long‐term salt management, which should be founded on the essential controlling factors as derived in this paper. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A decision‐aiding methodology for agricultural groundwater management is presented; it is based on the combination of a watershed model, a groundwater flow model, and an optimization model. This methodology was applied to an agricultural watershed in northeastern Greece. The watershed model used was the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), which provided recharge rates for the aquifers. These recharge rates were imported in the well‐known MODFLOW groundwater flow model. Both models were calibrated and verified using field data. Then, the nonlinear optimization problem was solved by a piecewise linearization process, in which the Simplex algorithm was applied sequentially. Apart from several pumping and climate change sensitivity scenarios, a land use change scenario and a climate change scenario, combining the three models, were tested, showing the ability of this methodology to be used in the decision‐making process. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Researchers have found that obtaining optimal solutions for groundwater resource‐planning problems, while simultaneously considering time‐varying pumping rates, is a challenging task. This study integrates an artificial neural network (ANN) and constrained differential dynamic programming (CDDP) as simulation‐optimization model, called ANN‐CDDP. Optimal solutions for a groundwater resource‐planning problem are determined while simultaneously considering time‐varying pumping rates. A trained ANN is used as the transition function to predict ground water table under variable pumping conditions. The results show that the ANN‐CDDP reduces computational time by as much as 94·5% when compared to the time required by the conventional model. The proposed optimization model saves a considerable amount of computational time for solving large‐scale problems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the simulation‐optimization approach, a coupled optimization and groundwater flow/transport model is used to solve groundwater management problems. The efficiency of the numerical method, which is used to simulate the groundwater flow, is one the major reason to obtain the best solution for a management problem. This study was carried out to examine the advantages of the analytic element method (AEM) in the simulation‐optimization approach, for the solution of groundwater management problems. For this study, the AEM and finite difference method (FDM) based flow models were developed and coupled with the particle swarm optimization (PSO)‐based optimization model. Furthermore, the AEM‐PSO and FDM‐PSO models developed were applied in hypothetical as well as real field conditions to address groundwater management problems and the results were compared. For the real field situation, the models developed were applied to the Dore River basin in France to minimize the installation and operational cost of new pumping wells taking the location and discharge of the pumping wells as decision variables. The constraints of the problem were identified with the help of stakeholders and water authority officials. The AEM flow model was developed to facilitate the management model particularly when at each iteration, the optimization model calls for a simulation model to calculate the values of groundwater heads. The results show that, at some points, the AEM‐PSO model is efficient in identifying the optimal location of wells and consequently results in optimal costs, sometimes difficult when using the FDM. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The White method is a simple but the most frequently applied approach to estimate groundwater evapotranspiration (ETg) from groundwater level diurnal signals. Because of a lack of direct measurements of ETg, it is difficult to evaluate the performance of the White method, particularly in field environments with variable groundwater fluctuations. A 2‐year field observation in a hyper‐arid riparian tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) stand with deep groundwater depth in the lower Tarim River basin of China was conducted to measure the surface evapotranspiration (ETs) and groundwater table. The performance of the White method and the influences of the variable groundwater fluctuations on the determinations of the specific yield (Sy) and recharge rate of groundwater (r) in the White method were investigated. The results showed that the readily available Sy determined by Loheide's method was feasible but must be finely determined based on the soil textures in the layers in which the groundwater level fluctuated. A constant Sy value for a defined porous medium could be assumed regardless of the discharge or recharge processes of groundwater. The time span of 0000 h to 0600 h for r estimation for the White method worked best than other time spans. A 2‐day moving average of r values further enhance ETg estimation. Slight effects of environmental or anthropogenic disturbances on the diurnal fluctuations of groundwater level did not influence the ETg estimations by the White method. Our results provide valuable references to the application of the White method for estimating daily ETg in desert riparian forests with deep groundwater depth. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Groundwater, possibly of fossil origin, is used for water supply in some arid regions where the replenishment of groundwater by precipitation is low. Numerical modelling is a helpful tool in the assessment of groundwater resources and analysis of future exploitation scenarios. To quantify the groundwater resources of the East Owienat area in the southwest of the Western Desert, Egypt, the present study assesses the groundwater resources management of the Nubian aquifer. Groundwater withdrawals have increased in this area, resulting in a disturbance of the aquifer’s natural equilibrium, and the large-scale and ongoing depletion of this critical water reserve. Negative impacts, such as a decline in water levels and increase in salinity, have been experienced. The methodology includes application of numerical groundwater modelling in steady and transient states under different measured and abstraction scenarios. The numerical simulation model developed was applied to assess the responses of the Nubian aquifer water level under different pumping scenarios during the next 30 years. Groundwater management scenarios are evaluated to find an optimal management solution to satisfy future needs. Based on analysis of three different development schemes that were formulated to predict the future response of the aquifer under long-term water stress, a gradual increase in groundwater pumping to 150% of present levels should be adopted for protection and better management of the aquifer. Similar techniques could be used to improve groundwater management in other parts of the country, as well as other similar arid regions.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor X. Chen  相似文献   


Many oases are experiencing severe groundwater depletion due to increased population, expanding agriculture and economic development. For sustainable development, quantifying groundwater recharge resources are fundamentally important. In this study, stable isotope techniques were employed to identify recharge sources of groundwater and quantitatively evaluate their contribution ratios in the Dunhuang Oasis, northwest China. Our findings indicate that heavy isotopes in shallow groundwater are more negative than those in deep groundwater, which is attributed to shallow groundwater that was modern and deep groundwater that was old. Irrigated return water and lateral groundwater flow from the Qilian Mountains are considered as the two main sources of shallow groundwater, accounting for 35% and 65% of the total recharge, respectively. Thus, as the main groundwater source of the Dunhuang Oasis, the Qilian Mountain Front should be protected against over-exploitation. Our results provide not only fundamental knowledge for groundwater management of aquifers of the Oasis, but also valuable water management information for other similar arid oases worldwide.  相似文献   

The tenets of sustainable development are often ignored by growing cities in developing countries. Salt Lake City, located on the eastern fringes of Kolkata, despite being a planned township, has failed to manage its water resources in a sustainable way. Results from the study show that the water supplied at the households is hard in nature, saline, and replete with dissolved solids. The problem is further aggravated due to over-extraction of groundwater resources, resulting in an intense fall of the groundwater level in the area. This paper attempts to suggest measures for sustainable water resource management, with particular emphasis on rainwater harvesting.  相似文献   


Semi-arid coastal zones often suffer water-stress, as water demand is high and markedly seasonal, due to agriculture and tourism. Driven by scarcity of surface water, the communities in semi-arid coastal regions turn to aquifers as prime water source; but intensive exploitation of coastal aquifers causes seawater intrusion, which degrades the quality of groundwater. The cost-efficient and sustainable development of coastal aquifers can be achieved through a holistic management scheme which combines two non-traditional water sources: (a) saltwater, to be treated to the desired quality, and (b) wastewater, to be re-claimed to augment aquifer recharge for control of seawater intrusion, and also to meet certain demands. This management scheme is based on the idea that it is cost-advantageous to: (i) desalt brackish groundwater, instead of seawater, as the former requires far less energy, and (ii) to re‐use wastewater at only the differential cost to any treatment already practiced. In this paper, we present the general framework of the proposed management scheme, and a decision aid tool (DAT) which has been developed to assist decision makers to explore the scheme's decision space. The DAT uses cost as optimization criterion to screen various management scenarios, via modelling of the dynamic natural-engineered system behaviour, and identifies those cost-efficient ones that meet the water demand and achieve aquifer protection.

Citation Koussis, A. D., Georgopoulou, E., Kotronarou, A., Lalas, D. P., Restrepo, P., Destouni, G., Prieto, C., Rodriguez, J. J., Rodriguez-Mirasol, J., Cordero, T. & Gomez-Gotor, A. (2010 Koussis, A. D., Georgopoulou, E., Kotronarou, A., Mazi, K., Restrepo, P., Destouni, G., Prieto, C., Rodriguez, J. J., Rodriguez-Mirasol, J., Cordero, T., Schwartz, J., Ioannou, C., Georgiou, A. and Zacharias, I. 2010. Cost-efficient management of coastal aquifers in water-stressed regions via recharge with treated wastewater and desalination of brackish groundwater: application to the Akrotiri basin and aquifer, Cyprus. Hydrol. Sci. J, 55(7): 12341245. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) Cost-efficient management of coastal aquifers via recharge with treated wastewater and desalination of brackish groundwater: general framework. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(7),1217–1233.  相似文献   


We investigate the general methodology for an intensive development of coastal aquifers, described in a companion paper, through its application to the management of the Akrotiri aquifer, Cyprus. The Zakaki area of that aquifer, adjacent to Lemessos City, is managed such that it permits a fixed annual agricultural water demand to be met, as well as and a fraction of the water demand of Lemessos, which varies according to available surface water. Effluents of the Lemessos wastewater treatment plant are injected into the aquifer to counteract the seawater intrusion resulting from the increased pumping. The locations of pumping and injection wells are optimized based on least-cost, subject to meeting the demand. This strategy controls sea intrusion so effectively that desalting of only small volumes of slightly brackish groundwater is required over short times, while ~2.3 m3 of groundwater is produced for each 1 m3 of injected treated wastewater. The cost over the 20-year period 2000–2020 of operation is ~40 M€ and the unit production cost of potable water is under 0.2 €/m3. The comparison between the deterministic and stochastic analyses of the groundwater dynamics indicates the former as conservative, i.e. yielding higher groundwater salinity at the well. The Akrotiri case study shows that the proposed aquifer management scheme yields solutions that are preferable to the widely promoted seawater desalination, also considering the revenues from using the treated wastewater for irrigation.

Citation Koussis, A. D., Georgopoulou, E., Kotronarou, A., Mazi, K., Restrepo, P., Destouni, G., Prieto, C., Rodriguez, J. J., Rodriguez-Mirasol, J., Cordero, T., Ioannou, C., Georgiou, A., Schwartz, J. & Zacharias, I. (2010) Cost-efficient management of coastal aquifers via recharge with treated wastewater and desalination of brackish groundwater: application to the Akrotiri basin and aquifer, Cyprus. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(7), 1234–1245.  相似文献   

Groundwater management involves conflicting objectives as maximization of discharge contradicts the criteria of minimum pumping cost and minimum piping cost. In addition, available data contains uncertainties such as market fluctuations, variations in water levels of wells and variations of ground water policies. A fuzzy model is to be evolved to tackle the uncertainties, and a multiobjective optimization is to be conducted to simultaneously satisfy the contradicting objectives. Towards this end, a multiobjective fuzzy optimization model is evolved. To get at the upper and lower bounds of the individual objectives, particle Swarm optimization (PSO) is adopted. The analytic element method (AEM) is employed to obtain the operating potentio metric head. In this study, a multiobjective fuzzy optimization model considering three conflicting objectives is developed using PSO and AEM methods for obtaining a sustainable groundwater management policy. The developed model is applied to a case study, and it is demonstrated that the compromise solution satisfies all the objectives with adequate levels of satisfaction. Sensitivity analysis is carried out by varying the parameters, and it is shown that the effect of any such variation is quite significant. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

湖泊渔业可持续发展的生态学基础及一个范例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金刚  李钟杰  谢平 《湖泊科学》2003,15(1):70-75
从渔业与环境兼顾的角度出发作者认为湖泊渔业可持续发展的生态学理论基础是渔业生态学和渔业湖沼学. 前者是一门较为成熟的学科研究渔业对象的种群生态学渔产潜力最佳放流密度和规格以及科学的捕捞策略等. 后者研究渔业对湖泊生态系统生物多样性和水质的影响并确定最佳的渔业规模和渔业方式但尚未提出令人满意的理论和完善的实验方法今后应予充分重视. 长江中下游草型湖泊因为其优良的水资源和丰富的生物资源而成为我国内陆水体发展优质高效渔业的重要基地. 以湖北一个浅水草型扁担塘渔业实践为例作者着重强调生态学管理的如下方面1) 沉水植被是草型湖泊优质高效渔业持续发展的基础必须在合理利用的同时加以保护优化甚至重建使生物量和覆盖率保持和达到一定水平. 2) 食物链网的基础环节是渔业对象生长和繁衍的物质基础, 必须进行培育保护以提高其生产力从而为提高渔业产量打下物质基础. 3) 合理放养与捕捞策略是湖泊渔业生态系统良性循环的可靠保证应使高价值的种群规模保持较大水平的输出.  相似文献   


Effective policies to protect groundwater-dependent ecosystems require robust methods to determine the environmental flows and levels required to support species and processes. Frameworks to support groundwater management must incorporate the relationships between hydrology and species and ecological processes. These hydro-ecological relationships can be used to develop quantitative, measurable thresholds that are sensitive to changes in groundwater quantity. Here we provide a case study from a group of fens in central Oregon, USA, that are used for cattle watering, but also support numerous sensitive species. We developed quantitative relationships between the position of the water table and wetland indicator plant species and the process of peat development, to propose groundwater withdrawal thresholds. A maximum depth to water table of –0.9 to –34.8 cm for fen plants and –16.6 to –32.2 cm for peat accretion can be tolerated in these wetlands. Defining hydro-ecological relationships as thresholds can support management decisions.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Aldous, A.R. and Bach, L.B., 2014. Hydro-ecology of groundwater-dependent ecosystems: applying basic science to groundwater management. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 530–544.  相似文献   

Numerical groundwater flow models necessarily are limited to subsurface flow evaluation. It is of interest, however, to examine the possibility that, for unconfined aquifer systems, they could be used to proportionately measure the magnitude of seepage they estimate when these aquifers intersect the landscape surface. Our goal in this study was to determine the degree to which an unconfined groundwater model can estimate run‐off or seepage at the land surface during winter time wet season conditions, as well as in the dry season, when evapotranspiration is a major part of the water balance, using a lowland basin‐fill example study area in the Pacific Northwest. The exit gradient is a metric describing the potential for vertical seepage at the landscape surface. We investigated the spatial relationship of mapped surface features, such as wetlands, streams and ponds, to the model‐predicted mapped exit gradient. We found that areas mapped as wetlands had positive exit gradients. During the wet season, modelled exit gradients predicted seepage throughout extensive areas of the groundwater shed, extending far beyond mapped wetland areas (355% increase), associated with previously observed increases in nitrate‐nitrogen in streams in wet season. During the dry season, exit gradients spatially corresponded with wetland areas. The increase in in‐stream nitrogen corresponds with shorter residence times in carbon‐rich wetland zones because of the onset of saturation overland flow. We present results that suggest that the exit gradient could be a useful concept in examining the groundwater–surface water linkage that is often under represented physically in watershed flow models. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   


This study proposes an empirical approach that can lead to the sustainable management of groundwater resources. This approach enables a comprehensive understanding of an aquifer, delineates distinct hydrological scenarios, and recommends a set of operational activities for each sub-region of the aquifer. The paper focuses on the Coastal aquifer of the Gaza Strip region which has been divided into three sub-regions. The southern sub-region (WSW) is classified as scenario “+a2”, which indicates that it can be used as a multi-annual groundwater reservoir. The northern sub-region (NW-E) is designated scenario “-a2”, where the recommended operational measures include injection of freshwater in wells and cleaning of the surface environment. The third sub-region (CSE), is classified as scenario “-b2”, which requires severe management measures to correct both a negative hydrological and environmental situation. The approach also involves on-going monitoring of the aquifer, and can be considered as an empirical tool to provide preliminary guidelines for long-term groundwater management.  相似文献   


The water table fluctuation (WTF) method is based on accepting that rises of a water table are due to recharge water reaching the groundwater. To apply the method, an estimate of the specific yield of the zone of fluctuation of the groundwater level is required. In this paper, a method for estimation of the specific yield (Sy) is proposed; it consists of a graphical procedure which relates rises in groundwater level to the precipitation from which they originated. The method presents more reliable Sy values as the number of events measured increases. Eighteen years of daily measurements were analysed to obtain a Sy value of 0.09, which was used to apply the WTF method. The obtained recharge values show consistency with values calculated by other authors for the same region.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Varni, M., Comas, R., Weinzettel, P., and Dietrich, S., 2013. Application of water table fluctuation method to characterize the groundwater recharge in the Pampa plain, Argentina. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (7), 1445–1455.  相似文献   

Bioretention cells, which are generally effective in controlling surface runoff and recharging groundwater, have been widely adopted as low impact development practices. However, shallow groundwater has limited their implementation in some locations due to the potential problems of a reduction in surface runoff control, groundwater pollution, and continuous groundwater drainage through the underdrain. Many guidelines have established minimum requirements for the groundwater depth below bioretention cells, but they may not be optimized for certain environmental conditions and bioretention cell designs. This study made use of a variably saturated flow model to examine the hydrologic performance of a single bioretention cell in shallow groundwater with event‐based simulations, considering a wide range of initial groundwater depths, media and in situ soil types, surface runoff loads, and underdrain sizes. Performance indicators (e.g., runoff reduction, time for infiltrated water to reach the bioretention cell bottom and the groundwater table, and height and dissipation time of groundwater mound) were evaluated to examine the processes of runoff generation, the formation and dissipation of groundwater mounds, and the bioretention cell's performance in a shallow groundwater environment. The most influential factors were the initial groundwater depth, the hydraulic conductivity of the media soil, and the rainfall runoff load. With a deeper initial groundwater table, infiltrated water took longer to reach the bioretention cell bottom and groundwater table. Groundwater mounds, however, took longer to dissipate even though they were smaller. The groundwater quality can be better protected if relatively less‐permeable soil types (e.g., sandy loam) are used as the media, although it may compromise the performance in runoff quantity control. However, only very high surface runoff loads would cause concerns regarding a reduction in runoff quantity control and possible groundwater contamination due to the shallow groundwater. A distance of 1.5–3 m between the bioretention cell bottom and the groundwater table is generally sufficient. The results of this study could help to guide the planning and design of bioretention cells in areas of shallow groundwater.  相似文献   

How to quantify the impact of climate change and human activities on groundwater is not only a hot topic of current research but also a key point of water resource management in arid irrigated areas. Therefore, this paper analyzes the changes in the trends of land use, climate, and groundwater extraction in the Yanqi Basin in recent years and uses the distributed hydrological model MIKE-SHE to quantitatively analyze the impacts of these three factors on groundwater resources. The results show that: 1. The Nash coefficients of the simulated and observed groundwater levels during the verification period are 0.84, 0.79 and 0.76; the correlation coefficient between the simulated and observed soil moisture is 0.86. Although there are some uncertainties in the simulation, the results prove that the model can be used to simulate arid irrigated areas. 2. The effects of these three factors on groundwater levels are 5, 12.5 and 82.5%, respectively, and have caused the regional average groundwater level to decrease by a maximum of 0.07, 0.23 and 1.79 m, respectively. The effects of these three factors on the interactions between surface water and groundwater were 7.04, 3.63 and 89.33%. Groundwater extraction has become the main influencing factor of regional groundwater resources changes due to its more direct influence. 3. The influence of groundwater extraction has a strong spatial distribution characteristic and 10% of the study area has been greatly impacted by the groundwater extraction. Base on the above results, integrating multidisciplinary knowledge to establish the relationship between ecological environment and groundwater changes can provide strategies for the sustainable development of groundwater.  相似文献   

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